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Now you know The world you grew up into Was never going to be The world you thought It ought to be. The sun will rise As the sun has risen. Disappearing stars will never miss Nights denouement. Dawn Is as glorious as a kiss. You do nothing to resist Its coming but you Expected all of this. What you did not Expect are the faces No one helps drifting through The desert of another war. The floating, bloated lost, Bumping against one another, In the river where they were thrown. The pits into which the victors Bulldoze the bodies they defeated. Each day you are greeted With another reason for dismay. Another argument turned ugly. A peace process gone awry. A disaster That could have been prevented If men had done the jobs They had been charged to do.

Sufferings accumulated weight Freights our waking until We close our eyes and dream Of the world we thought We ought to be born into Along with all those others We could not save.

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