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A Creative City Manifesto - Ulyanovsk Tom Fleming, October 2013

Introduction This Manifesto is based upon a partnership between The British Council and l!ano"s# $egion% This has in"ol"ed& ' A study programme to the UK. (ere senior colleagues from l!ano"s# "isited )ondon, )i"erpool and *lasgow to e+plore the , approach to the creati"e econom!% Facilitated b! , creati"e econom! e+perts Tom Fleming Creati"e Consultanc! -TFCC. 1, this included a set of high le"el fact' finding meetings with partners in the uni"ersit! sector, arts and cultural in"estment, wor#space and cluster initiati"es, leading cultural organisations and creati"e cit!'ma#ers% ' A programme of workshops, partnership meetings and conference activities as part of the Ulyanovsk Cultural orum in !eptem"er #$%&. This brought / leading , e+perts and 3 leading $ussian e+perts to l!ano"s# -see Table below. as a wa! of generating ideas and priorities to set some goals and challenges for partners in l!ano"s# if the! are to de"elop a serious long'term approach to a high growth and high "alue creati"e econom!% The Manifesto sets out an agenda to position the creati"e industries and wider cultural sector as a ma0or economic dri"er for the region 1 as a direct generator of 0obs, attractor of talent and "alue'adder to other sectors% 2t calls on partners across the region to build a creati"e future for this distincti"e, historic and welcoming cit! and region% 2t calls for a set of dedicated actions to ensure the region not onl! has the title 3Capital of Culture4, but the actions to match% The Manifesto has been co'created with participants in the abo"e programme% The wor#shop on 5eptember 26th had the following structure& 10%00 8elcome and 2ntroductions 1 led b! 9r Tom Fleming 10%16 8arm'up *ame 1 :2f 2 could ma#e l!ano"s# more creati"e, 2 would;<% This will set out the principles for a Creati"e l!ano"s# Creati"e Manifesto 1 a set of strategic recommendations for a long'term approach to Creati"e Cit!'Ma#ing% 11%00 Creati"e Talent at the Centre 1 5upporting =nterprise, 2nspiring Future *enerations% )!nne O4>eill, Business 5upport Manager, Cultural =nterprise Office, *lasgow% 12%00 l!ano"s# Creati"e Manifesto& Co'creating $ecommendations 1'3 on talent, entrepreneurship, s#ills, education% 13%30 Creati"e Cit!'Ma#ing& 2nstitutional Collaboration, Commissioning and 2nno"ation% *illian =asson, 2ndependent Creati"e Consultant, 9undee% 1/%30 l!ano"s# Creati"e Manifesto& Co'creating $ecommendations /'? on institutional partnership, coordinated cit! planning and commissioning% 16%16 The (olistic Creati"e Cit!& ="ents, Branding and a strong Creati"e =cos!stem% >eil 7eterson, )i"erpool Cit! Council and 2ndependent Consultant% 1?%16 l!ano"s# Creati"e Manifesto& Co'creating $ecommendations @'A on e"ents, branding and communication% 1?%/6 5ummar! b! 9r Tom Fleming 1 5trategic and deli"er! 5tructures for a long term Creati"e Cit! Bgenda% 1@%00 l!ano"s# Creati"e Manifesto& Co'creating $ecommendation 10& the deli"er! and partnership structure%

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'ussia(s Creative )conomy *a" Than#s to its geographical position on the Colga $i"er, its strong traditions and heritage, e+isting cultural, creati"e and educational strengths and growing international connections, l!ano"s# is well positioned to become a leading $ussian cit! for creati"it! and the creati"e econom!% 5o much has alread! been achie"ed 1 the Capital of Culture 7rogramme has lifted capacit! and confidence and introduced some real assets to the cit! 1 such as ,"artel -the creati"e incubator., a modernised museums offer, and the emergence of a more networ#ed and outwardl! facing creati"e business communit!% Through collaboration, partnership and commitment across institutions and organisations, culture and creati"it! could underpin a successful, economicall! di"erse l!ano"s# o"er the ne+t 60 !ears% Blread! l!ano"s# is #nown for its ambitious Cultural Forum and its commitment to creati"it! as a tool for de"elopment% But it is not !et #nown as a place which matches the "ision with action, a place which demonstrates and e+plores the "alue of its creati"e assets, and a place which pla!s a leadership role for smaller cities across $ussia in piloting new acti"ities, e+perimenting and see#ing genuinel! inno"ati"e wa!s to grow and di"ersif! the econom! and impro"e Dualit! of life% 8e are con"inced that with the right mi+ of resources and energ!, l!ano"s# can become $ussia4s Creati"e =conom! lab& a cit! and region which pro"ides the enabling conditions for creati"it! to flourish and which does so in wa!s that generate best and ne+t practice ideas for cities across the $ussian Federation% 8ith 201/ heralding 3$ussian Eear of Culture4, the time to act is now% The following manifesto sets out + ,riority Actions for Ulyanovsk%. $eform the uni"ersit! sector to mobilise a new generation of talented creati"e entrepreneurs% This can be achie"ed through a d!namic combination of courses, curriculum, incubation and networ#ing to stimulate and grow the creati"e econom!% This should include speciall! commissioned inter'departmental research and de"elopment pro0ects, special industr! partnerships to embed creati"e thin#ing across other sectors and de"elop progression routes into industr!, and a cluster strateg!& to connect e+isting assets and underta#e feasibilit! for a new dedicated cluster -e%g% in old industrial spaces and to grow and connect assets such as the ,"artel incubator.% Outcome& B new generation of creati"e entrepreneurs who combine e+cellent technical s#ills with high le"els of entrepreneurialism, management and finance s#illsF plus a more open, agile and commerciall! focused uni"ersit! sector which fosters a creati"e communit! in l!ano"s# so that graduates are more inclined to sta! and set up their businesses locall!% #. =stablish a set of dedicated resources and acti"ities for creati"e entrepreneurs 1 to include networ#ing e"ents where the! can share ideas, pitch for wor# and e+change #nowledge -this can include acti"ities such as 7echa ,ucha nights.% 2t should include the de"elopment of a digital creati"e director! for the region 1 to enable creati"e businesses to identif! one another, collaborate and de"elop new products and ser"ices% These acti"ities should be led b! the creati"e sector 1 with !oung entrepreneurs leading on the design and deli"er!% The energ! generated b! these acti"ities will pro"ide the basis for a creati"e business association ' a trade bod! and social networ# for the 3creati"e class4 of the cit! and region% Outcome& B more confident and connected creati"e industries sector with a higher profile, stronger "oice and recognised role as a dri"er for economic and social de"elopment% &. Commission a mapping e+ercise and impacts framewor# 1 to pro"ide detailed data and intelligence on the business profile, location, needs and aspirations of the sectorF and to pro"ide a framewor# to measure a wider set of social, cultural and economic impacts o"er the longer term% This e"idence base should be used to inform additional support acti"ities -see below. and to pro"ide guidance for other $ussian cities and regions on how to effecti"el! map their changing creati"e sector% 2t should also be used to de"elop a richer understanding of the role of culture and creati"it! in changing the fortunes of cities and regions 1 e%g% to measure impacts of the Capital of Culture programme in Dualit! of life and wellbeingF inward in"estment and confidenceF talent retention and -re.attraction% Outcome& B strong baseline to measure progress againstF detailed understanding of #e! sub'sectors, suppl! chains and mar#etsF a clear understanding of the de"elopment needs of the creati"e industries sector and wider cultural sectorF a framewor# for measuring impactsF and a leadership role in impact measurement for other $ussian cities% .. =stablish a Creati"e >*O G Bgenc!& with a remit to deli"er targeted business support, attract in"estment, bro#er networ#s and nurture mar#ets for the creati"e industries sector% This could operate in a similar wa! to the model presented b! the 5cottish Cultural =nterprise Office 2% (owe"er, it should place


eDual emphasis on mar#et'de"elopment for the creati"e industries of l!ano"s#& supporting creati"e businesses to impro"e the Dualit! of their productGser"ice, promoting 3local procurement4 for creati"e companies, and campaigning for a 3created and made in l!ano"s#4 approach so that the region is renowned for its high Dualit! and inno"ati"e creati"e output% Outcome& a high profile creati"e agenc! to dri"e forward the creati"e potential of the cit! and region and act as the lead "oice of and ad"ocate for the sector% /. Commission Creati"e Con"ergence Bcti"ities& nderta#e a targeted e+ercise to build suppl!'chain relationships between creati"e businesses and businesses in other sectors -e%g% cultural tourism, aerospace, retail.% This is to lift the inno"ati"eness and distincti"eness of the wider econom!% Focus creati"e sectors include design, digital content and the role of artists and architects as consultants to other sectors% 2t ma! need some targeted in"estment to bring different sectors together% 2t should be positioned as an action learning e+ercise 1 to e+plore the impact of creati"it! on the wider econom!% Outcome& a more con"ergent creati"e econom! o"erall, with impro"ements in the design, inno"ation and distincti"eness of #e! sectors such as tourism, aerospace, manufacturing etc% 0. Connect heritage to contemporar! creati"e acti"it! "ia a set of dedicated acti"ities% This can be achie"ed through the reuse and refurbishment of old buildings, the impro"ement of public space -including the ri"erfront. and re'imaging museums and galleries% Bn opportunit! e+ists to 3open up4 heritage assets such as museums and theatres to become contemporar! centres of production% This reDuires entrepreneurial support for the traditional cultural sector and in"estment from pri"ate and state sponsors who are #een to see a more sustainable and "alue'adding cultural sector% The proposed Museum of the 55$ could be a real beneficiar! of contemporar! approaches to interpretation and presentation -e%g% "ia the use of digital tools and through targeted creati"e themes such as architecture, design, fashion and music.% Bs part of this process, efforts should be made to introduce inno"ati"e practice into e+isting cultural assetsF to target #e! sta#eholders such as !oung people -to mobilise a new generation of cultural leaders.F and to position libraries, museums and other spaces as hubs for inno"ation and e+perimentation -trialling and protot!ping acti"ities such as pop'up shops G Frida! late e"ents G 8hite >ights.% Outcome& B more entrepreneurial, open and interacti"e heritage sector which engages creati"e talent to reinterpret and rein"igorate heritage assets% This will widen the appeal of heritage assets and position the wider cultural sector as a #e! dri"er of inno"ation across the econom!% 1. Build on the Festi"al Tradition H programme a 3festi"al of festi"als4% l!ano"s# 1 as self'declared Capital of Culture 1 has a strong festi"al and e"ents tradition% But the sector is still too fragmented and organisations lac# the capacit! or connecti"it! to grow as recognisable brands be!ond the region% The festi"als sector would benefit from greater coordination of acti"it!, connecting e+isting festi"als, building stronger international cooperation and connections, and generating mar#eting and spin'off e"ents -with local creati"e businesses.% B set of acti"ities should be commissioned to catal!se and animate the current strengths of the sector% The! should include de"eloping an online festi"al centre with a calendar of e"ents connected regionall!, nationall! and internationall!% The! should also include capacit! building and training for the festi"als sector to ensure there is a ne+t generation of festi"al managersF and a programme to lin# the "isitor econom! and creati"e econom! through 0oining the current fragments of acti"it! and increasing acti"ities in the summer% Outcome& B more "i"id, distincti"e, connected and inno"ati"e programme of cultural acti"ities and e"ents pac#aged as a festi"al of festi"als and e+panding !ear on !ear% This will position l!ano"s# as a leading festi"al cit! for $ussia and one that connects contemporar! creati"e practice to traditional culture% +. Build on e+isting international networ#s and become #nown as the cit! of creati"e e+perimentation and demonstration 1 $ussia4s Creati"e )ab% This includes showing a leadership role b! "olunteering to host national creati"e econom! e"ents, b! leading on #nowledge e+change partnerships, and b! commissioning new approaches 1 such as in creati"e education and clustering% These should each be underpinned b! solid research and feasibilit! acti"ities to ensure pro0ects pro"ide new #nowledge which is of benefit to the cit!Gregion and nationall!Ginternationall!% =fforts should be made here to become a partner with forthcoming =uropean nion creati"e econom! networ#s% 7lus l!ano"s# should establish a networ# and annual s!mposium for smaller creati"e cities 1 liaising with TFCC and the British Council to establish a best practice guide and networ# for creati"e smaller cities across $ussia Outcome& l!ano"s# recognised as a leading edge creati"e cit!& a cit! which celebrates new ideas and embraces collaboration%

Immediate Action ,oints Below we set out the 3Duic# wins4 for partners across the creati"e econom! in


B& =stablish wor#ing group to o"ersee the de"elopment of immediate acti"it! and to decide future strateg! and priorit!% This should include the de"elopment of this Manifesto into a fuller action plan for the region 1 with the potential for additional international and $ussian e+pertise to guide this process% 2t should include !oung creati"e entrepreneurs, the education sector, cultural managers and representati"es from the Capital of Culture and Cit! and $egional Buthorities% B& 5hare contact details across the sector and begin process of establishing a database and director! of creati"e people and businesses across l!ano"s#% This is the first step toward a sector director! and de"elopment platform% Blso set up some high Dualit! digital communication tools 1 to promote the creati"e ambition of the cit! and region% C& Commission a Creati"e 2nno"ation Fund& =stablish a range of demonstrator pro0ects ' to establish the "italit! and "ibranc! of culture and the creati"e industries to a wider audience and to generate interest in the sector as a tool for economic and social de"elopment% This should focus on smaller cultural organisations and creati"e businessesF or on acti"ities which connect traditional culturalF organisations to creati"e businesses, creati"e undergraduates, and technologists% 9& Commission an o"erall Creati"e =conom! Master 7lan for the region& to include sub'sections on the feasibilit! of specific creati"e cluster acti"itiesF on the "alue'adding role of the creati"e industries for traditional industries and for specific places -e%g% 9imitro"grad.F and on how l!ano"s# can position itself as a leading smaller creati"e cit!% This should include international e+pert ad"ice and technical assistance%

2 3ritish Council #$%& Author- 4r 5om leming, 5om leming Consultancy

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