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Guidelines for Installing A Rainwater Collection and Utilization System

CONTRIBUTIONS: Grateful ac nowledgment is made of t!e assistance "ro#ided to t!e successful com"ilation of t!is guideline $y t!e following: Arc!itect and S"ecial %ro&ects 'e"artment (uala )um"ur City *all )ocal Go#ernment 'e"artment +inistry of *ousing and )ocal Go#ernment 'rainage and Irrigation 'e"artment +inistry of Natural Resources and ,n#ironment -ector Borne 'isease Control 'i#ision +inistry of *ealt! .ater Resources +anagement 'i#ision National *ydraulic Researc! Institute of +alaysia /NA*RI+0 Association of Consulting ,ngineer1s +alaysia /AC,+0 Institute of ,ngineer1s +alaysia /I,+0 Association of Arc!itect +alaysia Real ,state and *ousing 'e#elo"ers Association /R,'*A0 %er$adanan (ema&uan Negeri Selangor +a&lis %er$andaran %ulau %inang +a&lis %er$andaran Sanda an Syari at Be alan Air Selangor /S2ABAS0 %ersatuan %engurusan (om"le s +alaysia

THE COMMITTEE FOR THE GUIDELINES FOR RAINWATER COLLECTION AND UTILIZATION SYSTEM Ad#isor 23B3'ato1 Azmi Bin (!alid Tim$alan +enteri II (ementerian %eruma!an 'an (era&aan Tem"atan ,nci *assan $in *a&i *amza! %engara! 4a$atan Ar ite dan %ro&e (!as 'ewan Bandaraya (uala )um"ur Ir3*ooi 2o e +eng Tim$alan %engara! 4a$atan Ar ite dan %ro&e 'ewan Bandaraya (uala )um"ur Committee Ir35ong Tian 2ong %engara! Unit (awalan Bangunan (ementerian %eruma!an dan (era&aan Tem"atan ,nci Nordin $in +o!d Salle! 4a$atan (era&aan Tem"atan (ementerian %eruma!an dan (era&aan Tem"atan ,nci *ew See Seng 4a$atan Ar ite dan %ro&e (!as 'ewan Bandaraya (uala )um"ur Ir3*&3A$dul *amid $in +d3(assim Ba!agian Saliran 4a$atan %engairan dan Saliran (ementerian %ertanian Ir3C!eng %e Siang 4a$atan %engairan dan Saliran /.ilaya! %erse utuan0 (ementerian %ertanian ,nci Tee Sing Tiat 4a$atan %engairan dan Saliran /.ilaya! %erse utuan0 (ementerian %ertanian ,nci (3Nanta umar

Tec!nical Ad#isor

C!airman (!as

4a$atan Saliran dan %engurusan Sungai 'ewan Bandaraya (uala )um"ur

Guidelines for Installing A Rainwater Collection and Utilization System

.!ere#er t!e country or city e6"eriences a se#ere water s!ortage7is inclined to construct more dams u"stream3T!e de#elo"ment of giant dams u"stream !owe#er de#ours #ast tracts of forest and t!e cost of suc! "ro&ects are enormous3+oreo#er t!e demand of water su""ly in ur$an areas is li ely to increase due to a ra"id concentration of "o"ulation and increase in industries3 T!e country is endowed wit! far more rainfall t!an t!e amount of water demand3Rainwater !ar#esting could $e and effecti#e tool for !el"ing to reduce t!e use of treated water and "ro#ides a con#enient $uffer in times of emergency or a s!ortfall in "u$lic water su""ly3 Rainwater !ar#esting from roofto" catc!ments and cistern storage is not new3It !as $een an im"ortant source of water su""ly for domestic "ur"oses in many rural areas in t!e "ast3 T!e need to "romote rainwater collection and utilization can lead to t!e com"re!ensi#e resolution of water resources "ro$lems and t!e en#ironmental "ro$lems in ur$an areas3 T!e "ro"osal to $uild tens of t!ousands of 8mini dams9 /rainwater tan s0 in ur$an areas instead of continuing to $uild giant dams u"stream not only contri$ute to treated water conser#ation $ut also !el"s to control ur$an floods $y storing rainwater from roofs and t!e ground surface3T!e stored water can $e used for non:drin ing "ur"oses and as a $ac :u" water su""ly3

Guidelines for Installing A Rainwater Collection and Utilization System
CONTENTS Ac nowledgements Introduction 1.1 1.2 1.3 2. PURPOSE OF GUIDELINES ; SCOPE THE GUIDELINES ;7 < HOW TO USE THE GUIDELINES < ELEMENTS OF RAINWATER COLLECTION AND UTILIZATION SYSTEM <3; <3< <3> <3= 3. Collection Area Con#eyance Area Storage 5acility 'istri$ution System = = = = PAGE

QUALITY OF RAINWATER & USAGE OF RAINWATER >3; >3< >3> General Rainwater and Roof Collection Recommended Usage of Rainwater ? ? ?


TECHNOLOGIES FOR RAINWATER COLLECTION AND UTILIZATION =3; =3< =3> =3= =3B Collection rainwater from Roof ,liminating Contaminated first 5las! Rainwater 'raining ,6cess Rainwater in *ea#y Rain %rotecting Rainwater Utilization 5acilities from *ea#y Rain Interce"ting O$stacles Using 5ilters7 Strainers and Nets Storing Rainwater in Tan @ ;A ;A ;< ;<7 ;=

=3? =3C =3@

Su""lying Rainwater to %lace of Use Using Treated .ater in Times of S!ortage %re#ention of +osDuito Breeding

;? ;@ ;@ PAGE

CONTENTS B3 MULTI-STOREYED BUILDING B3; B3< B3> B3= B3B B3? B3C B3@ B3F B3;A B3;; B3;< 6. 'efinition Rainwater Collection and Utilization Roof Catc!ments Collection Rainwater Rainwater Storage Tan E5acility Usage of Rainwater ,liminating Contaminated 5irst 5las! Rainwater Rainwater for Toilet 5lus!ing +aterial of ,le#ated Rainwater Tan Using Treated .ater in Time of Rainwater S!ortage Grit C!am$er G Sedimentation Tan Tec!nical %oints to $e considered for )arge Rainwater Storage Tan

<A <A <A <A <A << << << << << <= <=

MAINTENANCE OF RAINWATER COLLECTION AND UTILIZATION ?3; ?3< ?3> ?3= ?3B Catc!ments Area Sedimentation Tan 5ilterEScreen Rainwater Storage Tan Rainwater Su""ly ,Dui"ment <? <? <? <? <? <C


APPENDI" A. E"AMPLES OF CREATI!E DESIGNS OF RAINWATER STORAGE FACILITY ;3 <3 >3 =3 Rainwater Tan Rainwater Tan Rainwater Tan Rainwater Tan Using Columns or $ric %iers Using %artition .all 5encing as an )andsca"e ,lement as an Arc!itectural 5eature <@7 <F >A >; ><



B. ;3 <3 >3

TYPICAL E"AMPLES OF RAINWATER COLLECTION AND UTILIZATION Tan at 5irst )e#el wit! Gra#ity Su""ly Tan on Ground )e#el 3%um"ing G Roof Tan Gra#ity Su""ly Tan Underground7 %um"ing G Roof Tan Gra#ity Su""ly TABLES >> >= >B


A#erage %* of Rainwater in (uala )um"ur And %etaling 4aya for ;FF@ <3 Recommended Storage Ca"acity >3 %lan to +aintain Rainwater Utilization 5acilities FIGURES ;3 <3 >3 =3 B3 ?3 C3 @3 F3 ;A3 ;;3 ;<3 ;>3 ;=3 ;B3 ;?3 ;C3 ;@3 ,lements of a Rainwater Collection and Utilization System 'e#ice to Cut 5irst 5las! Rainwater /I0:Using Se"aration %i"e 'e#ice to Cut 5irst 5las! Rainwater /II0:Using Se"aration Tan 'e#ice to 'eal wit! *ea#y 5las! Rainwater Net at Roof 'rain Net at Gutter 5ilter in Rainwater 'own "i"e ;; Strainer in Rainwater 'own "i"e 'etails at Storage Tan Roof To"ETan /Gra#ity Su""ly0 Underground Tan /%um"ed Su""ly0 Ground )e#el Tan /%um"ed Su""ly0 %re#ention of +osDuito Breeding: Using Insert %roof Net Se"arate 'own "i"e for Rainwater Collection and 'isc!arge from Cooling Tower and ,le#ated Tan .ater Su""ly from ,le#ated Rainwater Tan Rainwater Tan wit! ,lectrode Rod Control Grit C!am$er Ground )e#el Sedimentation Tan

> ;> <B

> C F F ;; ;; ;; ;> ;B ;B ;B ;C ;C ;F <; <; <>


Sedimentation Tan Incor"orated in Rainwater Storage Tan


1.# 1.1

RAINWATER COLLECTION AND UTILIZATION PURPOSE OF GUIDELINES T!e guideline for rainwater collection and utilization !as $een "re"ared to document some of t!e ways in w!ic! rainwater can $e collected from roofs of t!e $uildings and t!e "ractical utilization of t!e rainwater3 T!e Guidelines:: Is intended as an 8ideas manual9 for references for t!ose w!o wants to install a rainwater collection and utilization system3 Is intended to "ro#ide some information on t!e Duality of rainwater7t!e rationale $e!ind t!e tec!niDues of rainwater collection and utilization system suggested3 Is aimed at encouraging t!e owner to t!in and ado"t w!ere#er "ossi$le a""ro"riate inno#ati#e alternati#es w!ic! offer real ad#antages /c!ea"er to t!e owner7 more functional7 aest!etically "leasing0 and ada"ta$le to !is needs3 SCOPE OF THE GUIDELINES


T!e Guideline is di#ided into t!e following sections and a""endices:: S$%&'() T*(

T!is section $riefly e6"lains t!e elements or com"onents of t!e rainwater collection and utilization system3 S$%&'() T+,$$

T!is section "ro#ides some information of t!e Duality of rainwater and recommended usage of rainwater3 S$%&'() F(-,

T!is section e6"lains t!e tec!nologies for rainwater collection and utilization system i3e3 system to collect7 store and use3 It "ro#ides a selection of

alternati#e design elements w!ic! may$e a""ro"riate in a gi#en conte6t3It also include t!e ment!od of "re#enting t!e $reeding of mosDuito3

S$%&'() F'.$

T!is section outlines some "rinci"les of installing a rainwater collection and utilization for multi:storeyed $uildings t!at differs from t!e system for singlesEdou$le terrace or stand:alone $uildings3 S$%&'() S'/

T!is section gi#es a recommended maintenance "lan of t!e rainwater collection and utilization system for t!e use of clean rainwater3 T!e sco"es descri$ed are li ely to meet t!e needs in terrace !ouses7 $ungalows7 multi:storeyed $uildings in !ousing com"le6es7 commercial $uildings and sc!ool3 S$%&'() S$.$)

T!is section ma es suggestion t!at rainwater storage facility may not necessarily $e ready:made tan s3 Storage facility can $e designed wit! t!e greatest "otential as "ieces of arc!itecture7 landsca"e and aest!etically to $lend wit! t!e surrounding en#ironment3 A00$)1'/ A

T!is a""endi6 e6"lores and gi#es some creati#e designs of rainwater storage facility in "lace of storage tan t!at is aest!etically "leasing3 :some food for t!oug!t3 A00$)1'/ B

T!is A""endi6 "ro#ides e6am"les of ty"ical rainwater collection and utilization system for terrace !ouse and $ungalows3 1.3 HOW TO USE THE GUIDELINES T!e guidelines set out recommendations for t!e general "rinci"les7 designs7 layout and installation of a rainwater collection utilization system3 Alt!oug! t!e em"!asis in on !ousing and domestic uses7t!e "rinci"les and designs for ot!er $uildings are similar35or t!is "ur"ose7recommendations set u" for Hlarge installation system1is refered to multi:storey $uilding or w!ere

rainwater usage is $ig and Hsmall installation1 is refered to single Edou$le storey terrace or stand alone $uilding or w!ere t!e rainwater usage is small3 T!e system consists of a Hcollection system1and t!e Hutilization system13If t!ere is constraints in $udget7s"ace reDuirement 7difficulty in reno#ation of "i"es in e6isting $uildings to su""ly rainwater for toilet flus!ing7t!e owner can install only a collection system7wit! a ta" outlet attac!ed to t!e rainwater storage tan and su""ly to "laces of use can $e from a $uc et or watering can $e directly or t!roug! a !ose connected to it3 T!is uses t!e recommendations to suit t!e indi#idual needs3



T!e main com"onents and elements in t!e rainwater collection system are:: 2.1 T+$ C(22$%&'() A,$3 ;3 <3 Indi#idual roofto" of !ouse or $uilding3 Communal catc!ments :directly from t!e s y : surface run:off from large "a#ed area3


C().$43)%$ S45&$6 ;3 Series of gutters t!at carry t!e rainwater from t!e collection area to t!e cistern E storage tan 3


S&(,37$ F3%'2'&4 ;3 Constructed as "art of a !ouse or $uilding3 <3 Constructed E installed se"arately on t!e ground or under t!e ground3 >3 Storage tan s or storage facility of creati#e design3 2.4 T+$ D'5&,'8-&'() S45&$6 ;3 T!e "lum$ing system /including "um"s if necessary0 su""lying rainwater to t!e "lace of use3 Basic element of a rainwater collection and utilization system wit! storage facility is s!own in 5ig3;3




GENERAL ;3 T!e Duality of rainwater de"ends on t!e air Duality3 Rain was!es off sus"ended "articles in t!e air w!ile falling3 Rain in ur$an areas contains !armful su$stances suc! as sul"!ur dio6ide and nitrogen o6ides disc!arges from cars and factories7 and acid rain is t!e result of t!ese in t!e air3 <3 T!e "arameter H"*1 is used for measure of t!e acidity in rainwater3/"* C I neutral7and lower t!e num$er7t!e more acidic t!e water0 >3 5rom record of rain stations7collected in (uala )um"ur and %etaling 4aya for ;FF@7 t!e "* #alue of t!e rain is $etween =3= to =3@3/ta$le ;0 3.2 RAINWATER AND ROOF COLLECTION ;3 T!e Duality of rainwater collected from t!e roof of $uildings de"ends on t!e condition of t!e roof3 'irt7 soot7 lea#es and e6creta of cats and $irds are de"osited on or attac!ed to roofs causing contamination3Contamination is es"ecially !ea#y wit! t!e first raindro"s after a long dry s"ell3 <3 T!e first flus! rainwater must $e eliminated from t!e catc!ments $efore it is collected3 /Refer to =3<03 >3 T!e Interim National .ater Juality Standards 5or +alaysia and .ater Juality Category and uses /Refer to =3> and =3=03 >3> RECOMMENDED USAGE OF RAINWATER ;3 T!e Duality of rainwater is determined $y t!e collecting source3Rainwater collected from roofs of $uildings s!ould not $e used for drin ing and coo ing "ur"oses3 <3 Rainwater collected s!ould t!erefore $e used for t!e following "ur"oses:: i0 ii0 iii0 i#0 5lus!ing toilets .atering "lants .as!ing #e!icles General cleaning



System to collect7store and use7 T!e tec!nology to o"erate a rainwater collection and utilization system is made of t!e following functional tec!niDues:: ;3 Collecting rainwater from roof3 <3 Cutting off contaminated rainwater w!en rain starts3 >3 'raining e6cess rainwater in !ea#y rain3 =3 Storing rainwater in tan s3 B3 Su""lying rain water to t!e "lace of use3 ?3 Using treated water in times of s!ortage3 T!is c!a"ter mainly deals wit! crucial "oint of eac! functional tec!niDue in rainwater utilization for:: ;3 Bungalows <3 Terrace !ouse >3 +ulti:Storeyed $uilding 4.1 4.1.1 COLLECTING RAINWATER FROM ROOF R((9 T!e roof of $uildings resources for rainwater catc!ments3,nsure t!e largest "ossi$le area for rainwater catc!ments3 4.1.2 R((9 S-,93%$5 Roof surfaces s!ould $e c!emically inert materials7suc! as concrete tiles7metal dec K3in order to a#oid ad#erse effects on water Duality3 4.1.3 R3')*3&$, D(*)-P'0$

'own "i"es s!ould $e of c!emically inert materials suc! as U%-C7 gal#anized ironK in order to a#oid ad#erse effects on water Duality3 4.1.4 G-&&$,5 Gutters s!ould $e of c!emically inert materials suc! as U%-C7 gal#anized ironK in order to a#oid ad#erse effects on water Duality3 =3< 4.2.1 ELIMINATING CONTAMINATED FIRST FLUSH RAINWATER G$)$,32 ;3 Rain was!es off sus"ended "articles in t!e air w!ile falling3 <3 Rains in ur$an areas contain !armful su$stances suc! as sul"!ur dio6ide and nitrogen o6ides emitted from cars and factories3 >3 'irt and soot containing !armful su$stances de"osited on or attac!ed to roofs causing contamination3 =3 Contamination is es"ecially !ea#y wit! t!e first raindro"s after a long dry s"ell3 B3 T!us first flus! rainwater for B to ;A minutes must $e eliminated from catc!ments3 =3<3< D$.'%$ &( 5$03,3&$ 9',5& 92-5+ ,3')*3&$,. ;3 Install a small first flus! se"aration tan at t!e down "i"e as s!own in 5ig3>3 <3 Rainwater flows into t!e small tan first and w!en t!e tan is full7a float #al#e installed in t!e small tan closes t!e inlet of t!e tan and t!e running rainwater flows into t!e main rainwater storage tan 3 >3 ,m"ty t!e first flus! se"aration tan $efore t!e ne6t rainfall3 =3 Anot!er met!od to se"arate first flus! rainwater using se"aration "i"e is s!own in 5ig3<3 4.3 4.3.1 DRAINING E"CESS RAINWATER IN HEA!Y RAIN G$)$,32

;3 .!en t!e great amount of rainwater gus!es into a storage tan t!roug! a rainwater collecting "i"e in !ea#y rain7soil and sand accumulated at t!e $ottom are stirred u" and t!is can cause eDui"ment trou$le3 4.3.2 <3 T!e e6cess water during !ea#y rain will also o#erflow3 P,(&$%&')7 ,3')*3&$, -&'2':3&'() 93%'2'&'$5 1-,')7 +$3.4 ,3')./5ig3=0 ;3 An o#erflow "i"e s!all $e installed in t!e tan 3 <3 T!e diameter of t!e o#erflow "i"e s!ould $e larger t!an t!at of t!e rainwater inlet "i"e3 >3 A s!ort "i"e for relie#ing t!e "ressure of t!e collecting "i"e s!ould $e attac!ed to t!e #ertical "art of t!e collecting "i"e to "re#ent a$normal "ressure from $eing "roduced inside3 4.4 4.4.1 INTERCEPTING OBSTACLES USING FILTERS STRAINERS;AND NETS. G$)$,32 ;3 <3 4.4.2 )ea#es7 dirt or sand gat!ering around roof or gutter "ollute rainwater3 5reDuent cleaning is not "ractical for t!is u""ermost "art of t!e !ouse or Building3

C3,&,'17$-F'2&$,5; S&,3')$, A)1 N$&5 To "re#ent lea#es7 dirt or sand coming toget!er into t!e down"i"e and into t!e rainwater tan :: ;3 Install a ready:made cartridge filter or strainer &ust $efore t!e rainwater enters t!e storage tan 3 <3 Cartridge filters s!ould $e re"laced regularly3 >3 Strainer s!ould $e made of rust "roof material to "re#ent t!e deterioration of water Duality and $e designed to $e easily remo#a$le3 =3 Ordinary net mes! or stainless mes! can $e used at roof drain and gutter3/5ig3B G 5ig3?0 B3 A net or screen mes! of <:> to ;Amm is suita$le3

?3 A strainer or a cartridge filter installed &ust $efore t!e rainwater enters t!e storage tan ma es remo#al of o$stacles easier3


STORING RAINWATER IN TAN=S S&(,37$ T3)> Any #essel or container used as a rainwater storage tan s!all com"ly wit! following conditions:: ;3 No lea age <3 +ade of material t!at contains no ingredients t!at could dissol#e in rainwater7t!us contaminating it and t!at is sun"roof to "re#ent algae from growing3 >3 It must !a#e a lid to "re#ent dirt and #a"ourization and is designed so t!at t!e inside can $e easily cleaned3 M3&$,'32 (9 S&(,37$ T3)>. ;3 Ready:made rainwater tan s in mar ets can $e used3 <3 Tan material can $e !ot di""ed gal#anized steel7stainless steel7glassfi$re reinforced "lastic7reinforced concrete and "olyet!ylene3/Refer to Ta$le <0 D$5'7) O9 S&(,37$ T3)>./5ig3F0 All rainwater tan s!ould include as an minimum reDuirement :: ;3 A solid secure co#er <3 A o#erflow "i"e larger in diameter t!an t!e incoming rainwater su""ly "i"e3 >3 A scour "i"e and #al#e for drainage3 =3 An e6traction system e3g ta"s or "um"s3 B3 A de#ice to indicate t!e water le#el in t!e tan /o"tional03 R$%(66$)1$1 S&(,37$ C303%'&4. ;3 Recommended minimum storage ca"acity for $uilding category gi#en in Ta$le <3





<3 >3 =3 B3

T!e minimum storage ca"acity is $ased on use of rainwater usage for toilet flus!ing7 watering "lants7 was!ing #e!icles and general cleaning3 It is $ased on t!e location !a#ing rain once e#ery = days on t!e a#erage3 ,6isting structures may !a#e difficult to ensure a "lace for large rainwater storage tan 3 A larger storage tan is not necessarily $eneficial as s!ortage of rainwater can $e su""lemented $y treated water3



T!e system of su""lying rainwater to "lace of use de"ends on t!e "lace of installation of tan or storage facility3 5or tan s installed at:: 4.6.2 R((9&(05 ?B32%()'$5 (, R((9-T$,,3%$@

Rainwater storage tan s E facility installed eit!er in roof to"s /including $alconies or roof:terrace07it is "ossi$le to su""ly t!e water to toilets $y gra#ity3/5ig3;A0 4.6.3 U)1$, T+$ R((9 ?A8(.$ &+$ C$'2')7@.

T!e sim"le "ur"ose of collecting and utilizing rainwater is to install t!e storage facilityEtan under t!e roof and it is "ossi$le to su""ly water to lower le#elEfloors $y gra#ity3T!ere may$e a restriction on t!e tan size due to s"ace3T!e structure of t!e $uilding needs to $e c!ec ed to ensure t!at it is sufficiently adeDuate to ta e t!e weig!t of t!e water3 4.6.4 G,(-)1 L$.$2 A)1 U)1$,7,(-)1 L$.$2

It t!e storage tan is installed to t!e ground le#el7in t!e garden or underground7it is necessary to "um" water to su""ly it to u""er le#elsEfloors3/5ig3;; G ;<0 4.6.< R3')*3&$, P2-68')7 S45&$6

;3 T!e rainwater "i"e su""lying to "lace of use s!ould $e a se"arate "i"ing system from t!e treated water "i"ing system to "re#ent contamination of t!e treated water3 <3 %aint t!e rainwater su""ly "i"e for easy identification3

4.6.6 P-605 ;3 5or small installations7 "neumatic "um"s may suffice3*owe#er for large installations centrifugal "um"s or end section "um"s may $e used3 <3 Consult an e6"erienced "lum$er or an engineer for ad#ice if in dou$t $efore installing t!e "um"ing system3 /Refer to Ta$le >0


USING TREATED WATER IN TIMES OF RAINWATER SHORTAGE 4. .1 G$)$,32 .!en rainwater is used for flus!ing7 toilets $ecome unusa$le w!en t!e rainwater tan runs out of water3It is necessary to use treated water from t!e treated water su""ly system7 w!en t!ere is no rain3


PRE!ENTION OF MOSQUITO BREEDING To "re#ent t!e $reeding of mosDuitoes7 t!e following are recommended:: ;3 T!e rainwater is recommended to $e used regularly and re"lenis!ed often as mosDuito lar#ae will not !atc! in tan if it is used regularly3 <3 Use t!e rainwater instead of treated water w!ere#er rainwater is a#aila$le3 >3 'uring "eriod of dry weat!er7 t!e rainwater tan will $e em"ty7t!e remaining stagnant water s!ould $e drained out com"letely3 =3 If t!e rainwater is e"t for se#eral days7it is ad#isa$le to use HA$ate:;:SG1 to "re#ent t!e $reeding of mosDuitoes3Recommended dosage s!uld $e ;Agm HA$ate:;: SG1 for e#ery FA litre of water3 B3 T!e o#erflow "i"e only !as water running t!roug! it during rainfall and it can $e a route for mosDuitoes to enter t!e rainwater storage tan 3%utting a net o#er t!e outlet of and o#erflow "i"e will "re#ent t!eir in#asion3/5ig3;>0

<.# <.1


;3 +ulti:storey $uildings refer to $uildings ot!er t!an single Edou$le storey terrace $uilding or $ungalows3 <3 +ulti:storey $uildings may$e an office:$loc 7a commercial com"le67an institutional $uilding or a mediumE!ig! rise !ousing com"le63 <.2 R3')*3&$, C(22$%&'() A)1 U&'2':3&'() ;3 Generally t!e tec!nology of rainwater collection and utilization is similar to singleEdou$le storey terrace !ouse and $ungalows3 <3 Rainwater collection and utilization in t!ese $uildings usually !a#e limited catc!ment areas7 storage "laces and storage ca"acity if no so designed for3 <.3 R((9 C3&%+6$)& ;3 5or flat:roof7c!ec if t!ere is a cooling tower or an ele#ated tan on t!e $uilding roofto"3 <3 T!e cooling tower disc!arges salt:ric! water into t!e rainwater down"i"e and t!e water drained from t!e ele#ated tan into t!e rainwater down"i"e /if t!ere is no se"arate drainage down"i"e from t!e tan 0 is contaminated $y cleaning c!emicals3 /5ig3;=0 >3 ,nsure t!at during and after cleaning7 t!e waste water from t!e cooling tower or ele#ated water tan is drained t!roug! a se"arate drainage down"i"e or else7t!e rainwater collected is not recommended for toilet flus!ing3 <.4 C(22$%&')7 R3')*3&$, T!e sim"lest and t!e most reasona$le met!od for collection of rainwater is from t!e $ottom of a near$y rainwater down"i"e into a storage tan installed w!ere rainwater is used3 <.< R3')*3&$, S&(,37$ T3)> B F3%'2'&4 T!e rainwater storage tan E facility is normally installed on t!e ground7 underground or under t!e floor of t!e lowest le#el $ecause of its large facility3 <.6 U537$ O9 R3')*3&$, 5or e6isting $uildings7 reno#ation of "i"es and "i"e system is not easy and costly7 rainwater can $e used for car was!ing7gar$age collection area cleaning7and "lant watering3 <. E2'6')3&')7 C()&36')3&$1 F',5& F235+ R3')*3&$,

T!e storage facility in multi:storey $uilding can store a large amount of rainwater7first flas! rainwater re"resent only a small "ortion3In suc! installations7first flas! rainwater can $e left in t!e storage tan 3 <.A R3')*3&$, F(, T('2$& F2-5+')7 ;3 Rainwater for toilet flus!ing is feasi$le for new $uildings w!ere t!e roof area7storage "laces7storage ca"acity and t!e rainfall "lum$ing system are designed for3 <3 Rainwater is "um"ed from t!e rainwater tan on t!e ground Eunderground to an ele#ated tan 3 >3 Rainwater is t!en su""lied to toilet facility at eac! floor $y an ele#ated rainwater tan $y gra#ity3 =3 A float #al#e or an electrode rod is installed to start or sto" t!e "um" w!en t!e le#el in t!e rainwater tan at t!e ground or in t!e ele#ated rainwater tan falls $elow a certain "oint or w!en t!e le#el in t!e ele#ated tan is full3/5ig3;?0 B3 Install a "ressure:reducing #al#e on t!e rainwater su""ly "i"e if t!e water "ressure is too strong3 ?3 5ig3;B s!ows a ty"ical water su""ly from an ele#ated rainwater tan 3 <.C M3&$,'32 O9 E2$.3&$1 R3')*3&$, T3)> T!e material and structure are $asically t!e same as t!ose for treated water3 <.1# U5')7 T,$3&$1 W3&$, I) T'6$5 O9 S+(,&37$ It is necessary to use treated water from t!e treated water su""ly in times of s!ortage of rainwater or w!en t!ere is no rain3 <.11 G,'& C+368$, & 5$1'6$)&3&'() T3)> ?O0&'()32@ ;3 5or large rainwater tan 7a grit c!am$er and a sedimental tan are often incor"orated into a rainwater storage system to remo#e soil and sand from rainwater3 <3 T!ey are designed to use only t!e clear layer at t!e to" of t!e water $y settling soil and sand in t!e grit c!am$er and sus"ended "articles in t!e sedimentation tan $y gra#ity3 >3 A grit c!am$er is installed $efore a sedimentation tan 7is generally designed to retain rainwater for >A to ?A seconds3/5ig3;C0

=3 T!e storage time for sus"ended "articles to settle slowly is generally < to > !ours de"ending on t!e ind of sus"ended "articles3 B3 5or a rainwater tan ca"acity less t!en ;A m> only a sedimentation tan is reDuired3 5ig3;@ s!ows a ty"ical ground le#el sedimentation tan 3 <.12 T$%+)'%32 P(')&5 &( B$ C()5'1$,$1 F(, L3,7$ R3')*3&$, S&(,37$ T3)> ;3 %re#ention of tras! from flowing into tan s7 use screen3 <3 %re#ention of sediment diffusion7 use grit c!am$er and sedimentation tan 3 >3 %re#ention of "um"ing u" sediment7 use $arrier wall3 =3 Remo#al of sediment7 use a drain "i"e wit! #al#e at t!e $ottom of tan 7 slo"ing t!e $ottom of t!e tan 7 catc! "it and access3 B3 %re#ention of rainwater I !ea#y rain from gus!ing in and stirring sediment7 !a#e a $um"er made of an artificial turf:li e material &ust $elow t!e rainwater inlet3 5ig3;F s!ows a ty"ical sedimentation tan incor"orated in a rainwater tan 3 6.# MAINTENANCE OF THE RAINWATER UTILIZATION FACILITIES +aintenance of t!e rainwater utilization eDui"ment is #ery im"ortant for t!e collection7 storage and use of clean water3 T!e following areas s!ould $e carried out during t!e "eriodic cleaning of t!e system3 6.1 C3&%+6$)& 3,$3 Tras! and animal e6creta in catc!ment area including roof must $e cleaned off regularly to "re#ent down"i"e clogging3 6.2 S$1'6$)&3&'() T3)> In t!e off:rainy season7 sedimentation tan s s!ould $e cleaned com"letely35or ground le#el rainwater tan s7 sediment is remo#ed from t!e drain "i"e at t!e $ottom of t!e tan 3 /5ig3;@0 6.3 F'2&$,BS%,$$) Sand and tras! caug!t $y filtersEscreen s!ould $e remo#ed and cleaned regularly3


R3')*3&$, S&(,37$ T3)> Inside c!ec s!ould $e conducted w!en sediment is remo#ed3T!e inside s!ould $e cleaned3T!roug! maintenance of t!e catc!ment areas7 sedimentation tan EfilterEscreen can reduce t!e freDuency of inside cleaning3 R3')*3&$, S-0024 ED-'06$)& +a e sure t!at mec!anical de#ices suc! as "um"s are wor ing normally $y c!ec ing at least e#ery t!ree mont!s3Ot!er de#ices s!ould undergo a c!ec a$out e#ery si6 mont! and maintained in t!e same way as treated water eDui"ment3 Ta$le > : s!ows a recommended "lan to maintain t!e Rainwater Utilization 5acilities3 .# CREATI!E DESIGN OF RAINWATER STORAGE FACILITY G$)$,32 ;3 One of t!e difficult "ro$lems in "romoting rainwater collecting and utilization at single E dou$le storey terrace !ouse is securing rainwater storage s"ace for a large #olume of rainwater3 <3 In e6isting !ouses7$uying a ready:made rainwater tan and "lace it in t!e gardens or on t!e side of !ouse entrance or t!e $ac often is o$&ectiona$le to t!e owners as it is not aest!ecally "leasing3




C,$3&'.$ D$5'7) ;3 Rainwater storage facility can $e designed /using arc!itectural tec!niDues0 as a arc!itectural feature or landsca"e feature aest!etically to $lend wit! t!e surrounding en#ironment3 <3 A""endi6 HA1 gi#es some e6am"les of creati#e designs of rainwater storage facility in "lace of storage tan t!at is aest!etically "leasing3 >3 T!ese ideas are to encourage owners as well as arc!itects to s"awn new7 "ractical7 creati#e and inno#ati#e ideas in designing rainwater storage facility as a Hwor of art13

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