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IRIDOLOGY AND HOMEOPATHY (Part II) We continue the presentation of the homeopathic medicines and their image to the

iris, according to the research of the Italian Rizzi School. 6.ACONITUM

Fever, influence, neuralgia of trigeminus, endocarditis, arrhythmiaes. The patient gets worse with light and noises, with cold and dry air. He improves with rest and when he is uncovered during the fever. Inner pupillary border: absent. Exterior pupillary border: rounded tops towards the pupil.

Crown's area: white ring in the half part of the crown, indicates a stomach's and duodenal's inflammation. Large crown's area, with a weak connecting tissue, indicates swelling of the digestive system and specifically of the colon. Iris collarette: irregular. Ciliary zone: lacunae at 2:45 o'clock in the left iris, indicates stress and fear. Exterior iris border: blue color with infiltration of the capillaries vessels. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS The inner pupillary border is also absent in Rhus tox, Guajacum, Veratrum Album, Veratrum Viride, Ledum, Agaricus. 7.ACIDUM SULFURICUM

Dyspepsia, gastralgia, climacteric disturbances, arthritis, uterus prolapsus, nodulous erithema. The patient gets worse with cold and touch. He improves with warm. Inner pupillary border: light-brown shinny color (sensitivity and nerve weakness). Exterior pupillary border: violet halo (circulating disturbances of the spinal column). Crown's area: white color that indicates lipidic metabolic disorder and inflammating disturbances of colon.

Iris collarette: partially visible. A whitish shade is diffused from the collarettte to the organs' area. Ciliary zone: alteration of the suprarenal glands' area (at 6:00 o'clock). Exterior iris border: blue color and some times white. 8.AGARICUS

Chorea, epilepsy, sclerosis multiple, vesical spasms, urinary incontinence. The patient gets worse by mental effort and improves with physical exercise. Inner pupillary border: absent. Crown's area: indented aspect (gastrointestinal disorders).

Iris collarette: absent. In cases that exists, it presents an inlet that arrives till the exterior pupillary border and indicates pain at that point of the spinal column. Ciliary zone: without any alteration. Inner iris border: dark-colored with nerve rings that indicate muscular spasms and bad skin function. Exterior iris border: blue color tending to be gray (lipidic metabolic disorder). 9.ABIES NIGRA

Dyspepsia, constipation, ovary insufficiency, menopause, amenorrhoea, rheumatism, tachycardia. Inner pupillary border: dark-colored brown, with morphology of a thin compressed spring. Different than Sepia's, which is thicker.

Crown's area: large and flat. Irregular texture indicates alteration of the bacterial flora. Presence of white spots that indicate ulcer. Probable crown's opening at the genital area that indicates ovary's disorders. Crown's color: white, irregular fibers on a gray base. Iris collarette: irregular with white fattenings. Ciliary zone: lacunaes and rarefying of the iris stroma at the genital area. Presence of small white tofus indicates inflammations of these areas. Inner iris border: white-yellow ring indicates toxic accumulation by hormone origin. Exterior iris border: gray color (nervosism).

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS PHYTOLACCA: different color of the inner pupillary border and absence of genital disorders.


Hepatopathies, duodenal and gastric ulcer, depression, mania, psychoses, dementia, loss of memory, headache, cervical rheumatism, elephantiasis, hemorrhoids. The patient improves by eating although the symptoms reappear after some hours. He gets worse with fasting, mental effort and anger. Inner pupillary border: gray-brown color, with morphology of a thin compressed spring. This color indicates circulatory disorders by hormonal insufficiency. Exterior pupillary border: light ochre's color halo at the temporal area. Dark-gray color halo at the nasal area indicates circulatory disorders. Crown's area: chalice shaped crown. Crown's color: white-gray and white spots that indicate gastroduodenal ulcer. Iris collarette: irregular with a probable opening at the genital area. White color at the entire circumference. Ciliary zone: Glandular disorders (hypothyroid, hypophysis, genital glands), liver's disorders. Inner iris border: rarefying of the iris stroma. Presence of a basket shaped rarefying, with an opening towards the periphery at the spinal ganglion dorsal area. Exterior iris border: gray and thin aura.

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS CYCLAMEN: Same inner pupillary border, but different color (dark gold).

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