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Generic Roadmap for the

Counties of Kenya
County Technical Working
Group December 2013

Dr. Katherine W. Getao
ICT Secretary
16/01/2014 1
Generic Roadmap Overview
1. Stages of ICT Development
2. ICT Development Strategies
3. Strategizing for ICT
4. Implementation & funding strategy
5. Customization Process
6. Way Forward
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Generic Roadmap for Counties
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Stages of ICT Development
! The maturity level of ICT in a county may lie at
different levels:
" The enabler stage: basic ICT enablers are in place
" The exploiter stage: systems are implemented to deliver
internal efficiency
" The enterpriser stage: ICT infrastructure and
applications deliver return on investment and / or ICT
businesses are in place
" The empowerer stage: innovative ICT systems brand the
! It is possible to leapfrog to higher stages in some
areas of ICT

16/01/2014 4
!"#$%&'() ollcy, LlLeracy, LqulpmenL, lnfrasLrucLure,
!+,%-./&'() Appllcauons: plannlng,
nance, admlnlsLrauon, M&L, soclal
!"/&','.(&'() 8evenue
collecuon sysLems, Cloud
ubllc Servlces
lnnovauve producLs
& servlces, counLy
16/01/2014 3
Enabler Stage Priorities
23!24 56 2773!44 28!972 :5!;4
CounLy lC1 basellne sLudy, ollcy and SLraLegy
CounLy lC1 8oadmap
eCovernmenL law
8uslness process deslgn / re-englneerlng
Adopuon / AdapLauon of nauonal lC1 SLandards
CounLy meLropollLan neLwork deslgn & developmenL lncenuves
LlLeracy, lnfrasLrucLure and end user devlce LargeLs
ulglLal llLeracy programme for cluzens
ubllc servlce lC1 llLeracy programme for publlc servanLs
lC1 professlonal upgradlng for operaLors & LechnologlsLs
ulglLal vlllage cenLres for access Lo lC1 servlces
LAns for publlc omces
LasL mlle connecuvlLy Lo headquarLers
rocuremenL of bandwldLh
vCl Lelephony
16/01/2014 6
Exploiter Stage Priorities
23!24 56 2773!44 28!972 :5!;4
CybersecurlLy framework
CounLy daLa sharlng pollcy
aperless omce regulauons
eCovernmenL 8oadmap (ePealLh, eLducauon.)
ulglLal worker Lralnlng for professlonal cadres (e.g. accounLanLs,
procuremenL omcers)
ulglLal Leacher Lralnlng
Puduma cenLres for publlc servlce dellvery
SchoolneL lmplemenLauon
lmplemenLauon of MeLropollLan neLworks
lmplemenLauon of L8 sysLems
lnLegrauon of L8 sysLems wlLh nauonal sysLem lnLegrauon
lmplemenL e-soclal servlces on publlc servlce porLal
16/01/2014 7
Enterpriser Stage Priorities
23!24 56 2773!44 28!972 :5!;4
e-Commerce & e-Consumer proLecuon pollcles, regulauons and
8C pollcles and LargeLs
Cne sLop shop buslness pollcles and lncenuves
CovernmenL enLerprlse archlLecLure (buslness process and
workow lnLegrauon)
ulglLal enLrepreneur Lralnlng programmes
Consumer proLecuon and publlc complalnLs omce
ulglLal enLerprlse porLals (lncludlng one buslness llcense)
e-8uslness llcenslng
8uslness cloud
e-Commerce and e-8anklng lncenuves
16/01/2014 8
Empowerer Stage Priorities
23!24 56 2773!44 28!972 :5!;4
CounLy compeuuve edge and buslness value sLraLegy
CounLy brand
CounLy lC1 communlcauon sLraLegy
lnLellecLual properLy regulauons and law ln lC1 area
Speclallzed unlverslLy educauon and research programmes ln
areas of counLy lC1 compeuuve edge
1echnlcal educauon programmes for hlgh SLA lC1 dellvery
CuallLy lC1 developers
unlverslues wlLh lC1 educauon and research capaclLy
lnLellecLual properLy omce wlLh legal capaclLy Lo prosecuLe
lC1 hubs, research cenLres, venLure caplLal funds
Speclallzed soware sysLems
Pardware and embedded sysLems
lnLegrauon plauorms
16/01/2014 9
Generic Roadmap for Counties
16/01/2014 10
ICT Development Strategies
Counties will select different strategies in
order to use ICT to foster development:
The choice of strategy will be pre-
disposed towards the County vision,
strategy, baseline conditions, competitive
advantages and commitment to ICTs
There follows a general strategic analysis
to help guide these choices

16/01/2014 11
Elements of strategic choice:
County vision and strategy
For success, ICT vision and strategy should
be fully aligned with the general vision and
strategy of the county:
" ICT can be used as a enabler or accelerator of the
general strategy, and / or
" ICT may be part of the strategy
The ICT vision and strategy should deliver
business value to the defined objectives of the

16/01/2014 12
Elements of strategic choice:
Baseline conditions
The current conditions of ICT in the county
are the starting point for the realization of
the desired goal state, and should be
carefully measured in a baseline study
Important things to measure include:
" The status of human capacity
" The status of infrastructure and equipment

16/01/2014 13
Elements of strategic choice:
Baseline conditions
Important things to measure include:
" The existing uses of ICTs in the county
" The businesses, institutions and citizens in the
county and their rate of growth (market)
" Needs in public service and business to deliver
equity, efficiency and growth
" County residents opinions and desires with
regard to ICT

16/01/2014 14
Elements of strategic choice:
Competitive Advantage
! In leveraging ICT a county may wish to
exploit its competitive advantages:
" Natural resources
" ICT-skilled human resources
" Sectors / businesses which are already
successful e.g. agriculture, transport, tourism!
! ICT is best used to make a good thing

16/01/2014 13
Elements of strategic choice:
Strategic Commitment
ICT implementation can be complex, costly
and frustrating. Success requires long term
commitment demonstrated through:
" Championship from top leadership (e.g.
" ICT governance structure and institutional
support (including strategic / technical support)

16/01/2014 16
Elements of strategic choice:
Strategic Commitment
" Enabling ICT policies and regulations
" Strategic plan, roadmap, specifications &
designs, project plans and project
management capacity
" Budget provision and funding
" Willingness to re-engineer business process
" Human capacity in ICT area

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Generic Roadmap for Counties
16/01/2014 18
Types of County ICT Strategy
We illustrate six ways in which a county
may chose to follow its ICT vision:
Laying the ICT foundation
ICT for public service efficiency
ICT for public service delivery
ICT as a business
ICT as a business enabler
ICT for county positioning and branding
16/01/2014 19
Laying the ICT foundation
!=!;!95 4?88!45:69
1o puL ln place Lhe governance mechanlsms, lnfrasLrucLure,
equlpmenL, human capaclLy and organlzauonal sLrucLure for Lhe
use of lC1 ln Lhe counLy.
lLLA8S lC1 8oadmap
neLworks, connecuvlLy and equlpmenL dlsLrlbuuon
lC1 Covernance and organlzauonal sLrucLure
LnLerprlse archlLecLure & buslness process re-englneerlng
8aslc managemenL and communlcauon sysLems
lC1 llLeracy Lralnlng
LS1lMA1Lu CCS1 ModeraLe (approx 300mllllon)
16/01/2014 20
ICT for public service efficiency
!=!;!95 4?88!45:69
1o lmplemenL enLerprlse sysLems LhaL greaLly enhance Lhe
lnLernal operauons of Lhe counLy execuuve, for example, revenue
collecuon, human resource managemenL eLc.
lLLA8S lnLernal operauons performance managemenL
LnLerprlse emclency sLraLegy
rocuremenL and lmplemenLauon of relevanL lnformauon
CapaclLy bulldlng and change managemenL
LS1lMA1Lu CCS1 ModeraLe (approx 300mllllon)
16/01/2014 21
ICT for public service delivery
!=!;!95 4?88!45:69
1o enhance access and quallLy of dellvery of publlc servlces Lo
cluzens Lhrough Lhe lmplemenLauon of appllcauons for publlc
servlce dellvery e.g. e-healLh, e-educauon
lLLA8S aruclpaLory needs analysls
LlecLronlc servlce dellvery sLraLegy
lmplemenLauon of selecLed e-servlces
MonlLorlng, evaluauon and conunuous lmprovemenL
LS1lMA1Lu CCS1 ModeraLe (approx 300mllllon)
16/01/2014 22
ICT as a business
!=!;!95 4?88!45:69
S18A1LClC C8!LC1lvL 1o generaLe revenue uslng lnLernal lC1 buslnesses (e.g.
daLa cenLre servlces, paymenL plauorms) and Lhrough
encouraglng Lhe lncepuon and growLh of lC1 buslnesses ln
Lhe counLy
lLLA8S 8evlew of counLy lC1 asseLs and compeuuve edge
CounLy lC1 buslness growLh plan
lormauon of CounLy lC1 Corporauon
CapaclLy bulldlng of CounLy lC1 Corporauon
Adopuon of lC1 buslness-frlendly pollcles ln CounLy
Markeung of CounLy as an lC1 buslness desunauon and
servlces oered by CounLy lC1 Corporauon
LS1lMA1Lu CCS1 Plgh (1 bllllon +)
16/01/2014 23
ICT as a business enabler
!=!;!95 4?88!45:69
1o use lC1 Lo faclllLaLe Lhe lnLeracuons beLween CounLy Lxecuuve
and Lhe CounLy buslness communlLy and Lhus lncrease Lhe
emclency of buslness growLh Lhrough LransparenL governmenL
lLLA8S CounLy lC1 buslness enabler sLraLeglc plan
rocuremenL and lmplemenLauon of relevanL sysLems e.g. e-
procuremenL sysLem
lnLernal and exLernal capaclLy bulldlng and change
MonlLorlng, evaluauon and conunuous lmprovemenL
LS1lMA1Lu CCS1 ModeraLe (approx 300mllllon)
16/01/2014 24
ICT for county positioning and
!=!;!95 4?88!45:69
1o use lC1 Lo ldenufy and explolL Lhe unlque resources and
compeuuve edge of Lhe counLy.
lLLA8S rocuremenL and lmplemenLauon of ClS-based plannlng
8evlew of CounLy SLraLegy Lo ldenufy key lC1 opporLunlues
CounLy lC1 osluonlng SLraLegy
rocuremenL and lmplemenLauon of relevanL sysLems e.g. e-
1ourlsm, e-AgrlculLure, e-Learnlng.
MonlLorlng, evaluauon and conunuous lmprovemenL
LS1lMA1Lu CCS1 ModeraLe (approx 300mllllon)
16/01/2014 23
Generic Roadmap for Counties
16/01/2014 26
Suggested funding strategies
4/'#/&AB 5B,& 2,,'-,'.#/& CD"E."A (/'#/&A.&(
Laylng Lhe lC1 foundauon CovernmenL and donor granLs and loans
lC1 for publlc servlce dellvery CovernmenL and donor granLs and loans, s
lC1 for publlc servlce emclency CovernmenL and donor granLs and loans
lC1 as a buslness s, CounLy lnvesLmenL
lC1 as a buslness enabler CovernmenL and donor granLs and loans, s,
CounLy lnvesLmenL
lC1 for counLy posluonlng and
s, CounLy lnvesLmenL

16/01/2014 27
Generic Roadmap for Counties
16/01/2014 28
Stage 1: Business value analysis
Assemble ICT strategy team
Implement ICT governance structure
Assemble data: County strategic plan,
county budget, Baseline needs analysis
Select strategic priorities
Develop customized roadmap
16/01/2014 29
Stage 2: Pre-procurement
Assemble project management team
Develop documents: ICT strategic plan,
draft project plans, requirements, RFPs
Evaluate documents for consistency and
completeness (technical, economic and
operational feasibility)
16/01/2014 30
Generic Roadmap for Counties
16/01/2014 31
1. MoA
2. Roadmap development process
3. Project priorities
4. Funding priorities
5. Database capacity building initiative

16/01/2014 32
Thank you
16/01/2014 33

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