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Confusing veib Paiis

!"#$% '()*+ Waim 0p: Listen to "I Can Beai Nusic" by ,-. /.01- /234, count how
many times you heai the woiu 'heai'
!5%#6% '()*+ Piesentation:
!"" $%%& '()* +(),-
0SES inactive, you uo it without
78* 9 4.. 0 10: ).0: ;-. 4;2:.*
active, you ueciue to uo it
(foi a shoit time)
78* <22= 0; ;-(4 >:.44*
active, you ueciue to uo it (foi a
long time)
78* <.;?4 @0;1- ;-. A(2)4 0; ;-. B22*
event of watching a movie,
conceit, piesentation, etc.
78* C0D. 32E 4..) ;-. '2D(.F
action of viewing a movie, conceit,
piesentation, etc.
78* 9 0' @0;1-()G 0 '2D(. @(;- '3
N0TE followeu by the piep., at,
when theie is an 2IJ.1;

-"(. $/!)"0
0SES: Inactive, you uo it without thinking, you
can't contiol it
78* 9 >(>)?; -.0: 32EK 10) 32E :.L.0; (;F
Active, you ueciue to uo it, you can contiol it
78* 9 >(>)?; A(=. ;-. 42)G 42 9 >.1(>.> )2; ;2 A(4;.)*
0ften useu with the pieposition, to
78* 9 A(4;.) ;2 ;-. :0>(2*
M-. A(4;.)4 ;2 .D.:3 @2:> 9 403*
I listeneu to the iauio but I uiun't heai who won the game.

."1/02 ."1"13".
0SES: someone has ieminueu someone else to uo
78* NE0) :.'()>.> '. ;2 IE3 '(A= 0; ;-. 4;2:.*
a peison iemembeieu to uo something by
himself oi heiself
78* 9 :.'.'I.:.> ;2 IE3 ;-. '(A=*
N0TE: 'iemembei + infinitive'
phi. v, ieminu of, inuicates that someonething
ieminus you of someonething
78* M-. :.'()>.> '. 2H '3 4(4;.:*
Expiesses memoiies of a past event
78* 9 :.'.'I.: G2()G ;2 ;-. ;-.0;.:
N0TE: 'iemembei + geiunu'
N0TE ALWAYS has a uiiect object

0(1" ,($$
0SES: Foi official names
78* C(4 )0'. (4 N24.*
Foi unofficial names (nicknames)
78* ,-.3 10AA -(' O.L.*
To specify oi list
78* P0) 32E )0'. ;-. 12E);:(.4 () M2E;- Q'.:(10F
78* 9 @(AA 10AA 32E 0H;.: 41-22A*

1"") /0).%24,"
0SES: to come into contact with someone, to be
intiouuceu to someone
78* 9 '.; R0:(0 0; ;-. L0:;3*
to piesent someonething to someone else
78* 9 ();:2>E1.> '3 I23H:(.)> ;2 '3 L0:.);4*
to plan to see someone
78* 9 @(AA '..; 32E 0; $5 L'*

!$% '()*+ Piactice: Sentences (pg. 2)
1) Bo you want to (see, look at, watch) a movie with me tonight.
2) We aie going to (meet, intiouuce) tomoiiow night foi uinnei.
S) What's the (call, name) of the iestauiant wheie we ate lunch.
4) I (ieminu, iemembei) tiaveling last summei with my fiienus.
S) She (heaiu, listeneu to) a noise outsiue.
6) Be (saw, lookeu at, watcheu) the cai befoie he bought it.
7) We (met, intiouuceu) youi fiienu in Quito.
8) (Call, Name) me if you neeu anything.
9) She (ieminueu, iemembeieu) me it was hei biithuay.
1u)Pop music is my favoiite music to (heai, listen to).

1) Bo you want to (see, look at, watch) a movie with me tonight.
2) We aie going to (meet, intiouuce) tomoiiow night foi uinnei.
S) What's the (call, name) of the iestauiant wheie we ate lunch.
4) I (ieminu, iemembei) tiaveling last summei with my fiienus.
S) She (heaiu, listeneu to) a noise outsiue.
6) Be (saw, lookeu at, watcheu) the cai befoie he bought it.
7) We (met, intiouuceu) youi fiienu in Quito.
8) (Call, Name) me if you neeu anything.
9) She (ieminueu, iemembeieu) me it was hei biithuay.
1u)Pop music is my favoiite music to (heai, listen to).

1) Bo you want to (see, look at, watch) a movie with me tonight.
2) We aie going to (meet, intiouuce) tomoiiow night foi uinnei.
S) What's the (call, name) of the iestauiant wheie we ate lunch.
4) I (ieminu, iemembei) tiaveling last summei with my fiienus.
S) She (heaiu, listeneu to) a noise outsiue.
6) Be (saw, lookeu at, watcheu) the cai befoie he bought it.
7) We (met, intiouuceu) youi fiienu in Quito.
8) (Call, Name) me if you neeu anything.
9) She (ieminueu, iemembeieu) me it was hei biithuay.
1u)Pop music is my favoiite music to (heai, listen to).

1) Bo you want to (see, look at, watch) a movie with me tonight.
2) We aie going to (meet, intiouuce) tomoiiow night foi uinnei.
S) What's the (call, name) of the iestauiant wheie we ate lunch.
4) I (ieminu, iemembei) tiaveling last summei with my fiienus.
S) She (heaiu, listeneu to) a noise outsiue.
6) Be (saw, lookeu at, watcheu) the cai befoie he bought it.
7) We (met, intiouuceu) youi fiienu in Quito.
8) (Call, Name) me if you neeu anything.
9) She (ieminueu, iemembeieu) me it was hei biithuay.
1u)Pop music is my favoiite music to (heai, listen to).

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