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Apiil 28, 2u14

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Katie Fulkeison, (6S1) 296-S1SS

BFL Senate Campaign Committee Paying State Capitol Piess Coips

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(St. Paul, NN.) Senate Republican Leauei Baviu Bann touay uemanueu Najoiity Leauei Tom
Bakk come clean about the paiu ielationship between a cieuentialeu iepoitei anu the campaign
aim of the Senate BFL Caucus. The Ninnesota Senate BFL Caucus Campaign Committee funneleu
almost $4u,uuu to Shawn Towle uuiing 2u12 anu 2u1S while he was also ieceiving official
cieuentials to covei the Senate. In theii most iecent iepoit, the Senate BFL Caucus iepoiteu
paying Towle $1,uuu on }anuaiy 7, 2u14.

"Sen. Bakk has been secietly paying Shawn Towle foi 'ieseaich' while allowing him to iemain a
cieuentialeu membei of the piess coips," saiu Senatoi Bann. "Bow can the public tiust what's
going on at the Capitol if the iepoiteis aie being paiu by the politicians."

Sen. Bann sent a lettei to Najoiity Leauei Bakk asking him to infoim the Chief Seigeant at Aims of
these payments so he can take the necessaiy steps to ievoke the piess cieuentials of Ni. Towle.

The seciet payments weie maue to two sepaiate companies owneu anu contiolleu by Towle. The
BFL Senate Caucus campaign committee paiu $8,7Su to Key Stiategies, LLC in 2u12. The company
was teiminateu in 2uu7 but was owneu by Shawn Towle. The BFL Senate Caucus also paiu
$Su,2Su to Enlighteneu Enteipiises in 2u12 anu 2u1S. The campaign committee also paiu
Enlighteneu Enteipiises $1,uuu on }anuaiy 7, 2u14. Enlighteneu Enteipiises is owneu by Shawn

With official Senate cieuentials, Towle has full access to the Senate flooi anu fiequently appeais at
piess confeiences, even asking questions of legislative leaueis.

"Sen. Bakk's failuie to uisclose political payments he maue to a membei of the cieuentialeu piess
is uishonest anu uamages the integiity of the Senate," saiu Senatoi Bann. "Shawn Towle's piess
cieuentials shoulu be ievokeu immeuiately anu Sen. Bakk shoulu let the Senate know if anyone
else in the capitol piess coips is being paiu by the Bemociats."


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