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Division of City Schools


Performance Rating Worksheet for Elementary Master Teachers
School Year _________

Name: _______________________________ School: ____________________________
Subject Area __________________________
I.Lesson Planning and Delivery (Ratings must jibe with student achievement: Input = Output)
II. Technical Assistance (30%)
1.Pupil/Student Development
1.1. Instructional Programs
Contest Training / Winnings
Date Level Place Name of Student Contest Category Conducted by/Venue

National /Regional = 10 Division = 8 District = 6 Non-winner = 4 No contestant = 2

Review Sessions conducted
Date Place Number of Pupils/Students Focus of Review

1.2 Remediation/Enrichment Program
Enabled Non-Readers of Regular Teachers supervised by the Master Teacher

1.3. Demonstration Lesson/s conducted by the Master Teacher
Date Level Year & Sec. Lesson /Topic CP

CP (Consider the Highest Level)
Regional = 10 Division= 8 District = 6 No demo in any level = 4
2. Staff Development
2.1. Checked Lesson Plans of Teachers
Teachers J J A S O N D J F M Total Final LP Qlty. CP

Final Outcome CP
Advanced 10
Proficient 8
Appr.Proficiency 6
Developing 4
Beginning 2

Yr. & Sec. Identified Enabled Rating Ave. CP
# CP Reading Level CP

Use this criteria for items 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
and 2.4
2.2.Class Observation (see F-178 ratings)

Teachers J J A S O N D J F M Total Final


2.3./2.4 Mentoring Sessions
Teachers LP RA RS AS CM H GD GR Final Outcome CP

*Refer to Teachers Profile in Quadrants and identify their weaknesses
Legend: LP lesson planning GD gender and development
RA routine activities RS room structuring
AS - assessment CM classroom management
H - use of HOTS GS grading system

2.5. Demonstration Lesson by teachers supervised/assisted by the MT
Date Level Yr & Sec. Teacher Lesson /Topic Feedback

2.6. Learning Action Cells (LAC) /Quality Circle Sessions
Date Topic Attended by:

3. Curriculum Development
1.1 Instructional Materials utilized in the
Region = 10 Division = 8 District = 6 School= 4
Title Quantity Used by

3.2. / 3.3 Evaluative Materials utilized in the
Region = 10 Division = 8 District = 6 School= 4
Kind /Type Quantity Used by (Name of Teachers) Grade/Year Level

4. Action Research/es Made
Date Role
Title Problem Solved/
Major Final Effect

CP 10 = problem solved, research submitted on time 4 = research not completed
8 = problem solved, did not submit research on time 2 = no research conducted
6 = research submitted on time; problem remains

C. Learners Achievement (10% for MT)
1. a.Master Teachers Load 2.a.Final Rating in F-18/SF 5

b. Classroom Teachers Supervised 2.b.Final Rating in F-18

Credit Points for Quarterly Exam: Elementary
Ave. MPS Rating
Fast Average
45 50 40 50 10
40 - 40.99 30 39.99 8
30 39.99 25 29.99 6
25 29.99 20 24.99 4
24.99 and below 19.99 and below 2

Enabled Non-Readers (MTs load)

D. School/Community Involvement
Date Role
Activities Organization Proof

CP: Chairman = 10 Co-chairman = 8 Member = 6 Non-member = 4

Yr. & Sec. Quarterly / Periodic Exam Mean
Rating Gen.
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


Average Scores in Quarterly /Periodic

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Summary / Ave.
Fast CP
89 and above 10
84 88.99 8
79 83.99 6
74 78.99 4
73.99 and below 2
Yr. & Sec. Identified Enabled Quality Rating
# CP Reading Level CP

II. Professional Growth and Personnal Characteristics (15%)
A. Professional Growth (Number 1 plus any 2 of a, b, c, d, or e)
1. Seminars/Trainings Attended (during the current school year only)
Title Date /
No. of
by (Agency)
Venue Proof (Cert.,
Diploma, etc.)


a. Monitoring new and weak teachers
Teacher Date Weak Points Intervention/s Made CP

b. Professional Sharing/Speakership
Date Level Topic Venue/title of

CP: National/Regional = 10 Division= 8 District = 6 School = 4 Department = 2

c. Occasion / Affair Documented
Date Role
Affair Document
Submitted to

CP: Chairman = 10 Co-chairman = 8 Member = 6 none = no rating

d. Involvement in Organizations / Co-Curricular Activities
Date Role
Activities Organization Proof

CP Officer with accomplishments: = 10 Member = 6
Officer without accomplishments = 8 none = no rating

e. Graduate Course/Other courses
1) Graduate / Graduate Courses (units earned during the school year only)
_______ units / degree University__________________ Proof: _____________
CP 9 units + = 10 6 8 units = 8 3 5 units = 6 0 unit = no rating
2)Vocational /Other courses finished (ex. Short-term computer course, EVS, TESDA, etc.)
Inclusive Dates Course/s: Institution Proof
(Cert., Diploma, etc.)

CP: No. 1 main item CP plus any 2 (of a, b, c, d, e) 3 = ___ x .05 = ______

Final Outcome CP
Advanced = 10 Proficient = 8 Approaching.Proficiency = 6 Developing = 4 Beginning = 2

III. Punctuality and Attendance (10%)
J J A S O N D J F M Total CP
Days Tardy
Days Absent

Published at least 1 article
Title Kind of Material
(Book, Journal, Magazine,
Publisher Date of

Resource person : Division/Regional/National



Contest Training / Winnings
Date Level Place Name of Student Contest Category Conducted

Evaluation/Monitoring Program for the District/Division
Date Role
Title Problem Solved/
Major Final Effect

Other Assignments over regular load


I certify under oath that the information and data presented above are true and correct to the best
of my knowledge to support the ratings made in the Performance Appraisal System for Teachers (PAST).
Master Teacher

Department Head/Subject Chair

Certified True and Correct:

0-3 times 10
4-6 times 8
7-10 times 6
11-15 times 4
+ 15 times 2
0-4 times 10
5-8 times 8
9-12 times 6
13-16 times 4
+ 16 times 2
Division of City Schools

Performance Rating Worksheet for Elementary Regular Teachers
School Year _________

Name: _______________________________ School: ____________________________
Subject Area __________________________
A. Lesson Planning and Delivery (Ratings must jibe with student achievement: Input = Output)
B.Learners Achievement
a. Periodic / Quarterly Test Final Rating in F-18/SF 5

Credit Points for Quarterly Exam: Elementary

b. Enabled Non-Readers

E. School/Community Involvement
Date Role
Activities (PTA meetings, Brigada,
Ecosavers, enrolment campaign, etc.)
Organization Proof

CP: Chairman = 10 Co-chairman = 8 Member = 6 Non-member = 4

II. Professional Growth and Personnal Characteristics (15%)
B. Professional Growth (Number 1 plus any 2 of a, b, c, d, or e)
2. Seminars/Trainings Attended (during the current school year only)
Title Date /
No. of
by (Agency)
Venue Proof (Cert.,
Diploma, etc.)

Yr. & Sec. Quarterly / Periodic Exam Mean
Rating Gen.
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Ave. MPS Rating
Fast Average
45 50 40 50 10
40 - 40.99 30 39.99 8
30 39.99 25 29.99 6
25 29.99 20 24.99 4
24.99 and below 19.99 and below 2
Fast CP
89 and above 10
84 88.99 8
79 83.99 6
74 78.99 4
73.99 and below 2
Yr. & Sec. Identified Enabled Quality Rating
# CP Reading Level CP



a. Monitoring new and weak teachers
Teacher Date Weak Points Intervention/s Made CP

b. Professional Sharing/Speakership
Date Level Topic Venue/title of

c. Occasion / Affair Documented
Date Role
Affair Document
Submitted to

CP: Chairman = 10 Co-chairman = 8 Member = 6 none = no rating

d. Involvement in Organizations / Co-Curricular Activities
Date Role
Activities Organization Proof

CP Officer with accomplishments: = 10 Member = 6
Officer without accomplishments = 8 none = no rating

e. Graduate Course/Other courses
1) Graduate / Graduate Courses (units earned during the school year only)
_______ units / degree University__________________ Proof: _____________
CP 9 units + = 10 6 8 units = 8 3 5 units = 6 0 unit = no rating
2)Vocational /Other courses finished (ex. Short-term course, EVS, TESDA, etc.)
Inclusive Dates Course/s: Institution Proof
(Cert., Diploma, etc.)

CP: No. 1 main item CP plus any 2 (of a, b, c, d, e) 3 = ___ x .05 = ______

III. Punctuality and Attendance (10%)
J J A S O N D J F M Total CP
Days Tardy
Days Absent

Final Outcome CP
Advanced = 10 Proficient = 8 Approaching.Proficiency = 6 Developing = 4 Beginning = 2

0-3 times 10
4-6 times 8
7-10 times 6
11-15 times 4
+ 15 times 2
0-4 times 10
5-8 times 8
9-12 times 6
13-16 times 4
+ 16 times 2


Contest Training / Winnings
Date Level Place Name of Student Contest Category Conducted

National /Regional = 10 Division = 8 District = 6 Non-winner = 4 No contestant = 2

Mentoring/Peer Teaching Sessions
Teachers LP RA RS AS CM H GD GR IM Final

Legend: LP lesson planning GD gender and development
RA routine activities RS room structuring
AS - assessment CM classroom mangement
H - use of HOTS GS grading system
IM instructional materials preparation

Remediation/Enrichment Program

Review Sessions conducted
Date Place Number of
Focus of Review

Demonstration Lesson conducted
Date Level Yr & Sec. Teacher Lesson /Topic

Name of Students at risk of
dropping out or failing
Remediation done Impact/Results

Final Outcome CP
Advanced 10
Proficient 8
Appr.Proficiency 6
Developing 4
Beginning 2

Action Research/es Made
Date Role
Title Problem Solved/
Major Final Effect

CP 10 = problem solved, research submitted on time 4 = research not completed
8 = problem solved, did not submit research on time 2 = no research conducted
6 = research submitted on time; problem remains

Provided Assistance in Planning and Managing InSET
Date Title of Training Program Planned and Conducted

Other dutiesin the district/division Level
Level Role Specific Duties

I certify under oath that the information and data presented above are true and correct to the best
of my knowledge to support the ratings made in the Performance Appraisal System for Teachers (PAST).
Regular Teacher

Department Head/Subject Chair

Certified True and Correct:

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