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Year 6 (2) Geography Theme 1: Development

What is Poverty?
Start by watching these short videos on You Tube: 1. Make Poverty History Click 2. What is Poverty ( - The International Poverty Line is an income level established by the World Bank to determine which people in the world are poor. The line was set at $1 a day per person in 1985 international purchasing power parity (PPP) prices. A person is considered poor if he or she lives in a household whose daily income or consumption is less than $1 per person. Although this poverty line is useful for international comparisons, it is impossible to create an indicator of poverty that is strictly comparable across countries. The level of $1 a day per person is close to national poverty lines in low-income countries but considerably lower than those in high-income countries. For comparing poverty levels across middle-income countries, international poverty lines of $2, $4, and $11 a day per person are considered to be more appropriate. 1.Define Poverty. I think poverty is a human condition that can be applied if you have little goods and little income of money. 1.Why is defining Poverty difficult?
Is difficult because it depends on each person. As we have seen in class there are many factors to define poverty. And even complex indicators do not include the totality of factors. And I think there are differences between the countries (If the country is developed, education level, healthcare level). Is not the same poverty in Africa than in Spain for example. Thats why is difficult to define poverty.

The Causes of Poverty

3.Use the information on the causes of poverty from Wikipedia to record two causes of poverty under each of the following six sub-headings. Environmental factors Bad living conditions (not hygienic) pollution (As people who extract computer pieces in India or people who make fire with what they find on the street for heating). Economics low wages bankrupt people Health Care Suffers from hunger or starvation to death diseases (And so low life expectancy) not sufficient doctors Governance high prices (=not affordable) homelessness risk (If you can't afford a house) Access to basic services Demographics

Year 6 (2) Geography Theme 1: Development

non developed country overpopulation in a place Social Factors Educational under-achievements Violence environment

Case Studies of Poverty

5.Produce notes on the causes of poverty in Kenya using this website: 1. Not fertile land 2. Very to difficult to find or produce food 3.There for is difficult to have money (They can't sell a lot) 4.high taxes 5.high prices on some products (as uniforms) 6. pay for services (as health care) 7.Animals that carry diseases (as Malaria mosquitoes) electricity 9.drinking water from river (not safe) 10. Bad housing 11. over population 12. no improvements or money help from outside

Watch the following video on You Tube: Iqbal Quadir: The power of the mobile phone to end poverty Write down here a few things that you have learned from this lecture. In angladeh and other poor countries there are telephone companies that can give phones and so people subscribe to it. !o there"s an improvement in services and wealth and business in poor country. It can also increase #$%. There are selling also selling electricity with power generator only with gas.

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