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§ 441.18 42 CFR Ch.

IV (10–1–08 Edition)

(2) A hospital-based laboratory that (4) Indicate in the plan that case
meets the requirements for participa- management services provided in ac-
tion in the Medicare program found in cordance with section 1915(g) of the Act
§ 482.27 of this chapter; will not duplicate payments made to
(3) A rural health clinic, as defined in public agencies or private entities
§ 491.9 of this chapter; or under the State plan and other pro-
(4) A skilled nursing facility—based gram authorities;
clinical laboratory, as defined in (5) Provide comprehensive case man-
§ 405.1128(a) of this chapter. agement services, on a one-to-one
(b) Except as provided under para- basis, to an individual through one
graph (c), if a laboratory or other enti- case manager.
ty is requesting payment under Med- (6) Prohibit providers of case man-
icaid for testing for the presence of the agement services from exercising the
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) agency’s authority to authorize or
antibody or for the isolation and iden- deny the provision of other services
tification of the HIV causative agent as under the plan.
described in § 405.1316(f) (2) and (3) of (7) Require providers to maintain
this chapter, the laboratory records case records that document for all indi-
must contain the name and other iden- viduals receiving case management as
tification of the person from whom the follows:
specimen was taken. (i) The name of the individual.
(c) An agency may choose to approve (ii) The dates of the case manage-
the use of alternative identifiers, in ment services.
place of the requirement for patient’s (iii) The name of the provider agency
name, in paragraph (b) of this section (if relevant) and the person providing
for HIV antibody or causative agent the case management service.
testing of Medicaid recipients. (iv) The nature, content, units of the
case management services received and
[54 FR 48647, Dec. 2, 1988. Redesignated at 63 whether goals specified in the care plan
FR 310, Jan. 5, 1998.] have been achieved.
(v) Whether the individual has de-
§ 441.18 Case management services.
clined services in the care plan.
(a) If a State plan provides for case (vi) The need for, and occurrences of,
management services (including tar- coordination with other case managers.
geted case management services), as (vii) A timeline for obtaining needed
defined in § 440.169 of this chapter, the services.
State must meet the following require- (viii) A timeline for reevaluation of
ments: the plan.
(1) Allow individuals the free choice (8) Include a separate plan amend-
of any qualified Medicaid provider ment for each group receiving case
within the specified geographic area management services that includes the
identified in the plan when obtaining following:
case management services, in accord- (i) Defines the group (and any sub-
ance with § 431.51 of this chapter, ex- groups within the group) eligible to re-
cept as specified in paragraph (b) of ceive the case management services.
this section. (ii) Identifies the geographic area to
(2) Not use case management (includ- be served.
ing targeted case management) serv- (iii) Describes the case management
ices to restrict an individual’s access services furnished, including the types
to other services under the plan. of monitoring.
(3) Not compel an individual to re- (iv) Specifies the frequency of assess-
ceive case management services, condi- ments and monitoring and provides a
tion receipt of case management (or justification for those frequencies.
targeted case management) services on (v) Specifies provider qualifications
the receipt of other Medicaid services, that are reasonably related to the pop-
or condition receipt of other Medicaid ulation being served and the case man-
services on receipt of case management agement services furnished.
(or targeted case management) serv- (vi) Specifies the methodology under
ices. which case management providers will
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Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, HHS § 441.18

be paid and rates are calculated that (i) The case management services to
employs a unit of service that does not be furnished;
exceed 15 minutes. (ii) The qualifications of case man-
(vii) Specifies if case management agement providers; or
services are being provided to Med- (iii) The methodology under which
icaid-eligible individuals who are in in- case management providers will be
stitutions (except individuals between paid.
ages 22 and 64 who are served in IMDs (b) If the State limits qualified pro-
or individuals who are inmates of pub- viders of case management services for
lic institutions). target groups of individuals with devel-
(viii) Specifies if case management opmental disability or chronic mental
services are being provided to individ- illness, in accordance with § 431.51(a)(4)
uals with long-term stays of 180 con- of this chapter, the plan must identify
secutive days or longer or to individ- any limitations to be imposed on the
uals with short-term stays of less than providers and specify how these limita-
180 consecutive days. When States tions enable providers to ensure that
choose to provide case management individuals within the target groups re-
services to individuals in institutions ceive needed services.
to facilitate transition to the commu- (c) Case management does not in-
nity, the State plan must include the clude, and FFP is not available in ex-
following requirements: penditures for, services defined in
(A) Specify the time period or other § 440.169 of this chapter when any of the
conditions under which case manage- following conditions exist:
ment may be provided in this manner. (1) Case management activities are
The time period that case management an integral component of another cov-
is provided in an institution must not ered Medicaid service.
exceed an individual’s length of stay; (2) The case management activities
(B) Specify the case management ac- constitute the direct delivery of under-
tivities and include an assurance that lying medical, educational, social, or
these activities are coordinated with other services to which an eligible indi-
and do not duplicate institutional dis- vidual has been referred, including, but
charge planning; not limited to, services under parole
(C) Include an assurance that the and probation programs, public guard-
amount, duration, and scope of the ianship programs, special education
case management activities would be programs, child welfare/child protec-
documented in an individual’s plan of tive services, and foster care programs.
care which includes case management (3) The activities are integral to the
activities prior to and post-discharge, administration of foster care programs,
to facilitate a successful transition to including but not limited to the fol-
community living; and lowing:
(D) Specify that case management is (i) Research gathering and comple-
only provided by and reimbursed to tion of documentation required by the
community case management pro- foster care program.
viders; (ii) Assessing adoption placements.
(E) Specify that Federal Financial (iii) Recruiting or interviewing po-
Participation is only available to com- tential foster care parents.
munity providers and will not be (iv) Serving legal papers.
claimed on behalf of an individual until (v) Home investigations.
discharge from the medical institution (vi) Providing transportation.
and enrollment in community services; (vii) Administering foster care sub-
and sidies.
(F) Describe the system and process (viii) Making placement arrange-
the State will use to monitor pro- ments.
viders’ compliance with these provi- (4) The activities, for which an indi-
sions. vidual may be eligible, are integral to
(9) Include a separate plan amend- the administration of another non-
ment for each subgroup within a group medical program, such as a guardian-
if any of the following differs among ship, child welfare/child protective
the subgroups: services, parole, probation, or special
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§ 441.20 42 CFR Ch. IV (10–1–08 Edition)

education program except for case (c) Provide that services furnished by
management that is included in an in- a nurse practitioner, regardless of
dividualized education program or indi- whether the nurse practitioner is under
vidualized family service plan con- the supervision of, or associated with,
sistent with section 1903(c) of the Act. a physician or other health care pro-
(5) Activities that meet the defini- vider, may—
tion of case management services in (1) Be reimbursed by the State Med-
§ 440.169 and under the approved State icaid agency through an independent
plan cannot be claimed as administra- provider agreement between the State
tive activities under § 433.15(b). and the nurse practitioner; or
(d) After the State assesses whether (2) Be paid through the employing
the activities are within the scope of provider.
the case management benefit (applying
the limitations described above), in de- [60 FR 19862, Apr. 21, 1995]
termining the allowable costs for case
management (or targeted case manage- § 441.25 Prohibition on FFP for certain
ment) services that are also furnished prescribed drugs.
by another federally-funded program, (a) FFP is not available in expendi-
the State must use cost allocation tures for the purchase or administra-
methodologies, consistent with OMB tion of any drug product that meets all
Circular A–87, CMS policies, or any of the following conditions:
subsequent guidance and reflected in (1) The drug product was approved by
an approved cost allocation plan. the Food and Drug Administration
[72 FR 68092, Dec. 4, 2007] (FDA) before October 10, 1962.
(2) The drug product is available only
§ 441.20 Family planning services. through prescription.
For recipients eligible under the plan (3) The drug product is the subject of
for family planning services, the plan a notice of opportunity for hearing
must provide that each recipient is free issued under section 505(e) of the Fed-
from coercion or mental pressure and eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and
free to choose the method of family published in the FEDERAL REGISTER on
planning to be used. a proposed order of FDA to withdraw
its approval for the drug product be-
§ 441.21 Nurse-midwife services.
cause it has determined that the prod-
If a State plan, under § 440.210 or uct is less than effective for all its la-
440.220 of this subchapter, provides for beled indications.
nurse-midwife services, as defined in (4) The drug product is presently not
§ 440.165, the plan must provide that the subject to a determination by FDA,
nurse-midwife may enter into an inde- made under its efficacy review program
pendent provider agreement, without (see 21 CFR 310.6 for an explanation of
regard to whether the nurse-midwife is this program), that there is a compel-
under the supervision of, or associated ling justification of the drug product’s
with, a physician or other health care medical need.
(b) FFP is not available in expendi-
[47 FR 21051, May 17, 1982] tures for the purchase or administra-
tion of any drug product that is iden-
§ 441.22 Nurse practitioner services. tical, related, or similar, as defined in
With respect to nurse practitioner 21 CFR 310.6, to a drug product that
services that meet the definition of meets the conditions of paragraph (a)
§ 440.166(a) and the requirements of ei- of this section.
ther § 440.166(b) or § 440.166(c), the State
plan must meet the following require- [46 FR 48554, Oct. 1, 1981]
§ 441.30 Optometric services.
(a) Provide that nurse practitioner
services are furnished to the categori- The plan must provide for payment
cally needy. of optometric services as physician
(b) Specify whether those services are services, whether furnished by an op-
furnished to the medically needy. tometrist or a physician, if—
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