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Resolution No.


May 20, 2014

Calling On The Ulster County Senate An Asse!"ly #elegation To $ntro u%e An &nsure The 'assage O( State )egislation To Re*uire The State To Ta+e O,er The Total &-.enses Asso%iate /ith Con u%ting &le%tions
Referred to: The Laws and Rules, Governmental Services Committee (Chairman Richard Parete and Legislators Archer, Donaldson, Ro erts, and Ron!", and The #a$s and %eans Committee (Chairman Gerentine and Legislators &artels, &elfiglio, &riggs, %aio and %alone$, Proven'ano, and Rodrigue'" Legislator (eanette Proven'ano offers the following: #)*R*AS, +ursuant to a ,--. change to /ew 0or! *lection Law 1 23456 (,", all e7+enses incurred under this cha+ter $ the oard of elections of a count$ outside of the cit$ of /ew 0or! shall e a charge against the count$8 The e7+enses incurred $ the oard of elections of a count$ outside the cit$ of /ew 0or! ma$, +ursuant to section 53,,6 of this cha+ter, e a++ortioned among the cities and towns therein, or in the case of a village election held other than at the time of the fall +rimar$ or general election, a++ortioned to such villages therein9 and #)*R*AS, the ,--, :ederal )el+ America ;ote Act ()A;A" created the *lection Assistance Commission (*AC" which has esta lished a set of election administration re<uirements ut left the methods of im+lementation to the states9 and #)*R*AS, the ,--. change to /ew 0or! *lection Law mandated there would e no fiscal im+lication to the State ut the administrative decisions are not the res+onsi ilit$ of the local elections oard ut rather determined $ the State9 and #)*R*AS, similar to the Safet$ /et +rogram, the State has esta lished re<uirements for the +roviding of +olling +laces, voting ooths, su++lies therefor, allot o7es and other furniture for the +olling +lace for an$ election, including the storage, trans+ortation and maintenance of voting machines, a++liances and e<ui+ment or allot counting devices, the com+ensation of +oll ins+ectors as well as the s+ecific dates for all elections held in /ew 0or! State9 and #)*R*AS, ased on a review of :ederal &ills )8R8 4, and S8 4,5, which are identical, man$ more election administration re<uirements are +ossi l$ forthcoming9 and #)*R*AS, also similar to the Safet$ /et +rogram, the Count$, Cit$ and Towns within =lster Count$ must +a$ for the e7+ense of administering elections, of which the annual increases to this e7+ense the$ have no a ilit$ to control9 and

0 'age 2 0 Resolution No. 157 May 20, 2014

Calling On The Ulster County Senate An Asse!"ly #elegation To $ntro u%e An &nsure The 'assage O( State )egislation To Re*uire The State To Ta+e O,er The Total &-.enses Asso%iate /ith Con u%ting &le%tions
#)*R*AS, with no control on these e7+ense, the Count$, Cit$ and Towns are forced to remain elow the ,> +ro+ert$ ta7 otherwise the +ro+ert$ owners will e denied the re ate that has een included as +art of the recentl$ +assed State udget9 now, therefore e it R*S?L;*D, that the =lster Count$ Legislature calls for our Senate and Assem l$ delegation to introduce and ensure the +assage of State legislation which re<uires the State to ta!e over the total cost associated with conducting elections, relieving =lster Count$ +ro+ert$ ta7+a$ers from this su stantial unfunded State and :ederal mandate9 and, e it further R*S?L;*D, that the Cler! of the =lster Count$ Legislature shall send certified co+ies of this Resolution to /ew 0or! State Senators (ohn &onacic, #illiam Lar!in, (ames Seward, and Cecilia T!ac'$!, and /ew 0or! State Assem l$ %em ers @evin Cahill, Peter Lo+e', :ran! S!artados and Claudia Tenne$9 and e it further R*S?L;*D, that the Cler! of the =lster Count$ Legislature shall send a certified co+$ of this resolution to each Town Cler! in =lster Count$ and to the %a$or of the Cit$ of @ingston for their memoriali'ation, and move its ado+tion8 AD?PT*D &0 T)* :?LL?#A/G ;?T*: A0*S: /?*S:

Passed Committee: #a$s and %eans on BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB8 Passed Committee: Laws and Rules, Governmental Services on BBBBBBBBBBBBBB8 :A/A/CAAL A%PACT: CD,-,2,28-- E ,-42 )A;A DA;ASA?/ SA;A/GS T? C?=/T0, T?#/S A/D CAT0 ?: @A/GST?/

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