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Objective Questions Questions 1 to 5 are based on the pictograph below. The pictograph shows the number of passengers in four buses, J, K, L and M.

Bus J

Bus K

Bus L

Bus M

represents 3 passengers 1. Which bus has the most number of passengers? A Bus J C Bus L B Bus K D Bus M How many passengers are there in bus L? A 3 C B 6 D How many passengers are there in bus J? A 2 C B 1! D 9 12 1 !



"ind the tota# number of passengers in bus K and bus M. A 3 C 2$ B 2! D 1 What is the difference in number of passengers between bus J and bus L? A 2 C 6 B % D $


&a#inan Bahan 'ari www.(hs(

Questions ! to 10 are based on the bar graph below. The bar graph shows )am#i*s e+penditure in one month.
Bus fares Food Utilities House rent 0 100 200 300 400

A%ount &'()


How much does )am#i spend on house rent? A ),! B ),1! C ),3 D ),%! How much does )am#i spend on uti#ities? A ),! B ),1! C ),3 D ),%! )am#i*s highest month#y e+penditure is on A bus fares B uti#ities C house rent D food What is )am#i*s tota# month#y e+penditure? A ),9! B ),C ),!2! D ),%! .f )am#i*s sa#ary is ),1 ! A ),9! B ),6! C ),!! D ),216 / find the ba#ance of his month#y sa#ary.





&a#inan Bahan 'ari www.(hs(

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the pictograph below. The pictograph shows the number of anima#s on a farm. Geese Co/s C0ic1ens Duc1s represents 12 anima#s 11. How many of this symbo# A 1 B 2 C 3 D % represent 2% anima#s?


How many chic(ens are there on the farm? A !% B $ C $% D 96 How many cows are there on the farm? A %$ B 6 C -% D $% How many more geese are there than duc(s on the farm? A 1 B 12 C 1% D 2 How many anima#s are there on the farm a#together? A 23 B 2!6 C 2-6 D 3$2


1 .


&a#inan Bahan 'ari www.(hs(

Questions 1! to 20 are based on the bar graph below. The bar graph shows the scores obtained by a group of pupi#s in a mathematics 0ui1. 3oints

3upi# 1!. Who obtained the highest score? A &uhana B 2acob C &hee#a D Beng &iong Who obtained the #owest score? A &uhana B 2acob C &hee#a D Beng &iong Who scored 1! points more than 2acob? A &uhana B &hee#a C Beng &iong D 2acob "ind the difference between the highest and the #owest score. A 1 points C 3 points B 2 points D % points What is the sum of &uhana*s points and &hee#a*s points? A 16 C $! B 12! D -!





&a#inan Bahan 'ari www.(hs(

2ubjective Questions Questions 1 to 5 are based on the pictograph below. The pictograph shows the hobbies of pupi#s in a c#ass.





represents % pupi#s
1. Which is the most popu#ar game among the pupi#s?


Which is the #east popu#ar game among the pupi#s?


How many pupi#s #i(e to p#ay chess?

"ind the difference in number of pupi#s between those who #i(e badminton and those who #i(e footba##.


What is the tota# number of pupi#s in the c#ass?

&a#inan Bahan 'ari www.(hs(

Questions ! to 10 are based on the pictograph below. The pictograph shows the number of corns so#d by 3a( 4bu in three days.

(on-37 Tues-37 8e-nes-37 represents ! corns


How many corns did 3a( 4bu se## on ,onday?


How many corns did 3a( 4bu se## on Tuesday?


5n which day did 3a( 4bu se## the most number of corns?


"ind the difference in number of corns so#d between ,onday and Wednesday.


"ind the tota# number of corns so#d by 3a( 4bu in the three days.

&a#inan Bahan 'ari www.(hs(

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the bar graph below. The bar graph shows the mar(s obtained by 6i#y in an e+amination.
100 80 60 40 20 0 Bahasa Melayu English Mathem ati s ! ien e



How many mar(s did 6i#y get for Bahasa ,e#ayu?


How many mar(s did 6i#y get for &cience?


.n which sub7ect did 6i#y score the highest mar(?

1 .

.n which sub7ect did 6i#y score the #owest mar(?


"ind 6i#y*s tota# mar(s for the four sub7ects.

&a#inan Bahan 'ari www.(hs(

Questions 1! to 20 are based on the bar graph below. The bar graph shows the number of rainy days in four months.

&eptember 5ctober 8o9ember 'ecember Nu%be. o9 -37s 3 6 9 12 1! 1$


Which month had the most number of rainy days?


Which month had the #east number of rainy days?


"or how many days did it rain in 5ctober?


"or how many days was there no rain in 8o9ember?


What is the difference in number of rainy days between 8o9ember and 'ecember?

&a#inan Bahan 'ari www.(hs(



DATA HANDLING 3. #. 13. 1#. B : 4 B . $. 1 . 1$. 4 4 B : 5. 10. 15. 20. : : : 4

Objective Questions 1. B 2. : !. ' ". B 11. B 12. ' 1!. ' 1". B 2ubjective Questions 1. Badminton 2. &inging 3. 12 pupi#s . % pupi#s 5. %% pupi#s !. 1! corns ". 2! corns #. Tuesday $. 1 corns 10. %! corns 11. $ mar(s 12. 6 mar(s 13. ,athematics 1 . &cience 15. 3 mar(s 1!. &eptember 1". 8o9ember 1#. 9 days 1$. 2% days 20. 9 days

&a#inan Bahan 'ari www.(hs(

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