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The Cure: Eye exercise : The following exercises will loosen the strained and co ntracted muscles surrounding

the eyes : a. Keep your head still and relaxed. Gently move the eyes up and down six times. Repeat the same movement twice or thrice at 2-second intervals. The eyes should move slowly and regularly as far down as possible and then as far up as possible. b. Move the eyes from side to side as far as possible, without any force or effo rt six times. Repeat two or three times. c. Hold the index finger of your right hand about 8 inches in front of the eyes, then look from the finger to any other large object ten or more feet away - the door or window will do. Look from one t o the other 10 times. Do this exercise fairly rapidly. d. Move the eyes up gently and slowly in a circle, then move them low in the rev erse direction. Do this four times in all. Rest for a second and repeat the movements two or three times, using minimum eff orts. All eye muscle exercises should be performed while seated in a comfortable position.

Side to side - Moving your eyes from side to side being careful to move your eye balls only, not your eyebrows with them. This exercise will take care of the muscles on each side of your eyes, it can be done with both eyes simultaneously and singularly while having one eye closed. Try to do some both ways to get the most benefit from this eye exercise. Eye rolling Its not just for teenagers, this is actually a very good eye exercis e. Eye rolling can be a tedious exercise that can make your eyesight funny when you get finished with it but it is worth the aggravation. Be careful as with any other eye exercise, not to overdo it. Visual push ups - This is a good eye exercise for helping your eyes to have good close up vision. You can use a pencil or such for this, simply hold the object in front of you and focus on something on it such as a mark you make or some distinguishing feature and bring it towards your nose until your eyes see double. A few minutes a day is all it takes to see a difference. Near and Far Focus on a far away object for a moment and then a near object for and equal amount of time, repeat for about five minutes. This is to help aid the focusing of your eyes. Do not make the ob ject so far away that you cannot focus fully on it or too close that it is right in your face. A good few feet in front of yo u and a good few meters is a generalized distance for each. Eye strengthening exercises will not be some miraculous cure all for your eyes a nd don t ditch your glasses and contacts, but you will see an improvement in the fatigue of the eyes and focusing ability. Less eye fatigue means feeling better which naturally leads to being more productive at whatever it is you are doing, work o r play. Another overlooked aspect of eye exercises is getting the proper amount of rest for your eyes. How can you expect

your eyes to benefit from all those exercises if they are too tired to work properly? So, do your eye exercises, it won t take t oo much time out of your busy day, but don t forget to balance that exercise routine with a rest and relaxation routine also.

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