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The patient came for reduced vision on his right eye.

Four year ago the patient suffered from inflammation of the right eye with an ulcer (Acantameba). After the treatment and onset of leukoma, the patient underwent a surgery in Bologna, taly, for !eucoma corneae ("#"). After the "#", the transplant was re$ected. A new transplant one month after sustained. %ne year after, in order to treat glaucoma and cataract, %! &" operation done and implantation 'Ahmed valve implant o de(. )ision good after the surgery. The glaucoma controlled with *alatan, Trusopt, Tobrade(ad for one month. The patient claims no other disorders. After the first re$ection the patient received steroids and claims putting on weight. The patient denies other disorders e(cept a light inflamation over the past few days and believes that the condition deteriorated over the past + days but that the redness started , days ago. (The patient brings the reaction in connection with taking *alantan). )%- . /0/1 2 /3

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