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Caribbean Intellectual Traditions

Caribbean Studies

Pan Africanism: Objectives

African unity Black consciousness Black self esteem Black empowerment Social justice Economic liberation Liberation of Africa

Impact of Pan Africanism

Political consciousness Political ideologies; ills of capitalism; embracing socialism and communism. Back to Africa movement Civil Rights movement in American and African Diaspora: Impact of Martin Luther King; Malcolm X and Marcus Garvey. Quest for social mobility through education

Impact of Pan Africanism cont

Movement towards independence anticolonialist fervor Movement towards African unity Marcus Garveys UNIA Black expressions: Religion (Rastafarianism); music (Reggae and calypso).

Negritude: objectives
Recover black pride Recover black dignity from white intellectual assaults white philosophers, theologians had stigmatised Africana and blacks: Belief that Africans were uneducated, barbaric, violent, uncivilized and good for nothing.

Impact of Negritude
Restoration of black pride and dignity through poetry, literature and entertainment, e.g. movies Black consciousness

Marxist theory: Objectives

Social Justice Egalitarianism Anti-capitalist/ imperialist Nationalism Centralized authority Revolution to overthrow the ruling class by the masses Ultimate objective was worker paradise

Impact of Marxist theory on the Caribbean

Move to create welfare states: Cuba, Jamaica, Guyana, and Grenada Focus on provision of free social services such as health and education Class struggle Political and ideological consciousness Impact of the cold war and resistance to neo-colonialism of USA, IMF and WB Political tribalism

Caribbean personalities and Marxism

Manley Jamaica CLR James T & T Fidel Castro Cuba Forbes Burnham Guyana Maurice Bishop Grenada Trevor Monroe Jamaica Sir Walter Rodney ( How Europe Underdeveloped Africa) - Guyana

Feminism: Objectives
Advocate the recognition of the rights of women Treat women with dignity and respect Gender equality

Feminism : Impact
Awareness of rights Women empowerment through education Gender equity Legislation to protect women: Rape laws, property rights

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