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News release
For immediate release

Launch of the 2014 Lieutenant Governors
Award for Excellence in Ontario Wines

Toronto, April 22, 2014. In partnership with Canadian Food and Wine Institute at Niagara
College, the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario is pleased to launch the 2014
competition of the Lieutenant Governors Award for Excellence in Ontario Wines.

From April 22 to May 16, Ontario wineries are invited to enter up to four VQA-certified wines
in this free competition. Additional information, including the entry form, is available online at
bit.l y/lgwineawards. Stakeholders are advised to take note of the following timeline:

2014 competition timeline
April 22May 16
Entry period
May 27, 28
Bottle delivery
Winners announced
Early Jul y
Tour, awards ceremony

Wine judges

The 2014 adjudication panel consists of the wine experts mentioned below. Panel members
will chronicle their involvement in the awards program on Twitter using the hashtag

2014 adjudication panel members and Twitter accounts
Ms. Astrid Brummer -- Ms. Andrea Fujarczuk @SparklingWino
Mr. Tristan Bondett @oeno_bond Mr. Fred Gamula --
Dr. Linda Bramble @LindaRBramble Mr. David Lawrason @DavidLawrason
Mr. J ames Cunningham @jamestellsjokes Mr. Shawn McCormick @UncorkOntario
Ms. Sara dAmato @SaradAmato Dr. Rod Phillips @RodPhillipsWine
Mr. Mike Dicaro @MikediCaro Ms. J essica Reese @jessinthecellar
Mr. Konrad Ejbich @WineZone Mr. David Stasiuk @DavidStasiuk
Ms. Allison Findlay @allidawn19 Mr. Christopher Waters @Waters_Wine

Follow LGDavidOnley on Facebook and Twitter.

Contact: Mr. Peter Aylan-Parker
Office of the Lieutenant Governor
416-212-3779 /

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