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The Gunpowder Plot The Facts

On the night of November 4th 1605, a man, Guido Fawkes, was discovered in a cellar beneath the ouses of !arliament" e was standing guard over several barrels of gun#owder" $he intention was to blow u# the ouses of !arliament on November 5th" Guido Fawkes was an e%#losives e%#ert who had served in the &#anish arm'" Fawkes was one of a (atholic grou# who wanted to see the )ing re#laced with a (atholic monarch" $he members of the grou# were * +obert (atesb', Guido ,Gu'- Fawkes, $homas .inter, /ohn .right and $homas !erc' $he grou# recruited others who were s'm#athetic to their cause" One of the recruits was Francis $resham whose brother in law $homas 0onteagle was a 0ember of !arliament" $resham was worried about his brother*in*law1s safet' and sent him a letter warning him not to go to #arliament" $resham alerted the authorities" Fawkes was arrested and after being tortured he revealed the names of the other cons#irators" Guido Fawkes made a signed confession" (atesb' and !erc' were killed resisting arrest" $he others were tried for treason, found guilt' and e%ecuted"


$he !rotestant 2iew * $he (atholic (ons#irators were Guilt'

$his #icture shows the cons#irators hatching the #lot to blow u# the )ing and #arliament" $he' are grou#ed close together which shows that the' are hatching a secret #lot" +obert (atesb', Guido ,Gu'- Fawkes, $homas .inter, /ohn .right and $homas !erc' were known to be (atholics" Guido Fawkes was a 3utch e%#losives e%#ert" e was not 4nglish so he must have come to 4ngland s#eciall' to set the e%#losives" Francis $resham was onl' thinking of his brother*in*law1s safet' when he sent the letter" Gun#owder was not normall' ke#t in the cellars under the ouses of !arliament" 5t was obviousl' #ut there b' the cons#irators" Guido Fawkes revealed the names of the cons#irators" Guido Fawkes made a signed confession"


$he (atholic view * $he (ons#irators were framed b' the !rotestants

$his #icture shows the cons#irators" $he' are grou#ed close together to show the' are hatching a #lot" 5t was #ainted b' a !rotestant 3utchman who had never seen the cons#irators" /ames 51s chief minister, +obert (ecil was a !rotestant who hated (atholics" Francis $resham ma' have been a s#' working for (ecil" 6ll available su##lies of gun#owder were ke#t in the $ower of 7ondon, onl' ver' im#ortant #eo#le could gain access to it and the cons#irators could not have smuggled 80 barrels into the countr' secretl'" $resham1s brother*in*law received the warning letter at night" $he onl' night of 1605 that he was at home" (ould he have been waiting for it9 $he cellar was rented to the cons#irators b' a close friend of +obert (ecil" $he signature on Gu' Fawkes: confession did not match his normal signature" Francis $resham was not e%ecuted"


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