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Avalie as respostas, o feedback e a pontuao das perguntas abaixo.

Um asterisco (*) indica resposta

Teste !eople"oft #.$ %inancial &anagement "ales "pecialist
'et "peciali(ed) T*is +, -uestion assessment is t*e final step to.ards becoming a !eople"oft #.$
%inancial &anagement "ales "pecialist. /e 0ecogni(ed) !ass t*e test, score 1,2 or more, and get 3our
4!5 "pecialist 6ertificate)
Features and Functions - High-level
(0esponder a todas as perguntas desta seo)
1. T*is %inancial 6ontrol and 0eporting p*ase includes creating and distributing
financials results, and anal3(ing results, and ad7usting plans based
on results gat*ered from t*e earlier p*ases.
&arcar para 0eviso
($) !ontos
&easure (*)
8ncorrect, t*e &easure p*ase includes creating and distributing financials
results, and anal3(ing results, and ad7usting plans based on
results gat*ered from t*e earlier p*ases.
2. 9*at are accurate attributes of :6*eck 4nl3 6apabilit3: .it* !eople"oft
'eneral ;edger #.$< ("elect =)
&arcar para 0eviso
($) !ontos
(>scol*er todas as respostas corretas)
Abilit3 to c*eck a vendor?s credit rating.
Abilit3 to c*eck a transaction against budgets using .*at@if scenarios t*at do
not actuall3 commit t*e funds against an3 budget. (*)
Abilit3 to print a c*eck.
Abilit3 to pre@validate transaction data against budget definitions. (*)
8ncorrect, !eople"oft 'eneral ;edger #.$ :6*eck 4nl3 6apabilit3: includes
t*e abilit3 to c*eck a transaction against budgets using .*at@if scenarios
t*at do not actuall3 commit t*e funds against an3 budget, and to pre@
validate transaction data against budget definitions.
3. T*is feature allo.s customers to transfer funds from one account to anot*er,
enabling treasurers to gain better control and visibilit3 of t*eir li-uidit3.
&arcar para 0eviso
($) !ontos
Total %unds &anagement
/i@;ateral 5etting
Treasur3 Aas*board
6as* ".eep (*)
8ncorrect, 6as* ".eep allo.s customers to transfer funds from one
account to anot*er, enabling treasurers to gain better control and visibilit3
of t*eir li-uidit3.
4. T*e %inancial 6ontrol and 0eporting business process includes .*at five
p*ases< ("elect B)
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($) !ontos
(>scol*er todas as respostas corretas)
Pgina 1 de 2
Transform (*)
Record (*)
Close (*)
Control (*)
Measure (*)
Incorrect, the Financial Control and Reporting business process includes
Control, Record, Transform, Close, and Measure.
5. Select to True statements regarding Collaboration !alue. (Select ")
Marcar para Re#is$o
(%) &ontos
('scolher todas as respostas corretas)
(#oids the need to sitch beteen applications. (*)
Relates artifacts semanticall), conceptuall) and technicall).
Creates discussion threads on high impact Issues.
Sends e*mail notifications of contract changes.
Collaborati#e ser#ices come standard. (*)
Incorrect, to True statements regarding Collaboration !alue are that
+,-./Collaborati#e ser#ices come standard+,-./ and it +,-./(#oids the
need to sitch beteen applications+,-./.
&0gina % de 1
Pgina 2 de 2

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