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Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Tell me about...

Describe 1 picture

Personal Information Card

put the picture cards here

Compare 2 pictures

Tell me about...

Compare 2 pictures

Tell me about...

Describe 1 picture

Compare 2 pictures

put the Personal Information Cards here

Tell me about... Compare 2 pictures Personal Information Card

Tell me about...

put the Tell me about...! cards here

Describe 1 picture

Personal Information Card

Describe 1 picture

Compare 2 pictures

Contributed by: Jason Anderson

The British Council, 2013 The British Council is the United Kingdo !s international organisation "or cultural relations and education o##ortunities$ British Council %alaysia is a branch &''(232)A* o" the British Council, registered as a charity in +ngland and ,ales &20'131* and -cotland &-C03..33*

Creating Opportunity Worldwide

"ptis #pea$ing #na$es and %adders

&ou 'eed
3 sets o" cards: /icture Cards, /ersonal 0n"or ation Cards and Tell e about$$$ Cards$ /lace each set "ace do1n in the right #lace on the board$ 2ou also need so e coins, a dice and a obile #hone$

(ow to Play
+ach #layer choose a di""erent coin &20c, (c, 10c, etc$*$ /lace your coins on -tart$ 3o 4#a#er, scissors, stone5 to decide 1ho goes "irst$ This #layer thro1s the dice and o6e the nu ber o" #laces$ 7ne #layer should use the 4sto#1atch5 on their obile #hone to ti e the 6arious tas8s$

0" you land on the head o" a sna8e, you ust go do1n the sna8e9 0" you land at the botto o" a ladder, you ust go u# it9 0" you land on a s:uare ar8ed /ersonal 0n"or ation Card, ta8e a /ersonal 0n"or ation Card "ro the #ile and ans1er the :uestion$ Try to s#ea8 "or 30 seconds$ The :uestions here are si ilar to the :uestions in A#tis /art 1$ 0" you land on a s:uare ar8ed 3escribe 1 #icture, ta8e a #icture card and try to describe it in as uch detail as #ossible$ Try to s#ea8 "or ;( seconds9 This is si ilar to the "irst tas8 in A#tis /art 2$ 0" you land on a s:uare ar8ed Co #are 2 #ictures, ta8e 2 #icture cards and try to co #are the $ Try to s#ea8 "or ;( seconds$ <ote: 0n A#tis /art 3, you ha6e to co #are 2 #ictures on a si ilar to#ic &e$g$ acco odation, ga es, "ood, etc$*, ho1e6er in this ga e, the 2 #ictures ay be on di""erent to#ics$ 0" you land on a s:uare ar8ed Tell e about$$$, ta8e a Tell e about$$$ card and tal8 about the to#ic$ 0n the e=a you ha6e 2 inutes to ans1er 3 :uestions, so ai to tal8 about the to#ic "or at least ;0 seconds$

The "irst #erson to reach the >inish 1ins the -na8es and ?adders ga e$ The #erson 1ho does the ost s#ea8ing tas8s 1ins the "ptis pri)e*

A#tis /ri@e ,inner:

Contributed by: Jason Anderson

The British Council, 2013 The British Council is the United Kingdo !s international organisation "or cultural relations and education o##ortunities$ British Council %alaysia is a branch &''(232)A* o" the British Council, registered as a charity in +ngland and ,ales &20'131* and -cotland &-C03..33*

Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Personal Information Cards

/lease tell e about your "a ily$

/lease tell e about your hobbies$

/lease tell e about your 1or8$

/lease tell e about your "a6ourite "ood$

,hat do you li8e doing in your "ree ti eA

,hat5s the 1eather li8e todayA

/lease tell e about your ho eto1n, 6illage or city$

Bo1 do you li8e to s#end your holidaysA

/lease tell e about your last 1ee8end$

,hat do you li8e to readA

/lease tell e about a s#ort you li8e$

,hat are you 1earing todayA

Bo1 do you "ind out about the ne1sA

/lease tell e about your "a6ourite day o" the 1ee8$

/lease tell e about your best "riend$

,hat is your ty#ical day li8eA

Tell me about+ cards

Tell e about an a bition you ha6e "or the "uture$

Tell e about an i #ortant e6ent in your li"e$

Tell e about an i #ortant obCect you o1n$

Tell e about an i #ortant dish or eal in your country$

Tell e about a #ersonal achie6e ent or a1ard you ha6e recei6ed$

Tell e about a ti e 1hen you stayed in a "riend5s house$

Tell e about a ti e 1hen you lost so ething i #ortant to you$

Tell e about an i #ortant #ublic holiday in your country$

Tell e about a #erson 1ho has hel#ed you in your li"e$

Tell e about a boo8 that is i #ortant to you$

Tell e about a #lace that you enCoy 6isiting$

Tell e about a "a6ourite "il or tele6ision #rogra e$

Tell e about a ti e 1hen you 1ere on your o1n$

Tell e about a ti e 1hen you had an i #ortant decision to a8e$

Tell e about a ti e 1hen you hel#ed so ebody else$

Tell e about a ti e 1hen so ebody ade you angry or sad$

Contributed by: Jason Anderson

The British Council, 2013 The British Council is the United Kingdo !s international organisation "or cultural relations and education o##ortunities$ British Council %alaysia is a branch &''(232)A* o" the British Council, registered as a charity in +ngland and ,ales &20'131* and -cotland &-C03..33*

Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Picture Cards

0 age courtesy o" %arcus D >ree3igital/hotos$net

0 age courtesy o" #at13E2;1D >ree3igital/hotos$net 0 age courtesy o" -ura <ual#radid D >ree3igital/hotos$net

0 age courtesy o" -toc8i ages D >ree3igital/hotos$net

Contributed by: Jason Anderson

The British Council, 2013 The British Council is the United Kingdo !s international organisation "or cultural relations and education o##ortunities$ British Council %alaysia is a branch &''(232)A* o" the British Council, registered as a charity in +ngland and ,ales &20'131* and -cotland &-C03..33*

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