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zix a r x AC ix a r -- Hebrew, Speak Hebrew Parasha Word of the Week, Prepared by Marc Barinbaum

eiO r A `O H i` l Wt pl md l` Y xn ` e ox d` i pA mip d Mdl ` n ` dW nl` 'd xn` I e, The Lord said to Moses: Speak to the priests, the sons of Aaron, and say to them (Leviticus 21:1). Root: xn` - to say, tell, intend
Words/phrases from same root: xnF` , omer - say, tell (v) zFid l xEn` , amur lihyot - supposed to be dxi n `, amirah - saying xnFl a Ig i p` , ani hayyav lomar - I must say Other words from Parashat Emor: ow f, za-kan - beard ow f, zaken - old, aged d pn l` , almanah - widow dc U , sa-deh - a field og lW , shul-han - table (furniture) o ir , ayin - eye oW , shen - tooth m iP W `tFx , ro-fe shin-nayim - dentist (lit. teeth doctor) Additional Seasonal Words: oFx MGd mFi, Yom HaZikaron - Memorial Day qw h , tekes- ceremony xixb W , shag-rir - ambassador zil` x U Id zExxb W - The Israeli Embassy d kx rn , ma-arakhah - war, battle, series of battles

xnFl M , klomar - in other words, that is to say xEn` M, ka-amur - aforementioned xn `n , ma-amar - newspaper article

dcFa r, avodah - work (n.) xnFr , o-mer - sheaf of corn, omer (ancient measure) xc d ixR , pri ha-dar - citrus fruit x eir , i-ver - blind, sightless (adj.) xEaW , sha-vur - broken, fractured mExg , hei-room - emeergency cO B, gammad - dwarf, midget gx f ` , ezrah- a citizen

l lg , halal - killed in action, outer space r Bt p, nifga - casualty, killed, wounded (n.) d ai ` , ei-vah - hostility, animus

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