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Weight loss secrets that actually work written by: Laura_UK

Losing weight naturally has been a major concern to many people. Many of us would like a program which will help them lose the extra kilos easily. Although some programs may promise this, the only ultimate and safe way to lose weight is by doing it naturally. There are many ways in which one can lose weight naturally to obtain that coveted figure and size. However, for you to obtain results from these natural means, you should be ready to sacrifice a lot and stick to the plan for as long as it takes. Although it may be straining at times, the results are amazing and longer lasting as compared to using pills and other supplements. The first method on how to lose weight is by physical body training. This can either be in a gym, at home or riding a bike for long, especially in the morning. The idea behind training hard, whether by using dumb bells or running is the fact that, the body gets a chance to burn excess fats in the body. Bike riding in the morning for example is the best tool to use if you want to lose weight fast. This is because when you ride a bike in the morning for a certain number of miles, almost all the muscles are active and you will notice this with increased heart and breathing rate. The longer you can ride the bike, and mainly in level or hilly grounds, the higher your chances of burning these excess fats. Nevertheless, if you like indoor activities better, then a mounted bike, and some weights will help you better. If you prefer taking indoor activities while training, you might then have to grab a program which will govern you and guide you in training well and effectively. Another natural way to lose weight is swimming. Swimming is one outdoor activity that consumes and burns more fats that any other activity. The reason why it is so is because, while you are swimming, almost all muscles in the body are active, and although you may not sweat, lots of fat are burned in the process. If you have a swimming pool in your backyard, and are looking for ways on how to lose weight naturally, you can then start by utilizing the swimming pool. However, for optimal results using this method, you will need a program or plan to govern you while swimming. You can decide to be swimming at specific times of the day, for a timed period. While undertaking these natural ways to lose weight, you need to keep one thing in mind; water intake. Remember that, the harder you involve your body to physical activities and training, the body excretes toxic materials through sweat, and needs a lot of water for respiration. This is the reason why you will continually feel thirsty even in chilly mornings. You need to take an adequate amount of water while under a training session, and even after that. This will keep the body cells rejuvenated, giving way to respiration of these fats. Alongside heavy water intake, healthy dieting is required. Try as much as possible to abstain from fast foods or factory manufactured foods and eat home cooked meals. This will help maintain your body structure and stamina while training.

Decide to lose weight.

How Much Should I Weigh?

Struggling with extra weight and feeling frustrated? Learn about the many health benefits from losing just 10% of your body weight. Is Your Weight Loss Goal Realistic? Learn why losing weight slowly is best for long-term results. Disco er how to ado!t new beha iors" li#e eating less and exercising more" to boost weight loss. How to Lose Weight Fast $f you want to be the next %biggest loser& -- and do it fast -- you ha e to read these ra!id weight loss safety ti!s.

'eight control is all about ma#ing small changes that you can li e with fore er. (s you incor!orate these minor adjustments into your lifestyle" you)ll begin to see how they can add u! to big calorie sa ings and weight loss. *ere are my to! 10 habits to hel! you turn your dream of weight loss into a reality+

1. Evaluate your eati g ha!its. (re you eating late at night" nibbling while coo#ing" finishing the #ids) meals? ,a#e a loo# around" and it will be easy to identify a few beha iors you can change that will add u! to big calorie sa ings. ". I# you #ail to $la % $la to #ail. -ou need a strategy for your meals and snac#s. .ac# healthful snac#s for the times of day that you #now you are ty!ically hungry and can easily stray from your eating !lan. &. 'lways sho$ with a #ull !elly. $t)s a reci!e for disaster to go into the grocery store when you are hungry. Sho! from a !re!ared list so im!ulse buying is #e!t to a minimum. /ating right starts with stoc#ing healthy food in your !antry and refrigerator. (. Eat regular )eals. 0igure out the fre1uency of your meals that wor#s best in your life and stic# to it. 2egular meals hel! !re ent bingeing. *. Eat your #ood sitti g dow at a ta!le% a d #ro) a $late. 0ood eaten out of !ac#ages and while standing is forgettable. -ou can wind u! eating lots more than if you sit down and consciously enjoy your meals. +. Serve #ood o to i dividual $lates% a d leave the e,tras !ac- at the stove. 3owls of food on the table beg to be eaten" and it ta#es incredible will !ower not to dig in for seconds. 2emember" it ta#es about 40 minutes for your mind to get the signal from your belly that you are full. .. Eat slowly% chew every !ite% a d savor the taste o# the #ood. ,ry resting your for# between bites and drin#ing !lenty of water with your meals. /. 0o 1t eat a#ter di er. ,his is where lots of fol#s !ac# on the extra !ounds. $f you are hungry" try satisfying your urge with a non-caloric be erage or a !iece of hard candy. 3rushing your teeth after dinner hel!s reduce the tem!tation to eat again.

2. I# you s ac- duri g the day% treat the s ac- li-e a )i i3)eal. ,he most nutritious snac#s contain com!lex carbohydrates and a small amount of !rotein and fat. 14. Start your day with !rea-#ast. $t is the most im!ortant meal of the day. (fter a long night)s rest" your body needs the fuel to get your metabolism going and gi e you energy for the rest of the day.

HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT !" KEE# IT O$$ So%eti%es losing weight can see% like a battle that you can ne&er win' It(s a constant struggle) but the %ain thing to re%e%ber is that you nee* to change the way you think about +oo*' ,elie&e it or not- +ollowing *iets that has strict rules an* regulations actually %akes you %ore likely to gain weight rather than lose it. In a**ition to using the +ollowing %etho*s to *ro/ the /oun*s- you will be %ore likely to kee/ the% o++ once an* +or all' 0' 1ake sure that you are %oti&ate*

#lan your weight loss' sk yoursel+ these 2uestions: How %uch *o I weigh now3 How %uch shoul* I weigh3 Is %y goal realistic3 ,e %entally /re/are* to take on the challenge' I+ you *o not ha&e the %oti&ation to lose weight- it is not going to ha//en +or you' I+ you only want to lose a +ew /oun*s to look goo* +or a /arty +or e4a%/le- the weight loss will halt once you ha&e reache* this goal' There nee*s to be a*e2uate /lanning in&ol&e* +or both %eals an* snacks' 1oti&ation co%es +ro% within- you ha&e to re%e%ber why you are *oing it an* it shoul*n(t 5ust be to look goo*- it shoul* be +or health reasons too' 6ou can kee/ yoursel+ on track- by setting little re%in*ers aroun* your ho%e' These coul* be things like /ost it notes on the +ri*ge or a /icture o+ your *rea% bo*y'

Once you know +or sure that you are co%%itte* to changing who you are an* getting healthier- it is ti%e to begin' Eating right begins with ha&ing the right +oo*s in your re+rigerator an* /antry' #re/are your list be+ore grocery sho//ing an* %ake sure you are not hungry) this re*uces the risk o+ 7i%/ulse buying8 Ti/: #ut together three to +our snacks that are healthy an* you know you will en5oy' Ha&e these between %eals when you are %ost lightly to +eel hungry an* *e&iate +ro% your /lan'

9' :hange your +oo* habits

Look at the +oo*s that you currently eat an* %ake changes to the%' I+ you are a lo&er o+ 5unk +oo*- then *itch the /i;;a an* %ake an e++ort to start cooking +oo*s that you know has goo* ingre*ients' I+ you ha&e a sweet tooth- swa/ that can*y an* cake +or things that ha&e natural sugar like +ruit' #erha/s you eat 2uite well an* 5ust nee* to cut *own on the /ortion si;es- whate&er it is you nee* to change < *o it an* you will see the results' 6ou *on(t ha&e to eat like a rabbit e&ery single *ay- 5ust be aware o+ what you are eating an* try to %ake better choices' ** to your *iet instea* o+ taking away) %ake sure these a**itions are healthy goo*ies you will en5oy such as 5uicy cherries- /lu%/ gra/es or +resh &eggies you can eat without cooking' ** these to sou/s stews or cereal to %ake your %eal interesting' Ti/: ,e honest with yoursel+ an* e&aluate your eating habits an* i*enti+y those that coul* use a change' Is your last substantial %eal o+ the *ay taken too late in the e&ening3 = +ter >/%?- re you eating the chil*ren@s le+to&ers to /re&ent waste3 The +re2uent taste test an* s%all /ortions you consu%e while cooking coul* a** u/' 6ou coul* realise a huge re*uction in your calorie count by %aking these s%all changes you /robably weren@t e&en aware o+' 3. Eat only when you are hungry

Sitting aroun* with not %uch to *o an* %ingling with +rien*s or watching the TA late at night < I bet that you reach +or +oo* an* /ut it in your %outh without e&en thinking about it' This is known as bore*o% eating an* lots o+ /eo/le *o it- it is the reason why %uch o+ the /o/ulation is /utting on weight' :ontinuously eating this way will cause your waistline to gra*ually e4/an* unless you *o so%ething about it' When bore* or you +in* that you ha&e e4tra ti%e on your han*s- think o+ so%ething /ro*ucti&e to *o' ny ty/e o+ e4ercisegar*ening- a brisk walk or a chore aroun* the house which you ha&e /ut o++ +or so%e ti%e or a light workout +or e4a%/le- will kee/ you busy so you won(t be thinking o+ +oo* an* it actually releases en*or/hins which naturally %ake you +eel goo*' It is also i%/ortant when you are eating a big %eal es/eciallyto eat slowly' Try to en5oy an* sa&or the taste in e&ery %outh+ul- /ause an* /ut your +ork *own regularly between %outh+uls an* consu%e at least one >o; glass o+ water with each %eal' Listen to the signals that your bo*y is telling you- un*erstan* the sensation o+ being +ull an* obey it- re%e%ber that you *on(t always ha&e to clear your /late' Ti/: "eci*e on how o+ten you nee* to eat- which /lan works best +or your routine an* stick to it' Eating regularly hel/s to /re&ent unnecessary snaking between %eals an* will yiel* %a4i%u% results' Start the *ay with a reasonable break+ast- i+ you /re+er not to ha&e a hea&y break+ast- a light %eal o+ +ruits or a healthy shake is su++icient' +ter hours o+ rest you will nee* to re+uel an* boost your %etabolis% to start the *ay'

B' :ar*io e4ercises will *e+initely hel/ you to lose weight

Weight loss co%es *own to CDE *iet an* FDE e4ercise- while eating well is i%/ortant so is working out' :ar*io is the best way to burn calories- so%e e4ercises that you can try inclu*es running- 5u%/ing 5acks- swi%%ing an* +ast /ace* workouts =+ro% "A"s?- these are /ro&en to work al%ost all the %uscle grou/s while increasing heart rate an* breathing' nother o/tion is to 5oin a gy% but i+ you are %ore co%+ortable working out at ho%e- that(s +ine < there are so %any e++ecti&e workouts that you can +in* +or +ree on the internet an* they can be 5ust as e++ecti&e as working out at the gy% /ro&i*ing that you /ut the work in' O+ course be gui*e* by your *octor be+ore starting any workout /rogra%' The wor* 7e4ercise8 or 7workout8 is so%eti%es a bit inti%i*ating to %any /ersons) it %ay instil +ear an* /ro%otes a&oi*ance' I+ you /re+er to rena%e this acti&ity +eel +ree to *o so- the general i*ea is to %o&e aroun* %ore in general' Try these si%/le changes: #ark a short *istance +ro% your *estination an* walk the rest o+ the way- +orget about the lea+<blower an* rake the lea&es- take the stairs instea* o+ the ele&ator whene&er /ossible- %ake the %o/ or &acuu% your *ancing /artner the ne4t ti%e you clean an* 7/u%/ u/ the &olu%e8 or con*uct walking %eetings at a con&enient out*oor location rather than in the o++ice buil*ing' These s%all changes coul* %ake a huge *i++erence- 5ust %ake sure to kee/ the %o%entu% going an* e4/an* on these gra*ually' Ti/: 0D %inutes walk *aily along with so%e o+ the /re&ious suggestions coul* result in an o&erall FD %inute workout that you can be /rou* o+'

:ount calories with ease

"o not be a+rai* to start counting your calories in or*er to be aware o+ how %uch you are eating an* stick to certain gui*elines' There are actually websites an* a//s online that tell you how what your caloric intake shoul* be base* on your weight an* height- I highly reco%%en* htt/:GGwww'%y+itness/al'co%' It %akes calorie counting su/er easy because all the +oo*s that you can i%agine are in their online *atabase' 6ou can also a** your e4ercises to see how %any calories a *ay you are burning' /articularly goo* +eature on this website is that it tells you how %uch you will lose o&er a s/eci+ie* /erio* o+ ti%e i+ you@re eating /attern *oes not change' ,e honest when counting calories- logging your +oo* will hel/ to kee/ you %oti&ate*- /retty soon taking a close look at calories +ro% e&ery +oo* source will beco%e a way o+ li+e an* it is %ost likely to hel/ you 7beha&e8 when %aking choices on your weight loss 5ourney' Ti/: Log *rinks as well- try an* stick to water as %uch as /ossible because it has no calories but has so %any other bene+its which when co%bine* contributes greatly to your o&erall weight loss'

Set goals an* rewar*s +or yoursel+'

,y setting %ini goals an* rewar*s +or yoursel+- you will stay %oti&ate* an* will also be able to /in /oint why an* how +ast the weight loss is taking /lace' $or e4a%/le- you coul* /ro%ise to treat yoursel+ to a new *ress once you *ro/ another H /oun*s' These goals will gi&e you the nee* to kee/ going an* in the en*- you will ha&e a hot new out+it to show o++ your changing bo*y' 1ake sure howe&er that your Irewar*sI are not +oo* relate*- this will only encourage you to sli/ back into your ol* habits' "o not set unattainable an* unrealistic goalse&eryone(s bo*y is *i++erence an* i+ you *on(t see the results as 2uickly as you woul* ha&e like* then you %ight get *isheartene* an* sto/ trying' C' Eat /lenty o+ /rotein

#rotein has all the nutrients nee*e* to gi&e you that +ull +eeling- it also /ro&i*es a**e* energy nee*e* +or e4ercising' So%e +oo*s that are high in /rotein an* can be eaten regularly inclu*e chicken- +ish- cheese- /eas an* beans- eggs an* yogurt' ,y incor/orating these +oo*s into your *iet as %uch as /ossible- you will be *oing your bo*y a worl* o+ goo* an* weight loss results will be obser&e* in no ti%e' /er+ect %eal incor/orating the right a%ount o+ /rotein woul* be a grille* chicken breast with &egetables an* green beans' 1i4 it u/ though) use healthy reci/es which can be researche* online' Eating the sa%e +oo*s e&ery*ay can beco%e rather boring +or anyone' :arbohy*rates along with so%e a%ount o+ +ats are also i%/ortant +or %aintaining a healthy an* balance* *iet while kee/ing in %in*Je&erything in %o*eration'

llow yoursel+ a (cheat *ay('

1aybe once a +ortnight- you can ha&e a break +ro% counting calories an* 5ust eat whate&er you want =within reason o+ course?' Ha&ing a s/lurge now an* again an* %aybe a naughty takeaway is actually thought to be goo* +or you- it will gi&e your %etabolis% the boost it is looking +or' In a**ition- *o not shy away +ro% *ine out occasionally or on s/ecial occasions- one ba* %eal is not going to %ake you gain 0D /oun*s o&ernight. s long as you eat well an* e4ercise as %uch as /ossible- the cheat *ay will %ake you ha//y an* will %ake absolutely no *i++erence to your en* goal' Kust %ake sure that the cheat *ay *oes not *erail your e++orts an* you get back on track the +ollowing *ay' LliMN' ,e /atient with your bo*y

lthough- I ha&e share* with you the best ti/s +or losing weight as 2uick as /ossible- these are not %agic cures an* results will still take a little bit o+ ti%e' The %ain thing is to re%ain consistent an* /atient with what you are *oing an* re%e%ber that you are %aking changes that are bettering your bo*y an* health' "on(t weigh yoursel+ too o+ten either- your bo*y will take ti%e to *ro/ the% /oun*s an* i+ you ha&e starte* working out =/articularly weight training? you are actually likely to gain weight at +irst because you will be gaining %uscle' #ay attention to not 5ust the scale but the way that your clothes +it an*

how you +eel on the insi*e'LGliM Si%/le li+estyle changes' :onclusion ,y /utting these weight %aintenance ti/s into /ractice- you are going to see results on the weighing scales- the way that you look in the %irror an* how you +eel in your clothes' Soon the new habits will beco%e like secon* nature to you < resulting in you auto%atically choosing better +oo*s- only eating when you are hungry a%ongst other tricks that ha&e been *iscusse*' 6ou will ne&er nee* to try unhealthy +a* *iet again an* you will still kee/ the weight o++ by a*a/ting new an* i%/ro&e* ways o+ eating'

.ainless weight loss? $f you)re des!erately trying to s1uee5e in wor#outs and a oid your fa ourite high-calorie treats" it can seem li#e there)s nothing !ain-free about it. -et while eating healthier and sli!!ing in exercise does ta#e some wor#" it really doesn)t ha e to re1uire heroic effort. 6a#ing just a few sim!le lifestyle changes can !ac# a big weight loss !unch o er time.

1. 'dd% 0o 1t Su!tract 0orget diet denial+ ,ry addi g foods to your diet instead of subtracting them. (dd in healthy goodies you really lo e" li#e dee!-red cherries" juicy gra!es" or crunchy snow !eas. Sli! those fa ourite fruits into your bag lunch and brea#fast cereal7 add the eggies into sou!s" stews" and sauces. 8(dding in really wor#s" ta#ing away ne er does"8 says registered dietician Da id 9rotto" 2D" LD:" author of 101 Optimal Life Foods, but do remember to #ee! an eye on o erall calories. (nd don)t forget to add in something !hysical" too" whether it)s doing a few dance mo es before dinner" shooting hoo!s" or ta#ing a 1uic# stroll. ". Forget '!out Wor-i g 5ut $f the word 8exercise8 ins!ires you to creati e a oidance" then a oid it. 6aybe the tric# to enjoying a wor#out may be to ne er call it wor#ing out. 8,here)s some truth to that"8 9rotto tells 'eb6D" and once you start your not-calling-it-exercise !lan" 9rotto says you)ll disco er 8the way good health feels #noc#s down the roadbloc#s that were !re enting you from exercising in the first !lace.8

So burn calories and in igorate muscles by beachcombing" riding bi#es" grass s#iing" ma#ing snow angels" hi#ing" washing the car" !laying 0risbee" chasing the dog around the yard" or e en enjoying great sex. (fter all" a rose by any other name ... &. Go Wal-i g 'al#ing when the weather)s nice is a su!er-easy way to #ee! fit" says Diane ;irginias" a certified nursing assistant from :ew -or#. 8$ enjoy the seasons"8 she says" adding that e en when she)s short on time she)ll go out for a few minutes. 8/ en a fi e minute wal# is a fi e minute wal#.8 :o sidewal#s in your neighbourhood? ,ry these ti!s for sli!!ing in more ste!s+

,rade your !ower mower for a !ush ersion. .ar# your car at the bac# of the lot. 9et out of the office building and enjoy wal#ing meetings. Swee! the dri e or ra#e the lea es instead of using a leaf-blower. 9et off the bus a few sto!s earlier. *i#e the mall" being sure to hit all the le els. ,a#e the stairs e ery chance you get. Sign u! for charity wal#s. <ran# the music and get your heart rate u! the next time you mo! or acuum. $t all adds u!. $f you wal# twice a day for 10 minutes and try a few of these ti!s" you may find yourself with a low-im!act" =0-minute wor#out easily tuc#ed under your belt. Weight loss without /ain E F$ I+ you are *es/erately trying to s2uee;e in workouts an* a&oi* your +a&orite high<calorie treats E 9: it %ay see% that nothing is /ain +ree' Howe&er- while eating healthier an* sli//ing in e4ercise *oes not work E 9: really *oes not ha&e to re2uire heroic e++ort ' 1aking a +ew si%/le changes in li+estyle can /ack a big weight loss /unch o&er ti%e'

0' ** E 9: not subtract $orget *iet *enial E F try a**ing +oo*s to your *iet instea* o+ subtracting ' ** healthy gi+ts you lo&e E 9: as *ee/ cherry re* E 9:E 9: 5uicy gra/es an* crunchy /eas' $a&ourite +ruits skating bag lunch an* break+ast cereal E F, a** the &egetables in stews sou/s E 9:E 9: an* sauces' I **ing works out really E 9: E 9: ne&er I says *ietitian "a&i* Grotto O" E 9:E 9:E 9: L"! +oo* author o+ 0D0 O/ti%al Li+eE 9: but re%e%ber to kee/ an eye on calories' n* *o not +orget to a** in so%ething /hysical E 9:E 9: i+ it is to %ake a +ew *ance %o&es be+ore *inner E 9:E : 9echar so%e hoo/s or take a short walk'

Two ' $orget /rocessing so that the wor* Ie4ercise I ins/ires you to a&oi* E 9: creati&e - then a&oi* ' 1aybe the trick to en5oy a bit o+ e4ercise can ne&er be calle* ' I There is so%e truth in that E 9:I Grotto tells Web1" E 9: an* once you start your not < calling <it< e4ercise /lan E 9: Grotto says you(ll *isco&er how goo* health consi*ere* *own the barriers that /re&ent the% +ro% /er+or%ing in +irst ' I thus burn calories an* tone %uscles by walking aroun* E 9:E grass skiing 9bicicletas : E 9: snow angels hiking E 9:E 9: E 9: wash the car /laying $risbee E 9: an* the *og in the yar* E 9: or e&en en5oy a se4ual relationshi/' +ter all E 9: a rose by any other na%e ''' Three ' Go walk walk when the weather is nice is a su/er< easy way to kee/ +it says "iane Airginias E 9: E 9: certi+ie* nursing assistant in !ew 6ork' I I lo&e the seasons E 9:I says E 9: a**ing that e&en when she is lea&ing hi% little ti%e +or a +ew %inutes' IE&en a +i&e %inute walk is a +i&e %inute walk ' I There are no si*ewalks in the neighborhoo* E F$ try these ti/s +or sli//ing in %ore ste/s E F P P P P grocery tra*e your /ush %ower ' P #ark your car in the back lot ' P Out o+ o++ice buil*ing an* en5oy walking ' P The unit swee/ or rake the lea&es instea* o+ using a lea+ blower ' P Get o++ the bus a +ew sto/s earlier ' P Walk aroun* the %all E 9: +or all le&els ' P Take the stairs e&ery chance you get ' P Sign u/ +or charity walks ' P Turn the %usic an* get your heart rate u/ the ne4t ti%e you r/ or e%/ty' It all a**s u/ ' I+ you walk twice a *ay +or 0D %inutes an* try so%e o+ these ti/s E 9: you %ay +in* yoursel+ with a low i%/act E 9: FD<%inute workout easily tucke* un*er his belt'

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