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1.1. Background of the study English is an international language used in many countries troughout the world including in Indonesia. In Indonesia based in Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (KBK), English is not study considered to be the irst oreign language but it is taught in elementary school until senior high school. By seeing this act, people usually blame the teachers as the people who should be responsible or it. !hey are assumed as the primary source o the unsatis actory result o English teaching processes. "ur community o ten #uestion about the teachers$ work and e%en consider them as un#uali ied resources. &owe%er, as members o the scienti ic community, teachers should be able to ind out elements rom which the cause o the ailure comes. 's (ud)ana (*+,-.) states that learning processes are in luenced by two actors, internal and e/ternal actor. !he irst actor comes rom the learners themsel%es, such as the ability, interest, habit, aptitude, moti%ation, attitude, and intelligence. 0hile the latter actors come rom outside as the learners, such as situation and condition o the en%ironment. !hey are amily, school, and society surroundings.

1amelan (*+,.-,2) has pro%en that moti%ation is an important actor which determines the success o a oreign language learning. ' learner will be success ul in learning i he3she has a strong moti%ation to learn it. (trong moti%ation will encourage the students do their e orts to reach the goal o the study. !im 4K45 IKI6 (emarang (*++.-.7) states that strong moti%ation is needed in language learning. !he students who ha%e strong moti%ation to learn and master the language especially English, in Indonesia as a compulsory sub)ect, will likely succeed, and on the other hand they who ha%e low moti%ation will ail. In the thesis, the writer try to in%estigate !he speaking ability in the irst year o (46 8 * Karimun)awa in the academic year o 9::239::.. 0hen the teachers ind the goals o learning and teaching can be achie%ed. &owe%er, when the teachers see the students, ability is low toward English, they ha%e to try to ind out the most appropriate way or method o teaching to encourage the student to study more seriously.

1. . Reason for Choos!ng the To"!c !he writer chooses students$ speaking ability towards English to in%estigate in this thesis, because ability, as a part o internal actors, is %ery important in determining one$s success o ailure in language training, especially English. I the student$s ability strong toward language learning especially English, he3she may get success. !hus, the students$ ability toward English is necessary to be unco%ered. !he writer also thinks that ability is one o the


important actors which e ects the success or ailure a student ha%e a positi%e ability. It means that he or she accepts English. By accepting English, he or she likes to study it. (o, they will get success in learning English.

1.#. $tate%ents of the Pro&'e% In order to get a systematic point o %iew o the ob)ecti%e o the study, the writer limits the problem into the ollowing. *. &ow is the students$ ability toward English based on cogniti%e, a ecti%e and beha%ioral; 9. !o what e/tent is (peaking 'bility o !he <irst =ear (tudents o (46 8 * Karimun)awa in !he 'cademic =ear o 9::239::.;

1.(. O&)ect!*es of the $tudy In writing this paper, the writer has the ollowing ob)ecti%es*. !o ind out the students$ ability based in the three components, namely cogniti%e, a ecti%e, and beha%ioral, which in luence the students$ language learning English. 9. !o ind out the speaking ability o the irst student o (46 8 * Karimun)awa;

1.+. $!gn!f!cances of the study !he writer hopes that this study will be signi icant or people, such asa. !he 0riter !he writer will ha%e e/perience and capability in conducting a research on students$ ability and the students$ competence in learning English as the irst oreign language that they learn in this country. b. !he (tudents By reali?ing the important o English, the students will try to get success in learning language especially English. !he result o study may help the students in impro%ing their positi%e ability in learning English. c. !he English !eacher !he teacher could be more care ul in their teaching management, so that the ailure o their English teaching can be anticipated. Based on the result o the study, the teachers are able to increase their students$ awareness o the importance o English or their uture needs. It may be able as eedback on their teaching acti%ities, impro%e the methods or techni#ues in teaching so that the students are more moti%ated in learning English. d. !he 1eaders !he readers can learn rom this thesis about students$ ability toward English. !hey can also take the good ones and make the lack being better.

1.,. Def!n!t!on of -ey Ter%s a. (peaking 's &orn by e/plains the word speaking as- make use o word in ordinary %oice (o/ ord dictionary) 5rs. 6eter (alim, 4' e/plains it as- ' 6erson 6ride o (peaking Aoice (!he Bontemporary, English Indonesia dictionary). b. 'bility 'ccording to horn by, 'bility is the mental o physical capacity, power or skill re#uired to do something. c. (peaking 'bility Bompetence in speaking practiced d. !he <irst =ear (tudents !he phrase the irst year students re er to the student who ha%e been studying in (46 8 * Karimun)awa or a year. e. (tudent !aken rom "/ ord Cearner$s 5ictionary, student is person who is studying at a college or uni%ersity or any person who studies. (tudents here are )ust limited into the students o (46 8 * Karimun)awa. . (46 8 * Karimun)awa It is one o the Dunior &igh (chool in Depara. !his school is placed at Karimun)awa Islands.

1... Out'!ne of the Thes!s !he study is di%ided into i%e chapters!he irst chapter is introduction which includes the background o the study, reason or choosing the topic, statements o the problem, ob)ecti%es o the study, signi icances o the study, de inition o the key terms, and outline o the thesis. !he second chapter is re%iew o related literature which presents English language learning, English teaching at Dunior &igh (chools, actors a ecting oreign language learning, de inition o speaking and essence o speaking,. !he third chapter is method o the study which consist o population, sample, instrument, techni#ue o collecting the data, and method o data analysis. !he ourth chapter is concerned with the data analysis and discussing !he i%e chapter is conclusions and suggestions.


Eng'!sh 2anguage 2earn!ng Being an international language, English is spoken in most international e%ents and is used as the medium o in ormation on science, technology, and culture as well as a result. 6eople who want to keep abreast with the cultural, scienti ic, and technological ad%ances must deal with this language. 1eali?ing the importance o the language, the Indonesian go%ernment considers English as a irst oreign language and a compulsory sub)ect to be taught in high schools and uni%ersities. 's 1amelan (*++9-*) stated that English is the irst oreign language that has been taught in Indonesian since *+@2. E%en, in certain region, English is now taught st elementary schools as a local content. English is considered as the irst oreign language in Indonesia. It becomes one o the sub)ects that the students must learn both at Dunior and (enior &igh (chool. (ince English is a compulsory sub)ect and a part o the school curriculum, students ha%e to study it. 'lthough English is taught in both Dunior and (enior &igh (chool, the result o the teaching program in our country has not been satis actory. (tudents learn English because it is a compulsory sub)ect they ha%e to study. (o, they are only learning English, but not ac#uiring it. <urthermore, they do not ha%e any aims about their English learning. 7

Krashen as #uoted by &armer (*+,>->*), draws as distinction between learning and ac#uiring a language. &e characteri?es the ormer as a conscious process which result only in knowing about language, whereas ac#uiring a language is a subconscious process which result in the knowledge o language. 'c#uiring a language is more success ul and longer than learning a language. 'llwright as #uoted by &armer (*+,9->*), states that learning takes places most success ul when the students are put in communicati%e situations in the target language. (o, there is not need or ormal instruction (e.g. the teaching o a grammatical point). Instead the students are simply asked to per orm

communicati%e acti%ities in which they ha%e to use the oreign language. !he more they do this the better they are at using the language. &e also suggests that it seems true that the more a language learner uses a language to communicates, the better he becomes at communicating. Krashen, as #uoted by &ammer (*+,>->9), howe%er, sees success ul ac#uisition as being %ery bound up with the nature o the language input the students recei%e. Input is a term used to mean the language that the students hear or read. !his input should contain language that the students ha%e already known as well as language that they ha%e not seen yet- the input should be, in other words, at a slightly higher le%el than the student is capable o understanding. Krashen calls this rough tuning. I oreign language students constantly recei%e input that is roughlyEtuned that is, slightly abo%e their le%el, they will ac#uire those items o language that they did not pre%iously know without making a conscious e ort to do so.

4an is social who always needs company in his li e. It can hardly be imagined that he should li%e all alone by himsel without anyone to accompany him. &e need help rom the others. !hat is why human beings always li%e together in groups, cooperate and interact with one another interaction is a reali?ation o human beings instinct to ul ill their need. "ne o the way to pro%ide the necessities o li%e cooperate, associate, and e/change in ormation and

e/periences. !o e/press the ideas, they absolutely need a means o communication, which is called language man cap, because through communication we will understand each other. 1amelan state that with language man cap e/press his ideas and wishes to other people such as when he need their help so that close operation among members o the group can be carried out (*++9-,). Canguage is a prime means to communication in human being li e. By using language, man cap communication not only about things connected with his biological needs, but also about many things that he need. &uman language di ers rom animal$s means o communication in the medium, the sounds produced by man are more %aried that those produced by animals that always the same and remain unchanged. In addition to their %arities, human speech sounds can also combined in %arious way in other to rom and utterance. !he other de inition o language is stated by inocchiaro, language is a system o arbitrary %ocal symbol which permits people in a gi%en culture, or other people who ha%e learned the system o that the culture, to communication or to interact (*+7>->)


!he de inition abo%e is not only a component o culture, indeed the central eature. It is also to the primary system though which all other components the culture o a society is e/pressed. <inally, based on the opinions abo%e, &armer suggest that roughlyEtuned input and the use o the oreign language in communicati%e situation can satis actorily e/ist side by side with work which concentrates on conscious learning, where new language is introduce and practiced. Bonscious learning is thus seen only as one part o the methodological approach, which encourages language ac#uisition through a large amount o input and a signi icant emphasis on the use o language in communicati%e acti%ities.

.1.1. Eng'!sh Teach!ng at 3un!or H!gh $choo' (ince the proclamation o Indonesian on the *7 th o 'ugust *+@2, Indonesian go%ernment has chosen English as a irst oreign language to be taught at Dunior and (enior &igh (chools. It is one o the sub)ect that the students must learn. !his decision is reasonable since English plays an important role in international relation between Indonesia and other countries in the world. English as a compulsory sub)ect at (enior &igh (chools unctions or ser%es as an instrument or the de%elopment o science and technology, art, and culture, with a %iew to enabling the students to become good, intelligent, and skill ul citi?ens who are ready to take part in the national de%elopment. Based on the concept and unction o English, the teaching aims at

de%eloping the our language skillsF reading, listening, speaking, and writing. In


teaching process the our language skills usually cannot be separated. !hey are taught harmoniously. 0hile the language elements or components are taught with a %iew to support the de%elopment o the our language skills. In the *++@ curriculum, one o the most important concepts in teaching o English at (enior &igh (chools is themes. !he themes in the Basic Bourse "utlines (GB66) constitute the scope o the three years course program and consists o topics which are used in the teaching o English to create

communicati%e acti%ities in the language. !hese acti%ities in%ol%e the our skills which constitute the goals o English teaching. <urthermore, it is stated in the Basic Bourse "utlines that the communicati%e 'pproachEspeci ically called the meaning ulEbased approach is considered the most appropriate approach or the attainment o the goals o the English teaching rom the point o %iew o its nature and unction. !his approach considers language as an instrument or e/pressing ideas, thoughts, opinions, or eelings. Based on the curriculum o (enior &igh (chool (*++@-@), the main goals are as ollowsa. 1eading (tudents are able to read te/ts in the orm narrati%e, descripti%e, dialogue, and other special orms, such as lea let, brochure, and pri%ate letter which has about *2:: words length. It is e/pected that students are able to <ind certain in ormation. <ind the main idea. (tudents are able to report what they listen which is about , lines. (tudents are able to catch the in ormation the te/t they listen.


b. (peaking (tudents are able to ask and answer #uestions orally. (tudents are able to make a short con%ersation. (tudents are able to describe things. (tudents are able to e/press, ideas, opinions, eeling, and attitudes.

c. 0riting (tudents able to make short paragraph which is about ten sentences. (tudents able to completed a short con%ersation which %ocabulary they ha%e known, but related to the con%ersation. (tudents are able to arrange some sentences, about ten sentences, gi%en not an in correct order, then they ha%e to arrange into the correct order. (tudents are able to make a short letter.

d. Cistening (tudents are able to ind out the main ideas. (tudents are able to ind out speci ic in ormation in dialogue. (tudents are able to practice the writing. <rom communicati%e acti%ities which are mani ested in reading, listening, speaking, and writing, English teachers need to select suitable themes and topics in se#uential order and teach the students to use and practice a number o unctional skills and necessary communicati%e e/pressions in English which are rele%ant to the gi%en themes and topics. !he teachers ha%e to teach each skills based on the curriculum which has the appropriate goals in the process o teaching


and learning language. Burriculum is an important thing and it has a main role be ore the teacher teach the lesson.

.1. . 1actors Affect!ng 1ore!gn 2anguage 2earn!ng !here are a number o actors, which a ect the success or ailure o

second or oreign language learning. !hose actors are internal actors that come rom the learner himsel and the e/ternal ones that deri%e rom outside o the learner. 1. Interna' factors 0i)ayanti (9::*-*9) di%ides internal actors a ecting language learning process into- gender, intelligence, interest, moti%ation and attitude. !he detailed e/planations are gi%en bellow. a. Gender 5ewi (9::*-*.) in his thesis entitled ' (ocio Cinguistic (tudy on the (tudents$ Canguage 'ttitude de ined the se/ %ariable is important because o the di erence o social and cultural beha%ior between both o the gender, male and emale. &e conclude that emale pay more attention to oreign language, especially English, than male ones. <emale are more talented in learning the language. b. Intelligence =ellon and 0einstein (*+77) as #uoted by 0i)ayanti (9::*-*>) say that intelligence as the o%erall capacity o an indi%idual to understand and to cope with the world around him. It is perhaps the most important determinant in the


de%elopment o language, since it a ects both the ability to mimic %erbal symbols, as well to understand their meaning. c. Interest &ornby (*+7@) as #uoted 0i)ayanti (9::*-*>) says that interest as a condition o wanting to know or learn about something or somebody. 4ost children want to learn, they come to school eagerly and are willing to de%ote the time, e ort and energy necessary to learn. I the material is interesting, their moti%ation will remain high. (o they will be interested in learning the language. d. 4oti%ation Kat?ell (*+,:) as #uoted by 0atson (*+,@-@>7) states that moti%ation may be seen as a unction o certain traits o employees, or e/ampleF a personal interest in getting ahead or a characteristic o a particular work situation. 0atson (*+,>-@>7) de ined moti%ation is the underlying caused o people$s desire to per orm particular beha%iors and their willingness to e/plain e ort o them learning a language will be more success ul i the learner has certain moti%ation because moti%ation is one o some actors mentioned pre%iously, needed in learning second or oreign language. e. 'ttitude 'ttitude is also considered as one o the important actors that determines the success or ailure o oreign language learning. (ince this study deals with the students$ attitude toward English. It is essential to discuss the general meaning o attitude and the le%el o attitude o students toward English.


Krashen, #uoted by 8urhadi and 1oekhan (*++:-,) states that attitude directly deal with the second language ac#uisition. In addition, Cittlewood (*+,7-22E2.) asserts that the learner with more a%orable attitudes will wish or more intensi%e contact with the second language community. In situations where circumstances do not actually compel members o di erent language groups to ha%e contact with each other, the learners$ attitudes may determines whether he percei%es any communicati%e need at all. "ne p the actors in luencing how we e/perience the process is our attitude toward the oreign culture itsel . I this attitude is negati%e, there may be strong internal barriers against learning, and i learning has to take place because o e/ternal compulsion, it may only to the minimum le%el re#uired by these e/ternal demands. . E4terna' factors !he e/ternal actors e ecting language learning which come rom the outside o the learners include both the irst or second language surrounding where they are learning, and linguistic condition o both o the language. (ince the writer cannot e/amine all o them in detail, it is use ul to discuss more detail about the internal actors, especially attitude which ha%e to be main problem o this study.

Def!n!t!on of $"eak!ng (peak is an interacti%e process o construct meaning that in%ol%es producing and recei%ing and processing in ormation (Brown, *++@- Burn < Doyce, *++7) it is rom and meaning are dependent on the conte/t in which it occurs,


including the physical en%ironment, and the purposes or speaking. It is o ten spontaneous, openEended, and e%ol%ing. &owe%er, speech is not always unpredictable. In 0ebster$s dictionary o English language, (peaking means the act ort o person who speaks and which is spoken, utterance, discourse, (*+,>-*7@*). 'ccording to 0ebster in 4askur (9::2-9.), speaking means*. 4aking a practice o speaking or con%ersing (with another or each other). It means that speaking is talk with the others about anything to take and gi%e in ormation or knowledge by one to others. Because Bon%ersation is an oral communicate acti%ity like transmitting in ormation, ideas, or elling. 9. &a%ing a relationship or con%ersation, as in greeting. It means that greeting, as opening a con%ersation an bringing a con%ersation to an end are essential part o our language. <or e/ample, to say hallo, good morning and good bye, through con%ersation or greeting we can build the relationship with other. Greeting in all language ha%e the same purpose to establish contact with other person, to recogni?e his e/istence and to show riendliness. 4ost o people in the world do con%ersation in ormal greeting and arewells, in ormal greeting and arewells, ormal introduction and so on. Based on those meaning the writer de ines the term o speaking as the action o person who speak con%erses with another or each other in order to get a communicati%e relationship.


Essence of $"eak!ng (peaking is part o integral rom o%erall o person o personality, e/pressing the speaker en%ironment, strata o social and his or her educational background. (peaking is ability to speech to e/press articulator sound or word, to e/pressing is to communicate. It is or he has e%aluated its communication e ect to all hearers and has to know all discuss situation. 'ccording to !arigan (speaking has three common intentions) they are*. !o in orm, when speaking is used to con%ey or ideas, minds o to in orm anything to the teacher. 9. !o entertain, when speaking is used to make they are happy and satis y. >. !o persuade, when speaking is used purpose the hea%er in order to ollow speaker$s ideas or minds. ' speaker basically composes our matters needed in e/pressing mind or his3her opinion to other, that are*. (peaker represents willingness, intention, or meaning, which is wishing him3her owned by other that is a mind. 9. (peaker represent the user o language, maker o words. >. (peaker is something that wishes to be listened, con%ey intend and words to others through %oices. @. (peaker is something that ha%e to been, showing, and an action that must be paid attention and read through eyes. eeling and mind become


The I%"ortance of teacher s"eak!ng !here are many reasons why English is thought in e%ery country in the world. English is an international language, there ore, it is used internationally among nations o the world, it is used in the ield o politic, economic, science, technology and other. It is ob%ious that English has spread widely and had great in luence in the world. 'ccordingly, the tremens douse de%elopment in the ability to speak and yearEbyEyear, people try to ind and appropriate way to help them learn English well. !he educational system in Indonesia is determined by the national demands. It is pro%ed by the curriculum that has been made by Indonesia are to enable they students to communicate in the target language. 6articularly in senior high school, the skill o teaching is gi%en a teaching student to road all kinds o material luently. It is also teaching them to read comprehensi%ely. !he reason is that it will be needed in higher education that is in uni%ersities or academics and this. 'nd this aim is shown in the curriculum ob)ecti%es a stated e/plicitly in some o the General Instructional "b)ecti%e (GI") o the GB66. <or some reasons speaking is %ery important in our li e. 'ccording to (ukarno$s book (*+7*-+) by 4adya in 4askur (9::2-9+). *. !o understand the content o English te/tbook and re erences. 9. !o Hnderstand lectures deli%ered in English. >. !o take notes at lectures deli%ered in English.


@. !o Introduce Indonesia Bulture to other or nations. 2. !o communicate orally with oreign lectures or students.

The Process Of Teach!ng $"eak!ng Cearning to speak a oreign language communicati%ely is a lengthy process. <irst o all the learner should understands the %ocabulary and the grammar or the knowledge o the language that they are learning. !hen they must be accustomed to the certain pattern o sentence as a basic or them to use them in e/pressing their intentions automatically, so that the main goal o learning the language is achie%ed. (tudents ell that learning a language means learning to speak, they e/pect to be able to speak in the language they learn. Because o this reason, the teaching o speaking is not only directed to make them able in listing language or communication as much as possible. 1i%ers chance to apply what he has learned in an act o communication a roused among members o the class group. 0e cannot wait until students ha%e a sure grip o all the structure o the language be ore gi%ing his practice in communication (1i%er, *+.,-*.2). 'ccording to ri%ers, in the teaching o speaking, we are engaged in two processF orging an instrument and gi%ing the students guided practice in its use. !he students ha%e learned their moti%ation language consciously and unconsciously since they were childhood. In this case, they got their own instrument. !he instruments may be the same as the instrument o the new


language, i it is needed, they will use the instrument to which they are accustomed. 1i%ers stated- the orging o the instrument re#uires much practice in the arbitrary association o the new language- Ce/ical items, morphological and syntactical pattern, sentence type- (*+.,-*.9). 'nd at the irst le%el o acti%ity, the students need much practice in order to make them accustomed to the knowledge o the language, so that at a more ad%ance stage the learner can concentrate on what he want to e/press it acceptable in the language they learn (1i%ers, *+.,-*.>) 'lso in this case, ri%ers proposed that- phonological, 4or ological, and syntactical habits o the oreign language must be practiced ang practiced to a point o o%er learning i they are to become a part o the student$s permanent repertoire so that the is able to use them at any moment without conscious e ort (*+.,-*.@).



!o write a scienti ic writing, the writer needs to mention se%eral actors, which ha%e real relationship with the ob)ect being studied. It means that the case has to be applied to the ob)ect with certain de%ices and ways in a test so that the results will be taken. 4ethod is basically a means, which is used to sol%e the problems to get a certain ob)ecti%e. In this study, the writer presents the population, sample, %ariable, instrument, method o collecting data, and data analysis.

#.1. Po"u'at!on In doing a scienti ic work, there is a group o people to be studied called population. (ud)ana (*++9-.) says that population is the total o all possible %alues as the result o #uantitati%e or #ualitati%e measurement a certain characteristic rom all members o group. 0hile 'rikunto (*++,-**2) states that population is all o the sub)ect o an in%estigation. !he population may be all o the sub)ects or indi%iduals who are o interest to the in%estigator. Based on the statements abo%e, the writer decides that the population o this study is all o the irst year students o (46 8 * Karimun)awa in the academic year o 9::239::.. !he total number o student in the population was



,: students. !hey were di%ided into i%e classesF each class consisted o @: students.

#. . $a%"'e 0here there are too many people in the population, o course, we will ha%e some di iculties to study them. !o cope with the di iculties, it is necessary to choose representati%e as sample. (ample according to (ud)ana (*++9-.), is part rom the population to be in%estigated. 'nd the samples ha%e to be able to represent the whole members o one population. (ample is a small proportion o population selected or obser%ation and analysis ( 'rikunto, *++,-**7). By obser%ing the characteristic o the sample, the researcher can make certain in erences about the characteristic o the population which it is drawn. (ince the population in this study was large enough, the writer took some members o the population as the sample. 'ccording to 'rikunto (*++,-*9:), a researcher may take *:I E *2I or 9:I E 92I, or more o the population used as the sample. !he writer took *::I o the population or it was all students as the sample o this study.

#.#. Instru%ent 0e need apparatus to get or to collect the data. !he apparatus here is called instrument. 's 'rikunto (*++,-*>7) states that instrument is a sets o apparatus to collect the data.


In this study, the writer used a #uestionnaire and a document as the instrument to collect the data.

#.#.1. The 8uest!onna!re ' #uestionnaire is number o written #uestions which are used to gather in ormation rom the respondents about themsel%es or another thing to know ('rikunto, *++,-*@:). 'ccording to 'rikunto (*++,-*@: J *@*) a #uestionnaire can be distinguished into three kinds. !hey area. <rom the way how to answer the #uestions, there are two types o #uestions*. "pened #uestionnaire, the respondents can be answer the #uestions using their own sentences. 9. Blosed #uestionnaire, the respondents can be directly choose the appropriate answer. b. <rom the gi%en answer, there are two types o #uestionnaire*. 5irect #uestionnaire, the respondents answer about themsel%es. 9. Indirect #uestionnaire, the respondent answer te #uestions about other things. c. <rom the orm o the #uestionnaire, there are*. 4ultiple J choice #uestionnaire, it is similar to a closed #uestionnaire. 9. 'n easy #uestionnaire is similar to opened #uestionnaire. >. Bheck list #uestionnaire, respondent )ust put check (A) on the approprirate column.


@. 1ating scale, the statement are ollowed by rating column or e/ample rom e/tremely agree to e/tremely disagree.

#.#. . Pract!ca'!ty of Instru%ent 6racticality is concerned with the administration o a #uestionnaire. &arns and 5a%id 6 (*+.+-9*) states that a test is considered practicable whene%er it can be well administered, usually it depend on the length o time pro%ided or doing the test. Based on the re#uirement abo%e, the instrument used in this study was practical enough, since the sub)ects were only re#uired to tick the columns pro%ided in each the #uestions. In addition the respondent only needed a little time to do it which was about >: minutes. <or the write, it was practical administrated becaused it did not in%ol%e many persons to administer the #uestionnaire.

#.#.#. Docu%ent !he document method was used to know the studentsF achie%ement in learning English. !he writer obtained the students$ total scores in English sub)ect in the document which was a%ailable in (46 8 * Karimun)awa. &e got the document with the permission rom the English teacher in that school.

#.(. Techn!9ue of Co''ect!ng the Data !he techni#ue o collecting the data o this study is #uestionnaire method. !he procedures o collecting the data in this study in%ol%ed se%eral steps. !he irst


step was constructing the #uestionnaire. !he second step was trying out the #uestionnaire to e/ample to e/amine whether or not it needed impro%ement. !he ne/t step was collecting the #uestionnaire and analy?ing them to know the %alidity and the reliability and the practicapability o the instrument. !hen, the writer distributed the #uestionnaire to the sub)ect and collected them. ' ter that, he analy?ed the result o the #uestionnaire. !he last step was obtaining the studentsF total scores o English sub)ect rom the document which was a%ailable in (46 8 * Karimun)awa. <inally, the writer computed the data. ' ter obtaining the scores o the students$ attitude in learning and the scrores o their English achie%ement. !hen, the writer tried to know whether e%ery student who ha%e high attitude also ha%e good achie%ement in learning English. !o get the answer o this problem, the writer correlated both o the data. !he scores o the strength o the studentsF attitude and the scores o their English achie%ement is necessary to pro%e the correlation o the study.

#.+. 5ethod of Data Ana'ys!s !he data obtained rom the respondents were analy?ed using the Cikert (cale. !he analysis was started by pro%iding a series o statements, each o which e/press an attitude which is either clearly a%orable or clearly un a%orable. !he Cikert (cale or a graded response. 's mentioned abo%e the response was e/pressed in terms o the ollowing i%e categories- strongly agree (('), agree ('), undecided (H), disagree (5), strongly disagree ((5). !o score the scale, the


response options were credited 2, @, >, 9, *, or rom the a%orable to the un a%orable statement. Bon%ersely, the response options were credited *, 9, >, @, 2 rom the un a%orable to the a%orable statement. By summing up the item credits o their answer, the writer presented the indi%idual total scores o the students. !hen, the scores were graded into i%e categories,@ J *:: points ., J ,> points 29 J .7 points >. J 2* points 9: J >2 points K %ery high K high K air K low K %ery low

(=ohanes, *++,-7@ #uoted by 4iswadi, 9:::-@:) !hen the writer used the percentage description analysis to measure to what le%el o the students attitude. !he ormula is as ollows!he percentage o answer K total %alue o ideal anwer *::I !hen, the write categori?ed the scores resulted rom the calculation into the ollowing criteria*. 9. >. @. 2. Aery high &igh <air Cow Aery Cow ,@I J *::I .,I J ,>I 29I J .7I >.I J 2*I 9:I J >2I
the total %alue o answer

(=ohanes, *++,-7@ #uoted by 4iswadi, 9:::-2@)


0hile the scores o the students$ achie%ement in learning English were grades into the ollowing classi ication*. E/cellent 9. Good >. <air @. 6oor 2. <ailed ,: .. @. 9. J J J J *:: points ,2 points .2 points @2 points

L 9. points

(=ohanes, *++,-7@ #uoted by 4iswadi, 9:::-.:)



'rikunto, (uharsimi. *++,. Prosedur Penelitian, Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. =ogyakarta- 1ineka Bipta. 5epdikbud 1I. 9::@. Kurikulum SMP dan GBPP Bahasa Inggris. Dakarta. &adi, (utrisno. *+,9. Metodology Research. Jilid I: cetakan ke XII. =ogyakarta=ayasan 6enerbitan <akultas 6sikologi HG4 &armer, Deremy. *+,>. The Practice o !nglish "anguage "earning . 8ew =orkCongman. &arris, 5a%id 6. *+.+. Testing !nglish as a Second "anguage. 8ew =ork- 4c. GrawE&ill Book Bompany. Inc. 1amelan, *++9. #n Introduction to "inguistic #nalysis. (emarang - IKI6 (emarang 6ress. Echols, Dohn. 4 dan &asan (hadily. 9:::. Kamus Inggris Indonesia. DakartaGramedia 6ustaka Htama. 1ahayu, (ri. 9::*. Students$ Moti%ation in "earning !nglish, # &ase o the 'irst year students o S"TP( ) SMG , (emarang - <6B( IKI6 (emarang ( Hnpublished !hesis) (ud)ana, 8ana. *+,+. &BS# dalam Proses Bela*ar Menga*ar. Bandung- (inar Baru. 0atson, 5a%id C. *+,@. Social Psychology, Science and #++lication. H('- (cott, <oresman and Bompany. &orn by, '(. *++2. ,- ord #d%ance "earners .ictionary #nd &urrent !nglish . Condon- "/ ord Hni%ersity 6ress.


Instrument/ 6ractice with your partner in ront o the class, about8ame Blass 'ddress &obby <riend



PROPO$A2 6resented to IKI6 6G1I (emarang In 6artial <ul illment o the 1e#uirement <or the 5egree o (ar)ana in English Education

ByNA$O-A 864- :9@9:>,7




!his thesis was appro%al by the team o ad%isors o 5epartment o English Canguage Education, <aculty o Canguage and 'rt Education, Institute o !eaching !raining and Education 6G1I (emarang, on-

5ay 5ate o 'ppro%al

'd%isors 'd%isor I 'd%isor II

Dra. Ratna -usu%a=ardhan! 8I6. *>*9,2,2*

Dra. T. $r! $u=art!: 5.Pd 866. +:.>:*:.9


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