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AUlhors: D[n:i('! C1("[vll, J(1r.:(ID Docherty. Murr Mr.:Fflrlllnd, Patrick O'Duffy. Kyb \X'.L,d anel Chm:.k W~flLl~,t. Wurld of Darknces L;Tc.'~II~d b~' Murk Rein-.E-I,u=:.cu_

St~l'1'ld I er Game System Design: M e-k Rc;m • H usen Developer: Michael Let;

Editor: CHi Bowen

Art Director: Peulmc Bcnnev

layout and T ypesell itl!::: Prmltuc Benney

In t.\'-rinr Art: Pl.:tcr~tb'tJn!:, Vince Locke, Ken MoC~ ·rJR. JII"1T Rt;.,bTlN. KldLI:<' Sdl..:rurin:;,kl, Chris; Sl1¥. Andrew T rnbbold, Carh." Willcin~

Front Cover Ar[; H.K.P'

From and Back Co ... ,.;:, Design: r.fllllin~ ]lcnuey

ISS'LI 0 0 ~ 2003 \'(fhhoc WolfPl,lbll!'lhlng, Inc. All t'lght:> reserved. R,.tvr~.,..

If ~n N R. dUI.;.tjQn \o,Ilrnlillt the wrjtteu ~nn~IQn{lrlh~ ~llhl\,.(,h~r bc;x-prcs,o;ly

rrJ.rhl~kll;l'! (;,"':<;11:[11 fl~r tJ~1.! purposes or n-vt U.\".~. i)ln~~ ~:Jo~ bi~n~ chnmccc r sheen, which I1UW be [{:prlJdl~C4.iiJ (I<Ir personal use only. Whj~(! W"l(, V1'tfnl)irel Vampire r,hc;:M~~lW~r'ddl.':, V~.,nplrc the Dm-k,Age:;, M~b'\1lhr;:

A...tI!illilon. Hunrcr the Reckoning, World (II' 1)'lrkll~ :'in.d Abcrmnr IUl:- n,\Rl:'>I~It.:~1 ~r.Jdt!n"'rb of ·Whir ... • WuH 'P u hli~hinlZ, Inc. All rtghrs ~r"ed, Wer"'\\'QI(dlc.Apoe.ily~SC'. \'Qr.r'll[ht:heOblivl~m, uljnh'i:.lulC

rhc Dreaming, WCl1i:wol(,hc \V.ldWl!,~[, r..·{age tbcSor"cretl>C"u<",KI~. Wmlth the Great Waf, Trn1ity, O!;lnOI1 ,he F'alh.!u, 0i:1I1on SrorvrellI-'l':i Cl.lllll~111(11l nnd Demon [h.cHILl~[1 rlayr.::~U'li c le ,I(.I!' t.'!dC:11Ia~1::s: afWhltl! \'V/olrrubU~hi'-ll1l It\c:.: A!lri:;ehl]. rc'it,'(\I~d, AU ehnrncrers. names. places aml tcxr herein 111'\l cOl~~rll'.:nrcJ b\' Whlt~ Wolr Publuhlng. lnc.

11)c mcrunon of or reference to ltll'L-' 01,; u 1\11);11'.)' \t'r Iln."IclU-I.;,1 in these pfi,gCS.{~ not o chnllcuge to rhe I radcranrk nr -Cf1ryrigh1;J.

·1'11 I:!> 11nfi~tJ:5l';!i the superrmrurnl rnr ~~·~tln~, ehooerers and themes, 'A II m~~. i(l .. Lmd .~~Ip.cnmLlJ.rfll dements: 1-1 rt- lil.':1 II11'! and tercnded fcrcntcrtnlrunenc pw-posesl1tl1y. Tlns bookcentn lns.mnturcconrcnt. g~td!;:td lscrcuon ls advtsed

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l1lWlr .. \.'\' .. w.wbrrc-wojfcceu idt.:games.wllitewQ]f lmq r~.~.tllll,:).f'1)~~ryre.ller PRINTED IN CANADA.



01i\PTEnf'IVE::I:r..-J"EI'lI".J\LEI"lCl:lru:".5 CI1.t"\PTER ,sIX:RJTUi\LS

(6 4,0 72 96 LJ6 176

The Re v erend M,.ub.~w Wrtll;l.c.~ sur on a bench by [he riverfront earlng popcorn trom :;I I~!I!!! and cirin.killg iced [I!::'! from ~ can. l-Ie II.'M, once :ili,,',tI'!1, (loe;b;Lti11~ wir·h a devil.

The- devil sat beside hi!l1.. . .;;:~h'!'Ilv .Iit::.kir\~ u fooge5Ic.ic:. He looked exacrlvljke Mscthew'a son Nculx. H~ even nre che mellirlg lee cream [h.~ way N9'21h lVOLJld _ CltTl!rl!lly, hnltlirlA;J t'ltipLdn under the "tki1 with one hand to kccphrs doth lng c.l~l']. l3ul ~~ ~"i'iS1"1 Noah. Manhew knew this, I-lt:'d seen the demon's yrhr:t :dl.7tl~L: ~ti,d I"."AN [I.{ij o thcr name.

11.5 ocher voice was rWL .!iom...:thinjJ 'in\! henrd fI.:j; ti\l.lch as st:ImcthLl)~ jou ft:lc -c-and obeyed.

"The- essence Df sal vudon 10:' simple [:;'Ii ~h, !.h;;;lI f' the de v Haskcd, rwiriing rhc fudgcelclc in hi)j.rmUJ1 h <1:5 r,i!I(;!1l.ini.!;lt!.!fn':I)lhi.-d.

"There's nothmg si 1111' lc about n, bu [Vc.!'S· fuLl]' is. the kcv."

"Hm .. , SCI chen th . c queecion i .. , can hiLU, nbide wtrh ccrrainrvj"

"ls 1 h:n: the q Llt":.')l i on"

"De ~'Olt h>~v~~ [;~i1'b Lhi,'l~ 'Lb"s ~tO$S i.~ gt~en, or ehne chu skv ubcve LIS is, ur th:1r ~'(lL,lr p;'p(Om I~ warm unci ;!ml[~'~"

"l eecwhar you mean. •• bcur vour ... direct experience afOotl.'·

The JCI,1i,l nodded. "I could argue dun' you can huve r:l1rh blt!"CIIHSI! vcu arc Igneranr. That ignor::L!~CC of rhc divine L~ rhc prercquiaice fct fui~h, le explnlns a lor.'

"Ltke why y/JILl were commanded co hide: 'fOUL'~d '\10.:$ (milll1l;"Ll1!.: ~ITtd:'

"B.:Kl:: when we were im,gel.:s. ves." N~lh looked om O\'Cf tl..,C' water, and his face was handsome ~vfl h lI'I!7!lm'lchoty. "ilcfore the hit,"

Matthew took l1$ip'.Jil\~;J. II' \WI$U,x) lemcnv, The canned sruff 9\\\,'fIYS was. "So} u're ufrald ther Y{lU

can never h ave (Olltb. because you simply ~'1~ow."

,-"1',1.1 prcf die \\'~,rd 'concerned' ro ',,(l<iid,' bill

~'ml n.: bllldy crrccr.

ManhcwshruggcdXhhcrs h~vet~p(:"riI:J'~ll GLli.1 dlrc:c.d}" Mnrv, Moses, the A pestles."

"Bucthcvalreadv had fi1jth when .ht:}" w.;;!1;c.:'{pt~!;d." "Nor .~inl P.111l. Rcvelancu was his conver-

;t;lrm ":"Ipcnc:m:'l.;!.

"Pnul believed :nrongly c;:nmlgb ["0 pt'TSI.!'CU'C the tC~lrlY' church. He believed in God nil right, he just didn't believe Chnet. , ..... !::; ~hll' MoI,;ssinh."

"All ria:;hl, wc'I'cddfrhlg here, The: pclru is, proof of du.: di""nll: ~Hd nul' tCik~ rhdr raid, ~,\,'I'iI'l" 511rr-iy VOkl'll Agree [0 [hal, [ighd"

Noah hit rhe b."l lump f,:l( hls (I,IJl.:csic!c stick and nodded.

,jAil 1"J;hr then. Mnvbc your challenge isn't to have faith in od, hut rn have I~illl In His 11)i.'C nnd benevolence."

Noah u""'-C Mnullcw a [hill srmlc, "Cai1~id!C"nng rhar bl' f-IL.<; word I was bound aml8url~ Into I-Iell.., yes, [hat ls u challenge."

"'Sur d\1"'::iwl~il' ~'lllllrlll .... "Io,JI,I1I'r~,uoscdll\Ei.r'sd\c ooty w~y you're like u IUJIl\''lIn being; the nl1ly \,,i're 11l Ihe- clark. Y;)U Cl'lil'. knew L:he'" Almighcy-yoo rcldrnc so YHlw.o.:lf S<:l lnstcacl, ~m have [0 trust, Hindly trust, mm:

His will ~ ;1."'1)(1(.1, ~"'Cll r~""r ~'lJll whorn He pUl~ls.hcd."

"Ami ,'tIll, M~uthL.:w. Remember char He- puni!;h.;;·d y~u as we II." N ~mh wrapped the fudgesrclc snck 10 the nepkm nnd put it in n trash curt.

"Perhaps }'OLl n~t:LII(l ftL.1f~ivli! God."

"'lfGod can do 110 wrong, fur \\'h~. ¢'II~ ~ pO:..:ilblV .i:Jff!I .... e:IHm1"

"For lovtng you enouuh to punish yQ~." M:lllhc\\' ~hif[ed and turned [0 Noah. "Plato &*.1 there: were three lcvcls cffrlcodshlp."

"Plate said no such thing,"

"We-II. one o( tho~(' Oret!b. There's [he first level which I:; juse, you know. I'Hln~il1g oan. I~W() people whv enjoy one another's company. but no more ,h~m that, ()kriyr The: ncxr level [05 a friend who'll help ~'OU. l;Wt.'11 when it C~I'!'t~ hlll1. C~lI"iIJ be anychlng from g.iVll"lg r..I(J n Si'itHm:.'ll' to he.lp veu U1~WC I.., d~u.)w'lnG himself 011 EI grenade."

"'TIH:foI,: I:!- no greater love ... '"

"Rl~h[ nght, bur rills 1;5 the Greeks, not the Bible."

MEIIl:IH:w lwned In. "The ihlrd level ba friend who's

wllhng ro help you be 1'],1;' I::-I!sr man }'VU enn be. Whll [ells ~'4J11 WiU.'"11 you do wrong, even if it pisses vou off. Even i it means Io.~in~ (he friendship. ~

"And rhar's the $(JTI (If friel',J GQ(.l w a s tQ me?" Mnnh e: w .:1bruJ.tb.~d. "lh:. it IllaL;.c sc~r'

N,tlah drdu'r ~ly yes •• r no, He said. "Then till I need to "In i:o. fed rhue O.:.J IS good and I'll be Si.woo? Because char's u mll order."

"E"'I;" he .. "n{ 'fake II 'Iii joumakc ic',"

"W here I ac r like I believe MlLm::chi n..g untll, evenr~I;llly, I do!"

"Right,lt's1<:ind offunny. but it works.Ifsomeone IIl.'IIl'11li ItJ reel love, 1 cell them U) ~I-I,;t Im"i1,g. 11,...:: net mnkcs ll~tI;ll\ Il,ll1k~!bmlr.I"I •. 'iC:L.:. Chll~.!:l*:jJ dufcrcnrwnv."

"Another (On.5CiQUSllc.s.5 trick. The He b.;(t)rlles

rhen'Lnh ....

''1 wouldn't pur it ,1.,1( \\·,1,(." "-OlllluslJtl J!:tlOI,l." "\'(/irhull~ dt)H~.[,': harm."

"Right." Noah nodded, '"H4,IW ab..llIl ~'QIJ1' dlurrn1 I'd bcdehghred rc work In yourourreaeh prosram l"hh the 1"_1Or ,\IlIJ ,he homeless,"

Matthew squinted at him, his u~ lIth. see sn 1'1 r..:llhddlng scowl.

"Oh." ooh sald. "There's rhnr ,:illsj'm:h)lI" look again. You think I'm Ill" tog s,nmctJulig. Yo,-I [hil'~k rhts ts nll a ~h:lu,-'j

"I'm n-ot Sil)'tng ,1.1O!t."

"'1'1.,11 )"1.111 ~hin'" rr. You cnn ' r rrusr me, \'i'hy shoukl Y(l"I.I' l'm n de v il; ~'l)u·1't' ,I rnlntsrer 11f rhc Lcnl.' He shook hts head. "\Ybar must l do ,r.o pro; ive Ihe.I)IIr1lVO( 1I~i" Inmlmr.m,~r'

The min1st-(:,rmid nothing, NUiJ[, wmetil:nuJ luoked ar hun.

"How.,l",{liit l'hi:-;1 [fl::t rl,1J1~wll.hSt. Ttmorhr's.' St. Tit.~mh,,'~ wns n Catholic c.hllrcl, in neerbs Mulcsbcro. Silo; mrmlh~ earlier It had goncn a tL{'W priest- a black priest. 'n .. e defectjon Of.->OlllC whuc Cllfilhts to other area churches - some C,'hfJli~, ~lIHe PfVHC-.'Imm- had bccn nn uglvsourceof rensi J1 In thesruaUMls.~utilm\lI1.1l1e.'jof\l\, awcek ago, Sr. Ttmodw's had caughr fire- i\I.$1 as a ptedomtnnndv hlnck RI(!list church had in 199 and another b;(\1n.! ~t in 1998. The police weren't sal'ing the- bUnling's were connected, but cv(:ry(InC was t.hif1kll1~ h.

The d~tJt'c.l1 bun-ung was .a charged -SllhJc(;t.

Manhew find the (Itl\"11 hold been present when ir cnu~lH fire.

"Fix Ihm~::I1'" Mm thuw asked.

"\'1!olllcln'r trbce f11-i;:Sl1il'1g!o fhi:J whole nrca I(,h:;u Y~I ~ ~I rUfLll\.JlI CCIJ III be resolved ~ \flolJld that be d~Jin~ good with ... lUt L!vlir

A.~:lin, rhc ~Ilmt!>[c.r sahl iICHhh1.\:l..

"l'll sweccen lh!"! pot," NiJ~ili pressed. "If I ~1iJ,"1 {md rhc culprlr and ~n:sFy rhc (cJI ..... u lhl1qLl::;'Li~;;; was Jl;1n~-':;;L~hi('1' rhem lll<1 W;I)' rh~rc:ll~ gl\.c-r-;:oplc ["~.I d-l)l.L!rL!'- l'll ~i\!'a;;: Y\,lll 111\' Trul!' Name."

"l knm ..... your nnrne."

J,you kMW the unme Gaviel," rhc dl.:·vl[ eepltcd. "rmd u hns scme power. Widl L{ you can cull me from ofar end I'll bear your-words. BilL wfch 111'11 True Name }'tltI QJIl !,;o.l·imllrLd 1'11':: oCl;.l[!i[111;r..:ly, lIr.;!rn'ikL!' rru., t>u:al nw power For voursclf..; or exile me lrum this workl ~1f1J back i 111 0 she Abvas."

Matthew glWC him f.I ~h;lrlll~1I11-;. N~I'lh 11;IrIUw~d 1m q!.:..~ and conrlnocd.

<'Y~II'n: [hi!l~irLg I'~'wt If 'f(lll hml rbl!i.. 'l'o[lll (:I.,'mld free vour scn From nrc. ri~hl1 l'vc lLJokl !(Qll: Y(.lII·.8l1li i.~ dead.I'm te.hts bodv, rhnr's all. You send me rm,h rmd all YULl [;.rer I~ N-LJah'~ C:OfP.~t:. Bud suppose that would ~dsft'·~·oll. wtluldn'. ~1? T.P.o!!'I1 },t,u'cl kUI;'JIII 11'1:-ly.t;:ll fUll .srmigb tall nlcng, U

"I \)1~I~j h~I\!t" ~n~ir word ferall this," "Wh a t hnvc yOLJ gor [0 lo~er'

'TII:i'l['i rhcquesuon. lfyoufull-urlt! I 'I~LJr'l: ~'~al IlLLlS[ have some c "(LgL·, some Imide track - [J::,'C1' this 'Tnl~ N:lltlt,!: Wha[ tf ym.! SLlcl!c(!d~"

"You mean, what Jf I prove I can do guuJ wtthcut .Joi~ hann ~ I f 1 nccn rnpl L~h a deed or IJm~' I~J~' e -d vm IJC!' ~ Wdl, lnlhOlI case, ..,mJ~I1ft: ItlC l'hL:: ehnnec 1'0 Jd more .,f them. i'U(! kl 1lI~ hell" y~.lll:!ll \ilUlll' church."

Mnuhcw eheughr aooLlf it.

"l'I'IL adell ... ~ one corulrnon," he stud. "'N~llTW u,"

"Yml tiL) Ii. hi R mOl"il'h, And YC'ttllto ir without .. ,

wrnhQ~l SU1)1.;'('nnr~mIIXlWCl".n "Tlm['~ I:;WIl ccudhjons." "No deal wtrhcnt 'em. II

"'111ot:~1 l'm .If ..... liJ we're olr un Impasse. The month I' II ch~1'11.J11~' grant, hue \t'j,lwLJ r J~LlIMlmJII LIm I !?tll .... en,' I een'eoccupj rh t, body _J ca I' t II'lQV-; oli(1.l..1[ or mre ract wnh [he world or do ilnyrhln~ b .. rr rernmn in the Pu. WI;;IL 'YJI!I'I'-l:' llddl~J.'L i~ 1'-L1I'!oL's..~tb!I.!."

... All ri~lu yCltll'::LrL,., iSt':Pj in tlwh;'IIly, F~lr nnw. H~lt ~·uu t':lln'~ I.I~;; '1tl1lrl)O~~ to com rcl rn:::L"lplc_ YCRi can'r ch ... :mge il'L~H __ .• f~It)._."

"RLghc." Noah stroked his chm. "BIJI. Wh.!I if 11m thTc,lt\:n~ ~ C.m I. II,,~ Illy. _. !·;dl.:n1:j! I L1_,df II L.:((;t'L~;;!' "\vh.~ would \'I.:lU need wi"

"Corne nnw, WoC'n;l'Illlli';~1 C::l:rt"'i~ti~, lutJkif1~ r~lr;'1 thun:h·bl.lmjl1~ t'ru:is.t. Do YOll think slJch t1 pt'f'SOll \\,,{~LJld hc_~lrmc: w kH.l :a nl~~e.[ like mc (I,)·CG 11Irh~H?Or d~1 y(~I~ fXl'(;(:t I\.C rll ~Cr like ;) l;)Ll1b [!Jo rhL.:

sbtlghred Thur'su rutheradvanced vxerctsc ~l{C1Hi~· nanjrv, even you must ~JL"I1ir ther ."

"All ri::lh~i:[NIII·11'-11l1. Sdf defense. nLlt r,tnly iffhq rhreaccn )1.1'11.

"1J:t1(1l!'_ e)I'\! muruh {r~tm,,," he lucked ar hls wurch. "l:ll_ So, lf veu'Il cxcuse me." He !1~!li"l.

"Whl;rot,; YCIiI ~rJlui.!t"

WI have an arson cnae LO solve."

r· ~

His flrer vislc was eo Father DcOIl Wl![U'cU. the rri csr wItt:! h::1J t;lltr.J;L>d .:i!tch rcn slon when h" ~(JoI;,Jlt ever aspusionuSr. T~ln'~, He gr( .. ..;:.~I:~1 Nmh w~ftn~y,.14 well he- E'l1i!:,:lu, Noah bad been OLl (he scene when the cf Ilrd~ burned, nnd he'd pulled a woman named Lynn Culver cut ol'tlic rbrl1"L.::i._

I'M[·, \YJ~]la(,L!'J Ie's gocd [l)SI..."C ~'OU hen!'," "Plcssc, 1;1'111 rnc N()}jh, Hi1-I~' i$ M~. Culver!" The prlL~ ... sc ,hl,ok bi~ head. "She's mcnlli[l~

but. .. she seems bndlvshuken.Poor 1.'II>t)lu;ln_Of ~11l rhe people .. , I'

nOll?" Inselnctivelv, NCJ.,ll reached out, tin .. seen ". aud sreppecl himseff He'd :!ortiiJ he ~\I(I~lldn>t, so he dldn'r. :Fh.:'J have IQ deal wuh this man rhe htuueu wny_

"She's. cr , .. had a rough tlmccf'lr .' [he prlcsr sefd. "I sec. W~lI, c!u I'he l't,lllc~ hnve lilly :iu:>p~c'['Sr' "Plenty. Too many, renllv.'

"So [l1i111}' II'hQ would h~lr[l ,~ c:hlll'-l:hl I rmr'! bclievch."

"\"(I~: ll, I'iu:r~t!oi a It,[ llf 1.111 [e~ tJ It I K lunsrnen n ~([.LI1,LI.t" Ocelli said sadlv. "And these noisy. nusted vouth ill C.lll'l:;.tlan IdC!1~i1y nod the Wh~LC: Aryan Rcslseoncc. Thi.ll·'('i wfw 1+11:= pollee .~'ISrCL:I:'

"nLJI no n~ll.m::;i.J JII~t!)f~an.11l-1!jf.ln:s.1"

Thoi:' priest nodded. N .. lfth rLlrS,,;d hi~ lIr~. "I-'II"r..I' fin! 'jI'LlUr pu rj5hh)i'I~~?"

"Oh, utosrofthcmurc wl-:ing it well." F~lh~f I).r,;~m NfiVL.::;1 c w lsrcdHnlc «rnllc. "I've seco some ~mH'es come bc!!:/':'I~~iILl~ Clf I'hh. AII.1 rhc cummunl~y support has been r~m.::lrk.lblc. W~"1l nELvr.:: ~hl;,! hl.l!lclil~~ repaired In no Lime."

"·Wli';;IL·[ :;1 bi~ j''j~. dH)I~?" "No, nor Ii"'..::: rho lnsr one."

! I was 11IIII:.:h I~ p~~lil~ [[I l}.,;lll~1;,! C.A,wpl.!.r vf the M ulcshoro rD, She'd i nter v i e wud I. irn ;1 ln fill whm hit saw 81,d Jill \~'hlh: Sr. Timmhy's. burned, and he'd ncrlccd C"'C'I~ then rhnr Soh.;: :st~cmed uncornforrablc WiTh dl~ Vlse_ WI'-CH jl1~'d o:rto!!l-l! l~l ~lln 1111;11, ~\L;'d L'Unl'GJ un thl;!'!:.hHnll",sl~I~ly fl do I-'i I C(Jutd. 'Tlli~.llI11I:, 1 n: Iii!..! m 1'00 her like- .1=111 angry iUILI'I!i1n.

.. ,. ,JUSt don'[ understand ..... h)' y(ll~'n;lIQ upset!" ~ht!. ~1·t.I, de:lf1v pueeled.

"YOLl ~on'd Dcn'c \'ot1?&mu,~ m;'[.lm~n Is runnin' 'fNII,J, buemna our churches. hUI Yi;)U dnn'r underscmd whv we're llp~~r.L The police do nothlne, get ncrlr ing doric ilnd C:jl rI', ... ee whywc' rc unhappy! Wh;n, you expect us ro sir on rhe porch, t.:r1l1n' w:llt.::rrfll;IL)I' nud wauin" (or (he arsoniat ro srrikc ~g~inr' He; W(I1)dered u rhewarcnnclon hadn'rbccn over cl"lC' top, but lc made her flilKh.


"Arc your Arc ,'oI.HI fl·,(l/lJ? SO!t'lt'JJ.llC .Ioes rhla l n bronrl {byll~h[ III Ironr of a dosen witnesses, 3L1d ~'mJ have I"I~Hhi,-;g! No one :;-aw un)'~hing~ No O.111!' kD~WS ;my[hi:ng~ You Ilal-~' r.htnk l'ul ~rc[ry damn stupid."

"No! 11'~ ...• hese I'hh'l~. the)' rake rime," "l-iavc V u heard the phrase ucle Tcmnung'J" "l'm sorrv?"

"Undc T Olnrnn'g. Have }'OU heard rhar phrase! 1 r's like pl:aying dumb. Y Qll do,~'t restsr, you dcn'r defy :tny(ll~C, YIIU don't refuse you [ust ... chm'r de le. Goltlbrl.cklf'Lg, Dotng cnocgh ,[olSati~(y, but ncr ~[1QllJ;:h to accompl lsh."

"Are ynu accustnq [11C pchcc dcr.mrtml,!n~ ~r ...

IOf Ih;'I'~"

lie sard nothing, JUSt gave her en tn~oknL look. "Mr. Wall;n:!;!, I ,.k'!n'l... 1 don'r know whae rosa)'.

We-'re doing e\'el},.-hnlg. EL'l,!rythmg. I mean, we've ~onc-u"cr ~lflJ Over Ic with (he wirnesscs-e"

"Oh, so it nll!;S( be rhcrr(il(Jlt~ Poor dummiesdldn'c sec :m}'thing, weren't p .. ying ~Ut:n(iQI1?"

"I dtdn'c sav rhur!"

"11)1.:1] when: :l1'\.': jll.tuf r·c~a.d(S1 \Vhelc are your

suspects :;md ~I~$t):!"

"We hnIJC: suspects. bur we aren't ... WI!! c<m'~-" "l can't enlk [0 you," he said. lunking uwnv.

"Mr. \'(ltall~I(,:C;, I,rt:~e." She hit her lip, leaning over her d 'l>k. " L. , I rho'l~h. we ... " She rook a deep breath and tried again. "1 don't km)w whr YQu'r..! so upset," she said. "ff you think l'rn nQI wtlrki[\g hard on rhls cnse. ,,·{)tl'r~jLl::lt Wn]ll~.lIucll'l1 prove lc [(1 ~'OU if vou [cr me.'


"Please. You've, your tesnmonv nwUy helped, nnd 1 \":'li~1 'fmJ to know wc'rc gerttng to the bU~li"lfn of'hiJl..Okii)'r'

He: Jjtr~lI&htcllCd his ckirhes, I"Mi.lyh-c: I \\'a~ a llnle ... h:Is.I)':'

"'I understand 'f\lll're ~JPSt:'t. Look. do YOLl, .. want :;fl1L11! CP((t;C (lr MJiU("lhingr'

"Iced [car'

"'I'lt gel 60m()," she ~lll .

Abolll rime:. he rhoughr. At. soon as; she \'L'lI;; OUI o( the office, he polJm.::~ un lilt: flit! folders he'd secnon her desk,


licto.:c'livc Cowper's prime :§'U~)~I~:t wns G"!'{,ltllt' Lesulle. Ht,:',! been du: prime "S\JS))I!Cl in the 1998 arson as well.He'd been »rrcsrcd In 1977 when a Ku Klux Klan rally rurncd violent. hut he asserted [hal he'd I..:rt rbc Klnn afrer char. No one on th;,: pohcc fore" was l.'Tll1Vinc:r."I;1.

OeorJll' Lasalle was. n retired ruuuhirtisr, 62 \'(!m.~ old. divorced ;1ll,d llvlllg nlonc. I lc had two Cll1W1(;~ rlons: tI p'lh]iI; In.lIJi:;II~C:C: from '[he '71 rilll~' - 1,1 ca. ha'~8 ~111.-.d down fWI11 rl,.~'iQ1I1 1'1- ilmJ d . drunkand di.:su[J .. 'rl)~ (rum 1981 - ~l,gllil', plen b;.~<lil"leJ ,lm\f1, (rom a:;su1Jll- ;"1{rJ,:f (It~ tncldcnr with I] black 1M,In in a me v ie rhearcr,

HI! lived alone. and oah IUId high hopes O'L\ he

knocked on th~ 'lltln's door.

"Go \\';,IYI" said a scrarchv volcc fmm insidl.!. He kept knocking. r:lricntlv. llKll'LtJI'OnO-L151)',

Th e CLln,1 in eve-rho window bv the door twilCht:d.

and Noah s:DW n bkodshee l.;.~'II;,

"P,~;lt te," ~IIJ the vclcc, "This private P'II'l)o;:.ny." NOal1 knocked :md 1,:n~)t'.k~L

1111; door (iI',llly ope-ned, and a p<J.rth' lUim stood (here: ghlrin~. "Y'ru ITCSPi.L,:'il.n'," be said. "an' if you dcu't scram prcnro, I '1l'U1 1,10\\'11 hole in yCHi bilfcnough t' dum" il (()~H6;'IIl,htough,"

NtJ;'Lh smiled a llrdc. "Th a t~ound" likt' .1 rhrcar." "Damn strn'gh,."

"l'm l'I(~r Sl1n!' you're serious rthlillt ii, .hnlJ~h," "YOlI don't rhink l'm ',~'tlUI1', hoy!" The lasr word

h.;td ,. '=U(,J lift), yC'aTS of contempt pnded ill u . "You h~' wlli!· ." ll. took nnly moments for Lasalle W rr~l\rlJ~t.: a small handgun llnd ['10m I" it on Noah.

"b rill!' ~Ifery offr'· Noah asked. Die", "1& D(JVJ."

"eLl! how do l know lr's loadedt"

L1S:lIlc: worked the slide, and 11 ~hd I (0,;1J ttl rhc fluor. "Okay", I Just \\!j'UlI ~,o be. ubsolurcly, po~iti"cly

sore you're- rhrcarcniug me: wllh d~ldl~' harm." ]...\.loii,o!ill;:; the: gLLl1 and auncd l1C Noah's bee.

"Hew ruuch more proof ynu l1ced.? Y('LJ ~t:I, Ll'1' l'llklll ,JVU, un'crnandf"

"I'm glad we'r e clear un rleu.' Nvah':! !>jIlilc bccnuc dazrlmg.

"Now OIVI! ..... t!! TMATW'EAroN," he saitl-s.!'C'aking 1'1I)f (3$ NCJ.1h., bur as Gavrcl the m\l..:d,

.~ !

Twenty minures 101.t~r, Ncnlr 'oI,;f~ Lasalle's house, 'I,I';1~LI~I~' Im:-I incd lO~O home ~I nd abewer, The! fI:':Ml. had broken down, collapsed unerl), under the glor~' ell" 0;1",.::1\ rrue (urm. H~'J M!hbc-d, had agnni~d flb\"llll hi:i lcnelmcss, his un ermlnrv and tear, his fndillg he;lhl, ::U'iJ rerror of dying alene (tnJ unluved,

11 had really been rather nrescmc. T~ man'sgtlt I!'r1QL.lgh lii~r for [100 OWM boakr,lcMs. rhL.: demcn thnu~l-,~. Idly klOkJL1g dcwn ae rlte ri.~tollle'd taken. \Vitlla shruq, he pur hln hb!l:tcwC' compartment.

Th~ only rC£IJly inrercsnng thing he'd gOnef1 fHHTl Oeurgl! Lasalle was chat [he IllFln h;ul nOI burned SI, Ttmerhe's.


Tbc nurse ar Cbnsc-Reekncv hcspleal fllrted with N~Lh a linlc while showing him to LYlm Culver's room, H~ dnin'r mendon that he'd been the one tct save Lven's li(t', !Z,t:.llnng lire nurse already knew, He dtdn'r ask rhe nurse for ho;:r phnnc number,

"Ms. Cul ... err' he asked quietly, She looked Itp

I,-irn drug-bleared eves.

"L"J.coon!" she 11 III m,,:rc.-J. "An: yOu feeling ail rtghr!"

Thenurscgev hi$hiH':k'l wtsdcl locknssheclos ... d [he door. l le sawlr lnhcr reflecncntn rhewtndow but F;.'IH! li~,~i~ll.

~ he approached. L ~![\fI. seemed [0 ra IIi". She fUIl1·J;.IL:~1 by [he sldc of the hed <l1"Ld hit n bLlII .... m, whlc.h ",ISoL'tI,hl! rncnress so she "'~:'i sittinr: up.

"Oh,' she said. .. h' .... you:' "How l'I-r.!.' ~,(IU dllingr'

"Better." I lcr voice was raspy, OJrning nur (If smckc-scurred lLLl1i!S. "l never goOt l:\ chance It'! [hailS;: you."

"You're welcome,"

"N~)! I mean ... YDU'n:- ~ here. A real hero. Ir L[ W,'~1\'f (~r vou. I'~[ h.:w~". have .. ." A tear trickled down her check,

"Shh. You're embarrassing me."

"I '1.11 sorrv."

"Dotl'~"fiQlo&l~c_1 mean. what hrr.\;'e'l"t1ugot,1' 1:<..1 be sorry fori 11"':10 Ill!; ~uy \,·n.o,;1 JIJ 1[ •• , He should bc sorrv."

"YL~ •.• "


17hql haven't umdc art arrest, but __ w.::II._. cvCI)'\'111e kn,,~w~."

"Knows wh:l'"

"Evervcne kn~m'$ he did IL It srckcns me 00 chink he mighr gcr awny with ii, bUI everyone knows it was G..:!Drg'C!: Lasalle."

"Georgc-.. I don't think 1 know him."

"WdJ, {ltll1'~ yml 'W'IT'r'- He'sj ... ,{1nn;1 ~winJ.l for this," "'Y0L1 think they'd cxcemc him.!"

"11111 r's rITjoohly too much (Q hope for. Si[H::":: )'OIJ (;!:Ot hun ill the fire. though, rhev could prosecute hun for nuempted liiUIt:i-L!f, DtJot;!Sl1'. fll:!!;llly 1Jl;Ir.~~., 1-11:\' r%1 !'l"'!-ick_ l d-l)l'j'l lhink 1t1.;"11 JB~t IO-l"'1,~ ~n I)ri~~ .... n."

"Wh;1[ rf he- d ldu' r de I rr Noah narrowed h is eyes.

! !

"SIJ, wh~ do you suppose Li'lm Culver-set lwr owu church ou fir~I" N~';lh uskcd

Father Deon Waru'("H looked surprjscd, hUT .-.01 :Ji1:QI~[5..hc:d_ "Wha[ mnkcs yQ.LJ rhiuk she Jll3!"

"$hl..: told '1"L~:' Nee b l ied

The p.-IL"::.SI s •• nl: Im,l: in hls chntr urn! ~,~he~1. A~ ~H::' ~~~Hh whi.;iIIe<.1 cut. hoe seemed to slrriuk. "Oh,., dnmn," hc sard m lnn.

"Y .. .lll didn't kn . cw ir was' 'Y .......... -ell ~hi;1Ij~ hi'lo ~H:;i~I, ··Yf.lIJ:;uspI.:G,:d!"

"I Ji lil"[ ~U~IX!C~. b'~1 I . _ I \l,I11..lo ~(rl'iJ'~ if ~~;~I) her ." "Wh}, [s ~hm~"

A:nUlhef :!i~J,. <I :5hO[1 one, "Because {IH.' nighr before the flrc she. .. well. LilCTC was a o5\.3CI''''::,''

"Some WO l1"1('n... mm, t her ha ve p reblerna nnd lh1.:Y_" \\'.:Il, they .,-,:hi\':iC ;Ir~r 1"1,;; wrong men. ~,.i~~n Ihey:'d\lmkln'~ [ .. IVC[FI' 11:1i1~ rhe::rl!;~lfII'tlmv!'!:, ynu know! Mnmed mcn or..."


Father W"llI'wcJI nodded.

"Lynn 1_'0 ,1 sad 'f,'I~ . .sh~ __ . well, ~h~~ got:L1 P"S~ I fhul!t!:ht I could help her, g[\,{.' her n job ar rhc church. killJilf._. be rhcre fur her.I guess shereek II rhc wrong wav."

"\V~II, ~'t'H tried."

"You know wl'm ~. hey ~'t' :f11;.m re J;~'i'lid 11"~~t'liml*. PO "TlIC,' read (IJo Hell. uh huh," Noah frowned. "So.

WhiLl dLJ",e dL~ ril,'Jw!"

"l sunposc \~'t' rell the cops,"

"Y~~LJ n.!oo:,ll~' rbin]; r.hfll'~.l g~)I;...1 id~.I!" "Well, they're!: .. _ I mc.ln._."

"Exucdv whodoes rhne hcJpll~l1l1 gees to jail and becomes <1 punch l ;L1 C'" for r i,gh [-WI L~.Il: .~IJ i~l hL ~r:> ,lC1..'V~ dIe fL1tiQn."

"The: ccngrcaarion m ighL ,,"

H M 'I:lh I w h:ld M llo;hl forgl ..... 1,; On;;,- ~lf rhe i r own?

MCf,:h[ ~r:cC'ptyl"lln(]~wh[;n d1L:.wh~r(nfa'iC·)I,":;<:o~ntb~ ooze .. cut! Mighl igL1oroC future racial incidcars he-


IJDlt]\ 1'1.\\I:Il~{:lIIJE

cause rhls rumedouttnbea KI:m.fl'c''ilcrim.c!JLI51 what l1'I IJ:!.h e h;)Il]'Jcn \ ... l~ 1; til(' Cfll'!!'rn,;~;'i ~ion. Pn IlIl;r ='"

The priest was allcnr. "You c an'c S-"lLJm,C::sr. rhar \\I~ u::rVCI' fl~l~ ur. I won'rclo tr,"

"Hmm. Yes, your church has been burned wlrh cover-ups. hasn't iItSO rospcnk," Noah ran hi!> Flngcrs Ilp~ll,~.k."Thl!';.;;hin. "Gi"~mol,;" (;(l"!Jpll.:o[ J[l~'5.1·1l tlunk [if"~)11l..::~hirr.g.'"


In taue, he wen r back to G cnrgc Lasalle. The rna n

\ ... ar.,tlflEi\k <l1"'I'!ll(it b;IPPY lti~ ... 't.:'il,

"Go ''1'['1),,'' he scrd, ht6- vnlcc afraid, -'Gl.::n'-";L::. J..,.::I-'::':, il~"J! ~I,I- rr.l't"Pl1f,:h !lli:-;'.;:I~rli'1.'· "Go 'Wi]~! J gor n ~LJn~"

"No. )'OU don't. J'W.(:N' vour gun." "Y()IJ rrickcclme."

"George, you know chat's [lor [rue, Take a deep Incmh nncl rcnllv let YOUf.'!C"ir remember. You I::no\\l \\!h;,t yotl ;"I:lW_ Y'JH kfl~Jwwh;;1I" I nru. Y(.'Illl.-rw ..... WhLl~ LL IO~"I1.!i:

S[owl\" the th.1Or opened.

~\Vhal de vou wanr {mil! mcj" Lmnllc ;b,l;:cd.lris voice smnl L

!t WiI::! an ~fftlrt to I1Q{ reilll~' push rhr;;.' mnn, buc Gavicl made J(:! ..... lrh Np:-th':,. nnrlvc c:h:lJrril. am] warmth. Thev were really qLlll~ Irnpresslvc, bV IWr .11L!11 stnndards.

"1Jo '1'1111. reallv rhlnk I'm here 1.0 ger s,.mcrhli-'~ j'rl;>l~l }' 1'111 l1t.'r", L<., r!i .... t" ~Illlit". hin!; (~l you, if vou'l] uLliy »ocept tr."

'·Whrll J .... ' "'[~L1 I (H::CII'L ?"

N oeh enrercd urul ~1.1: en rile' couc h. G{'('Irgc:- rouk

Ihll..: c:,"'L~!f ch.ur.

"G corgc, whnc IHI""~ )'0"1.1 gor i'· L;I.:i:.J1l1: rernumed ::;,h:TIL

'You're nor .s-,""Iyin.,q iln~'dl.lng, Gcomc. 'C~u5C no, ,I [I y, rr.'lji£""~ I_,~dll n~. No (;)n!ll~i ,((m t i.lj k tl). N..:r rrt;;;n d!J; lerl_Ntlj~bnl;J..;~' to.even. Ymr l-nrl lmlcfnra''IIhilc, l'l:Il

~:~~h~~~~~~P.P(.o.d LiWOl~ •• tlldl~'[ IdNow all 't'OIJ hrwe ls

G<.:!nr~E;! .~aid I'L,rhing. just fnl,!Cn\,\I.

"Let Inc tell ~'L"ILI whnt ),Otl could IlO'In~_ Y~'hJ (;QI!IJ {ll1J 11 gr('l"p iff people ,vhu respect vou. You could gcr forgiveness for all cbe slurw things you've J'.l!m.: n"L.:r .h<: YL-;lt ... '{till couh] huvc tbc kucwl~d~e rhm 'l"IPU h~l~ll trurcad <'Irhllrt, healed inatcnd of harmed • gnvc hope Instead of hnued, Tluu i5o:.1~1 nd good 1"

"I !;LI~_" Lasalle's L!\-'e..) Wl.!'I"C srl]] 'Ifr:lld. '-'Wh~lt·,. th"'Qlt1::h?"

"Yeu'ee -anan eo nsk ehm, The C:<'1ld~ ts, ~'~'11 have 'Lo C<.trm~ .;;:1c::-.r~ ;'!Jx,\lt St. Tun's,"

"l diJn't do h!"

"Oh.1 know. BIJ' ~'CU musr mke rhe {nil for lr." "Whnt ~ Thru's crazv!"

'" Lou kartr (rom a blggerperapccri vc. The -C1111"l.Il\Unll~ is hmtlnt.: 1"K;c.ILi~t: ol rhb, hccnusc the srcrv tlH,'~'r~ getl ing n~J\\I I;:' 'rflc.l~c bl,~mnJ bumsehurch and ntts i'JlIlilY wtrh It.' They don't know who rhe rdlci::lt i~. hUllheY'I'-e Cenait1lhC"rcijonc.~'ougctll1dNuw. Y<.HI go W (he prtest. confess, tum l'HIff~lfLn and rcll the judg\: rharvcudtdn't mean (,'r~ln}'uneE(.))!l!lhjJn, [hal \fOU'rC sorrv.Helt, tell 'em }'Oll5;\W RU aneel if)'ulIfe:eI ltke II, Wh;Jr'l\, the firOi)' rhon! If's. 'old man ~C5 rhc light nnd repencs.' People I(w~ 3 redcruptlon ~rory. Goor.!lC', and when someone :n.:rx~11t:!'i, h's ;Lw\ul fy,IJJ ttl nor (o~j\fi.': him, YOIJ SHm: r.nendtnu Sr. Thu's, ~llld ~QplJ;; will neat YO!I rl~]H bcC-:lLISC', rllcy'll feci roo ~llilly if ~11t.'~1 d(lt,'I."

"Nt.I ... 110. This am'r right, It! like I'm covering up (nr the real creek."

"The 'real crook' 15 tf sad! fl)¢~d 1,11'. hmkeo wumUII, YI~u \1"\111'1 be cfo,I\'a.:cing up for her, vou'Il be g,hring her ~ ~<:t:fll_d c:hIH'I~ A!oJCf.ll5. rock (he blewsfor mnekind. vou'H rake [he Maw f-c.1r hur."

G~~;.1fgC W'I";;'!I\.-;;:I,lh";I'II shook hi.~ head.

"I ean'r," he said. "l'm ... I'm [00-011.1, I jll,S( ,=(1, n '1, I c;.;m"1 hnve- ,.11 th~:111 eves ICtokl.l'l.S at me, people <;~ulklt1l:ll'hf.:i"f head .... "

"You can and you will! Dnmn y II, Occrze, ii', nut everyone whn gers :1 SCCCll"iJ chance handed (0 him fHlrn nn Angel I)f rite Lord! You're seemg my gOlxl Ide now, bur i( you uneer me vou'H re.F!n:~ it untf ~'QII die and forever after! You think ~'~lH ~n~ l'OI'hrl'~ ro lose! Wdl rhe cops n.lrl:~td1 hnvc \'.(ILI made as [heir nmn, nnel ,f. y~\1 gu In kld':lffl1 nod

screaming, the on Iy p<:oplo.:! 'round when ~'t111 die .. viii be j'Ollr ccllrnetcs <-nd 11I:t~'he the warden.' Nonh woo ~Ind glared down at Lasalle. "The people need .tF1 im.,pir~nH story of faith nnd forgil~Cnl"~:!;, unrl I'm ,!!oin)! W jfl,,-e thent ~II'I ir\~pir'it1.1i :-:wry 0( fauh and forgi. v cnces iJ l huve W ~tfr'Jj down J',nu Ufe m j;I(![ L[! Y'JlI hL":U md"

George he-.m;/.


"That poor man," Zt~l.t \VfllliV:.~ snid. Zul .. W:'l:S Matlll(:w·:!Owlft;tlnJN(!0h'sl .... other. hc wasdcllghrcd chIli h~'T.:!ml 11 a ;::;1 renrmed. leuher Noah nor Manhew wa willing [0 cell her [he truth.

The rhrcc W:III;u:~<; were'Lg in the den o{ :..rm'tlww';:j h c nne. wnrchi liJ.l: ~1l"L C\'cH i Ilf.!: n ...... ws :5.cgmcn r mrervicwmg George Las-alle and Fuebc- WI'ln'tldl.

""".~:S Hke Ihl;Y -li;i~'," Ot!t3I~l" saul. "Hate!' is like 3 drug, Only tlu." I.hiog is, lih' n LI.-ug it.. I ~.t(lIl'1 \\'mk SO ~\'cU over rlme. You gc.t less of u ... 11;.'f,S Qf fll"\yth;n~ our o(rl. In the end, there )'OU are, high an.' dry,"

rri\,:l{Cl~" Noah lhough[ George's vosee soundcd benee oI:(}mi.11"; r,IU[ of Matthew's J:r:;!phi{'a1Ir cquahzcd <Ul~1 Dolbj-fll tercd Hlrrnm~d S""UI t\d spca 'kCt.s. than lrdtd in rcnl ltfc.

.. lr's 1'"1'er['!l muasing," Manhcw said softly, sneaking n glance ur NOrUl, ·'MNt m\:11 like rhne.. I-h-t;po':rc llkc a bad Jug when ie,~ sick. l\ elck ~I.~JI,: bir~ ~lfly(ltIC who comes ncar, CVCt~ the people who'd h.elp it,"

"Prcrrv brave vi" him," Noah said. "h's never C~',i't' [{I achmr you're \\TI)f1g.'"

M~il,lhew opened Ill'>; rnnur h ro ~PC-:lL::, then dosed it when h ... ' -'f1W ZOItI g(lzlng ~1' her S4;1n wlrh prhle and adorarton.

"Yeah," he murrercd HI lust. "Il'S nt\o'£.:ro(;;~5.'1'"


Sa, {i-r!ii . lew HlYIl1'n hi.:k'i lW-lh.itlg from rh., \1,:ur Nl]r 1M ~r!P Tm:.r (jf f-Iell, SLl) fim whO! CiJW~ MOI/d OUT G:rtmd P~ITents in Ihar Mj)fry Smec. Fa",,'. of He •• n 50 li<ghi}. '" [,ill off

From rhir Crcercr. ancllulm.grf.fl 1.1.5 \\'lfn.

F(JT (rI~ res ltailll, Lart1.~ of ~/jj'! W/ fx. s ifw,s!

-Jahn. Milton, PUl"(I!:litJ.' ~i~t

Dernem Tbe Fallenls n gameof epicheroism uncl tnlemnl :glury -lit't ,1J;!jJilt~t::'l b~ckJmp of the c.ymcl'IL mooc'm World of Dnrkncss. ]U.~I ~:J rill! r~lIeil rhernse lvesarc llvlngdichcrotntesofhumam t\':l f"L(IJ.i\,;I~ 11)', 1111: ~ldlll: or the game laa merging of N'O worlds: rho: tmti~nl, wondrous pcrtod of the Age of Wr~l[h and the worldof modem H...·chnl'~ogy.;'1,'d science rhat we 'know IOO3Y. As [he demons escape the Abyss ::111.d seck- 10 sbnpe to.: \VnrtJ of Daskncss according to their Will, ,hq become 1I'IVI'1! adept (It recovering knowledge (rom [heir anctenr war and mc.:rgill~ II wirh ehe new concepts nod ideas that humanity has crested III the necns stncc. Fer ~ur)(,llJr IlL Lh4.: world is changing under rhc Influence (J( rhe fullcn, und [he game ccnrinoes IQ grow to reflect this evolution.

The inforruatton prt;l\.[ded In Lhis book I:' both an e:(Jl.'lns~j)n to concepts itUtoLl1lc'I!d in rhc cere rules

and -B wealth of new itlrC;mLmtilnl .::I0/2Si~Il,-d to add (l1,';.::ibi1it)' and dC-PLh [0 the original gu.mQ-, Ultlrl'l,,'~ly, h~)wc"ci', e .. 'cl)' demll tncluded In rhis book should be <1.51cppillJJ;:SWI1'L: f(lT Y'f'llr UWI'II ilk;.'!:!; nod concepts, As ever, our Ctlldl:l1 R!l[t,: uppltes. Iryou J"ll'[ llke what \'UU Il nd III these pages, Or better yet, w hnt yl)ll re.ul i1""PI1'CS a diffcJ'CIlL vision of the characters lmd concepts contained rhercln. ~hant.c td h's your story. Make- of it what you will.

Ii on U, 'eTI"II.:::;5ool~

Thts book I divided tncoscvcralchaprcrs, each or which ts .. I~igned 10 I;xplor~ a "cl explain a specific area of the gerne. Remember, lh911~I" that. the. most tmpcrtanr "chapter" In a stotvrclllng go)lI1t;: ts ~owr Ilu:Il'l1iallcm. NevCI Icc 30),thing in thts bcok become :[1 su bsrlnire jor vorn- own ercat i,'{ty.

Ch.::\P~C'l' One:: Fallen pIOV!ciC;S u wealth of SU~C:!iIlol~:S :ltld tips ("r .;r'1:41Ihl~ ;J ~ ... cll-rsmn .. h:cl, 11I1Llci-dill1'~Jl"iifllml D-I!:ITmn" d~Jlr7I'i"l~r,lk~i~Lni"ig; .... ii.11 guidelines for envisioning [he origins, his,[(Jf't' and poraonollcr Q1- the demon Lrself- the chapter (hen Cn~r,l;r!o [Hlpll;rr~I"I;'~IIII,i;."llt1Ii$11) Cl;m:>kkrwnt:.n C~";'Irll'g n 11~t.lI'I-,d 11L1S~ eluu ~,.'nr!lplcment~ (".It canlr.(}.tst the character's infernal narurc. The chapter conchedes wtth adv icc on 1["1 CCJ~T:Jrmg these [WiJ espoc cs together Ilui1uJ:!,h rl-c ~Vi;(1J.'1 ef ~h!.: Ch;I.-:.t:~l:rl .. r~["(!'u~I'i;.

Chapter Two.: The-Price of Glory focuses on how Ch:W;lCI["Cl''!; gnin (\11' IQiC) Bl'.Lck~:rOllL1rlS.. Vtrtucs : I[1J k~I·'1.!" rhwu;I5h tlwccu rsc \.~f a c h rome I...:, :111.1 h,~w to reflccr these I,;h~lIl:6."!!~ In [JI:-I~, Optiltj!HI15Y-1>tl,!l'1~, such as rceovcring l'u.r,g~)II(:l' turl..: rh.rolJ!jh mcdtrauon or :.;e:c:kil',g I.LII1':b"yc ~hrL"'iI.Q:h tnferunl II"lCnl>L1l'S i.1~12' ~IS{"J mcrcducccl, as well :Ll:5 n new :jysrem c,4]II".:d resonance for cnhenctng 111111:11 cvocntinns.

C~lfll~IO"rThre~t MC.rlu: an'ld r·li.1\',I'.'i. provldcsn hC~L ofoprjonnl rmlts char plovers and Storytellers can 11:>'1.' (Q fuahcrdeflrs c [heir I( lmracrcrs :J nd :!li\II\.' them uddcd InJI .... I.d uu] i ry. TI·IL'SL: rr:-tl es ~L~L: .j,lJL1'1t~(:J lruo s I~ ea [1.:"1.-"'rtes: lnferna], ph~;:siclll, ~ilt:IIII, 1·"il~I1I""III, 1l!~~11 ":1111(1 economic, and (hey plnce ugtcater emphaslscnqunl!des provided bv [he- character's mortal host dtan f'!r:I hI,:, cdl:':!1 1.~~ll :1 h1lll 11.::<:.

Chaprer POll!·: The Nature of the Beasr adds grcarce fk:dblli I:Y LO chc rcvdamr.' forms efthe fallcnbv pmvlclil1g 9J:"'~l!..1n;_1 ~r~t('I1l,:) [rrr- ';;Ll~to!l1·rI¢"'l-ig~lmt: a l'i":fl~n!l·.s. flrnc::fl~YPli( Yi:st~g.l.':. Tb-\.'~ ~lf.:llCll!~ run ']1(" genuu from prov idir1~ additional op rions for -S13r:iC forma bui lra [ charac [[':T CI-c<11 Lon ro a free-form method Ih .. 1 prnvh:.h.::- ~hr,: (:.lll..:..n W[I" iI 1'!11Lr:lbl"" r,.,...nn rlmt eln eh~lllg.; 11.$;:Jhil (I les frmll LIIIlI tnrnrn i i ~h~i)1 "p;~rd-es.Ln;./>.



CbilptCr Fi. v ~: Infern;:jIEniltn~ :p~t...."t:::nf5. ccmprel;o;l't~II,I't:", dt;r~~Il.,:.1 und CQmpl(::x c)pri[)lml ~y'!;'t:II1~ (or clclllmg enhanced, enchanted and possessed rcllcs. I!!'t.'n:cl '( I!xl1':lndl n.g the c;,1'~1{J1'!::';I\I;;lltll bit" ~II) rI'~~ dO!:tl1l;ll'i$ or the TI.i.rJ H(!IU~C:, E::-Imllpl~ O(pfCSQI'lItrdily;rc1 res a I~d $(J["l1: dali ng fn'u;, d~~ ,'\gr L'( Wrfi1'h "'I~ dod (>;:lr imp ira rkm nnd w sllgg~~ lil~ id~,V:i r()r't'Q'I)[ chrenscle.

ClUil~IJL'[' 51.:0: Rhuab .. provide, rules {or combining if! (ema! lore recrcurc larger. morcoomplcx effects. rlum the H{j!JSt: ":\'IJ',."::lr!Clns ;II'C ~k;:i)!nt.:·d '1'\,1 provldc. T111.'$ ;;:hI1Pt~t" I:[rmlll tl~:1 .. :c~t11I'rt!h!.ln:-i ve :;ij'M em (or performirlg :1I,d ,=n;:II'II'Jll!l!(l,;rn;~1 riruals 11l;1~ can L':IC:: ~~dl~'r.,d Lt:I ~l[i,~ .~«~CI ~'<'ILI ... ,,;:jb r-L"1 'l,:lo,e~Jt~",~ w~11 ns <J lntijL! hs of somcle rltunls possessed hy 'I,:'H:'.h -.;.f rbc .-Ic ..... en Hm.!~.

GJIE5TION5 ,\]'ID - .l'I5l!JEf:),'j

Since the PUl:JliGJ;liJ::Jn ~""~h.:.' Dcmo['l~ 11111; Pilll~n cure nrle:;..~~'crnlllS.~Lll..'S hnvcariscn regard! ugerrors or ~lniG.$I(lI\~ if~ r.h1.! 1'1t"'\\ l~rli"l int; n( rhe text, us t!;L'I~ questions (he tnrerprenntou or u~ ()r v artom C'\!OC.3Clons llSHX~ in The game, The Following sccrlon eonmms crrarn {('If the 'DcmQI1 core n.!lcb{Hlk ~I." w~11 ,L~ :ln~w~rs ~LJ, ~I number of (rcqLlll:!nrly ;ls,keJ questions ~bOUI rhe .gil!~1{,.

J\1)QC:\l.lJ[~·I'IC ral\}\ 1!II"i\T"\:

"E;ttr;1 Lir'lhs:. Tlw "r.'Il'..,;;~l~'I,ri( :rl,Jl'tfl .. blliry Extrn Limbs provides ehe demon L w lrh two es rru artncks pcr rum nr che chamctcr'a fLJ!1 dfoe pool or pcmuta a block or p·:ury widmLn fOl""cing [he chnracrer rc abcre her irl!~~LL~i.'!d lI<:ri~m fL}J" [I'!II!! rum (l~;]:I;·e:> HE. 1!:l8. 192, ) 94, 200, W~ nrnl 1071


AI11yp!.!:"l LI(~rnlil"l"r (jm;~Lld il'1)1. r.hl! ~ ... i L~' :llkH!aI'J1Jti..: fmm ubilirv Scrdcs] provide proreetion 'l,g.Jinsl :a~r\I' varcd clam1lgc: as 1\,[,1.1 as bashrog and lethal, (page- 2J9J


Enchnnl Dbjec l {La rl~ or dJ'l" Forge .. '" '" .. ~, TlH'~ number of ~lICC-c;,;S(':; required [(I successfully create fLU cnchonrcd lrcm ls four tlmcsthc number offmrh pcbtts ln~"l,;.o:ri;,!d I,~ rhl.: Irel"n. Thl;rt!(l;lJI,"!, nn lrern 1\'tlld['j1':lgul~1: [Klinl nrf=nil]' III creare wll~IILl m:!llit'~("~lLJr"S.IIt':~(:~:til'l :11~ extended Qe-xCCI'''11 + Cmfc roll. (page L91)

Fade [Lore 'Of Hum.'ilni'ty ••• ); Thl: l}l~I~~' r{~II:; M:mlpul:iuion + Subrertuge, no'["M~"ipLJL,rioll +Prcacncc. (P::t~li:: 174l

Manipulate Flesh (Lore 0'( tl. __ c Flesh .,.. e" ) ~ 111-1:

L.-ffc::'ct:S "f T h.i$. cvcca don last for the dumdon of rhe scene. (I:t;!ij~ 20B)

Senae Congeuence 'Lol!'(::\lf'~tto:.rn~ .)~ Tht:1CX:1. .L~..b: "One success shows the lccaricn whcretbe eventwill ocenr.bue 1',0[ ~\lhenmwh0'1\c." lr should ecad: "One SlI(.'C(;:!5 :;hQIV:t; the Iocr! tlon where th(.' event wlll ("II:':;I..I!", bur nut when "-11 how it ..... iIl .. )I.;I;;i!T,," (p.'1~t: 19.2.)

Twist nine (tOI">l3 of Pancma • It·'" "'): Therexr rt::l'1ih: "'01 !I~itler:-. ,dw eruce rho bubb lc'e 5p3C": do JOI n rrs~dH:!r-ed ri me tl ntess Y{lll r ~l~~IT-:l~ler wlslres 1[." Th.:1I:: shookl read- "OUI-.~idC"r~ who enter th[! h,tI"hll!';!; spnce ~II:;I tV)1 joLlil~ iC".~ altered lime unless ~~11Jr d"u,.cret w,~h~~ tr." (p:ll!!oC: 19J}


F:i[lh cannot be- used to .sonk bH:Sn.iL1J,':, [crhn] cr .~It;I\I'~'lX':d tl:1l11::l~!!. t~f,CC' 1.39)


When !II:JklrtJj all. evocarton roll, compere 'r'rlur «cccssee tn Ylillr Torment. lf n maJOrLf'j of the 2i-.JCcesses ~'CIU r~llll!"cl shews nIJI'r1ll ..... ,.:: .. '(!!I~ .• I ro cr II!...~ til:!!':! [he character's T orm e 1H, rh(' nij,lli' Tormcrn ~(ft::cI ~LlI-';:. ln rhe cventof a ric, [he ~o\ v -T onncur cffccrcf rhe r.iIUllll~ LI~eJ.

E"Xi."lmph:·: i\1,ClRrlidu'is.f1c.fwus.c D«:[:QItmlh.e-fxxJ.)Io/ 1l(t![I~:rIi(J1jj!lu. M~i.d'~ SI<lmiTW. t~ l.crrkf ilt!r MoI;.J',j,;-jlloi: .j$3, ((}f(l rowt u(fft.y,;,rIlce, (Iml/IL,-;'u."rre:~uTllrmt!l'Lis 7. TIll.' diffiCl~j'I,'1 fCl' cJlC mrt is (l ~w~Td rS. Adrrm mJl.:; !.hT'.a' .s"4CCf~~~: i, '~m! 9. 'J...:: W ~ mCljortr~ 0/ n.ceesses rJ.('l1 {Ill:" grt:~lte:r dI{[ll ,~j .• T anl!l!~' r, ~'" rnr:: 1!1'{IC{1I.Wm u![l~ks IlLS pbnncJ. 1/ ilc'(l 1'1")lkJ 6. ti anti ~, lLiJ'u,~wr, Ill£! ~iWr· T(l"I'tncm c.fJec.1 tWur/j ".:Jt.'e OCt:II1TCOi!, (~".;cI}Tltg It"!!t!rylidrlg lI1m.mJt1Il:'dlrJH!CIJ."'T.

Bercljes esoe-t succcsse ... smrrl r1.F.::wl th the Ili~hc.::.~ ~lL'i..\rl;:2,.~ rolled (p~C;5. l6] EmJ 169)


You canner spend " WiHll'Il\.'lfU [loin' ru :'-"';oi;lld l~if,in~:t f:aich point If you botch an ¢\'m: .. 1 k'I'I mil. ir'~o 163)

1;,]IIP,'Q(II!t'{TIJI/\,"if"\E.!) QU~"';'.I'IO~,j

-iii Does ademon's [, ost bed" :)1::11::;, h~r p~l';:Ii'l:Ssj<;.ln!

A~ lOll~"~;) rJclIlnn 1';'J50HF !crlSf [in cpotnr ,~( rc rope rarv Faith available, her hosr ~,J'r' dr.:IC!~ ncr agC!:, nor IS lr susceptible (0 uorrrml dtscnscs or ellneee. Ir rhl! dr.=mrm ~:qll.:'IlJ:..llll~'ht:"r rcm.roml)' Fahh. her bud~. will IIt':C ucru iii II"\, and be vulncrab lc rceeknce unt il she jmins ene Fonh rcmr.

• Can extra acdons gained b)' a c hillfilctl!r'~ reveloeers [otm be ~lIl:"!llI:r :>fllil 1111(1 rnuluplcacrlons by dlvidlng {be .c]mr;H;IL:r'!Ii dice r~)l;I~ NI.'Jo,

III em :1 a':::ul{)i) possess the i hmll of RnQ~I1e.f dc<mot'J? No, Th~ oonJ fr.1rgi:<.l Il-I;!.lvr,;Iill cl~I'Lmn flnJ Ihrnl1 prohibitsr-IIimhc-rdr.:.rnml Fmm5ci;illJ; 1 hI,': 11i!11~I'::. l"KXIy. n! .... (ll~])' W':.l~:J {ollL:ll CLlLti(\ p~st::& [he bodv of $I rHJtllCr d":!l'~rlll'S thr.11l i:l! if rh~ Ihrnll's. mastcr volun· r.J.Tih' rC~'CIkN ~he fatlJlitlli boM, fr,e--cing lIn: IlLlI]}nn (1~lffi d\('" demon's mnt[QI.

• C:il!1 n!u IIlprl! d(!.-liUIlS:' a :;,ingl~ du·all! No, A TIlClrolI(,mhm'eonh'oneFmI5(iill1~t::'Il;:U,\~r~ .... ~n [ill"!.!:..

iii C::iIil eV01::HLOnS be performed aa ~l reflexive r-oll ~ No. Evocndcne rcqu he .~urc( LJI I b f.}~LJ;;.ll r and pred5-'I.! con tro] toLl nchicvc !Jlol;: iti,l<.!~ I r~ "" rr~C:1 , somcthlng rh:u dOCSL1 'e lend irscl f m perform! n~ 1)U rcfpurc ~dl(!:x. As ever, yrrurSrOl'rrC'"!IC:l' L5 free co make exceptions t\) ~hi3 1',,1"1':, Ji!~cl;dll']:f: fll~ the: SIIlIlHI'JIi..

.' WhaL ~:!i [be volume II. Gi1ping Maw ~1!:Io\)ld swallow ,,,,hot<!-] G i:i p;n,g.Maw prov ides [1; dCm1JH wjtju nscr of powerful juw.s nnd ;~ n.,c~~l1L:ill<: sysrcm I'h:=i( n.III..lW5 her to car virtually [lrlii"t hi d'ge!h'J' I' Lij";I'e'I~e 1 he "IIfllll[liC rl-rc ICha":III,~.[er cnn s w allow in :.l gi .... c(1; ~'lf;tinn, but 11" 11 [I.,.",(,!l'!\ whne she can :snfdy consume. A demon wirh G;j]PIL'~ Maw can ear II VW hLl~ iF::)]Il: wnurs - one human.rhcd biru ar ~I rtme,

• 'Vh.1'i~lh!.!dtlfilIIUll t)rMLI.i1.LpulriloC Flesh (Lore or the F1e.s..b .... Ii r~ TIle alrcmtlons In::'ldot: Ilsin~ M;I· rupulnre FI~h laar for [he du .... arion 'Jf ll:Ein:g'I..:: !i'Ct.:flt!.

• em"! ~'I ~h:<l.r'l.tleT have ;1' secondnrv IOI'-i:J path nr diL:~:IJ[It:" le ... cl ,!L';' bL'r prinmev IQre ["Ith? For 1I.'?>!1!ll(ltl.!", i,f .. SI:aV-Cf'·im::n.·y lore was Lore Qr ~l1e S:lliril .... , could rhe charact c r ;i!.i¢ have Lore of Ihe Realms II •• 1 Yes. The only J1..~!ril,;.ri()n is 11'L'I~;L,t::f\l'fi':ICI1.!r m;"L~' rH I! 1'kJ~">l:~:' lore pnrh fllL:fi ILf~1r~'r [C'I,I'!!! rhnn h~rprimi'ry Iml.!:. 8[1 tn rhls ummple. 'the- Slayer could not l-ave Lore or che Realms Ii ..... , because I hu ch;II~lefl!t':=. has onlv three dots in hcr prinmrv I.-:.~.

.. C:Liillllt': Lor", or the Beasr be u:;:OO [0 summon, control or possess ~LJP~r!1:'1!~~L;tI crenrueus in nnhual form 'such :J~" wC::-n:'\AlQh'~", v;lliIpin':S [n h:u or woU f,lr!ll, l:"1'r,)! N!J. 'The .Ii JJ'1C I"K" h applies.on Iy to' ani mnls, 1"\'L'lo1 """lpt~f"J~al-llF.i1 ercauues rhac have assumed the' shapes of ELr1Hl1iIl~.

• GIn ndemnn (or mortal) walking-a path created IJ)" the l...-~y P.\itb CH'H'::l tiC~:(l :sti Il see: her surroundlngs] y ,--;,. rhml~h else 'I.!'ffecc could be SLlI11!.:whtLl di'!ilnr~ 1,,'(1 rlml -urtea 1 depending em th . e narurc (If rhcparb crerltt'tl. L~t' Pneh lI1;)ni])1J1=LItes: ~P:~ll:.d rd~l(im\.~hip.~ bt:III'c:cn LWO pomts •• ;;roi;Ull!1g 1~"'l..h~ 1'!111~ .:II'I! ef'I'II'L!ll' ph.y:!iIC;:)t 61.1[ don'mcccssarlfycorresrond rodrre .. r-dhuen .. iullirl ~[NIt;A:. as d'n!! IU..IJ1"l..;lrt mtnd pcrcet .... ee it.

.If :1r.i('mQ[l mnkes clP:llh Illrnu~h .. fire. J4)OlhCL":\i :!'=C"C him wnlking [h~QlJgb the fh'e, "r 1':; he i'flvi::;ihIL' ;!:< Ifll'i~ as he walks on rbe p. n ,.hr The demon would be vi~ibl~w"ldl.:irl~lh!1'Mlgh [r,tl fltt.::-a created pathlk"JC:m'1 moke the character inl"i:;.iblc. 'I' i~Il!ii$';Ebl~ tn h)k rrll'ul' c;:n:;IH:: II path lhilr nllcws a character 10 movefrom poinl A ~''llx,.nl n \.\·iL'lwurbe'II~~ ~f'I, in chI: :!.:lmc w~y Ln:.n:l person ~\'i th Imowk"dGl' of wi 1(I<.!m~ :;"If'olivai t::'l11 !o-nl.:!:!k :across. D. Sl?('Clingl~' Hat 'dlxl flper1 Fidd bi~. rr.'I':::II'~~ H p:'11 h lh:~f tHk~;.tl;I'I,I~IT1LI~'II..:I\;I(~ljblk:clips:and rises 111 [ht!"(e"Lll1iLl.

.. Carl fI ehiU'l,ct\!'l' $l!:IJo off ~l 1':.111 ?lflerlJl'i[)' ,,,,",Ikln.!: haU it!! fen:;th? A chQrncu~~ ellr!, I."x-it ,L p:;lih i'lL :'rr'l~' pi')inf she::: wi?-ht:::.<!,


Cljr$.C'd is ClJcr]tm(' ;tl~(J t)bOC(i, 'Lis,hr;l,Pa III man. -Sr. All~lISUI\~, Ol, Chrisri~nC{lflflln

.. (h:::::::;:>~"C::7e -


Marsfaal!Sl.It tL-'fm Ili~ ixld-: tu rht' 'Qt,~f1, Uill'Jng III rhe clotlci;n~ Ikm~ {uuncd. lryo U,L srone /fTol!pl."lO.:, McryaJin fmred I~;r 'p'W'$ (lC~~ Ms'd 5Ctlrp, He wlJk Q si,1 of IJr~ willi? Her ~J1CC~ pres~lt'd ronl/wtDhr)lagtJJIti:l I~ .sides:. FtlTa tnOmem, he It'll RUt"l.

",M{ITjhoU~" sIte t;:wJt!ti. her t'OiL~ sofe in his ears. HI! tnjoY-l1d ha~.!l t1rllf nUrrE/!. PaY( of il lei, ITke a secrer lckmi[y, a.11O'111 dl!' prrrmi.'; pan rI/ It felt lik;; (J reaf/t'fmtlrfDIl ~J'ldllJIll! 1"~jb INU, Mffi".s~j! J(Jed. Or Nebr'l'o's, Tuo ptTSo1J.l0~. l'U'l:J ~d u es, II U!tlS am([jrrgmtlf it/dr ,lQn~.

"Yr~~" he ro:lcd,

iJ\Y/halllrll!' ),011 rhfnkjng, hah)'!"

A #~O:l!tt bld'St vi ifft..1g.::s flured and TCf:(~~lll\ hu ,uIllJ'$ ~~. A sly cf angel\: c!.:tsrunghigh in rlr~ air, so high ~ Iooko:o fik.e U'.(Irrmg hc.\~,~, MI!fI 5:«"":1,.-1118, bOlting, ~"n'Ijli'ng, jlfCL)'rll!. A bl!lc;k rQUIt:T picrdng rk d{md.:i. A tth."t, fj rrb.;ll'l',~ face, b[lrkd ill ril~ C,f'TL!i"I' of ,J](: sun ,;ma £laring-b:lltfi,r!)' dtzum j~IlQll lam. So lTILldt Fu. So mudl hJuod A~d.OHdi conght:d(ln CRU.I!Ttt tlW$. Anda/re-r air of

it , tI wlLll ~f darklll.'iS. cow. and cf.(l$I!bs like i'I: ~r.)JJ1Jl·~ (''1rL/;mICl!:. Th~ rmldmc!'.5s CJf t1r~u rime (.11(.1$ one uj rllJ! th.tPlg:l ~( r.eml?JIlDcrt·.t/ U~~h(':lIH a 1{td1, urith ltO tlL"CJ co .'iin.:rfn fur Ute tt~t"lJ"', It ~(U jn.~i41~' h411~1'tft [j/..:e u curd 'pji!'~ oj cool. Ht.sllOOI.: lils 1i4'tJcl. ~uee~ed Itis ~yf!S mll~ {(ft /'.I few.:ltc,,;mi1_ TheIl hi: 1{1f;Kl!d 111 Mt:ilj'ann. lahJng In ~ bcCluliful nmnd face- Clh.Yf"llbic. l'l'eJl, fat: rill/lIght. It mad.:: him 'smil.c',

".f\f01 mlKh,- hI: .\aid. "}lut ,JltrtkintaOOttr jOIl;.·· The [allen have n bad case of dudi\"sp,;o('!;omLli .. tics. Their brains '11'"i,' tt')t'('t;:riu;!;I sec-saws with tWO ldenrhics striking An odd b:rll,in(;!'!, aIle Idc:nti['{I~ ill' intmonul hell .. g whose face 'i.V1IS warmed b,;, the first ray:sofliJlhr tl1'll ehe ecn cvcrpurupon the earth - an angel who defied (he thvint.: order and was kH.:;htl~""·8y In l10 cternal.priacn for his in~tihLlrJln~~ rlon. The erhcr i~t.:I1I[ry ls like YOLI or me e-. n ~lT1V normal person wilh a job and u family. who hQS habits, foibles. BOll Is and dremus Ih:ll L;K(l.:nJ no [urrher rhan his dav-ro-day life, llleql.Jl;$llf,)il. then.

is how du yelL!! us a plaver (1J1~Swr,r(l·lll.!r) ~Hcc[I'I'L:!ly l'llJIII'~ly tl,ls !:~mAl.:;l of 1~IClltlrh;~ In lh'\.: course ()r YL)LII" De:IIIUJ1 t;hp;mid<::t \'<Ib~lf htlr[1o:.:1-:5 wheu \"~)ur cbamcrcr ts rl1'jn~ cn rcrncmber whoemod wltl'l hlru during rhe SlCfC- t:l(S;]:MLJl~. L.U[ n]] he can C .. 11t LLI lIilnt! ~ the laS'1 1 illl!'; hc bouelu urllk ut tho comer store! \Vlmj' IHlrrt;:n~ \~'hC"n. he's plIlving wirh hlr morrill chtidrcn bUI jill he can remcruber arc rhe kmnn~ wtude of lh~ Ah~:.~ ;::1J[nll~ hb soul I'I~ rEhl)I.JIl:ol uverIHUJ nver IlJ:!.lUl1!

ln Dcmon. The Fu I len , li'~U'J-L.: pinYin:!:: 'iIIL()u.!i~oL;r; nn ,Inc LI;!I1 I ~L.:il~~ 1!"".IJ1Pt..J ill II hl!.!~lk H:.:11 ("'1r IlrLl.;ltl t.1H Ih::nn I: I who l~lIf;; csseunallv become h~r., Your cbruucrer's U!ltm~rc tdenrtrv "'O.ldJ 'IPPC'[I[ co be det1h".!ll- the human bOlJ't, b IL1;:,t .-.Immkcy.:llllr\ .-l!/:ht1 A h;Lt.: (.lj'r1I.!.~h he: \\'oI.!ill';) hkl;!' :iij1'!!dli.iJ'l' el~.;:':. .~Id cl O~ hes. Dilly problem is. [],t~ outf t smll'~t~ 1 ike the old owner, So much :;.0 1:h:H 1[ consranrlv remind ... your charactcref rhc old soul. evnn rll 01 IElh he never knew hitn, lr's [L coar of lIIo:!mL~riL!$, nml 11'!~'r]oi' rlillil"n find llu."ltI"d\'l"'; losr in it, unable to ruUy recollect .... he: wearing rhctr OM. skin was ;ilClu;~ltt' llkc. Or, 11"1 :mo"h er fnshlon, i Cit like YLJlJr eheractcr hav tt1l: one d I hr~t: Jr~m.~ \\'h...:n,: ht: wakes LJp rind. ;1' 1"'<;1$1 fur II tl 1i'i1O. !1'J'i,! me Illm}' [Ir 11liC' .;in;oflm .$lJJiP l,I~,\(S the Il'l,"n~r;)I'~' afr~'[lt life. Did[\'[ the- dream happen? \'!;}:ilm'Lir r~l~


Wi~h Jol!jlJL:;n,:i, II bcccrues hfirdol:I :IILJ h.,.tdL.'~ rc shuke the lnl.:lnclry uftlw deeum end find {11~ truth within rhc illusion,

TlIJ~~e';;:lmll.:lllmlhl bL:.'ll' ~'4,.I'! 11'1 l'h:f; ~lirf~I'r,:L11111~ non, h provrdcs questions. to nsk nnd guidelines W follow • vhcn lcoklng ruftlltn all the blanks that come will; Ill[:' I'w.~) I;C:Hlni'~I~ Iml v r:.:i d y~~IJI' (:~lIo1,:l1. .;:.hrIITIn:,lo:;r's 1)(;~~~Ili1lity. A ,I;;;m.m needs IJI(ll h sides. T[11" memories elf millcrtnie as an ~1I'I~cl mnkc lll' who jour chamcrer h. bur rhoC' humnn psyche 1~ what ill1rrii,:n; the c:hilnL~~~r':io:jf,J\11 <11:l:~lln!)l the ternblc 111I;;Ill,Jrles n:(-II,..: Ab~.~~. 11 II;'! f(III'~l"il1g chsrprvr .,hnL11,r;I help vou further dcf nc rh is d L!0I1 lrv.



"[r .005 Ilvu,i~l! like rher. '. M(l'rS~.crlj smd, s.:.jl~jm~ I'll:: ~r Ill.e: r!!lm!jPloij; /ill lj.e 11H~.,.r;:um·s tlrf.IlI.o,' 1l1/1U_ Hi;,: lillll{[x J:LtJ'r~d t'n'mmtJ II!L,.' t'd\.'eL rtJIt..: _~"IH1TfiliTlg rllr. ptl eons frmn t11 c {.tal A nngs , (InA 11i.' c~l){ij'~d rhe realness (Jfi!fD'{a~llom€'nr. ill<: :;O!I c<!'rminc~ Til.:' pailllil1,[l'llE' .!iHtrd u [ WID i.ILI:: G anli..:r~ ...,1' J!..:ulli l~! Del I~h rs . II!!!! rriMild rJ!~'Ce: to)! Hit.:l'(JILJ·lj~.r.m.)o BI.I$~~_ A !'t{J~I:;IcA, 'p'IS tno.rMI memer rec(JII"J,

"Here. on [11r.) jc([. Plln;:'[," h~ 5Hid to Mfll)',mll, "i['s <.111 SGI tn:m1111', m~of' rne Card!.'n «es one tin)' /ltJrcn "I I..:in[L It. ~f,NJ, 1,~!:rlliJ~:!. I';;,!T .;:I Ir)lr.ltm) pCUdi." H~ f[JmIUJr:d h/~ ~Lt!. '-'A~1J tl ~{).I .. ks likL! someone mow/!a 1~C'lilwn, r remember. from nme to t.i'rP1(';, J~es. IUjl!} /,ig il ,~II:y wss , And lHlH1111S,L All Imhmr)' .r.'>;;/)~rL:5C', 4:".,;T~t.h.;EI~lJ~; ,3,1 LJri!.';'. llLal ),,-rl.! ~U~A/a ,P,.e,ru' Ut!! p/llm~ !Jpwiilg, j'1!'~ riLL!: ~J1ilJ1.t.l!t .:'t.-,01 ulll,i!, .. " H e liWteu. "A rid mi.i p.i:ln tl.!h"'T.e- 11Ii; AJlfmn~:r "lnd' [.h~ Alrm() [J,i:T (,!1'~ Iiardil1."l!Mfld5 Willi God! Goo 100sn'r L1lerol!!, NOf /ika IAnI, ~r e WI!:': rlul m~~r ~40'1"e r IU!"J'QFIl. A fa:c~ jrl llif'.s ten. AUI' ~~ uln~ 11.(:~It:T Col r,tt:T.';WL. n

MJJr)!:1ml: CDn[fm4~d l.o smre (In:C'£la,

"'MjJdll! P£.I1\d; j Jrm'l kn01.11 ~uhllt t~lU'~ i'lOOHt," II .. Irl~mhjetl. oI'~,~j fhi~ la.'i"i f.otl:n;!l~ h ,rllj,l; :H~j')r:li:l.sol!d W [)!! J-h .. flr The tier'') [Ji.[(' H~ .sha(Ju .Il1:~ liO!(Jd. "Gm II all wrmlg, MT. [l:~c~, T~r...[.d:.t.)k. Men (l)plfl(j,rir'g UI'idl INgil A'ol!fil1g .>tmf:!"I! AI!(lwlra~>.s Uli[h rli!: .rf,nu jnH,.!mht~U;\ or ,lLm ~r.,m'Li~ mho!l! As det1lc:!'~[e.d ru /-he StClit is. r cmb W;~Ji 'llc Abyu J(,Ijf.Ke- .. f jj~ liLL"if. I.H f.e.:m [I' ~m:mrd' ~,~ b.;:~ :50m C'~ hing, All ;n" illS'. So-me -d~a..t~ IJ/ .:ovlor. SaHlI!' l~'ffiQf ,11m the C'f'IJ~H(I" ha.c! ~li.rHOil clLL' r)!.:iCt!, (!ttol!~l jf rll! 111l1!! li:>ed 1113 drrrrLO:S! bm~~s/·I·!f' .o;ignecl, -It W.(.I,!::50 mnch UIQT,:.:e:, j t.:~1L'1 1!'1'1!fl i!:);'JJI(lilt, The n bsence (II .j"!~,., CTC{llr:F lmd rile L,gMm"j;!L:!T 1.[I/.LS: l~nfJrlil,d) murl:' Mnf)1L!IIl~ /11,(111 ~hi,5. Fl",,"dlun IlJ(J),STuwLr/, j[ lWJJ WIt" lLSHlrm "!jOI{ c()Hldn'l JO:'::. A dlTrktl~ss .rhm M'a5 ~urrJ to th~ r(I1~I:]" Olrt~rJ_1! 0/ WI ymf ~ujd ir03[lY 1',~~mlH'iJ, whi.~jjcr;jng, chr.m~ing. l"/JWjl1!!, mlrl!'r1~JieJ anJ trl1a/Jlc:! m dl{lll~ jotS" rnnn d:J(tpeT~ fn' ~IOI)f(lJ~/in~ it.~ ll1Lll1 nest. n


"Ttlmtl'"i!, Purl;! rornrra, So mrmy t/-ri"S.(JTlU clrohsIT-(Jl'r~ dhti. ~rmc, Ii~e ~t)rutch~ rJj ink ! don'[ qLtile m.::lkc Q lL'lio/co'Tl:r 5,.:r~~ r;la Iii (Hili."F ~~1U!$. a:nd J kil!lw.rne'i'l!"lli'"L' rormdl55 ~~'ffl'':; mr.s..~rl'lt, A. .m(HJrCr mmderin,r:: (I l:rI'Qt~.;;r. J'rumisrng IQ 1-.elcr lljl Ir.e Ill/tlJr~d Immaus'mho fr(ll/ ~n rlJ~~"'[~ wit.~ t.he CrwJ.I;/'~·'" I:J.'Ig..c!~ _ A I;rdJl di)t~d of f/.1<iJ kil:prJlng uPon !l ,'*m~ f(lTtrc~ s ;,1.~ I11Jlnj:h!t$ W.:i"tt!£I ill rn Ir ~tl'l1. All L't'ry !m s rmrjllg, S~ .. rtl'rill1"~ If";S !ih .n dcl1f'l;l{",~ ~r;![ml. omer rim~,l. i[Jl?di rike if'! 11~pp':Tlin!afl (lVCH!.gmn, J ll"iSIr I r<!InL"I'J'Iber<!a 11Wrf, ..,.ml km)lw~"

MOlryon'- Ilmled (df Jlct' W(illmiLIll dnd t!(I.!;.:ed I!I~ nnll'lp,fm",,,.,,; ofJlll;'.f l!'(lrJ. SflC' roolu-d II~. "r'm.rom, brjVt!, ~~ YOll S(!Ji~:rg ~Dlj~f!Jrill£:!"

HI!!- In''lj,~, and .ki.>~~d her lO'fell~l(L "r ~oos j!!:n ~~'ingth.:i.Ur.i:ornlr.5Cllm'~ di)~Ii!.gh' r.~rlmitll~~'. Wo\::,!/r, ... m,w ",oOOb~ ... "

T1u-:df'vil is in i he J~L:'li1.!l .. tlH::Y::;;:;:'}I,."md ill ~hi$i C:3.."i-C,If_ni! c.licb~ I':; cmil:cly ru;;.;:;\,rtJl~. y(Jllr(;h;"'!m;:;:~lo!r Mt.m Uk ~s.::3 iJdng beyond [ime,.l CrCa[lH-e li[c!l'~ :.lIly rt'tlxilbil:d>.:: fur ~],.:~igflin:g :end c-r1::aclng some' <'i~f1«~ C)[ d~L:' pby.s[cal \vl'Irld. The Fallen we~'I'; c[c!:n1l1 il..FlemS or ille Cr(!iHm Inng bdor..;: I h,;;y:;1 il~I'l'ed

Ih,.rl~iI;1h rhe AhY~:!I~d cracks :tnJ found rheir way in~') hUllItilfl hodi~:o,:;. W/Ili It,': 1ht"y miJ:dilc net eemem .. bet '!1I'C'I'y element, of thetr angeltc nnmrc, those clemcnrs me still vcry ~i.!:.'T1ifiI';Hm :::i'5pt".;::t-el uf your .:::h:"lroctl(;l"·~ i~kl.~tley _ Here are a fc ... · (oLlcgcsriQl"Is and ~tdtlldin% rtl ll~lp' yrlw rm-d-ll:!r deftnc ehc demon iustclc the morral shoe II,

O~ eJ\TIJ1.Ci flAJ"\f'.5

N~IILle$ ;JI'c po\\'cnul s"J1"ihDI~ throcghcur the ruligions. IOf rhe \\lurid_ ln jt,d<l[!C ~h,,'u~II~, it 'I\'(I.~ believed dun d'LC angels' names were quire lltcralls lhe:ii" Il'li~~i'm OJ' the 1::'I.d: ,/!l'\o'cn ro them by the Creator, Raphael. [or example, I1H,,:[!.n;:; "hcnlcr (Io( GoJ:' Saran (or I la'Sacan) means "he who challeuges.' Iu bfJ~1; EI':'Y11ti,li,\ r]"Hljii!u and ln the Gt:fi..::'siS accocru, things UTe HL·.,;:rOlh' !In.l\tghl lrun b~iI~~' ~itl.lpty b~j nllmint,; rhcm. Names nlso ha v c power \,,1 I..hi n .s\I]~r!'lartJr.d etrelcs. \vhlch ss espccfnlly rnre of rhe f",noCn, Those 'who know your ]1.LlmC - your Trt~e Name - l-cld dominion over you and vour everlnst i ni!:l ~Q~II, A demon 's nurnes (1.M11-1l111 Lo. Culesrlaf Namc and the True Name) arecructnl especrs of lus Itl~LUir.y. A demon's Cetcsnnl Nraue Is. essen[~f.llh' reflective of his ~id'l:, :lo~IlIT,IOn ur rusk :I~ d~fI!\r;~1 ac eliu dnwn of Crcancn, One could cOmp~111I! it co 111(~ O[Jrlj!iTl:d eler l v ~IIILi[~:;: rll Wdr..:::tfl aurnurucs. A person nfl!l'Lo!;~I"Mi II~r," (~T LnSlnt'lC e, LIWC::;: her surnarnc to nn ancesror rhnr grounds-rain for n living at somepoiru In ehc P::lSI. Tlre Trull! Nnrue of e dcmon. however, is much more tuscrutablc. lr:s, 1'1 dcscrlp lion oFhts verv soul, (he equation Q( all dole: sounds, vl br .. tlons. numbers ;n,J f>\, [I nldcs t.lm I: ncldu p ''''1 rl u, ;SHIrL of his verv being, How then d~~ WIs! crente these unique names for n Demon chrmctcrt

C t::L1!S I '171 1,l'V\J'lc.::;

The Celesnnl Nnme Iii a nclc or deslgnarlcn instead of [he true hnnnonlc vibration of r::hl" demrm's ,Will, bur rhnr's nor 1'tJ !!.CI,y iris IICL' hnpur. taut. TheCelesnnl N~lllIe.l~wh'll m(l~1 demons ,..,..,11 (all ~'OIUr chn rue ter,

jj vuu'rc 1{10killj:l: fQr g,tmr:llFlIH\!:;!; ~t~ fir I 11k il)l.c, rn~'lh(llo~y '1-, ~¢I~lr,;tl; w[1h i",~~ibi li~il.!1:, l;f.p4.'ICialhl Mlcldtc or Far Eas[crn m}'Thlll()g~'. YOli (,1.1'\ scour books (rom rhe libr;Jr'p' Of ;se;]fch dll2" ILHoCmcc for .... ;;unt:.!:, or J,.'\,d~ imJ mhcr{:rs. r-ron-I J(;wlshf Cbri'sci1l1l, z.orQ3.s:cri~:n,I·I,imlu, Ch~n-:~~I JHr:tlt1C:~, S"li"1it!"[~'irf'l i:!Il--.d &bylonil'in myr:hologics;. A 5pcdfic ;1 nij~llt: .I11~,~hQ!I.J}j)' ean h.:::J I';; wn r mm I h mUGh boob -I;CLUl'd utLn.gE'l dicti';'IU<lilL:'!j_." Al~ ll:oI.'Tt."Iin \\.C!:ln:hc:'i derail nlHDoC:5 j!m] fum;t!lill..'i (If €!.'~6>(;1.~, (l1H':':l1 mlgels and demom [hat :.1ppear III rC'llglous texts, One ~ood :;:[\~ t(l c.hi!c:.k [hl'L I.s WW~ ... ,p<:'Iril hCtlll,arll" ll~i:.:; -:;;irc i.!i


[1[1 online reference of ruytholcgical chamcters 01. video by culrurc.

Another question tu oonsicler is wherhce this Celcerial Name is chi! one vour character migl~ lli1!ly held before ehe Aby~;;. If It. w;~~ glvcn or chosen dLJ.r1ng thnt \11)::.1 :o;wii~h ~( prc:·hirot'ory, then ir"'./i possible rhat other demons know your character und her hLSCOq" {even ~r she doesn't h~L)W Ir all h;:;~:::dn. 1 r r"h.1;: .:i~ h.:: hi; newer (!!;<lin.w i1'l the A bvss '1)[" pcrh~p~ r,;ftil:f rhe oL:St:1-I.P;;), however, orhcr fallen might ncr rcccgnlre rhe fii"llilol,: - which can (Q:;:(C! susplcicn.

There also might be :,1 rl de rt5-5O( laced wl [h lhe Cdcsrl~1 Narfil . .:. Pi'lur eo rhr.: AI)~i.11 (::ntn11;:II1U:.Ll.t. LIJd Io:::r <'!1l~~1 hi11 leurennnrs ~r::'l1roJ ti tlea to (hQ:5~ who were present ami 'vorr.h~' - t·I~h,:~ uf dlJkl.:, 11111"0[1, () .... c:rlord, lot.J;rt1 cr rol: 111m igh,_ Does ~'O!JT i.:hmR"C.t,cT retain the ridc1lt's S.l60 possible rhar. afrer the character's (!f;C:II);!, Ihe dt:rn(in mii;!!hl ~l~IV!; another self-granted dele in mind. Tirlca IiI,:.:,: "Lord orWishcs.." "Sword of I:ht: C 1"\';''''' {.~T"B{I [011~ ()fth;,: T (lIUJI'l ... Clty(Jft...un" aee all examples (;I( rules crcaccd uniquelv b)' a demon, lor herself Ft2t:l fn;:t; tfl tlc this ehutcc lntQ ehe Eminence Background in the Demone The Fallen core book. J( yourchamceer ha.5 three or mo rc clots III E.m i nence. it's asrnart w- .. gC"~ l'!,i:;LI~~trhm,!,{!UTdC"m('ln had (or has) artrleamcng othcrfallcn. An Emincnce-l or 5 tsllkelv to SI)~!1!~~ rh~1 ylll.! ~ character wes.uuportnnt enough 1O be gnmted 0[1C of the chief posidons by Lucifer in che Illl"[c:bcfollI'C rlit.:A6V$S.

Esnmplet &IJl gitl[!~ nt'r d~{.Ii'.tU:'e:f. Ml"rI!hafU "h,l.. [l1ol! C doJ!..iIld/ NjJ III," <Jj N.::!Mras (jflEr IO{llI~i:n~ ~mJin~ f rrr .:kmf}ll 1"111I11C," [me! d'lCO'l.leril""t)l: th~u Nebiros H,,1tlI {J lOWI:T·Tlmk~·n..g demon in H eon. Sh e .[lisa J.J!cide:r [jill t .lIe -cli..UT'aL'H.'1" t.tlm IUlW all Eti"1lrlc:n.::e 43- PI..'Fh.:JJi,S ri(}1 el1o~~,L!lt U),~{jnl N .... bcl'o.:j .rJ:I'ii)f{iJ;j~J[ tifle, bl.I' ~Jl.C actidlM. th'-l' N.c:bll"lJ5 mlled ~ rmJo:' If tile "Blood [)r~Qll U Jtt..r1r1£l 1)1(: thTICl b~f,rl';;: ~ht: Ab~S5 bl:'L"ffioI.5/! h~ lVa~ one of rn-i! (I1tg~/s ttlJI!) a(It~.:1l[:f grLUHt:~j tile [ll:f~lw~ fi{e·.blur)(j tv lile AljJf;I tli-t'f liT1d A ~tlr.J.~~h.-i!'i'.


A dcmcn'e T[Uc: Nameis a vibmrlonal crrcranee, (lie eurmuneton d hl"!: \·CT~· ~!llll~;"! t:1,)l'lph:::.. senes of S(nmi~$. h'!; il'f!1)1jrCtJL1t 00 remember char the demon's True i:Hi.!mO!o(:an ab:mac:[tol."1 of sound 8n.d u.n'r ~.asil f qLmm ifinb l-c lLl to.:i i,·npl~~'r'II:1I::.'~, loJ;:l ~f;:11i Clnll h~I (1)[~es. h Ini~.hl bt.: u l.Ii.,ghrfr~U~l.lCY n::5t'Iillnc~, I.[ke a dloll:f-imd e;nill,h';;:'n :;;;nglng (Dr :screaming), or ma)'oo it's FI precise- SeqliCllC~ of dl~n:;int :5oum:h (pu,g~s ttlming" cJOW:5liCroe-d,lliC. &:1:l:i6 "$hi;lnet"if"\~). P~rhfllil$ ies n.O[ tve:f. -::i slmnd :"It:: ::"111. Ultim ... (~l~, cllQn '[ worry SD tll~ld. ;!hoo.1 t tit.;: ::;~';;:lnoJ,;.'S -of thi:-; n~mc~ j l.1~ C. k :irll'~rC thm j ~'~ more like .[I ool1lplcx cipher rh!1 tl. :I .spokl!n

CnOQSlNG 1\ fious!".

Ch.!JQSi ['Jg II House a ve--ry simple cr a ",,'Cf"\' difflc.ulr thlnglr's slmplc If 'ljou' ovee the House d«:ri~')~luJL$ ir~ the rnntn book and vou know eX:LIctly wherevour pcecrutelchsracrcr fits I n. l t becomes more d iffkul r the ha2 tee the pienrrc of y~)LJr::<'XJfl-·~r;.,-bt,: (~ll It'll la. J r ljQlii 'rc \1 neerm In wh ere [0 i',"I), or I",!hcre the g.t::ne~i~ cl rh is chnmcter rea 11)1 flrs, here are some rboughes 00 help fQU .. hOQSi: a House f-or your new demon.

Fiw', while Ihls ~e~tiU11 is nnt about creating '1QLH morral host. tr's nor a bad idcn 10 have some: iJcu alrcudv percolating about who [he human vcsscl r .. (and was}, Thl:!lW8.YI ~(!'I (::II.slxm:ymmu:l{fnl,; Llglr conrrns if ~DLJ .Ir'=!" p'I;JI~t"1in~ L'Ion :!o,~,ffillg ./orJo"!'llo: wnr-hungrv Devourer into (he boo}' of a meek 15· veer-old gltl. Or, alrcmaalvely. 'fOU 1l1ighl db'ecrl\, .s:e!!k ':'Hd~ ;1 con ~nl.::;t (mm"!;:: on thla 1 n Amumn~' o( u MQr~iIIl. p'"igc J l ]. lt's ~,arxl [Q h,w\,': Ihi:!!; i~I~'il in mind scvoucanbcgtn scrting up thcduallcyrtghcfrom rbc beginning. Knowing who the mortal i:;i:l .... ill hei]!I'yOLl Cni,1(JJ,<.: u House.

Second, [he doscri ptlens il"l d .. e hook fee Lht.: I-I(JIJ.~_~ arc: hard -end-flrm deli m iUT:": or angel Eo: du lies, bill rh:TJl:':S 1.~Ol' In.$.iy ~h~l~ Y(lJll·dn'!'t have vnrjaricns within o;.~eh Hr.:I1I~. For ineumcc, Devils m:;\y now be the "chansmarfc rcmprcrs and deceivers" thsu the mnin rook portrays. rhcm na, bar [heir I:lti,l!!;lltid d!l~je:\. were ,1,~'tCJr .,;;~n"C::"l'lng Ood'~ wtl]. As such, '[here ,He InLJ1, rlplc oom;r.::pt:!- available. A Dt:"vH could be 3 tcadcr, c.ommllnding rrocps off.'!Illen wtrh a thunderous voice, or he could be a l)::l1'(1'-I'1£ r~l:ih[·h;lml~nl,:1I1, [1 ::k1!h;d pcllrlcc wLth n serpenr 's tongue. Other concepts cxter. ~.J; wcll.oucsidc of the normal. A Devil, with che lore avajlnblc roo ~h::u Housc es well ns in g.cneml emhrneo of ehe Soda I A 1'[1"1 hures, l;lllild have 111.;)de:-W1l excel l-el'( ~td (lor poetc::ltlie umu bt:"'Qr~'lItcl ~LI1c;e RcbdliOl1. Or, 1"1:;':[1 seton d the Ftm House, there's nothing sropping II Devi] from being a warrior .. rI;5 well-=:! hero ofrhe callie:;.\: rimes. flaminG i:J;WOlJ"It"L hcll1d_

The point is. any concept ls available 00 :11."1}' House, bur each HOLISe cclurs thor concept wlrh irs own Wfi)' f~r d~jil"g rh·ib';. If yl~H wnrued ro 'mi·~';; ~I Wll rrlor, ~nlC'Onewho {o~l.~h"C \vjrh,m:;\rrlul.-slo UIs.d'Urui;!l the Rebel.lion, Ih1U conccP[ could :lr~JJ:;'Ibly b.! III AJe rn fir irl(ot'llW o( rhe HousC:5, A Dc;vi.l W:1rrit)r l1Ii~hlhav~ l)(:c:!'i :is dc~rilx.'t:l p.r.J,;l'iolJsl~ - (l hero of arl.b,ds, sl-,Lllung lh~ bflcdcllelds. \\lith h(.lLrur ~ml. 8. c~mmllmding 'Voice:. A Scourge w,:!irFior mi, have lx:o..:rL :;;: dcfcl'ldcr of lTIell. ~h\!!phcJdjLL~ hunums ro snfory \\'hile ~~ tt-a~ d;:.: r.'Ig€d :"'IrOII(1d. A fiend W~ITi~)T (o~~ld'"c bct'.."tl :1 miLi~<'i'~' "jl..f<lto"gi::;t who~ ll~cLJrk-;5. .::ouIJ cm·ly ~

\lnpl~l11l,!.lI'''od by tl!nt.: in the (healer of war, gaining <I semeof tmor mOVeme["l~ from the ground (0[ A S1aYi!r warrlcr CDuM be a fearsome .$i~h1, irl~IL'I;d -:i palmed gladiator, a dark and fn!:htl.':ning$pirit tippinJl $bllt:dmrn j'1Ii.~1:s while $ral!.:ing r he scorched halls ()f S:il,gIn1. A warrior r~111: the Derner 1-IOt.lS<:: might haw been somt:u.lng da" barele IlUISC," lL dl,;rvl:sh off n:l1L;ri..: auae:k, how!lng songs of inspirarlcn for her icllvw tillen, A mdilfhH Malc£;'ICf(ll' nilghr have run massive segc cegincs while i:11(em'lfely G~h(ingoff angels who sought to overturn his cruel war-device. AI,t'i 31)::'111)" tnt! ():.YDUre[ \\rarrior,., isn't much 4Jf e stretch. L>I;~';; poi1der, irulf'ad, Wh;1[ n Devourer poet WCJ1.lld be like, PIf(OElPS.r.q fallen who accepted l'tm bur dtdn'ccare for (~I:!J.l!ot)' and spent hts quiet tilH~~ L:(:lU'Clllpll.'ltll'lg rbc rel~'lsslom. of the Rc be lll on In the form of mccluafI'lftLXlL!U"Yl

Bouom line is. with rhe Houses, think outside the 00);. Whlll:! the fulJe-n were certainly dfffcrcru from hUtUl,lns, tlu:ystill mai"nt.1Itl then-own lndlvldealsperk o( life that mak. ... -s [hem tndtvtduals. TIH!\' are only ~r)' dcftncd b~' their jobs, much il~ we ;'1N.' rmly p:Wl;;ltly IQcnl"lfit;u by ours.

Exam.,].:!: Bt:'t.1 ./.i.,{"I'drt toot. :;incc Ncbnns ma!i 01- L~t~rJ jl~ ae-1iffllil\,J!: p.::lJ"l1"1j [~1J10nru bod~" ne u;oru; mosl L/.:cJ) ~ S.;;rJ"]jrg~. 51[C (lLm likes 11,1.$ idea OOCiUtS.e- it fi~~ wirlL 1Jl.:' ",gu.cudiol1 :m,gl'f' o!:'I)l1CflJI S'I~ has ill mfrKljurJ,hl!fi'1111 falkll d.,,,,,,er.

lil, "IDFKI

Tlme mcanc \'c.ry llrrle re the denteens of Pl1rn. disc. bur we can be $:UW Ih:lt r-ht; ,ing(;J~' cxtsrcnce before rheu Abvssalscmcnce was one ,h .. reo!1'Ipl'ist;d riwJ.LJmtd~ (lY~l1T"s. Wb .. r th u ~ ffil::lf'l:!;o is Lhm, prior [00 the lmprtsonmenr fimd rhe slll.w~~LI:.':nl escape Into-a 11l~'n~' CClflotahlCf, ~Ctlir cl-eracrcr cxtseed for .. ! verv long rtme. Thm's n 101 ~llnfomt.n(jcm for you ro havo to frgure out. If you lhink about ,lit a mortal em ;tc.:hi~wC! in :'1 ,!jlngle llferirne of 70·80 years, lhinl al,)()111 whnr fm nnpel wnseapable of acccrnpliahing in a hundredtlmes that. Your demon w;l);m~![ef JIll. who sraned ef( her cxisrcncc ~"::~l,I~llly (;T(Jinng .some. portion of the \1iI;rrkl hLlU'Iaib live In, from the din to the sky to chc bird:5 to the trees. And te cn!v ~UI) (r1J1Il I:h..:rr.:.. The (",llc']) $fIW the: btrth cf man, rhe growth and closure ,~f F .. den. nnd then, or CIJU!'5C, we cnn'r forget ~OOLl! rhe Rcbelllon Instilled h ,11\.!. ncnoos of tht:> M~ri'lii'l~.'njr. E .... en the time frft~r the Rebellion IS-S war [har nlh~ mlllcnnm t(ll,;C)ndlAdc. lJund5li1ccadaunring rm-k to:l(.(ually.;hart nnd m:;IJ~

(jIIC wlmt }'uur~h~lrncLerWi\S doing dllring lh3t colQS.~ !l!lI period, docsat[ i[~

Wdl, thoe gtllXl jie.~'s 19:1h:1~\lou dCl,\'r hnvlC" mAocKh O1Jtc.V("r::r'~'(mrof)"QLlrJemon'ij:!j(e ill, rhl,: prc·hiswr~ll,tf

rhc wnrld. Going (h~[ deep would rake ),OU so much rime, )'flu'd prooobh' 'lever even ~t to play the game. You should, he ..... ever, 1'11.: fhinking nbcnu ~~Iht:!:t'e. y\mr character fit lnm chc };mnd sch ... "'lT'l~ of lllil1,~.i, <'.!:I \\tel I AS: wha~ Y(JI,lI' d~!t"lCtl' was doing during her time: ru;. ~l r.::hdlil"l;!; tLr'l,g.;:I, And so we'\,I'c!: come IJp whh a few of \\.'bll[ mighr be Ll!III1ed "u .. mr-pele" q~lt;:!';!~()n.s fol' ~ULl 10 unswernbourvour character's place [0 pr~~hiStIJn,." These quesncus, HL; .h.; P.,Ii;i [n a I cur. will help held up your d .. sractcrand ~tL'!<InV ~i"'t: te d~pl h and bod}' inscead of Jusr L~tng a Ilxr concept that , .... ouldn'r stand lJP to th;;: scrut in}' of me 5(01)'.

UlH)\T r'i\ lOT

[11ll ~0\1I\ l)r.r\\)f\ l'I.l\\lIN l"Il\T L!IA {

ln the bC(;it:.lnin.g, there was nothing, nnd ,.],::11 HOlhl11.J.,l. was ealled Cod. God chose to (H':RlC ligln through his will ~ bLJ~ H .. ~ needed rhe hands. [0 implement His will, end so dtc OII'I~eb were born. Once upon a time, your character was one \')( these ~l1\g<!l:~ - so what did she do dllring those semirml moments or C~mmn1 h tlIl}?llI hllvL: taken seven seconds or seven million ~'I,':~lr$ (timt;, as we mentl .. nncd, was andeflncd}, but your de rnon played some key pnn it'! lil.:rnlt}' i()l'~it"l~ the world and me cosmos rhat surrounded IL, Yom r[~'JIJSI'.' provided ynu\'i;" chosen one b~' now, Q1Ll help vou f .. mh~r clcnno;whfl1 hand your :m~C!:1 played in Creatjcn. Peel free co m:t\IJlly ~IVt: yt'lllr character domln Ion over rome pan: of his HQ\.I:o;e', ""(.hlllt-~." One DCV(illl't:C might say (provided she: can remember It when c(mroin~llfi (he mortal mind nfrer thc Abyssal escape), "1 helpe-d (0 gl"'>I,l lifC' to l·h~ blru.:i uf black feather.' whereas another Devourer could clnilt', "I helped give U(c to rhc p,lont:> 1.h8:( me poisonous to men." A Dcvrl \. .... I~:111 ~1t\.I;td thai conveyed God' .. wtll rc chi!' others - e mouthpiece of divmc ;'Ic:dol\ - h'l~ whue crucial message did vour n':'I'il c;'lrry? Did she c;::.rtV l'hL: oeder Ie) rile Scoergcs rc breathe life into a ne w human called I'be'':AIII'nQr.hcrl'' Did she direct a ccllccuoucf Fiends tucrente n c:yde Llf mJ;ht Itndd.tY6f1 rhl' wOI'1d may have periods of wakefulness nnd rest! None of thIS Informarion is. absolutely crllcial to w he )'QHr demon charncrer 15, bur II will given nice bit {lffiCLI.I'O[ to rhemthareould hUllnl.'ll~11i ~1,knllwifLl!:ly r.hrof,Jugh· cur rbc story.

E:>O:ilolnrll':i Hcd~ "'a.~ alr.:::ad~ &cld~l thar Nebiws ~!rtl5 insCTLlmcmnl iR Ute .:rt'(~tTClI nnd jm~kmcntal.{.iI1 fJf blrJOd into me tirmlm:Ory system.


(l1)\1\i\CTI:R C~OC>;jr. TO P.r~70LT?

Another ke~' element o( a fflll.,;n -c.h:\r..(:~er L:i tlw rerlSoOf'lln8 behind her choice co gf.l ~(g"J.tnst che Cre.1l0r':\- wl~h&;1. ~nd ~I[gn with. (hI: Ughcbringc[',s


dcctalon rc reveal rhc angels' pr~L1.;;'C to hllL'1~;"Llii'~ :;IS n guldill.~ forcc , W,-, LtIl.Jo .... why Luclfcr did It ~ '\'h't' Jill :J(jl~rch<lr,ierl:!'rJ(t ~r.?n'i:s jaerueinl mfcrrtmtion, as it's likely tu color your demon's ucrlons bl the mode rn age \.~, h ether sh..: remembers [JR'<: lsel ~ wh~ she rcbellecl Or nOI. The rnertvarlcn for rebelling l!1i~b~ have been 'i,!~if\' slmpluor icrrlblv complex. lr's possible rhnr ~ro'U[ angel sunplv loved hl,lm"uli1.~ :50 much and r'dI great :,;OHDoW IH tJ~oCCT enforced lguomnce. Bur there me ether posslhillrtee, Maybe 'r'(J~H character h~d ~)nly H digh!' ill~etc~1 I" humantry, but she oprcd {.Q rebel ~c::callSl"she loved Lucifer .')~~ 11.1LIc.h (or was ].imply swayed by his powerful ... 11.!:c.lormlcl'ls) chm te secrnccl like che only ~Mng (iJI do, Or perhaps rnJ.:l1·r.I1.ifll~ \y~ts ;l l'IiQr'h1e, COi~~itlcr that the ll!l~~,dilo wmk c d Inir.lde~-,''J'lt uemd~,t"~ - wlrhln the cosmos as" directed bv Gl,.,)'S vearn lflg, vee h umana were hi lssfu Ily unaware of th i~ work. Thev eouldn't. Ilf)d.>.;::rSti'l~l~ [.)~ apprcetnrc CI,i'etvrhing rhc 1'1l1g.:::!:!'i crested, nor wer;:: 1=:h.'i,':)1 .::\"It:.ll :lw:l(i:u{dll:: rtr .. !tcl,.aLnl!. How frusrrcnng [tun muse bt! to an ;lnw.!1 wIL"", 'I'~~tll!C!,~ rhat hi:s hard work ill c rearmg cite" benurv ofan orch td, encod iug tts DN A. dirccdnq the actions of pcllinatlon and ph"';yn~ th1.~i!\I':"al.i'e:'illgo~~(! to mcnkces wbo glvc the flower cue I~l(,k. ~1l1~ ~I:iHr ;!nd rhun bumble off? 1 ['" oven posstble dL\l( YOll'l':;;IID,J:;el wa~J"-'nr(W-!i of the ;.\ llfarhcr and Ailmnthcr. Thcv were content ill_their Idy'lll!=: :5ITin:, given Ooel's spark. but did ntlgC!l:;.nm·~ rime (Q slt back ~11)d I'!!\i()'o! e » e~vrhin~l Lucifer's dccrsfon (Q rebel ;;;;o~d;;;!'v~ ~·I1C;~"IIr"-~lit::;~lly uPt'l'U.:,,1 ;'\ door to ;'illy other angel who souglu [1.1 rebel ~ whether i;i:!j: moclvattons hold ~n'r'chil~g to do with Lucifer's incenrtous or ncr,

E..'~·Hnple: Beu. "IiJ£m[~ Nebiros rofeel (;losdJ"-L1,!;~GI"i .. olJ.[~!'wrdl r:mrlpr()[~t:tll~ 1~"'t!1'"iU1~ be'::'(I.t.L~c!, In Q mam1J!r u/ !"ptf~~Jng. htlllllJnj /ir'::l'~jl)' !inll(! IL firlr.: rIJ Nc-bi'r'Oi. -nlli: protec.ron is wJmt toods j'lirn '00 Tl'bd cmd oflM in IIlI')rwj .m/!@L!etnni?IH .

Wlli\T [lID UDIJJ1, CJlAn!\(TCJ\ ~O '''''IiNGTI·,,~J\GloOr(j)ll)\TI[?

The A~C" of Wrmb is the period CI1CQmp"l~t],:;: the r!Ii"'H.! Jurin;.:: and after God's punlshmcnr, when .lw f~II~1I bt~W'f' ~"i!I,he;~dil1l= fl~,"" I~tlll'i;:in.:> back lntc rhc ! A;;, the ash ~~QH1'1;;; clh.:d dow», II;~ (;,If~n realized rh:u their rebellion would C:QlltU'J,JC'~:Olld I'il.:::y o;::ol)ki r~Il~~Ik.; !ht" w()l'l,t il'i Lhelr Image and teach dl~ 1'\L:lflHI Iloek 'il('~ardEI'gl~'" These were rhe earliest day s , lf ,h{')., could be called :S\JoI;h. of the demon's rcbclllon - and lhi.:; ILIne )1) ...... hope fosrcrccl :'1[111:11'11:' rhc no:.b.;lI inl!: hosr. often In rhe form of 4l1C 1<::1: i oru. \V;u:. Y'QUf character n p~r1: of these legionsvot did he remafn undecided CH (,)\lTlM)scrlJlly

1J~'Hl!.b!:rH~tJ r lf he was ,) member of 11 L,"gLOIl, which one, and why~ Whilt;: ccrtaln 1C:,t::;~'m:jo were ~':iIIl'ed toward rnembers of spectftc Hll\IM!.!), th~1dJd necept members [rum ether HO~I':;C':\.. The Alabaster Legion, im ';-X<llIlplc, compnsed bar,gdy Slavers. bUE: other Houses rLEld Tr:PT~Cl1t.U '(In, h [lWII;:\' C r :tI'!'i::lIl, Y lmr charncrcr mtght havc been 9 Fi-0nd in I lrix 1<:~iliH, sC,diflg ro skulk :!W::iy frtPfl1 the ethers nnd help (Q guide rhe (U',,11't! p'LII'~"'li';: of Ih;;: r(loHE'n. humans. Or 111:A)'be" your tlngel W[]S 11 ShJy~r \\Ihu o,;!,ll;1-1,,\: 'rir:ol. W stand wlrh the }\l::dJ:JHC{t;, and instead h:.11 'in wi~~ rhe E.1)llrl tcginn,lmplll,R: rc help PLJm~h those mor .. tals who did [1t11 ((~111]11~1 \,,·jI11 I h~ CUi'I'LI'Ii~II~J fLJ -:!I1 .. t in the roJ;!"l:u.!ildLl~g. of EJ(!lI. AI,Ftin, reel free to think ocesrde the box when it comes teo [he htsrcttcal aspects of' your character - he nC"t.'{~ not be- the rill ft 111,~ef1 t f~( ;J ~t erecn 'r'l~!-..

Examples &1/1 ~;,:.rumu rn:m. NL:bh()~ 'H--'LI.~ foJiJhf .. l rc 1_n.ciJ<!T, (:lIld as s In:h. joilletl' !III:~ C"'·l"IUrm Le;gion uliM imrrl,(II~I'y':> "~r Illt.;;r=-,~I::" III rrdrn;/.

lJ.j, 11IT')U' IIOUl1 Cn7ll'1I(TI'.U 1)0

D([~[j'Ki Tl [~i\.GJOol' (.iJo~ L>t:f\ r

This period \I/Ii.!::.' u srrungc I"mol,:, :lnlllc':- .. hupurrant ro knowvour cbumctct's plecetn il. Dllti I~.b! Ihls pcrlocl. rhe fnllcn hcsr lorded over man. bensr nrtd plane '~lld be-Io!,'TIt'L hlli.IL1111g vnsr, abstract S(rUCHIr<!":i,chrhontnn mnees bEJ'lC:lll~ 111-1,; ~roul1.d. Imv{:~S jut(ing from chc rtps of ih~ 11'~j:!,1 ~ll;lr\(,m~ muuranln

Wnl! ilmr could ::-1:~h)m,J - or dosu'ov ~ mnrtr-.I:s I.Ji.Ul1:l1t 111 ,[,1;,': (:Tn.:.~{In,;_ W1HL~ l;J.d ~tlllr rlemon tk, ..Juring rhis ~imd Ahl1(~," ,flllYthiL"lg is possible, \V;)~ slie iii Malefactor who helped further rhc perfection ~I( Lllc.i'l"r";:, Genlunnom! W',,:;; :ih..:l ;"i: $(::OUT!,;C who protected lrcrtiv I~f mlm,.di,"- murml .. From the ~~Il-.'5GITtng [macks of dsc Creator's 3L1~d5~ Or worse. ~',,~ IlL:'~ T(;ltlfJ'I,:ll~ f'llT'C'c.dy ;"Ie~rLJli'I~ ",I lel'n f1:1 11' [his: 1.::1 ~11(:(:11~'~, i(,~ p.:J:to.~il)h' Lh<'t;:.;l1t~ \\'OI"~' Il;1rL}' rLl I he Ebon Legion's dcpredacrcns, creatutjr ~TiL11 wonders end cruellv (km~lldlnj:l worship from rhc purposefully iwm,m,' 1.'I!,t,lIl h.;nl. M:l't'llt: ~oIJ!lrJt;I"'.(l!l 'km;,vll.;!f' lilt' Tljlr~1'I1,;111 J;:rn~,·bJlg. "'il'hill her f1.f!d l'h(!I',.:J(l~ dCJ cldetl (0 live all rhe edges of existence and :;[<l~' our tJf [he cold and ailcru 'WIH', ("'.T·El oprlug out of ~dlil!;"II"g T~U,' l.m:::.~cJ. nr InLinkil'td 1m :l !TI~lrl:! cnn- 1<:1II1]1l~~i'l}c lir'\:~tyIL~ Ag;-.ill, flilylhil1g I!'! pti$Sibk DurinR. this ern, the angels of [he fellcn host were gods (Q (he IlUU[aJs, culling [hem, tE:;l(hing them, liI)\'m!-11 bc11I,i!uI1 .... almJ:j. \\:(II~hip (roll; 11,,,111. W11L:rI; Ilid yl1llr 1.I-l~m~':I1l nt· i"ro 11Li.lo ;:.;;hl.:l 11 1.;1

EX;lJE111[,:: j3L'Jll i!kdd6 ~/lil.l Neb.iW:l" lmd t:!MUglt of cJw drrrnjPltll1t.:: of dClTlIJn$ (Jmilljf til': ~ t1f \V()JI(J'.;:r5 so ~ IJ~' rc r.i\'fl en dl~ ot~t,>klrtJ, eu ~~hl·cni,"g 11l()rt(JI~ in a small i1'1nj d..t:)' II~ i filL' [rlng~:,: of l!':\"i.m~n~[!""

The Time ""( Atl'uiI;itri\::I: .g~\\' L'1Itl~ n( the- :;g(t 1)( Abel's murder as commirccd b}' Caine. Thts act cnmishcd rhe lnnd In a wash o( hlcod ;lrtJ hJ.5[, and ftlllha::: {:,.Lll':;l! rdr :';tJl\!'\."! P<.Ir'l [',rl il'!: horror. The .E.hlill Legion's nsaaulr on S~gll!l \\'~'!1 t,;:'It:Ili:rI)\T~r i)f wbar chc rdtc-lUil..r.l host had become ns [hey were Insl~:lr~J h~' rhe ~l"';LI"k oibfL.Jt;llfl·Y' ~11~d hll;KlJI"III>[ rhnr man's ncrtens hud fostered. Your charnctcr, durtnu elm; rime, has 11Hln~' p;ilchs be could ha v c chosen. For one. he cculd'vcfclr ehc smbcnnurdcr brollJ.'lu l'l-'t' C~dnc urul luh'L~d rhc ranks llrho! l.lLHllshI11~ Fi:.lltm, ~rc'l'pil!j! low and mi .. trl.l::[,'I( in the suffering of rho LnIlOO::Cni:, He could've gone 11 dtffercnr rome wich rhe anger wnhtn nne levied rl-n, fis..'1;mll [1LHdy all~lll~t G(I;.I'_~ I'l.:m~lhillg :'I11,t::d!'l, ::1It1'8Cku'Lg ~hl.;'.ln \\'hih:~ lhe)' \ .... ure \"'I(.'~I~ due ~("In.C;':11' tncscrpable horror (nnd dsc fact thnr many I1f [he [;'if4ho,:.51 were off punislnnq Caine for hls Ui111;;.~rC!sslon ]. 1(:-. ;Ibn pn:;$lblc rhsu y-our ;In.j!:cl stood wuh L'Ir,;.ir~J, (1llp;"llicd »r 1.\'11:.r h~d bccuurc nf ·hi:s. brcr h· rcn - .. Fc\:J" 8.1"1, [he war wns wlrh Heaven. nor the humans. rJllhr! Flnt'iliy. yrJLlr charac tcr Inl~I'll \rc-rY' won h .. vc dutcrrnrncd hi:!l (.!own rl!th - nvold tlw right cnrtrclv, fcstcr ncult ofrnortnls awav from [heetrtfc, or stride am4:l.I""Il,l (he violent fallen and take

vengeance- upon those who have 1:1:0111: ;Jg;"ljnSf Lucifoe's cdlcrs. This time ts n ~lIN~il'l.~ P<"i~"rf.Qr the Insurf.i~iH I\c~S~,;) ~ill1C" when their mettle is crulv reseed. The \ ... ar with the Heavenly Hos., reached new levels during rh! .s era. arul T"~ h;I'Ll..::srh:ll lrad once ccnrnlncd themselves ro rhe t"d~e.:s: or CrcaliClt~ were now in the forefront, wirb c 8..:5 ua III cs on ;1]] t/.idc~. Y~lllr character CI10;5(' sides and cered lJPon (hat decision :'I( ~lflh: pol)lt,(~

Exampll;: Beth bd;.e~~s dun lh~ JIm murdtf Md II profound r!.[fCCt 0)1 Nemras. c:mJ ~dult'! th~ 1iill~ tltJgCf ~lrasl1'( comwn~d1t'1th ~ 11-'(JJtQ'IlSHmed wlthagrcal, )~(l1nuS)' ffJr'mjl),. Dun'l,g rhl., rime, Nebiros beccme fu:rr:r:I;J IJ(.JSSofJs'~ uf hmm:mMnd. ~Il!:.:il') far a.q .II) ( o::Jd'lcr (mgds 1M" fd[ [litu lit-eJ c~uUl lurnd~oi:! !ll~ &.111)' fjr ~~cphenl'jng.:he hurn.clrl~.

{J)liJ\T DrD<lOOn GII\Ri\CTr.l\ 1)0 DlJ I\iN<l·I'I"II'. 1 V,,'. ,'l)l\llt:I.?

The deetsion came From 01, high, the M~1T1'lngstt!r himself - elevate rhc humans and advance the \'(Tar on Heave-n, So be-@:rlnrheTime:l.ll Bubel. ai'ld oCf;I1Haincd wlrbtn the heg1l1ning of this ern was the pT'T.lmj,J!1I! that the fallen host's adversity WM over ,lind [lid]' rruc t::i1..",stiniQ:.S. ;H the helm of Henvcn wt!~L!'t:lu~e nt lumd. The Orand Experiment ..... ~.~ ,S,\:[ Into met ion, hue a plcr was hatched by rrairorous hands c-crhe W.m:hef's WoClH Int~lng,1hl,~ ncphlltm were born, mod mankmd crumpled like n p'I(k.rcIJP underneath thc durcss ofthetr ncwdlvlntry. Thts ngc was nelckcr than the others. (('I:Sfen::J 10 il$ supreme ';11..:1 - the Abvss - wlrh alarming illnl,;nl-~. lnu that's not W58}' your chaeaerer didn't have suruc 1)1;~£t.: 1110 lr. Did YOblT ehamceee agree wuh Luc:j({!~':!! pr-hleful r)~,\::I~'n~LtiQn? Did he- help protect, the Ten in their charge, ur ~:S )'IJ~I~ charucter among {he. lower ranks uF dtsscnr rlrar sowed the di~I')~'ill\y rc the Grand Expcrtmcnr! lr's possible that during the Clvlliearlon uf A!>nl:!S, }'Om dmn n " ret contlneed her old rasks. uefenercd by lhc acw "dectsicn't lcvted by the Llghrbringer. After all, rbe w~r with the Cremer's Host had nm; beer ser m\ hold. MQtI'3I!i. sr+ll worshipped the fallen ar all cornets or Crcntton. \V~:s your cbaracror a god nrn()t"\,i;! the hllml3.ns~ A h.lmbl!;! rcecbcr nffrorued that these ~h.:W "\X',w.::.h.:;:r,o;" '-"'nukl ro-cc mortals [0 ascend m greater smccs rtf bc:il~g~ Wh~1 of rhc ncphlltm ~ Dld your character hare them, Inn .. !: them - o-r worse. help creare rhemf Ttus is a dark time: fOT the fallen, (hough some highor-Tcrmcne b~inK" W nld ccrroiflly sec it as 11l01'l.~ o( B silver ngl" of so mud, J'lOtI!IHI1.11 ruined.

E~aml?le; Nebir'41~, '~ti.r:lIC~, ttl{.lS grrorj), or· jJtt$r:,d w tilt Gr~n.d C ;l.':Perimelll , Bl!!ingj~L'llott~ of 111 .. Ten,

rile ~I~~I(.j11 '/i2!dd..:.rl rlliJ I, he: W(.t!i rh~ md)' "TIgh[J~1 read,d" of 1)'Jt.l.nJ~irld, He l:tCgllll rl j1cr-s(,n;oj war (.lgCWl-Sf rhE: T CIlI1I'la .tI\'l~ a bil f.lrayt.'1' ill the c(m_~pl'P'.oc): w /K1i1,g (rtMl-'Jl lhe «ot'cilla" roi:!,~ied lry rill! Manlmg:stllr.


Another k e y element Qr your demonic '"haIr Is hew [he fnfamal character ;u,lgcs. [he. nature of ih In~~ both in the past and In [he corrcnr ;:'[Ji:~- These cptntens. 't)r I;II:~ fl-f i) benet term, shndow vour demon's nrttons ~1I,d help (o:sn: r purpose and in rem. They wtl] also help you dec lde whctherer nee YU!J r d131';1I::'1 er has allied wtth one of the C:'<t1l111 rnf.Ci(;t'ls.


Humans. cvernll, were the Iyn-c.hpin reason behinJ me rebellion and the Pall. LlIdfcl"~ decree and dccfsicn regardmg the rcvc\rHioo rc J\(ktm Am: ... , her rind Allmother E,,~' is [be smgle defuung l1l0LUCm In 0I;\J('1)' demon's cxi srencc, so each erne tSS'1 m' to havcnn cplnion !m ehe !'oubjl.:~t. These ClJ~;l .. iLm~ LIft· hi,,::hh' veered. m.d ~rClLdll:"LccJ UJ l'IOil e;i.U\\'1i your ,;;;hanl<;ter'.a pcrspccrl v -e on the nnrure of morrals both chef! [prehierory] and now (the mcdemdav), Were mcrralsrhe pride l,1f HI.:~l.\·t::n, the ham,' n( Hd.l or jusr stumbling monkey·s? Are nlD{l'al$ $litI wenb something to your character! Are rne~' being-s: that Inspire vourcharacrc., "'rduC!i,t'ourdemonsC'CktoJrupimrheJ1'l! An: they just Paieh larucms hvhlilLl!t n much desired spark (Yfl~lr basic F;"tl),-II;'"In IJ~l). (.'r ure ~hl;!~ ,1,1; lusr 11\:ll1i«;stn.

ttDr1!;Of God on Earth LU'1d worthy of all rhc hcfp )'OIJ ClIrl:spare(a Reconciler pen:PCCC.IV{':}, lt's possible that l'"",rch[I"'I;~t:r h~ I~C-l:,li1l:I.!!4 Ravcucr ill prtnc:il'lt: if I!IL1=I it, :lll.1!:"i'I!f:fit, ~~I.!'in;t ,j\~r'~ <11"1d women as nmhing morerhan bi1:Wafoorn"~nd blord \ .. -orchvof contempt, ~1Il and humllladon.

b;u!lplL": 13c.!.1t j'tl~ ~h./"[rt.I:r Je.;ir1('1a rll11.l Nc'!biro.s rfJl:~ imtntlns- so 'much rll.:.l[ hco foil illW thl.! ooI.icf llll'lt Itr. wll!;,ont'! r;J lherr·'.5:CJi~eh e.JIIC.:1HJr.>, ThisQUsenri,'f' prorecrl~'tlli/:~~ m~!:r.r ~TlJlI~I.!'.H(.', Be-tli dcdll¢~, inw Ih~ Irlr){Ii!;rtl [oIl'Jliln 0l.j1.TocfeT,


Tae Momru~5.rrrr is lnargmbj~, ehcceneml£c ill f.dl,:[] legend, outside nf the C[~flt(~r. lLtCiror,;~ W:~ tbr: plml:l;ld-r.!' of the rt'bl;:lll'l1ll ~~h~ powerful ch ... rsslli.llLit Dt-V'II w he ~i;. (he r.m H1 stand aij-ELlnsl God lind rhc Host. W he ehcr she rcrncmbc [:;'II or nor, vour dl<1[~t-r:;tcr·].J.'llj hnvc an opinion abcur rh,· L~~ht bri nger, !I(I It's n good idee to i'ig!lrc.;::rllf wh~t rhnt opinion i:;. ~L:r:-I:'!Uy jn ~hC5C: lll!)d'::rl"l d:rr.y.:i when Lucifer has 1K!.:oml(.'1ud~ a repie tl( s! gn~ Ftcn nee, 1 f ,\,\"",mr chn me LC~ 1[lIL'~~ Lucifer nud seeks him snllIu rtus currcuc rune, then yoordcmcn mavbcchnracrcrjzcd ~15 H Luclfcmn, Ifl'U1Jr r::hm-;ir:::rt:f Ic*t'i 10 be more "ngnosrlc'' about l.w;Jrr;!i':,,~cl.s~(;;k~ ro IJ.i.,.Lj:il~ our nil the el'Li,l!m,;'i$ nsscetrued with '[he- Mommgsrnr Inor hil\ving been in rho AIr;-55 for chose counrlcss mtllcnniil], vocr cheracree wm IIkd~ :ls~imeo wifh CryptiC:\.. Al1yclllmir.m cnn 1'It:: counce red m Lue rj'I:!~. Dld ~ll~ character here II i III trLJoIUdilY OL"l,-cl Wi:J5 she jealuus of him! L'n.or.! she love him [hen grow [0 deplore hi 111 due to his absence frum Ih"J'r,bv~~Oh~iou.5'IY'. more ccrnplcx opinions C:)11 be r,:w.u.t~d, <J.~ 11'1\:11. Ccnshler a t!l;l1mn II'h(l f~h unrequited love for L.I.U:~ fl:f bu r \, v ,I,'i ~l w~ry~ n non 'illl{]~ w hlm, a MMcl~, Then s .hc .spc III her t 'me in rhc A bvss D~SS1 ng ovcr hi m w [r:h tit is {cel; ngahe called "love. '" which /;T~W more nrtd mere :r.wi;51~~l rn,'-r;:r the ngcs. No'il' trr::1t she's free. tht T omwmu rc.:dLI'!.-'l:i, bLle ebe srlll feels rlw flee inside to puesuc a rwjstcd quest rc raokc Ir.)Y~ her

Exempl'c-: OrJgim:rj/:r; BCl.h f«,r~ dw r Nebiros f(llto-wed Lr.ct{i?r t.mJ ~1.las quhe E'njitlr:!tl.r!J lry .rll!!' MomilijfHllr'S r/rIt.['J~. Bit! Ndr1TtrS' ~U! t~ fed rllllr. L .. c.i{<-'T W'lti (j~1I!tI1 bctr/'r)'CT 'wn(.'ll Ii.; OP!t~ ro ~Ign ~hc T(:ll f() [~n nWi'l;jjl' i[y. b.::lr~~'r'rtg rRm [his Q;ffrotl~ ~I!ru ('1 griCVOI(~ ~'TTj)f,


Goo ,md ~h~ H.OOI ol;]\'iou:::ly are vC 11l0m~mu.~I:S imr-ommc,;: w [he f[1.lIc:n. God i..s the ooing who lrc;uoo (he In ,n rrd com m.:1 n.c.!cd rllam lO create i1' mm, tif\\1 rhl; 1['t!,1'tl;ilrdri~ h()~r r~r 'IriJ,:!.1.:I..!J "';,:; a (\)t'L$lnl1r I:r~lrb In .ht: sic.ICl! rrrthli" (~tlt'll. \Vl13l diLl yvur cJemQl'l think of them b~(:K ihen~ Hme chern for ~heir Wtcratly) h,{;ller·[h:iln·~holl 'miruclC"~ Plcy [hem because- rhcy

ccukin'r scc the ~ru.h rlsat w.<!:-; ln front cltheir verv I!Y.r.::s~ Whfit ofGurJ? Did vour cborecrcr oppose bim h8;ppil'j', cr dkl she do so on.l~' af[C'~ coming {O rcrme with ehe V':.1:;.c feae cf (he C~(:;)Lod And now, In [hh current ego, God and tho!.'! Host ... roe ncwhute to be found. 111 no place l-as the d~\"ilw rin:!:'l:rlJTinr been discovered. Doc, your charactc r ~'L"i.: rlus as an upper[tlrr.f!'), to make hc:i'SclF::l GC!J urui eakc back whar's rl..~~l.[futl\f hersf Tharwould make hera Faustian. Does she view [he place as just !l sunnier version of the ~riwn she "Was condemned rc for all these vcnrs, a plnee Goel lras :,1.;;'1lldClilQrP {Sill! IiImlld be n Rcconctler if she lov(!'5 humElni['j'; 3 RELH'ner if ebc sees the place 8S: a [unkpfie woerbv of dcsrruction.] Is: God's rrb:'tCnc(::3 warrant o.ffn::r;. \vill.:'i cJhrm'b~l'!ll:!itgn or a cause Qr cl!'l.f,!:e-r '1l'r~1 ~~<Lil'l.1"

~amp!e: Nebiros-. B~{~ decu/.es.J.fIr [llmif,l-'f'r.s) ~ad ~llIl! j.r,~ CTl~'fHlrT {l:J. rltr. nC!~!j !(J~re.;:m! lru.JT[(f~$ mur I~~e! I"~'rrr 11$ liI.[k rnt,I'I'C dmn 1.!.'1IrmrPl" I::Qtern::. Tlirm.Jr"!J"c. NC~IT'nJ sp~ms [iIf Cmr;tf.IT, b.l~nlJ'fJU[ of ~~·rr!- (ml~ oll[,f:Jf.~IICf.j!' di:w!rtcll£Hl[mem,


OF a moRTaL

Mrr:'J'(,IJnl wns Or! Iler s1d'e;: in f.h.e {:(Iffi~T', 'r~11IbJillg, su. e .::l(In,g. A t.l.¥1~ery reaJ1t!l,d ,rrou.~r!'d from IIr2ft'£lTS [ma diE eerners of hl!T eyes. M£lrd1(]/1 lifra/ lils Irea.:!, [11m.~lteJ of,or/j, !T",red(.l,l:ifJin [ry~lJI.115h rkt!ch(,ilr,(~JIO.nbel'l.&.r~1. ~irn I ~[d hr.! j!.lsr £fjJII'! jrd~ dil! ~~~,~gIh. Tlte rrliLn'j ~ l14J, rok drmon':5-bremn u.rruitt'd caer him, aflXldi>ru L'xntlJmh:1ll pi d':c(!J. The ..m-mfr!!" grlil:nuf, a .!iprn.c~ a( bHlum ~i'erh, [ltJm 11f11.i! tIP r:l {i!irJIII of Poiarui.d pk"{!!.res.

"Oi) )lmj fL'.aJI~ mf!:'i'e were )'Old'" il.oI!' askd M[rr::;ILP1L Tl~c d~n1{l11 'LL'.I'n.(ed.tt5 '1r;:.~taro;!1!dl~q,r1 .:lL.j;! /)hVf{!l af MIJl',dulilgri1111111K !iI1~ en !Jim es ~()l1teT [1mll CI ~fJgftm'rlf" rK!(,! M{.l5r~ njm ill t~e'f([r:e. H~ rhe~l.I'it {O ,dICXW'1 r'ld, JrllT[C!' uriUl ajJ11::~1at! j)fM.ttr~lli.dI b/.r:i.i:~lrlj!'m!! C'l.ImJb:; lIn II bl1Jrdtl)' t:nk~. And (J s~Til:J" of r-iny rhQw..~ [1{mI, (L1J.o~rj boo,i~., eadr pi.::tt/n:! $I1r::;Jwi.rW 1Li:n1 arid M(lJ).:!Iii'L Inllhng fl!!l:r11J' f~~ i:'I~ ~h..f rnrnem. "HlmWnl[)'di.'i.lIUft~ me. Do yQU rt:'.:.:rUy r1li1'J.,':'jll'rem<[J1')'is:1OLl, Nrhim~2 AN1alfif'g.Al1mg, fr)llg" riH'i~ ago ,OJf .and r aid SClImf' tpoo ~ro~/.:. t{l~dl~, We: r,tT~ctic~ll)"' nW';;lltr:d ti'r.c ~Irm .. ; JOU ClPld l Pm·, tU1rlors, dml1('r~.l:, Q wr:rrrd fjJ ~)'vMirr[' ar/igjuJ w~ U~ ~~ b"gs, and here )(11. ~il, ct)"'in,ri: like a kirren o£.I'fJ'ef scrmi2 ,4/.:;:: )I(,I!j(ifll?or1Ce? U,flh."

nJ!IIi!tlI',i;WL:'n!:lfj,j~, ThJ It1DiM~fldMar:";11lI11'~('ir~k~ a~ r/lltrr.;rm.c Nothim~ j)i~d lii:>: O:r.!iln li/.:e <!l fr...~h"fJol~. TI1(:~ ul;1j lilllM 11~.tU~ Jlt:$ {iri~l~Jl t life Ire Cl,)l.L;! l'("lTi-tfn.w, bjjf ~Jil!' r.e"5~ ,CJr:l1O a arr.:am h.r {'(Jurdn't ft'c:krim. In j~. J..r~[(' UI(lS; ~ br.Dn{!1bh' IJ[ ll'WTrCl/ m('mOTj~,l., Cr::lmit'·ll'b:. ~lfn.["1r. c.r:rrJ.s: at U'r}'I'~, /':'lL!Of[[1:: ,...,JiG! sr!tlciil'l'I:.':i. death of t1 col.t:\"in,1It1arymltl So mudl r:)(MtlryaJl 11 ,

TilL"! 11.,.."'ii!()'1 r .. ;::k.::d 'r..r lm.~~~~pt!lrn!d ~'If:i

"N.'!mro~." lie said". "',r l1C'("d IlP .tm(lU' 411ht"rI!' Ba'el.

Bffl~lt i~. Dk! ~hf:! J!('I our ~4 !.h.:! I-'~./'Jll lLIi~/1 ~I)tl~" M.;.Il'.Jfi// ${'lrr-c"t'lJ N,drm..!:r' ~ rrt!:,m.,ri~s (or W(J$ r~ rh.;1 mh",r W(l), I.nmm.d!); etul , UI.:f!, d r.~jL! of fi'Cf.lrll!.'I;r{r,m. Tllfill jj iVl'lS ROII~. Tit ... kil'lL)fl IH!'!i.Hm' .~LL.' Ui.:: i~i.mfllj"jtJ1l till .M.nrjlt.cT.rr'.s!lICl? "YI)I! ~km'[ c_'t!nrcl1Ii!:trllJt'l' ilA."', rlrl")"(JJ.Li Very ai$~ml1;'~'rll1g" n

A .mAk.i!-·/ib [.Lllf. L'TU,;[)' ar.d Jr)" rJk~ ,croc~d ~t:!mht'r, msed arom"d frrnll behirtA rlh." d~lnon','t OOek. C!lr/t,,1 in i'u 'iII'I~'t4(J.~t;c:lIIJ.C!, d.-ilfJ)ill}: [!.crr/.-.jl.:hor. FlIc3~ umi[('d rkoon:. Th~ ,1':''Jrlffll, ~!Irl~m.>o:d.

"GI~cs.; rl~'I.'~w,MytdrJ. Mar;,mllu[rI!fClfJ. Ymjrb.'i5.-A d{!l1IUI;'; n..:>.:tL~ Iii,: mtrrtn] host's memories, \Xl i thmnrbcut, Ihl\.! conuent of chc i\b~'SS would wash over hi ru allL.1 &'S~n!v : ~ n y SIC I L1 bklllC{: (If hi::; \.il~1 ~d(. IC:1 ... ir~ 1l11l~ n hH[i!r.I,II')dng mir¢d in T716>t:-

Crcmin,g j-our chnrucrcr's [tumnn h(~!>r bfllll n ~ In d~',:: :t~cn.I1~1 h~III' d Y~~H damon - without IL, vour clinractcr bn't 1"'[,01 ... ;. ArtL.'T ~II. rhe demon now !\.-C"1:5 Tt.C , .... ortd l.hH:iLI!,lh human L.:VL:~. \'('!.t:n.: once f!;h~ hl.!lrk!tl ere •• ~t! IH!lfl.d" ;Iild I he Wllrl(II-h,.::'r' liv ... J l11, uow slw I~ a morral. NOIJJ she kL10W$ WIrtH it's like ro be one (If the very creatures char che (nll~n hoar hclpecl 10 [oarcr , nnd rhnr'a II big dc nl. Th~ 1~L:r:sOi'J~ o{ rhL!i.r h(i~1 iti;J I" ~,,·crrul.~i<!c, "~\\ill'~'~ ::;t..-jviT1~ l(lr cnn rro]. C'1Il ymlr ch n rncrnr reach <I 1"JJhm.;.~1C betwtxt her clcrnon ssdc and her h u mall ;5tdd Has rhc ]lI.1I1mn :s.idc mkcn precedence. :50 l'i\J..:h~) ehaeshe bdi-L!vC'$II~~~d(r~, he "J";:lr!'.!Sltilth" i'IHt':;J<! of L<AbJ:;J~.d, Fell K''lj~hr or rhr- SrmgllLm:

CODn!" 01' lras [he- demon stele repressed rhc humart memorles, ]C!:::I v in~ rOll e character \\I i ,[h a~ eenrc r ~II.~(: ~JI her ,~dgll'ml self bur n1c~kin~ bur vulnerable I'V I h.ell.'vt:'-["iIIJ~,II;~mf;i[~n rl,rtl T urmuntfosrersin her soul i Bottom I iuc - rht, "'::':;'11'" ~i\(..III.ilu iu:lr, Y()II Hjaure aUt who rho morral was. aed wluu i{ means ~'o rollr 1'1111-.;" d\:)rnC'-I!r.


Something nbour V(Iour mortal's mind was like D. bc.,con to your demon -::l fnlm :si~n"al [hl'Ou~h Ih.e J~I .. kn1!,t;:!; ;1I,d h;lrr~d r,h;~t 1;;~llcd h~r \:1;10 the t,..JJ~'~ Thi:;. i$ ,t"!::l,\,bl~ rlw place to !!oHm wh;;:n naC-l1mc-ring om YU LJ I' IHumm. bt:c:iliJ.:5c rhLs is rhe fin.;[ fmd 'most crucial COlUloCt:I'ion be-tween de n'l 0" ';l1~~1111nrr<l~ Inlrul!S. Sn!lu:thin:g !ilb~:lUr I:h~ humnn Illu:$I' rt";:;'m;ltL:: wil'h .he d;;:mfln' • .,. p.;.:;r~Clrmli'y. [t'-&;) rmc thing m h:wc a dC'l"ill)fl C:~I!.r. 11H'L~1(i1llIy, ""frhO!.H: irHUiutlt'L, imo rm LmaSS(H:.I,a~-ed bod)!, F."V~ry Ht:iII~I;~l:mb l'L'lh':'l'Ll'~ 1Ir'l:hf,;ty[JIC';' ofpf.'! ..... ple to whi-ch it!': Lm!lrlht:r_' (.Ir~ dr(~m'. f.;cl fr~~ 1l"11 (iguri.: rhj~ i:n. i:tLlC ~ho look 1)l1ck [0 ym.lf ,chnr;lcr:I!J"'S :-.p--c-cj{ic dc-mon l .. lIS-lory (which YOU h.fI\fc Hkcl~ ucalC'd by

~ww) ror c I ucs ~;... H' whar kind of mort [II she woul d have luatlnctlvely ;S(Hlghr.

T~:k~, fi.1r example, 1:1 SOOlLrgC who protected hLII~Ij:11l;1io frcrn the b s v oc cuused by rhc battles With rhc Crcaror's H~f t, r rlll!; lnutul !L1;ldfll:~ cf [hl' n[!"r'I~ilil11. l-lis -r:h.Ii),:C, I),;!~k .In ehe LhL)'. \1,J'L~ [llt· puonhanship of huuumlrv ar any COST. And SQ, his ruurtvr's soul was evcnumllv cnsr inro the ShCDi of the ,"\.iJYfh5, nnd Il ow has {v und a nt' ru [he om k ness "lllW,Jil'l~ hili. ttl-l;~C~LPC. Whf"ll ~~IIII ';III~ r,~ him, ,md whV! Irmumcmblc options ere availoble, erich nne wi~h a dlffcrcnr reason as [0 whv [he demon Inay have been pulled If! lt.

dcm~l~~~ ~1~~C~t ~I~c C;~~i: ~r~~~!~:; ~l'~J~~l;: I~~~

f:"lIl~I~ 'l.11I!'h1.1:, the Tlrne 11{ A lrncirhi",.;, nnd rhe rape CL'''llu~lor\-(I\vr1 i11Ll~iHllinll':; Wl::~:;i! r.:n~)".!:lh I~"I c:«11 her there (polcl!t'iFllly making :1 Bceone llcr In rhc proccs .. ). Or, whar happens j f rhc del 11m I Imrc:ILI !.!i- nrtmcrcd to :;J 1':lPC victIm. arum, ihc cbvtoue nbsence .. f I'hl;:. dCr111Jn'5 Ideals ill. 11 humen mind mlghr be: Wh:H drnws IhC' demon In tnsrcnd of the prO'.~;;:nC'e of her idcnls. II' lllL$ C .. se. the d~lI-'m~ :\A.;e~ rhe chnnce to eiBf>l,lln",]' rhll," 11'lj.-rill,l~l dm.l'" dl'l: hlJtJI-:

Oil her vtcclm's nature - IH1U Iu this \VII}', rhe Scourge (ulfiUcJ_ rc~Jmp5- the ScQU[b""C mkes chc body of a flol1cC'(lfficei' downed In bi.l111L::.I-:I~~JIV· ,r'lotT1m1 fbi!'! cop Jlc{1 r~;lfW";b' he be[l..;-vcd bl. whkh W~I,,; 1:1\"1', order nnd rhc prcrccrron 1,.1f mortals. It's ('\1(:11 possible [n.:tt tbc SC.oJLJrgo) se .... ks darker humnn mnecrinl due ~\.~ [h~ O'l'L:n.lihdIl1InIo::PIIHI Wllhll\ III"; Ab ... 'ss. sc :o.1:\r; i'li\L.!.:., II 1i"lpb.r n;!, II vessel. LJ:5Ir11:: hillll.IJ punish humnns with her Irusrmnon over hnvlng never made 3 difference (Q rhc world tn '"-Ifi,. w 3.,..

PmzlmJ;: 11111 \Vh~· ~'OIII dcruon was '·t~]k·d" l c , the lunuun is" [he- key S[Cp. W::t5 iL ehc presence of rlw demon's own vterucs ;':InJ beliefs 1.l1!il.d~ rhe Inllrmn 1L!II\d thi.ll called her. (~r w~ it ll~(' 'jru~nt;c or !1').('~'! i~l':-:II~ rl~~11· !l\,t~11;" her W~I.f to "n;.;" !J~'I.' mm(~ll? Dlcl rhc human hnve jm o"l-rrldlng cmcrion ~ha! rcsenanxl wtrh 'i'Llur character! Was It love, flLJJ'i'L' i11l~~ c'ILpmhy (l" ()~hl.-'1~? An~l;:r, lust mul Iiusrrarion IJVlI'r lJ!.:in,t! ,I tl ... ~~c.i~, lE!:n-r1r..-nl' b~ing~Did rill.:" hmfr:tiil1 SoyO'er in ~w.:fl <I W::ll~' rhl'lr icstood Olltlikc CilSm,lI, ro ~l:'IlIich: .. uactcl!Or lnay h~ rile- filf1H':::.1 was -r. lli'i,W-C di 11" ()I~I·llllhr II!: c:tL::;IIIII-.:! thl~r s~"''lQli.1 o~lr likt.':1 b.~'u;on w Yl1~IL' -rh;lr:ac;tcr. \'(Ih,:11;. i.:I.'cr ~hc: CI!..~t", c.h", murrnl is th..:: aruwer [0 r.he dr.:.Hlon\ cquilu,an. rh.cs:Lmum~riollo( [llls.hcsceks 1['1 d'l15CLJm.::m tit'Il!!, wl,~~rh~.I· .!i.h'i; [~;Ili~,. ir 1)1' U(II[. ~'~L.lti~ ~1I1' ~hi$ Lf!C':Il'lI.'l1l ofthf· Ch;,lrdcH .. r I;; rht" ~pJ"i'~l:!:bo;;.rd tI.:l rl.lnbi,u· -ticmilillg ['hi! mOHlll hulfo.ryuuf..:-hrmlcU'r

E.,,<;)mp!e; i\.) !Ite rrWr'ml r.~~lf ufl1i.7 ~Mrru:!I!.'r. /JE!jl, cr;;.;:tt{-!5 [~ hrllmm mUc.'d "Mrrr~hrJjl }tl~~. " \'(In, 'wm J~~ d~'lQll n-ln .. 't.J w M~ll'~~.(.III! But, S~)"' .. du~ .. Mm·s/r{l/I L~ (j

j'i.~ldIlJjlfCll"fn:(..""~ri';:)'l"r)(.IJl1 (Inbl:;,, ,j!lTIL!red b:t 11'~lx,i'l ~I,il blood)l;; ::!US'!{.I)'~!'~tJ. Bc:~.h leds rJL(,I1 N1!"bi)"l)~ I,I,.'{.I-ldd ~I?fk out [hi:- clerpt'mjlol1 IlnJ SOOtll.:'!5S" ocet [IlL' ~lmll1Pl UJMirWl1 [/lll[ M{l31Jmlr e1rrJke:s, OlllaIJ'~J !11'tT[, MlJr.slllllj [~ ~ ill J.~ .flle:.;.rri_rtl: rj"f'4~irm. ,f;trr~[jl..l;;."t ~(It'lk tlr~(. Nebi,r(J.S 1'~!iW(rb.

Tt1E,sPJ\HJ:';OF Lm;

jtI:&t ns the El':lic!SOrLtC brcnrhed life into [he world, :,Q you muae hreaehc 11(,,: lnm the! u~rJi'rnl rh~~( rn~lr demon i n h""LI,Jj;t: ~h.edl.! I"",r:t n~il,"1- L$:$ol-!bsLlll\~'<l beneath the waters of [he- human psyche (ae lease mLllall},), you have roknew as much ~s.~OIJ can :::tOO1J[ rbc \'C,!j~1 Y'llir CIl~[;'lC;;.t::f c,i1;A,;tl["Jle:!.. JlISt ;1';; j he dcrocn h::'llr\lf ."~lIr"Ii.ilT<lr:::[t!r higd::l h i~~"Iry w i Ih I LlJj)I.J:oI. dn::fIll1:5, relatlonsh i ps.and morivartons, sodoes (he- human naif, Some of (he qoeetc»s below should help l'OU define: [hi.: lllt· of vcur rnnrral ht~L

(V117ITDlDUo\InCiIi\H7IC11;I>. eo ['01\1\ 1.I,"Ir;<J~

h's a simple quesrion. and one ofsomc relevance tcthcdcmcn-c-cteerull. ::m,gc..l.s were-defined by their "'I'lh.\;" ill rl-c wnrkl.Whi II; i(:j 1101' rhclr 5tll~~dl.lnnt\', lr rJEIe.~ phly ~ hig [\rlrl in ~hC': ::'llgcr~ charncrcr, :<..,1 it should l,hl"'I' a.reasonable parr. in (hi! monel's, 8ii well. Phis, a mortal's dcvouou ro IHS,oh mtghr play n ~;:m tn why rhe dcmcn \II;;::;; nrrmctcd in rbe flrsr pluce. Sr.Y!]19rllH~ whl~ i~;1 v~~I¢[) store clerk mi;!;:ht net reflect much L-h.roug:h their Vt'"K:S,1iOl"l, but somcunc who b;:r flrc chrcfmighr dcfino htm:;,.cl{(hmu~h lflflt ]:'0$11'1011. L.:t'~ ~J$-I.: the f"ir'l: c:hl~~i'I~;1n -eX:;111lr"'- Someone who fi~Ir[:;: Hrcs i~ 111-:dy scrnethtng of f'i hero .srf;;hr;;~y~,

who nLi~ht cull n Devil O[ a Scourge who is anracrcd ro this selfless peolcsston. Perhaps the fireman's mo~i""MI~Ht., arc nor WIUlt I hi.:}' ;~iiol~I.:'lr, h.1.lwr; .... cr. :1'[1d 11.1; C.nt'i)\';S rhe :i"HL'.!lrl1:iun Iii ... juh ,w':rnil,:"~. T1~i:$ PCr.i:fJJlo could cell ~ mote Pnuscinn Devil, or pcrhcps a Defiler wh(~ ~njuy.:;. rhe "inaplrarion" c.h,.( the morral's flees. ~3n "::1\L:.l:_ If the human \\J;L'> :1 ilb"I]"!;lfl, pcrhups ;1 kllt)I.\lk..J!--lt"rhun~tt' He:n~l wOl:.lld he ~~lh~LI ~('IT [ll1}' Crvpr!c. a crunllvj. Serial kiUersj mpists m,iglu draw ;:n1~' Rnvcncn engineers 0'[ computer p,rogrnrt'llTler,,> 1l1l~ht~nni [he atrcnucn or a M :"l1,,"{ila:.tL,~r; (II non lctan ,N, ct;II1 .... ersel t I "nfilP.'1!r.:tri-l;['"L[1) 111 L~h r i.! rrrncr Some (;0011(';;:;,iOL15 between the morral profession and Ihe demon's House ·and/ or Faecicn mi~h, be !!Ib\'IOU:§:_, or rho ccnnccnon could he lee dear" Ruli:,ucllell6 t"lf the O"::(IoC"II'i¢r:lkm':s kli~ll'.;-"'rr:'l-r;;,\:!, profC-.!oS.~()I"lo ~t.Jl""l'lc;k ~h~rt""tln 1lf;<AS1,gL'1IIk.j;l!."u elvnwnr ofe huruen'a life und Idcntirv.

Eio.:;Lln(l'I~: &!il ,(~WC$ ~)'ur.! Mr,rr:r;ILiJIj i.~ 1=1 h~~rrt11 ordcrr;;f, .!"ki:n!: r ... ,r.h,eo ,,"m~rgcllCJ room,

lJJUl';1' J\1\r. ncn

l'm.'iorl1\Ll1 r.t';\T[a~"tll p,~ LIIII~?

J \I~!' lik~ Jnn er career, our rcbntcnshtps \\I11'n. oshcrs help ro define us. Nobody ls an island ILL this 'W-r.;rrld - we constantlv chocsc to Ior arc forced to] co-exist wirll ochers. The nmure of these rclurlon. $.hip~ i1'i not unl,/ critical ln chnrnctcrtemg the purely mortal half of voor dcrucn. bur it call. tnalnuare why rbc demon was attracted 00 rhc me rra] hose j Il; rhc flrat place. A woman wbu mnlncaine a loving rctar.orshtp with her husband mLf!:lu a:o::emplif)' re :1 low-Tormcnr fallen ;!);8cdy wlrar l:-i :ljO:.u...d ~rnd 1"I.I!::ltl nbour hUIHan[1,1f, ;'Ind rhJ;JS could ::ltfr<iL:1 ,,>Vi;.h \I tic' mr.J.1"1 when ehc rtrne C-l,)II'l~_ A 1~r;:rl;I~(:[ Whll l~ constaruly nbuecd by hb "peers" (and pc-rh"p~ his: p:orTl:!I1':::), liLl\\.'c:\'r::r, l11iljhr lure tho\: iutcrcsr of nn cscuptnj Devourer who espouses idculs of revenge i:llll,.1 empowerment. Beyond that, rbc mortal's rebeionsbtps also help co further the mortal's !;.[O[\". A tl~~Lrltl!l fnib!:hl. enter rhe hL.I<.i}', bu: rhnt doesn't mean char the- morral's relnrtcnshipa are sLtddcnl), lefr b)' the wI:lYoli[,lc like eo much high~ywrc{'kagc. For one chin{l, the other pan.ics hWL·,I v cd arc iJnlik.::ly III jLlS~ forger rho character and sic ccnrenr co be ignmcd. Bur C.VC.LL mere [lufl~ r tnntlv. th;r; (kl!l(Hl p;lrriull)' &ecomes the human. The' demon I_'i ul,m;:d~1 !I) 1~-\[llil eo [ust dl, rlrc r;:;btic;'~lShip:o\ I h;"'ll aror,:. lnmretc to char human. I r rhe IY'IQI·r,,1 lq",,~d her .::;bndr'\:f), -r.he .It.:rIlQ:r'II·lrob~bly IflVf;!I thosechlldrun ~IS well, whether she: W1m~ eo ur riul. MLn~C:t~'I'o;:r, ir's !h.'H love of ch ilel rc» thtr t provides rltc bu I Walk aen i nee the e verrhrea~~I'Iil1t; T ormf;':['lt- (Jf th e AbYI51f. TIl'C'SC extant re1:.I'il~l'-~hir~ - and how the demon cleflnes them :lI1d d(':;]l:s.with the1l'l-re,"Illy help ro nail down the

whole chnracrer nc hnnd. D'(){.·~ the doC'I'~(ll~ rake confidence in rhc honor and closeness oCIJ .[; b('~l rth:~1.J! DoD rile demon become Feueuan and IHrell\tH [(j enrhtall ehe f!'"icnd~ Docs [he frrcndshtp rem inti tID; demon of one she m .. l ntai necl hdoT":: rl-c Abyss took them all. rhus onlv :SL!r v ing to frustrate :md enrage h(:tl

YOlI need ro figmc- our (he mortal's rclart ons htps -inc nds, fam i Iy. loved OL1C':S, 1(0- workers, !O~ c !QV\!"~h 111m,:;. I ~11t;mh;.s; Ilrtl't:(lllIll:d 1i1111l'Jnl;.-fl'l'1J J.l.o [mo ~:" uwch dct:;!lil M ~'1111 cnri. Olle;": \V[l~! ro tit) ,S(, is to draw a=relartonslnp chart." In rhe certrer ofn page, pencll ln the humnn's name: and '::l few ~y derails n~cl~. ifi.:\ clrclc :l"lJrr"(;l"tlUil1i>: th..;: l-ILI I LI:! ["$ name, il"1 n S"CI- nr 5ptjk-L;:;i llke tI wheel. draw ii .. mli(!r eharuceer names nnd R bnef descripdon of ~tJho Lhe~1 are. (For instnncc. "T omnw Brown I I ovlng husband. It or "Mara ROO,!tl.:l~rlo1,!, ':'JJ~II r~r~lll$ ghlfric nd. ") t)rrl W arrows conncctlng these charnc rers 'CO I·he d~Il'II(~I~ 's h uumn host - one arrow SO;!&- from the morral h05[ co [he Hrl!ll:lleJ" ebnracrer. :mJ anoeher arrow goes horn the re Ill' lonsh lp w the reortu I host. A[on~ these lines you em wruc adjectives or other ,lexrilJl['H$ rhar lmply rhe rcladunslups om' feels for nnorher. (FoT 1!1~r.;lil(:!.!, le~'!: s~y rhe 1'I'l(PHHI host is Clive jones, and lane: of rhc related chamctcrs ts "Dr. D~ v rd Rousru, abust VI;: at cp .. fo th-l;~ r." 0 11 I, hI:: arrow

CaRL fla*ES

from RO~I$~~i eo Clive, yOu mlgfu write "Peels el113 step-son i:; wcrch Icse. 'iHld ;!':O ~b .. ues him emot i,l)n::tll ~ ;'and \'(:rh:-dl'!r_'~ O~\ tht: 3rtOW (rom, Clive eo ROLJSC'li, vcu might \'I'T~rC "\V('l!t:hi~ Ii!.i~ :i![/;Wl.L1 her elesptre rhe; ~tbL!st,:_") Tbt, wheel chart will ejtow ~7Qu [0 drill down i nto rhe 11.I{lr~~ I hr:J:-:r'~ 1¥11t!"l,Y- ru lrtr[Ohshi p.\.. aria lr wlll nlsoglve your Srorvrcllcr a useful root, allow[Tlg hil" tn. inCO~IW~~LU: these characters into the srorv (0 make It a richer experience. [It's even possible to draw Hnes l-ctween rill!; .(.,'rlter eh:tl':1oCr,l:rHJ 35 well. [0 further indicare the network n( (:'h~f~t;;ter:ithat surround 111(; hlJlit~IFl pL;!i'(trudlty_)

~0117l'r WI:!I\ t'."nl t'-tIOSI",~(tj"''fr~ OR ~e.eJ)s·1

Cheeaercrs ere ofcen defined by wh~n lihey "'ELm ami the lengths chey wtll go ('0 ILl order to ~-.:~ wher rhev want. These wants Il!m~i(~r afl,I~(JI>L":~, deearna, desires and needs, find I'~ey h~lp r~ provide deprh ro rhe human character and R grenrer connecnou co the lt~h:lb~[:irL~ demon. An eco-rcrrortsr known for his vtolenr defensecfthe enviromnent tI'Ii!-lh~ !rtC-rf,lC \ v (;(1 with a wlldcrness-rairtded De .... curer who 'I'I.'m d(~ i-ItLyd'd,n~ re StOP the'e:nt of the wild nnd natura] 'i,.l'ml .. L Tl'IC! h.urt"1:"1ri';!: connection with the environL1l~mElI ;;:UIJ~ could draw i! :x.ouq: • rc, rmllW Qf Wh.(llll cfrcn anach themselves ro protective QIIll~C:S. \Vltnl did the human \wtnr~World pcacdLov~?ScxrKm~IJ.II'

DaVID iifalfES

{Qkk~I' Broehcr:


ffiam'aNN ----.:ii:r!-II!II!IIlI!IIJIIIIIBrula~B

ifdgd MOJ'cy~ [!'ow<:d' Like l y ~ comb i unrton (If i'i\.(lllY things. ncruallv, The further qucsrtcn, then, is how (~I1·VI't.nIIJ thE human have gene 1{] gel these ~hings? W{J'!j hi$ Iii..:: :.ope:ru if'! ~< ... in pLINoul,' (If these rhlngs whhoutevet achlevlna the,.'I? (And hem/did ~ni.S"h,c:k. c.rf\llnllmem rcflccr in [he demon's ~HtTlJ,ctiQn1) O( I;hll the IUII'n~lfI :::I~ sarinrc hlmadfon wonhlessobtcces IOllJ iclC(il:l; rh .. r it I~fr 11, .... ruonal ns nn .r:mp[}' mess! Thoscwhownnc power and mOI1(;!;)' mlahtcalla Devil (jr;ll Pnusrinn, Crspncs or Flcnds cft en C:Q['Iti nuc the ~~ts !)F lhtlSC! wh~~ ~1!'J~.b1 klif"W[;.:d;tji;! ~m..l wisdom. You I,!:.I:Ill ~.i::lo idel:Hil) the hLlir~~LI\'5- \\I~U'l'£ b-y rnoee ~frC'cifjc rcrms. You mign{ say, "Uriah was a man who ~il'igl('~m indedl '{ :soLl~in revenge aga im,[ the d nmk driver who took hb. 1'1' ift,,: •. md I;;:h i ldrcn ' s II fc," fir. "Karl Iechter w:)l,t'4,:d W use I he. ]nrel'i'Lt;1 [(I preach mes..."..~t!i of whire i'iuprc-m£l:ty to frustrated reermgcrs." ~Y~tli ruusr .hen ask ,'Qursclf how these wants r;;:;no;;Ct tn ,h.e demonic !llirmr_ D'O\..'-S UTi n b's tc v ~n~C!' con(InU-; wIth his Devourer hoov W'iH rhe F!~'(ld II\ilfl~ {nsldc K8~I':s skiu cctuinuc hts crusnde orhm~.orwill hoe kt.!'k re reform [he mnn's corrupted w\J1?J

Examples Bm}, JIC!;: {lrr.l.:.dy id(lIJi{i~d .Wnj.i!: (jf Mrllill(lrr'~ 1.1!.t1i1:!:S m'ld noo1! in c.lti.· {llIln Q[Mt1ryar.m ~ fit' ~ll't..~ .he 'lm.llHlIn .(t1'LIl ~{O'(d!ulJ tID a1lYU,ll'Ig for ILL"i". She slsc d~rr~s IM[ wmdd rt!tllr~ ri~~ Io:;J g<J ~d,: ~g :;.;:h~j !o be (.I doctor.


f;'eo.ri~ the orher stde of rhe coln lncppoelrlon [0 W<IIr.I~ nnd needs, Pent defines IJ~ i~!'!ot ':l~ C(I~I;~1I1' ~tnd often srande in. the lI'::ly OfU5 obtainiagsuccese in C:lllr onjl,!'tiv-E;.S_ \WC lI'1i~h~ wnnt to ralk rJJ d"LC:- ~jrl ar the bar co gL.!t herphone nll!'libo;r, b!lt ()llrfc4lfoL1i'reJe.c[ion ~00pii us From 3C(u1:! It i' doing i" Anxrerv and terror mi~ln.ha"e men vital in rhcpach amcnal rravuled ln life_ fur instance. ;l:l)lllol,:(lIW wl\l.,) wanted ncrhlug more than l1 ~1:I~~r as ~ ~hl.t:,"Cr 'tiii;!ht have luu] ;r.,:te..·u fear lnsrlllcd by her parents, ('<You esn'e ~C!'( a job us :'I IT'iLISicL'l 1"1 , f-low will YOu C.::lI[? You don't gee benefice cr In;" as an ~.-rl:sr,'fOIJ know, YOIJ'U dlc III 13 gnner her(lon; YI}I, l'\fi:oI;<;m II; soceessfnl!' I Tha L fear blocks 'them {rom ever betrur who '[hey Nil II)' wunred ~'(.Jhc In life. {Constdcr rho cpposhe, (000, ThO\: fear of /inHi,.IrltJ rn ig.ln he IIC: spurred rhem rc ach levc rhc ir wants, bur Elt whm cosr ,mJ ~~'u;rino:;~?) E."'~ll"f~n~ cxhta in fear - fear 0.£ crime, of [0"'00 ones' rej ecrion. ')\Ifjl!:r!llg, 1i"1j)L;:, murder. Some people: {C:H [C'rriL'l,l:::; LOO (It;I~t" in relatlonshtps: ethers are cfmld ofwhm happens when thev're not close '.::PQl':gh to their ]o .... t;:cl ones, There arc Irraricnal fears ("I 'rn afrnid $ piece o( ~I.lclllt;:,"I!J. ~~llj,a.: ro fall i':i't.1nUIXK=!! and kill me.") and 1'1 ~!L:ln,~l '.Jt"!~~ ('"I was mo leseed when J was ffve. end J fear wh<l[ men are capable of because of LC_ "). Oocc you' vc flguroo that DIJ.1 r, vou can figure Oll t when:. the

dem 1;li'1 ('U~ i n. Pear is-a flame [hat will draw the moths quire quickl 'f. 1 ike :11l3pdTltH hd'OToI,: (H,;lS:K;~km. S~,m.L.!one .. ~'·iu~ a pClr1:l!l.Pld PC~I~ Or d~i['1~ (1'11)1.. lboL" standard fear, but a fear rbacdtscolors all poresof'Hs li{~) l11igllt ;JIpiJoe;Jl'"Q;:L Slaver who relishes the [aHC of thar fear -m ... I~t:m:Oti v ely. wants mhclp absclvcthe mortal ofauch terror, The Iifon:ln~l1rkmedsil~ger',i/lw~ rO:~lr stepped he r from. pUl"SLJ Lng her dreams migh [ call u Delllur wh~J st::e-ke; 1.00 flll [h:u empci hess by a Ilcwin g the niQrev-1 ~h~ girl or !>'O:n~. Llkcwtse .• I,C' rlemcn might exploit it bvscektngpowemnd worship througb ~'.semn~ our."

Examples BCl~ kUt'wJ t~m M(l~iurW ~ f~:.' (j"'~ ItuT"lliiC'.arl~' ~j/!d I'YIW his w,:m~. l·jil=fIU1n jc):.;i~ hl.~ lo~'I:. M~m. arl:d lu! also fi!~ th.::il n.: wm filii if 11.:- etcs rc ~';:tlmc (I docW'i', (Md dli~ :j:!J)p$hill'l fnJm P!I"S!jjl1~ dte ~L

n-Il: [lna I ql,Ii:'SI i ou. Y(J I rr chnracrcr's h 1:.1 man hos I somehow become C;[Lll~t)1, aru] in 11.:-.1; mOI~I~f[(~ vaCill1.t":Y. the dcrncn enters. DId [he hun d le ~ If 5U, 1\Q~d [[';5, possible thar tbo death of the human further artrccrcd the d'cmcn fHJ'LI the Abys .. ~ .. For in5~:lrll=.c.:l hUl[!.LlI wh~~ po,'!n~I\t.::,.; [],rl)lIgh l'h!,.': dCV;I~tfLliL~n Qi <I ~Xll!)U)' rmnsrnlrtcd disease In i~h ~ n rrmcr I'l rcrmenrccl Defiler who intuirively asaoclares death wj~h desire. The: mnrtal's dearh is-likely '[.0 b:r1IJC a bu~c effect en I he fLJI' Llr~ of thc chu mcrer .. The D~nll:T, (~if rrutxnce. "'\i~h, ~t:" e k lJ.'ri.c"t(Jm.~il., lh;;: cberacrer's death ned force her co lead Q more levi I~ (inaread of lusrfu I} Life, Or It.: nughr swing [he ether wav. and [he Defiler could seek t~l further ~unbh l"h~ hUJ11t[fl'~ hi:)(ly- ;'IClJ;1 perhnps ~Il$!~it theelisease ~o{Jthl'!r~thrml~h rhcacr of"~lnkin!1 [rcr perverse lnsr.

Also, constder rhc posaibilirvthar It waauot JOJth thnt allowed the demon ICn CHHl.C(" Some lunnnn SoJU ls witht:rwhlll: ehc buJ.y i .. s srlll alive. Cerna 'II1t:CtH1S, the n-'f!fLI>I]ty ill nr ~' .. en v icti ms ()~ un i'''i["lJ-;.fl;]bl~ [munl ily (abuses k""j-;::d ag;_huf them either b), rhcmsulvcs iQr external fQrtl,.'~) maki .. excellent h05~ (£jf c .sc~lpjng fallcu. If ~re.h l~ the case. [l \lL:r~ likely d-t..:fh.,c:; rhc morral 's cs: terence. A woman who wns abused b~' a lQL"'Lg

Hnc of brutal b~l.'rf~ieflds ~nd husbands mish[ leave rcom rOl' n Devourer ,oro.rkJoI· rlIJC" 1I"1rh n I~fol.ej", The sn rile skill [lU!;l~H nlso call iJ S('(Hrrgt.: wh~ I: .. n hdp prol-(!'::l women cr ::I. Pauarhtn Devf who wtshes co ram the r;~I':II~ .. m h-t..:,r a~~,I.2;:;cfn'r;;'lnd ftJrgi!: ::I, \\![,!"~k woman 1J'l[O !i'iSrr(ii'll!tmL",

E:!'I':;:u\lj)tc; l .... t!1Nhcill. Bfc!fl1 tklCfdc.:I', cJid jm~jca!l)' Q{ rll.(I1[J$~i!(!', .::t£:iI"I;c,d n1~""~T .... >d:.Iry-~ PCP·adJiCl ~rILOi:"c1mL' ill tid." ~nl;J!!wr o!.l\.!tTl:~ ldcr.rm, She. W~ ... th~ i1lJf1;i tMJ Marshalj died b, fllitlUln MrJ[~, 0'111.! Ncbi~ is fiC1'cd~ pro~ec.ri,'t of 13/!c[ martki'rul- C:t 'en ml~rder~T.HIrul' aJdcm:,


'(nu'\'o!; crcnrecl ~,di,i.[l1flI1 wleh an ;'In,gr;::li( l-.1:!;1(i1'~ N(JW)i~~LJ'Ci!;: wr)rki!~~ en the hlilYVII' f'I:Morrhc railer! t:Llu3Ikm, and ~'('III have an option before vou. You ean ercare che morral host as. :l P_:H;1l1d ldcnrlrp OJ ehe demcn'soao.Incthe- ;:CTI,i.::;. Y-C'llJ;'foC (:T<:;llln:t: ~W(I characters .... ILfh more ill WLlHllQIl thnn nf'll, ~[JC::il!'I[j end a mortal wbo make- .sense [ogc:(hcr; who ahnrc i'jrineijl,ie:si),~d ure 'l;heinmiC"all~ simllor. For instance, SJV VOl1'V~ creured n warrior- Devourer ;:I!> your d..;:. in the hopes (:If dcsigntngn p<lmI1c:llnl[[1iI[1 here, YO'LI give th c III orta I an idcnci ['i congruent 'iN ilb. l h,l~ {If a mocJC!IT'I-cl:1'1' "wartier," WhC"~e once rhc De"'OIII'lo"r fCll'J;.IU ror 'II'LI:: F.:.l!cn host, I-he. humnn

chnracrer Ijli,l.;,hl (Llthr C:~'111\1:Ifi:S;1 police O{fiC~I' or FBI ngenr. Or he m;lr be a "wasrtor' in an urbnn street !::m~ duu ... ,fll:n d::.~hc::;... vlolcrulv with urhct JglngG. Other warner arcberypcs include n member of rhc t'i'llIkuy,;"I securlr ~ l;ll¥d,::'I man lnl arts insrrucmr. T1l1"~'s <ll:::~) ~II"': I'r,'S5-i1)ilrl}' ... r] l ... kl~lJl .I,~ ·' ..... -mor" concept am] mn"kinr:: it one 1 haf'::,. man: 'absrreci.Thc hUlT1rJr1 half mighr be uwarrior'vin the rL;:lll ;')!;IIQ~~ dL!r~J~:U;H;urj nr ;1 ';::~)lfll:';lt;:-LIII' ~lll [hI:

Io;I;r;1~dt:i!~IJ" ..,r ~"C" rl'Qlh~dr !:lriJI('('I~. ~t."nCi,drl" I'GIJ\.e marrying rwo slmilar concepts. You have the demon in mind, now you're crcaclne n Hkc-mlndcd h uman {llr rh..:: clcuum to j nimh,..

&rnmplC":SI!lMnl{'fL'~ro£.5i:1 rll"moll :d~~ [{Iris V1JjrapflJli.

Vajrapilnl ~iJhlS a s.dfi~li Dell/fl wlL() IwJ ffior[uh b!d,rd"l..t: (jf n[.:.u~ /{tT ftl,. ... J m'rrlg jlt-~ Nt; {){ \VtJll.dd$V(1l'll~fltlni WC$ c hnr~[j(HI rlJ dl'" curu, 'I Deuij W'IQ ~;111~;1 r lluh!1nn uf 11 nmous I m rl?S5 il h.dp:r J,lT gmn..grt'm~' liiW"t:".c:sQJ l.oorslu·j). NoUl, SWflrt is (~c.tJwi[11 jnt.! lI:~I.of rn!'I!ullttlL~tjlurr1£m rl().$I"~'J~ Vl.'ij~j).(!iii ~['iU dwc/Ilt.:lllijrt, o(fnd1hC'dloo-'lC'~ [om(lJt.(" rh~' iwWI1(1n :limil(~rrQ~'/'oC'd("mQn • Suson ("If'{lllH S~'h~{I j(.lck..!ion, r!-4['Ik..:i~ CEO u{ (I :mr'l,' tIDh:·f.lJl'l Campml)'. S::,'lt'i{l hl!ls mLlll{!,'llxl jlTld rCJ,~~" 1ti.!Tcnft!/)(lllJ (l:f1fl(J( fry \·tc:I~l'rfl;t:[ 1]/1 ~h(l "cad~ of Ir~~c freJr.JW 11I,:r m .~t{ltiml, BoUt V'J~r~lJp(mj mw Jyhi(l jar.k.:!o!!lj .:.!n· llf.lwo:.""~[IL~I~"" mLilJ1il}J~r{lW'l'j" and SllMn r~~Js !/t.:u LllfO two eoncems - il!llfltlll Ilnd Qt.:llUl)l - ;me"/' rl:lcU rn b(,t~ ~~(!j t]l1J rj~i:mt::.


Your ocher option is (0 nvolcl ehe paralleltsm clcscrlbcd rhus fin ami Ill;5tC':jri create n lmmnn whn ¢.mtC71~flI. (::onl~whntJ wlrh rhu -U;;;li'L~m Ih;11 ~t1I,J\!i: rle=s.i.gned. Thi'!i is rlcfinirelv rbc road less rrnvclcd, !'115- there will be:" lack of cohcsron between rhc 1l10H(l1 mJnd and Ih~ d.;Jjlu):t't pl'-t"s:nIKI. Yl'I, I,M;; CCJ!li.~imi. OOW~\W .t:.h:111~·, ts I'-k clv 'Q cren 1'4;:,1 g;re~tC'1 wcnlrh of rokplGying('lrpurtullj[ic.~ es ehecheracccr is hrcrallv cnnfllctcd between I\O,'D m~rtd'i,

L,~I',,:jiI)! ytl~l wcrl!.J;tl\:!l,[ngi'l Dcfil'CTWh(lo,\luring the lime before- the Abyss, W1'I5 R nmidcn OrIU5[ bcnr en ~Ling bodily lieges - osscunallv, a "succubus" nrehetvpc. A ':;1'C:ltIJl'C .. ,",10 I:> \Vi Ilil'~ ~Q nclnc v .e rlt"II::>LIrt' ill wherever wily possible, W'lWt happens when rhts creature find" I'hC' body nf 11 woman who r';::1ffi~::O:lIlll coruaet /1\) IIiLteh 'rltar slw'xeetibate+Or IllJi;lJi III ;~ wh~·!l!lch:;.ir whn W~I.~, (n:1lI1 :1 \l1;'~r l'iJlllL~ age, unable to sustain a ph)ls.i~l relanonshtp with anyone due ru his phvstccl hcndicap! Or a rape vlcuru 'I,\'I\~l.Se 111(:,lw)rlt;:-.u{ S4!~''ll CVI'II ;.i1;! c.f,i-0Jure I,lp l'l~ll J11~;I.!\.ure, bUI q~ll'lf n w,\l5n I.l p':1hi, ~II:T~I i<\nd v indicn v e Lmgr-r? Conflict occurs. Tl1!:' Defiler ~ theorcricnllv ~ being of potent sexual enefgy - IS ~L~l"'" rmpP!;II III rbe wvl!:s r..t(;1 IWIll!;II! h0;,:1111;: wll'~ j'li>rln;

sex (,'f has. heeu rendered sa helpless fir' hfe's l:::~lt'I'i circumstances dmr rhc tWQ perscrmltrles urc CO[l' srautlv ar W:lr with one another.

A,1l;lin, lee It he said l.h;LI I'!'ra~'lrt~ rhi:'l IVP\: (if character has ro be clone carefullv. nnd w~ 1'0((1111' mcrtrl \\i~'rkin.g wi~h rl-rc Storvretlcr LO help develop 1"I.ii/. ldca [nl~) t"Jot"ll: rhnr ,,,,III help a Io:lttlic nud Jl~~1 11111"1 It. AI~u, it s!ItJuh.l he' sriucd, {!\·~I' in (l'I;!.iuing :1 contmscing demon and human halves, there's serll rome reason [h::u rho demon Found the morral hest In the fit.5t pku:::t'~ II) the r~rc.c«lil\t:: Dcm~I'C"l(;'Itl"l~lc,

fhere i) xrfl] the rheme or sex and lust running rhrouuboui c--ehe nbsencc or averston rc rhc Dcfllcr ideals i~ likely wh:ilt M~n1(:tc;!d the demon ro enter thai body [Tl the Hrsr place, Ustng conttrut doesn't menu thnt you concort scme ntJ,,~(IlT1! III rl.."rly unreInll;d hosr bcclv, II' ~sn'~ meant for c-omedy or a "(ish'nlll-fl(''I\r::if!!r:'' scenario, It'S I1lCm1[ to amp up the conflicts lntrlrtslc 111 ':'1It.::h :111 lIulikdy pairh1.\o1..

'Example: MlIfl),cr!1'ah!'.s liu~dcmDIl Ba'a!'-Dcrirh. a Malcft2t!wr whose .mI.! purpose IRfOYf! me Alryssal irnpris· cnmentwcs rocle.signwand melee t...-eliliIJJI$[ritW IrQtiOU$ legions, He-r work 1m;'!: T~nQ\lmcd, 'Iild it f1fffJf(jt;d ~I<!r ~l."tJr Il()'noer (utd ~rslttI~ du~ing l~LQt rfmL', In dtL'lmpC'~ oj (Tt'arjrl!; (I c()"I1trtl);rff1,1! ll.lrmllll, M{.lrf~ comes ~p with M.a1'do:l Mlfl'j;.h" ~ ,j:C')LI~~j~y (',,(.I1lflt:iw com/:m!c:r /m:l./(rllTrrl' m~ WhD is afmid oj ,m'CC~3 (I.rut .. .mul11i'rli rl~ .f.b;:I'n'f. 'LCr.\df mw 11£1' all![. TI!I!. !'It'(J per.wP'laii!iC'.5 ltaw in common ml' eA(:n1A;n'l~f Ct~tu'(lllllnd C:)l!!'ltlee,.ilJf- Ba'{lj-Dmrl1 was a crafter fJ/ u~apons, and Marcie i.s /1 1.....,lJ.{reT (If Im~,rTllm~ mi'~#r-blH ~Iu! {fE,n01J um fine of ml4Ch cqnfukru::,; IUi(./ ltr,ICCc.(S, wllt."TI!lu Marcil!' is (JIll! ojlm(t.fdj-I!Hl!€ln ,ulirll ,he $IK'Ct~rarr'LillrTC"1umgrllgq''''-1'hi!r h.c!.ad. Many }1D/X'.5 riLm [ni5 ccnrros r wilr 4fr;n/ 111m m~ TQlesH(I;J'/n/.: ap[ICIrrunl ~ rllt;\-, ill Ivdj lIS U!E' rn!l11CC eo !'ijQWb';I"/,:COll~ilr: c:tlth

11M.~mlll.rlry 'Willi l!1e mll02t' iJver rime, '

'''$ r1l1nd [ei, Wte a 'mndI~ V{ neroe f'nding.l.

IfnshClUhcd tlJld Ta~~f. E~I04.'TJ' m~mory 4J{ fJU~ Ab]ss. - IIU die Ildr't'o!d, di:\,glis/. bl'ltf.lliir'j - ("vel'), fm/ bit of Ie ;u/{,JU'T,~'Il[llcl.eJ him, alld Ile could msre i!pidemics 0/ m!er:ricm on hi.:; j.JJn~'UC! He" ,H,.rr~! down, i<Jt'.:'I widf, und loJtl.l<t'J ur eh<: 1wmnn spt'.trw/co LlIl.c(Hm:;i(JLl~ In r"e "nmet. H c Idrll;l'nd£!-'tw witCU h<!' (o1~rJ rio m her, H ClUJ Inl(lJ;t it 1J..'f;!llrl hilTl. T)i~ r:rI~Jr~Jl.1t I j1it::.kered d~ro1 (gil nhn - the, had rnj.srcd rile mon(.l!~, Tf[!j~I!t tlH~m. J~tIW'd rl11.'111 OI!II oURfl [I] r£llu!' rn.e bi~~ t, b~{jde~ ~ o~llcI tMr 'lrc~ IlI,sr .. Hry hml L'U~,.lr:1If,lU011, and they g,m noming-in rerum. He lcillgho.:J. T)I~ )WilDT' \ tin/eda, men. How rim/lie, and Jtow s(Hisf'jing if w(mkl biJ U) kiSf ~,';1' ni(tlirll lind /ph?SS dise(l~e to 1lt!'f rongl.le, ,

... hlrr .rlie.n, dJer<!:1.trtI.~ ~omed'U'rlg, dSI!. roo. BLel'mng in from t~~ edge-Oj. HLlItUl11il)'. M~rw1r,y_ A lif~ iil!f'd wir/l UI\'I/ks i.1 rXlrl'l,j!lUlT1ttsic. rmmrh." sex. pru~i1,!jj-~we~rit'e tfI",I\!tl11.L'1'US, rite Internee, ~~,'(Jl~rillg ,pWI'lI$ ~L!r[n r'J ti.,tJ,r: ,gr..I, rJi(J1't("earJs, t:off~~ etJN ~m,j.M.arym1.l1. Alum,),.s: M.arymm, If tl~ Wc.e TI:-OfJl..'TIiT1g ~11 old Ulorma lina dJer1. Il.;?aJjl~~ it a,t.rafn, blH ,his ume {J jilrle bh b.:-tUT. Arl d~{lld ~tJ,ln, tile hatTl!a~lf liUu?Ullftloi?ntOflaL quieted dowll insid<: oIhim, and h~ lll/J:. k!{t r.t'lUl.lJ ~!'Mf\gc.ft!l!litlg()f gnin oormonJ. He crifZd for {I litdc «,hire, oon,linj: .(itJltffl (11oY.1' liet h'€'r·nf;lil1.1:' bod:1. ,h~n hr prcked It..!r I~P erN! tarried .bCl' QW1' u~e lifela~,~ sheIJ r/lttt r1wt JL':Itll1rl wrUjfol"l' Md fllh.a.bin.-d /crr '" mne. Hi/' tr)'lk lit.,. rltl,.of rhe m:;m, UJ11isj:ocn'ng nv«mo/:S$ in her (."(.Ir,

11[1[0:'1 Ill.. ~'[IIS (;\1 IlE

T/lil~wallfd'beht-tt..,.m>t4" h.i!mui.~gh~,lty~ W,:'i? ltllQ h(llt~ fn.~idc uflLi~m had become ~\t!o~4.lIwCe5. The 'lItX1 ptll1S h(oId""t come toO.!.re,rncr ,ct.I.oon·[~nt.'tllta/'ld.5 in rm effrm t(I- M'rtikr.i.ran.d I1ILC I1no~hcr. bll~ [h.lj' WOf~/d. D~lm H wn.:m, Sr,mCII,[IC!r'i;, j\~urs.f1a/! )(JJ.m -Ncbiros- sm inberueen: tl iin/I! eir f1llr)p)" a /iNr~ rnr 500

Thesis confrorncd or antithesis resolves inl~j. $ynthl::sls.. Thar is. [he creation of any fallen charucter. Your t:he:si$. the Qri~lI1. (S the angel who fell - (tit;'lvn jll;,[ escaping [he- Abyss. The antithcaie of this ts I-hI.' IWITIllt'1 h(,I':.1 - morral. frall nru] \lIlI111.;1'3.blc. with us own dominant histcrv. \1fhcn the two COI~~~ rut.!er.llt!r into one: body, vou h,;1\'1: svnrhcsrs, rbe cembtaacton of borf iUH~ ~[)IU clmrncu-r. Tlue sccnon should show yuu ways to mukc ebe LW() meme :J,~;tml~l\' and t\) ht::~~n ehe ~;~(fle: ki'l{fWIOg when- both halves smnd in relar ion lj; th« rnher. Along rhe wny, maybe ypu'H find seruc 11(:,\\1 IdC'i\S on maklng the nmalgarunclon (If dcn'lOl'l 1'11'1\_1 hmfl;-In work bctccr for you and rhc galliC,

Ut'lEN'.TtITNGTH E D~t\Ol"!

Memory is a fll;:kl~ crenurrc.h ..;:(i5LS n'.1 ~1;ly area. enudw leh ed between file c end flcncn. Our mmcls UfL:

Ill1t!d 1I'1r.h jncortectreccllecdons, ;J1t'l:TI,;cllm':I'TLmlL!.~nr bl .. l1k spoes. II we remember II, didn't lt h.'lrpl.!n? Isn't II who we nrcl If we can't truer the :m.lff hi (~\IJ own h.;:ad, wbm Cai, we ~f1IS1!

And sc ... you run inro one of {he h~' pwhlclUloi rhe {allen (sp<:cj(I~.nIl~' Ihu~ who have oulv recemly ned [he, Abysll) are \,lCIIIYt W - [hoe untrustworthiness of memory, Ccnsjder the prch!oI;!lIl: U~h;J r ls 8 (;1II-cnaugd, a Devourer whocxtued 111 ra lim'\,' hefuru hU1Ui'H11.V W:'!.'; crafted from the ether. Urhar hID courulesa mllkr1l1l;1 b( mC1lI1H1C:!i [IS na 3L1~t:l, us a demon, bQfn 1111 and [,.I,ll of I he Aby!;s. UtMat escapes and is attracted to rhc ht.'k.Iy atHI :o.piril or a pollee ofnccr who (mere m menu ago) died in [I shoot-out ru ~I hl~h ~chl)I~1. Suddenly, Uchnr's 1!~S{ rc .. scrvou- or fl.u~diel dcrrumic memo')' is tllll'n;It:t'(.;ccl beneath the mcmcnes of the htnnnn pt'llil;(.!: nfficer. The t:'~IP_ whose name was [ohn-c- 1C-f1\!e~ such n residue of rf.1111C;n'lhr.·lf~Ct.: bt;:hifld that Uthnr mar" not even know rhnr ho:;" WZl:. ;1 (IClll01l nnutud Uthnr ':'in~jHlc'(l;!. II~ may very well sec' himself as "John" 1he c.vp, hut all undor the abiding 5Cl"l~[lC'oI1 that .oomer:hjn~ dcesn'r reel r- i~ht. Conrll~Ujtl is rampanc, Johnl Uth~lr bCJ;:iri~ h<lvil'lg memory rrohlcll1!>. Hl! 1.;1'I.()W5 he's JUSt a guy whu bIJY~ milk in th~ \\.'e.e r.c..>urs o( {he"' morning, hkes R cold becr:afrcr his shif, nnd b;[ll;;vod C':'Ir.hl.llk 1\i:W, rl.Qhl{ Wh3[ happiC'.os when thr!l~ nl~lRLlrlt;!$ ~nll'[ to rr:'l<'..IIIT'C like the "N)' W~lliS ofL:hc Ab~'.s.s it.self, nnd


o 0


"Jol1n" bcglns ICIl~4!mbcl'i[115: Urhar'e past I Suddenlv. [ohn r(:I~I~ml'crli hrs high schcol gradunrion - i,nd 1101.' nlso feml!mb-c-rs dashing In the dd<:.$ ~lhL)VC 3[1 e xplodlng volcano, n di;)1110ml blade in his hand and 11 pair r ruven wing;; jutting from hb, b~I<;:k. Tlus i~l.l"'j1J:S' lin. Image in. his h~:ld-II''':':' tnl;'nl()ry. HeL:l;Ifl't help bur believe ehar rlmr \WilllJ<Jd creature was brm. He doesn't remember it as a third-parry effatr. He teuremhers the black: cu(ting ,bmlJgn nn anj.!d'!' rhlah and biting Inrc bone; h ... rt!nlt!rnbl;:~ the rush of scalding ate b1~Stili.g up from [he disW-Irgmg magmn below. (And [1'118- ii(;lnh' In the firs.' week that ULh:lr'~ bnck in (he wcrldt)

I~ t~nl'l gets more .c{iI'.rIl~ln~ from there. The l1DtUJe" of iJcrHI'~1 and memory begins rurnin~ m lnsubsranrlal l11i.~1 before his eves. A~ 1['I'1;'1ge~ from hl~ :'I)gclie life begin bleeding over Into r eccllcctl(}n~ 1-15:a bear COl) Oft. J~If)·. ji·dm,g.$ of l.mccrmi,lll;)· begin mOlll''lIil''1~. Soon starr gcning a luele nun)', Qu~~t tons of W/lO ),014 au versus wllIJ lOlr 1414:'nl hegin wurrln;g with one nnnrhnr. Some fallen come 10 terms wir.h [.his clmilh;v, rerlbtng the mnh of wluu has rca 11\. happened. These demons [end [(1 llf'ld~r~ stand Ihe dlcbcromy of their jJc.:nrltlo.::s and nre able to embrace {heir deahrv. O~hl!.r~ mal1i'1gi: W ru:[[JC[[Jbe-one side or their r't;r~:II,,!;'J more .srrongl'l [11:111 rhc ather, Still others ~[Inply gn msane III me precess ilS'

rhc rwo personalldcs cr,l~h end sheerer. '\XIhtu' (01- 101-"-5 is a ecrtcs or St-cps. thot m8n~' fallen go l'hl'(:lllgh [n d~..:. rim!;: ;l(tcHSC< rhe Aby!!S m __ ~1 unchortng t hemsel ves \\' irlunahuman vessel. 11lCSC steps aren't hard-and-fast rules 11.1 adhere to, but [hl.!Y do represcru one petenual pattern.


In the bcgtnntng, Ihil;'Lg-t nran'r ga[ns: eorunke n \~,h lc lei of sense [0 [he newly escaped fallen. lr's n l;tr~lggle fOI' btrrh WIth il't{iltlt scnsibilirlcs, 3 mindh1owil)g e v -nl that can lC:RVC: one reel [ng. As such. ;1 di,SrinCt sense of diseomcr- accompanies [his PI't.· C~.5-S. Dlll'h'il:, ~hc,"' demon is W::ely to (fn~~lf::l:S purclv human Ar[o;r,llt, the predominant miudser ts [hal (1( I he mnrtal hose, and du!' Je[l1fm 1I\1.':1i11JT)" i. .. trapped and Llinstly lnaccesslbfe. Over r Imc. howe-ver, the eh:tr.ICf.;r is likely [Q bcj:ln reel .. If1l: u dlstomcn of beth m.cmoq' and time. Things wtll secm, like-the w(Hld (;[11(1 llcr rvcullecccn or id ls raade of'lluos ~{I[ unusual angles. The Ch;'lrm';fl..'r mlgltr bc!:ll'l; qucsrlonlng her own ~;n'lty or accunllv ponJeri['lg if she is somehow nOI human.

There's IIl""l the chance for C:.:tro';II1C cmorlons [0 COUll,! uno play. For cne, [he ehnracter feel an lnexpltcablc scnsc or ~J;,rl1,)l1. (Arter £111. e5C:;l(:llnf;l the

agelc5.::i tenure OfLhc }\br~5 is worch celcbtnueg, CYCTL t( tl!t;! ~I-I,' men docsu 't'l.W ite remember rlw dl,;[: 1 i I~.I The: rhnc i~~ the Ab)'ss Iliight have ~1~l'cf( [J dnrkvcnecr on the demon. '" emortons, ~("I- the charac tcr m,(glu grow depressed, ::m~I1' (,r Ieusrrared (or nu ebvtous reason. TIli:!o: IlliJ.l..h.r result in ~h\,; "m(j.r~:II!' pCd[ft!l'Lin~ errurlc rcrlcns, unable to grasp cvocadons, ~ruwrng more ccnfiecd as the ni;!lht:St11ld wceksgo on. Tl1L! s-oog(.' isn't Ilk~I"} r(:! b:;,~ mnre Ih:tn:. j~\\, days lila !L'I'" weeks,


AI' rhts point, the clemomc memories begin Hl[~.-in~ III - if nor IIIcfllllrk_" Lilr~crl'l' ~dt!f'-=ndl.!fI.[ uptm rho: l'ill1li1br;!r ~)( pl,.1h"lt~ hi tho.! L~~;I!::Y' Bnck~round', then LI gl'llt'"ml pervustve {c'elill~ of die demon'sinfernal nnrurc. During rhts nme, the charactcr I:;,u:nli.kd'l' tccmbrucc rhc dcmanlcaldc. blit!lht; will ,~r~)b;dill' b-c'l::in 'L'i~wh~J;!: her humnn Iml( wb:h es much ::5u:'ipkion muli dtsdntn. W/hil~ the chamcrcr doesn't rhtnkof hcraclfns "fl. fallen angel," she· knows tl'mr Sh~;3 nor exactly human" either. Other u lvmcnts h;;:,gi rJ Sh\1W1ng. ~ll(" ~I~ th ~ p~~'!.i.:l'(~ (UI:1.U ncccseuv) of Faith in the cheracter'e lif"-·. The cl~.'1mC"tCi' rr.l~lu (I~:M' ('rffltlCfl1I), LJj{! nn cvocerton or cli~ [T'I [lLIJ 'i;l~lI oLI11 ~tP'"'e:'llVl'llc {",I'.n,' dclivertng n R\!:\.·d;lrIQJ',] tel unsuspecrtne racrtnls. ALw, the demon will probably go down onc nf two routes. She w [I] elrhcr h11 \,1 .... : outrageousmood SWl.L1Wi r.s. she ~LJomoL!:S ~-.l l~rll'l:.;; \.\lLL!, Lhc ril";']Ulll or [h~ sununon. or she wtll lose all t:ITIOli':)l1 (or 1I time, bocf..'lmiu~ Ell cold urnl remorseless individual who vic: .... s everyrhlLir;! ih_~idt.: hur u ..... r'i hL::'iJ \'oIlrh h:y derachrucru. This ~l;ll.tol.! I!:ul'i lese :1l1Ylvhen:.' {mill .i week w' :!I yol.!;U. dt'venJin~ 011 the nmure ofthe chrme rer.


Here .hl;: (.h:lr.l(;t.;r b;;~in5 rl.1Q r~m,d to uceepranee - ehc demC..l!~Ec l'i,d'l: h::u, rt;ill'~ it;;! hCfl~. n'I'i; character lil:d)' rcrnetnbcra .1 few key derails from her farmer existence - her True and Celestial Na1L!<;:-', ptl.,'i~i~ly, :mJ her "rlJ:llI;I;,qn~ in dB': rtn;· hlsrortcul time. I r rhe .chI1:rn.],.,~t:f hils the L'I;:.If1c~' Ba'C kgro end. other stnnposr memories. ~11o sum comIn/: back - nor all of rbem, hut some of the key scenoe '(r'lu dlo!f;)llcd when vou cr."IrtOO '/01.11' dCIl'1(II~J' hiarcry (s.::c: l\'l1D.tmlly tJ-rllnAn;!Jd, pllg'4.: ,I). The:.s.oC nlCmOrlC~ '[c-nd to come;:. ('Ii tOI.1:g h·; m:gs~rs.," o:r cvem::s, ~'III;:Ql'k r,H bm.hmr'h. rI-"i;,it :ic;rLlnlly ~1~1'i~11 ;1 .>n.Jdeu ~lli'J::.~ u r .I1.1~ m 1'1 r~'. Ml"i':ri Ii.!"! []noLl~~rrnI1 L>tl. i~ pf(llmhlv rll~ rLlOSr CO'I~1nl<JLllri~c:<!"r. The- o.rheL' demon migbt be oOm.: ),ollr,eharaccer suddcnl'{ r .... mcmocL·;S. from ch.c Iln'it: ht:(pn.: Ih.:: A by:j,!i , 01;11' th~ir dJ:rnun tliillhl "';j!llr1y rt:]!,l"'I!:>(!IU rht! c:h~lrl.ll!h.::r·~ "old g;dr' rhar·'s oL::.onrl.,u· JII\I' am"mp~ing [0 pll:5h tl1rough_ TriAAe[.S miJ.du b.:: ~\;cn more A ch:araw::r mi~h~ flndhim:sdf

rhmktng "Thar tree' Isn't 3S nice us the ones in Eden. I n;':H!I:I~!b(,:!r how wiM nncl vcrdaru rile ((Ji"l"~LS were. .. " ;\I,d:::l;.Jdd(:I"!Y, \1 rT111j1)1' li);~n\~l'V~LJt:nC;~.s~'~~~PLng back. AU of ebia culmtcnccs into the posstbthrv rhar bnlancc could be-gin to ewuv awnvfrom humanltv in J:L.:lll,;r(.JI. \'Uhilc l~V: 11LImrm llloi::flH.lric$ n:lIIi11ln and conrlnuc ttl l'l[ilVidol;: a huffer i'!::illll~1 Tf.Hmo;;n't. [he demon side truly bt:gim co cmcrue [and oren- 15it,ln.::'illv demtnarc). Auerhcr kcv characrcrlxdc of rhts ;S:m~e: i" shc :'i;ciJrch [nr whnrcver infot"Jlol.iti(lii Is. srtll mi.:5s[)):!l' Gi!P~ will rcmam. und rhc character misb.~ begin 1'I quest of :self-disco."c!)' to 1c.:-::=trl1 n\Ore uhour I~t:.r :!I\d~tl1~tgcd "angel." Tilb. :!:t.;'\.Q:c call come i,'i n L.I( saturt (~V~r:1 ~'l'f~ shon pcrtod of rlmc, ICr u can ltcerally lnsr vents us the t;ll1ll;1'l.;!...;r:lolru~j]I.;:;:; ['0- kim more abouc her {~tl.Ch:n,[ h~lf.


Rl,!Ji nh occurs ,\ ... hen tlrc d \[1 rocrer 1.: II u::r~ (1"0111 her rdcntlry (OCo\lOLl moo she rcalbenon of whur :J~..:: wasond hasbeccmc.All ofbcrpasrcxtsrencctl-ncshe's enpahle t"]( [l.;tllC1nhc[hll( (11_<1: rhe 1._q;:";"tl!.'I' 1~ld:{J.>:L'tjll.l~J lI:l- '{Ollr guidl,;} hnvc reached lh("iT1Ip'·""" N~~lhinJ.!: i'ilOft' will be remembered wlrhom also being Incorporated lrao thL: ~{i!l~1 ;'1:1- n I:xJJm f)f churacrcr qrowch (see "tll.'l·r~~Si!"lg 13.. ... .:;k~f[llllld:>" 'l'Jl1 j-,;-,g<.: 4t); This rlousn'r m{!}11.1 rhc clwmcrer rt.~llD;: h~f" .... riC]rl,: r-i,1::;~, h,n .... ~'I!~~. Actually. lC';5" possible she remembers VCT)' lirrle of her old lljc at 'fill, The vunl ulemcrn of rhis srage is the ~~t:A.:~r~ltC'" of IXl-!·f, hrdvoC:> IItul [h(~ c..""lIt;lbiHt~· eu ncr 'ii;l:;1>r.:nI.JI!r' insread Llf irl~~mtlll'{, UI~ lli'lril rhi..t; !)tllflT, (he chnracrcr ls ':(11111.1500, ahenared. rolj!lclllg through :rboL' extremes of emcuon as '];U'k and bleurrc memories hC'(1\.'~ to rhe surfoce. BUL by tl,[s; point, [he clurmcrcr has accepted herduel rmturc. Shr:: knows .h~Ll she wr~" :1:1i..1n~L:L 'She know~ what happened. Shc cnrcred the hndy~!(n IUIILi;lIl, ;II,J 'f'I,1W she weurs rhe humnn'ssktn (l'l'Id mlnd Itke f1J Halloween c (~[mnc Ih'll she cun'r rcmovr .. · And she knows whnt sh c 1m::. b ... xotne. She I:' n r~IICJ.,:mgc:l-~ tllSioL'lofhumml anddcmcn with che 11~t!mol'fl;.$ \~r hQ!h. Th~['5: nut IL."'I Sfl\o' she's h(';ftllh~',

bal:;:U1.COO OL' sane afccr all rhescd tscovcrtcs, bur she h:iis more rhnn liked}' dealt wllb It and come to nn under.!;l1lndl['1g olh.


NQ uunrcr he)"' nLII'..:J, YC1\Lf t;:h:lrl1<.rL!r "::;tlllL~ tn 'llUi.'('ll Iht: lnfemal slelc of his psyche. his memories wm never mJlpi.ll:e [hal ~\:hleh his Legncv score attows. A character with no pOL11tS. in LcWlcy W(]l~'l hace full cogni tion Ii:Ifh is :;:mgcl lc hi Il-t(lTY. In III.;t. he'll remember lit: r lc mere than bc:fiJdd~jni!1 L:Il!:.i~h~~, A~ ,lIch. the L~Ji:ae~' Iklcl:.~roUL~J renllv dtemtcs pOlen· [I~l toads ~h~H. veer chnmecer II1L!,':ln tn u ve], It ullu ..... '~ t1)U LO configure the balance between mortal ~f1d eI~mon pl/!lWn~H[ic~ and ro sec [uvr how h.c-.avy each C:IHI of {he I'~~/.i;.h C!. see-saw is


Chamcrcrs with one ex no dora in the Lcgac ~ ll<i(.kEl1l11[ld me; ~fr~(:ll,'idy crtpplcd wlth l'l..'garu [0 ! h.~i~ d':::rfl!m!'::: 11\t;111 tir't. N c'l-l'~(jl lcce! un is cenerct c. Thcv remember only a few rhiL1g.s with CCrr..1LnC}', and c,l!t!'ryd1iflJ: else lingN.& Ilke the fadinf: remctubcancc 1I",i~ last nialn's dream. Names c::d5.C mdcpcndent oJ faces, vigncucs frorn the i::rCf:!;hl ["Li 11g 11\(io[li cnts ,"1,( Crealien bum the- cbnrecee r's W~ kiT1g m inc!" nnd [he l"hilllrril etcmh; ... ' of d~e Abyss E:lJilh,..,!lj1v colors her Ihnu~h(~ \\!h':::~l she sleeps, b.1t Mr.hil1~ 13 (hm. If ~rnund is gntned in TC(:1;'"lil1iill~ I(lSI [ll(::l'-l~Jn'~ 11.1'3 ~I major event, like an :illnn(,'l.inr:: ......... .king lei ,1 s,ingl e couchnivc reeollccrion. \'<'hal rhta rueans i~ dun: [he I'\~ml mmnnr~ lsnbsolutelv dominant. The charac~eTmigh[v.;;;J)' w~11 rhinkcfher .. ,·lrO!s<! dcrnon. hUl"ll[1 matter how much '!Ion;:." mcs, she can't dodge the ILltlilorLl..'s of I..':il[llll Ir:::o.: 0:'1(:8[11 whit her nlccc OJ' ~fJtiil:g fflP~~ l)"ti~I~l'"lhoC r{Jotb~ll rlel,1 nl~::ic.h{,:l~l~d in high school, Charac rcrs wid, I ()1J,.' l.e~cy scores tend to live life ,,[itl according to che morral's memoriesand :-irl.." me)..,l llkel ... rocmlaracc hillmll,r~-~· a rx] live vq:on;lli'l~ 10' Ih(~ cedes andmorals ehar r'nC>i'r:;r.l elvtllKIItlml ecfcrccs.H U1n<Ln reb rlolY,h ips 'IR! eonaiderultl ¥ imptll"r.m~ 10 these demons, 115 rhcv'rc rhc Ij)nl~' rcla- 1~rt."hjpS Ali":)' n~~llh' h:'n'''::''' These f.'lllCll arc [he cues WhUt~II'(.' 111~rof;~ likdr '0 li!,lifi.l.(lil'l, "r:)lnr~ ",e.-:r.hlam.:t::: flr enreer-nnd l"3.mily" and chey mi,g.h[ CV~Ll ('.'ominu'.! to .r::ojoy <1-1<:' -simple habir:s, :::r.Lld h-obbiC--5 of [.he hmrn:Ul hoIl r5;'JiU:ro:-rt5" c'luhbiri~. dTLIg addictlcms, journal 'Ririflflg, wh~tevcr).J ~.':; up rrJo yrru wht~I'hcr 1 ho:.:(;h;J r" ... ;:· lub!li.:::vcssl1c's a dClnon.l'lul1.1ELn or 5()nlC mi~r[ure o( rotb" bill· rh~ ~.:::[ rCHl,:llL"Ls [haL :;ne- o:::an remc-mmr .t:lrtlm~!y Iil:rlc: orr.C't I if\!: ~5 ii mcmbrcr {'rhh-c f."'1Ilkn h,l-";l, Thi~ ~](;t tn[Tl$lntts flit.,. ~hl: l',~~·ibiliWt·,r :-.In .... '· Tonrrem o::harw;:l-CT a~ ,"'cll, b~calJ!;(" $h~ alo::ndUl'Sn'l rem.;::mbcr the hm'mrs or d~c AbY&:5. ei lhC-T" Chamcten.;.1 t:.hl:> Llk orren ID.(1ke !;lLKx1 Rco::.on..::l,lcrs, as. rhcv

Still h~\'e ~ho;jr hllll'~LIl mtnds nnd h.IJI"Il'lIi ccrnpassion (provided the bose had :;:ny) co holdcnm. M1'I11~' also end Lip ::'IS Creurtes, lf nrrly through the ceaseless !;Carel, for clues '00 their true pasr.


Havtng racrc pclnrs in chc. L~:.1CY l3ackgraund ;111~1""~ rcor;1 greurer brendrh ~~( Infernal menurrv Il~ merge wlrh (or Intrude upon) the mcrml host's rl:mail~it'Lf,l mind. Two or chrcc dots ill rhc BackW<'lUf!d ill CIH)LI~h for I he cbarnere- 10 gera prcujl good ;011':3 of the general SCDpr.! of e ..... enrs of the Fall. the \\1;111', (he I\b\';5;;, and her place m ~1I of h. She: could it .... en cbccrcucalfs c o bbte t~oi,:.'thor;:r n ",.;IWie umc-Hne of rhc c .... cues she recalls wttucseing. Of Ct.lLli.:)oL: IJ.'.llllL.' eonfuston w[lII;iL111 L::.:J~[ {"OIJ rh..: T-L.'n llr:J l\l~\'~il1g ~1(L'L!:i" rhc binh tll rhe neph1!iifl~ Dfd rhe Crimson Legion execrmtnnrc rhe nephtlim totally • c !r-r:Hd:-1 r-i.!\\1 e-~C"I}I:.' r~ul'dHrc:hr:i'ir}, bur she' I I srll! be: cnpnble £lor pem::iHni:l in ,L etoee ccmptctc skuteh L'{ h-CT Infernal existence. Doing so will probably result in o more complete frl5i41n of morral nntl dcmoee hnlves. 'While dol! rnortn] rnernorv rem .. ins more complete, (he-demon half ;5UPPIi r::-s mfllcunin's worth of se mi- full9JI~cl retrtetnbrunces, Th:l~ ;1IQ!il;! I';; t;.1101 b~h to keep the chumctct balanced H1 both worlds. A Ch~HaL.'.1t:T ..... ~rh. ,'bi.':I- mln1hL.:l' 'i["3~t;:ht ltpCI";=ill! (:qlJ~llly In IJoI.11·11 .t;p,h<.!!'-L;.';I:. Sr,e coukl .~I·ilt ].!:u ro 'lNmk 'i~ n venture cnpiml is [ dllrir:rg The da'l', then in v clve herst;!lru~ the SOC"i;1~ and political enaclscrcm of shc lccal tnfennl court in, nleln. These chamcrers I~ml~:',hly have an equal number of human ami chnuun allies, :In.d thralls are cornm-Cinly treated more as humans than as Ignlln!;n r ca t ~ lc. These ch ,I mew rs (J lrcn r;:n,1 up ~'5 Lu cifcrans '[hr::~' :S-f~ II rcmc rnbcr Lucifer but ncr ;11I'r' Tl~~.htt; f<:o:.:li!"L~s or hi!l.~my ~!:-:~4J;;,:i.'Llr:~1 with brim) or es Crvprtcs \ Lhc:rf.r::rn,.:tnbcr flluch, bur there arc holes rhne need (Itllfl(!), ~~i"lrr..,of these r. n Hen also end "I" ru krw-Tormeeu Fau~ri;.ln:'o - \\!IIBn~ w J~, what it rakes and embrace rho combinarlon of rhctr llLJ.m,3J\ and demon potential,


Fallen characters with high-end t...,gr-rt,;y SCDfl.'5 remember an l.'HC:.l1S.~VC: porrlon oi (heir ancient liv;;:!o;-d-:HIHl. t'I~ar'lll Oril, iU:'1:LJ:ally. A fewdcC;11b :!:Iip (hmugh dl~ (.'[[lc.k~ \LfDidn'( R('!lpl1t·~o~· h~w!.'! ,I lirdr-boy·roYoCor1sortfurmOliT of che AI1!~f'lf AuQt:i~ LI~~\'Qll~ll U'tiS lli:lC Ci:Ht!iCf'['s. name!"), bu~ £,i::nC'rnlly ::;por: ... k.~rr.,=, ! t!t:Ii'1(.1I~.:5 [emCITI~oI!l' il (i)Lrl'!i c(iol'ltplet;:E:: pinure of (h.r::ir l!tndC'IltpiI::;" Chnr.n:t("[:s.with llign LC"JrJc.y >("ore~ :re mem~ r c=-:rrclly "rh~r k·~io!J n 1 hey wc!n:::'i p:'itro{. n:::mc.mbC!J'dlCr bUl':lvcd rhcm dllrin~ L'h~ ;)'!"rilck 11r.r\,)n lYl~II;.hOI~r,ir~. fH'rd Whei'€ [he-~' ht~1 tni:ir herd of :soon~to· be~en Uj!ln~l1t:d hUltmn ~ i 11 t n~

MOIIIIl;li(~ f,lf Sorrow. Decals arc prevalent - includlng ~II the crncrlons i'111d fed lng' assoctorcd with them. Prevakmr t;flough. In. r;l';::~. tr) 1.IW:lrC the rnemcncs of the morrnl host". A hIgh legu,cy I"".iHinl; .m·"~:; the ckl((I(:It:.1'S mlnd in favor of rhc demon wtrlun, ru .. J the h'.It'1H1.n anu] ts lefr by the waysfdc. It's doubtful that these fnllen continue On [he .cJ;.; ... radc of a human life. and arw involvement in rhe m<ldun;"ldW1S of the If'ItJfml world probably CC3!Oe. A ft{;r (Ill, (hl;y'rc ju~( bcrrowtng rhe bod}, and mind like a pair of ~hDCS. Why btl\, into die ilI!Jl>IQH thnr ir's anything mere than thad Demer-s with thi~ much L e gm;:y r,,;ll'~' rend ~~) 1T~\'olvl: themselves .(iolcl~' ln I he (.ir'tlC:1 rl1nr etrher fnllen r.f::lvel iL1 - leumlng new tore. pclhickmg ln the C('UTt5', 1\l1rn. meritl~ aw[]y at grudgcsgaincd an crcmttv ~b'O. W.l1~{1 cures about lunnnn fflLllll\' Hl1J ft IL'nJs.?\Vb8.L1S reed. ing the do~ Or pen.r~in g rhe photo album real I y go inj:l 00 do for the demon inside? Norhnur. (Of ccurse;n rcjecrlen of rhe human ide opens moe door to T lIf1l1l!nl, u.hich b;;Jl\Y~y$tlJangCTouspalh rorravel.}

CII:lI~'C[l:i"S o( chis ilk tend (0 make rhe moot C:'{et:tl~lll.. F(I~I;$d;1I1~r:1S the prevalence or (heir demon side pushes them (0 new h~l~lll~ or ~1{-in~I,;n.':~L AIs-r.;r., Luclferans me: pruminenc due to the hijgl. er:'iEJacirv or mcmorv ncccsstblc h1 these demons, And ftnellv, 111.;H1~' become Rnveners. As Torment Infringes and chelr old rne.m.uri(:fo l"Cgln dm w njng the mortal persona, they simply see I he world ~ •. ~ It rol'c.elolifi lOy Ix.-gging to be broken.

Ui'fCLEMl. SPIt\!'r. •

Sulll~tiTll-r.:!'i the in(.mpnrarlt;lrl nf demon and hentan Ie u bit mote dITC';:' chen ~l!he:r ttmes. ThIll most vfl~n oceor, In cases where the human hosr dhln'~ dl.c, bUI I~ still ~bll!! rn be possessed b)' [he escaping demon. In these cases. the hUL1Uin ':;(lI,.JI i.5li'10~C: ecruplcrc and could be more ltfIRm~\it ill Irs asaeruon cf dominance. That's not [0 say that the morral mind and I he demon persona consc iOU5ly struggle for domlrumcc, it lTler~ly !j.u~csts 111m I)('JSSL"SSlIlg:.'i !)[ill-Ii\'lng human might provklc n greater pu:<h frmn the IUIIIlilt1 vessel. There arc m:iny potcntfal ways. for e human W heeome "nr~n" wlth1JllldYhtl: (sornc fallen call these ru ..... tnals <If'ld rheir fJ'\J$5~::iO~ {(lll(anclle:i. IndLcatin~ "weak mcrcbranea"). Somehow, 1']'1;: :;pirlf 1~!lI~1 be weakened ln a mnnuer allowing the demon ro horne in (ron the V~ i ilrtJ then p; t~~S"!I i r. %a[ Iellows are a fewof these pc .. :..'jibili'ie~. ~Iulugh fiiore i"fLlght t.'.omc cu ~'nu to suj[ your character,


Til;; roll;1 rn~nml illn(!!l:1s tor ~ -compt.1LJndin~ of s~.;h i [ll1(,~t':o;) t~.k~SQ" 1l1l1!)fI'1lI'!Ol'nlnd ~nd bod~' i;;


inc" lculsblc. 1 t fn.l'hHt"« I he ve.ty pl»!che of me partcnr, making ic harder <lind harder r(lr hIm to deft I wtrh the dav-ro-dav world. Some d..;r .• mgt!. metres ,11"e less no~.lblt.,g than others. end only c.r..TtHL1J types of n\~r:HlI11]]ncl;i..'i could theoretically lC!fI'I,IC a human vulnerable to demonic rct:s!';;-cs$lnr,. Problems such as. ebscsalvc-compulalve disorder or phvblilS are unltkclv [0 present such a broken vessel for a demon 'l\' ~DnlTClI. lnumore dc!bi[it:1.rtn.s: diseases could. Clink a 1 depresstcn, (or one, will 'C-;IVC its vreflm ir1 a constant cmorlonal haze, tI ditt;h or,~ .. cbJd:;; nnd sorrow mar IS Incxpltcoblc and Inescapable. Sm:::h depression 0::;;'111 olrcn 1(:.;1(1 10 suicide. Prior to suicide, it can leave the hlllLliH'I\ "'Lind .':i~~ clcmehed {moo rhc soul and buried bencmh ~ucJr d~J'Cfi1H': sorrow chnt a demon is able to tiilh residence wirh ltrtle dtffit;;lIlt't'.

Another derangement that could P3\!(! the wa~' few p~)6.$eMI(JI' is Annsocinl Personnlirv scctoparhy. This Illness mnkcs a!leS5, emoclonlcss monster QlH of its ... icrim - Oil;:: who thinks: m.1,h.ln~ of 1)1[1'1;1;, !)realing, hLLrcing or even kil~ifl;g others. Un{r:)r'},. thts dlseasc rrnnalatcs ru t'soullcssness'l tc a degree. which ~I::i'!irl oJJpl;n~ rhu door for a demon [Q rake control. The Mille ~·jle!i. r~lr rnauj- r.i tho!,; schhC;tt:lhrcl~i,l disorders [all of which :aTC ~:5I;L1lhlll,\, :1 Il1L~lI-iLI:a~h or ... ather serious dernngerneurs}. Schtzophrcnta [euves om:' will; J":CI) pnmnota and blaarrc logtc, and it cart even result in a comatose suuc, \X!hdc nil of these conditions could ~Il(lw ror pt;)~sC:l':-;i(ln, une uffhc kev elements Is, the: habit of schizophrenics to hear vcices-e- ofrc« voices from "angels" or "demons' telling them ro du \hin:bl~' Thc« minds nrc: Opel; ro rile. po~~lbWt~· of possessio». nnd rhev are ~o the "l'5l1peITr.:::tCIJral't charrcr rhnt gocs on in the world, wluch funhur rr;ict~lre~ rl,dr minds <lind allows for ~ demon w:slir in l·hrtJ~'.t;:h ehose cracks.


Addlcricn Is B demon all i own, and Ir can [c .... ,,~ one In some prer~ dark places. Adcpcndcncc up!")n the harder drugs (hc:rnin, creek, cocaine} cen lead one to ran overdose or n cnm1l1OSIC .~t~II~. Righi rhcrc, :II demon has nn In. since any body in a cou,1:LI,[OSt.' state IS ripe: ror Ihefl'. Add lcrlc n can ;aJIoI", for demonic posses$10n in. 'kI'th~r''l-ubll<:!~ w!"Iys., howe v cr.

COl\sidcr thE::: addicr who pushes himself further and further ilito I h~ pl!".S oflmbhual drug use, who so requires his "'fix" [hat he wil1 dolJ 'I!l\'~hing 1:1,1 gd either [he money lO buy th~ drtl~. Qf Ihi! dmg~ .hcrn.sclve:5.. f-'.eoplcwill pron:i[U[C! Lh-e.rruelve3, fr()m nlhr:r.':, kill ml~eJ'~ - -:ltl'{(hing: to f-cecl rhcir -r:nt"ing, A.:s rhoe pCI1iCJfI s.lip.s down the: moral iaddc-r

tSlll'. ",n~ ae a nme, a bit of his soul w ithers HnJ "Ii!;:':, and the resuheru .. hllk:. .... could allow "R demon [Q enter the body [111...1 assume power.


Some il~Qple 1l1~11(!::<t rherr own souls wit.n.!Jr!l th.:

Mldkr[Ol.l demanding It. UVlng It, n J2l'llc-w> enreless W~", pushing one's bod~':FlTld mlrn-l inl!"Q new ,f<I.IoI)[livfdcp ....... v'~y, will dcflntrclv rcar ragged chunks ourof one's :'.OuJ. Ag>Jin, prnsttnncs, thieves, rnurdefers - envbodv who has c:$~t:n.hlll~ "sold rhclr !,(lui" nud forsaken much of rhctr hlll1'1.(lIi i!;}' - .:ould (lhollgh not nccc~arUy) be a gareway for an cxap· mgwlle:n. A pr~tl',U!'e In,,ghrbc bnppywirh her life, might be safe and sane ami her soul will be: largely Il'Itatt, but [he hooker who braves nigh, i.rtcr !~i~[,[ lJLfb.l~l.!tMd enin, gees her teeth knockedcue b~' p[s,sy johns A l,L1 is u bn:(.'!LJing :gm~lml f or tau euless sexually rransrulnccl diseases rElight not be so IL,lclr~.

There are other wayS: rcllvc bl'LHally, however.

Corardcr thc party-boy whose life b a sequeurial run ()fdc.l~r3"c:d cxporlcncex-c-drugs.eex, liqllf),!,", vglmr, dl.~ea:w, Or Ihe housewife who gets H fistful o( her hu*bnnd', ~lIIger every n,~hc - who Sets- bcaren when she doesn't rake our the I [' or beaten when sbe do~.s.r Abuse. whether tr'a levied njrninst 'lOt] b~'

someone else er by 'YOU r own hand is sLi Il rt,bm:a,", and ir corrupts. Demons Cafl.$<.CIU rhts corrcprron like a hound •• sod thq !Ili~},t lloeC such a vessel as empty enough for possession.

\7 JOl,r.I'iT 'I·R7IUt1.."'\

Sometimes, LI(:},~u;lct~r g~l~ hun b.ncleesn'cche. [{ "he's. hun eucugh, meexpertencc m'.l:l.h~<!l~'l her 1,11' jU:I;t cnnugh ttl;.lk'w~i fallen angel entry, Sante of ehts po~~i~]n .eJ,lulJ 1':Ie ~ 1~'JlI of a comatose 'S1:ntC - someone in a drunken acctdcru wh c ,'s lefT a. ha,I(. vegetable In:;J hospnnl rocm uught be: l.l.QL-'.d enough. So.I'lcrili'lQ the I rauma and following possession m;I;IIT morncnes i.1(lel' ehe damage. t\ person who is anacked and beaten within an inch of hl ... life by hiS assallanr mlghr have a single moment rJf VII lrie ... hil ill', : l nunc$~.utld Wh"'~I'l I'hL: sculrccetls and {he body is wracked 'ill' trh the rmu m Il c~f"l [,"" inomen I., Tl-nr tunc is. slJfHc icnr for poSSCS.<;iOL1,


II l.!! fll$f' possible [Mea human lnvircs possession wiHingly meo herself, ncdvclv opening the. gates instead of possj,.·e!y letting life WI\.'(.1. her untll ~he is-all empty vessel. There ere man}' p ... ths to this petcnrtal "Invtrurlcn," some of which arc derailed here.


Myll! ,!lid rtjlklot,:!Tt: j~ p~ppo::,e.:J wl~1l people whu Ill.i.\de deals ~Iit.h rhe DC'IIil his-own-self or witb fe;v eptrtte or mckv ,~ds.. In rhe W,.Hk)of Darkness, such IlI;ggll'!l,I urul hn,III,:Tiflj; !oS :l clH[u::cr,uL~~ ",:i!!lbll chnr o'\Vfl"lC~il'I'II!.,"" CIi.d1o In r,'-~~~II;I-n- A I'ILJl'n:lll who Ci.11l~ out, pleading co whomever (Cod. the heavens. rhe Dcvtl, the sh') with enough cmcrloual [C':50lLmCC Il'lLght ~tl:r~u::f rl-c nttcrrtion of nn escaping demon, 11'11; hlllm'ln H!\L'jl- hI.; O"'·ggir'lM, fQr:'iC'llil~'h'ng ~fli im a re andctiticnl robtsvc-vcxtsrcncc. be it revenge, jove , dcnrh craomc crhcr high conccpr. lfhis heart ls lrL~lv In tr MiJ he Ji::::pb_y-,) ~rH:IUf:!h d[!'..~p[:,r:lIiCtti Hke ~fim (h~Wflfks,!J demon mighl hi.::<'lb]1;: to cffer scrvtccs ~(J grant 1'1 solution. Tb .... solution. however. is ~IIl1O-:S( a!V{;.lji''- posscsston.


Armueur ucculri .. ts exisr in tl,.: WorlJ I]f Duskness. ThC''r' mi,ghc nor he -Cnlwling OLl[ of cbe Woa~hV-[Hk hL1~(!""Cl'Y dry I:s-. Ii,(lme rot,:! peeple \ ... .he have ~k,pVt;':~1 the pi,\lb uf ~~<.!rlthHd ~Iigl\'fi 'lI,d begun to tov with real or tmagtned "ml'1,gics" to achieve selfish wnnrs and dcatrcs. Anvbody I v ho :;ruIl"LilIl!K Ilpn I] Immt;'llly iol::!\rm;:h,d III rtlJ"1lt;Lt 1~'111 (r hulib;·, ~I'H~·t·f\:!, :o;nI1'l1Ihll~in~ "'j'H!'lb) ]'nl~IH:'I c ot:.i~I~I'I·ldl}' call n demon ro himself h's also possible '[11[1:( he finds a book rhut was p/aj"]tl!'rI by another fallen 1:k1liH~\\'hc[ii:; d~lwn ~h"" n;liid •• ar hI::: ll\ll<Ih·1 cvcrr II/ill· I, ... ~l"l h~~ I he: ,J'I.; 111-1.1 11 I hl'()!'.gh l?r.i}''!:I· fln~~ ;11~(lILlrj.r.JI1.': (0 come (Q [hem IIInd rake possession. Ai11~' demon sumrnoucd in chts manner can choose such a happlly \,liI[lu1J: vtcum.

It, tho..: curecru rime, D'lOOCrIl Fehl' is like a rubber ball rl'i.,JlfI a ~rnccry score Inrlchil'lL::" - tr re.alUN:5 an unsrocpablc, erradc bounce that cernes fcorn all ::>ng.l.:,:;~. There's no nne rdigil'ln rounltc ~h= people. EvCJ~ else higplf'l}'cr:i.LII rh[!"\VC-!ic.(Chri:srian· icv.l!j.lfll1l,JllcJl'I[~m) arc scnetershoe. and arc cconrcred hv ccunrlese New A~'I.!, pugnu or pseudo-scientific rdiIJ;kllts, All d chcse rnliginn,s !1ITerCAll'InJ \'~lid in. our wod(llill1d b, the World of Derkness. but in the W(lrl.J ~)j' 1J:-1I:l:1,1~.s.s" d~I!I'~ .dso ~~i.!.l· ~·arkILJ~~pl~n.tcr seccs Iqcest-relrgtcus culu). Mosr or [hl('Ll'I appear harmless (self-empowermeru groups, self-help the m p'f groups, fa LJX gmll ps devoted [Q made -up;Y), thQLlgh ~I!,l'l: ,~rc f:.,"r;ld.,:.~ tltnt bid'!: mur e ainierer natures be hi rtr] hflpp~ C,!JrCFI~rl:S. A 11'l()n'll who gcrs caught up in these cults la wetghr-Iess .gtcmp, for mscance) rrught slowlv slide dOWLl the ~llrl~";'-t' alene of l·hL; ~~~'I~]J':$ ]~~('l"le'l;"::l {(:oil -lcss .I~~iI;h to weirrl fJ[~~~'t';B nf".'!~l{-","ll]iJ,!..hh3111l'i~I'Il"" lH1.d rh~lr leadsro ni~hcly worshtp of srrnnge "angels"). Andac

the bottom of rhc slorc, f\ mortalmight ",illlI1gly[h.:.mgn unk,1owinglj' - invite :fI denton rc rake pn$~s~i{m. M:1tLjl demons hll v e ~el up sue]: cults to wQrk ~his p.;.m;ic1,Lli;lr s·\"~·I~ 'Or J.;d:;s,t.::ri$=-


\Vhcn possess ion occurs insklc a human who was alive, nor deed', ",IUlC happens. co rho human soul! Wht"1l! n demon pn:i..."-C-~ the.· T'ocr'.:rl.II., (l~ce:1:;,cd. lilt.: hFITl:fln f.r:l!ll i:o: "'~~~llti::4lly ktcked nur with Li'mh; rhe dcmrus of lUCIilLJI)' lingc:riI1!J behind. Bur what hapf!'C11:l when the ~L11 i'Cffirllni1r h;',ij- LTarJ?L.J some, ... here i nskle, pushed iurosuarntssion by the btl tI.:dl1,~ i nr~fLl.'IJ WLJl. The ~IJI Is notdrtven cut i n the: srnndn rd r::l~h lc m. se whe t n rc some opnous fer b1)1~1 YOll nnd YOlir S\Qryl~ller,o peo v kh~ drama In game surrounding chis is£ltld (Ob\'ioud,!!, _~lu'Lll!,I r~'ll fIIl,1 Lh.c Swrt'1cll~rdL!cidc dUll the sti~1,1~\'il_g pceeeton oct:;. in au tclcnti';;l1

fa:sh.ion to what happens when a demon POSSC'~:!i rlte recentlv dead, ~o (or it. The issue dQC;5n'[ need to be c(.1mpliCl1tooirYL'lu<:1on'e wi~h" ttl 1,1,:. Wh~I'I..:.\"t:l'·!;.~'~~ J(}r ymlr ch~ r1i(;tl,;l" suu"1 rhe .~'r;.iry,)


Wh~ [if rhc h uma n sOLl:I resides tns ide the demon 's mmd l,iL:.e thc qurcr voice or.,ghosr~ The fal len exlses, ~rh:lp.~ t~llll'Il<! mure upon t!t.::t' II1!.:!L1'Iori!!S. lnu rh e mortal mind is more FlC[["C and vocal.Ofcoutse, rbis wuuhl 111{.":m I ku II~c nlt: [·wll1.gbc I:'L\.'C!:-cn eh I.! 1"11'0 characlJ;', ~I,,'("~ is di.s:j'Omroo, inn il·:!-~I'~e~hi'1.g ~hl1~ mi:!;hl l1HI~1¢ nn hut!ft.':S1 lUI: ehm7i.C~Et' arc. Rcsclvi rLJ,l: [he: charh::ring iJljiOl:: in:omJe ~~~1t:'11 hL-:.J (....:iPt"Ciflll)1 mll': ,hm~~ I"t'obably g(l~n~ further down rhe road ro insani(yru; [~H~ d-~I~'~;l!:O ~ii'i) 1l'I18"'. !>e r~ fundemcmal part of veur chnracrcr'a erorv ls the voice C'I ceaseless presence, or tlucS II {~n'l r' enme LIp wh<!'n l.hI..!Je.'llll.m u .. I.Ircu, sleep I OJ:: or high on F~ irM Docs i L crick [he- cimmcrer, prcvid i t1Jl: false il,forlH;;t[mn! WI'la' o-cher oprlons cxisr ED make lll~:s pmncrship even m9rr demented I


Perlmp:. 11,~t~ demon I.:nrml:i- 0.1· the >;0111":> p,.(: ... "(:IlCC and i~ able rc dorninacc it ~hrouf!:h srmplc pcrsonahrv, wh!l:h makes It able m bLllly [he lingc-rit1g, soullnro 1;C1~'lnlt If Inrqmmrll.m - ~Ir even F";;\I.h (al the SU)l'yldl(,f'~ behest]. Is it posslhlc. rhen. Ikn rhe human scul is able to b"II~' und u+ck the d~l1llJn mind In rerum] Om rhe balance c1mngd lf so, an OptiU11 nll!.:lu happen :t,~ Ibllm",s;

Wl1tl ... rhis: rrlt,lIHc;I\i!'i),;. oprion israre, it's nor impl;,.I&Stb!e Ic,'Io SIl,~Cg! dl:ill rhc human pclson.,li1.~ remains tr:mlt'1u:d,,'d!~llIi11IlI1! whil.r..::;;!mln [llirlcl is. the- consranr voice ill til c back or rhc hcnd. The rwu halves Inlghr he ;50 separate rhar d~c infernal s,d~ i:o; ;!Clilfilly ;l(lefl'1;;lTlclLf'lp-hur nOI -rk,mL1KlfllY[l-tCC atwnvs e~in.g ehe hurnun U11. ,Ilw"y:-; VffICT;llg power In en effort to erode chc human's -!;('IuJ end take ~"~T\~.t"i\! (:(JJlrI\lL (Foran example.sec 1-li.J["II~r; FaH FTo;:lm Gr.L':!!, 6IN<:i(i,;,Uy 1'''0::: dUiTilL:.I(:T ,,r J(,ht\ Coalcr.] This sicuncion dum raises lilt:" question of wherhcr ir is. possible for the ewe halves. while scnucur uud ::;q)tlr.r~·I,;:. to ;,:: .... ·"'"-r p.:r;:wH;llt,: ~LlI,,1 wprk rogeeher. Ctir1 L"~ 1"WC1 [,HI".;,:" (t~Tgl;,' FI 1»'l!1kill:si~ i:lfld work for mutual benefic!

DRI\'!: 'l'l,e 50uL Ou r

Pcrcnrtallv, nne ~)f th-e [JCf'.l;(IoI;';11 ~lLI(:S.~S i:,r r·LlH[' chamcrer in the ;5~~)Jj' rnit;ht be to drive rlu .. humnn ~,"1 ... 'HI ,:hrutl;,]:h ritual, p:r::l~'Cf. or JLilO~ rlgemus and .1 c:baw:lil!d'i v! Il~. Of course. I'C"~ I'CtL5SIOllS will n use fm ,Lid, an acdon, \'r,hL.; .. h iUI;: ulrluturelv up to rbe Srorytcller ro dcctdc, Driving rhc enal 'Ju[IIItgh~ rt'JoI.!f111 .h;l[ rll:lrf:lllcLtn!Cfrlu:ry becomes IOO%dL)m1- 1i:tl1;'\1 )I,lld rhe hum iLI'I InefOOI'[~';; ,I ~L!: wifl'L!tI e lean. BII [ does chis. mbula rt asn lIlf~r rhnc vour chnracrers' Torment wtll skvrockct in the process] Tonucn is hdd bock h,..tht: warm blnnkcr of human ritt"mor-[(:::Io. O)Ll- whm h.c'l.f'~:iI:U:; when. rhe l-mmnn ~olll,S. fI'LlI'!.I:!ih~d and ~,1I1!'Cl:,t'd?

TilJ;' m,t!} WM IJIlers hi~ opi'ni(fll r-'l fike 3Umdjllg 4I!'dleT. £lfld brl.'ofds rt'pIJ.k~ {JI Ilk! 11U1I(L -Willbtfl61~Ice.PfOt...,.rbsoflfcH

\,('hen::l demon N.J'r,'> free (mnl Hellnnd rakes root in l.b ... , 1Jo:I}' of n. humna, she fUQ herself m ,1 new, ulum world. A ~~Id where she [1115 I Lnle of her old pOWoI;:r, where her mt'm"rie,s -:In': d~1Lld(--d, ~rUI where she: lUllS[ 'll.'t,1rk ,lill~lC'ntly and in u..'CIT!t [0 order 10 ~r whar she 'It'lllI~S, In sbcet.n newly emergent demon tlUW; lreoel( smrting~lllhl;lx)ll'.llll, ;11~d thcsc'sa IOtlgwaVlOgD WCI[l! she om rc 'Aim 11eI" il:1t'11I<!t J).J\\'~r and f~h her goals.

Tbls pnxcss of teaming. growing nnd regainln~ one's full J(~mOTlh:$r:r'cn-.:rll ls rcorcscnred bvDemon's expcncncc ~~'$t(,"[II, As :;1 pl .. ycl' fj:u1(1C"5 her character (nml one "§"ror~' to chc next I she ~&'Iinli expert e rl(:e poli'ltl:'l, whi(:h ~hoc.'! r.: .. n .hen usc (0 Improve her character's 'mins, Tltis nrewth is; n fnndarneneal p:!IH of a Demon cbsemcle. but itcnn 31~) be ilgn;:tll::;O\I rceof rolcplavlng ~pptJrtlll1h ~~ and story elements, The character changes when n I rnl r; changes, and thai change C.fII1 be rcflc c red in che context l"( rhc S( 1,\', whether in the proccssofunprcvcment or in the dT~~vrl.hech;lr\gcs th~1 lII.':ClIl'_

11,..: traits with the most rolepl~I)'in~ 0ppi)flllniIY nte rhose Ih,"i~ mlluencc the. character's pcrscnalltv and li(oI;::<:tyl~. Ilu;:k!::.rD-llllds show how n chnmcrcr lives uud ...... har cffccr she has on rhe wnrlJ :!fiJllnd her. Vtnces describe how u chnracrcr thinb; fll~t:1 (t!t'I.s, :1;5 well as how she b.lb1'1e~ lu:t demonic end human side:)" Lore shn..1jol! ! he character's infernalmigi"'rt and [u what cxrcnr she- can remodel Cr1;:1I;"iQ.I.

This hnprer tcoks ar whar's involved tn improvlog and .;;h{lngiflg these r'tlll'~. Ir also shows how you cAI\ ~o beyond [he simple expcndtrure I,r ~)lpi:Tl~n.:c 1'IlJinl:. 10 find new releplaylng op"Dnllnll-i~ in ~'QUf c baracter's dcvc lopmcnt.

l)ack~'!)Ul1d::;l are unique and very hnpottarrr rmirs in Demon, \,('h.ilt,: ether I'rl'lia measure whnr yo .... r character can do, Backgrounds tnc;f1~llre what she hll\ done. whac she's accorupltshcd end hQw she tive$ her

ljr~, Tht:y shQII." yh1!r character's lffcstvlc, access to mcnev, CfllxlbHiry m Influence sccterv nnd rhli!' W1~l"ld around 110::r, Th'2!j1 measure-a cl'raracrer's f:Lil)':e,'\.. .. In Ufol,; ~LIIJ gl"Uwrh ~,,::J pcr,'",nll,

For a dcmonsmulon or he ... ,,.. Ilurch [b,dgrmlf1d6 mancr, conalder twocbaraceers II'lLh t"'il~II)~I;~t:h·ld.;:n' rlcnl Au·dhlJ.~....s. Abtltrlcs. Nature and other rrairs c-. L!x.c.\!l'~l.hat{!~\I;."!.II~~ Resourccs S and Influence 5, while ehe ctbcr has no dcrsln either t\."tck~mumI.1J~ntlC<l1 chnmccera ~ v ld\ r;.::~)I[lpICIf:I~' '!Ji((L;:fCl1t Hves TUlle! ri)h;;pl~¥illg: posstbiluies,

1(fi:."i(k~rL)l.Ilicj:s mcasuscn clwmcnr'shfe, rben her Hfe flit!S( fl(IL;lhl~' Ch.ll'gC!: when those Backgrounds t:h;i!1o~t:. Tlw ~t'nl;!~{:ding sruderu ~c:-r_~ E'I CLJs:h~; job and srrms raking in the cash; rhc nobods beeomesa (DLI~l'iLJS rlC[OT. die ignOfC..""l.3 demon I:K:CQ!"1"!Cli:) fum .. :- to be reckoned widr,

A Background change is all iriLp~.mmu p;!rt ol;:! character's ~rlH~' - rm~ hnportnm, <lnd reo n'm'r('jlrng, m S!lrlp!~' '~I~"; I:.:ll\,:.o!;{ uff screen, Whi]o!: YOUCrirt simplv Increase Backgrounds hctwceu ate .. IL";3 by !i1}Cm.llTl~ expenenc e pe ims, most Sril.llj.'\~ iI~r:. wm \\·.'tWlt aju o; r ifi~ -C:I rim'! r [lo.!" I he jncrcase - n reason 'Idt)' vour c haracrer hn:i! more money. stronger memories or the rmcieru pasr or new, loyal foll[lo\~·l:.r~. Don'r think I-:I( rhis (I:S jumping [hrOLI~h h~iQr.o~ III .~;-.ri~f)' yoJ\lr Stor~'~I;,"tlJ:.r. chuLlgn, h '5 an (1PImrnlnit~' to 1'OI~plny ;hrmlgh nmjor c;\'-t:N.:; ill vour chaeecrcr's life, sening up chaogcs and unprovetncnta dUJin:!l rhe C.OtH':5C of the chronicle and thoncemcnrl n}t d ieru I m r'roklO! wi~b L·:o;perio:::ru.:t.: points.

Ufe; j~n'" perfect. and while a character's li(~ enu Improve, it cun JIISI' as "::'Ili:ily ~¢I w O~. Therefore, D.flck!i:l'OilCtJs can ;t1;:1.n:'llly J~I1SC":a~ time gees on, A chan .. curr c:rufd !'.Ificr hU:!;l"C' g,ambli.llg losses nnd ~Q banknrpn an ally miSlu rum his back (In hb dL!'I'II~lI1di Il).l. assccrare;c change of geJ'lcnUlIL:111 could ~J~CC ~~ d'\.~n\tM1 f rom! eCtl'!'idm}, l,'J.f "",,~r, These downward changes, ro :I character's B.::'II;::k.wullPcls nrc lloJrm;.Il~' dlcraecd b)! the Storvrcller, based .on the everns ()I' the ch [tJUJ;:;:i-; End the consequences of the ebnraercr's .<i~liO[l.'3,

Sp.t"LLking of cc:mC'qL~t:11CC.:;, rhc dtCCfli of n Bnckgl'ULlml increase \ ur decrease] are also ~rril L~ II."~lr:[:Il .. yif!~ martrinl.1r vuu il1-Cl"e."~ y·otlr Fin·<lrms.Ability {mITt 2 w 1. fLfllr<;lmply bo;."tQmo,,':Tlmr~pmfidc-LU widiljUm, Bur lr you incrC'l'Isc yC'-ir R~"oIIn:C:5 fru m 2 [Q 3, VGlI',IC 1 ~;lpr lmo rhc LJllrc:r d::b...-""';:s, \\11 r(l \-;l!!;rIV 11~')rc' mnJ1-Cl' ;;'1011 I1CCOC:;.S ro eQlIirl~TIt:"n. - al,~1 (LI:!ofJ m:w rl.!-5pr.;ans.ibili'"ic50 ::mcl rrcoblti!:rlli ICrldtng &om your nc-w{lllJrtd 1"(j"I[lh, Exploring (he !j!ffcctl!i of":J Il1dq;:mLmd ch::mge I~ ;I!i: nUll::]' a St.lllrCt.: (Ifflln ml;;;pl::'I"Yl[ij;;;'~ huil.dLoJ;!; up (tllh~

..:.nDnJ:(:,ln ~h~ ('M ptn(:c i~, ,

B::'I1:kgroUilds. m Denu.m "[lIe mt:.;rurc:;ofrh~ 1i'~~lk ri.L1d th~ nlllnd~Li~t· ~ rr~)m (ri,\:f1(L~ i!lld OOl1tm,;~5: CI:J-



m~gt>::;ll skill and liIt~mori~l).frhol;': A~ ClfWrorh • .All of ,.h(:~ B(it'.kgro~'r'lcI!l:~trt" ridt \li'!th l'ol;;:pliJVln~ pctcndal: the kllk!'\[QL15:a:ocjUSt rhc trp ohhe icL!:br.:::r~


Some([I11C:S lr's nor. w/wr yt,Ill b\LIlo v, bur Lti1ili fIJl1 kn(l\ v. Allies :Ir~ more dum jUS[ frlI:L1.ds.:;md acquninta \i.e..;'" - tb'I,:-)"riI: '~e.fl r] people \.V he can gtvo vour character s hdp~ns h:mdwhcLl the clups erc dowo. A CI~;;Jm::::ll.!'rwil]' a [ow AIIIL!!l racifW: 'lIlghtlmv.;: plenevof frtends bta fewwith rlL~'" rC<llabiiil)' co help her pursue her 6,.", .... 1:5. Conversely, a character wL,h :'I hl,Rh AIII(:~ 111 cmg miflht nor be: all that fn, .. mdly w i th hoh 'J:!r..'lQCi'II~, bur Ill! roU\\'S I'll.!nl~' L J I)I; r ~I!'! wlw w!1l coree tu his liid ir he can IImle l~ \\rl'r~h t:heir w·hik.

\Vht:fl ~'~~LI de:;lJli'l ymlr chamctcr and select iJU[~, uy l\l (,~~;11~ Imlivi.ILl,lh I·hat hn v e cllffctcnc cnpnbtlirlea .han Il11J r demonso chacvcu w ill have :J wide- army rn' options available when ~OLI n(-(!d h(!IIJ. I( VOLl're pl:'l.-r r ng:J ~tLM.~ 1m I:;; chnmcrer w;~h lew cOlno'_L'lbil Iu r:s, b'~~IIl'"llyrnight hI.:: nn cx-cop wieh excellent plrysical skill" nnd ~CC:C5S rcwcnpons.Abemauvely, ~QU ml,ghl want to COLl'I1! up wi eh charaercrs wll{1 ;;;;VItlPI~!IlCl11 YOllT charnercr's ~rrC';f\!:!b~.I( }"IlU'rt:' Ill.rYIIl!:; a vengeful warrlor, ~I iIll.JtI.lI.l 'Ill,!, migtu be rhe owucr ofa glU'l store who can kc ..... p 'I'QUI character supplied with black-

marker IIfCarm5.. •

A[Il~'l:;. tlJ~)'t~n,; can be an -ally, Fellow demons are an cbvtcus choice for [he fnllcn. bm L11on.:a15 make :m'Cn,1:: ~1IIi~;;1::' \!.'t!II. Dun'[ (oll;l,!i Ih:IL \'<n!r chnructer had 0. lir\:: l:~:::rme bC;tn~ possessed. some "r her alli e 5 rniglH come from thar period - and m[gl'LL nm kfWW the derails of her new exlarcncc. It's even pessthlu. lr yj)LIf"SH)T't'tt:llcr~I .... t;s:llo:;rr~rmj~QI1, rhnr vourchuracocr could have u ;:I11I,ermtl'11r.'1l creature, euch us a WmrlRl or werewolf as Em :(j[Jy.


Thrm~J. Ihoe course ... :d ~ Deman chronicle, che 111[l~'~TS' chnracrers arc lihly rc meet leta nfdlrfL.:J'L:nr. Srorvtcllcr characters, QCc::J:;tIJL,;aJly .'ml'kln~ '1.1' dc;tl~ arul ;'elllPl'lt"TIr~ illlii'll"1o!;~ With m:I!W cf rbem. }\nr oJf rhese (ri{mdly Ch~IW(11;r$, 11ltrr~£I1 1)[ cleruon, could becom~:a ne'w a.1l~' (or yOtlr ch.i1nlCh:r.

Ir'.,:; nClL";l!t~IJ~~ Jm:t li;.1WY !hlll ~hl.!" 1"'~ItJ.dl.[]mct('rs bl~oml~ (rj,l'uw;, lhough: YQU l1~cd [I:) ~nd :;mr~ time! '[he rcl"fl[j(flla"il~' St:JO.i'l:: ;1 1:h.~r.~r.:(I:r Om bC'Comc:::l r01:IfL"Il :alty, :-bc w.lilh~ ~v fe!d rrlt:J;l(hl1'ip ~)I'"s"lf Ir.:;'!"~ rc~pi.;o;;;t ~il.lWLJI-d yom d,tl.rnW!r,'~ probablr gui!~::: It~ tuk..: quite:[l biT .. l( po.slElVoC Lmcrar.:d.orL [Illd q!Jid rro quo :lm:1J'1~C"m L' I~ l:..o., .6p;lc-c,1 oI"l~· .... r .!L,,:v<, Ch:~I~r n:rs, Tbech:lrn(tI::~ mi('..hL-L!V~' tio!!lIl';llId ,L_'I1xO:;:!ill (tlV~l~ or l'it;al hdp \\~ rh ~u.:.r {~wn pfublt'm'5 bctmr- ~I"LC ~ LUi: I";S lL ~('.!'Q)'tf!:~r {¢lill:!I'm:!ihip with )'OlJf ,1,:Jmmc[cJ.


or course. the Allies Background dccsn'r jusr m~flS!Jr~ how 1J1t:111J' nllies ~·tllIF chnmcrer has, it ;11"0 mcasu res dol,!: CBpl'il~il i rlcs of en ose charac tcrs. Insrend ~J :'tl(Ii'i~ another [I11~' when ~1"'l!'r~~I.~j:! yt)ur Al.tcs mrlng, rotl m Lgn( insrcnd wnnr ro improve (he value of <:"i.~rh~g alll~. M~) ... he )'~nll' ·~:"'~UrJ rl'iend hns been hOrling hi.:; .skll[!i smd l"lICdini;:: up hi~:!l'.rn I;QlkClim', or ~h;il Ilhr.lfi:t!' rll\1 1.1l0 ..... II1lQh~ have 1e:3rt'1ctl a {t:ill OCCL1h tricks.

This Jmprovement [l1i~"'l I"yl t:vcn need LQ be based roo s.uOfl{!ly 0Jl game events - minor i1ICOCMC5 ill:ilI\.1111'S Abil~ci~~:m fl"1Ir,bablf 1...,J.:.c: pb..:ccnlil'd1' in do",'[L(iLTI(:" M(I.[~ meaningful Improvernents-e- tl~Lngs Ill: .. dmsncnllv alter rhe chamcrer's capnbtllries and make him much more u:serut as an .i.dly"':" :i<.hmlld stern front In-gam c even rs. Beforevour Hbrarlau friend learns summontng rtrurds, she sboukl make several t1ppe;lrr anecs in Ih r chronicle and have a chance to learn: :.d)ll~ll ,~.)dl rtlu:d~.

Once "\'"filiI" chnmcrcr has unproved her AIHC!i rni:ing. she dsen has to start t.htnktng ebou- how to l"i1iIimaln this new relatiorehtp. Alllcs don'r work for free.after ull; vcur cbnrucrerwill have rokccp a 11 olher n Illes happy ifshc wants (10 make use of them. Different u IILI.:::5 m tgh t·lmv\,! eol;julli(~ifl~ · .. ls, (lr th/';)' 111jt:hr~"(;n lime each other, An aUy who's :5"1J;;hlmly become more

useful [0 your cha mere. m~~ht stnrt demand ing greater pnvment end assiscnncc in return fer-her hdp.Juggling III..:: dL"m;nld"-i ~ml needs Dr hi.~ 'II:II·lm.l:-' allies can he ,:>I m,ljllf dernnud Oil vour cl~~IF.I~!l'.t"':S rime - ~nLI 0. ~Il'ixl source of cpporcun i nes.


1l1~ \v-IJ.i'ILI '(1( D~niLll'l is 11 d~i'i~f'rr)t"~ uric. and a character's alllcs aee no more invulnerable dum he Is, ] I':;. fill coo cnsvforan ollycodte -c-pcrhapsinbartlent vccr chu r.lor,;tc.-':s ;,~cll:. ~.-h;Jl).} :;'I~:'I';.'i i n ,II~~[ ll~.~IIO:;II~{:: h~' i'oI)LJroL;.nt;llli--::",. y ...... u'H jUM hove eo ~1L.1 \\i.i~hLlIlI h[~ I1dp from ciUH. potnc on.

Art cllv HlI~I][ ;d::ill.l IIn;;I!.. ufr re.j;11L[III::l wlfh )'f.lLll" ...-:hA!<ICl<.'T i fsbe f<:d:s; Hkcshe's !let ~t: ttinghcr'l"sn fI.{C' our of [he- arrangement, l{ 'fCU we ytJm character's :n llres :J.S reels and ''''~PO[15 and don' c give the 111 the respect nr~:;lyrn;:l1I" rhc ... require. )'fli.1 ~hcmlfJl1':t 1~ surprised H rhe)' st c ,11' returning 'i~" -er.H:Iu H ynlj'Vr.: 'l"edr1:t pissed rl-cm ofi. dH:~ m;gh~ even "l'flrr seuvclv wQ~ki n~ lI~I~! your chamcccr.

l~'~ abo :po:;:Sibk - bur 1~ . .rI.!I: - ro lose doe In Allj~ bl:1:::iI!.J'"-C 'i,ll'lt: d ~'(lLI" l-ees s dt.:~rl!t..!: uJhcr c O~lLpe~~I'ict::.or pcwer.H a demon loses her posirim'l or Influence in the infcnul. OOllH or .h..: cx-cop scffers a ';:TipplLng injury. rhc Srcrvrcllcr rnighr decrease vcur 1:.h:JrnC"!l!"r';:, f:!!IlLfig (0 reflect these changes.


The i)u~il.:,lc (:nri_';l~IIIt:!'lCI: pf ;1 drnp I n A II ies ~ I'h~lt ~'o~ll;'dl~l<l(.~-t;[oC(Jl)ld gail'J,;tl bad rcputatton.Hshe's mistrcared and drfven [l,1J,I£l.Y her allies, word will]'C1 around rhm she's nor wordw of respect. If her allies h;Ii,,·..; 1::tt;I;;Ti 1.:.111;;.'d i!~ ;H;:~jtl!l 0' ;'I~Sliin;J~d,.:!o.h.r..:: ri~~:Li ft:fmBllil;.lT'1 as b;:ir\l:::il tbIn1'<:fOl!:/; pe~~rJ; eo bcfr ... end.

Like; olllc:5, contacts arc lndlvldlml", YOllr chnmcret knewa 'InJ i:~1"1 1J~~ I~ h~s '1'i.I"Hnt~gl; - bu'~ wreh nn imporeaae difference. Allies playun ecrive 1'01(' in tlrc c:h ronicle. appcarlug on ,s;'[:a.gc and work i.ngalQ[1.!;' stdc your character under the conreol 001 the Srceyreller. CUI'iil,:;1I!U, uri. ~h~ nrlurr hal'!i~1. p!;,~1 :1 Ims~ilR': role', [;I]'(:'h' :aVPL~A["l!1g L:J;I pe:nsQn cr bcjn~ pcrrravcd by" [he Storyteller, and rhey usually provide- jusr one thing - lnformadon.

Bcenusecomaers SlC1V ~rLLllarjlyo{f stage, ycudmt 'r need to spend as milch lime cl.;::{lnin~ Ch.c"I1'I:l;5 ~'~I do )'our ih::l mere .. 's a Ili!!:S_ Whi lc are a 11]1' PI:(lOa bh' req lli res iii f~dl-;:h .. rueter sheer or at lcaar [lfl~ ~11 hi .. nbtlrncs. a coneacr rcallv JUSt l1COO~ a name and an arce of cxpcnjsc. Make 8 quick uorc ll( VOl,JI' character's Cf;Il" t:Jc.I.',S, :1I'1'mg the lines ()( '~Se.~·e8f11 l"l-.illip:t. 14, h Pr~im;t./ so tltat y(JlI J,;flT1 {I.uiddy decide who yom cburacrer ~SO:::OITSIJ h i n.g when. ~'OU mukca Contac ta L"O ll.

Wht.:n dt.:Cid in~ on 'jour chomcrer's con mcrs, pick nreua 1.lf expertise ~hEH ~olJr cheracrcr can't r~dil,y access bil11&!II.lfrOllJchm·3C[Crworksfor::1l"u:wspallcr, he already lias access Hi II\~ p;i per's ;'ji'1::.1~ ~ v c~ aru! 1'Lt:I!oIS fecds. s« n contact nt lhe p;')p~r L$JJ',t f.,·lJinl:: ~Q be ~'.(.~~I useful, Be teet 10 gain a contact in the mayor's ufflcc or m pollee ht:l'I.clqlJ:;m~rswh~"l!::::l1l tip him uft'mncwsworI·li~' evcurs. Sllni~'·It;1t·, dun't tlilllhle:- LIP on ;;;:nllL~'t:f!\y.t'l'I~ cbnracter doesn'r ~NJ."'I-er.l 1·111IC~ rrom htl"'il~g 1.'1/0 contacts at differertc newspapers. Jnsreael. ~11,1'~ each contact a widdy differcl'[ area Df expertise. Thar way, yt!I~lr ;!:Ii.:).n(t:r,,;:r has f:,If;nlY (lor oattons when t!)'ir"lJ; to ~.fII.-.ll1rOITfl:; ...

With ~r(jlU Srorvtcller'spcrrnlsslon. nccnrac [mlghl be LI~{LJI flJr li,l~lr'l; ,h~l~ jLl~L .IrLfDni~~rl(m_ A fence miffhl bo': n1111.' TO Ill'rlVidc yam Ch~II'FlCrer winh forged P~S5~Q[~£ or black-market weaponry ln eddittcn ro IL'l.tormadoll; a reponcrfcr a m::ljorTVncIwork m[~~1[ be ~bl..: I r:I hdl) }'L'I~lr c:b n.r1I(1!,!;r ~~I in pui1li..; 'I,.,j~iMl 1t)l ;ll1d pt)ptll"ri~y. n,i:s 'kit~.d or "ssiSt911,CA; (:<In 5~Ort to'IJ,,(!rl8.p w1lh [nc: bcn.cfl rs of the A liles Bsckwoll nd, so ir's up [0 rli(' Smrycc lkr m ~PPflW(! '>lIch 1I~ of CtLn L::i(:ffi. If ~he dQ{!:lI. Y';;'lJ.f:,tiil mo1k~;:1. Conmct!:i l'u]1 to tnk~ild\!' (If !h(::«mt~lct, ~111'; _he dlfi"kultyi.o likcl~' to be higher than l1!iual"

Q;\IRlftrt (01\Ti\CT::;

Tho:.: I;~~t w,.iY rnr yQlJr Ch.tHtJ('l~T to,gfll!l ~l(ft:5 ill Comac [S [:!i S i m ~ Iy [Q mfLl\C' n C'w con tac [S" Ov,('r du."


course of thc chronlcle, your character ts i!:01l1l; to run int ..... all sorts 'llr people - journalisre ernl j_Jdll{:-ll. cops and crooks. slumlords and eroekbrokess. An., of d~C;!l"e charncrc rs mtghr raakc a good conmct If ,!,DUT chnracrer cun estsbllsh :a working ssacciarion wirh them.

While ~1 PI'L).s.p~.:::n'l"'\,:. 9ll.y probablv ~\J.Pir:U$ ~ ecopermive relur.tonshtp \.\'ilh {he characr er. prospective CQnmCt5 renllv JUSt need one ch~LLg: co Ill{ih rhe cJ((.'Jrl worrh rheir whlle. PO'llrfjL::;'l" d~t:

D~t":r<E'r.r ar r]n;: pn()ll .... C{~[nll;'I!"'I.)I' r! hundr~~ buek:lwhen Y<JU need a number. nnd he'll probably be happy to help. A potcndal concacr doesn't even h:.'1 v L: III 1 fll.:t: tHe e1~:m!t:t>.:~. Sh~ ~~.ll'i..;:[I v d~· dislikoL,: him bLl,.wlll.srlll p"rfj\·iLJ\!ini'qtlnt'iri~)li:"l.l: tt:ll'lLl "1.I!":sh~ gC(S paid for her trouble. In fact, you Ci1Ll even rum 50nU!a:rH' who hate.:; your character into II viable courucr lf veur ebaracrcr (::ILl bl::tdlll:l([, exmn (!of thre .. ten lnrO(m(lti;:)n o .... ~. of the person.

,Vhen vour c haracrcr gal I~S.::L new conmct; he ~J:sQ If''i11:'; (I I:itt']"; 111m;: nororlerv und vbihm~'f. Cl;mta;;;.~ nrc likely to I~lk ,.IOOUI their f1oJ;W OOIlI1C1..-""tiCin. stncc rhcvnren'r as concerned \~'ith prerccri ngrhc c harac ocr's lnreresrs. SLJch."7I d, ll1~ mlghr be ~CXXI or had, dependll~~ en wlmt ~:rvk<.:.S- !h<: (011!·:1.;:1 T'm"'id~. lt's n gl"NXI fd\:!;!. h'll iITl]1'Ii'".$S rhl;: need tor .«:"r6l:'I (Ill .my II;'LJT'JtrJ~1 who provides scusirive or- confklctuial infonnnnon. YQLlf cl-nrecrer ml~h[ nlso Find rhnt councetiona ecmerhues Il,il$.ll,illl In(,mn:"l~iU[l wltheut ~,nill asked, They just ,:.:ISSUm(: tlw t he'd WRn t to know nbout $Onlcrhin.gjtLk.j' (and would be prepared rc P;'))I for [he ktt1Iwletlge),

Lo51]<;1] (OrlTi\l.-r,s

Like: allies. CO'['i,I:.'ICTii arc vulnerable being..; who ",Ight €N ktlled L,ffr- r.t.,dn!!! the ccurse ulu S'~('Ii)'. lr's ruuch h.·~ IikL!"ly. !'Iinc:.1:': contacts uru n,m:ly Involved dtrecrly in the chronicle. bur accidents can still happen. If the charecrcr tell.:!; the wrong person ;ilKm[ his (~I~I,~I nr CNN. S.llt:' lulght ~i,d up l'i;)vjn.~ ~I 11 ,Ill"y 1rIL':c:i.Jem, h's u I.:jQ pc:r.l:!oil,lc t·lmt • he eontnct ml'lly oCI.:'tlSC being useful due. R' rhc events of the chrcrnclc. If rhe charucecrs bum down Cil), H::]111 ~"O~! ~n't n;;.ally ~o.!l ;u'i.)' ~_~I~II;: hdl~ from the clt.:rl whn mieJ It. work t here.

COil r:it:Ui CI'I.Il. :.l:so "::C:l:S~ \"",lIiki ... ~ (() I' the c hamel 1::1' if 11,.;:: $~'IJ.:JS LtI;lkh"!~ i~ wl;Jrr.h th<: i r W(1 il~, G.!NlIC~" ,or.:;l1TII r(li b(." p.LIid Qr ;;;>tl:u.'[wi.~<! WIll~H~!l';;<t~ fOT tlw·ir ej"(Qr[~, ,md !he iDformar.iOl'l. mighc d1)' up if 01 Chfl,L'ElC[er j;:, [00 S:r:inf{Y. &tmc: conrncr.5 will ;'!tiI1 .c:t".!u~h tiP j.n.fmm.::uL()l"I if thT-earell,;:cl pr bl!:;'It<;,;n, Or 'Ib\:!'r' -nl;ghr ::;{:!ll () .. ~ ~f11;! Ch.i!lr,)~h,:r to his ~fi! • .'~ie.$.

11~e~ ::tr<:,,'rtl.'i:1t"tl' eric<;u cI:L'7tcflJllow losi.J'igdotl> III C""fllt"i'l(:f$ e.,"v.~el~l {Ij!';"l If!o~~S (i(ae..:c~ rn i"rl,lrrrm1Im~. It's. posslblc thon: {;H~ mus.lo(Ll;'d Fonner OOIlOil.C:r;s l1lLgh~

bedmourh jcur cbaracrcr ~O rhelr friends - or co the clraractor's enemies - hilt on Ihe whoc. COrL[;[ICtlj ,b,,'r I)~~· :111 acrfve part in your Ch,'lrn~lC""{I lir~. He wt.m'. be much affected. then. Hrhe contact bre~lk$.v« (he- reianonshlp.


A character's Em lnence B~ek:bJmLmd measures her !ll;)mlillg ill dcmonlc SOLiL"r,..fmd,l.Osomc- extent. her position In '1I~ Infernnl eourt. A character with a lflU' Eminence mting is ~imply ,111.1;,11 he .. kll:kc~' to the rule" of the eourr, \'XIith B. boner Eminence rilflnR. shebecomes n 11C::J.JX:,roo courtier or powcrbrokee wuh 01 rating, she t:W'1 11ot;WlUI:! (me of rhc grcar powers aral decision-makers in rlemcruc Wll."!ryo_

Ncr C! v wq' O~mol1 character is involved in de .. monte policies, or course - m:-i11'f chronicles fOCLlS on characters , .... ho operate cuiskle cbc hUl1.!l{h, uf :t coun nnd perhaps even work ro 50hvr; r- t tl~lIl(JT1ie. scclery. Vel e. .... en rhcse outsiders can benefit from be .... [ng dots in Emi(1<,':Iloc:::e. because lhc background also dcrerrnincs the le ... el of respeer and rlol . .:ril:lp.:.. uvcn ob~[Jiollne.c. she. [an command from urht:t de .. mon:':!. Otll:": oUI$iJcr with a few dots in Eminence rmghr have had gH!<lrpolith;.;II power durlng ahc Age of \Vr:J.lh bur now dWOS<';!I (0 remain vlJt:'fide the CLrtn:;nt power struerurc. Another mlghr h" .... e amnsscd <J rep Ilt;:"l rion as a rabble. rouser ei !lCI! returnlng 1Q rhe mortal \"\1C1t II;!.

E.mi(H!rli:~;11km'!\yoti ro bring:;) dcgn:\:of~Ll1 ],tlrity anJrepul.11rlvn 1()bC:lr in'f LIf character's social interaction wtth other dCJT1OI."lS_ If she's deilling .... 'trh a recalcitrant demon who won'r gh'c her the lnfimnn,jon she n;":I".-d), usc her social standing as :[I W'!1Y Dr puttiD:!:: [Jrt$.~IITt! en l·h~·J~1I1@. Eminence cen be used 11'3 [l'Ifile threats ("Cooperme ," ith rne or 1"11)' powerful (riend~ w~n dcsrrovvou."). or bribe and (-aj(llt' ("O:1(lp~ ernre with me and mypt:m'ctfu.l frieod.'; wi.l.l elevate find reward you, to).

Eminence also presents the chnracrer I ... -irh n nc w set of pmblt:l11s ;.II~d rcspenslhlli tics. Cheracrcrs with low 6rfl1ml1ct;:::G:e!'l",·er't' [Iulc rcspccr from thctrfcllcw demons, and t.bey Nil me risk of ~ I n..g ll~~l as PrJ \\Ins I.':Ir scapegoats by mere polnrcallv powerful chnraerers. A character \\I1fh bigh Eminence has [he power [0 pursue her uwu agenda but must n~lH constant pohricui IIoaHlt<:s rc safeguard her posttjon nnd subvert [he pblU: o-rher t)Q.w-()r~hlln~l)' nvals.

Q;;.\ I i'1l.RG E.I'\ 11';r.N:Cr-

Si.!'Li!C Em int."'t\(c is. a m-c3sure of bow tltheT clt;IHtlll:i see l;lInd ['!.!SPCC[ yom character, you nil.'l"d to impretlS others - pri[JUnily SI'oQl)'(cll.;r d\arac(('~ - in oml'r (0 .. "'3SCyour E11Iinen('e rolling. One tyxXl wayfO do ~-~r~d somcd~ln.s. ch1ll.ccomesup in m[lI1yol;.hrt':II'Iiel~

- is (0 perform onerous dudes-or work for the OCU'l.:T· rncnr of an lmporcnm court member ~Ir inflLJl.!:iltl:f11 demon. If VOiJI character wnrks wellin the service of ~uch:l Srcrvreller character, she's hkely ro be rewarded with stmus ;lIla: promadcn within the <:01..111 (though she likd~'wQn't benble It] rise \·0,) hight.i' pClSll"ion then dun: of her patron), Sun i]l1r1y, if )·om c:h;lril.:t~r ners ro l'II1..n<:t'.t nn fmpcrcanr demon from thepcltcicalmachimRiun:;.o( n rival, she t;(;1111J l::!;i:i:LIV be: rewarded with an Increase in Eminence.

Forchnrncters \\'().I"klllgout.:6-id~ the infernal courts, raising Eminence i~ lI!iu:,Uy aeccmpltshcd bv gaining a rc:ptlr.u [on of some sort. If veer chamccer fol 1$ ch e I)lw ~ or I he ]01:::1.1 C(l"LlIT. dispcrscs rhe cuh of an Earrbbcurnl de ,noon ot rind:";:;"1 lY'I:".Ijl)T clue 10 Lucifer's face and shares this mfcrmarton \\Ihh others, she'll gaIn a certain notoncry and hum: flllI'-1l1g dt':ll\un .... II':,> difficult to Il:\'ct;tgt! farne into influence if ~'Ull work oursklc Ihl,! courts, bl)\'Io.!YC!', and (he Srcesrcllcr may limit such characters co just two Or three. 'I.k)~ or Emlncncc c-. [0 make social i!1t(!:nU'"tIOt1,.S C<l~it:.T. hu' 1'L("tI Imllll~1 ttl g"fLin 'I'./?ru social power,

\Vi[h greater Eminence 0111!t!!i Ijreiltc:t fCSpo ns slhlliry. Other demons. will come ro vour character looking (m (,IV(m't or patronage and for political ejd inehcir own cnd~;W{l1~_ The chnracrcr Lt;aL"iOf!olo.gro arrracr new rtvals and ucw enCIl"1I1;~- demons despcratc 00 Sn1)1 on rep of the polincal ped:llI~ urder nnd ji:':alQI1;:O Llf"ht!r new level oflnfkrencc. Cheracrcn ilutSidc 1 ill.; Coml·", will experience thts phenomenon as well.bur roalosscr dcgrcc. Hcrft;wpelltjol'ler~ \\'ill be orher oucsldcrs end il few desperece Wll[(il'r~, hl:!r enemies other Qll~!d.::rs $c:rab.hlin,g for crumbs or power. A much gT-L .... tur L1;i111;Rer for en eminent cutsider is. [he- risk or being labeled un -CTlr.:m~· 01)( Ihl.! lnjernu] oeder und hunted by rbe fcrces nf the C;OoLITt:'> 115:il rebel nnd dL~$id\.:!nl.

Loseso e.,'I[r;r..."!(C.

No one hkcs u loser, and the eaaest wsy IQf a chi.lI'i'!.::tl:r1Qlo.'i!:pfi,:~ligL!:ll,J Eminence is rofail in her duties. A ~~! ched n'lh::s-iof1 f~~r the eouer i 5 liable [0 cost rhc character 0 greer deal of influence rujd p{lst~.iL'''l_ Yuur characrcr mlghr alsolose Eminence ::l5:;J r\"'1;I.II~.,r !l plu~'l1rpclitlc;)lg~'i"l1bitL;ln chc pnn ofhcr cnemics A popular racdc I!; to (n-TI;I; tl J.I~lnLln CO ':IVt! lip political ground ln order tosave her own lifecr ctherussees rhnr RfCJC;;lf eo her. Ou top of nll char. your characo . .r-can lose Enuneuce Slmr~Y ~l~.Jln~ 'I~!funit. If YOLI aren't lI'urkirtg me svstcm OIl '" regulnr basts. YVLI'Il loS'~ prc:sriF!(! 3;5 ~'our polim:OiI power lmd 5(loal $tlilinding,

JUSt as I)un;idc~ Find if " liule Ilmrc t.Ufneld.f 1.0 J:,r.Jin E.[llim':lIt:c, Ihq' fllso :suffer less risk of lQ:s:inJ{ prt:l!;t1ge. Mil")!' (i1l1l1re~ ;;!Il'r I.mtik.d~, 10 duca,cn a

chnracrcr's rcpumr i ~ll' - [~ I"~~~ ,I J[I n j or O\'Crl;l~''''LlI) to ~1'I;.(;t)ll1[:joli~l~ Ill •• t ~br!J of sncinl damage. Botched endeuvors Or lmportarn losses to your enemies call damage: :3 rcpuratlcn, partl cularlv if your .::harn';;:1~1 :5ClfES rc look incdl«t:.tll"[ ut ~lop(:lY- An ~"ILI,~idtr':; c.m1n.(;.I1,C(; can nlso drop rhrouuh innctiviry. If you dll"(l'l SWY"II lsib)c in the C~'t;S of other demo ["'15, [h-e)l' II stnrt to mrgC"t about YO~l,

L9:J..'5 utEmi.nencecan actunllv lTI.<!ik.c:..EI character's Ii F~ s:im/Jlll:" _ Sollie of her enemies wi Il f:::!:nor..:- her onee ShL'" tlills pLlS~:1 CCr1.:;iLTl level of irnpormnce. It's; more lib!l~'. dlLtLll;h. ,1H~ with her social defenses weakened, rhe chumctcr'a enemies will try to5WOOp In for rhc klll. Ancrhcr drawback of 10;i;( Emlnenee h rn~{r more LI1~lUCI.,ti:!l1 df;l\l~)n5, will ::;tq) 1000,kil'~ 1"'0 rhe ehnracrer (t,r '1Id. pre(e:nfn;!; to trust ruore useful or popular rcemnets. Alremnrtvelv [Nil of Eminence makes the character more popula r :21:5 III scrvanr - bur cntv because her new patron wanrs n Ji.sP(Jo;S:1 hi (:: pawI~ Of fl d1!.ni;lbl'l: usser. Ourslclers \"])0 lose Emlnenre hnve to dcnl wuh fl wQorW 'Lba~i:i- :mucin,g ro forger thorn-e- and have eo work ~ wkl!: ~L!J h;)l'd \",ht,;!1 cl;;;~ ti !\E: with dcmome soclerv.

Pnme is duo headlesr drug nnd mn5t r"JWcnul religion fjt' the 2]6'[ century, and rhar's a power 1Ti:"lrty dcmcrc s want rr'l f;:\LJ !1~tO. r-~(:Jll'I .surhcrs to actors, preaehers ru pl·nr('!s.."i~m'l:11 wn:'~lll;, ~in.g.:::~ tI.1 5I:riDI ~LlI~rr. - beln~ f1l1l10U'5 1,5 an end in iusc-lf for some, while for ochers ir'sn only a (001 frir~~r[inij whne ~ht!)'" TL!a!!iy 1'0':11",. Some demons -(h.(j Ill'l':kv oF(I.'~- pQ$~!.'-"iS Ihe bod~ ()r ~l1~OOL1e who's ,'Ir.(:~d)' fmnnusar rhcpotm ..:.J th'Clr escupe (rom Hell ;md can eran raklng advrmmgc cf their hL"*,~·.5 fOllY'll! """iLl h,'fllll::tl~ fi~h.t ;n"'::r¥_ Other demons become famous :r.fft':r l)ou~itig Ih~ir h['K$t,lJ:'ilog rhe i r powers ~1T.Id ab illt ies to eain ancrte ion 1111fln,)tLlriocty.

F"Il'LC: I;:;.,gtfu:o-ralty most ~I~{~d in socjnl ::;.:iU.I:[\1.LOns_ A {;]II'C[J~ name I.'}r {flee ';[1 n OC'El huge ad vantage when. deoltngwirb mortal society, Even: if the-cop tnvesrtgcring 'lOLl! lsn'r a ["'In ~~( )'~)UI·II~tIVi;;;.::;, he ~~11I h1L:!i to tl;"l;;-(~ you wid" deference ro nvofd b:I~1 l'llrblicitl; r;;Jr hif. depunn-eut. 111oe~'.:> also Eli good chance ehsr ocher dCm(JII~ will react to ~ur f.'lIDC - nfier :111, mcsr Jt:ln(.llk:,: pil:k LII} )ll!WC: ot.,( rhct- host's pcrsocnttcs and Il'IIh::n::lai'S_ 'Yml might mlr. h.fn .. ~ ,h.; Emin~m;:c to makl: ... dCIll.(Jn oourrier ben.d [Q your wln. bur sllc mji:J~r ju:..r. tiD wh;u }'OLJ wam 'irhC'r n06c'~ fn.1!'(~nrt2 <lUEho~ _~lWI'::i:1 eLJopYl(IIl:lI~ltl.,~~hook_

f=tlmc i.;;n'[ Ilhw)'S a pO:iitlV'e: thing - Ihen: fm:. plenty (if f;(u[IOLJ3. cr.:rroris~5, cri.1l"I lnab and sc-rj:111: iUI;!'i"S. Ne1"aen'€ (::}I1'I<; ~:':L~;;llly !ne.'1n.s ., .;:hi:l.[i)(;t'C"T is widel., fiivill.:CJ, d~llk~ Qr {t:',I[Cd hy 'll~tal :!oOcicty_ It could


C\~T1 rncen the rheracter ls a wanted criminal. Thls kind of fame Isn't us easlly uscfulns pcsldve fame, bur ~, has irs uses. Ail injamcus elurracrcr hi.i~ :1 ~onrl chance of i"ll1'1liJ'L~jnJ; orfriJ.:.h.L,ep,ulg mQ!~'[s.. In rhc \V(.[ld ofD .. nkrwss. even lnlamous cri minals and rnurdarers have their lim:!! - momllv bankrupt mormls who- wlll dc :1t'Ly[h.b~~ rc help lhdr d[rrk. idolJl.

UJ\ ""'II'lG rlv'\.~

All YOLI rcallr need rc do 00 [)C'CGm{: mmoll.\ 105 UI have 1';I~Dplt!" il()r-k:~ YL:n.J. (md rh..:rv: ~[re rtent")' of ways u ehuracrcr ccn do Ih(I(. Chnmcrcrs ..... i~h no famccangct themselves on chc news chmu£h thetr hcru~1.! [cr ~IL:proved) acdons, perhaps wr! te ::J book Clf release I'J s iI,'\~le_l 1"1 (:u:;r .. i!l this li'lcdi:l -scakcd world of rc<'lity TV nnd CJ\-,~fnil;hl" c:dLtbrity,,~ 11(:~'1 0:1\' nlmosr become famous j ust b~' ocri'l8 as' if 1 hq ''I'C~e a lrcady fnmnus, Once '{QU get y.:JUL' face on TV, people will treat you dlrIr;l·-CL!tl'l. ~lll.d yv~! <:~H), U$C 1h:1t nrtenrion res~1 launch IJ(H! to flJrl·h cr (.,mo;.

Chamcters who po~ one or mere ctLJ.1~ In F,I !11'£!' ;"!I1~~dl' hmr\!: n repurnnon nnd some media nnention. T (I increase the Background. th('"~· need [,0 improve the .. ~!' m r:di:ii pro{j[L: by d,(lll'!l.: wh:.m;\1l".r 1 r ls r[,f!t Ll'L:Jdor: ehem (amrul.!'o. Afllll!lLft L"I.bcJ.s l",,'!'!tr in [I I~I,.':W ~II(]ol!io:;. :'I (I;;:.elJ;["iol,;r neuds to release a new clorlung line, 01 mass 11~urd'C~r needs to go ua n killmg spree, Characters TL1lglu wam 1\] rxmslder Illril1g tl l:Jllblid$~ m ITIl;;di;1 ilftL!m 10 :U.~l.'ll In Lh-IC$(! j;'mj<!I!Dl. A ~ilIJl'lo/; 1~~L"S$~.I;fl,rl.!r~ {::11c(! or n,'\:!di~ rl,!l~ilJIj (:<Jt1 do wonders [or increasing a .;h8n.lC[CT"& public profile,

Wit!! ifLcr\:!"l~::d (:<l'lrl~ i,,;(J-11l1;:: .ldd(."l,1 pruhIO::llR:_ The clutrnctcr might no longer bc nble re appcar In public without' being recognized, WhLC.h is: uot only lnconvcnlcrre. but ,I(I-\\'!~right ~IO:S r~~T :-1 dcmcn ~r"l'ifl~ to :1e.hII;V~ hl..'! b':.[n~l~ h':l.)I;,"(;fi:f. There's nlsc thc danger of U 11WIl moo personal anemton. Crmcd fans.migh L lx:gln {(]I aralk YOLir charncrcr, or he might be nnrned .1"1 a 1)( 'I!.:.l~'i pu]! l"I;~l1IY::'L1i t. Ami f,:r,:rlm n reeponslhilidcsconw w[rh I:ilHIt,!. :'LI(:h II!'jo 1]'!l'I!lfl:!::'it'll! ~'uvr lncontc tn <lv(lid excessive CJXe!: or end less personal nppeara I~CCs and charley evcuta. FOT c character with negadve b.llH!',-:'In Increase ln the B::I(:l::;gmum:lO;;:L)~,I{1 mcen n uar+oooadc IIl:mhl,m, er h~!vLn,g his ftlt::e l~~n~ plastered an ever Ame-rim's. Most Warued,

L-O~II'i(j r'\rIt'.

On~ of thl.:: ~lIirb t:lf m'"Kkm :oo;;;i(':f'l" I.:; lhat it's di1T"i;;:'uJt ~o octi,IC l~ Ln::l~(, yau["Sc-lf lc~ f.unoU'S_ YO'Ll can mak1! ~olJr.;elr 1e$S ~{ -I,..,. speJk.i"'1{ ~)lJL <IA':il1"i~t m~s:;.'Opinl("ln, hinln~;] r1c(k~trl;ln while.f,ht\lingdn.'nk j)r ca]litli!: y~llir fn".~ mindle:;:.5 :::h;,;;;p ~n iiln in~r"i(!w ~ bl!1;" [h~L[ doe-:m'l; 'Il~e;In -:hc m~iJ I,l'il] p:Jy all'JI 1C'$5 ::uren[lcioll. TO you. In, you're likely rt)~i1'"l I~OI'CII·iely. i:md perlmp:s cv<:.[) a Few part:Ic:]jL:uly lInhingcd ems.

The f.Jnl~ rcnl W.l~' W become I~ Famous l~ tL) "itop :JJl"JXl~ring in !hc puhltecvc. rep wrn ing bo.M .ks, ltop m~lking movies, and c('Tulml, 5tQr killi!'!M people i{)'Ni'r<: 11 wanccd ccrrotter. The ml;(ll<I I!' ~I hUi'l,Kll' n.e.~, thnr ;:;rn1'H1HLdy 11L.: •. .ds novelty, nnd lr qllic.k1-~' g~l~ lxm:d \ ..... ith (elr.!brltll.!~ who uon't do :rnyt:nill,g. YOLlrL:h::uAC[~r can withdraw (TOll1 the ['1lIMIC(!..,;llb~ ('r;I~d~', or the Srorvrcl lcr may IlJle I har ynll .. chn meter loses Fnllll; I(hl; dnl!sn', do enough Hi keep drawing rubtic arrcnrt, . jrt.. F:.IiIIITt! I~ .1Iwrhct, way {O lase Ferne 11 new movie, book or hl!ihion lmc I'" a Ilt1r. 'he ITIl!Ji,1 will desert you, and 111>11'1'1' of ~1(JHr ~U1,", will rol)u(;Iw :'jlli!

The ctfccrs of a loss in fume i$ ;l.rl,;nCr.lll~ j'I,l :, b>.enifiJiof pubhc atccrulon. Yom churncter is now safe [Q b'O cut in puhHc ll) ~hl,,}p, llllr she no longer t'lljuy.s JiscOLID in ~CClR."'(,'r rite besr se; a es In resrnuI\'lnlS. She ;]1!'.4J runs rhc rtsk otpccplc rurniruaon her. Emrdovecs und rere i ners nughr dcsen her. hoping HI leeeh film;:: from nriew celclaruv, 'YI)U 1.1\luhc~i~ flnd .a lew members of the public hl.:c:('mLitlg .un"!gQortisrle I()\\',lrd Y'I~W' character. M:ml' people resent their celebnttcs cven a~ they wcrahlp them, and a former star-can become a tilrg.:! f(.)r r idlclll~ III' VCI' ph'lsr~1 J I mcks. F c ~r;:a chemc rcr with ncgurt "I: Fame.u .1 rop It I Ihe R:lekp:I'ound mlght mC::lJ1 n JrQIl In C1HL"lllPJ;g H) arrest hun, hilI p~olllt" Hll~hr 11r:. ImLgl..:r lens him the 'I\I:1~' lher used I Cl,


FQII(]w~r..are morralswhowork tn vourcbnrncrcr's ervlce. Thcv uirrc:t tn'lm eenmcrs in rhar rhey often appenr on end carer our rasks fur the character, 1-i~~II.p""f:r.s arc lesscapablc [hall ~11,ocs, flm ... ·Ii:Vl·;r, I'L I luu ~hty are ;)IW~t" ucrmnl moIT."i ls without supernnrural 1JhiJitLC:S \Ff elite :<kilb.. Folluwcts can be extremely uscfultn some sroorr 1lS:. dl.OlIgh, b(;<:ml$C tb~¥ fed bf IIIt1le ~,~l:1lry 1:Q your character than her illb~ or CQIl' [-let.\, til.,). Y 1111 r follcwc rs need some degree of eewsrd lor rliclr efforrs, and i h~~' \VLJll'rra!,;ot! c ndlcss ab uscwirhout rcltcIHng. but thr,,~. will i;l:rill de alercst ""yrhlL1,W yonr (.J.'U3ctd';I:sk!;,

MmlY demons f.'t lip I;uh~ 'In~l hlJJc:n religions:. andnn obvious kind offollower ts the IU}'<'II :IClJlyrt;.ur wnrshippcr. Ocher kinds of followers do exist, h .. 1W. ever, m"..;1 'Ihn~t :11\)1' character cnn IImltS;S a grolJp of lt1~'::l! ["(!~in(,fl!. An ,uti:;~ mlf#:it! hm'~ 1\ t>~:lbll.!: of :;(udcn[s and ru;$lsmnf~;!11 hU$ine2m~ln rnt~ht kw~ ... 11Itruhcr L'lr 1<:'1'1'",,1 .lllafr In(mbc:rs; the cap-min (1{ ~ SWAT t~trm 0I1J:'-! have her subordln:nc officers, Th.:: malll mini! thH( rliff~m1rbll"s iullo\\'!!'rs from. CJlhl!f mund:llnc ~Ct8Lnen: i~sinl,(lII dU'lirloyall~'. The

hLl:,;l1H,~s.m(Ll~ hns I'km.'Ij of smff 1J11d":T hun. bur "ml~ hi~ personal :5e(.·n't;:lry nrnl c:1~mlf(..:nr are ~n ~l)~'31 rhm chc::y'd die' for him.

Tht" (,rim;u,,' usc frio!' Followers 15 to perform \"OUI' character's legwork. Lr.;PL'tJr'k: O"t:,I':S rasks thar arc roo minor fer your charr ter ro toke care of f1'!r~~IF'1I!" \,11" 10\.1 mundane [C warrnnr rol~rl11}'ing (lUI in ll~~!' Snmeone needs to drive yom character around, rake cere of her (llJl:CS :ll1cl dr::JivoI.!r lmportam packages whUt! ebc's r.:ngil.g.,:J elsewhere • .NJII<)\~'l;r~ ure else 1Jsc1111 i~.rd.\nStert:llls tasks Ihal aren't worth pineinga plever's.charucrcr «r risk.l( 'lou need [0 lure our the maddened demon who's sralktng :md kill'J1g prce .. · rill! re-, 7·0l1 cou ILl dress as 3. hooker ~1l~1 I we ], 11li out. but Ir'ssntur ... )~d pc.rhUFlSfL beercr-a t'iltc~ic oprlon museyour luynJ ",olilhillp~r es b. a lr,. Pcllowcrs can also somerlmcs scrvc M bnckuJ"' lndangercussltunr lUll::'. 1\11 ;1111 \"il111J be more cmnpcrc:m in ncri-is, )"lll·(nllnwl!r" can be ccurucd on In Ore \vl'dl~t. disrrncr opponents and drive [he lnjured tn I"<lr~l)'.

GAINI"'," FoLLo(lJl!i\:;

Rccruiclua 11;(jW (uLlllwcr8 lsn't P:ll"lklli:lrly diffl· C:llt! - in (at;:[, vour cbaracrcr might. he :spuilffi ~'r r:h ... kC5.1J vourchuructer rneuunlns n cllltoOfworshl]ipel'S, she's rrobabl)' always lookillg for 11'C\V members. Chnr;l";H.'Ili: willltlill acolytes still have plenrv of op~ ricns (or finding followers. Almost :1'1'1 {l~lnmlllQt;I[(,ll a)Llld (~LJ::lli(" ns a new fcllowcc-c-nll that's needed i", ro cboose E1 USC(llJ cundrdcee. then wm~ l~)l;n~IUt:' Il1l1 rhe mortal becomes ttJ<Y:lL.A.nothc-r!l(1(Jod p(l,~ibHlty j" 10 promote an existing mortal rcmiucr 1(1 follower srane, A~~u1., ;)11 that's needed is to make the mortal rnure dcvoretl tc jour ehamcrer.

S" h c 'w J~ ~OUI' character lnsplre :r.hl:S. 100000lqrl Ph::tlCY {)fDP~ioru are avallablc, nnd (Iif(.;:r..;nl u";Il'lL~'I':;' hav e di((~rem mcrhods, On~ pos.sibl!lty l5LO usc eveC3tiOn:S and demonic abllhles £0 bind n rnort .. 1 rn Nil -di!:~Lvrt!ofl-lumal'll[[..Qnb>llll;:~l1:call use-ful for this klnd of CVJX;aOQn. A demon can :lISt) demand lovalrvas parr ofa poct hcenrcts illwwlth 11,t: morral. roOr L:I ncn-supcmmural nli,;lhl,ld, d~Urnl[.::n. \\Ii rh strortg ps~'chologk:Jl ski ll:'i C~I n(~mdi I iUIl crbra! nwesh rmJru,1$ iru-u Ulilhlnklr .. ~ It)y:,hy (:l.lrhcmgh such follt1w[-l':'Io(c("n:suffcr(romcmotiotlal in:<t11bility). And never fiugl!r rl1epmcmk.lof!l. slrnplcgooddccd, If you help our fI mortal in need, sbe rmghr be: ).(1 1'!:r;'ll~f,tl .1

1(:1 enter l'('Ul' servlcc wJllit"l.:R1V." ~

.. \n [nc.rc-:u:c- in th~ FL1l1owc~ Ti.Rlng o{tl"L1 11mkr:::s the ch~I,,~({rtr'$1ir1,i (11:/i1 !iedc bl[ easier. Sbo:: can 11(.1"" I;OlTllll::llld t;1chc;r-l! II) dv I he frlllfidanc trtSks rl11J minor johs [hat [{10k her attem:inn bcfnrc, ;r'lt'Wlll.1:: bel let dc\'O[c hcrSil'lf completdy to her I.}\VJ'1 .I-"I);lb. This: j~l(;.TI':~1; III r«Lllie:uI lll:1kc: a en:.1racre:r more dri 't'e-nand


eapuble OII1J c:OUId42 ... ·( .. n prr.)vkl"" a en nonnle ror incrcnsil'l.g other rrults with cxpcrtcnce pnirus, Th~Jcl'~'o'fI~Lill,! of g~jl1in.g U rww folk .. 1\I1(:, is. tbau you 110W hsvc to provid L.: fat rhar person. Followers arc [cvnl and demandlirele, leur .hey need sDmt!u,jllgfllf rhctr noublcs - a pu vchcck. :LI place U) 11\1'" or :jimp·l~· the love nud anentlon of [heir demonic: mistress. A character g<1i [1'$ ccuvcnlencc by gnlnin!1 followers, bur if ahc clccsn'r ~rLJ't ~htl~ n~l!d.$. ~h;lt e:nr;"'~l"iil:hCC: <:oL!IJ tJlllc:.k1't' be I-QST, :<IS dis.::;runded IlJllowt"rs Slop ~~{Ul'1'nin4 their msks propeelv,


\Vhil~ roll(:ll~i[l!;:;U"c a~fr"J,gilc fl1:any mcmul, rhq"re nor particularly ~ikdy to dtc in a character's scr v fcc, almpl y because it's rarely worth plac I ng rhcm in physlca] d:1r'iI!!t;L A (;rIII~n""l::r l~ ecmper ane, bLit ncr ~"o;'tt~()l'dil'~~til)' so, andmen ,H~ nul efiecnve e~('J1W~r ants. Bcsr rosavethc dar-gee foryom{"harnc~~r and her allies, a n d keep rhc fcllcwcrs 11'1 rT5C.r"I'(.', {A follower pilt1f!t the plnne bu! ~~m.:-r;,ll't' doesn't p<1r.1CnLlH.! il'Hn the enemy's etronghckl at r""ur side,) or courac.! F your character u't<Jllt TO put her followers In the From t in CSt she "sfeec rode :0.0, bll ~:sht! .. h.LluId'L,\·e be su rpnsed 'll ~:h('~ dr-op quickl v Followers aT{' at risk of bei.n~ killed by their mlatrcss'e enemies, of course - killing 'Jff her li\Ltrtcll'L.:r1[{JlLr8&(: 1!oJ, .... :!!:LK~ ~lIr [1I.)1;iI..:1,lI vourchnracrer a m~ail:c or 'nat::~ a rhrem.

The orher main \~'{Iy your character mi~i-lt I,')I;~ {(lII(lI,.t(:;[;;~:S ({ dtc::y :;.impl~ decide TO S[(IIP w~~rking in hcp;~r"i(; .... Su(;h (I II'dn,t:. isn'l \.ery common. Ihnuf,[h. After all, Lh~C' nrc morcnls who are :5lTCIngJv IOy<J1 [0 'l" characrcr and miglu even dLC for her [f neceaS;)ty. Y...:t even 1~'V,ll 1'f!iI1l(m.:; hnvc [huirv. If vuur ;;.hiLl1!Io;to:;r pn;,,'I,hc"i hL'.:r f"lH')~F~ l;.l;,':yond Iho;:ir limll"~ k'!l. eruircly possible- char [hey migh[ rump slnp. 1(;], character consmntlv mlsrrcrus her followers, farces the 111 i n{Q CI;lITLI .... ll· ~I ru .. 1.~um ur rl·f'i.L')C!i.1 I) :SL:t; to rherr needs. rh'l.:}' wi1l C .... (:l1tll~1i~ n::hl.:-l - Hlld hop..:..fllll)" ,ho[:)' won'r clean om [heir fermer mi~rrc~'.s bank account when rhejl' lea v e,

The main effect u{ lostng r(~II\lw;;:,['$ i~ rbur rile cbaracrcr wl~1 hnve ro~mrtdoin.c; her own dlrry work <i.p, .. In. R\:!.~DOmlbilllif!.S elrar ance coold be rruseed II.) n uunion will hnvc to L"II;! taken care .... .,r personnllv-c-and it's ~amng In the extreme ro be fUKOO to lI1t..~ a viral court mccrlng bC!C3U$you'~C!'€Ioin.g~'our r32<1::..5 or be:fng f~lrc~~1 [f) use I)ublh-: 1r.ln!'o-PLJrr;:!l[~ll~. The l,!I\t.!L" drawo...~k. c" losing {oUt)WI;':Il' Is ,lle rj~l: th:al these ((lrl1'lL':r mlnlons win start wl,xklri.j;l:.cJgiilirul y c ur chnmct ... r, Followcr] aren 'eccm percnr c nough rn bca persona lrhrcee r~ y'l:;U,JT .:r.:'Ir1I~r<::rl hut rht:y C:1IIn. sell her SCCfCl3 to her f'['1el"'li~. €ll.(;l)lli':lgt': her :remilll1ill.g followoes eo leave air .s.imply badmouth her so rhnt she lJlIiLl.$1! reputnrlnn as a harridan and a harsh mistress,


lnllucncc IrLC3;5"Uff:S a chm~'Il.;t(!r'~o(apacil,y (OCI)l'Ip rrul,lmll"!l:ln1!'l'ularc rnonal soctcry. [use as Enrincncu (ItJeS Lhl! same for demonic soclcw. A character With Il I'igll. Intluence mung might have I'ilro.llb lIi l;tl:,l.c~ \"1, uhlu [011: hallsofgevcrrunent. the 1l'l",tll~l.l'h~I¥,li('.¢ or orhcr NI!::lnh:11 ions .. Alrcrnartvcly. me character C{'I\JI~ he il''I n 1)(~hJol''' o{ power himself - a demon can be tJ1C chief of police, n senator rrr the Q\VJ1~( {If cns, Like Famea lntlucnce mithr I~ ii(HTI~thi"g rhc demon inherits rrmn his i'lL')rf"ll h"lOr-possessing the body of tlw ntnyor -H," ~hc dernou rnlghr have: used ~i:!. powers and abilities 'CI ~ n in Influence after c,'H;:ario~ It'lJlfocmLl-Jdl.

A. th01(!'IJ;tOCf'S dL1-I~~ im .he Bi'lc'k,l!:III:)uf'ld ftI)!"'cm the ";'lren~rh of his influence, but ~'OtJ should also rhmk ;Jb.~1.11 ""hm kindorillnLit:nc.:: vour character possesses. Docs he have pulitl.r.::,1 (lIJww! TI'l"cftpacfl y to manipulate the m<:dif:!? Dccehc hfl\''': n ~YllJj~"'1;(:d televangelist lII'ugnlHl [h"31 lets him meld public. opinion and swnv hi$loynl \'iewt!i'Sl Characters wuh the same Influence rntin.g can have verv c::Hr(o\,'l~llI stvlcs I~r lnflucncc :In,j control. so pin down just w lull t'L;"~IIt" cbnracrer c:: .... CQI~l ml n nd manlpulnte,

The prtmnrv lL51' of 111flI,.H.:m;e it} the. c:h;,.;:mie:k Is roullow ~'Qur character to rrmnlpulnre nmrtlll$ ~I ~l distance. I L'l,{lIII,:I'LCC can let you control crowds or even ..:rlfin; c.irie",. (ill" ht;.!l'lHld even the grC3.£CSt demonic evoeaetons.H you wnnt .-1 .,;i1y hlucl..1;'U be deserted while you Invade your 'nc;n1r'!j "rTtlng~ hold, )'1,.1" (;~II\ nrr:.ngoC to hn vc [he area cordoned off ~~, i he- prJl lee or :<:tFLg~ ;1 pamd ... elsewhe re to nrreact public ancnricn. Wnnc to thwart ,111 Earthbound enid See IUHiI' il copes with. n police mid Or endless dcmonsrmr 1<11,$ b~' concerned mothers. influence CA.11 nlso he lI;i.J.:J 1-0 tnc.nl1 v enlcnee Dr' hm--']/>:i demOIlS, most of whom setll bacc (CI iureruet with mortal :,:,)ch:ry on a daily basis. Your ene-my might bet the' l}'r~'l'lt ur the local mfcrnai court, bur she might still fcnr g":ldll~ ll\ldilcd.

G7\ !NJ~G lJ'n~L{(1 :f'iO!.

To Increase lus rcrsonalmllucncc, ,'Our..::h~1'3CICr has; ta~ain grcmer cnnrrnl over the ~tn.n::I'lr~ ~j mortal :itXiClV. Doing 50 often [11,\-'01""1.:'$ instncanng \"lllll' own rbrnlls irl.E('] ['I~~{k'tJ'i;;: cf t'i0\\'("! or making mortals who nrc illrlO'tId~' ill I.h~l'\-C;' po~itillns imo your pawns. Per 1m\' lcvelsoflnfluence, it Gill befn irl Y~lW{!XI d05(l-pl;II:'~ n few thrall ... 1111.h.c:: mayor's office and the pclicc forctC', nnd }'O\l're in .:h .... rj:!(:_ Hl.ght:r Influence rasfngs requirc more work, ~~d ymJr dlml1s WIU have t() be more pr\Jmine;uLlyp.laced.IClRlJencl~po1i(;."d~~i(')l'! ... ~:l!::ross ,lie USA roqulrcsmorc [han a \Vhite HOIJ$l'"p;fIge ,~i"I mmH - ~'U 11f;~ ~o puC .lj£:i"lI!(11'i. AI'" adV[S\.lf.:S inrn

1>01\'<:[. That means winning dectitiJl;t;, $[nQl.~lhh'g 0\11 Irn,:l!:L1hulli~ ill their ~clJrit)' clearance and g::lining roeguli'lT neeess 00 ll~c corrldora of power.

Anomer v."ay ttl gain ccnuol i!j, run. to lise PUWTI,ij: hu~ tl;.l place ~~u~ character into a posicion of reul power. SIJ r~, )"VLI can conrm l the mayo r- or you can be che 1113Yor, with t~11 the-power of rhe ofllce ru y~-';lLlr flngcrtlps, Again. it's easier to ~Hin low I eve I t h( lunu(:n -_ Fnr example. wlruuug ~I mavural clccnce ClftClk{ng cormunnd qffht= local CBSam!kirf.!: nlight rake only 3 single I[ ry for a deterrmned demon. O:liningn hig!, lnfluenccrarlngbccomesmuch harder. lf~'ou wuru to move frcm Innynr II' ~ell:-I'm' [.0 ,,:vycrnor to pres-dent, thSllj':; goh'Lg rc rl:l,.JLlil'~ CI,.IB:smm work over Ihe course of the entire chronicle, nnd u'll be dlfflculc [0 keep your character's other acrrvlrics hidden dUfllllj; rhe precess.

Once ynu'\'t;" analued R higher Influence mong, }'IJurch .. meter t..golna h) have to Wlll'k hnnl 10 keep his newfound power. Human politiCS: and power srrugnles Me JUS[ as eunhroar as demonic politics - perhaps nW~5Q-anc::l ytJ~lr(:h:"IT:](':I.~l"wllllmvc;lI1l:lsscd [!lilll)' cnemlcs and rivals 011 hts WEl~' to his current po-;iliqn_ Those 1'1 v :1 15 wi II OOn~LiU'l d}l be ...... orkl n~ 1:0 undcrtn inc hls e ndes v crs andu nscnr 11Ilu from pr;1'\~'er. ~ he 'II h av e to spend n lot of rime keeping - and llSillg - hill" POWl;t. lnnllJ.;:I~'::1;; ;'1lstl briflg~ with II a level of '\I i.sibi liry. Even a churucrer who workafrcm bd'iil'\d the scenes is going to faecal lcasrsome level of scrutiny if only from thp~e he interacts wnh. Ke('pll'~ his demonic nature sccrer will be almost us great acballengc 3~c(lnll"t)11 111J:I human socterv.


l.jkc l:mJnci'lcc and Faruc, Influence l.!l a BackgrQul1d th8~ requires FL ~rtni .. level of nmtnrenancc. Power nen nddictlve dru:g, ,Ami others will be jealous ofvour chnmcrer's rostuco. Hls rtvuh \~'·IIII~£lo unscnc him. thwart his plans lind s; u bvert his ~\'l:Iff ilnd fe:ttlrn<;l"S. Unlcs!t"YOllr(.h=_lrnC:fo:r Is willing eo-spend all ofhis dmc proPl)ing up his posnrcn, he mnS- the i'isJ.:o{ 1C;:IV1n!;, his: afrai'[j"lll:{[[cndoo:n fI critical time. And if he fOf;IJ5(:~ too 11l'.ldl on hi:l prh'~[t: Hge.ndfi Hi'lJ rhL' evcnrs of rhc chronlclc, he's almost ccrtainlv ~ingm 10:;(' some ofhls pollricnl power,

Ir,nLlt:!'1ce ls alsc pronc m(allingdll<2 roalruadons outside (he ehurnerer'sconrrcl. Afl('rflll.lrljlltl,;rLl:::d~ all aboucconu'olllngmcrtalsand ,he~qx'1li~icHI srmcrures, and these fire: prone to change at e moment's notice, I(rhl; h;lhmt;:~I;..r power-changes, [he character mlghr be forced our in the: cold, {lr does you rlC,lglxxl to control the !na~'or if he !{'I~S lm dectioH_) SirJlil]).rl~'1 yotrr s:yndic.:mxl rchgiou couLd fJll in the r.ulllgi5 ;m"-' b~ ';::~Ino,dl~, 'lIkl your powerful

corpcranon could be slammed wll1~ t;1X fnuul intlit:r~ menta. T'hc: S~lwil',=lIcr tlt,;l;lt1cs if such misfortune befalls yrurr c:h:.Jf<lCf~['- \1 IX1\'(heJ Influence roll is [nsr one possible reason foe such an event.

As wuh Em\r'l"I1Cc .. ,I loss in Influence can bring willi It.l reduct ion insome hcadacheaand rcspenstblllcics. When your character becomes a less h'l.l,."[til\@ or dangerous mrgct, hi:!. rivals m l~hl ~rt.l(!' I.' [;Jl'(:k,LIII;!: hun. Thar's generallv snurll ccmsolnttcn far the- 10 ss ofprcr;.. li~t:: :1 nJ conernl a drop in Influence forces on the character, rhocgh. He tnight have ru get used to a much lesacasv hfc::.[yl<!- fllirt: where rbepoltcc won't L";!VI! :1\,...,Y his 1i)JC1.,.' rickets anti senators WQII'I reurrn hi); I;:.,I\.~. Your character mij:lnE also muncr n rcpurarlon 8E.iI r!:'lllUI L.! aru] tJlo~t:r, ilr u t !eJ)::>t :I:;'~I fudijll,g power - further weakentng hiS O'Ip<.IJ;iI p' lt~ tttflucnce '[ht:~';1I~d rx~'I\l:j.ibl'i UffC<Ling his role in demonic pollncs 't1:o; well,

UnHJ.::.c: moM l~ilck';:I'rJII11(ls, whir.h mt.':'lSUfoC ~ clrurncrer's cxrcmal rclatlonsbtp wirl'! ochers and )~1Ci e I,.)·, l~W";Y ts.complcrclv tnccrnol-c-n tilC'Al!ik.lI'~ ()r me character's O\iXlhi.llI~' 10 ;i~(~" her V",:!!' cache of memories. l)cml:llL!I h:'I\'{: lived for untold c '(II,S, and \ hl!Y l,;.:Hl rccnll events from before [he- dawn of man. Rlllrlu:,1't,' ,im('lly isn't rtxim for those memories ir, lbc lunhed space ij){ I he human brain, which cuu barclv coumm the 1[((:' expcucuces ,·lrht: d~lt'I(~ll\ 11O:<;t. 0 ;l.;,Il;l11o:m 111,!.:It "fold" her memories, romprcsslng tbc vn-, t h'rlk nf them nnd sronng them In the unused portions ofher "o~I'!.1I11nd-l1nl(;h like a eornpurer can compress i'l'Il'd}! ~I~ nl~ 11l1lJ store [hem away. LI,!j:,l;''::Y i,1IOWI!! D character to reach rhnsc memories when needed. accessing 3.~crtofr"l!'nLJlll~d;;::)I ruptn down n block uf JH':.r rocm orles.the II unpack the \1l and recall rlll! dL:!r;lil~ "-'* lL'j.\.ml before submerging rhcm bnek into her unconscious.

111:'u':r. a v..:ry d!11i(~11 metaphor, rhoughr me l'e:fll1ry i"ll:o\w~11'{ "'cr\' dtffcrcrn. For mosr demons. the In.-bIb.!, to readily access their doCCI)t".~1 IlltmL~ri~~ ~$ extremelv frus.[rarIB~, le's ;I~ If ,hl.:!: mcsr htlpnmlnt parts d ~'t'Llr 111111'11 r.nd iJ-I,;-mll}' werelese In EL meum! ((Jr.,:, (lilly rl(:oCrlsioo;:lll), glimpsed In day-ro-davllfe. A demon stili knows rhar ahe i.~ n de men, Imr with IU.'r dcmentc mcmcttes sc (,If removed ~1l{llhe rucrncrtes li{ her 11l11H;m hcsr $0 near. cQI .. fusion frcqucnrl~ sets 111. M~ln'i demons srrjve ha~d to halcl on 11;t rheit m c[nOTlcs:t:l nd gain Wc:or~r ilCC(,'~ 10 • hoe I i' P"~(, "l{~c;l1 hy Ji!;[;tnt:JnJ,l1 h':I1L (Nil} rh"'ir 11I,'Ift"'.~ Ijfuru; lboC\' cry tll c.ll'Ibr.'l(:C tl~cir d-tlmonic mUtlrt", Othc('} l_Uf.:dirnte fot hU1I1;'l; Uf d~IY,s on {h{'u pasr:s or ancmp-r' [0 ;surrot,md th;:mSlCh'I..'Swlth relics :mddala th~l mlghtjul~ lhdr rnctnor[~ [0 l11].: $uri;u:.e.


ln [J1H~I,Lcgtlcy 5C'rYCs as 'Ii II'ril' for your character nor ~'nl~r tL)J1c~h our her dl:I1H111'S ,i'::'Hlry ~!It m learn new and uSC!(HI ifj,((Jn·l)'l~jon lhHI will atd her O\'''~T the ';OL!1"W cf rhe chronicle, Your nvel in the court might have a weakness thar vou could rt:'m['rnb~r. or ftlll miglu be able to rccII11.hiJ,: lIJCtLtlllnl)(" cacheofrelics 1T~~m rbe A)o!:e or Wr.Hh. Snrnct-im~ the sigiu of 3 kx: .. nto» or u demon's face 1.5 enough co ",'rim-lint a l;,,'~aq+ roll if the Stol"\l'tdJcr I'Qcl~ iT''., :lJ'lrmrrblh: .. Mute often, ~'()II'II ;lsk rl-c SlllrYIe'lk~I' if YUll om t.QH l~g'IC)' 11,.1 get tnformaucn for your character, Accessing chcsc memories might be II Simple task. or II could

~~~t~~ h~~rb~~~~cl"er lu .~I'end tIIUC! rm:Jl~"lng or


The best \~'nv m increase LCI::;l(:Y i:o, rbi'r)lI;l!h din.'(t expcrlence-e- the more your chnrseter tries to remem~Jel ht:r iXl."~. rhe more she's likely [Q get berrcr ut IL Ob"it),.nll'. if }'01."rc mekmg :I legacy roll In cvcrv scene, your character I~gcLrinl.l pll,;J11~ of (lr,ll;ti(;\l', hut thee can seart C!J w.:f holing nrc~r u ..... lnlc. [I 'e more Intcf\.".stln~ ro smtr fleshtnn our the process h~ which ~'nllr ~hl'lT1lo:tc-r3CCCS5("S lwr mcmottcs. Docs s:IH~ med][8.[('011 her P;)SI! Sllhl1n":I'}.,~ hf,;rsdfln vtsions (or hours ar a urne! POl'\! ob~~sh'd" il"~T volumes of occult lore IPl1k.i11J5; for urwthjnn th.u jo~s her mCl!"LCif)'~ Come lLjl ,virl, :1 (:mlplc of remembrance nrunls r+,jr )'our chmacreTI methods she LI:' til fU(;l)t!o ~II~ her PfI:,t. You mi.glu even osk the ICfrvrcllerir y~lI.JCIl' pluvouaasccncfrcru vour chnructer's paSlI1S n flashback, which HIves four St.ul)·tdkr an excellent chance tcforcshadowoeelaborate Oil Ihc current sterv,

A common side effect thnt 0([('1) nccompamcs nn ~ncn.:;I:!.c in b'g.l'lcy is a d ismncm.~ {ram d1l': demon 's host and the morral wl~rld:_ There's (ml~' so ImJ~h space In the humeri mind (0(' memories, nrul amuc demons actually h~<! ~1111'1L! or rhelr hcst's rn morlcs in order to make room fur dwlr U\"I\ p..~:'L Mt)re common. though, is an erncuonal disconncctlon From [he: host as the chnractcr rOCU'i~~ more- nu her demonic udc. t\ Jt:I11-(.il1 wleh 11I14l'1 LoI.'!~ilcy can ftnd if l-arder rind bnrdcr eo cnnunnutcnte wilt, rncmrds, who dOI~" 'IIOU'!;! h!;r 'I';I~I memoncs and demeure pcrspecuvc. $11c.h hil!h~Lt'g\\c'~' cbnrncters rend w 'I",.";(~iatl; more \\ Ith other-demons, and can become soctallv i.Iwk\\';ml WIth morrnls. Some demons cornplctclv ebandon [heir connecrlons with c.hc mortal u'Orld .md lIvcsold\' amml:!!: dt!mcJn5, Yourchnrnc:tcr mi.ghtourgo rhi..!; Far, bur:shc'!i:~[rillikely rClI·I .. '1 iljtl) problcm:s.whcn lntcr3:crlngwirh mlJrtal~ M wllh hel no:st"s mcmorlC-s anJ 11rest~'It'. Tht!.;;~ pl'oblen~iI COm manifC:H .. I> penalties 10 Sudal :rolls whcll dC:"llm~ with mormls. m her other B;lc:kw~HII1~I!;: IIHg:hc o:.nd up dmppin.H,'

I.Q~lrlG L!',G7I(~

[t'sfairlvd[fficultm lose Lc:g~c.}'. Adcmcn'smcmoria are simply too powerful, rot. mueh ,1 fmrl or h(:r Ming, 00 s.imply be {oWlrlen, but IJ dUI['rl;C(c.'r can dcvelol)dimr;:lal~i(':s. m nccesstng those memories.This ~nijfi,ll't' h;,'Pp<:'I"I:! when <I character neglects her demonic side incrdcr rofocuscn her inrcractlcn wllh the morro! world. A demon rhnr r.~~ toc eaugln lip in the llle urbt,:.T host, rnrclv nccesslng bet mcmoncs of Hell or the A,ll.~ (I( Wmth, mi~h[ find those memorles sinkj['\gc\rcniurlhcril'ltJr.I.!'f~L1hcnl'1~il~lI.sJ[ldbecO[l1r Lng even more- tfiAk.ull to :1(.(:. ~ '1-~ TIle Sroeveellcr g!';n~.[llly decides if such is me case. If yllll (Iont, illlt:mfll" ,In)' L.:!:.'JiI.:",y roll, for ee v eral Stufr~. or ~""4-'Ul' character ncglce[~ [111:.- JCITL01'1L': ~iJ'I: M~t:rs~lIto focus on her mortal career, ~I~e I~L~~hl I(WI:: d...,t~ in L(..'gflq', Tf,~ torvteller rlJl~hL nlso reduct jour character's i.J..'1:(1C;Y l<1\iug if you botch a Legaq' wll - ytlllr character mi,glu be MJ ovcl\vhdfm:~1 hy lh~ force of n p;m'~III~1 mC"ll1.(lIj" Ih;(1 sh~ subconsciously bloch acr.:r;.~~ from thnr point.

A l"!clllc.(:cll.J,;~;u;y roltin,;, Ll5l1tlliV bril1lV' I,I,lirn it a ~t'()\\'in~ ':nt'l rll~iilti hcrwecn rhccharacrcr's morral and demonic rdennrv. Demons. areu'r [muuju, uurkc no mlstekc, but: Lht.), live Im.lde rhe minds and souls ''If their h08l. s. ancl 1I1P"i't demons we-ntiry with their hose I{) .uleasr smne extenr-c-mkingon board clemcnrs of their ho s r's pcrsonnllrv after p"~t::!>5-itJ1l" A", W.XC!iS ,-C) the mcrnorlce of her dl!mm1.jc l!!'I:l~liCU(~ lird<, the mcruortes cf Yrl1lri,:lmr;u.:.u:-r\bl){>t rend to gro\!o' setongct. It~ extreme (. .. see, these mortal memories might overwhelm a demon to, he pclnt where she fnr,gels hertC1I1 narurefor a pcdod ofume, tlvlnf,:0ul II,;: lffeofhcr hLJSI. M(l'C llkulvsbesrtll remembers who and wbeeehc IS luu (o;:cl;:; more ccmfcnublc wit] .. mortals rhau wtrh orbcr demons. This mlgnr lend '0 her 1 'j, f'{'IWlf~~ h.r;:r.o,.L:M further lnrn her hQS-l') Ill<!nrl~\1 :rlullif~t)'lc [possibh (auSin~ful'rher IO:i$(lrLe~~I.;y).IO!irn~ (l'IcC' and favor In the courts (lr even $\Iffcring penalties {O 5.')(:131 solls when Imcracrtng with ether demons.


A mcnmr l5-;t r{;l11',...,llcr chnrnctcr who h~iIo cnkec ~our charaetee u nder her v."in,g. Ml'11Jt uppmpriace mcutCtN nrc (dlow demons- one wiser, benet strunrcrl or Ilimply more powerful man ,'our ctmrncrer, ",hi) is wmht~ Il) :ud 111;r 11, ht;r ~'lde,p v ors, \V~d) Srcrvtellcr f.!1'pn) va l. l'UI".I; mentor could be a mortal, bur !:hi.!. ii:. rLlrt'. :Such a ChilrFlctCr \vnuld have to I.::n(l.l'.' ::;..::nncthiLlf: about me dcmonl<.:_ c(JHcillLon .mel Yot;Jllr d~IH"~u:r'::f .!r.::t:rc I.:.. Clllkcl\';rilly, ,I m~I[·tEll nu,"ntQr Tn igh r not:k:now th.11 ~'OUl' ch;lr.'Ictt;r iii £1 dcwon, blU- .su<:h a mC1lI:oI would hi.1Vf' very Ilmi[cd abllines loald your Ch .. 1rot:[l2':r. Ef 'four char:u::cct· Is an tlP~~tlJ--el)mtnlt b~t$h1~"lT1[j1J1

who's.guided bvan established L: nrrepreueur, she could ,ktss~{~' ;):;';1 mcncor, btlt sl-e'd QI'Llt' hCQb11.': [0 aid him in rnnrtn] (1!~lnr:;.i;!8 nnd pollrlcaand would have rc kept In the dark Hbi:m.- her PWft:g:t:'s double life.

The primm)' SUf.<PUr'~ rh;lr H mentor givcf> is usually advice and informarlon. TIle merucr will h:wl.'! bcucr knowledge and skill rn ~r)(':r:;:in(: <'I.r~IH than voucchaeacIL:r nrtd can aid hlm kn these areas, lf'vonr mentor Is n ~Vl5C: Plcnd with a In:-I.;\l(:ry r.;l,hc occult, she might be uble ro tell you how to dcstgn a s"lImmontn~ nrual Of where roftnd an :'1m:;l.:.flt.\rtir-:t(;.t. Mentors with greater I)(\W~t and ml1uencc, whether in the: demonic Of mona] spheres, mJI!:h.t 31.s11 b..:nJ 1I~lt power to v our cheracr e; er's ;:'lid. 11~~ St(iryfi::JIc..--r decldca on rhe Bockgrounds your character's mcruor po.~M~!JSL);:;;. If these Bar.kgrrn.lnJ!> ure 1-";::1 rl;:;r eh'l n )'(101It cbnmcrcr's, he m lghr be uble '[0 make usc or rhcm on occaelen, Your chame .. -terrnigluol'Il)' have RI!'1it)\lreti; 2. but be can make usc o his 11\!;"nro r 's (VUT dors [11 Resources - .hou~h onh' occasjonallv, 1111d 1)1'11~'lr she ;-tppm"'-(;)5 ofhow he wants It.') ~"M:.:l~,l her It!Clt'i-l;:~'' Sum..:: rare mcruors lTIlghr cake nn active role nlongsidc rhc Chnnl(tt,,:l'-fir.:h(ln~ h,' his slde, ereaung l'ni1gicl'tl devices tor his usc- bur th is is .sold), arrhc Sromcll cr's rhscrct U)I~. MC'nllJ'~gt"nl,"'r,-.lly JOI\'t mkl!'Sllcl1 nn acnv role - that's ['he pttrposc~l( allies - but the ror)'tcllcr mny allcn ... ' this If il enhanccs [he SI()I'Y.

Mentors help their prO[-i!!:t~'s for m::-my rcosces.

Scmc mentors respect or CVC'(I love tht:jl"dmlY~; ,:§(JIU1\:' need a It:.e(1I1 a~t;;l1r 11m] SJ,:C the character as hlWi.f'l,i: rotcnrial: some-dislike or even hate rhelrchasgcs lUll need someone to perform [~l.s rhc,;v (,:)IO,.ot handle alone. Wh3r'S eommnn t 0 :Illllilcn\l;Jr~prplcgc bonds ls 111::n ~he mentor decsn'r help your chamcrce for frel..:_ Y uur mentor 1''Um:s ~i!:l," in rc (IJ I'L\ f-L~r her helpand if you call'[ providc r he lu,:ln !\on!;: needs.she'llstop supplYing ~'mj wll h her- ntiviCI: and Influence. She 11\I:ehL wan( Iiloney-. political aid. a lieutenant (or 111::1' l,IrIli.yd won.lHppcn or almosranytlungclsc-e-and sh¢<: might riot W,lIl( others 10 know l1"llI' YUlif chumcrer works for her. When veu crenre y'OllI eh1'1 rueter, wnrk \,\.llth tAO\,:. SIQry~cll,..,r La decide whar rhc chnracrcr's rd'fl icnship ie with his mentor. and waarshc wants II' rerum for her help.

a"Il'llrlGi''\r.r;T n

In order to mcreasc your chnracrer's Mentor ratLng. ~OLJ have ~u moC-l'L:ll:,l,;: the::: r.~w"-!'r, prr;;:oS(lf.:t or U'sc(uln~ or the lL'l<:;':n~ or. She n...:cdli ttl hI!'" :ibl ~ m plnoec lUCl<r(:: 11(lI\,<,gr behind your durac[c,t. 9nd rh:'l[ fnL·'-U1:!i YQ"r<;h~r.I;;t~ ht'l5 ro.send rnacpDwcr)'our ",ory. All tlu!: things you,!, cham fef Call ll,_, (.() iUI1'ru\'C. ht~ own EmIl",R~~Jlln:etnnimilln &~:rrounds 1.'.:,111 ~ll~, \\'~)rk ro improve his mentor's BackgrolU1ds..


and rhus increase hr:.T power lc's ~Ihlc char both }·~~ur cltnracrer uncl hi~ mentor Tl'1lgh~ bL.:.[II.;:lll ht.~(Q certain sets, but It m.ight 9.1:s<') b<: th~lt vour character docsn 'T ga in orqrrh!.ng for himeclffrom hts work. Evert l\i'O!'SC-, he mt~hc have to damage his own poateon in order to II; le v usc his mentor.

A1"I~~ltl:rn~ri~'L:r.:ojlfljmwlng{i)Ll"llll!:l1Ic1r.()fct)lJrse, is gctrlng ~ n;;!w Tl'I~I~Wr - on..: lil0,(: p(m'I.::~(ul end Intlucnclal than your fermer teacher, May-be there's enorher powcrin the inro;Jnil! court wi~lil1g tll13i,-d ~'(111. Me- wtrh more Influence rhau vour former recehcr ccr 1'I10lYbc vouswirch your ,dl(!gbll1CC! to ~ Tcbct demon businessman. whose powers extend [nco :I difrerc:::m \vrlfl U rh:1~i )'IJIITlI;i kl'll.:nwr'.,'i d l~l. If ~ii.llif (h~Ir.II!~L!:r (jill IIDtil1 new m~[lJllr. lie J;8J' tryw change Elllctli"2ln(.:;sf [he nc .... · i"fIlI;flr.Q('w.rJ accept i'dtn. There's 1)O;)I)nd [(I be ., pri.;;:t::1 !i!lml i~ mtghr include the bet.--aynl.::JTdL';Tluu.;i .. ~ rlon of hla f'llTnu:r memcr. It' rnlght lnetead 'or lM-rdki(:.trl{lU)') 'I[ldlld~ n .,pecial i!li~inn [nr his I"I;:!:W reacher in order co prove h.i::tloyr-tlr~· and [-(I grve hcr a reason tg nccenr him ;!;'i 11 studctu.

With ;1 more IlC1Wt::dLJJ It" ';:{lrflo(::): J<:tll:~ltd ~p!.il'~ihill1·~ f,:fr her pmt~gi::. JII:(l R!i: f\ chrrrnceer \vmil,l l-ave It I work m iliainlflll'll hi~ OWl' Ho"lii\S In power, hI.; will iT(lv¢ I{) wnr]; 1C1 !c\":c:p hi.s raeruer L·lu,c.onteJ in hL'1' new poairion. I-If!:! mentor's rlvals ",,!II, W".-!"'1~ 1,1'1 crnsenr 1~t.::I'f'(iI!'1 p~m'~r"'f'ld he'll h:I'I'l!' ELl protect h e r from thci r efforts - and pcrhnps also p~(i-~eJ:1 himSf!I(~){ Ihey rrv rc casehim dcwn In order to E,:C( ec hEiS mentor, Exrra ccmpltcauons exist rQr OJ I!h.:lr.i~~'i:r \,,1,,) 1t;IJ-L"..:!. up ~3 I'lll.,lh.: l~Ol'l'effulllloJ..:iH{tr" HI.'; m,ighl f.lm.tSi;f.lrl,;p~lt(Ltio~ as n u~~ IIL"lJ rill nprnr~ runlst; - nr W(11'81:!: - If he; bcrruycd or hLJI'[ hls old II1CnfQT_A!lId [fhl$ fmlner mentor i,<. ii.titl ilrOll!,d, -1ihe mighr. be lccklng for -:'I chance at rc'I-C:I\~.'C,


JUSl:LlS. ~'aIJJ chamcrcr call Jose his. own policical powc.-- and h .. Hu.:::.["I((:, so 100 can nt:i. reenter. Thl:s ':;"IIn hll(lp(:rl fer rt:IL~L"rr1S ¢')trlr1C::L-cly !)L11:;;ldl! Jhoe (;h:iU7!r.;I~r's coerrel-c-ereerall. the meruor ts a Scorvrcller charscrl;:'--I'IIII() cun rnnke hee own mbl,lke!\" Y{:1 [hen: ore also rh.::[l~y of \~';.)~ il"lI Ivhich ~ho.: dIJ;.Ui\(".rl·r·~ lIL':ti(lI,,, (' .. 11 Icru..l [0 l~c!I' menror's downfall. su-ch as a failed en(leo \I(~r, :{n sec rL::L rold ['0 rhe wron,g p<'ffiDn or :;; i mp!y l"IC'gl0C-[in:l" [0 m~lmBi[l his be-nerncror"5- {<:trnt~ -efwcr ri !'-'d '{, Thl! mcmor (:.1] Is. clown. [he I .. adder of luflu(![1c(', llW.I )'QlJr oCh:;m_lt..:tli::r {,Ilh <!.I(lllg t\' Lll, hl,:r.

1l~L: 1.!h.;;!tClJ:.r.L:!/:!j Mtnmt t':~ril~g C:ll'i. ;11:!io f"fill If he (.h)II'1~"I!3 N a I'L(:\',' bclH.:fO'lCrorwho t..'l-less-I)Q'rN'I:!:rilil an.d GlP<lbll!! [h"n hisfurIT.IoJ..'!rmo!.:nt(1r. Hemigllrnil .... ·down bC:CJ'lUlil:' Illi/5 f::JIh::n from ffivrtr w~th his l~ld II(::;lchcJ'.l(h-c doc:..~I1·[d(l C'IHlu,gh comce:c h~r Ilc.:cds, s.h.:: m!~hr.$f)L]m hIm Fetl' ~~m-wrt(' who 'l,',l'jll. The clemmlon

might :;:t15a be the resulc or political mancuvertngs c- 1 hL: ll'!t:n,C)r IT·Light hewe rclc r yrJLI.-- Ch~II:1C'ct.:O I n n rdcr 00 kl~oJ;'!l) h~~ power. H~ I"!li~hl ~\!'~I' ,\·lIljr"l{(I'f'J:hllng~ rc a less powerful mC1:"ICI:1T ifh-e nus <:I barter relarionshtp with the new benefactor or lf she cnn pruvidc a dificrI;nt" klll~1 of :).'i-$[s-rm·1CC:.

rThcr-c\, one: ether reason why your character might lose: Mcnrm docs.of course - the death of his 1111. .... raor. This \I,·,ndcl n:!TIO\!f; ~ rilL; dor.s In rhc e~lck~Iound,unl~ h~ find:r;a n~w'l"~~~Ljor 10 fill rbe \!uid.'

A loss ij~ Mentor b:rtnM I:yilh It: a loss In socl a J power nnd posi non. <'IS rhe chu meter con I"IQ kltLgt'_r. benefit 'So much from his benefactor's iniluencc. There arc (cwL-r epnons now, !1InJ VOltr.: baeec [J:' r wi!'l have to 1C':'Irn re rely more on his own ablltnes and resources. [t's quare h~,d}' l.h:II:: lus IIICllll';tl· w!11 b,;: br-ccr abou ~ her reduced oJ;,jTl;l • .I!1 ~rR!'f.:I:~:;::] 1,<1 1:.'1 k I,'" Il ur e:ngc.·r ()ILI[ (lJ'I him - perhaps even sabcragtng his endeavors W rcneh him a lesson. If the loss il'i raring was caused br 11 dmnge [0 :11c~ lnflacnrinl mentor. che cbnmcrcr is likclv to anmct ,I, 1\'ll'lI~~1'km .I.;! F.I rllnUn~(lI' iI11"lbllir~-m perhaps a fool lfhe was chc i rtS.rigntOI" cf ehe d~'II'];@:I!.


Th~BRd(~OU'(lddl!'t('T[ninesluH'" Itl9I1Y'P'"ICr.-;-Y'l1UI" character has csrabltshed {u r.h~ Sfll-1'1 Df me I:hrcmid ... -. Th .. " c b.H· pi1r~ b; lrnpormn r, and it menus (nm Pacts is d~ffbrT.:rLtoJ,!Twugh from rhc f',~hJ::r Demon l~~d,q,.::n')Linds tb~t it wnrmnrs 13. scpnrnre diSf.:-UV;iI)11.

alher B(h:::":::rounds ca n be i 11CF(:~od with c:x pest'::[1C('. points, but Pacts am', be Increased in !H;;. WOlY. Once the chronicle has ~un. 'Y-ClUT churacrer ,,1[1 ruakc nell' E'aL.:~" (JILb h'JI ('ifiC:r[I'II!I 3 mortal !"3'1'm-5. in return for Paitlt ,(~L"! the Deuton core rules. p. 252). N("w pacts ~inetl In this 'Il:ihi,o:n dort'r lncreuse rlu:

Pacts Background - rOW keep 8 !'" rr"l:l)rd (If lhQ5C: new ",],,";) lls u.n,d the terms of U:Li:: agreement '[hey hnve with vcnr cbaracree;

The: r~crs. Background '_(l~ decrease. bur [hi!

W1')!1"' h:lpp..:i'i v c:r~' cfrcn. The Back:;rmmJ won't deertt.:l~ ur .. IO':~--:;] voulose sc m:lll)l lhmll:'l-through death or a brenkmg of vour chamcrur's p;l~C- th~t you hnvc f;:o,wcr n:rnainjn.g pat:t$ Ih::m ~hc Pacl:S FOT t.::.::~mplo.::, !lay YJ:iolJr .:harael·.::r !lr:U[$ lh~(hr(ll'iich~\vilh (l~,(:.t~ 1 ~h.l,!ll g~l~tLS.iiI~~OLhc::.~ three paccs-.durlng d"l~ collrs.e mrnc .!}1Irne., Dming [l.;;ri.sis, ()FLC' c.(he-r orl~inaJ [hrn[ls dLC~~ :and rwo,{][hcl"S bn:ak meir P;)cts_ Ald10ugh o!"lr.: ~)( rhl,: ml:!:llnill rh~::ills 1;,1V~r~,'-J bl' the P.oe.ts. 8.<i(:k!1!rvll~\d. i$~{jm. ~he !ojdll has. ( ..... 0 pans in plElc~.;sQ her r:::JC(S rmi..n:;:l docoi' n"t i!lCGI.?:1sc. If she- lo0.e5 OI'lI.:. more thrall for SOnll! roC;)$DL'l, her B,tc~~rr{JI,II'ld "'Ill JrC[1 b~' one - and if rhJ: lA~t (J1l<;; ~I;I~ <I~ wc:li. she IQ:'--~ c.he 13::Jckgn.1I1IKI

complcrcly. Thls (ml:-slda.:dncss ls [usc one reason why «(C,IWI1$ should protecr their rlualls from danger and make sure 'tha( paces nrcn'r hr(lb:;.n_

\'ifht!:t\ l'l)U~r~.n:y(\LJr..:::harR.Ctcr. glvc some thought sober !;~b;[ill~ pacts. Wh onre her drmlls ~ Whm to che nature of rhe aareemenr she has with t;nd'l One! How J ld she come corla L5 agrecrnenr In the first pl,i.1(:el \V1w [ JOel! she h~vt:' rc dn co ~ct.:'t:'I up hce end of [he bargain 1 Do cnher demtm-'i know .. hour these! PQc[s'~ How docs she prorcct these thralls (rom her enemies!


AH demons hnve the capabtltrv ro perform cvocaucus, InfU'LjPlIltdillJl rhc a;1rnc~ nnd kltn.dt~r cf reality itself through their lore. A d1i1~Ir::u~;rwil''' du! P:urt;!!l1n Background is- s muster of her prim a "" lore. She 0'l11 u:s.c: her mvscleal knowlcdgc so skillfully duu ~11~ r;lrJ:ly fi-liig. 1"0 evoke the lore as she chooses. A rharacrer with 9 high Pnrngon 1'1 In~ ",]'1 use her prhnarv lore more frcquend}" wuh litlle risk of losil1~ Fauh or LII\controll:-1bly evoking the high- T ormenr tftcttlitJrllle LQH,!.

h's worth noting rhar Paragon covers vcur chnmcter's J.lir.r w!lh hl!rprlt'1lary lore, nor the fX,IWl!'T o( her e v oceu tens -I h ru depelltiS('" h~lW m:m'r' dots ~hc bas U'I the lore- i(~c-I{" A clurractcr wifh a l1il!:l~ P:u:1j:lon r::1.rlt1~ bur 3 low rating In her primary lore

can evoke only minor ..:f(e rs, hill she can de so with an ease and control [hat a demon with more raw power can only ;;;:1\\,)'. A clcmrm wh.h hlR;h tminB.:i In borh Paragon ami her lore Can tin nlnnur rlrL'Illdnn \\'ill~ her e"('II:;tJril"tn_~.

Cbl~I~~C~·Cr$ with hi~h Paragon ratings ofccn become very conflderu \\'jth their e .... ccnnons. AFIe:r ~1.I, they C. .. an rifford rei use mtnor effects whenever the)' like, with no ri!iL. of fsllure Or uncorurclled cffects. More powerful evocations still COSt Faith to usc, of course, so jour character \\'r)tl't LIS rhem 50 rt:~dl[Yt butlesser evocations can be: used almost c;:t:5"L,I~,lly. A ~ki[Itd Soourgeufrhc. ElIlI"'I:tall!el'ld~hl :ll\,';1~'s be surrounded b), breezes and \vi.nds. a skill ed M;f!! c:F.1(;[\'ir or, I~.: A IILtl ... 'i.~:lJ;"L: lllw:lYS takes tbc bCSlI and C3!:;I C::5L. pnch ro her dcstlnnricn .• ~ high P';.1lIt!'9nmllngu~I,l!Chul'Lr;k.t!C\t(KaI Ions. mere rcltabtc.bue icdocsn'cprotcce the cbaructcr from the side effects n( ,~\'ol:h'l~ her lore. Mortals will still bc ar nsk of Revcknlo» If ~hcr \.\'ltm.";$S..m CV>l,c::,l~ don, nnd ether demons wlll,:l' ill I)\,: "hie ({J JC[OCl your character when she uses her power.


Pracucc mnkes perfect, urrd the best wuv W I~~ corne berrernr using your-lore is rouse tr on (L regular beats. A eberoctcrwbo I.!: ... -ekcs hc:rprlnt:\r1' loec ofrcn, who experiments with dHfcri;ht uses or her- cvcea-

[Lon. is likel.,. 10 improve her P3rngon rflr_h~~, M:.1ny pmcdccs [h.':l[ help improve Iicr Iorc could ~lS4.) imf'l'tJ'J(,! Ptlr:1g<11' (see Lore. p, 64. fnr d""l'~I15:)_ Frcquenc M:l.1I1'r1j11 ton LJf 'ht; chnracrcr's 'lp0C.fll},pt1-1; forrn could nlsc assist ln lmprovlng Paragon. A character's prImary lore 15 mere dmn jl15-[;1 magical power she can usc - u forms !J IIwj0r parr of her tdenurv and nhtllrlcs :fiJl n denton. A demon """]10 mauifcsrs her revelatory fonn Is Ihiml!r"'lh~ h..::r.!iclf 1.11, the power ,uf hl.!r prilll;lf\' [ore, asul Ihm ertri. i1~1 ~11~1'ii. h~1[1~ her capnbtltrv rc evoke (hat lore.

13cct)L1~ t)ilht~bf,..d bt;rweel~ Ihl! t;;:h~r:'t.c.'(:r'5.prj- 11l:"'~' I~)fe nnd h~r Jr!I11'-1nic n;I!Hr~. ::!fl im;~a.i;t;! in. P~1r.:JgOIl can also lend OCJ some changes in pcrsonnltrv for thecharactcr, A..5 ahegrc ..... ~ SUUL~'1!:r tn her demonic ~bi I i~ic3', she l'Ilil!:n r grew 111 ere disruru (:1"';;:111"1 her mortal hilLr. lrmrtersed ill Ihe ~bb OIildl1pw d C[t:;.lliQll, tlu:~ 0;;1 mracrer bCJ.[im 19 think in renns otT rue Names ~md ovocadcns, rather than paydays and fumit ics. She m.ghr b<::~LI~ to lose herconnection wlrh her hv s r's 1:lfc: -I:)r with I1mrtEii~ tn g;;:n-CFI l. A 1l(l[heJ risk i. .. O .... ercun fidenec.If the chamc rcr becomes blast- or casual ebou r evoking her lore, she m i£h r inad v errern! "! sl-eek rnormls In Revc lnnon.Orher-demons ffilgh t seck ropurush her-fur attmct jl1~ unwnntcd morral atrenricn, und th","1' III igh\: (jnll i t eus~ ui tr.Jck h er ~knvt1. following ehc echoes of her manv cvocaelcns.

Lo.'II"l<.l Pl\~i\('()11

h's r..-n' (.oru,...:h.r,mnC;"I"':>rar." T.iuing '0 F~~Il. You donrjusr (o-["get howrcpcercem a skill. nnzl e hat's even , more: true for Paragon. Afrer nll. the charaetee's capal~ilil-y wlrh hur prtmnrv lure is n cenrral port {If her demonic IUI11Jrrt'" In IT!J!! C[J;SC-li, th-oue:;b.::t. character ralls OLl[O( praceiec WI! h her cvccntlcra, ro d't,c 1)1;1 i 1\1 where ~ he cannot ~ieri~lj"ll~ Ih".!lll wi ~h Ii er forreer ~ x ~"-FI~_ 1 r the character ~Of'S for a long time wuhcu C evoking he r primarv lore, she In ighr end up losing does of Paragon. This Ii.'illpp..:n::. if liht:':!) prevented (r~~ln t:'v(lkJfl.y.l~t::r lore - p!!rh~'Ir. :-:hc',,, i ~I pl'lSt;:wl ~,! fLlt' II !lll\g!. pctr[Jo.d [n~! _mill rrop heC'"Ch<~pl-t;'[ Fi ..... e furdeCH.ils) or bound by:[! pil'l:r that focbi,cls hcr [0 U~ h;::r Imot.::. AL10lher pQS5ibHiL"'l' b Ilia[:! tlclilC!1i bcc.omC5.5t) bound up in 1["ln.g;3 mortal I.r-t..: rhT't ~hl;'!liltlpl,· d~rL·~I,.I1't: h~rlt:t~ '~r II 'L't::J}' klt1J;:. JX'r~oo - re [hllP~ ~eveml 'p'e{lx.s,

Illlhc c\·,nl lh~t ~'!lll1--ch.."'r:~.ct(;rdo~3 !~d(!.ts Or Pt.1f";I~'fJI1, irQlll Icad 1~-l l\mj()r '!j13~t~ i tl hr;;:r pl.::r;iiO-ll~ I ill'The loss. mearu [h3iL :she grow.:; mQtc cHsUlt.nt from her primacy wre:::m.d ,I;sagc riM grO\Jr'.5dOSl2 r [0 rheid~L"t.rj I y ft cld p(::r$t1l1ill i'L)· (If h~r 11 lL!ll [!.l1 ho~t _ Her ronnel" ,I,; x:P(:r"" tis,: r~,de~ irl.t~) ~h<: fClg, pr:::rh§lP'1' :il1-t,mg with hr:r v~r mc-moTicsofh[!:r demonic: (,:-l:i:!.!Cn.{"e'. A 1Q!lS In P;;:grngcm ecruld casead~ inmol f'3ll in LC:liaq' find perhaps a..dmp ill rmincncc ~ rhc d,;:u~c.tcfdd(r~ 'roo hU frrtm I,cr cl.;nu)nh:. h:l-!;'l't~it~'. Othcrc.h:mt1n;;; lilT<: Ilk<:h' il'to \··it;;\\I:II


character whose- expcmsc has (:[Idea Wll:h suspicion. Even Ir she I~~'~ be;gun se I.,h::nriiy wil[h her hose, th .... "I"·r~ hkclv to bullcvc ~h"l~ sh".! !'.a.q be .. "!t I;;t~rrur-rcJ 1,)' mortnl] ifc, I.'!'h lch Illi~hl [n~Jlil1.: [-hem to.send I,er b,I,ek to I-I cl! ro.r recducerion.

fl.E.30iJ IKI="'S

)'fJII[ d~:'Ir.'It.::tl!r·~ Ht:$c)IJJ"(ti;:S fJ;)(:k~ro~lIld measures jusrbow wcahhv he rs. Rcscurccsdoesn'e juar focus OJ\ ensh ;lIid tmrlk :;;l(I.'l:tHI'r..~1 thl.lLjJll"t.j Ir ... lso ~\'Cr;. I'~~ i(h:~ r.1I:;IC;"rs i1l.(l'lrne, jt~b, in"~ L'rI1~IU". lilJli [t::'. ;'i~ts~lIld useful equipment - anYlhing and c v erycl~in.f;l: [0 do wiIIIIIL~1nt"y_ Atm"*t:111 chru-acrers will I\'I' .. I(::U lenar a "lot or two in Resources - Lt'~ [ust tcu diffi'l:ut. 10 livein the- modern world ~ .... lrhoure source of lncome and a r~lQf over )'nlJl"hl;:'t,~1. SI, ill, scree -c.h!)J";"!c~t;r!l n re fQJ'C(:{1 .0 Hve ..... ithout mr.:mcy, r:rwnirlg I~J:<t rhetr cloehes nncl :1 Ii nl eeash. SUi: h n· rcr mighr be horne lese, R child dependenr [~11 hi ~ parcrus, an escaped prjsoner or :'I rd~'J::lC;'!~ from tilt' Third Workl.

If your eharncrcr docs [rave dots III RL:MILITi:U, youshnuld think about what rhac TIlting rcprcseno J11d haw [he. charncrcr'a flnances shape hls Inc. [usr like in the: I~~'II world. your lnccrae and lob r1t't,y ~1 llug c part mhcw you live. [~)'otJ\Jr ch;Jr:l,ctc."["hl~~ 11 low or medium Re:KtiJfccs-r-dCil'lE:. chhmeens hc peobablv [1111< n [ob (!btJu~h he n .. i~h[h(! II'lllf:t~1)n a smnll rrusr fund O[ scholorshlp as en !lltOCITHHh'e l. Think about JLI:;'C whnr he docs LO make ends meet :.100 what demnnds that job mckee ("111 his !if;;; und hi:idt.:mcI11(. ac rivit ics. A c haracter with high Resources is Uk·ely to he b~dr.:l't.:.fI.Jt.:r'llly wt:~lld1Y, llla,~.!~iI~g ;1 corpornrlon or Hvrng on the ,li\!icl-t;:l1d s cf hts j[1\·;.::::tll1~nl:::_ Still .. cerraln responaiblllrice come with wc-al[hr~~m InjJ rf! $h::n'e!1( ~hll!:rs I In;, k1IL~ [11 'llii!:~!'I[lC n r dectsions, or GI~ll'l:1 the J"H.,'-t:'(Is;t)f your ~mlty -,,:u.d }'()LJ .. hQuid ch[nI.: abour the demands made on vour

\"2(~'lrh., eharruaer. .

The ma 11.1 usc 0{ Resources in rhe chron ide is, of '::~~Ir!)-f', to bit,' Ihil~~~: weapons. equqnnenr, {a v crs, f:'=!.r:re~, flll[C::S1Ind tlnythlt1~ ('he ~tmt (:tltl bl;; lJQ~'ght t1r ;,ald. Rc-si"iurC'C:",8IsL1 ~hl't~c ,IQIJr ChJlimt:::~f':s ;S{1I.Illlutd ~"f ]i'lilfl~, wh[~h. \\Illl tri!.: .. :.Ii{',., h(Jw cllhl.!:r p.eol)!e creac him. A rich enameler wHl hi:1\'o!l litde IToublc ACHing lL'"t1fl ~xdU:i!vC nlgfu-duM or wiLming [he mspcn (lrllnmJml~ (Lmd brioiJblc) publh:: ~lrfir;hds_ A poor eharacce-r mighc be b:)[[cd {rom .;;:m('rin~ [hI!! h:3vens of rho('; w.e::1l~hv, hllr he h:;,~ ~ bttrt::1' c.hal~..::(:-of m:FIk illt: USCf~1 ~ GOrl.--(:;~t inn:; w 11·h l h~ di';;ot,;n (rf!n.:;:htst;J :md orhcr.s who rC-.5cmlhc wcall[b'l' cUte. With \"Ollr Slm'lI!1..:I[<!:r'~ i't::tmi:;:~r(~n.1 'i0u 1:"A'ghr I)C: :<Iuk ~!I oc.ea:siCIl'l:;) ll'll,tSe R.e:!;oU"~~'t'-;:ll n pbee I') r v~her J..k1clcei"Oll nd:'j such :111; ] l~nucnC:(3 Etnd Ccn[[lc[s) repr;;osem:irL.g '!'our ehal~tX::s L'i-i' hLlying informadon t.jt a:5s.i:s.m.ncc.l{ \'our


Srorvreller docs ullow !tHs.~llc'", ltkclv ru pur a Ilmlr on whnr aid ~'O"I I;Hn hll~'. \Io'hk~h will pmbf.l:bly Increase [he dlfflculry of ::my assoctrucd dice rolls for U~III~ the Boekground,

G;\1ISI:';,1T1r...'iO<lno:, ,

Thereerc many wr.~'! tern c huracrcr I o I ncrcasc.hls 1!lCt5(.,u:,1 weahh nnd standard of living. A character with ulv\\' Resources Ill' In" cali. get a bcucr job (or simply get a j ... ,h), cr he can \V1Jrk tnwlltJ:I ptufilorion. In his current posit! n - p ,ibl)' by working bard. rt-~Ibl~' by bbc:krll~i(I[\J.:hj!;supcriors.. He also has rhe uption or d'l'~·d'Jpin~ ;1 stock fR"Irrf.,lin, filkln~ on n lOOOO~d job. running criminal ~;:imu ('1[' I'hl': ~lde - t1tlythln~ people could rr'{ In I"CEI,I II(~ l5 .. I pcsslbl .... ~'PJlliQlI fm Vmlr eh .. racrct. Felt chnracrcrs wlrh high Resources. ii's p~~h;]rr.;.:l llnjc mme: dlfficulr - the difference i:J<"'WCCIl R'I.~,mK!!S .. :111lI5 ~s. nll[(Jl }Lr~:m,!'f dun me dlficrcncc berwcen Resources l ilInd 1. 131,11 t:1/C1'1i Irc.uul15hilV'L' plt.'·iU't' o(ortions- mcrgcrs wnh other (\..1I11I~llli~. 1)1,1'.1 1~t!W s-eck ponfoltos, specularton cn arc and antiques, and (III (he cnr i1~ld IhrLI:~! vI In.lnl~ and hl!~h finance. Anernprs 110 increase m; ulrl!;;ld" I. ~h f{O:;!J(llli'CL'S rar I til:/. em I provide lots of l");dlil1g rolcpl .. yin~ nl)pl:)rrun[II~. (ull IOf IllrrlgLI(" ~Ilw.jr..rllg and deceprion.

Another pn~:>ihll.: :.olllr(:~ of an Ini:!:~~!M' in Rc- 5(JIIP';~'S is: ~ oJ1lZ'~linl~ l\>i.,df'flli, YlJlJl' cbameter mi~hl win [he HFHC' lorrcrv, claim :1 reward for turning in !I wnntcd bnnk robber or rob n bank hirnseff These windf.tlb can ,~i~t in i,nprjJ,.il1~ the d'l~I",c:r..:.r'h R~sources, but they're rrlrd,' cnt'o~h (III ,heir 0\\,1\ 10 lll~ti(y an Increase. Afrcr a II, the Resources Backgrmmd III l1lilre tlm» .1I~( 1nrmc), In the bank or s.hiny new cnrz;-!t' a measure nnnt:olH~ flfidh(~\\' iUll~ .. chnmcrcr'e we:'! lrh can be muLot1l1nc.d. A bddc u sc full ... ,f::'[lIll:l, ILI(IIlL.:¥ 1:\ u:odulln rhc.shen term but ln 1111,: IMg term, Ihill 1I1[,)f'Li:\' will 'I)~rdsh mto bills. expenses and spending sprees. Whxlftliis I'u.:cd ItJ he rumcd into investment LIl order to l-ecorne :l pc;ml;..I~ ncnt Increase In RCsOllrCL~, PUbnp5 a mere c:x:cid~ 1~'tC. fliT ~ueh wII~ ... I(all.;; L"I,,~hn1 r-eerm gains- usc it to bU)f new equlpruem ami items. brtbc inrl)fllmnl;S or rake a well-earned vaca 110['1.

h'd I .... · I"LI;~ if :;In h,er~l~ in income ::jlmply made life easier, bur such 5impl~1 i5n'~ the case. An illo;;l'~f'lSCIn Resources brings wirh lr a "'holl.! new .shilC ()f req'lOnsibilitic:t '"lntl rrt,I,ll:II·,S. The 1n~.l"L!.' IrLoncy" you have. [he mnre lhing:5),(')u 1;11]) ;o.pcnd rhil"ullltt!!)i 1.}n,UiJ ,he n'Hlre:Yt'il hat~[o!ip~l\d that monev. Th~n!:;ItI.: fnn!'tJ(,"I.:e!'o, cx('!C!'nse~ bills, crooir cardft'csanJ 3 whol;;:: hl).S[ CJ( (lllu:1' C(~I!\... h::lrotc;tcrs With JIlbe; h~\'c r" keep working Ht thusc jol,.. t-l' k{,t!p rht! l'I1~nl';'" et.:m.\lf'L~ In, lind {lm~C' W1 [h "ElSt forrunes netd t{J e-rl1plo~. \! ,sm(f' ~~~ m(Lml~eo thC::Lr hus; Il-e:;s, On mp of c11C hcm'ioch;;::s .(If

malnrairungvour wealchccrueean in¢'(;~;.¢d '''i,,!blli1;:"\', EV(>f1 characters with mcdesr 1n(:I)II,c,o;(;;II~ 1l!('cc.ITl'C rhe tllr~t uf, h lcves, wh ilt.: rich eharucters call be hounded by Ill;': !:.ull~t:[~lt;.,~lr journnllsrs who wuut eo rcpcrc ort the l~\'.e:s. d,he rich und fBl110ll5.

IA'II~(l RI:'~Ollr.(r..S

Un{tlrt;IIn:;I[t!I~'. it's much easter [0 lose money dum [t is to gain It. Characters with l()\\' 1{.;"!\mJre.t~$ can lose ",hal lnrlc money [hey have ru a \\Ihol~ hu~t uf W:I~'$. MI.'gg'njpj. uncxp .... OCI c ..J mcdtcul bills, theft, htllll:o!l.: firC'~,.1 UI!!I~OII!;m, ~cuin,~ l'ir\!J, "011"11,,1\, lu~inJt yourwal ((!I and credit cards,., the lin goes On ~ml uu. Look 10 nil rho flnnnclol dangers end pirfnlls in ram 01""]1 hf'~ - ...: v r.::rl' UI"~ of Ihll:\-L.: Imlbll:.I"~ could f".I1 "[;I,m yonr -;;h1lr;;lol,;L-~~r. Richer elurraerers can w earhcr tboscsrcrms with impunity, but rhevure [:In,').' to their nwu r~nanclal dangers, A wealthy character might he wiped 01.11 in a srock mnrkcr crash orhnve his accounrunt CLnl1ei;;:l<: fJ'Q1n him. He could be II'llle-led (01' rnx fraud, have [0 hqurdatc a cts co prop up lus fililm:g ;::'lll1P:lI'lY (Jr lose h; his wealth In n disastrous dlvorcesettlemenr.

A rcducr lon In. Resources might not happen o\!crtij~bt~ In (n-c!, Ir'~ Imlch mere I ikel~. to occur in smgee, All It rakes i~ lor vour character to spend n llrrle more than he (an afford. write I Iff his cnr d~'fing ~ high speed chnsc or gcr burned on nn ill~1 anus deal. Sl,Iddetil'r' ,'hI;Il!'S nut et'tol,lgb ready cash [('I p3V the 1nQt\g<lge or bril-e ! hI;:' desk M.!I'gealll fll.u Informari n, and you have to sell R few assets 10 m!'li::e t.:nd" mccr. Then you need that motorbike. pistol OI''Com· purer W IWlk.t: ;1 Ilnl1j1!, and Ihll1~ keep ..,(ldl11.g. ~d1lg his forrune run lhfO~l~h 111:) ngl.'!r~ like Iv;.UeJ'

ean be a wrrtblc thin~for'!r·oorch::mJc:rcr. Because tlus ls H precess. dl0LI~h, '{Out character enn make 11 change Hhc trlcs hard • .m{Ju,WI:t.A ll'CriOO'I(h;.rJ \ .... \111::. 5a\'~IJg or acamming could bC-l:nIlIJ~h If'! eecp the rut llt)d pull vour characrcr's fluanccs roscrher before rhe B~)e,kfl;f(nllld decreases.

A wh lc h~~ of 11('\V problems .-nd d;lIlg;;l~ C(,llllt' wi! h ,I reduerlcn In Resources - motley makes the world ~II 'round. and a loss In Resources chnngc!t1{Olif whole life. A character ~~'h(ldr('I1::' down ~4.I;i. very luw level ofRcsourccs -.or W~)I1iC, loses all hi~ dots lnlh'l,l 8:l-c:kgrmll, .. I-i!l.'ll.f....,.r ... wry harduruc. Hl: might lost' hi. .. hnme, ( .. r-und " .... \.:;n h~:;. rnl~~II'r'; he: mlghc have' [0 Wt1tk nlJO j ob.s m make ends lTIeef. M Inm p\lr~;;hil~ t;lf (000, cqulpmcm or infurml'lrion L'II,."l."3lm' Ill:.fjor ":K' rcn.q-s:, nnd ILlxur!es :JI'C .1 Illlng ..,( 1hl.: p::!S1. Richer chm1u:t1;r$ h.;,\ve t(ll!.<;11 re (or du: rJ~1)1';'; or I) Huddle clnss lifI!'S')'ic - [hey face Inconvenience rnlh,.r th;~n li("" thrC':3tcnmg firmncial JMl~t'r. Su{:h (1 ,;.haF<lI;h;:r ~,'ilI rnt;'C Lm41r1ll[lLI!i: ::.oci:ll b:'1(:i: In£.l I , hnwcvcl - sh Llllnl.x! b)' h l.s {lJnncr friends, ,Ib<'lnd()l)~d by h I~ bLJstnC:56 ~s.sor


DI!Il~g.n d'mr.IC[-',;'I~ 1t;:){1 flll"Jl;:!bl~ .;j1,d 11!~lloil;dl(;'~ ublt! livc.~" SlnLJ I'iv;ir Ilr(;sl)'l~ Cill1l:.h"I\SO:: ml~m~~hl. New oppor.untrtcs menu new problems and rcsponsibilides, avery new ~al[l can lead LD <I corresponding kJ5,'i;, nncl c~'crY::l;;]criAoC~ CC11l Jl'IY I}H m spaclcs,

Tl~L:: p1"QC{:!o~ r,;,( ~tli Ii aud I~~, 1\'i;i)'mI!IH. and p,Ly"fi "an roUl'n\ n 1[!f.ij~lr p:U! of Y'L;lllr .:1~[jra<:c<:'I·'s; seorv. The gnln pan uS!j:[d[~ C"01U~S (Will rhe expertcnoc svsrcm-c-cberacrcrs grow, learn and improve: their lifestyles. Some Stcrvtcllcrs mlghr I>,;"inf co t:1\il;.' rherr p[a~'l:!r::, II1LJ~~ oprtons. howe v er - sp~~ cificillly, the c;.!p<Jdty tc make jzuins throu.l..:h loss. cJfmt nnd sacrifice.

The i-oll( swl [\g (lP[ lonnl ~1S.[~ m ull 1m:! I~I "'y/!r.< ~Q modify their characters' Backgrounds durtng down.. ime - moving JO(s from OI"'LC Background ro anorhll!J'. Tlus "hi r! represurus ddi berate Il! I, 11!:i tJ 11 d1~ part ~f the character, lI'1,u ~i'\o"'c~ur one part of ber Me ill order '(:I Improve other areas. lt could represenr spending large :)mOLlI"lE8 of In(m~y 10 reo crurr n nli.:w<lll},. selling oot dcmcnic.sccrcrs in order (0 jplill HI(lrru,j pcuncal power cr .giving up secondb~nc:J h'lllrt<Jnif~1 rc rcg~LI~ rhecorrupr wtsdorn of ,{[""JIJI" demonic nnrurc.

There am rules ro this process, wh i ch (;0[1 rrcl j L1~t hOI!'" )!'Qu Cl'I n m()"'I'C: these Background dnrs nrcu 11d. A:iw[lh all u~ILLJJ~;115prl.!'ms: fer D~flibJ"; y( use d-ts w~ren~ o n J~' i( your ~wry~<;"ller cltows fl.

• ChiiJng(~ ;.lilly occur ill downume. TIu: process 'i;, )'OLH (.hili'1{,:It!:r\. lire mil!hl /J.t;gln (iLlTing cl~{' cbrontcle, bue te only solidifies end resolves between stories,

,. Only {m.e: 13i:,(~rolll"!.~1 can be reduced [11 cnch period or dowru! me, and i( (an normally drop by only uue dot In each period - cl-cngcs ate gradual. The Swry~dl[:~ [f1:1\' ;nnkc an ...-:;o:c-.;ptiQrl If the clr-':Lll!1- stances (l 1,.1,-.; ch .. nngc ar TIC clr;:.s.tio:;.lr Y('Il! hav ... ' r~j!,lr dors in Mentorend your mentor i~ killed ourri;!lhl',l.r mekcs sense to I'e:,a~ign aIr or rhcse dots, ]( [his; occurs, vou can spread the dots ~UUO[lJ.l, m lJl uplc B~,ckp:rol!rlds.:Ll~ ~tl1"tg. ::<S. you folluw the ncxr rule.

iii Y(~LI ·C.''i.-I'I" irJ!!r~i:;,l.:: ,L a.. .. el.grOJll"'!d ~'~I u level greater than the origiL1i1l level or 1 he &c:b:FjroUM VOl,] 'rc d..::crt':u:lng. If you httv(!' rwo dots in Rcsm.w:::c:,-s; :lrt.:1 rQ!lr tk,~.~ in 1 n{1J"H,:l1(:':. )'O!,.J ,:a11'1 (1<01) yl,mT' Rc .. $L1LI~t:.s I'n I i1(ld ir~.;;;re;L~~ hlihlencr;: tl;! 5. Grt:'!T: F::;'11.11~ r~uiregre<lr:Si:lcTI{ices, and th'l! powcryml~ivlC upmu.'lt be :u lccm a5 gocm :l5 tnc rou'cr vou gain,

• The P:,J.,.;:r::: B:'Ck,!tt}(l",d e,LJ:,'t 1)::!: Ch,JnJ;lL~(] "J..L';jl~f! rnis:~(em,

These rules don't IIppl~' ro cbanacs the SU!fytdl"':f enforces 011 vcuccharactcr's Backgrounde-c-rhosc nrc cur of y\1~Jr eharncrcr's eonrrcl. Life: isn'r fair. and ~fiH!:1 Imes your character simpl" goes broke (I']' loses h'CT teacher wirhcuc ;iny kind of compcnsnnon, The Storvrclkr mr,y ("nClC¢C [1:1 make up fer these cn<Jllge!:, howcvcr.Ict ~'nKYu., impruvc other B8Ck~mLJnd:5 wlrh rhe rreL-d -u P dors.

The t611IJowlI1..-:: examples shew way~ I.l1 WhLCb ~""oll can turn ;)d()~ b~ r.,n..; U:;'lf;k~tqLJr~d i,nl;:J;l{lqor in-:'il'l(.lth;;rJ ~!I'Itl vice \l1!."~, PtC:!lL f I'll {llht'r l"!a i ri n~t.':lIllill,: ii18dt":almost any two Bc.Jc~.rrCLmru em be played !l.g<iIlrm each other

Alli-c~ v.s. CQ[Lt:a.:;t~; A rQn11I:'rlilss-xhlt:. b~c;';Il'Oe:l [ired o{ri",klll~ her li(-r:':lIIlongside vours. so from now on, she'll help vou wlrh lnforruntlcn only, A, IQn~· i:lrn'C -=\Jllt~JC.l ~l.'".'j dr:lI>'n fLlrt.~ll:r 1l1.W Y(lUr ~;:::r[\lh'ieS" and starts ~t'liplyilq:~ ~'~II \\lith mure lli;']!l jJ]!Ollrld\'ir:~ andscunleburr. He IlOW wants to rakc an acrive rol-e in veur endeavors .

Ccnracrs \):5. Follcwcrsr all': of your COlH~';;U. b.::~"m'u;.:i.:;rmvlf~II;t:J of ~'mlr PO'l'l."t:t"1 holiness J5r Inlurnul ruu IIrJ:".Ht: dccsn'r waru te hclr~ vou :In\'. more, he wants to wC!'I"ship you find give whatever muter help he can. Om: of ~IQI,.J[ Ilock [;5: b~cumin:!:l di$iIILJsimv.,;~1 with ~(!ur ;.'L~t:I'll a , ~rrl!d J,1fu:t.:ln.g her fril!l'i.i:o: Liie! in ~'l."I!' C::~IUS'.c. She ::i'ro.y:o: in cenracr and feeds. YDU clara. bur she won't s a crffice her lin: {Ol you anymore,

EJ.llil"!cl1n' vs. F'lme.;: 1:\11') cilll' in ((!o"ll('" rl ..... nIJ orhcr dcmom ill the infernal court ro help boost your cltmb [0 fnmc. ThQ~1 come through for yO~1 find increase vcur puMic: proflle, hur V()I,/Vl; lJ~d up ;1 sl'ruug measur e or your toflucocc WLf'h r]lII.'HL PlJllili,g f:lIWi:=iy from [he: lure or {arne, YoL.l rum down several movte nITers ir1 order ro foeus on demonic polhtcs. V(~!J galn influence, but yQurp:Cf[1ularh)' :md vitilbiUt,. as :1 n actor I)i:gin<; tn fade.

Fnerie, vs. 'LIl':I;i'Lcy, PLJr~.uin2 the memorfes of your past wiLh renewed fervor. you channel chose rnerncnes 11HO :<I rambl [l'lg, lm.ohcrcm book. You form n powerful remembmnce rlru .. 13T"{Jund r~lldin~ notes. bU1 the nuve] .:-i ;1 commcrctal and crincnl Hop, You dedicure yourself 10 writing popu- 1"lI' and b~I~8ellli1g 1~1)\'eIR, i:tJnoril~g vour demonic nature. Wi~h your il!"L!1~j[ml~On ~nd rntm] {j!l<:j(1 with Ilu: Jt...:r.:III..:. I:JfYVJlI' fh:ri.ulI, ehcrc jWi.C isn't f"amll ffir the IJlCmOri;u: 'lJfy~'i!!r frill! Std(.

Filll L)WerS ~!S. Me r.Jcor~ YOU1' m:m,e r dcmand~ £h .... E "\'~.lll lnilLnmirr hls hOLJ:;cnol-d whH~ he rOC!)£-e~ 1,.IfI his pol;tic;r:ll Cmt-er, ~Cl· YQ~I plOl:'e $()fr\~ L.,r ~our ('.:)Ilv\,, in cha.r~ of hi .. Jail ~r affuJfG, lct'~i ng him COrlCi;' [U rnu: un ~::ltninp: power. As-your mc['l[Qr's.:m'lr fades, om:'ofhLS t~rhl;[ .!iL!r"lll"lt.i "(lr,fc.'L~ ht"'r (I';"ir.;l~ill,)~j, It'J )'(Ill, Sh",

bdl\g~ her talents lnro your service, abandoning her role In your mistress's affrLlrs,

Influcm .. c "'~. Pi.Lf{lg01.l: NV[l(,~ or vour rell..,w ~1.l1,'~lll;ll'..ll can. understand why you're time u(f, l~d"'II'~ ~'!}Llf l'OII~iL:::1il power ru be srclcn by rI~I:J.I!i. but jcu're he:ilding rOT rhc ~'r'C (1(;,\ ma~:<IVt' h.lll'r11;::lnol::, spendlog rune honing vourgnpon tho!,; l..mC;'!\JrS(clrllls., rhl.: e~1l 01 morral pellrlcs Is strong. and you've Jrtlicart:d ,"(}IIts.t:I( ro J..<ait\h'l~ power with all your might, You've made greer .!:!'.lin~, bur it's been so lor"li! since joe evoked the weather chet vcur skill wifh the L9n.: o.rSIQnns ha.~ faded.

Legacy vs. Eminence: The past 1-< d ... ud and ROL~C, and onlv the peescnr mnrccrs (or clemons. You ..J('~I';;:'lrt: \'~l~lr~lrriJ dimlJlL11.: l.hl.! laddcr of thclnfcr- 11181 court I even 5'1~ you rt)f.l!C L ehe p::n[, thru b 1'0 lIgh r \'Ou(0 thls.uew position. You become obsessed 1I'!.1·h rernernbenng your past, and vou retreat Into your memories. You 1""{:!f;:lIT1 1I11.u;:h "hout YUiJl':sdf, hll! your enemies rake adv-"m~lgc ,d yunt ubseeee 10 steal your power.

Mentor "s_ Resources. You r~k.'\;: blood money {rom vour mentor's enemies en sell out fll~ pblli'; .. md ~t.:ii:.rl,;l,.i:I, YI,.1~1 become wcalrhlcr, bur he rakes a reerible ~il rk a l ben ring and loses ;1 measure of hls Influence. Your misrtess needs more' money for ~ IClti\H"(1\1'\':"''l:~' mcnr scheme. She- gain.s pchticnl power when th-c pl:"!ll !i.IICCCL,.·(,h:, bUI: )'jJIJ 'rc d)c nne li-ubsidi1l.n!:l [he gain ,£1111: Q( pocket.

Paragon vs, Allies: You enter 111 ... strkt lind bindill.tH).a r wirh anceherdcmcn.somconc whosc atd ~f''ll tk'lio~rn~-ell· !'I~d, Yell ~ -u. l' hill help, bee lhe ,)..'1CI forbids vcu from ustngvourprtruary lore, und your.iildll~ :m'oph~, One 0{ ~' alllcs.n mastcr ofrhc pnruurv lure ~'O'LI sh8.I"C, "WCt.:S rc heir rruin y~l" If }'VlI relcnsc her OOIli her !"lMi.b,"liti{llll~ help ¥t~LJ. Y('LIII:! .. rn ~I ,-=;~,II denl, Imr she parts 'LI.-"3y!i. with you efrcrward.

R.C'SQ'I{,I,:;~S \IS. l nffue ... cc: Bri~, kldkl-Ck!" w{t.~, secret payments llnJ funding to lubb)'illg !":1'(il.)f!'S - yoo're gaill.i.nG a great amount of pclnrcol power, bur the cost is aLmQ:5[ brmkeupdng you. You've decided rhac lu my i:J, berrer th."Ui 1"X!wt'!r, and )'i,.ll.l ~t" .. arr ~I1in,g: off areas of vourpclir ical power to vonr ~r"twhi 1<,;, ~I\":' hi. YlJtl dun'r have the clout of did, bur the mansion nnd ~ .. "dlr rneke up (~lr ir

In .he: hcgmning. demon.s were :l11gds - CfCIII· tun:s of ptlrC, holy \'lrfUf;. bdnJ!~ ()( botmtlh.:ss lo\'e ilnd lIn(I\l~ti(1nilhk [I".vol tUIl. The. horrors of the Age: .of \Vrn[h, hmvever, sUipped <.Jwny (h\: J~~lllQns' ( perfection, rurntng rhem into CT~tlI~S '")( mgc ~ nt.l witt: k~d rll;.~~.



But possession or;'t human hosr (:1.~lngt:9 rh.u.

Evcrvdcmon 0)"1 &'rdl. from thc\'ile:u R~1\'cIle.n(lIhe n101-.1 gcarlc Reconetlcr, fcl[5Ofl1('rhir~ when rhev pessessed their hosts -:J shock otcmcdcn and mcmlitv sptll in~ O'\.Il fN:tI1\ lho fir:x:.Citl;!! hnmnn SQll L SM'"11.! mereels' baste human vtrt.m .. ':t; were Wt!Oll<.;11UJ ,hoJ;yt~td ltnle rochaage rht: rwisred narurc ofrheh-demcn possessors, Other J!.:IUUI"LS. are Iuudamcncallv changed by (he Innate luarmntrv of their hoas. A II 1;'ll ... n ore :II((,'(:.I:\;.;I hy me (Ouch ofhumanuv. ,t\JI ('I( them remember, even i Qnl~' k). a mcmeru, w har ir waslike rc bc nn angel, ro be vlrlHntl:}_

VII' [lot f1fJ..!'n ro dcmcns, they have simply 6;.'1;,'.11 ({jr·K!Ju~m .. All Jt:11H,Il'~. even hl;G.h-TO,fmc:nr hermn;,51(1$!l~:STi""'1!;~ in.,11 three V~,nm~-Con;'od.!l<!fLL!:l..!t Con v icrlcn and COurngC,111W.~ qunllttes defined them pcrscnall des when thcvwcrc tn~ds. [lOW chcv serve to !;CIUIIlJI rlu':'lIJnJ)t:nl nf rhclr J~·mtmic nnnnuarul push bsck the hillJ: ~mcl ~'Im:rill~ o uruold ecec,

Vhtues pcdoem [\00 funcuons for Demon chnracrers, First, th v ,y wnrk too prevent the Ji!iil(111 It<I1UI11K T ormcnr from I'crfQnllil1g~mtul ' ·tmr c;:h~lr~H;:tf.:.r can LlI\ICh rhc COi'C' (If holiness And hurtWlrc:y wlthln Iv,:,; she ean undersmncl rhar wlun -she JIJ was W1I01l!!:. !-Iet remorse nncl sorrow ~W[J her l'nlili ~I i Pili n" away from humantrs. from givinc; hcrecl F-QYl;:f ttl her p' .. h"1 • .St:.'CDFLd, Virtues give Il chamcrer a chance (0 redeem herself - ir nnly n hnlc - bV pcrforrmug moral iLCI.':5- If she li:iolC[l.s for the \'C"II1,:" of pllilly und follows us advice, if she fight, the darkness in her ~lli. she can push herself away from the memories and llr'l~";iI", :111d 1lI'-'\I"~ jUS:1 01 ltule elmer to re~lning her forgorren dtvteurv

N c I h~lt wh,i lc )'I.lurdul r~1(.I"t,;]"::. V rrtucs can i llu~

encc her scucus, thL,:.~ d~)rL'1':! them. A eh IC!·l:f

wlt.l; Corse icncc l can prcreer and nurture n nome less cbsld, and n ehnracrcr with Cooregc 5 can still run \lway from J'IIlI.:C.l'_ Wh::11 Vlrr L1(',';!o do h. :ifrL"C[ hm v vuurcharacter in\em~li:;.(:'$ these rnornl d~cb[(}n!.t ;111d whether or not she's able (0 grow as -I] person - or demon - in doing SQ, The low -Consclcnce character '1111 liLt compassfonctcly, hut she is Ullhkdy rc I'ctJll)' ~t.r; in the worthof h~T {let It.Jn~. Til': higl1~Cal [t'nge cherecrcreen beccwerdlv. but ;f[ha~ cownrdlce C~1I5l'S hl,!l 1,,1 ,~ill, she Illighr rcalltc [he wrongness of her m~rk~n$. nn .. d draw eIlL)II~h resolve from lunare courage to stop he r s ltde jnro darkness,

DtH!5 lh:l;lt mean !h~[ ii ,'Oul' chnr:lcre-r has, a hij:!h Conscience [ming, -:;he can :;](tu'III)' <\\;;[ m.Q1'.c· Jou.sly - sinning (ons-mndy bm n.:\'cr gninmg TOt' fromdoingso~Of c;:ollrscnm_ I~'simport~nt ttl rl!rne.IIiUer rh,,1 ~ Stl-cc.::ess(ul Vlrruc wll gIves [he Chaf.<l(''\.(,T lhe;: dl\ln("~ [I.l 'i!:iJrn ;rl,ill1l h-er' ;u:li.c,'on~ :find redeem htnelf - it isn'[ juSt: .. ~hidJ I!Ig •• HlS~ Ihc


consequences of her actions. tf vou succeed ill a vlrcuc roll but vour character still acrs in u sinful rnnrmer, voue S~u~ytdkr is: jLJ:,ll(h.::,l l., !l:h·iL'l.l!,': t()lIr chnmcrer a I:<iJil'~ (:I{ ~l:=i'lIP¢r,;11'Y T~I~I1\o!!:r;,t: a~ nenrrnl. She. mJglu dell m co Feel remorse I bat rhar claim [~ mcnmnqlcss if she doesn't act on. rhar Fcr;;::]iug, lf hc reds li'I.::I Incllned- rhc SC{Hyrdto;r mfly :111.~\\· }'i:l'lL I(~ make ~ Vtrrue rul! b~r[1rl! )'(1IIT .::h::m'l"':~tr c(mirl~l~~ her dilF.~1 ncrlon. lf thc roll ~LJc''"'I~(h,. the chnmcrcr hasa chrmec [(l I)LIII bad;: from the action mxl LtO[ damn he£S:!tf. if she keeps goin./i, ~h(lu[:ll.,. slrc should ~tlLl1 a point: of remponnv Torment.

r-mm II l!I~~h:Jlik~n"lldp()illr, V~JU iI1CJl.! .... ~-: Y(JIII' character's Virm~ .... by iipcnding experience points. In chnn .• ItH!~I'c l'hnlJ~h. her Vl'\Li~ lrnprove !;IS she cxercjscs them b}' rcsiscing her darker imp~lt&'s OL'1.d f"H;.:r(ol'llilfl;ll :iCt.:j of klfldl'1t:S,,'1 and noblllry, In order II,} ~{.1W .11 Ccnsclenec. :.h\;.':ln1"~~ ~I,a \ .... it h t:1'1(l'p::tM,i u 1'1 HfLJ ,II;.:OCDC)". I""tlrkli'lg ro usulcrsrand hIJIY\fU1 moralIty, TL'J. hoprcvc hcrCPl,vio:.;ti{)ll, she fnll;H II(:fwirh.dL::r~~i;"llinflr UCm and ri..:~LJI .... k:'. fildtfl!!! crhcrs ~n rhelr search for IHI,,"<"lnirL.g. Gllil1irl,l; CIll![)Lg\: rc .... i'li~~~ her he hr;n'~ and rceclore. :w;:~pin~ Ineo certain danger '0 do ..... ll.l[ [i,1;:1,X1::: r ..... be dcuc, Belcre yo,. S':!.'''',~J ex l)er-i-ci."l(,:~ pcm ts. spend rune m che .. 0011' rukpluYln"g '{Our chnrscr e r'~ vlrt~J~m~;i'th",.l ... ;'Ir~d Sl;f~ f..:t:I, fur 1'Ilm''''ht.:..:h~l~Ii:<.$ .. nd b:;ri}WSf'ls::] rcr.srm.

CO.\5eIl::. n CC: 1.5 [I I;UMd Vtrrue that OOVCri much of \.~·h:!lI· we (::[Illlll!11111I1 dCCI:!'m:::~" Ir', rh.~ eap,rdl~' LCl tell rigb [ from\\loon!:, ~0(1 CNC ;;l.bQL-U rhe j;'Il i~hl of orher hLJ man bctngs. ro fcc I remo I'SC and io~r. Co-rue fence !:. the (1~L' nmerinn thnr floods lnro n demon ncwlv scnlcd In (I human ho«, and I hose I:'t'h~) ; .... ..: ~Ivl.;r· "'+I.C lured (or fu."f.Ikd) by 1 he Lf bose's '-CII~jcncL;' o~re'l"l ~.;:(.ljm: r .. he I'L!hc~1ioll~ tSi.1!il!n.

Characters wj rlt. ]C1W G'I1~til;nl;oi;,' I'1l ~i1'lg::> cen lI:'U· allv enl. uudcratnnd lhe duterenee between f[ghr and ""\'t:m~,~.cyd and I:! v il- ch-l:'~simply don'r ccre.Afew 11)\\'.C:~L~CI~fir:e demons arecon 11ISOO ij,l'IQur t he- dlffer~nce,!lrru~ling [Ii \1~l,!.b"'I'5-~j'llld \", mlLk'!::~ 0'1'1,,; rhlrTJ!., rlglu and ru1t11b . .;:: r \\'fon~, btl l ~he~.;,: ~'[c U[l c(.mmO]l 1;:>:.l;tl)fIOnlj;, Ch;:ii"iI':::H~~1'$ \.i·jth Iligh"l"ICe r-,lring:. l'Ir(,: ,\sui,llly hi~hl~I';liil~l',rhl[', rLllkbm~lll;'iI11 ~1~"'11' be! I1gii who i n:.STim:~ V't'I}' gm~p d1C' dlfferenc~ 11C("Iv~n r1~H nf'ld wron~ ,In m"l.~ si[u:;uioT1.

Your ~h~n{,,;:wT':S COrT.SCil;"oc:f' r'\liL1.J;:, ~u"'e(ns his fJ::le'[IO~ [Q.5lru.of crucll)l. violence and an.ger - flCIS Ihm hurr the: IU.noccnt :md ulldcscr"ln!o:. Some C'x:. :lr!'1r\(:;) \"(,}~Ilt! be; l'mi~iI"'~ :'I [J;i..!):-H.:r·by, .:hC';i'[I1~ (1-1'1 yl:'Illr wif;::, ~(1rturt, (lllln:le1;', $tEir,jii'l.~ ~'llvr child or bel. if'lg rL J["Jg. A SlJcc~(ul Conscience 0011 m~J]m: UUH }"Oil rdlilF.K,ra:-r is.{li.:llC!dccl wilb.shamc ann regri:r;u .... ·h,'lt

he did, ruther r hrL!lg:rmvl1,g !1\<111.: L;~.I,lo\I!:>,lf,~~~ charecn-r dcesn'r act on that rt.'T!"I(I~ nnrl work tu ~l.'.I"''cm himsclf'c-. rn~king lip with his wife, ['3kin~ his vlrtbu 11J hospunl. 1.cIUng his. chIld he lC,HioCS her - the Storyteller m~y rul c til;lf he ~IUI rCt;I;:I\I~ a p[l'lm "r ocmpumry T onu .... n t.

[i the- ..:b~'jlwl.:r ~ ... nnrs to roke il mnec pronuh,''(! benr. manvd iff't'lt:ru ~CJ.-; ofkt ruluess ~l1;: bllls.ed n ~OlLt'I,-d Conscience. Think of J.:\'CL'Y' kirrd ecr fh::l:l [ll[1h·::;, ~'01'I srrtllctn rc .. 1 I,I.::, ~hm J;;:j.,'c.~ !(oI,:Ili h[)["IC for rhe human ",,0;, i hm ciil":nIJlishes II cuM'tt't'lil)fI between you and anorhcr-e- rhosearenctscfConscicnce. airin.g for rhs sick or injured, r:llkin~-5QmConC-lhr('lligh nn cmcdcne] crlsis. hu~·.it'iJ:: n Ili/';':il I'",':~ hll;liflL.'I'c:.'i-;;: I"':r~im ... v .... .lumccrIl'l~ nr 11 :c[:u;lre-r - rhcse g:':I<:t or J{!L:tiK~ nnd [urrrmulmnmusm curt pull u demon back from the depths of dcspa Ir nnd ~mgcr.


Ccnvtcncn covers n character's sense of hrmor, dcdicnnon and purpose - the nhlht"l' t'I~ mnke 'LIt,.'I;.isLOr..sllnd.1lbidc by [he ccnscqucnccs.rc make prom Iscs and l.;(:!,:!I'1· ~hoi;'Jli. ~~'~ ;i:r,l~ sane and focused ill rhc face or stress ~)I'diSfl.:;(C!r. C-ullvi cr k'l-I 1$ ~l musr 1~~ com lorrnble Vtnue than Ccnscfence - it· ... Ilmk~ng hnrd choices :J!1.d scartdlng resolute. "([hik OmK tcnce (0· evscs <.t'-1 y'dlJl' .:.h';lI'1'lt:lct$ bucracdcn wrrh crhces, COm-·L.;.tj(JIl l,;j .. 1l(:)LI~ hl¢r~.:!r~1;! t£~.:!IJ.

Chnmcecrs wlth law Ccnvtcncn rnci~'3 CCIW 00 he lln(A;!'r!;'Lin L~( lho!.:lrtJ,vn purpose. 01" even that there is :;.Iny kuul Qf purposc ancl srrucrnre to Crcartcn, She CuL~ comers and rakes [he easy 00[::'. unccrtvinccd of .~ny ~cne(jr to be! gained far herself for tollo\\lin.!: an erhfcal ecce. A cheracrer wll1'i :1 h.1oM.h Cml\1ie~it~n rating understands how much she:: ~Oil'lS, :md hm\.' 11"LC~ :,oodol..:'lY [,:Ii:!IlI:.(k~, frorn 0 sense of purpose- rmd .llIhL.:r\!nc~ L~~ erhicnl smndords. She can make dcctsions based on mere rbnn ftl:>:t ir'::i~':I~l ~ J!mtifi(:~l[! It'l ..

Ccnvsction covers sins of convenience and de':';~fi"rl~lii -."lel.!); thnt violate SCJ.CIe c,.'·5 cthtcnl values. l),, brenkrng LL prrtlTl tsc. 'I: I'n l:tI,..'Ulcnll.m., :LCI'ing wlthOut honor. encouraging others I'n t:~lnm'li~ ~rill'll,';.~. .:::hcC'i;rlug, Pl'cmcdlmL'M :,'l:Ss:;.ssiIl:Rrion -or hc[raymg 3 1~li)"11 rrl~nd :L~ .111 c:tlfiH!~ flf Convlcrit"'1ll. \~Hh -:J :suci:.C':Ssful ConviCliiJn rull, ~'Dm (;h-i.1nU;t"\.!r W~.'i hnw he I' ::Icdon.s vLol::ui..' 6(',,:::i~l1Jrucr [md how shc':5 I;of.m\pr-uml!ilng h'l:~df Sht.: 1I,:;11~ :d1L.'1l Ic. .. rn rmm thc !;);r;;:rLr.·nc~ Md 1I;1"I;<I'C II ~tR:l~*L!rltLIl'rl~.r,[ N,htcal frnmc-work. H she kee-p:& OL1 breilking hrr w(Iord !"-I'l.d i:i:t"I.(lrjn,g her .sem!C"o( {:cil.iu, ,he S[oryrc.Ucr Tua'!;!itill OIw:--.rd [l{linl OffcJ'Llpl..lmry'lt.

fi'mi[ive-me5 ofClJn~'LC'[t11] iUt' m]t~ mm::h ;l,,:;uGF kindness 3S lhe ..... are ,'KIS Llf resj)ol1.tib!tiC)' .. If f.I l;~ fl r;:1cltr :'1I!ts 'I .... (th h[)~\()I1"',(!\d {....,~(h!Jl"Ighr" -",'mkin:il co impmve

th.l:' U'I~ r.f ethers 111 ail ethlcal fashion, she can push lul';;.k Ll~""di~tklW~ tlm;liIJ~h hC'.l·dLlc.Ip.ll.nc_App.n_'tf.Iria,c :!IIET:;' include broke ring 11 peace tr~;II"l' b,;t\\·l,'C 1'1 w'l!rt'h~~ ~Jl$. m·:maging the a;:COLLms. of a charity, keepinc 'l'(l!.ir IH"m;:1 d~srJJ[L:: gn:.;I[ personal sacrlflcc, reaching children nbout ":lhic::$ rU'I,(1 :l'Cj.l)"',n:'l.lhiHry err lH~I'Pil\!:

GOtlLl..:OL~· ave rcomc drug addrcri on.


CollrHgc: l:!io l'lu!: roosr neuvc of rhe three Virtues, dl!':lHn~ wirh (he Ch:;H"[t.;t~l"~ !;r:I\.r;ry, »lcrcrmlnaeinn andarrcngrh of chnracrcr. Whi le Ct)li!;(,.l~t'1 Cot! ':::Of'l trof:!. bow YOI.l fttl about orl-ers, and COlwktLtm I:ontrob h~l\\' '1"1;)'11 ('I;!d ~.I~OtI [ YI.'I'I..I.r,s(!'If. Courage is not .~OOL.1t fr:dlil,l!- n's El~.Hltm;~!P18- CC.LJr"'~,.J:r C,h.f1fflC' ocr ac r on his mora ~ or ctl-lc»l oI;hf)i.:;:~. l\Jo wI ['ain rind l,a(1.:L~h!I), 81,d r.o11l3~1:" the sacriflces.rhm uru 'llem~n.dcd dhlri'i. I rcloesn'r mean fhal he doesn't feel fcer, bur I!IJldl COl,lrdj;:;.:':. h~ CUI"!, d~r1 hi!l. f.c;;us and net desptrc [hem.

Characters wlrh [cw Q.llltill:1!' r;)[in!;s crcn'c ['lI?Cc.~sadl,\, cowards (though some c'i.!m'):in!t' ;I~). uuh eharacrera 31'~ relncmru 00 face doubts ::L!1d fears, I hl)lll;jh, prdcrrlllgm cemprom lscrhelrposltjon rather [han riak cnnfro~,~'n;l""ln_ SI.Ic.h ':'I. eon rTiln UI uen rn iglu be phssical, bur te cart also be emcelonal - m~ln~'

characters 'AlLlI h~lrpily embroil;:!! 'ICC'Dtl nod phvskal danger but avofcl an .... kutd of ~m~~li<ln:\1 paln. A ehnecerct wlrh high Courage understands the r-eed forsecrusce :,I1\d rl:sl, ~'ll ... d h;:; 15 prep» red 1:0 srn nd up for .. he rhings that matter ~n him,

Sin::, (lC"'..o.llr;'\jlc arc prim:lri.l~ acts of cownrdtcc-c(ai Iln,~ to Ii v e IJPW whu rynll ~"nw i:s the rL!:lh' nr pn 'p(:r {l~in::: ro do. GOOI.! examples LI1c1iJd¢ nO::(!~l~g whl,!~ rt fr~clld I:!> nrtnckcd, co .... cring up rnouruing gambling d,d~u. ~H~Ei~~l;!; i n~ 'f!~' It" m.,rria~(' rather than confron [ing \'(lUL" emotions, !';;hl1t,)tin.~ I'm l;HL;IIW In the back, cnacking someone ytm '-';nml.' .... '()tl't 1'.;'1.'" .... 1 rate (11' n] l-ow. iog Qrhol2~ ro perform crimes rather than prevcrrrlnp Ih'!.I[1. Wi,:h n successful Coumqc roll, your character feels guilt end shame oOV-CT hi~ [car nnel 0:;('1(1; uncmpr to :pLU: ehirtgs right b~ ~(illmHu!:l up. rflitL!lg hl-" "oi~ :Itld dc..fym;ll the I' that SCl'l rC:5 h till, If he conrjnn [!.S to (;OI!"prUII"; l~ :'~l"!J b~j.c:!.:. d(lwn, hoe mlghr reed vc a point Qf ~t'TI1POril")' T urruent ~n~'w'I~.

Wonh'll' acts o-rCVllr:\g<! nrc almost sclf-explanat{1ry-'1mll' I;.h;]rc!C;I,<:rm\LSI laee hI3re!ll~ and be brave. Even ifhc 'ssttll alrn id -especi;llly i(h~ 'sen II rIIf-m [rJ - he! muse ncttoclv work (0 Q .... crcomc his doubt :;:111<1 ,..10- whm he 'knflw5 is I'I,g,hf. G ood examples I ncludc srandinr;: IJp t'l;i Fll'mlly, jntt!r .... l:nit"l~ IIHIn nrtack nn another person, te!.[ifl'ing !It'lainar L1 powerful mobster. f~'ki!lg;

rhn)ll1Ch hls n:::t;.t[[,I["L:SI'Iil' (J;r"Il)b.ll2-rns \v'h;h hls spouse, l)liblich' ~"'~i",kir"g Rg .. ill~l'~ !'l'[J-Hll or u drfdl[Li!~ 'q bi,g ramily that he has a drug problem.


Ydll r di;If';I':::; ~r'~, V I ruuednn' [dic!lH.f' h er personalit'!!, b~IL tho::y de i.,fll.:cllCl': it, A hj~h 1"'~ in~ in (31t~ VII'IUJC wi]] be reflected in. her Nature, as will a k:.~"\! one. There's nlsc 3J~ Intcracnon between high .:,ll'ld lo,« VlrHIC;:O - ~!l'-Il."lml! ,".'llh :s1:I'IJ1111! a:.llF.l~~ ,IrK] CQlrL· sc it·['],..:'t'l [iH'[i'I~ haS:·iLdiffl.:'Tf;:nt jk'r..orml'l·\' thnnsameone \· v irh ;U:5[ a ;mong Conscience,

The rr.HQWI!lg cornbmnrfoue show how high Virtues (four ro five dcrs] trnerucr wtth lcw vtrrues (O[l.C' dcr). Each com binarlon inc ludes n I isr of some rvplce I N:mlrc:s thnr rcflccr rhat ccmbtnaercn. bur th;.r doesn't l11e~lI. ~t)l~r th;H;I~~e.r t.lH!t~ have IIJne or rhose Natures. Dirrcr~rH people .. think i1' dLf{t;'"l"l'm \YlI'}';!:, and perhaps your character lneernaluea her Vtrruca in a unique way.

Low Consetcncc/ Con vtcuonjl.ow COllI'· ;)~~: Thts peescn lacks anv real sm:n.g[h af character. Sh.e {",-.::LJ llule in ln~ wn .... -cl r .... orol (Iii' cl hi L!.'!L I ....,hlig arions but leeks rhc willpower ((10 ~.'ctl"II'i~I~' pursue wllfLt" she wants. S~H:h pD-.<:.:li'l,ic,!JIlC'n,g~g-OO people ~M111'1 ~1X'1~'1 sutrablc Demon ..:.h...:'1rBCICt'S, and LID .starring eharaetnr wtll h.<'1V~ low r .. ulngs tn all three VlrCLJC:_ Many characters wit.h thi$. -ctJI'!~bin~~i~j!'1 of V~.-~u~


possess ... t"Wlliv;e Nr.l1rr~ $lII:::J.'i 0:; Addlcc, Con(mn:d5.t and Monster, bur voucould just 8.2i east Iy hB ... 'c 11 ,"u;1J1TTi11 'Nature like Child. DcvLIDt or Rogue.

Hj],l,ll Cooscien..::e./Lol. v COIl"'iCIlClI1/LQW CQ~ll"r il.g-c-~ People w nh this -SCL (If Virruca ,end 'tQ he compass innate burwcs .... k. SL1ch acharacrer CtH·C;S about l;."Io[h(;1i ~\nd 11:$L.J u lIV b:: maa'lY Ierends. bur her life is li v ed L'I' lilt: $hLJ~tr~C"l"Ill - :she:-: can't tlc.."l.·JL~:"ltC" her:::.df £0 a :1;,'0::1.1, EveC1. If s he cot .. ild, she woukln'r-c-she lacks rlrc eouragc coreach for the rnlllgs..'Shc wanes, preferril"'!~ to w,'Iit ~rld 1~0~ th~l,t she ~\.It::I.-:_~, '"lIL.JI~_ Typical Natures for such people ind\!dc; Ben Vjvnm , C:m.:gi\!Cf, Child arid Osllanr.

Low C(l:n~d!;:!lL:e:lHj&ll CUfl,·!ctlu[]/Low CUU["m ~l~-I,>: Thi~ t~ rhc Lmlrk or u pel'SO-L' Wllh <I §trQnt! ca pac i ry to plan and dedicate herself [0 <Ii goal- bur whose gQ<I!'" a·lwai-'-s.. tocus an herself Sb.c can't (;011- nett 1Y~1I 1.1,lth ~Jrhl:P.I, ~I[i..d $hc lDi~h{ .sec f)e[~f:lI.:;: as pawns or roola. She: works ~cm'n~l gOllls, 11II~ ehev're 1,I~l.,Ia lly C:il:;~ ~,(!!'Ih ... - she sees I'M: .. as unacceptable and rrles 1. ... 1· nvctd I"iL'iV klnd 1'.loonf1'OIl(l)[;OIl. T ... rpical Natures include A utocrar , Ccnntver, Cu:rrI1Ud~oC~)I' or Pedagogue.

Luw CQMdcfi[ejI,.{m' CQflvlL':LinfJ/High COUJ'r E1gc: This Is a person who's brave and prcpured m he controncatlcnal ro get II'hC1.t: she wen ts. Unfommarc 1"1_ ~ho:;: ~;llel'l ",~n)1)S (li'll~lrhifL~ e.:.;:e':[)l wb .. at's l'iC~H j" from ,If her. Wil.h liHl1,': li'l ,-:h~ \\ r av of ~ntYF.tljrv or forerhcughr, she prefers instil n t gmriflcar ~lJn .. JiUT cournge means rhac she will fi~]ll co the bitter end. ag::lin::lt ::.-11 odds, I'm .:iUI!'CI:1-, i!!~ thnr wd 1~11!:i( t hC!rlorlJnl;- fL Sh:O IT tim;;: - then it'::; ~m to ehe next n~"'t, Ih<!: nesr pl:1JVr [hin,g. Tjpical'Nacurcs Include &;:1.\'0, Loner, Masochist :JI'Ld Thrill-Seeker.

HLb':h C(:i]'l~(:i{lcu:::efHi~h CL:)!lVlctlol'l/lAw CO~I,-r ::l~: \Vilh d~il5 ..... rmnblnarion or Virtues, D person 'K;. ... ssesses mernlirv and echtcs. compassion and surety bur lacks rhc Cl'lIUI"'!If,,1'l;.! to pll~UI"-: wh:H she wants .. Suc.h ;:I person connects ..... /;11 \.\d~h I)L"'411J'l~ !:..l~ILl hns asststsnee II' her plnns - plans rhar minlmjzc all rub. and aim low, :J .... Ij.IJll1~ eomphcudons, She- also avoids ernonenal risks .. Shll.l m*"~ h::w...: 1'[1:111,1 rl"il,;lld.!l :,ll.d relattonships. but most :;IfC ahnllow, wirhnut dt:pt..l1t' 't11~d d:mgcrs. Typical Natures mighc include Archj· reer. [)1("(:Ct(jj'IJi.ld~-L2 :-mcl Trnduronalfsr.

HL~h Cousetence/l.ow C"-'n\li"'tiQ:nlHi~h C(l~II'". ~~g~~ A Ijt;~!l \'~rid'llhl.!:i ccmblunrjon ls alw n t6-ablc [0 ~1. 'Io-I'har ~h~ w.1l~1~, bur ~h~ pfOb.tbl'{ di':le.Sn'l want nuxh. Her man}' fri<!ncLs will ,g:lve her whar rh c ~, crur, and she'll risk touch to help chcrn end to reach her go:d!> .. HeT i!:l('-';II.!:o ~III rend UI be :!Iimpl..::, shore-term rh i[\~, With ~~(l pla n. 1'00 [f-1 L! .. nt, d~LHLgh, l-lcr tendency [13 leap before she looks means that she ends up In trouble cfcen - rroa blc .. he o:;oulJ ~'I,I(Jid if sh c t hm,!,ght thl ['I~

tr.f(m~h. Tvptcal Natures include Caeegtver. OmnL11'L;r and Trlcksrcr.

'L.Q\\' COllscieoc·('iHigh Q,nvic:titlo/Higll O'UI"~ ag~: Tbis combmadon cf Virtucs is th~ murk jJf <\ \.'~ry dangerous person -c-scmeone wbo SL"OpSat aothing ro get what she \'\;~Il1~. Sh~ C.(JI-L"I"FLII::'[S careful plans and M:ofG at - not j LIst the: risks (0 h~rsr;lr, bu r to others. This person ccruldess her ~osl.'j~' impt.'lr1-:I1~[ elm an,' sacrifice i9 :ll'l]~rt)prl~l["e, be It her own or [hose. of unwilling others. She prnl:filbly Jue!',.'l~ 't !iktocndang(!"r Or burt others, but 5.he will do , .... har L-; IlI:I;Co.'l$;lry .. T)l)icll N:lIl1res Iecludc Compertror, Panaric, Pcrfccuoms; and Survivor.

High CClfIscie:mcfHigh Convlcrlonrl-ligh CQ\Jr .. "~I;!t S('~ltn! rare lndlvldunls have high ratings in all three Virtues lind ser-e ;,:\: C;O:;~lnl,le" or wh.l1l we could ell a-spiro to be, Such ~I person is ccmpasstonate, henor .. bleundfcarlcss. he burkls arand plans bur \vUI riOI 1i!11<1.,ng.e:r dsees. She-cares about others and is \\'illin!;: toeecnftce herselffor them blJ\ net sacrfficc her ideals. Mamlor dcrnon.dicac c~cnlpbTh~filfid QII[ It'I.!!OC[";LY 11.",,1 :Ill! l[kcl~' rc arrmcr admiration even from their encntlcs. TnJ.c:a1 NrItLlI'~ incledc Martyr, Pcnlrcnr, Rebel nnd Visicnnry.

\7mTW::""3 ?\I'iD HOUSES

Demons feel a wide range of ctuorlons ~ e .... en more so (Llr12f tJ~itlg on the personallncs end memorics of tln'ir humun ll(};;r$o II '" t.liJrlc.ul[ ro 1UIIkc gencralimrions ahollt ,my Jeii\f* or 10 $..'lY [h.~f all mcmhcrs of a. paerlcular House {ttl a!;,:" in (I simil'lr WlJ}'.Srtll, u's possible to makcfauly broedg .... nernlimrtons nbcut the tYP,("::.1 p;;PLlnaliry {)f a given I louse, and to predict how rI Pc, v il's 1t"0r31i{~r m,~h[ dirfl,;r (:r(l1I! t:i Malefactor's.

The foll.CIwing arc general ccnunerus ~lbo~11 Ihe different Houses and what cornbirenicnsofVinucsare nlOS'I corraucn, Don'e feel ecnsrraincd by these gencr~limtiQn:o;, IhOLJh"h. E\.C!r\' groUJJ hns tcs cxccpncns. and your character can tll ...... .Lys be on-c.ur them.

Dd'il~ns;A centrnl eonrradicrion ofthc Dcfllcrs ls thllt lhe~' u$l.Ill11t,-t" u n:r~hou l" the ntll' I'tIIH~ rhc:!:,{dt:stl"oyim'lng them even as th c ·y corrupt ,1;em_ Rcflc.:tln;li rlus, Dd:1le!5 usually have high Conscience bot low Convrcnon. A Dt.:fiII;T know ... right from wrong and oftcn Cl'II1!$ .';I!lI"J~lr mortals, bLII he needs somerhlng tlmu:J~"}w. lr's cssicr rouse a. morral for nis. Imm«ll1.l,tt:

W' u ,lfleaLion then dcdjcacc himsdf 10 .. slower. more ethlcal pmh. I\;ntr.:rb ;"J1:'ftJ tol;.nU [01;1 h.rwl.! 'Iow CQIJ~C{'" rnring.s_ N{Jt Clrlly do [h1!Y ;'1\'-Q[llwIUOOl, but (hey -also n~'o.d L:mu[iOI~:11 con.fromsliom.m.atmlgntj,;.iiusc thcnl Il;ll.n vr .lnOOfl'lenlcnce ..

Devils: As ~ ctllJlltC!''"1JQinl; I"IJ ,he l c(iler.>, Dc\,II I e.nJ [0 h::lve high CmWic;(LOn ~tings b~l~ I~~\\'

Con ... .;..c.1C11cc. Devils. are [he fallen palndms •. l HI;"'i'o[t:L1, nnd rhl..:~' .. d11 hold '(I twisted ,:,}'_~U;::tn.S [If honor "[uKI th...'(!i~iltim'i 1(j their C:1I1.l..~e:. While Devils ore c.rhLC.1.1 creatures, though, the .... 're rn..~lv 11101'11. A Devil \vllllJ~c mortals as cools because she docsn' r('ally i',art .,IXMlt what h~lppcn!; t(1 111(:111. Oc\'Ils: a1'>O tend t have l,"OOCl Ccursge rtH:in!:.,_ The ... we re the chnmpkms of both Hcevcnend Hell, and the".' rarelv fearcnher ... ng.l~n'~ Lll barrle or carl frommg mdr unspoken ccnccms.

Dcvourceas Th e ~~ (l."fi)ld~T1l{l,"J!. us'J:'Illv lmve lew r.nings In both Conscience and Conviction. Righi and Wfm1.jJ.. wise and foollsh, ethics end moral - these are ctvilued morral concerns rarhcr ehan rhc laws of nature and the wild. Devcurervure crenmres ilf ililirH!Jllll-" li v lng: In a world of tnstaur dectskms (i[1J surv l .... n I rurher rlmnlong-rcrm plr, end :OQfL" compassion, Tlun 60ing $idd. rt'lII dClllCln:. (:BI~ rh'lIil rhe Courege of .. n Devourer. \Y/fIITior~ liln.1 dcsrroycrs, lht,;.~c d~mOi""t..i rordy run from 9 fi~ht or fail [0 net on rhdr~m!"'rl(!r.s.

Flcndsr Born '0 set rhc stars in .. be SkYi111d I.:l,lidt' I"hl;! ~row1.h f.l(hurnanir'l'. Fiends naturally tend rc have hl~h Qinvtr:;.ri!Jn. These demons hnvc a srrong focus on structure and laws, and theirupruudc ror~dn~ the pnrcems of [he future cm:otlr,Jb~ rhem ttl $~I CIL)Wn long-term plans, ~nldr Cousclcncc rarfngs, on the ether h~ncl,l¢nt1 I'L' below. Fiends simplvdon't have II lot in common wnh morrols, and they(km'l connect CD .. hcrnccs! I), ou an emctl C1-n~ 1 le ..... el. They ill:olLl,:cnJ I U l,.rIV>l,:.Il!~\' Ol!lI~)UC: r:uings - rhis is a House [hEU [S unOJm(or~bli!;: With coufrunmnon of anv lund ..

Malelactarst The Malefactors tin: unusual llllh<ll they don't.rend to h,n'Call}, ¢J[rr.I\:lItli naril~' high Of low Virtues. M:ah::f~l(;tnTS~tn:~hu!lt"rlu'Jr'II'IL~ but have prcblerus ccrmecdng to .. hem cmorionnllv - hence ,I 1l1"x,1'1;!r;lre. CIJI,$CIe:nce F.I[lflg. They arc long-term planners and builders, bllllll""f 1J()w (LI pf:'IClkall1,)' over prlncfple if nccL'SS::J.I1'. W they h<l1vc moderarc Convtc(IUJI rarlngs. And while Male(actors can cfcen be: w'l:rril)~ wnhour rhy.slcal fear, dH."''Y sh~' away (TOrn emcrlonal confnmmrion, IC:14,I,t'LJ;(: 1\1 moderate Com', age: I"3tinE:S. Thcscdcmcns [11:1; He ll'$ jlll.:.kS1of-all. trades, Sh'r'tLl.~ away Fro r L) extremes, and tnli.'ir Vu'tue mrtngs reneer IhL~ l.en~JL!1"IcT'.

Securgesr Former gUilrJi;lll r..n~I.:,. Sc;.lilll'gesh.,VC I)l.:Tlmps fh~ dL'"C.I>CSl cmct ional connec non to morrafs. Th~:n;:f(H-r:r most zoutges have hi~h Ccnsclcnce rarI ugs. This. compassion [so umLlI'~' control led b~ :~ .5, i'cln~ Convlcoon I'3ling as welt SCQlJrg~.cnre JUT hUII1;m[ t. v :l!\ fI gr"(Ju/J, bUI nul al\\l:;"'i~:s. ::Ii!; it1di,Iit.!Mt.~. Sort1.efimes hflrd cb;i.;;klU~ mll:-I. ~ f"I-,,~Jt! fur [he &l:carcr good - a disease must be used [C)(:Qll[wl ~h IHtlftfll r1t:'lpU!:,ttll)(\. a -sa-<::fificc must be- mad.e. While SCtI{lrg~ ;"lrt~ o(len prcp;;"!rcd to ~,"1Crifl.C.':: olhcf2l, [hough, the).' rue rnreh'


prepared to encrfficc themselves. so these demons GC".nl..:r::ill~ don't huve hip,;li.C.:")Llnl~ M"i1"1T1J;:$..

Slaverss Like Scourges, Slayers boch care- for merm15 arid have: to temper rh n [ can: wlth resolve and dl .. sctpllne. Sl;!y.::t~. 101.'0; m(;llnal$ - lUI! ,'Il;;:ir rouch bri"Fl;L.~dt:mh :md ,U1, ~nd l"~ al] l'hiT'~' By 'llXe,~il)', SIA1.}'en. must dcmp dO\VI1 [heir innate .. love of humanICY. no! allo ..... ln~ themselves om/ching more chan ::J I1\Lh;!t;::I7I.I'1,;: Cjl!"~d...:tl.c:l."in'1tm~. Doln~ 05(10 requires tnctedlblc l'liS(iplim": ;.nn '~k-di...:~'i-l'm - arsrll wonder, rhen, rhar moss S~ayC"r.!i have extremely sl"mn.11: Coli~lk:~ioll racings, perhaps rivaled only bl" r.hl! most h()n1J .... IM~ of Devils. Slnvurs ,I 00 tend robe ernctionnlly breve I if],oi rl1y:sii.;:;,lly~, .mcl h~w~ good Ccursge F.uillg5.

Vm'rl.JE::J7\f<lD r'7\CT'IOl'l:3

While It".~ dirr.culr rogcncmllrc :Ji:lOLIt rhe Vlrrucs of rhcd rffi:rt.:t'L1 HCioII~;j;,!i, (, ':-l1'-11_1I:~ ;:;;:;:o.i<;r re do .~r) rnr rl II; fl'l:fljO"t' derll:0I\1C f .... t:~it)n$. Arter rill. these ;&:nJUpS form around n common agenda. a c-ommon nniunlc. FR-!:.Lions. arc: based en pc~Q]l~ll!)I, whit'!.! Houses reflcer ;:1 ~tC[I'1(lll "s Pl..lll~CJ:!,(! nnd nature. Mo.:itdl,!:uim1;1. in II l<1:C tion ],<IV~ ~irtT llnr Vi rtuc ru i ing:s. although aomecxccptlons dn arise - rna vcrcks EO 3 (':'iC[IJ;l1'l for Ul11[!11ml 01'" l~ Idclcn renscre.

Cf~"Ptin: Alll~os~ aU Crypt ica have vcrv high Ccnvicrton mrjn,gs.11u;5 group j:!i dedicarcd re sol ..... in~ puedcs and slowly p!ec.~nil tQ~ rh cr hklJcl'1 ::.t:Cf'i!~':a; - rasks rhar n~o;.(l <t~~I-!'rrn!rmtll)n and S[TIJCfllH.'d thinking. nncl n."qll~·rC the- [fl.dio,ridl1!Al (0 thint:. in rhc long term, Crvpncs ~ls~t ICI.d to b:wl:: d(."I..:li:iU (if ~H,lT exIfCiUC) CL)"iIF.t.h.'l:. rmil'l]p. ThL':y 1~~Qd ~n ~I~k rh~: h9.n;1 questions, und tht:o'," can't ilff'Ord! (-0 ~h.V owav from U.l....,WCT~ that frighten them. Crv-pdcs can have o.l~~' level ~)r CLlI1~LL..:[lI;il,:, dUJIJ(::h, etnce the r~lI;;thm llAl~ i'LIoIJli I rm (:C)fd·bl(~[oI,I~1 i l,rpli~ir"-ll1i :;Illd {'..(lln~"lnn tc seekers afrer 1L"1Ich.

FaUSLhU1$; Thi~ -(.""'c(:ti6r"! is bused :;lr~)I)I"'ld:'l contrad Ic~i( )11- htl,,[IHl~:S bur.h care ubon t; Ill()[I~!I~ ~lmllSl.;=:k muse rhcm mercilessly, Fausdcns care abeur mortals 3:S beings, but not necessarily as J.te1J/}le. Even if a F'tl)$r!fln h;. cnfir.cnu:d nbout a Iltom-.l\ well b.l;.il'~' h.., IlJi!,!htaOI-l;'ilTC , person ta il'IAlli1llyl~N):t,:JIS kmg as she is hcalrhy end h er Faith can b~ barncsscd. Therefore. Pnusucns 'CC'nd [0 have mcdcmre Cl~l:'I~ science enrtngs, bur rncderace-ro-ln f.:h Com'I(~ionthey have ccrnpasslon, bur rhar compassion can be cold :md controlled. Iausrlans '(311 have ~nlr lc.~ld of Collr~e. II/helher hj~h Or' low.

L~l~i Ie ea nss Th I~ is a faerie L1 of ideal lars, throwbacks l.u the rcbcll.lon and I.udr ..... t\ cnl] [0 b::1HI...:_ Tbov IKllc\'~ I" chc V:JtLlI.!S ,el these i1r.H r~bdt!o- 10;,' e for mnnktnd. honor. dedicarion nnd srundtna JefifTf1,l ngnlnar the forces of Heaven. No surprise,


(~I\lIIl:N 'I'\~II

then, the r Luc! fCITIll:S rend to have ;5 t mng I'm i nas in :111 t:ht't:L: VIUIJ!.:~ - alWthiug lC::i{! wf)uld b.iI to ll,,!'; up [.0 the lllE!ml.Jf~' Llr[ he MO!'l'ilil~~tllt'!'j m~l!\i(i;!.Sttl. If Or.C Virtue stands above rhe resr, it's Convicnon-chonor ~nd uniliuching decerminaricn I::' she COl"-C .... nlue (If the group c-. but Ccnsctc n ce :in'!d CoLlr:lS',C wlll also be hir.:,l"l_

Ravc,c,;:,.r:s: In coral contrast [0 d-e Luclfcrare, Rf!''i,~Ili;~ :, r c rl:f.JloI,:W['l~lh)' because I he)· tend tn I!~II\""'::

WiIL'T!ltlhW; in illl r"~~ V!rr!,iC-:5_ Thts ~[i; nc~~ n f! thar respects honor, ccmpnssicn or even hravcry c-. .,11 ir respects is dcstructton, There are exccpnoua, tbm1W-1 - nor every l':lvl.:n..:r ls ,I ~ll,~..lJ(,:nr,,-d, ern .... 'cu ~1n .. n::h[~1. MS'~r R<-LV!!:n(!~ ~I".,; W:jIITiofl:o with stTCIllg Courage rarings, Some have good Convicrlcu rarlngs 11100 develop etrarcgics (Q maximize lonq-rerrn defllnictlon. Few if mW Ravcnr:r:> [mvc high ur c v en rrl~I"'~t:nr!: C'in..~h:.['1~C:;n~, l'illllJl;lh. CulllpH,~I!.ln [md l1lomH1.)' fit poorly whh the desire co reduce the wllol.: universe [Q ashes.

Rcr;on~ilc:rl)': Ccusctcncc is thcprtmery vtnuc of tl1c-RC1:.011CikJ:!'i, who seck ncronlv Lt.! redeem them. solves [nn :llsCJ W restore humantrv LQ l"nr;uh:'l;!. Cmn!)~I..&s i 011 und love IJN! pi v eta l parts 'Dr the- ReC.CJll· cllcr philcsophv, nncl almosr ~~U members of [his facricn w~11 have hlgh Con~cI.:!"LI,:L;! l',-'jI'II~~_ COU:r:'l~~ !'::l.r[ng~ ::'II~,~ 1oJ..;IHI m he high. It lull:~,: iI bnwe ~.lllu ndllltf ~ mlstakc, l:md .. braver one seill ~Qo face d\c,' ,-IlE'lI!':l1gc:; find risks required (or reconciling demons ami mormls. Rcconct'ers can have ::my Convlcnon r:.'Ilil1g-some 31'{! planners and ehinkers. ether hve for rhe mcioeru.

(OfIflUPT nf.50Ui7e

T ormenr is a problem f OT all- De men ch n m;:;::t~!b, A~lJU~1 those Fallen wilL} nre !f);ln~ '['jJ t1gI1[ rhe r(,ll n .es olHI.:U, High Tormeru rariuus make Q chamcccr un"hi;: to control his evocations, occeelonallv forclnK 111m ((I evoke 11 dcsmrcrlvc l!rf L.:CI 1 rL51!.:::Itl elf ebe Ll5c.:flEi i!{f'cr.: L he- desjred. 't. v -L!I~ ,) cl-aracter ,\,'hl.1 h;ll es. hUll];!'" ILy ~tm h ..... ~ ro wOny ~ll)IJUl Tcrrnem and needs ro 1.;J;.lUn.t~rhllt~ll;lC~ hts dsrke-urgcswtrh the: Vlnuceofhls ksr angelic pnsr.

Ehii: some cbntucters don 'r succeed in res.sung the if"rko't'.5$ - or th.::y glee fu [I)' em bmcc rhe power or Jl':!imll.:~·iCit1. ThL"!i1i.! hi~h~ T on'lll,;l~1 chnnl;;:ro;rs an; (hlnl,'C!l;Jus-, rrn,i:::\I:: bt:'l'l~~, slmvl~ !f'lo.(:ing 'Iheir :\Il.':Jr.o(O!'1tT(lo~ ;Lnd p!:rhtlp5 '[heir idemlry. Sw:'h d\!rnnn:s sTili pO!>.'i~~ Virnlt"S, bl.mhosc Virmcsbecomc rnc.rc:a5.inglY'~wi;;.ccd, YOlll· d':,1 [:.lICI cr i!i ~,~r.1!:> nlUch ri~k:l~ :lOll' 6~ht~ Ol!m(:.I1 dl<lro\!:[t!r nf J;dH!!g ill~('I rh.:: Ili~ flrT~)I'lnClH_ Hi::. Virm~::!re di,~ thtr.t.,g5 ~h!u IUj~Jn pull him oLl'l:of that pit, bm: 'lh<::'i c3.n.alsOo bC!'<omc dark, CCitTtIP[ [hil1gs dl.:u keep h'in in ,I,ere.

ViWJC..5, even hi~h"I';1[C!d ones, become ':-l}l'r!lpl~~1 :;t!j.)'dl1[chflm';l ... r's To-mcrn mcreuses- You grill make :;I Virw(:. roll ufrer he commits :::~ SLIl, but fl!;:wc:.r and fewer ::ICCs. become .sin{l'I[ in chamcrer's eyes. A characrer with Torment ~, far c . xample, i~~1 tr)n2L¢~ considers LIIlP.I'CI¥1(.-dII:.tll.l,1 vlelenee, JII.':;.tnlC;:li~""l lOr '.!v~n rmmkr'l~ be atre-e-auch nets don't cause htm rc question himself or feel nt:'1'f remorse. \Vh:u docs this mean fLU YOLlP characrer's j)E:~Ji"I;lllIy! Whilr d(l~ vlrr lie men fl L(I :1 h If,lh. T (Jt"ni~I'ill (b<!f'f'l('el' r- ~ :'.0'[11-1;'one who no longer considers I( wrong to murrler someone rrt a fit of piquer

Vi L'UI";:~~ Hi II iruponnncfor h jgh- T cnncnr chnrnctcrs but rhc emphasls of rhe VirruC'S.sllbll"/('h:mg~ as rbc charncrcr spirals down [I'llm l!t'lrTLlI,rlnt'L. ~(II· ,I norma! Ch;lra~[I.!'~~ Vin~u-e) 1'.ep~l¢St;."rithi': (:~p.lbillt'r' to (C:t"1 slunnenml r~~rt.'t (.;-,-[ nl,$ m::~I,{J"Ijj:-IT! renluc tltac wh ... rhedrdwaswrong. High-Tcnncnrcharaercrs cakc 8 d IfT-c rcu r angle. Virtues now help! ehnrac [C]' r::Jrl~)n:;lll'!o:! ht.!l·sin.:s ;-md convince hlm~dr that \~'hlt( he tlid wns r.l,,"cY'$.;:n·].

\'UhL.:.L~ ymll-l.igh-TOFl1l1:ml churueter comrntts an cet ~(11 l;,t.:ii~OU~ !h1!1 e .. "t;11 I'll,! {CII.:I~ lr (11 b.:: ~infutprctncdiraccd aasaseinnrion. pointless CilJMi!C, :5\',sremark lOrC!lI'C of an Innocent perw-li-ytIIL rnuke ,. Vi~111I1! roll as usual. lr Ih{' [vii f.lit~, your Ch(I"~CIl"r eII!h .... I.:;I;':-i 1],-;: hfJI'l{1T llfhi~ uct , Nm ordv does he J0C"l no regret, he ""Wys lus neccutce and fn.lls even furrbcr lore Irredeemable d;tmn:!r.iui'i. If rhr- H~II suecoeds, he cannot iruerrraltee Ihe net. e:;Jfmf,l1 bl,"~ll-nC llllb n ~d l'IJ the horrm. blJt h is wn rpcd '\l~ ItJ~ svetem docs [1t)1,. :r1,,"~O~[1i~1: [he ~CL IJS wrong, Insrcnd. [he demon can fool himself 11'[l'~ hdi(:'I/ri~~ I l1ea'::l \V:I~~:'l 1[1,;f,;.(:;>!i>'U)· abcrrarlou-s- rL!"J;;~~[F.lbl1.!, -ccT!'linl~', b!J! 111'l!I'I1~~idllb-ll;:_ H(: doesn't punish himself for the clccd or fec-l rcmoFSC, Rather, he avoids chlnktng about II fureher oe (,i,JS ii!)LII"LLIII$ r .. ;~1$LlI1_~ ttl jl"l~tlf)' h. II 'wt,l.,·r II~JJI:ti..,t l;IJi[li~l. ht; r"i'f!mjs~~', hUI nil ~mn.; level he h~l)w'" he's l~ring TO himself

l-li,fl,11"T(lHII[;:[\I dt:lr.lcr~~ I~I.! the snmctncchauiL"S (flr Vlrntt:-S, bLJI rill.: Ill,;>,gHtll/: tl( rhr;,,«· ViHtI\!blind the personalrrv of the chamcscr-c-chaegcst» Iltl.!' fullClwH'lJ: ways:

Conscience: Thi..! Vlnue reprcscnrs Q JnghTormenr ch:rmacn:r',s, capacll 'f r.::t- r.:Hfon:111!~ ;~W;I'{ mornlctlm,;:s:.1nd;sLI~_~::lKr.tln:;'1 il1nO!."cl~1 bc I 1'1 t.!:i:;, Till," hlgb,CO'\SCicf'U::{,: {:harOct-CT know ... rhr: diffl!r~nco.: lJ"-'nvc:~n ng;h~ Hnd l\Tong, but 11.(' Hie::; ',oJ bc::llC'V.c: rhl1l LhiJI::d1sriru::tlnn dl.)t:!;!.ri 'r'lf'rlyi!'I tl;l~ in:ot:lllC;i!.'!_ l'ie ml~]H corilmir c.~)lcl~bloode,J It-mrder, d~illlil~~ rh~lj thi~ J"'ilth wm ,:!ofIV(, ch;.: !i"es or mher:!o - iTlIlo(,:cr1~.s .IUll hi;': ..... ollid h:lv(" hc-t:1'l forced ro harm irhis \.'Ic:rim haclliv(:J. Alu:rn~.j'~ivd'l'. thl: ..:.h:~r:iC~cr ml~ln oc"':OIl'lC::;'i >:or.:.l~l'p""lt1~, ..::billl,iiiJ.l, rhil" Il'lf.l:l;r

other people ure :SO!.lIJ~:ss drones or ~n.trinskD!ly lnfcrtor [0 l.:nIlIi:IHII.:LiL:cl clemons.

Convletlens "You can't muke <In omelet \ .... trhom breaking a few C~!1!:::h E~ [he cerchphrase of a l-li&h-Ttll'It'it;.'-I~r hi~h·C(,,)]lvi-Cf.ll)l' (~;lr a cter. He li\ij!h[ J ie, chesu, ::;tc:3Il ~L"d hr~~1:: prO!11i!i.("s e1JL"f'j {b~" bur in hts eyes, tt'.s <ill fora good cause, all necesearv S~Cr1r.COCS that crhcrs muse make (IjJ help hun reach : I wr;rthy ,t::1\I.J:l1. TI ~I,; c.k~fllo:;ri,;r nd~hf cunsrruct spra w [, i0b: mern-erhtce! Fn:J.II1t;,"mk.:1, lilli:>;::d wc:h:1; or tusrrucurtons co cxplat f1I how a breach cf rresc cr acr of dishonor Is acruallp n n excusable lapse thar'[] work our In the long run.

Courage:: A hich.'T.')rmc[1r:, hig.h.Collrag.c charaC,[CL' lm't ncowardoh L"I.(l - he's .loell.'IMoI!'. l-le doean'r til ~c needless risks or put h 11n.~ I( in jl"."OP;lruy when i~ iSf1'1 nl,.~~:i:i:!f)'. rll~t'l.: .. ¢I. ],-1,,:'[1 m:wk,c fll n ".aiI;HI .... -irhdrawn] sud return when ic'~ a fair fi:!Jhc - char is, whct, the odds .;HC" C~'l,!{jICL,.lrOL'Li:!' in hts rf.v~r" He won't .. dmiL It, buc rlus chumcter lsu bli.lll~".nlwa'f!i IOQbn~ for a ..... 'ay to Increase rhe odd~ in nrs favor hy any means nvailnblc. He npproacl-cs L:(lla~im .... l rhik rh~; same wav. " he dunks he risks l!!ei.r'11!l h.Url' hi ~ relanensh: p. he's [ikdr to ~I)' to hurt lt is p. ... mner more chan she huna hi rn.

There's 1\e:1 exncr f'<Jj,1I. :ill: which ehe 111C~ltlitig (If your character's Virtues change, lt's a gradual process, li u ked (0 rhc changes in hls pcrsoncllrv nnd val U(!'S that 31X1lJIllpailY hi:;.grr)wlnk!: T VHJ"I:~lll;... YtE~1 c,:1Ti.h:'l';lol,! n I:!:rciit rlcn] of fun ~1(l1lllTinJ!l; rhls Slmv (le·,li'['II.:. through roleplavmg. changln,g: your c .. haraceer's Nature nnd Demeanor ;1S his Tormenr t:row~ and his desperate mr lrmn li'!:D dOfloS grnw I Ii i n ric-and rhi uner. SilT! i lal·l'l', i( (L churncrer mho claws ili:;. way back ro decency and decreases hla Tcrmene mrtng, ht:<> Vtrtuea wlll slo'l'."lv e::h:1.n.IJ:-t:! b::id:: In.II' n nehler, mute L!1'I.11I~h.:m;.lly meanin.~F'lJ1 s~wm of vnlues,

BVC'I"I If he's nOT aCII.I.:11~)I rroil1f,: 8n'\'rhlli~, :I Jcm(,'1oll i~ ~[ill ;1 l:.ein~ ltke 1'1f~ either un F .... lrlh. A In'lrri~.:: d eel eariul rind mcrtalsouls, rJ~1! derneu ':5 sptrtuml IlJ[U rc allows him a wide range of passive :1;bili(ie-s: the power tr.E> 5ec fll[ol.l~h i1Iu:siorl.5., n:5i~fancc ~Qo di:sc:J:]'c :md ptli::.olll, th~ l,;,"HPQ(itt 'Q h'l.:Qr hi::. tHIlt!!I: b<,'ing In .. ~k'Cd and R. !'Il("mnl~' rh.l'lt CQv{'n: 'Untold acomoftfmc-, ThedCI'L10Ll. also hss.:::I 11Llrnbr:r of nl{i roe ac[ i 'I'e ab i I i[ics. Stich "s [he capaLillt').' It) roopnll' .he :inJlIn~::;(lflll;'i; hO$~ body ::End I'h~ rg~ver ~ll Imlnife ... ·~ hi.': IhPO'=Hh'Prio!: Form.

Bur one fh~r o.f i:Jl:!.lnnflk.lml. InVSt l.':'ear·lv sh(!~';'iIIhc:ir d[rfertncc from ImJo:'lll!:> - ~hQ! power t~)g(J\'cm ~h~ {1J:n.:;oJ,,':::;.()(C~fjtiQIl (~If W'~lh [10 !'110m, h;:m [~ word, 11 oren tn. or ~ thClugh~. Thc;sC' art rhe t\'.QC'.ncion~ of '1'1


demon'slore. his knowledge cfthc secrer ruechani . sms of d!'-! UILII,f(:'rst::. The power [(I C'ImKL: hts lure is [he {I~is,b( u I\.j tl-w.':l~[ i Ili.t)I'(:~i\'c:¢f::l uen\Oi n 's o.l~fl.i oes b~lt it's a power that's far mere lrupreestve and complex ~ han it m igh( appear,

lr's iI1ilJ{jr.~n, W 1'iln!r:"Fltbl;"r Ih;L~);[)LII ~hm-"'L":I;t"~'.:lore is more rhan e simple collccnonofmagk spells or super powers. '11H!: character's lore - p.lfLI('u.larlj' his prirrmry .m~l HQIJ::Li: 1m\.> ~ j:; ~m mITiit..t!~ pol1 4 hr~ 1'!."1)· l'L{iIturo;;. 111~ demon h~~ rhc pOWJ;:r tc I;,\,,[lok~ [HI'~' beC!'i1l51!', inrhccorc ofhisbclug, he: is rhut ~Ol"-C -01", more clearl r, hoe 'to ~ reflecrion Qf 1 hal [Q~, Yes, [()I:IL.: L$ a knowledge, but i e's 11 I,:,nQwlcdg- .... (;I-r she ~(.luj, nor [h~ n .. rind. and t.hSl k[l(lWloogl:: reshapes Vf.lUf chan a cter's seultn irs :1 mage.

Nq~hin~ i Huscrares tlus p()lll~mm""~tmrLJi!!lv ih:11l vour cherscrcr's visage, rhe :~(}Iio;:~I~'rtic fnrm I'II,;ICIot\!d 10 his rrl'lm:.lry lore. \Vh~n vour character munifcsrs hi!' iip~J":'llrpLi..:: r(lrilL, his lere IS more dmn just knowledge, ic'.50 the substance or hte bejug. A Ocr vourer mnnfcsrtng his Zaltu visage I sn 'r juer raking 0(1:1' d.ffcl'C 1'1 1 ferrn, l~l:. un hcusr an :'IlL:l.l~:'E1I1 of 1111 J::rc;I1'LH,*S d~hol,! wild. Simil.;IL"iy, ,l M;lli::f:u::tor ma111- fctiring ~hc Kiahnr vlseee tnfuses hi:,; body ,md soul with the! power 01 Earth. Even Ih{lu~h his flesh dcesn'r !:EC(;QIl~C: smnc. it rakes On the spirtrunl es':':~HC~ ~l{ .~1"'~11~·. \Vh~,., Tci'iIU1!ll( ...... lIrp~ ,I (:.11;mlC~L.:r':-: cnrureand pcrsonehtv, his soul bt;'(..J.,1In~:stUTrUrLOO, and me visage of his rcvclarorv form becomes coreuprcd in rum, lust :11;::; rhc (:v(K::Hi(JJ'L.S of his .IQ[C' become w;lr~ed :111(1 destructive.

Because lore I~ more thnn jlJSC knllwled;l4C:!:,lr 0:-1111'1. :Sill'll'l~' belll,;!~,rl16d 1.kC<J,rLY 1~~'lmii\nJ:!~kilJ. Ycurcharacrcr doesn't just learn a new fonnuln UI pick up n TI~\" rrlck. lrercud, I:!a~n i ng lore reqinrcs raaki nl,':-changc::s [0 tlu!' 1J'cr~ ~[)II! ~Irld nature llf ynlll" eharaercr. ThI..!i)L'! changes' mi~~'Ll1je .liJC to the e[,,::~.L~Clo':i"slu\"l~ re~;'jtni 1'1 i::. the memories and .. anergies or his demonic soul, suppre s sed Ii)' his ccnfincmcru [Co :;J. human hoar !\l~em:IIIVl·J~, ll'l(:: dl:'Ii'lgt.:~ could be VL.:'I"y 1'iIt.:'III', TI':o. Por,sil~le for Illlen1('FI'E ro [!DjJl no .... ' lore From n tenelrer, nlcenng rhe shape of hls soul <0 rake on new snlrtreal km:rl.\'l.edg('. No martcr how the character's lore IInprt)"I,:~, th~)II"l1,il wJ.:~lhh ufru.l..;.pl:lyiJl): IJC:i['CI'iLiallie,g hI dll,:. ·irnprt.: ..... cmeLH PtlJ(:~~, :11 ..... 1"}, wal'~ I:::d.,~ ru c::.:plorc [he: ram[fkuions [)or [he du:mg.;;s In your characl'(!r'~ nbillries,



~eJon· ~llllj. Lmpri:lOi'll"tl in the Abvss, rnu:,t dcr l1lan.:; IVt:L'C' mas[I.!:I'S of [l\"ir I.:.lTC. StI('h ,l viTtll~:{.I1 :roCcci .. 'c~ a Q;rC:3t :shock 'I'I,!hC:(1 urrivLllg in 1:.11.<' morml ,",odd -she find.!! 5he'~ fm'.g<lJeCII how '[Q c'lOke ImLc.h of her 5 1:s.)1'C'! nrkMW'loo~! LO['lg :1COru: [n Hell, tl.Mblc roO

D\:lllllp!lll'C'lte Cre\l;~jOt" have served ro tlul! her abthncs, Wh<lt'~ more, though. [he fabric of Creation has changed so rn[~ch since the! of Wmeh mar tho rlcrnon must relearn much ~fhr:;r- (QonL:[ k,ww]{!dgl,,":_ Thls Is hampered ~ ..... en furrher ~' ~hl;: problems ()f [l ... in~ til a morral bose, Most of the demon's memoriesfUC. inaccessible, U..lO great co ccnratn it, her hos(s bmill, and I'r'llhi;,l'I~ ~ho.: LIl1.llu:dlm.;.: lfll;lfli..l'f)' of her I!J~. ttl,=::wnin~ [jer ;.kiIJ~ wiH he CVt;.l1 mote ':liffiQJlt,

Dlffictlh. bUL not Impesstble. elsu I:!!_ W[,h thne arid pmcrtce - and expend i ture of ~,=pNkl1-CC points -yOl.u cbnracrcr (rill remember or relearn an~' lore ,he ()1lC(' Knew, [['S up rcvcu redectdc whnr Ion." vcur rbaracrcr actually knew be(Ol'~ h",l' dme In Hell, ~lcrK-ridi 1'1# un tll~ chn rueter cuncep l. <lnd vovr v~~iQn of how skilled she character;;" You Crill increase me lore chat '\IOUf cberceree once: I.:IH~\.\! III the l~t.,lrt'ij<)1 manne r, by spend iog expe rtencc poi rus dlJ ring do ... 'ntlme. Doin~.!io r~~r~se-nLS chI:! chnencrcr remcurbertug the evocations ot old or leamiug how to perform mow e v ocadcns in me Ch31:'1;j4cd envrronmeur of ehe rnedem world.

Your elurracscr's prtmarv lore i~ n given - (lrl demons were m:JF[(l[S of their prtmarv IIJI'~ before tb.1:!.l .. rtmc il~ 11(':11, M::.o'l clemens also rnasrercd Lh.('"il· other I-[OU:5<..' [ore, and )'O!J can assume rhar ~'eu r character can eventually recall all rhc e v ocnttons of her 1-I,1)~~(:: unless }'(Io~l fcd rhar she should hSiVC been deficient in tha L 1-0 I'C" for 5Qm~ reason. Y oo e eharncret llli~I\l. h::.IV~ bC(:llskincu In rhe common lore. or she mi:!::ht nor - th .. '1t"~:J. decision vou should male based on yutl r char a c~ cr ccncepr. Ma~u~r~o( lQr~ from other Houses is rarer .~I [HI few demons couldcvokc powerful dlc(.rs {rom other 10 I'C- evcu dutin.i"; I he A~c": ~~(\'{r m I·h. If yo!.] fuel ~hn.t yt:'lUU character 5MttU/ have known :fl paerlculnr non-House lore, 1:;]11-: eo V~)LJ~ Stt)ryl'\!,II~r. He rnif.,!:ht allow rhe ch .. racrer ncccss ro ch,1I( lore.or 1,(: couklprohlbtr acccss. He- f'l1i~]H rule rhm YOII!'"chiH' .LCll.:f ~II rernemoer thnr lore, bur perhaps only [0 a certain level, with rhe romeo powerful cvceartcru :"j'i,:' .. Il:'lble: l,rd\, i( lhe c.kwru:::tL!l· seeks ~r<lininl;_


!=Orcl~mo.t'LS wi'l.:h [hI.!" Legroc~' B,.-e k.,t,:.T{\!J nd. "!lot~l.:!:r ')f'i[lo]'1 C:lflSlf> r or re le .. m il1~ [hl':fLl~tlt[t·ll~N{)C,;:uioru.of th.::~r 1l~1. Your chl'ln:lct'.:r c.::m enter <1 fugue:: - a C.fII'taconi C SUHC" -in wh ic.h she r,dlve5 nne icm memo" fl'i.!~ (tflhc A~~ ~~(Wrdlh, wh('n !'.h'l: Wll_~;"It Ibe hCigh! (j( hl;',,[· pOWI:" I·. Wh,~n .$hl' r1n'lli~ ['rn("rg~ rW!l1 hr.'f IT:licrit\ ~h .. , brii1.g5 ' .... ·iel, her grca{cr rcrcllcni.:rn of h.~]' Jlrim:lry lo-ro::, and she: m 19lu even be: :lble n) pel·rL)fm new c'r'ocarlnJ}s Ilt1f(Ii!!tlb •• r~l'\l".

Thl!l (ollo-"·i.J.~ opdon:al sy:;r{" m 31l0\'1;5 ,;:harnel t"1'S 00 c:mc-r :ll fugue I):nd ~:'i[11 grcalcrfud1ity \~'ilh l·['()-il·

l~rim:::'r'l'1 Ore. This svscem is evailab lc fer usc only wrch Stervtcllcr pc:h·llh;:!i!c.:m. 0111 )'~;:h .. .-rw;tc~ \...-I~h th c Legncy B;]c1rgralJl1d can enter n rlll!i.J/:, rll'i,1 t.11'i1'l1'h~ir prilll:r.ry lc .. c enn be unproved in "[his way_

To enter a fll,gue. ch::1~~ .. crce II~tISl dchbcrmely rcrrcar deep IfLL-LJ her I-lLJriL."t!wt;:IIlIJrh::./i, flrat rerrieving I] spectgc mcmcrv, I.h['"1'\ rcltvtng lr In grcnt tlctRiI. Doing '50 takes a elgnffleanr I:iffiOLJLH of rime - from h(.llJ!'S to CV~'" d,~'f~. dep e ndiup ort ehe nl(!illr)r'p' ,1oL;ot:'i,:$¥Cd_ O,.,t;'\:" in '~I~;UC:, vour character relives the m{!.mQq'.arh~'I ... lng tJ,Sc(]:3 spccffic evocarlon - (he next one CIt'! her primal)' 101">121"8.1;.1"1_ Sc ff ~oI,l!1 r cha[: LCloI,;[ bas ch reeders i n he I· pn m .. rv C!" r<!e.\Jb ~i ll~tlt; when 5h...: used i he Iourth-dor c"'IICCl~ non of her lore.

Tbls meilLlJory ts scvvtd end cnthrullil1,!;l rhnt, for ~11e dllr;uiOl~, o'f the rueraorv, the character doesn't ~\I'I~:n r.1!.cdl-:c she's. rell v ·lng i:1 rncruorj l For:1l1 jrll.t;ll~!i. and purposes. the chcraerer u I,ll.:in~ p~lrr It' 'I S(I;.I~":: (i'Qn~ her past. The StOI1,tdlN can uSC" rhia as an 'OP'P"ri unity for mlcplav, assigning new roles to rhe other pI8~'C:n. :m.d p-layln,ll. our rbc scene in det u H. It can be a f11il!!U r-scene I hi!lt ad d:1; 11.t. ...... duncustcnto the ehromcle. nnd it cnn evert be USOO['{) tneredccc new shlry clements. [f the Smqr(C"licr or orhe pl:'i.Yl:r!). dcm'~ feel likt:~!oil~r::!':o, the rcmcmbmuce pI"QC~ .;;an sil'i"l11]l' he nbssmercd Wlljl~ }'l;)ollrchm:I-I;.tcr .... JW~ Que of the $L[JI~' (or (I -"ce:rJlC_

On..:1.; rhL: fl.lgLlL: l:Tl~I~, [hI.!- chmueurr CIHIJ rges wj ~h n new wa:;'l~L;.\l~ n-l;;rrrir!liJrylorc. Mflkl.:'fI roll (difficlJl(,( 6) u~in.g vour LegLtcy Background as the dice pool. Each.succcss ou rhls roll givC':S you ail! experience poh'lt thlu: can be ~pL.:JlC (JIll, rm imp:rl)"inlj y\lHr chaeacrcr's pril'LI:tI1' [ere \rect1rd it :-rI;:p."mlA:l~' 01"1 your character ebeerl, Thus ir becomes that little hit' cheaper rc purchase another-doe rn y(KI~ .::h~II';"]c~~r'$ll{h(l:j"lry IQ~c. Furrl-crmorc, ir ')"I)~II· dv,rt\'CI.t:T emenil (u.glJl:;'; i." the !nk~!lt: ~;{:} SUll")', nne von have enough expceicnec PQin.u: n vn nabh:- rc improve her prj m.tlJ)' lore. '~·OLJ Corm do sQTmrtteJicudy, rather Ihall il~ dt)writil!W!

En';;ring fugue i:s ~ IJscful w'W{1fimproviL1.g IOff!, bm 1,[ hl'l!i Hmlu;,. Durins: pl:"!y. tilt: "h~rn":lc'r muSI lSp<:nd:::J comfile[ll~ seC'"ni! In rhb (LI!::LJ~ SI ;I~';, lInubl;:; t~~ n.mcL 10 Ihc \V{!TU {11V~lmi h4;1' Qrde(end her.~el(from :=iI~tl;ld.":. If ~-I.:!" tilkt,'5!', cht: r\lg\Jc Ends prelnil;· curc-l'f. She no( only t:llim 110 ocnefit (rDm rile ~~t::aUe'::l iol'"l ;lHe(I\N, b'lt she'll Ix .l;!:t~gg'l' (md I.mfo< ql:::t:od r'\.lr ~h,~ r-,~l 1)( dw· :o;.ct;~111!" (irLl;[C:~~ thl'" diFrl\:\llry of t'.ll tu .. b by OrL~). F_lgUC;5 ~n a"b,", be e~tt!:n:i:l dlttllig downtime, , .... hich Is :;:cn.c~;'1l1y s.::..(r::r. 1['1. this. en:j'!!. rhe S ~('I r~rd ler dt;..:.idr:s h(1'w n1!I..;;h lime i S r~ujr~>d Car [he :lHi2mpt. TIu,: d~ .. r::U.:1'i'"T C::~.n t:'llt';:T ~ (u~uI(" ~lnly once pioOr', Qr once per pcrind .of Jt.lwluimll!. And fill'l'Illy. YlJoll c:m never ;g::lln more ImmJs Ii!~petienl!e

points nr one time: than your Lc;g:ilCit r:;nli1~_ O!"LI~' I'lI't<':C those points ;]I£ spent an 3 ne-w dot ':::1['1, ;'(~I,l bcncfn frcm!;] r!,[gLl~ once ;'Jg:lil1_


M~m}' UCLIHJ[J~.;;;:anrC'Call [heir p8S( maarcrvoflere wtrbcur unducdifflculry. butscme {~d Ih."Jt thi(:Y need ~'rI learn ~h'!,! evccttrions or another House's lure in order [Q survive and rhri vc in rhis :;;1 :tJlill;::e nu w \\.'ml d. Th(':$C d'C:IHOru: need reachers - other demons who have mcsccrcd t] .. e lore II~ quesuon und can 11111l~~fl: t.hdr klll~wl~tlJ:.!:1! ~Q others. Tc a (:h['lg een also "C useful if a demon wants b.dl'!1'1 n.:e'III!J~g lore he has forzorren.

lt'e usuallv up [0. ~hL:Story~dlc:r <I~ ro whcth,,-:J' ~'1)I.lT ;;:!);r nJ:!:@trninjnc;andatCE1;:her in order TO learn :s new evecnrlen. Your Sroerrcller m:ly [hili ::'III ch~~e:n:r.; r. .. 'l,.liJln; ~e:2!il;;hlng if the-y WLLne m gain lore FnJnI another Heese. or C":YC'n common lore. Sh~ 1~\!I'~' ~Ii:...~(d-L.: rh:ll n reacher ts uscfial but nor esscrm.::U, or she o.~l.Jl.J deckle on a case-by-case basts, L1l.!pl;!"l~llin.l!:()i"lht! ChaTnCh:r :JurI. IlIl.: needs of the ehroruclc. SimUrldy, she- mtglu decide rhm YOUT c h.Sr8C[Cl' can 'r seek reach~ng for n lorc. and must enbcr fL'c,l!iltJIJ kllt)\\'I'L!(lgc',r lcurn rhc 1m-I: from scratch.

luo1::'iDJr-;(ij\''T .... :J\(t"'en

13~(m'~ yonr characres CUrl: be tL~ught by cncnhcr demon. lie needs roFlu/:;.~ rcnchcr. A~W dL';l~\I!Ir!. wi~1l ,1 gr1,;:;lle:r kIK>\\!l..:(Ib.~ ~rLhc kJr,; in 'll~C!iti~m cart serve as R teacher. lf jour cl-eracrcr h:t.~ no (IIJTS In II particular lore, rhen Kll'f'll.!(1pC wir~ fest a !;ingk dot ill thnr 11.1JC" could reac h hun b[lSLCC'I,IOC::1 rtons. Dnccyoue character's knuwlJ.:dj!l:: (If ,·he lore equuls ,hOlt cf hjs reacher, he [11USt lind [lnOI'h l,'T. mere!oo, lnsrnxtoe 01"" acrcm pi ro Improve ~j~ (;"L[l"biH(LI?S On his OWIl. jdeallv, rho 1~I.;;h-;r~h()ll1cl h:;: n demon who possesses thar lore ~~ her prlrunrv lUI''\,!., ur a HOII~!: lore, These demons have rlu: 1;.t;~1 unders l_mdillg of thu ~ krrc, and they make- (he bcsr instructors. It's nor essential, l"I)outl.h. A SC(lIII',fi/.' eould t e;lch ;1 M~llld:l..;t ... r 1· he Lore ofRacliance if needs be, although she'll be a 1t".ssshlJ.c:d teacher than ri OC!\,j I or ehe Q,iM.b!,ll \!L~I~l!:_

While [rool,,}:::.:i teacher bin he iI !i=IHI],llc Insl:1 it m 1i~ht be mere d i ffk.u I ~ for 'l"Qur,h~r,l(: ret rc persuade hcrtc teach 111[11 the lore, Evert Ha aultalrlc demon I;; 'vi Hi l1g to '[c;]ch your{(!r, shc'~ IlCit ooi I~g ',ll J~I jl ror (ree-. Tn Il(:{ h.:t LlLlo;ltI~. yi:)~!f chnmctcf will have t:o j):"I1' WI11C "killd o( pri~~ ~lr s~'-"Ck om :3ln(j[l~<':l i{l'l;:-rluJP.'> I~:s.s ~uimb!c~ jns.[l1.t[w~" The e:h:,u":.{e:!·.:r\ p-rioef! l1'i~hr b.I: (,::Ish, bur (h;)(':;: unlikely - LJcmDn~ ha .... e: Ion:; of W;'~':5 or g'.!llh'l~ In~m(::r if lh~'1t'$ \.11!J.t-Ir dlC'I' w;uu_ It's iT~(~t~ ]ik~lv rhil' ~he ~1~llllm will demand ~ (;lvm from ~'Our 1:hmncrer, perhap~ a Uisk 1.0::: mll1i(

complutu cr II re'Jc he must retrieve. Fulfilling: ~he teacher's dcmnnds may be II arorv in tssclf one in. which the rest of the troupe can pan Jc ipatc.

T~id,i:"nl'!lC'l<1 J)ilOC=

OnoJ;~ ynllr chamcter has. found .:3- teacher and ~ulflUed her demands, lt's r-lme ret knuckle down ro the precess p{ ;.LJ:::lt.<llly I(:;mtil)~ the new evccancn. Thi:;;i'" hnrrh-r (["1.(111 it suunds, As ereeed ellrl[cT.liJr~ en'tjusc fI rwnrtal :s~ill char can be learned!l,l-!h practice or rete mcmcnacnon - II":;' :A -!lpirfr1Jol 1~'~"''I.!r ~h:1I' d't:l1'1-n.m:b I'he- chumcwr's Y~T)' n.:HUIT ch_an~(: ln 11O'~lh"in~ Lt.

Ton mortal olaseever, 111~ :"1:1:.1 orlL.:<I1'Llrn!; lore from auorher i,\"O!)tJ It>!),., ... ·err d~ffO;:~L,!"llt [rom k.flHlio:g hClII' to drtve from nn imUIJC~OT. Af[~rrttl.l1'lc arudcnecan'r perform the evocadon he's [ryil~~ 10 learn Lln'lf! ht!-~ learned It - he can't even make clllrn~' mrcnll~(-" (0 ~Jfnl'rji I r. 11-~.;,; best h-l,~ ":;111 do is J"'o!ITonTI lesse I' (':\"QG1.' ,ilm:lo {rom the sante 10'J:1:'. Slratlnrtv, rhc reacher can't jlJS.I perform the cvocnelon a few 1!ln~ :!1~d: I!:X]'lICCt her student [0 ptck it up (:;!jlhL~\'.Ah Ih<)1 ri'()n'ibl~ willl:lhly n P::Irt In the process]. Instead, rhc enrdcne must in~ rensc lr i~ i ntui rive imdcrsrand inJ; of the L'3["[: I L"I Gtl cseien, ::1nJ 1'"(:f;·h:t;f.1(: hi:'l :<."[lId 1'L1al narllT~ [;rl'~d IJoerlm~ even hls pc:.l'"Wn)llie~) In -I;li"dr:r !l"'1I::wl'!l ~~t the I~Tt the It~L·~ [lln~':. in Creation. OnJ~' then can he come Hl L1l"!d\:!m;:Jnd how to command thatfacerou Crear ian ill n 11(:WWl'IY,

MfilW .hing.s 'Can increase a character's underecnnding cfu lore path. Here me: "arne :i--..iggl:::5.rlol)!"for ta s ks er lessons n Io:;tit;h..:rr [lli2ht scr her '::tuclr,,;'TIt; y'Jur SrOl),I.c:!:1 let wi II, (:['1'11'1; ~JP wit h (lrl1;;: r- resks ~I;.H characrer mlgh( need [(10 perform.

• TI)t" teacher ~rl';"1nll:io the cvocancn :S(!'VCH1[ rtmcs, whil!!' rhc :>J.,1.Icilcnl USoI,,"S his aupcrnanrral awareness to feel bow Cecarlon is rna Lllf1lll:u~.

• Thc n wJr;nt watches others perform [he evocaI..LOll, lookmg for he ..... their lU""thetds dIffer [rom these of hi s reacher,

" The ':~1Jd';;;:l1['"rvC"b the spocalcpric form ofa demon whose primary lore is rlit:' lore in questlen, uru] he pondcrsl-ow this {Of1U 11J:J1.eCIS ehe IO'i!:_

• The etudcncundergoes ~I remembrance nrual [tf he hns .. he LCll:fiC:~' B~oi;l:l.:~JLJl!d) ro ro:!oJ;~1l trctonccs where he :;';'1"'~1 oil-ers po!rf-l,ll·I·!'iln~ Ihe:: r:""'i'Cf~I·it,m_

to ThL::' C!voke:> IC5..."1.Cf cffccr.snf tl\c lore ill I'~W , .... t=iys: :;i['uJ IiU'tidt;.Q I,.l!1 h(lw Cn::;~ti(ll~ ~:;,.th:;:m~~1 by rh.!.;! ~\'~1!;i~[i()ll ~ fll'1(1 how C~ lmtl icsist.·i_ rhc chan~.

• If[u'-l~low in Tormcnr, tI1c~rudcntdoCllhcml{::J~, i:,!Ol.:e$ hlUh~T 01Tl U::1l t-l;!Jf'.:!~I"'\. vrrhc Ir.lL"C'.1 n~i,:! is h~gh in T urn""L~m. [he ~tudt!l'!l[ rries ha~d tQe"ok~ In.w" T onn("nt I!ffcoc [:5.1-1 r:-lhCl~ pondcfS'[h.;:: diffc["('J"I.ce: bc~wc~ dfc:~r.s (Lnd on ·ho'll.' r.he: ,ctT{:C[S are rdaroo.

• Til-I; student $11n'QIII ... ~-G; hhns~I' \'I'ith :fI resonunce of chc lore nnd rucdfrarcs on. how th a r resonance affoc~ realltv.

Ii, The ~tmJ-L:l'l~ <li:.U R:l: irhe l-mcl a djrr-l:roCJ~! f"i;:T$CIT'ILJlity. one more in tune with [he: lore: (l:'Ilr.oring t~is DcJTLOIlm,[ ill accordance wLrh the- Ieee's f'C5OMnc(::),


If the character 'WQ[b bard, he should cvcruuallv le:3TI me n~W(;VQC':3 [tort from h ls reacher. This L~ 1 ikely lIJ r:ikl,; ~Illll't tiC'll!':', IJWTllh' the length of e complete :i-1~~ry- weeks h~ IUl"n~hs, \.l~pl:n~nTlg en the Fl owof Lh'll chronicle. lr's up 10 rlse Srorvrcllcr rll' decide whee ,\'ffilr chnmcrer has learned cnflllgh and whether ~'(:II) CLI1 fiJ,all.y:jp(:ud ~:t:pl.::r~l:nl,;~ pctnu on Im~:ruvin~yoLir I..:h:]r.II:'I;,:r·~ ictr.t!, I l ~'f}llr chamcrer h:;l~ ~)I;:[1t II ~ignil1r cam i!1UOUm or thne working on imlll'oving h is loropraedcl ng.or learn [n:.r arlcas t Ql'1CC :1 chapter over the llfrl~g[h cl~ stcry-c-uhe Storyr ell cr w~1 I geneml 1 ~ ;..llow ,'till L'fl JI'~:J'!,llho: r:~p;:ri~rI(;C (Xljnt~-

YOlU Seorvreller I"Illfthr rule tl'l;:l[ ehe ltli'~ cesrs just II~ nllll'Y 1!.:;K!'>t;:Jtt:rll;;,~ pulms co learn from OJ L'I.!.~dU'1' H.S it t"\,lLlldto learn [rom meruorv. AhC'raH, jfvour chamcrcr never knew the evccntlon, be wouldn't he nblc ro learn it m cdl withc/lit ,I [~:-II::he:r·"\I$:'j.i~ti.l!1~e_ Ahernali\'cl.,. the StQO'rdl!Cr 1l1l~l-n decide to allow you 00 [RI rchnsc t he new doc of lore ar asllgh [1'1} reduced ('05[.

Afrer~lI" jour character rook a lor more rime learning i~ then he would hnvc spent .sunply N.:ltlcmIJoC:nnp:: ::) {,URf.ltll!n evcearion. TIH~ (lJll~Hi{i1':!: oI"ll:!'i~l"\rll ~i',ot:[~lfI m"'yl')C"lISl=d r'illhe$t.(i.1'~lt:lIc(~dis(;l'f'li"-~l1lUn'dlJc~ the" (;OOt or the new dec,

Ar the End cfa srcrv ic~ which Y(lLlI' cbernceer has been lea min:!; the new I OTC, u~(' Stotvce ller rolls iii dice )Xlut equAl ro the reacher's raring in rhe relevant 'lore cl Llrll'Ll1 clownelmc. The d'itficliltyo( rh rs.rcll depends on 'L11-I:: lCir-t: r.h~II' was being t;-m~h~_

• If the S[oC'f}'uJler charncre- \\'0:;: le:Jchlll!ii her Plit\~~lry 1£1(1;, the di({ll;;ut,), I~ 6_

'" ]{ she- '\\I:'Is, u."::u::hlnt:;:.t H('iU!il: ~"'~l: (bul mil her pnmaev lore). or ceil-c:hil~1i: c:ami:iH'if1 l'h~L~_ tlrc dHfiClJl,}, is 7.

" lfshc was ccachlng ID'i'C (I'om;.~ d'lr{(!I'L:I~[ Hcusu, the (I iffh:.ul ry i~ 8.

R:'l:tllrnpr;::~ Goill')".:s ch(lr.Iu!.t:r i's'1I[[em/)trt1g [0 J~tlr'll from £1 Sr.olf~.(j[[he Ansh£lT "I.!Io~(!. Jf"i:~ di~lrlU:!(::rUI(iS fl (~e'I'PL(JjiJl,ll W kw"n r~,f L[};e' Qf rhe Fi·nllnm~'m (ius !1!lI.::hc" s f)'YinRoIT), fun::} I tfJe S.tCJry [dron- u\[lulcl TCr~ tl.r:nrn,H diffic!(J'cj' 6. Jf !1!.e cfl.:Jra"r:-r ums 1~.:iT'P'ljng ~J! Lore ,0/ H!IIl'h:mi[), D'i' u.e l.ot"e (J{ A'tJ.:'IkL)rtili,ljl /rJ)IJI her, rho:

SWT.) rdJ,;;o;:r 'UJCi'IJ1J TOU (tg{lin-!i r diffiolc)l 7, ,If I ile' c;I1(ll'(rc''''" '1~'{,Jj:" r-rying to IN,J.rJl f.llE' Lere fJ/ [rIC .Eal'I]" rIl~ c:Hfficujr:o' urouM b'i! 8.

t:fl",h :;,u~e~ ()Ii"\ the ['1,"111 ~i\'C$)I011:e bonus expertence poutr rhnc can be spent onl~' on tmpro v !n~ rhc appropriate lore- \ record I r.sepnrarclvon your charac tcr SnL'l.: r). Y cur dli'1n'1Ct.1I,:1 ~;;IIIn :511.-;1'-, ~\'II;r.J I ~tDri es 1 ;':0I1":n· illl!: rl'9m.::l re;;u:her, ml;H'I~in-J:: l['jOr-t bonus oC::-Ip!:riCIlCI.:

I poinrs in each period of downrimc, iloul 1'1(, can IiC\''Cf have more bonus. pomts at ene ume than his reacher's {n Ihe lure. Once ~~!J rcuch thut pciru. Q.L'1l' e,(C~~ pt,jt'1r~ are 1Q$l. Only once you spend rho OOL1US poinrs on improving rhccharacrcr'a jerecnn he bcn(!f~t {ram (\LI:'lher renchtng.

ln the bt:-.gil'Il'ifl'lg, b!,"r(1~ Pilrll(li-SC was desocvcd, Crcanon consisted of an nlmosc infinLrc number of kvels of meaning. EVI:r)' cbiccr possessed rnull:iplc levels of L':oo:i-':lI'CnI;C-;1 tWl.1Td lT1~hl ulso bC:;JI ~Ilg,:;) r.('I(!lC.1ii< ~p,'t'il' ::)nd A rllilOSOph)I, CLlid il ~;o::~str .. '1.3 As-aU of these I[b.iL1.,g:l C'lC [he same rime. Creenon 11':.:iii n (:0'111- plcx. Inrcelocktng engine. ~DWC'I'!:!d by" m.~rdn~ :11~d ::lyml)lJlism. end th.~~ Elonim could use svmbols and If I ~,,['],i ng ~Llll{fl,:!~r the fabric 'iJfC~{nion. Through chc power o{ her lore - he r c:t~clty to affcct nll the kvcls ul Crc'nIIDn- 3i'! EIL1hlm CL~LI1(1 recue a prlem :1I~d (:;)'~5<: LI snit to be born because che H,H and ehc IilOO~T1l were the same thing.

Afh~~ rite Creneor dO:::V,btlj~t!d P'II"<I ... li8,oJ.!, C~oJ;. :ILI[)n h~1 much of lcs richness and ccmplc x iq'. Angels l~lld slcmona .tlJike found rh:u it was. no longer as ,["'..:i.~ ro use rhctr lure ru ~11~ln[wl:'i11o! Creaci on, heea ~"'t!' 1,1 te 11ml I: I faee ~~d nn r.1,1:~!; or I hi rj~': had been reduced. Indeed. :501Uoe: objects or conceprs no longer had a muldplc nature and were ::;lIliply 5In,hl:Ic:, lone.t'? cntlrtcs. Stili, lnrcrncncns I2:lrt~r~ ... ~ ber .... 'l;!cn t'hlT~t;'l .r,:"'!;L1 in rh I:'> reduced CTCnrion, Whilc.' [\\.'0 objects mig1u '~O'\\l be- separate th ings , rather chan. rwo [aects. of rhc 011(: eluIT~" rh . .:V stfl l hnrl n connectton. One t~l~JI.':I.':~ act e c] ;1:; fl !'t'rrl1b[11 Or weak reflecncn t)f rhe nther -I!ml b~' 1U00l1.ipl)buin,b': QnL;', e demon might be able to rnanipulatc the ocher ln some "''l.'Iy. A peern and a :5(3" were no long.:!r rhc same rhing:, blJcb~ch:lngin.~ I:h.t.: ~':!~rtI ill';lI"~.rdCI.Jlnr'\\I~I'I-';~ d~1lIt1Tl mi~ht hU,"L!ke:n ;;' '1'1) cl"if1ng-C'" rile !;fElr 111 cermin, similar \'"!aY;S,

A5 th~ AJ;c "'-if W';;lrll vrogressal, <'<I.dl bori'!l -cI ~orc~r;l;lll1'llll[l{t...J ~ body or symoob, and voI1LlC'("tiom:. These" rcAc:crcd the conn(!c\:~oru ::m.d i["J~ ccrRc[iIJ.n:,. fl' ijl ill (:::d~~lI:d III l'ht: IIl'lth;:rpiMdn~ 1,.lf Cre~[1 on. D~inorl."i .jll,d In,/:;d~ "llih: 1151.'..1 r ..... ~qn.;1 nc{':!; ~j:1 m::lki: i"h'l!irk'Tli:: mc-re plJ'werful.ming!il5.ymbol:llls <I: kns w IlIDgllifi· d"LC' powr:r of their iI!\'OC"luiOn5. A demon mi:ghc nne hRV(: beef'! l)t)"I·'{.:if~t <:!:ru:Jllgh ~o crack:l m(ioLUU;l~n in. h;!H wlr.h ILl'll ~vc.x::;llio;)n, but ifh~ H.~'.:d R :-:ymhr,1 rh~\, had n::pre:;.emi!d Lhe mount:clln"

such 1IS a particu lar gem, he CO'LI!d increase [he ;5t(e!l~(], o( hit> cvocncicn ~1"Ld dL.:st:(uy the !l"LI:;I-Uut:"!Ln

In the [1.1;'"\\1 und confusing modem world. demons are finclill:!:: that resonances have: lose a grear deal of ehelr f()~lill;:r pcwe r; Cn:~lr~~m u; \VJ;;Il.:(::r ,;'l'rt.J [him't."T ~hnfi ever lllc{t.l:i"l:':. and Ill!:': ::,)')TIWI:i.u{lme nre 111:) IOIl:gt:::r powerful cuceah [Q mil~n;fy the srrcngrh and cffccr of e,iOC;1UOLl.:5_ Crcanon u srill a mazcof ineeeactions arid COn.l1\,:Ct luns, h(I1,,!,:v'l,;r, :md :'~'lTlhola stlll h.,vi.'! ${10m .. pc)\vcr, ll)· Ij~illg nn ,1(:111 that reaonrnce in soetc wav with certain lore. edcmoncan benxr comrcl : 1'1(: filbr~c arCrc8don w hh Oil evocatlon, even [([he ~frel):G:lh Clr lh::.!l cvocnrlon ruruulns unchumed.

One rare- AJ"'HIU::I~ (ir the modern wv:rILl. rOf demons. i.~ rhm (:ir t1'i.,~re~bjc~rs <i!"1.d CQriC:I;!~{S resonate with tore ucw d 'u m in [he- Age of Wrmh, \'ifhilc demons were locked tn [he- pri5Q-I1 of rhe Abvss. huIllCl11i1 ¥ lvt.:ll r ;)I;.¢U[ ~lunin.(l: ltecwn stu rup On Cruut [on, build i ng new devices 8:rL{1 ideas. Because these invcn~1(J:n" were :5.1'1J1l from rho t;!i.wM'.:Jl.lxl ~HI i'ldi ng bloch of ~util:'ln. the'\' tncorposmed the "'}li~tinl;l:st'mbd'5 and resonances. \VhO::-l1 L1C'\\I C rCil.rlOl';S were bu 11 t, rhev were :.d-r.!ed rc Ihe Ilbr.I'I'), of J:;:{'}l'ltlC~,lol'l!:l (lnd resonances elsoe Ufldt''l'lln th""r ~U[~. CToJ.'.ukm ie thinner nnw, bUI also [al·.grT. more crammed w[lh t,])jee.L~ arul ML"8..") and people. J\s II resulr, sY':!lbul3 have been dllueed il'\ strength, but widened in scope, Wh.~n once only a particular PlCCC of music mlghr have resonated with the l-(lToJ;. IJf LJnl:lin~, now nllllrl!>t dr T!!lI,:dc. 11;t.:! ,I connecrtoa whh th~t lore. no mutter how tenuous. S[mjbrl~., rhrtt music CO'LLld hnve 3 rescnanr cffecr on im ':Vc:I(:;ltlcl' [!:vr:n If II ts p;;;r("nn.:::o;:1 nn Em lnsrrumsnt rhar clid11'1. cxisr in the Ab."'I.' or Wnuh. such ~5 lin eleerr+e gtJimr. The: .Iluirnf lS b;,~d on rl-e .~:~Iflt.:: princlplc~~I.[H:!.s}'fil,lx~ls~~~'tl iIHl\1)1TIe('1{~<lt'id ni.1J~ic,:~mcl ,III music was bam fWLI'I rhe Lore of LDIlGing.

0"::;1"(; flr..50ffi\l'Kr.:5

Th,L,'. fe'!lIL'l ...... in..g QPtiQ, .. ~d .sys~¢Il'L ijllkm~ demons tot! gain small advar- cages llV Incorparaclng resonant svmbols, elajcces or ccnccprs lnre their cvccauons. By L::::g1-;:Lhli,;hir)~ II ~'r'I1.1holir: connccncn between I'hem .. .gel v es ilnLI rhe! r I~Jrc, dem(JlI:I: fir!cl it.o 1 L( ric oJ.'~'1;;5'~[, m t!l!oke rhi;!i.r lore: i1[1d mtmiplIlmc Cr["f:Ir~[)n,

A liL1rmllll:,v!.X[\th'm·t5siml,h· anj['1:'l:~l1l:l~~l't."rQf\.\liU - !lrl:<!C"t (I,~ lll'ltlJml ~(lde!1H1n'!:;:,1Sflexlnga mu;:;clc-is,o '-1 morra l.n~'C: dellH'ln dcc:id.oG:.$ wha~ eff e(l' )lie w~nl:): {(I -c.rC'3l<!, [hen /le::(e.:;] her lur~-!;;lfl~ OfL rhl.:! hi,d'!~i'~ m c.::h~njt!.lllj I:l( Cr:ei!l.ciun cl-m( :s:iu:' h~lped i:Juild at cho:: dawn of :rimc:-. if b(:l skills af("n'( pCiLi.5hc.'J CE10 tIghf Lh~ .c:voc:'lriorL rait~: if her mlls,d(:S ;'ll't; 5tl'On~, she ~vt;.lk(:s her !~~I'c. hope:!i.dlv in chI! ~"'i.'ty sht: wl:;.ht::J.

Whol,;ll !'I d~mon inccrponm::s n::50fmm dcmcnu:. du.- p'1'ICH:£SS ofC\'0e3rkm dr:mge.;.. Wl~a.: 1.I.'a.!! once;lJ1l

li~e:;In,; .:ir;:~ uf wll] become .. It rnore complex pl;;rf'or. mance.Thc demon. must activdy use the new e lcrccnr jn [hot' evocation, bulldinga new undcrsrardtng-ofber lnre :11,d fCl!lln~ hem ir resonates in r.hh5ymllol. [)41il\g ~I I)lighr !\I;II eake muc.b U1.;;1rt! lhl'l.J; diAlll ~ ",lOinl:')I -t:VQC<1,tion.o~ ircould ,<11.;(' muchmcrc (i nll:~, d,,=pcnJing on me resonance used. A demon mrglu ::;imply srep [['!J{Q a bcnftrc te resonate \\,;rh the Lore' of Flame. t:lkll1g [ust nu t.:~."m ~~Ol~J to evoke rhc Ion: - but ~I Dl!'fih:r ~hl;g de l1.(1I:' to rcscnntc 1.llj rh the Lcrc of Longiugwl1l need LOSPll:n.J ~L! v cral miruxc s. d~lnl!ing W jl;:iin n i:w11l:(h:. SEI11i1:uly, whm was once a n-osrlv invisible ncr of ,,~l'l lX:I\:01t'1f;'-S n vjstblv tnteracnen wtch the remunnt object or concept. It" jeur character is.ll·t using resonance in n U'8~· rhar nurkcs rhc L.:.v(Ji!:mj~)n ob ..... OL.s In some wny.s; [0 others - even i r rhev d()[,'~ f"l.::~II;"! \l'1l.u she's ,-,.:;ru<llly doln~ - it's probably not !::Oi~lg maid ber evccatton atrcmpr.

Whcm vou WIlIH rc .L"IoCOI·Pttr:l[[' resonance [IUa 'four charncrur's evocation, tell the Stcrweller [usr ohru your chernc ~T is del n.~. [~5 be [CoC LLI ["]g n poem to cspnrre 5C.lmL"'\-:il1(:':S I Cl-yit ll)~! Drtn k in~ aceek I~lll ~(61CJljo;;.l (l1,d drll~ re alrer her 11(:J~' Ch~!1li~tryr B'rryirlg h~T~~I{ ill chc scitshe hopesrosoon corurolfffcscdbe just how vour charncrcr is us-iog resormneclctncms. More powcrl'LI] cVoe:'11 i[~1."\; ~L"lIIIir1,,! more f;:ignlfi(;il"~ rcsorurnce-eI he Il~lj-rt; ,/-I,J!II'iQPC-! '..I"r.:.b i'-;'l ... oe.lh~ more '!lOll need to do (0 galn an advanmge. lr might be cnoogh [0 slmplv read a Tarot spread for u 1l11.0Gr ovocadon I.l d"'LC LOl"!:! Orp:"ItrJ.:rn!>, bur (Qr the musr powerful r,)\I'l!ICnllmli, rhc derucn rfli~ht m~~ 1(1 ~li~iilr=ef lilll",dl'~d.s ~r C-lJl'LllnI1eJ1, Into iii predictive network.

Tl-e ·1Jt.:;n;;:fll' I~f ti:lil':!:l rt",:~",m;ill~ I:!- ~rnt[J11,!.. r( the Stclryldl~r i~~[ti:i;(ioo wirh lh'l: particular U5';:! of rceonancc, [lie di tTiculEY ofthc e v ocnnon de-CI'C35CS I~t' one. The C\'OC.l.t"II:JJ1 becomes rhne lttrle [lIul"'rlcJ" ~I,.) I?e,.~ fenu, h's l.I<;1.Iilll)l uot po}O,'nblc tt~ ~'<'I~n .m'!' ~r~:;.ncr bcncflt from IJSlnf:l resonance, no matter how marry resonant clemcucs vcu use. In this debased :3~(" of Crea non, eesonnnce 15 too weak m J:l >I"~ 11'Itl re rhall ;1 III !!'It'r btx~1 ~llJ;,;'·J:"~al1"'Jn. Sti] l. [I mlncr bocsrmlghr be j·I..I~t wlwr '1\)-\H ch~rl\o:;wr n.{.' 91 :iI ~m-l:iar cime. RC:5D:rulnc~ Jsn'r" WBy [() (!-mpawC"r your ch.i:lr:'lCflJ!:r, Ir'!i ~ \\,:,ly Itl make e\j()Cml{Jn:..lli1"~ ln1t.:rt$flr'LJ;:., ~lltJW' (~)r M1m~ ':::001 "i.sU;il~ ::md pnwICle 1I Tll.inm reward tor pl""fCT ;;;:r-\:~uivi~y,

Lore l:!- J1li aT., !nc)l :! sr,Il:n.C~, :"md d~~ml..Jf.!S ;;ire ilTlln!' dCn~mi ... m., oot r-e..-::hmciil,IlS" k rhey b~Cim~ i.I.cmsmrned [Q thi~ ..,'orld. theyun l~rn m LminipLllarc :'1 'II"I..~l: 11C.11· aIT::'l:,o of i-Yltllml!io :lnd r'C!:Iml:ilI1CJ:!:!i. :;md f-IJ .iI:'io[];rpl;".I!rOl{e Ih~<::ie '::YIi-!h,';!I::; inw [he art; ()( lill'C (0 ~~is[ in du~lr -e ... ·l,;IcEltjor~. Bm no hard-Elncl-fa:st ruk:s dic:.tIlT-C h.ow rCWll3.ll-l.":o!:: can be tw::d. A demol'·;!; Ul"Id("f' $[;:1 L1 d ing-of lore IS:t!l u [tl'!'ill(; ... nd.pc:oon ... 1 rhi IlJ!,lmd I~O

two-demons c ... uk.i.: or e v en chink oflore in qULIC rhc some way. A resonance rbnt mggcr.5 :I mcmoev or lnspircs aneasjer wevof rweaking chl~ i1'1t:(.ll~I'ilSm.!o o{ r(l;~~"litV fm one d~(]rOerc:rlIii~l\l muan ["iorhinj:: to nnorhcr chnmctcr, so thar demon ,Q.llin .. no benefic from Incorporating that pardcular resonance into the art cf h[;o, cvoc:nii,)n. 1l~1! S1rlT't'rdle:r is ~11I"'iIY.~ ~tu: final nrblrer o(W'hc..:lh~r ,I ~ivl,:''' Fc.~.n;m,::c:: will nid n particular evocation. and he's well wirhm hls rlglu1; (CJ rule c.h~u it WQ[1'[, evert i.f YOLU chnracrer oorlL:.Flu.:J fr[lll! tlu!! caner ~"llLl~ r~p['l;'lT!.~ 1:'lsl nme she per((:Iri1i1!:~1 11i.1! .~;I1'I~ evocar! Ott.

Tbc Srorvecllc-can n1:S dfscreurm, a.lI(w.l rd:l~~t"':: ro usc rr;::.:;OCl;·IIKC with ocher lore-related rolls, such ns ,UHlIl1ing upocelypric form, "=nJplCluroC'I"ing thralls or crafnng relics. Al1~' bonus gained from rcS[lI~;H'C:;;:

II-' ill be: small -:3 reduction in d ifficu It ~r I~y one, 1~1' I't..:rhilp~ :111 t;;;-.;Ir:"l di.~ fb·r your pool - bur even' ~dV111~ltl.b!t.: helps.

[\r.jO:ThNC~ i\W P~I\.:;")~J\Ln(1

Ob~e-;.rj :md Items aren't the ontv rhlugs thnt resrmsue wirh Crcnucn. ldeaa, philosophlcs and fedinJl;' lHIYC: jusr ali mueh rescnanec, jll!';t fES mlldl rnfluenec over lore ilIJHI L!vQei.Hi(~f'. 1(:;1 demon perfcrrus 71n evocation m the .grip of n parrlcular crncrton, the Srarru:·llcr uughr decide that "[he emcdon iF. :"t srrcng c-nou!1h resonance II) :lld the cvocnrlon or rhnr ehe ~mC.)II(JI1, Ct.~IIlMm~d wid~ ~)lbli;:'I" resonntu clam .. nts, is eeough to reduce {he .ljffil;lJli:·y -of the evoceuon.

One imr~.'")rl·::iflrli1t .. tor, 'l"h{'lIl~h, L, lh;llll,e rdi'ltiOll. shlp between personality and fore- 1.S not n one-way sneer, [usr as you r ChIl13C'Cc.r>:s c modons nnd personalIlf liilghr hlt1L1~tlC',: iH~" usc {)( Il}JoJ..:, ~l ~~1(.J can her lore ~h:'I::.e :'I1'id control her r~~(lt';[llity". A demon 's ]-O11.:! is a s:pJirrrul1l knowledge, a farce that ShD pes and f nrm:!: he I 5OLJ] and essence. Demons w[,h srmnrj rarln)l;!. lin :1 partlculur Ie )r.c.: [!i!Tld [IJI gr. .. , i mrc WW~.!1"l these personalI r~' t~'I;:.e:~ - N-:.1 ~lln;$~ ~h,1 ~ r~~l;)TmtC$tr{lngly with that lore. A d"~ITIDrI \ ... trh srronn mttngs in scveml bcd LC;!i or lore will grnvirnre 111m.;::: oow:lfd the- Narurc:.s. 35611i:1::u!!J wlrh hcrp,I[Ii:;"[J)lI1j'-';.-:. This i!St"llll,{fi loCud"Cn(;'1,! botl~h, '/'1.'1-1 r d"LI[""'I(:l~T C2Ill, ~..1f ;;()II 1'':;;:'::. bil ~r~ ~ny pl.TS(llm I iT)' Y-Oll Li~{". SIiH. she- [[Itghr roo drawn m .... Rrcl II rcr.on:ilnf" Narure whcn:sh..: i£.low ml. \'(Ii 111';It}w[!"C.l:J.f ~Iie I!.t.'ti!d ;!';' :"IccoJ:..:lant:c wi~'l~ :a p)J.lftit:'~bl' N~[llrc. :l~ ;J W:.Li' of h¢W!r 5~lJd)~ l\.g !J lore; p~d).


The r'1l!o\\l[n.u i.s n list (lrSL1vtJr~ll it~ITI:!:, c:bSSf'Hlf LI'~;ms, icl-Cll~. 1;{l1H;.(~rrS- [lml NUHIL"CS ,hm H:'S{HlaU' .... 'i(h cacb lort n'l,l,fJil~bict-o Demon ch~r:l-c[crs. Thl.s 115.c no Inc-an::: c:"Xh~LJ:::Ltve, of CUUi':5!!.l( ycm rhill~ rh.u 11 ctrtail~ thinp: should l'ek'lIl(m:: wl1;h. a c~rtrlil"~

lore, run your idea pasr your Scoryrcller - who will nlso, no dcubr, be comlngup with newresonances cf 111!\IIWli.

Y.OLI:'tl nonce that several resonances crop up und.;,:rl~lllllllllc klTI!. p:lrrl.S. Ut:l:hrl!):1 rcsommceof rhc Lull.: ~i Li;!:ihl;. ',;Ir Cr,)LI~, b~11 l"IILll"illli~lil· ill':"~ln:.Ij(Jnnl:~ (r,JL' tbc LOI-I! of chc 0: lese iah. Color is 3150 a resonance of 1.l~C Lore of Llqlu, bur the color rod 1"CSQ[l:8[OCS for the LOI'c.d ~I,c. AC!i-h. while: rhc color wocn n;;sollaf~"frll thr.I..~ltr: of rhc Wlkl.CI'l:f1timl i~.llfh,::r nll.n (:nmpl'l.'!x nuuc of Imeracrions. and Innl"~ things resonate for differcru 1::;odIC$Q{ lore, Such resonauccs ean eornc in Cl.~f'lE;:IlI:l.rly Il:ll,dy rur'~[i~df]~ em11()llieU errece (see Chapter Stx, f['].r di!!t,'·.ib),

Lore of Aw.a.kellLi\~: Tlus lore resonates with :symbub{1( health, I iF..: m;t'l ~Iitr,ll~y· u.;)l!lpk.s Include dawn ertd the momiug, cold wnrcr . .;hii(lT(;n, prcgnancy, owls. hospitals, rncdtcute, the eccrs blue and


nanr Natures lnciude Bon Vivnnr, C:iu(;gi v CT, Child nnd Gallant

Lore of [he- Bcasn Nammllv cnouqh, this hec resonates with symbols 0.1 auanals • All animals rcsonrucwlrh lhl!i lore, cspcclall'{wll.d;md unfrllmcd nnlmals. Qh'l:f ~!l~llll;;l;::'o il1l;hld~ (ur, h:,L~hl:'r, ~nll:lr.," (;~gcs, d-e celcrs roo and brown, Srrr'd'lJ:l odors, raw meat. whips. bl1100, fC"-C(;£, hmuin..g and [he howl s ofhunetng nntmals. RCSOLlr'l.llC N:nllrc:s Include Brace, Com pctllL'w,l..4m er and Sun' lvor.

Lore of lite C('"I{~5"ia]s: A vnrtew or different symbols T(;,Sun::ItI::: wilh thfs lure -nf3! [ust :synLl)Llls of angels and demons ;bu;(. nlso ;:.yrll1H.1I :lo 1Jr rol! I rf L Y ~ll\d cclcsrial bodies. Examples Include Ilir~[:;. bats, diaI1'IL'1-l"Id~1 :lSCf"O!lllJll'Y and 8.!.l:mIOJ;'r' • stars and planets. di(11l1.() ruu urn] li.fl.h. 't~un1i~h. cr InOOllll~h[), feathers, (he colorwhlrc, crowns nnd crvsrae. [\C:s.r,;I· naru Natures include- AUWCf[.[[", judge, Perfectionist and Tradirienalue.

Lore of Dcatln Human W't-i~ly h~s(J~:'i$C(1 0""1;1: svrnbnls ofdcath and mortal iry for thrl'li.S::l.I1dsofyc!t~, and there arc ::l \\I1!~ld~ 01.11' resonances rur thrs lore. E:O:::(IUp I es Inelude cemeteries, ,I trues, ~1~"":::'Vi ll~ (00(113[" dmi"ling, dust, coffins, clocks. dIC colors black uud whlre, IUiC5. ravens. marble. sadness and funeral pro.;:e..~:!I:ir:nh. [~,!,::~Otr~l!lC N{'[I;LH1!.~ ini!lmll::. CaL'egi .... ee, G~nlblef, Lol'ill:lI" fll'ld r'!I'itltr'L~.

Lore- 01 til C" 'I!;J rd,l: Ob.vlou5Iy. t!:'iTCh and ii'(ll!'Lc an::

TC~1n:IU':;;C::; nrrhi;:; k,~ ,~'5 "'1~ rill ~~lL1."'~li~ ~l nd Il\~r." l!j., from gold [0 [ron, Sw::lllll<ueri;ljj, are 'I1~or-e re5Om,1U L" til [heir row form .. ' in rI wOJu .. d f(lTIll, thoiJugh, :so .EI 1~111"I p or rnw iron or nn unCLn c rncrnld i!i mOL'C rC~OMm th:lrl :. :;['I,':o\:J t:A\'Ord [lr ;-. fin~ ~1I'~r.-l1d r[i1~. Orhl:'r r1:':!':LIl1;mCe-!: induJ~ l.""urtll(ll.nke::~ tLlDUl"lI::airu;" mmcl,


farms and The -;01011= black :r-Illd mm\'11. RI"t'.W[lFlrll Nnrnrcs include ArchilCC~, Co-ifonutse, Curmurlg~Qi1 aral Traclitionaliss.

Loee cf th~ Pi!"!lmml".'Tlr.~ Thi:o; lore rcscnntcs l.\.'i~1l ~~rfllbt,.ll.!; !,;if ccmnumtcation, cspcctelly communlcaLiI,.:ltl, I.I-V~ '.! rhsmnee. OL:wil)lJ5ly relcvieson and radio i!1"IC srroag resonances, bu L other examples mcledc books, the lntemcr, telephones, chrmting •• ITbfU1 kg~ ends. 3crl."Ill.5 and nntcrmaa. bl.-d~, wings, '(I,Jnnin~ and J'IlW kind L1-rh1~e org:mli,r[i~)t1 (li,d[.jJ[,,~ rclil:kmll). RC..'iOLlmH NmUL'e'S include Director. l'edaeoeue. Perfccdonisr and Visionary,

Lore o] Fl"~!l~: Fir\;. in nll i,sfmm~, I~rh!! I~rlrn::lr!i: resonance ~r dll~ lore- (rom candleflnrnes CI:l" bon~ res m electric hearers. TIle emotions and svmbols we ~:>SL1;:;:i:lta.:: wirh nr'C arid heat are also ~1C:\'iJrH. Good (~:o:.m'Llple~ Ell;:;h~!~ rhe t:91'J't rer], ~pl"':y fal"j. t::lE.8I1..m, lions, rubles. desccc. oil nnd VUICilrH..l~. R~nnrtl Natures inclodc Bon Vtvanr, Compcrtcor, P.;;:d-:.goguc ami T nckstcr.

Lore: of the Fjesht Li\'ln.g flesh Is the pnmnry ~~.Ilihl:ll-[);I!ii~ 111~-wh-i2'[h,":.I'.'u"limf1lftl' human. Dead flesh. ts a II;,'S!potI,,!I1t~YlTIl:.lJl. but irrsstill ~~!{LlI. ~ls;h::fm'r' S'flll bo I dmk ':-VOK'C'.5 rbuughts of ]~iolL..l6..ry H [l~ bed i Iy fu ncrlrma. Good c:!o\,Jmp!\!li I nefude hr.i~i mla, mm[:LJL':;5, hl~)j);;l. -dIU!ys, ilil!dkll'll.!', lh~ color rod, dOClO~S., S8X, turrocs ural bod~· uer. Rcsonuru NflI:Llre.~ Include Unn Vivunt, Masochist, Mcnsrer and"'I~Jr.

Lore f,{d,e Fll"r~el Tools. uwcnrlons nnd objects crafted by morral (or tmmortcl) [umds aru 1]-1('.. grea r~~t resonance of rhlslorc.Jrems crccrcd bva ~ingJ.r.: s.ll'lirh are I !'IOn: rcsonnnrshan mass-produced objccrs -c-nn ant L~ll1l; T ol;:ork) ;<W(;1td ~)f t::I'I.IJC .~\cfLl:' axe I.~ more rceonanc dum, iI cut Dr computer. Other ::;;ymb~.1l~ Inr elude blacksmlrlrs, nnvlls. hammers. coal. sculpture. weldmg masks and clockwork. Rc!itm:tnr Natures tnelude Arl!b !\(:(:1., Di~t,,"':~ (i'I', .IJ-ef.:~n~·Ij!:Lie-HI~d: Pl.!rrec'1 [ani s t.

Lore of tho Fundamenn Svmbcls of the l~lW:i- of rh~k::; : mol.:.! 1'!I~ch:mI01 S'tIlnhlJli~l~ rhls lore, Gnot.l ex:I!l)'rl¢f; il1(:.l~lde ~~t;i~ee eexebcoks, the ,~LJn and srnrs, clocks Jmd ckxkwork. complex niechunreul 0; elecrrcnlc eleviccs pendulums, cjrcutcrv and r~~t-ml"lving obi ccrs. Because .of the [mper~:)l:.l.:) lnnturc ofth i:;.,commen lore, nn N;"irlll"~ ~i)tl,;illll'l' rcscn .. ue \vJr.h Ir, Masters or the leec rmglu reanlfcsc :anr JK':r:.;oIlI!IL~y,

Lore of H\!t!l:!l!it~l~ Hll!I'~::-I''L ~i!ll:::>' hi :III thl.!ir glory and stjlJLIIQr, lin; I·hl,; fl:r.<.~ m'ld l:.'i.j;t .s}'L1lb{~I" Ilfrlti.~ lore:. TI~.:: thing.~ that rcsontllc wirh "his-lore 'lIe ~hc rh 1 n r~ I har re~I.~rt::1 iii! .,,'id, hurn:m b(! ings on a k"·01!l - be<.!m.~T. !;!nl~.,timlS:, rdLi!,1[)11Shlp.~. l~illrk.s. c::.i ~i ~ I(!Iml: ::ocicti~. Br.'"4;:[Itl'$1; th[!lo km~ ~n";:I)C"l p; .• >-"~:3 :d I rhil:lg5 hLJm:m, all Niuurcs ,;;:somue with it. mw alr 1"I"u .. m: ~Ii\t emotion:!1 Slac~ could have: an dTJ<:cr un i'!\,"okmJjtht."lon::.


Lore of Lighn All killcl$ofbghl-and allsvmbcls 3SWClnh.'iI ..... ith light and Images -c-can resonate with thi~ loee. Examples include- strobes, rclevtaion ~how~. [)~intlng, phmo.gmph}', lenses, 81:~:\S, mlrrota, prisms, rntnbo, .. s, .ii1J()tlighl'5i, ~Itl colors, ~r;lI\6l):)rent clothing end hallucinogenic dn.Jg'5"" Rescnnm Natures rnclurlc ChilJ, Gallam, T rickarcr and Visionary.

Lore of L(1tngtng: Thts L~ it lore nr ernorten and insplmrtc». and almost anything that can evoke crnc)rl()II-~~l~lallylovc, lusr or dcsirc -c-can be a resonance. Good eX~l1nl~le5 Include pocHy. 11111- ste, nIT. much, clorhmg. good f()()d, wme, hC:Hlry, love lcrrcrs and pomcgraphlc movies. Resonant Nrnureslnclude 13011 Vivant, Caecgtver, Ccnnlvcr and Thrfll·Si':('kt"T.

Lure of Pulls: Any ~~rrnbol of travel or parhfintlllll! Cf1r'1. resonate wir.h rhis lore. Vehicles arc au extremely potent symbol {If the Lou; nf P:ll,'h~, especially vehicles driven or directed b)' a 1=inglt:. person. Orbcr ~()d examples Include compasses, maps, hoes ;"rnd boots, mates, aclases and mccs. Rcscnnnr Natures include AU({,loCf;H, Ccnfcrnuer. ::11'1.d Visionary,

tore of P"ttcrn;;: Anything, ~h~~ pc.sse:iSe.s II complex pnucrn. or [hat pieces together parretns 111 SCJI1Ie,hllll,l. else - such as n method of divine~iOI'1.l)rpn!-dicL;C.m~ is" pu..~sIML: rvscnnncc lirJ:hl!; (ore. Examples il1l1;l,ld..: R!!.tTnI11!f'r', t.llnl~ (r~J!'II~r or Tarot). circunrv, computers, the stock market, gCIfl$lonC(I, .~IJIJe:r webs, looms and clockwork. Resonuat NOl'~II'I!:< .rl hulc Dtrecrcr , Gambler, Perfccrtcnist and Visionary.

l(ltI:'l! Q r PQr !:ills: All kl nds of portals - whether [h('~' open inrc real or il1Hlginc:J t'pOJC;;~:Jo - can rcscnatc wnh r.hb lore. Good S~'l'lhQl.~ Irtcfudc dnors iJl,d I't!lnc',lol.', (H course, bur nlso works of Ilcticu, mirrors, ~tl"'l,els, mnrhetaartcs about spartaj dvnamlcs, movlc , rtngs, C';lV\;" m~)lJrh!! [UlJ Hmai1t: circles. RL$t..llUHH N:HUIT"S Include Judge, Rogne. Thrill .. Seeker and Vlslonnrv.

Lore of Radiance: Noblliry.commnnd. Ihcdl\"ll1C right: of kings - these arc mu imng rhat resonate wtth this: hire. as '\.Il~'nlxlb, of .1ight~ power and wisdom, Geed ~:-:;Hnplc:> lr'1cILI .. lol! crowns, flngs. wcchh, nch robes. scepters, swords, thrones. pt)i.llmrt~, nranffesros, cold and rhe ((JIm purple. Rt'St1. rmrn Natures indl,Jdl,). A urocertr, Din!clor, Ped(ll=:ogu~ and Ttaditlonallst,

Lore CI [be Realms: Thcs}'mool~Qflhl$ltlTtt.lon·f JUSt lncludc Ihmgs,lui! l)lI~CS.t thcafrctllfc, but almost m,.~,t.hinl! f hn ~-lll.Jl.tgEir.s'fl.n~'I[h~r workl or another space £I10LWide OUl' 0\1111· Mnlor r(>StJn~111C!,,:) InC~ll~ll~ mlerors. painting, shadows, shrouds, wotks of {'!llt:f!~lr,. glwsr ~,orl-cs. ferries, the ct\!C1rbl~lck, mists and opetcnt llluslous. Ih~~·m:""'t NfllLlre~ Include Dcvtanr, Loner. Monster and Rogue.

Lore Ql tht: Spiril: lft ... ugcs (if ghos("..q and splrirs are: highly resonant o( thio) lure, ;I~ l1TI!l).),mbuJ:. (A communicarlonor conrrol o'o'crspl:rir:s, Ooodexamplesjnclnde (III*I boards, c.r\,.:imls. shadows and eilhouencs. rtruets, re IIgitiJu::io celebnmons. 1II:1~k..:,. Turllr Gird .. , C'I"'::L:~ urrd rn:a.gLc circles, Rescnenr Natures IlId!II:le CL1tH:Lhtl!.r. Judge', Mart)'r and Visla1~al)'.

Lor-IJ. of Storrnss \'\I'm!.'!!' 111 nll lts {onnb is. rhc primary resonance ulrhis lore, ITtlll'!;:' c.~ll!l1 OCC;::1Il 1'0 n ragIng smrm. Those tblngs found within w a rer; such al\o fish, eurrcnrs ned h~htnU1g. arc: also useful s)'lllbok Good examples include ICC;. rtvef$. hurricanes, tidal \\'R\'C5, rhe color s green and hlue, r.;.h, clccrrlcuv, dum.h., cry.s.lals. aqnnmartnes and boars. Rc."IomLul Nm ures tnelud .. · Cme"j"'~r, Conformist. Loner and Rogue

lQre of Tr.;)"!";n~UT~ltll)'I1; S~'II1Ix~(s of ..::h~fl.l~:-;::. mutaM ilrm~d in:~t~hUi ~~. ;m: l.he tI.':$..l11'1 nces nflhis 10i'1,;, [\5 Me lmages that emphasize nppearance mthcr than sllh .. stance. Good examples indudl,' mirrors, day. water. m.r,:rcury. n'1:~h. :,1:11 kil1d~ (Jr clothing, ncrors, disrcrtlng 'ens c ..,., ~ml;l"H~. m,.Il.:,t;uj'l nml dice, Resenaer Natures include Ccruuver. Deviant, Rebel and Tricksmr.

Lore 61 the \-"'tld; It should come as no surprise m fiud rhsr plants or ell kll1ds, from IlnY' (enl::;' ro r:;itlnJ:

M:lwUOlI\l.. arlO resonances of this lore. WQ()(( LI~I<lll~' 1S-II'l, tht:llJ~h. norcrcweodcn obicc.t:.~- (iviQ~ plan rsarc the symbols tl-urr trui,{SUp':/-:I;;!1>l' rbc \"(} rld. 01 hi,!:rf,!');:l1't.11~1 C!\ lueludc forcers, jungles, swamps lind Olh!;r wild places, Ihe colors ~n.."Cll :';[I(J brown, the sounds Dr nature, n(1t"uml pif.llil:'lil:S find 1'L":.rUl'l11 flbees. RCSOn.'UH Natures inchide Carearver, Loner, Rebel :lnJ $J.JFVJ\'(lL

Lure (.if the Winds: Air is (he primary resoRimel.'! of thiS [ere. l.!:>pCdlllly mO\'ing au - from the smallest breeze ro a ronrtng J.l.~h:. O~hL:r Resonanccstncludc tornadoes nnd hurricanes, a;:h[rlll':S-, IfH:: cclcr bill"':. i"illl'!llc, i'u!ngcd or Wind lnsrrum ... ·nt·$, lighl dur..h1 flj.:!. smoke. khc.s. and birds. especially e:ilgles" Resonant Nnures Include Bon VIVOlIU. Deviunc, Gambler and Vi&ion3ry.

i I

f-I.; l:!: if ~dfrr~ rncn t milll!.tOrYH,a his crenct. Bn,Rh.I

Somcttmcs the' dots on 8 chntacrcr sheer Just" don'c cut lr, Ym.l hnvc u ",1~ICJ.t~ In mind of chc characrer Y(JU want to pl~;ty. bur the Demon rulcbook's broad categories of An:ribur~ nnd Abilttles j!l,~1 don'r C;-'fJ~ cure nll [he strengths and weaknesses ~11U( yo u w;m~ to r(~rrr;-'\i.

TM['i where Mcrtrs end Flink";; ccrne in_ These nddh lI)flflllTnies comb; 11C wh h rhose in dre rulcbook to allow y<~J h) utiLI f'lm~hln!; tceches [0 ~'OOr character th8t make- him complete end usuque, By IrSjn~ thea" ~VLl can help pin down the advantages sud ;:jj;;tidVllllrtl~~S rlHI' make your character n whole person - at lease m game terms.

If ~.'ULl'te- famlknr with other games in chc St(H')'~ teller svsiem. yoc'ru rrllb:1hI't' f:lIlli!i:.H with Mertes and Flaws. Those for Demon ;m:~;1 tude dfffcrenr

fmm the nd~Ci'1-., [nl,llJghd MDS[ of these quallrles large! y ftlcu:!! (Ill tM I! !lUI ndnnc aspects of the llfc 0 F vour character's mortal hcJ.!:lI'- ~hc llrrlc I'hinf}'i I h:11 help Dr hinder muny (1( us ir~ ;hl; real \\It)rlcl, Ycur chnrncrer's host mlght have been n narcrallv ralentud lbsr, anJ 1"1{1W your ehnractcr can 1I.s~ mal J;ift to hi.!; advnnrage. At the satnc lime, YOI)I rlcrucn character mlghr have an ex-wife to wh(l1U he h,u rj~ runke ~Um()ny pavmcru that diminish his mccme. These rrn,'C:'l h..:lr balance our character's morral quallrics against his. Infernal nature, tlilowin~ you {he chance w <Idd 11\~HI:- <lq)lh and derail on a mundane level ro complement or (,111Ht<l:;.t his c!11lc., tnfernnl nruure. Rcceneillng the rwo makes for grenr ruleplavlng ~lnr:l t)tT~n; )IL1U a bcrrcr UlSI ahc into the chnracre r'05 actions and rnorivarions.

Mmw Merits and Flf!w.5 CH8bliii-h dcrstls IlhQur your character tharnced ro 00 explained 111 hi;!;.i;.<Jo;k, :5Ulry. YOLt ,:;ilHI tho.: Srorvreller should t\'Ork our the derails, n nd 'lh e StL'>ryr.,;[1;,; r can Uti.;.: ~brn:~ CDI1;;:] Irlons 0 r sttnnrlon . .s as tnspjmrscn for stories ablJllr. r~~I'- chnracret and his life.

U:::'l~o(M'I':fL~~iliJ Flaws it porclvepttocnl. though, ~~u~~o~hJ~,~~~r~~lIer nla~' dcelnrc rlrcm cff-ltunrs ln

HCI"l;:'~ how Mi,':ri!),~ .f'Il"ld Flu ... 'a work. YOU: can wtl,llly choose them onlj,during character crcnrlnn , M~Tic.5 h ... ave ;1 C05l, allowing ~'O\I to bLI'/ ~hl:!'-li .... ·Id"l freebie poltu:... T:JIkh"1.~ Fl:iwi) gtves "'tllil ~ht'H m~ina: ns bonus rr.L·l!bil.!' point.'l., E;m,"~v<:r, in addition to chc ones sou ulreadr receive during chumcrcr creation. You cart buv es martv :t..1(!rli::!i. for 'IJ'Hlf character "':0 'f'Glll ... ·I~h, provided y"Qtl hn .... o ~Il,oll~h rrc~lJ.ill;" poin,\$ lil) do Ir. bur y['flJrLl:<1~j 1!:!kcnQtlWrClh~Jls.c"\'('-rl;pljill[.s·\"'Qrth Q( Fh\w.s. That gives you i1 maximum [recble pool of n freebie peirus ru spcnd. ir )'~)kl r'llr:.,. th .. muxirnum rHl.mbe:rof r-t .. ws. You fll:1)Ili.llr:nd e;(trA (rl.':(:;bi~p'lint:o:· ~ln'i!d from fl('l w s ro acquire ~n~!rljn: IlulC can be..: pur,=hl.l$l..:d , ... uh freebies, such ~s. AUfi~U(C!'S, AbUI. ties, B8'Ck!:wUL'IJ:! or ML.:rll~.

1111; StIJr"J'~lIrlll:rhil:O:- ro agrec if VDU wanr co asslgn Me ri r..s and Flnws co your ch::uncrc.rt1fr~f vour chronic Ie i ... alrcadp underwav. NQ~m.f'lll~,,~)~1 ['I~ed to havusorne fH:'L.:.I:-.j,,;: pl~lnts~tl!II~(t-CJVl'r (r<:1111 chnmctcr crcarion ro J~~ $!I.'. The Storreeller might decree thar the ~rnl~' freebie points )'OU can spend on Men es m LIS e m' i~i i~!lr~ from ail)' Fh\v~ )·"LJ ~:I~I'..:. Illlto rhc s uv cn ltnur Therefore. if ynLI ~I"IL"IID.:-:ot" four roi[l~ of FlAwS" for vour cstublished character, YOILI could choose L!i~ lP..i (uLJr pointe or Mcnee. Freebie pctnrs W1if1('.J (i'\'lll HOI\\":0; ~fu:r play IC:J::! b~tb.l!1 ;:;:';111 he spcnron 1" on Me-lies - not ~JH Abllill'¢.,..; or AI rfiblll¢.~ or r...,,4,"fI11.1mI5-~nd these trnits C-il11 beacquirccl onlvenctime afrcr r he dUJ!~IlI(ll: has smrtcd, You can'r RiD bock ro the i"1etll~:;md.FI~LW well f"Cpc:I'i;j,:dly dLlTb __ 1-!! I'(turdm:mi.d(;'~

Trans chosen dLJI·i.n~ plaY' !'h~)_d~1 n:llL.:~j: Whl' j-our character hns proved LO be th us fll~. l~~lh::'l:o.~ wi rh 3, ((:\,; "1tl~di(ltoi: such ns n terminal illness co be rc;"·t.'.,I..,.ll1r i!l"pn:!Ocd in. fu~urc storks. Tl~cy could -ats.o be .:hos,·n ba.sed I.')n whaT YI,l-\lf I,:.h:"i"'~'J~r h~~!j. C;Jo:iJ'I.!rir (!l1.cca In his scr1J~~lc m .i!1.lndv[!: !In{l hl,tl.,..::r h~~ III ~'hr,!. Il1llrl".i11 w;;}rld, EsscnTla.l"ly. if ~'-D\JII.J,5C MCflr.5 :and Fl<Lw:5 i1frl;r rl!il'l ha-!i lw:gun, dem·c :5t.1ddL:'ttl), d~;\i~i!:t' YOlll c n.::1mc:rcr iL1 ru so L}It:C)Ii'!! "'f $llm~rhi!lg h~ Wfl.:sn '[ befor(!:. A demon Whu$e It'lQlrt:;11 booy t.s [)crfr.:I:;~I'Ir h"':'llrlw (H1": ,by ~\.'DlJtdn'r ':.'~Iddenl~' be(:omc hflrd of hl:;~l~lng ~he n<:>'t~ unk~ ~omcth.ins (r-a~it: l,c.eLJ:I'!. in his lifo:- or in ~'[)1tr"<;Li:lric:~.

Some (l:lLn not ill!) of these Merits und Plaws Invcl .... e rangfblo s vsrom bo..!n~nt.~ or di;!;:;Hh'i'lnltlo~I;:.$, such ns Il"Lcr(::;\!;!; Or d~cr.(!'l:ioltl~ th.: dirficulty !HUnhers ~.i p:)l;'lL':::~II~IT mIls. These mechnnfcs help make 't'Ql1r chnmcter's g.cnuin.::ly humnn idem~ty en ccrual pan of the G,Elm-c:,

Other rmtts lncolve no syarems. ' is nor ro ~-::Iy the latter kind ale of no usc. QLlit~ the: oonlTI)ry. These "sc.rt"l:ITIirs esr::iljHsh r1:llel"l"yill~ :glJi~II;,'':; (til ~'~JtI or me Stmyr.L:l!l!rn1 t:Jkt' mrc ;l.::co~m;.d,'ring ~ s.oo"l"y.lrdu:y'rc i.ntCll1U(!....,J Lho(1£Ol.r.~hl~ into )"I"lllr game. [ho..:r' enh~IMIC [hc-s(or1' b)' a llcwlng fnr a decree level of mal lsm iJ~)'C)lli character and dl:~ wmh.l in~o.:!r:ll;;l-

Sometimes [I Flaw G:JI:'I make a s lCIIY cfilly ":~.Imp"~t.

Iillg. JLI~1 (L( the numbe r ')(fhmred he iQC"$ i 11 flcrion and movies. Chnracrers' tmperfecrions arc ofrcn \\,ha! mnkc there H1[erC:!".sm\~. 5il'l1il;<itl"v. I) MC'r1t 1.::(111 help .' ~rlttin HSp€'C(s of vcur cha meter's Life lb n r r'llU olbN· \.'.J lscm lghr. have ll"l.)~jbtL!jLl:'ollry['Ui:i n !:I1~fI rrsu h!(:{ ~~h lun. For example. bnlnucing a character's mortal !dCllrilY whh 1550('1;"1] ries rU'I{1 obllJi:nl'I(lI\~ Li.g.liIHl oLllignl i'l.l~~ rc hell-bcuud {uUe.11 overlcrde is difficult ln the exncme. An appropriate Ml!'rll. t!:'Ii'i .L.:c:'(J'lI:111l 111 g;1I1I1,: terms why her rriemh: tv-tlJ1't""n her, why her bess wcu'c fin: her or Wilt' her bevfncnd wen'c 14:":1"';:- her. Nor eo sav I:h:1.[ l'OLI t:j,;oi.ilt!n',= L,!:~jl'~\liTI tl-csc ~hirlW: voursc I r, bU(.M c rics and Flnws help make such charactcr qualities jdcndftnhlc.

A:. yrnlr chrorncle connnucs and your charaercr pursues his goals, thto insplratlcn, explnnatinn or jll.~~ tlffcllr,k.ll"l jor scene uf hi. Me-ria. and Flaw s might ChLln~(,. He ml;!::lu undergo correct! ...... e SLl~~t~' -r~H n plw:!k a 1 tmpalmtcn I. Forexnmplc. or be healed through ! he appl ice cion tlf lore. The negnred rrat r L~ LI~allllly wirl.d!i"11\.i'n, utx] it's up lei vnu und the' Stor,(v:lJ"!'! rc (·!~bJ'I: hmv L() reassign freebie polras . Sooner or 18[('1', the polnrs from rm nllcvlntecl Plnw must mardfesr itt ~Jrllerdls~htllH~~ IImJ dtsndvantages, usunllv dtcrarcd by ongoing story events. If ~'OL)r ehnmetcr's ChrurlL':' III ness (4-pr. F!~ w ) is allcvtared, vou l"'l.3\·~ (OUT freebie: poin.r:;: ro rC3S5J,gn [Q Fbws. TI~eK: fl e \~. ch,.I le"I.gL!:,'l (:illl ~ ff.:1;lt~d t.u VOlJf (,lld Lml!', .:mv Y{llir ch'lrnw .. 'r Ml!:tHcan:d (a,s a l-pE. FIa'il.r) 10 rem3tl' h~:'Iltl~'r Ot '1:I"w" ~:"In b~ cl:IITtpICleh' t1I.:'W :p~1d ,,-.m.iqm'. Mlilliplc l{lu··j;:\'d Fln.~'lS c.m rep[a-ce [he 1.0:;'[ o.:rH!! n·r~:I ::Iin;!;;.I\!" i,.o.qu~H}' rmad Flnw C.':1F!1 1:"II::!·al!fjLJi'OO. Tht."'t'ldb::r I1lLl:'ir. appro ..... !!: (he- make of a ne'i" Flaw, err he rnighr dc.:.cld~· ort(' for \I'our chor:1cre:r Ofl Sl;t~ry .f~r·t!FI~. H~ u'll~ll ~ ncR ,,;~'o;n ~i::11 you whi3qour new Raw is tLmH ir';'i mad!:! d..:::udmill~ tlnfoldin~ evcn"ffi.

The frecbiC-I)('Ii.Ll.ts libe-rnred hy., losl Ml..:rh shooid nlso be reasstgned based on chronicle events. Sooner or lntcr, vourchcructer ~o:lins.!j,CtmC" new kurd ofad'\'<ITm~~. Prcebic points made 'T\,I"~l[I:lblc hy n lost Merit must be ~pC.l'l cncthcr Mcrlts. The"cE'ln'rhc~')tJn~ r(,~'ll"lmor~ Al"I"ril:.1lrl;~, Abiljcics or Backgrounds in pl..y


Mcrtrs and Fl.rws me divided into the (alll,.'l\\I ..


\X'hen [he fullrn wen: OOIl5il,'11llL1Il)lhe A~~..;., ,hey ht everahrnu - d'M;:I( ['VI''''''-, ~:hclr possessions and tben- rc~I' tJ.oosh~ mthctr LI1l'lttOl.I (oIkI~\'t'!rs. TI'l5al~'drnlswilh the few :ld":'In~~ mxI di:x'Kl\':lnlll~J(,..'<j, d'LC [;.llcl'l ~:aM)' Wllh then; lruo their 11('l,V' CXi5n.'1lCC in thl' Wnrkl t:i o...lrknc...;s.


,f\ demon's hosr b!,d)' Is the one [001 he bas tl~IH;lhlt.: or fill times, no matter lmw much Palrh he

currently pesscsscs. Thts C3r\!lo:-Qr~' dcnls with the advanmgcs and rllscdvnru .. g~'l1h<;':~~l~ tv th~phy,ical rrc1[I"J~_

For ::tIl (hell' power, ehe (aH~f1, lfve In u worlcl ~J-{ monnls. To ~1"':'L;erJ smd survl v E;'" the fnlleu hevc TO L!\I<!r; 1-::1: with ~x il.::~"! Ri a means ofbcrh Ij<IJnLng tempo[<]1 power and sources ofF.:..irn_ This '~1'[(:gory enmlogs pore [l dal soc! .. al be l~l~flr~tlT'l ]"!;.~bl'\:~l~~thfi~'YDlI r character mlght l'rave.


A dcmen'a m llid i5. j Lt!it nS·IDllch p:' n or her ilW10rl' as is. he r bel ~'. 11, is c:ueg.:;;ry deals with trtrcrnal C<J~TI ir rJll'l.:. ablllnes ~mcl ~t,L~U rhru; h-elp or hinder her PLU:;tII, or power. r~'L't.'Ilg{: or rcdemprtcn.

OI!ITll)liS.c:'II~·t JUSt ~~Cp IJI.H o{.:;ockty arid do whar th;:y wnnr, despite their (:;'Jrrh~h~~jll~ powers. Th'C!.y have ru conform .(1 :M1CLt'![Y\ lnws ur deu] wlll1l·[''': world :'IS n W:lrLrL!t1 r"J;i1ti v e. Tlrls c...,H,'!~I"(.'I"). presents j'QL.J wtrh op, (-I"lI~$I",l~ 1'['Hlke J.;,;Elling with mortal society easier. •• or rnucb more ccmpltcarcd,


""I{ln~~ ~I' Llh,:,: the worl d IJO 'round. but ic'..'! nlsc th e t\K~r:Q{"'11 ev iJ, er ~Q the 01;1 ichc:5 go. For all rhclr wisdom and arcane knowledge, the ~lltn [HoC:l.5 dcpcndoru on matt-rial wcalrh ns :.l'ilyrmc t!:1~, oI;Sore<,ll"f jr~hl;;~ 11I0W fI:1'ifC;:1 rmT~ily W t\.l.b .. '! C~ cd. This. CR[Cg.aIY explores rhe [irurnciu] advamegcs or dtsadvanrages ~'(i~Jf characrer rmglu fncc.

Nh:rits are pnn.cular f::ll:.Cl"'.'i (lr vour chnraerer's mortal host ',H lffesrvle rhne were .r,~Jv';lril'll:!;oI;!(;IlJ:': II..' him IL' the t":(~I1I~(,:" ofhlall."!w["'{thy life pnor tn bee omin!: lX.l5..W~]!.(I, N~~I'" th!.:y ~n;: valuable benefits your chrmcrer ean explote in hts dcalings wirh morral and fallen alike.


?\ :;l(,e.U(l\ullA (J - 1"1'. J'lJ,njT)

Your ~h:.Ir;jl!loL·r o(:;)o;;uriC!.!!: I he m''1bdiq' and grace of a Cc!e.)lild even in her unaltered mortal stare. Despite her physical nppcaranec, ::,hc: radmtcs nu <Iura of wtsdcm. ecnfldcnoe nru] II;'1;Li1;!:(i;!:n!.:Jl,:l1t ~IJLhClrl[~ 111~!r belloL:$ h(lr mortal condntcn, even as her Tormene beJ.:"ifl~ eo \~'¢i~h hea v ily '0[1 her soul, Tht: dim(;u~cy of illl Charb,ma :1II1J l'qll,K:;;Ir:ull;:'~ r(lll"i dl:!cre::lse"s bv one \\!ht'!, ~'(:Iur d\'lr!IC~~f ~Ilt~rAer:~ \vi 1:11, Itior.~I:l.


The t"y~~ iJr~ ~bt:; \"mdO\\i::i ro [hi: sou), and [he act ()( p'i.'l~t'~lQn bas nltcred rhc eves of yOllt character's mortal ho!o( (0 ecflccr hi.:. cele-r 1::1 I 1':1- ture. A Devfl's cvcs mi:lJhr be theceloe ()rrhe l!oMt;:n sun t,i't" rhe _mJI~[l rc:tldbankcd cmhcrst a Devourer's fY"$ lrI~gbt be the laneem yellow of a v volf or 11iJL1. The cMficu~li" of all U:1idef'l:ihLp, Iru lmidrmen l:lr Ernparlw rolls. decreases hv O!'1e.

D~\\Tal'GnAI-ITUI'L:( !-1'OJ-lrr.!II:llrr)

A nerhc r demon owes: yaur ehnraerer n deln tlr 1l,11I( I tlldt.: Il(!'C:;t~l:<OC nf something c! the r he: OJ his ljegedid for bee clm1n:!J the war. Tile depLh of ~mli'Ei.K..I~ the Jc: I Llj!)1 1 ~m'l:.~dl,:pl,;nd$()I" now rmln~·I"O~nu; you wisb 00 ~pco:l1d_ Qnc point rn lght m~n chat [he demon {HWS vcur cha rueter n (a\l"llr; I:h rcc I" lint!. ml~lu mc<.LJ"I (h a rshe I.j\~'~ vcur checctcr her life.

i\ 17I\7IS1'IC F'oIVI (t-jTI-, tkl1lT)

UI~1l thelr tenm' wthc mortal workl, the fallen ha v c discovered rhar m.'! I~ rof rhe lrpnsr ex 1,1 ous have lIvl:!l.! t)]l ill h~ll('l:m io!.i;!l~nd- Alihctl,gh rlrne and rhe iruerprcmtions of human minds dtecort these l~r eods. diJ[]l1.m:s :'lrL;" nl=-\I~rthcl~$:;' nbl ... W (<11) into these fll';:,.~·i:r,~ic: memories through the appearance of [he-ir apocalyprlc form. Ymlr clmracurr's le,'d;"l{nry form i:o. an i(:r_i'l:lic im~~g~ i!~ human 1I'L'!'lh, be it 'ill visage of a dragon. a firc gfant or a Win:lo01ll1:;5LFCIl_ TIw:dirrloClI]LY ''If ~II Sud:'!1 rtllL~ d"''I.-n:tl'::'C:; by unc Volhcn tntcracctng I'r'ich mcrrals when rbcdenee t5il~ npoCGlypclc ferm, Ad,difii.'lI\~lh·, lh(, diffiCulty ro resist (he effects of Revclutiun mcreascs by one.

D!II:.i\i\SOrTI IE P?Sr(Z-I'T.I'\I'.HIT)

Wbl;'.r'1 drC;lmLng. vour character is able 00 recall espeelallv vl\,'1d .jH':HwrLII::t of ,hI! AJ:!c of W'mtn. J~erlgit\!-! the recollections from deep in her hosr body's subconsctoos. Y(tLH cl".!.Ir,ll::ft;r h:~ fHl C.1JT1r .lit: i,~lw:j !:.~1Iu~~1 eve r \\1 h~11 me Ilwri:],',:s:, ltc rev isi.~ .... -b ilc she Is asleep, but many pcrtutn spccjflcall ... ro the sicuaricns und ch~lIcn}lCS .'liIH vcur character is JI;'l'11 in'!:l \\-i(h nr ~~h!;" lUOIlH.':IlL, The Storyteller C3n usc: rhls ML.:rll 1~1 lmpnrr l~d\11 In{onl',.II·ion W YUllr ehnF.lj';t,~r rlmrshe might not otherwise know. Addirtonnlty, ~{ "jlJ"llr -c 1':'Jr::"l("lCf h:'l"S th\:! l.~g<'lC'f Ib,~k~mmld. ~ht!; .r....i~rit reduces The difficuky ot all Lcg,u:y rolls b)' one,


Your chnmcrer i:s (he vassal of a legendary lord of the mfemal host. which gran:~ 'jO'LEr .r'h;'lr:lcee-r :lfi ;]U rs Llf HU [h~!, 1 (}' ~1"ld l!lilllr..:!l';l.! l,ol.lyrJ nd I,cr Q\I'II :lL!t:mnrIL~hrn~[']r.<;._ MO!'i'f,.lmv.!1.L!iktp!:: ['kll·i('!fl~ wil~ I:w.: (!~g(!r to (:LLrri' YOlir ChilrELCrer's fa'l'or, hoplng [\"".t be

rel1iL~mbf.rr.;d later \\>h;:;~l her ,b'irk krrd h:'l~ returned ill l'IIJ,nplh. UPOI'l [el!rr'liT;".l.(l ~'Om character's rd L!:nti I)' , most low-mnking demons will rrenr 'fOU with a cerrain degree of deference end respect. giving yC!u the: bcncn.: or the dL)\lbt ln IT~t'l.5!1.: qt.Jc~rh .. m:,hlc ~I. U~I it:lrl;S. Note 11't<1~ ~hls Mertr <lHd;r"1 ;I(kliritl~l T~) the Em lnencc Background, which reflcc 1:5),OLlr character's personal rank and Influence. The characrce who. n·I)"S~¢t:scs ~.;)th ls it Me to 0l,Cn dO(lr:i- :lmd Jtii i" T~SiJ{:Ct lu n n)" gro .. i-! .... ~ demonl!; 1I;(ILlTr b), vlnuc ot.1f d-ctr ldcnricv. The: Srorsrcllcr ts the Hnal arbircr as IC! how mue h i 11(1 uencc and rc-sp-cc r your charncrer ean C{iH\~ based on ehe needs '1)( her ehrorucle.

PtiliSI \L

AC(ITIC Sr.1"5d I-PT_ t\J:ru-r)

One OfY(jllT chnmcrer's senses, be:" ilsighr,smcll, unrc, (QUell or hcnnug IS exceptionally keen. The c:liffk:l!lry Of:lIW roll In v olvlnfl [his sense decreases 1)\1 tW(!I.


The power or VOllr character's punch belies her n cmn I 5tWIl~l"ll. -Maybe she too" lip bO;':Hlg <!I( the gym, nr ~}t;:.rhulJ"~ :o:hr,;"'r; j~l:;l been in a 1I.l1· of figh~. Regardless, people tend [0 folt ever when .... 'our cberactor hits [hem. Add two djcc [(I yOll~ dA.rn~.(: roll for ~r.t]P Br;nvl.baloCd arrack.

110LlAlCiJ LL"i (I-I'T_ f'\1~lll"l')

YOLir chnmctcr can drtn k I Ike a fish. TIu: n mount of ::ilCQ!"H" she carr pUL nway dUl'ifLJ{ ~I l;ti]}2'2 l$ l[tJl~' ph~~ IlQIUI.m'11. \'Vll a t·~ more :aggr:w<l~i["1:1l 00 her buddfes L.; OOW Hull! she suffers for i r. A.llyam· who g~ rs in at drinkiL'tfl ccmpcrlsfon wlrh t' character qulcklv re~"'<:!I$ll~. Halve :;;tny I~t~;l.lrll,$ YOt:.Jr c.n;"n\\<~":J" ~lJrkJ"$ for cons .. ml~ng alcohol

LI(,t1l SL~J.:JlI:I1( J-I'"I-_t\t:~I-r)

AI.~lmllgh ~DlJr ehamcrcr ~It;cp!> wdl, she is nwuk.

Cried qL!tdd.~, by:t conurnxrcn. Anv-d~r~n'b;n',.;:e" (rU!ll an cxcrctsr ptektng the leek of your churucter's npnrtmcnc PJ- ::3 cal g.;?tdllg amorous 0[1 a ml·jghba~ing roof. wakes: \101.11" chnmcter I il'lrdy.

I'L'\TIJIU\L RUilllE~ (j-ln.1'kl,IT)

Yom chamcrer's morral bosr oC:n~()y-.::d rUlinins: ever since she was a kid. Wl\lle mOST p!!Q~11.! wh~l!!~ ~lmJ enI1)1!1:[I[I"~ ;'IlmlJ~ !,;:':...:.rr::bn:.:, n!1lT1iT1~ ha:i "lw,,'YS been [In, nbsclurc pleasure for her. A~ ~. rcsule, YOLlr character C8:n "n.J1"1 like the wind when the occasion demands lr. '{Qur .:haraclcor>s DC'X .. eri~Y'cl'ILn.1..!. a!!.!.,II'I~ pOll'll higho;r rhan II: m:::t'llflll-y h (.or purpme.s ci deter!liillLllg rll(l\·em¢nr ml'i;:S.

Your character's sense o( balance t, Stlp4!1·l). N~I even ~l-.c rcuruwcsr of l"eJ,(ics scares h cr because she htu. ::',I·ch n good eOlllll'!.llnd o( her pll'{lli~[11 equtlfbrium. Shl."'s prob!1i:t-ly a good dancer, too. This Merit allows YOLI co reduce [he dimc~J~[~ of 311 bulaneerelated rolls by NIX).

nO,\U:rr 11e_7II:1-~1 ('-I''i".f'\':J\1 r)

Your character has ,.hl' conarirurlcn cf nn OJ:.

She r-.lre.lll iQl'.!r:!'i ru Ir:-<l~ ;1111 ;1lid (Cf.I.ll!. 11hi~fmlTlg Is ~ :o;,' ru her. Reduce the dil"ik\.lJl\o' ~1Il"l' roll (o;;.l rcaisr illness Of potsontng - including alcoho! poisoning - by TWO.


Y out ehnrucrer i.:5 no lnudhtbber, bee i.1 :mh;~ sen do!;l ;:It, heart, She 's at home on a boar even when [[';1\'(: lln~ rOlJgn.'iL..-.a:i.. Sht: S\IJfCH. no pen;Ct[t~' usccrrcd dUL; II> I'l)u~f L se .... s or tlntln:dicmblt:: !onlp ni.rirkm ~lll Fln~' ;1.:.:~jJ)n.-; performed wh tle aboard.

BUNI)U:O['Er;.tcI1<J'I (t-I'''_I'\I~RIT)

YO~lr ehntncrer ls full "-Jf I::n~r~y. She cnn subsrer on ftvc or .:;i·;.; hours nf sleep a night, befng unable co :!o(;(!'J! in bedll11Y longer. 1·1r::: ... dap arc full of ph~5k:;);1 actlvlry, ned she can work IVIlI!: lute IhE::: riit;ln wltlunu punahv.

C7< I'RA I'I>t'.I\(Z -I" r. f'\e",-,')

While y~lr character needs !oil: to cj~hr hours (l{ sleep per rt~~hc, shedoesn'r need ir :.ll ::1tI1,mc:.c:. Sh~ cnn ~;I t..:h lit;.,~ ~ ,~ urn] when she Gill. ru IOI"l.g as lter I' n pe 1~~ti"!l six tn cignl hCIJr.<. iii a 24·hlJourpe-rloJ: -c-and lhev llSu;"jll~ Jo unless she's ro.rdl.:tl-:r dCllJcJ l·''-ipS"-::;;!,'lJ crm (unl!~I~.ti"l ns nurmnl.


1['5 nor [11m ymu chnrnctcr Is LJ~ly [r':ij'1.J9r rhrn, 'Wdl, pt:()plr.;'~ eyr.:~ tend IV slid.'."! (»Per her. Sh'."'~ vf (I'i'crage hei.cht ~H\~ !~Llildl l"ll'llT':l!Hlrbbk locke and run-of-the-m! II dress. People hnvc problems remembering her :aP;:II •• samuce ;1ft.-cnhq' meet her, un I I..:"S:i; S h-t:! has. I·~lki,.'d with Lh<t,;m (OT :1 loflJ::i ttl'~III;. Cceratnlv, l:H:iJoi=tl~ WUI~'(. be nlrle to gtve !I useful deacripuon of her if rhc}· only see her bl·iet1'1. Yom- chamccer musr have an Appearance or 2. l'll J and a Charl:s.rna IlLI hlght::~ thnn 3 to rake Ibis ML':~ia-. Ir elrher of ~!W~e Arrrihures moves ouratde that range through pl~'I" ,\,01.1 lose .. his Mcre. This MC"ri[~pplie5-!iOldl' (0 vcur character' s appearance. She 1~1~J:ht lmve ;1 dreadful credlr r;)t·in~. ;]; oollc e I'ile :fIS d1.k:k as the phf)flC het·ll!; [rn.Clll :rcxuttl histolJl)' rhm would rrtl'lk...: ~ pam ~tflr hh,sn, bm peopic jl;:[s~ don'r remembc[ h"r -on [he sueC' c.

Mllybll yl')~lr ch<lr.'I,Cll"rr~ morral hose spent ~I lot o( rtute carnptng. ~'[avbe.sllc':5 Just :3. fi:Sht;mt:1'I1 who's used ro gcning up bc(!)fC dn .... 'n. For WIUltC\'I.:T reason. }'our character's nlzhr vision Is excellent. The,;uhy o( Pcrcepdon rolls Je~rc~I!;>C.' b}' 1 \VII IIr night.


Your chnrucrer's ouc scxy muchn. She ,night nor rh!c~,,~imril'r' hot that: classically good l('iokin~. bur th~TC;5 scrncrhing about I he way sh;; 11101:\\'';'5 end acrs th~ll cXlldl~~ sexualtrv. AI5 n result, she draws. In members of rbc opposite sex. or h(!m('l~c.;'>Il:11 TnC11l~ bees of her own So.:':)I:, wuh mw nnirnal ruugnensm. yo~ 111\''1' reduce the di{fklJ~[y of :my Sod;)1 ~(Ion hy tWI} when dealing wuh n 11'Ir<L~Jer \"hQ i~ euracred tc vour characrer.Hvou acrtvclv OILcflIP[ r u usc ~'Ull1 chnractcr's charms against ~(lII\e()II~, Y ",J may rctlI,II;.C tilt; u,(ficu1ry by three.

D1\ 1 a:'IJt'i'l ~(j -vr, t\i.!~IT)

'reJLII chnructer l,lH'e] taktug risks. and the ndrcneI lne rush, she QoC'B helps her seeecedar ~'I.!'L~. \'Vhcthcr it' .... l.::.1rtlng (rom :'III LQ .... ilu:. t:f1.1i n or taking on a Devourer in face-to-face combat, jocrcharacrcr live!!. (m LI;1l1gt.:.r. \'(ihen:l[cempnllgsuc.h.:l d.mgcn"'~ ;1(1il~I', y~1 C::ln add rhr.;;!! .Ii;::t! ro your rull and ignore one OOltJ1 Jk rhnr results. ln qencrul, (he action anempred musr he Ei& !C::t.~t JI{r'l..;:lIIIY g and lmvc the potentia] 10 Infl lc [ th rcc heel t.h 1"':\"i:1:o\ of I crhal damage or SI:-I levels vi" hil.~hi L'lg dnlll ~gl' i f ~(II..I fall. Th • S tomcljcr Is [he final arbkcr of when chilS Mcrttapplics, and he mavimpose a eapd (lnt; hairmlsing fear per game ~ItWI,

r I~G~,::)I1:I!(J -1'>'1'. f\':I\I'-r)

Your chamcrer Is (1]'IC Mr.: inJ; v itlu~lt. He's ec lease 6' 10" It1 ~i:c; nnd 300 pounds In \vcLChr, maklng 111.<. phystce! presence nearly uuposstble ro igi'iflre. Because at' hi ..... ~h;::ef bull=. 't'OI,.lT character gains an extra bruecd IWillrh level, Your Srorvseller mlghr nlsouwnrd hn1111."l~ r(,r anClllplS,1 U l~tJsh (lhj~cts.. break down doers.or rcslsr l:K::il'lIg In'('JoI;koe".I down.


1\01'[10;\<'11' I.ILd I·jyr.t\tnrr)

111("rc\ scmctblng very npptoschablc and nonIhn.~iI.cnir1J:: about vcur character's morral persona. People ti nd II 'Ie.-), '!';I$'r' II) sran ,I conversancn with her, RCLILII,:.e rh~~ dirti\;\lhy of Rn~r i!.mp3rhy rolls hW{llvln~ other people or JCfilUUS- b~! uno.


"Wow! Look l1.C that new palmrop computcr.! just ~l to h\lvc om-," Your character's mortal hose W'I.!! the

ki[ld fir person who warned rc have [he [;,rl;::i~ ilad;ll":'110 rind ccchnrJlog'JI. lr's a droln nn YOllr d',lmc::h:r's cash. and her apamneru I~ d~llr~r¢d wtthsomc neat-secrnlng n:chn(,lol;~' th a [ turned Ol,ll ut be crap, bm yOIJ have a ~Hd~cn~o(ho\\' [he I!ln: t ~;tJIo:.;.t.:l. Y~lIl qu[(kl", understand and usc m.JS[ new c("ln""LlIY1-Cf~l~el rechnol- 0.ilY, AdL) IW'() dice tc :'Ill}· T ~hnotogv roll when [lytl1~ If:' n~lIre oru h.tlW l"(l U:<..CJ ,I 'lCW gadget.

l'Ui\r\lI( 1·P'I'.fIFl',ITl

Yt."ILl~ chamctcccan mnke ~lpl-c [nugh. Her mning ;:li'ltl5t:'.n:o.c nf the »bsurd is second rc non She's al\"3~ bemg mvued roperncs because she's somceh f.,n. M(~t impotrnndy }'our""L'..t-i;!t i .... T! lsn vc,:.ry good !lor jl1dglllfl; the npproprtareucss or her h III!lm. Smn.-:l ime'!" rhe riGht joke c~lrllifc sbesrnrtcsof people whencvcryehing scce's ro be- b"IJmg ~lgj-llrul chcm. Therefore. she docs what' she can [0 make hfe mere 1\i:~lr;1hlt." f''Ir h~r rrlt,;nd) lind compautcrs, even when the $iWlIl·i(lll seems darkest. Reduce by tim [he difficuJry of llily Social 1'1111 thm ls iurendcdro boosr morale,

Goon L.·,.';'Tt:r".En(I-PT.l'\I~UT)

Your c h.nr1l~''=f h<l~l] L::1!'1:11 mteresc 111 people. She enjoy-oS hcnrtn whal rhcv have to say unrl is prep,niXl to cake the tune to hear them our \v.d'll)l,I1. h~l~l'rupt in!: \I,'ilh her own ~'f.lJlllni'l_Olbt,;~C<ln sense this. nnd tht':Y OJXI1 up [0 ym.Jr character wuhnur rcnllv meaning ru, The diffkulty of all "'pp.nlcn,d",. fr'~l"I.t!l~' Soc!nl tOil) ~hf<1 involve people ralkmg [0 yrlll! c:hmild¢r decreases by IWu.

GOOI) TASTd r-irr, \.t.I\J r)

Your character has fI knack fl1l' <:hocl!\if1~ tl-c rl,{lht food from the menu, relllnJ,l ehe righ~ ... res and Ai ... ifll~ !h~~ d~hl presents. She's seen [he: r!;elu fihm. r~lr II iscussir In in ell] turcd .and shcwouhhrt knu,'\ who starred in DWI1/' and Dumber, let nlonc have .. he firsr due about rbe plot, Her ~:;l.'ft!' fll:IL.:~ (pl"ging:.'ioc.i31 IJfll:1CI" antl;"lllg the uppe'r classes much easier, whatever ht\:r ortglns. Reduce the dlffkuir)' by ewe for ClH'I' Soc ml roll [mended 10 gill n ;ac.:ccp'OII"I.CC C .. r It I iii'L['IMS in 3 h[gh·.soC'icty or busil'll:'~'" sunntlcn,

GOSSIP( l-p"r.1'\ r:,fIIT)

Yum cbamcrer is an incurable: gcsslp. and other gossips rcccgnec a kllldl'cJ spirit in her .Shc'e more than happy res-eed 11IJLIIHht)l:l~illg ehe breese wirhconiplcrc semngcrs, all rhe while di,!.ClIss[ng me mlnutlac of ether ~opli::':5 lives, Reduce the: dlmcHI[}' D~ IW'O r~}r m~y [mcrru,g:;lIioI1 rcllsruadc in a $l.)l;inl siaunion. widl0Lll bell y Itl~ or 111 rltmd;1 rhm,

L<.Lon~( 1-1>1'.1'\1:1\1'1')

IVCi .. ldsecrns a bcrrcr place, Colors arc brighter. music is 1110 re enchnndng, find lire just seems !C;S,5 deepcmtc. Even the :;Jig~!I;!;l.~ ~~!.('-t,:..'loS h;Il.).,~c:. ~"'l,;lLwrot:lJ.l~(kl~i~~ RIC' IDiin rwc Willpry.n'r lllStll,'OO or one when ~l{iu" eharaeier ~\';"'Ih:s:Ui:l C"ach morning,

l'\r:m1\)tI~~IJc( J -PT.i"\lCJlrl')

TV, md'o.ncwspaper, lm!.g'~n:in.;". i'il1'U- ..... ur chnrl'I.crcr c;m't get L~tlough. She's a veracious consumer llf 1'I"j1~ o:.:LJ lrure :1t'1d i:i; 111 w.w~ up em rhc larcar movies. ImlSic tll'ltl ~1I~n~-11~ ~111i)ir.s. Reduce the difilculrv bv [W(I! on imy Sccinlrrr Research roll rhm in ..... ,]lvL.':S pop culture.

l"lNI'UI\J\LLI'.."'\I)1:11 (1-1>T.I'\r.RIT)

'f ~Ir('hfl raerer h;l:!' l-eon ~l fseel wnh o certain beering and personal itr rhnc n a tu enllv makes pecplcdcfcrtc her opinion or orders, YtJol.I receive Il!,o"{~ cxrrn ... lice (,)i1 Leadership rolls. Y O'lIJ ci1::1I'JCCC r must have i.I Charisma nt1 rLrJ:lTt'~rcrr/i p11j'(:h;l~C rhis Merit.

~1\Tun71 L P()UTI( 11\1"i (I,-PT, l'\e.nl1')

Your cha rueter ls nghc ae heme 3mong T 1)(' JC~'iQt05 illind* of the pollrlunl "I'~",b:l. Whc.:rhL.:r ir':,. rill' cur and I hsusr Ili L1ffi(1! tr~kl!r'i Il{; qrlh..:· showlsou r ihg or ~J.: lcnn [ politics, she knows how to ge( v+uu ebc wnnrs. You receive rwo oxrm dice- DTl Manipulation rolla in social ~i~lIfLt'it)'ll$1 hal jl~VOI\lC;.i.ri elemont t:tf l)(:JlirT-cs,IiLtc.h nsan orftce or gun-club 1ll<:f,.':~il1j!:. Y rn tr r;;:n nrnctc r IllUSt [-Ill \"C n Mnnfpularion (If 3 or more W have ~h;s Mertr. The PI)lh:I(:Sr\bi1IlY has 00 bcnrfng bccmee tlus Mcrtr represents raw mlcet. nor [he kl~o\\llcd~c ~jl~cd rhrour;:h long experience.

f>\lflcnlnL( 1-1)"1'_1"11:1\1"1')

YL1UI' charncter I~ a master C1r rhc vinunllv !O;:'I jlTI I.,{ n~l"nin~ vp un 1"i11l~. If she hns a m~~tiL'if! ;JI 10:00 t\M • she's sirttng In the rcccprton njOl1' ~II 9:59. If she hns en 8:00 [l'M dinner dote" with her hl~lTtl~.;.rClt"o • .::h,/1i he li'i ~h~ fcSI:!u1~HH nr 8;00 (JI\ [hoi! dl.)~, ~lIIh.::'dlJ~~lil'[ cad u~w~lllln~. ~:1rrll'J!d(l;li~mrc lnrcrfercncc in her plans. your chamcrer ~11Il1)$. alwuva manages '[hil"lg~ so thar she C~lmS-tJP tin LLm(". It Itmkrg, hICr :t Ct,C.;l[ l .. ·r~:ifl~:er, "fIAsumiL\g her ~H[C"~ L"Orlk IIWLlI!~h (iJl' her

:'ir\QOTII (1-1'-1', t\ ",1\1'1')

'r' our Cha.m'[CI mjgh~ come From r.h.;: wrong ;s[dC' or Ill...: Ir,l[::k.~. S[!,l! llll!:!!hl 1m, ki\l'l! ktiol,' .... n I·he PIL~'1 -I."tiqll<:Ut::' in cvc:ry iS~tu .. ~ion. Sh_1:" pl\ilb'll;.lr d..,n'l ha~'l;: ;;l

-c:ll.!co wh~ch fork co Us~wt-H:n e-RLingom. Y(;11Wnl,.': (I{thllt

maners. She: prcsc:nu, hcrsdJ wirn 5ll(:n 3n ~as.}' grncr:: ilm.l !;ilT\::rTol::~ :'!ultlJdl; th:lr. pt;.v~k ft~j"'t! ht:I' m(Jo$! ..:t· ror:t. Tl~~v 111igh~ l1{'L,r lih: h~l"i'IUt::h, b"r rht'y i'li'l.jOt' b-t:r wmpflny &0 much dlm her rougher ('J~(,;5 an' qtlkkl~' rorgi~!.cn ~nd rm8OLc~n. Rc:duCA: tl~(' difficu~ty .of any Mfm1plIl:'l!it:i11 roll~ hy (m,.

L~I~~lm&.re is :D j'j L,[CO l., honed reel. noc a blum lnetrumem. Your chnructcr ~ .~I:d;;: [(1I;I"C:lI" c;.;;m:d~· th~ df.,;.<.;1. she W.-Inls bv -I;hoo~irJ.b!. her ..... 'rml~ (:9.n:r~dlT'. in lX"llh wtirten ;;rnd verbal communkaricn. Gain two dice on FLI~)' Espeesakm roll [.1'1:][ uwolvcs words.

l)f:IT f'nrr,KI)(2-r'T_f\J~_l\rr)

Your dmraeccr has rhc good kmune to havc e beat mare. I-I~ .H<lm1:5 wuh ym)rchl"!J<U..::t(:;[' d-mJl-l~b [11L,,;.k nrul rhin, Thcv v c shared jokes. tragedies and :111 [he- hi~hs nnd ~QWS Qr~ir;;! over ehc veers ... l] 01 \\!~Ich has fuL'f:.e:i n bond b.::IW'{:~"Il them [hm: some marttctl couples T:lC"V\.!.r nebseve Pcrhaparhcvwcre ntschocl or worked oogcdw:.r. While ~"ollrdm~c[.er migh I not be ~ble ru share the- muh ofhcr 1c:.11 naUI!CO wuhl-cr fncnd; she- can rely on him to bnck her up to rile best of hb ul'dl i tir.:... .. W i~11! l!J~ ,-~kinl:l teo runnvdi fflculc questions. A best friend is closer [0 you nru] 1.U("II1' ecrmnmed to 11~1r.n.g ~'~.! rhaa (Irl rdly (sec the AI lies I3:?tc kgrouncl 011 P21lC' I, 530hh;,' Demon (QUO: ru los), [mr lit': di'!ni;'IH"lL,· r:'I· more tn raur m. l-lc gccs d~;")1 csrra ruile roger her oucof [rouble rhnr enallvweuhln'r, illlrhc(!oL1LJ'U!oi ~In he r [0 ... lo.rhe ~:lfI1.C. lor him.

ENClI;\;TflRG \/OI(I:(Z-I'T. r\J~IIT)

YOUf chnracrcr has the most tncrcdlblc \'OI1:C; I~ lras a q!.ltlIi tv rhnr mnkes rer.rplL."! IlnnblL.: 1,11 I,,::nt.lll;: lr.H she whispers seductive w 'ords in 5oL.1mi.:"CJ.[lI."'~ 11,::;11. his hO!;~Tt utelts. I r .~h v ,JCti!:(It!"I:l: ~h~lt )I!)(fl~~ll"'';': do ~LI~-':chlng, he :springo into action nt her bel-csr. The dlrfll,;ul tl' (If ~III r~l~ b 1n"\."oI,ll,,' ILg rh L: Lito!.: of your character's voice ro p ... ·r.;~llId.r.:, seduce. chnrm or ~h'~~ c .. dnrs decreases b~! rwe.


VCI'L,[ chamcrcr doc::;-n'r just dress well .. she has an innHr~ sensu ~1f \.\,IH11 sen of l;.kllho;:~ ~tLit a p~'nio.,lFLr cccmon. This sense en '( B case ef ski vish 1"1 rollowmg thcl;'lt ~~l- 1 rcrcls [nrm I. he 11.A,'!~ !I.:esl d;;:".;oll/:Ih.:r.'j etrher, tr's ;1 mancr of knowtng when to ... lrese sruurt aucl whet .. to be 1!:t!ll,Jal nnd ltl\llll~ rht.:: b)ml-'·hLt\\! ,"0 .e:-r.tfljll r}J( im 3 limited h'ldg~{. Sllhrmn Im{: [rnrn rio!.:' diffit:.ull t' nl s.x.1;lt(J.InSin.~'I,\J~1 iLJil~ where clrIC~ing i'lppropri:atclp' iii imptlmmr.:j;ut;h liS i!l '-1 business lil~Lil~g.l.:hql.~ il~b!: ;1" ,I club cr nrrcnrllng an upper-crust rLJnctkm,

j'ulfr (2,-I'r.l'\t::fllT)

Your charncrcr's. mO[[[ll rrlrcJ1d.s dCl.lm t.h.m .she\';1 c(,[,tibie ilir[, bm d"ill'l' qlli.rC'" IMnirC5tly im'l [me, Shc:'., 6,!<;:lt ,It It. Sb'C'~ :;In "L:!.I.lltltt;: lIIa~~~r ;IL:1l1 dlL; ::oi<Jbtl.ll; S~gI~fI[~ t.h~!1:" giv-c nIT (h;lt [J<LrrJcultlr cnlrLhlmlLLI~11 , .. r promi:se ::md ileni::al lh.u makc-s [I!'a-sin,-= ~ Inllch fUl" Ac her be~{, ~hc carl make members of ~hC" opP~[IC' ;s{;::':, OL mel'll bc:.r.; or rhe ~:'im-c .se~, pLiny in her hm'lds. Add rwo ... Il(;~ tli" all Snci ... l rl;lls ~It ~ueh c:i:IT.llfcl~l"l!J-'I!-L'!.!i:.


Ycur characrer has !'II' innate Instfncr rnr I'(!<ltlil"lg 1.1 person.Shecan make an ;'IPPf;li~11 {"\fd\l!~ir'1.d of person someone Isafrcrmcc:tin,g hill! r~Ha r~WR."COllcl$.. bascdon linh." mere rhan @1.11" instinct, he is rarely wrong. Decrease the difficutrr by rwc on any PCrec.l,dol"l mil based on BS;SI;'!!.:5ill!! a pcrsor' Of dcmou.

Gn!:."" LI1IIl(L-IlT, t'\r,rlll')

L~'~l1g cernes nanaallv CQ l'OLlt' character Even tilt..': mcsr involved dcxcp'riQl~ srnlll~l .. lfke C'''I,ld''S QW1l mrch when it COlnL'S lrippln~ nff her honeyed tongue. Gain rwo dice 1;111 un)' Social roll [h~t mvclvcs IYII1~ (0 or ..icl:t!i"lnl;l another person or demon.

LA ,,,. f)>\CK 1"1\ lI:i'!llo;(l,-PT,I'\rnIT)

Everyone "oC'OOlI g.:)ol.~ buddies, end your charocrcr hasa roertedar l~' good bunch. They're: prerrv cool :lMut \\-then thcvsec hcr.{h('vd.::m'[j~d-all UPI't;hl.lf~t;·s nor in contact for awhljc. Th~r're a 1:,0 gn;~I~;;I1 OQ(" int.crl"cri!l~ w irh her Ilrc_Sun;,.loh.:;·~gunc rhmughsomc I!hf3H!;to:S I..lf hrrc, bur dlm'll her choice. TIn':'l"1l I:J(! there if .!lh~ wanrs to talk or need, hdl)t bu. I hcy'll othetwlse keep the hell our Q( hur hair. lf ,lu.:.,\c ~1I1'ro nrc ~I~ your characrer's atllcs (as per the Background}, rhq"11 help her w1[hvUl asking tOO many dlfft(tll[ questlere. Hey. char's her business, rlJj.hll

P~Ql'l.t'-P~".,;o"~ (I - PT,!"\ I!I\ IT)

Yom elumtcre ... ts I! social anhnnl. Shit jld,t llkcs l:PC1[lg around others. Hell, rhcv ltke bcin~r atrHll'.;,t her. Her open.and ~rL~arl~JlIs murre makes people wnrm to her quickly_ The diffio.llty decreases by (WI) on an Soehl0011 lO crcace a good Impression 01; :JmnlioJ,;r.

i>IU,i\ 1\01· 'nIIOCOI'll'I<J!'i1T<1 (2 -l"f,l'\t:11I Tl

Your ehasactec 1~ II (IIU:', lJp.mlndin.,g person, rc~1"c:cIA:d hy ~h~"I5'i:' nrnu Ild her, Through pcrrtc ipation I II lncnl events, helping tJU[ with -ccnmu.mll,y !,rrllll\)S or helping ethers, she's-become weli hked i.u'l.d eruercd by those who live- 'If(lUnd her. \Vhe:n she- brings them a \".'l1'L"'lh'i: or 1X-l(~n1,ii~l d<Jn.ger or ot1"~~5 en cxptann don u( srrartgc. rnlmculous e,,"CnLS, I,hcy'~ Hkd-y r u hdi(.'\·oC' her. She uught cvcn be ablecocallupcn thete std inn pinch, bIll ;..h, ~hollldn'( counr on help c\'(:r~ rhnc t.hjfl~ go sou r.

... ':k~Oj"ijr.'j)Tf\]\VEI..rJ~(:!~OI\·{..-J)'"f',j'''\I:I.I\IT)

Your chn meier ~ :lId..,pl (It Anding accomtnodauon. ~u'Jl)Hc~i1Jld lClQ11 help wbcrevcr sbc goes l!) ht,;r home country. With rhe -1-pt., vcrslcm, the snme "'Jll"li~ ~1i'I foreign counntcs. Slit: mi,ghr nor speak the language well, or at ell, bUl she kl'l(m ht)w to go about obcoining Ihh~~ nrnl lc:;ming about me local culnm: wilhuu{ uf{eJir!ing the nnrivcs, through a !.:(!mbln.illi.ll"i ~r prim research and general :SU'CCt SJ'I.,\;"It~.

UD10\ Pl.\\f1!sGlm£

Soci~1 interplay is. aL1 open book ro \, ehnrecrcr She's [he 111'ii( 1'0 ~XJJ. rh(: hlddcn relartonshlps between people afocr only a (~W Il1itml·e.'! of observaricn. Such ~lIhtlc clues as body L.'1nguas.c and posicion, voice {Om: imd chnfcc vf words speak volumes H1 her ilb(1I1t the underlying c 111 m;;c.~klIl:5 but 1I'~4.:ln people. Gain tWO dke en :;m'p' Pereej~rk.,L'I mil inv()]ving inrcraceicn between other people.

TnlVl7I l'l7I,'\I>{z-I>T,fleJ\lT)

\vhl..-retl~ wnu-characrcr come up wah rhis SlUm Whl;(ht;::r., '-5 duough plenty of rcading. roolli.udl1V' Ilr just all eclccrlc hunch 4,l fm.:L'1lb, _~hl,: hns the.' 00 d (;:5.1 collection or facts scored WlI!!' in ]u:r !iiJ.t\lII. Once in n whil c, :U rhc Smtvteller's discretion, one of them hi rna our to be [est th'! piece of loformarion she needs. '{Clm chnmcrer might nor 8clu:11ly hu very hTi&ht, buc the :51111!'Cf amount of m~ec~llJllll kllllWle<lgc she's picked 1.113 lii.akc$ her fllll'X:ilT to be,


Up unrtl ~b~ nl~lnH,;n( OflJQSSC'~lon, vourcharacrcr's monal hu§r w- ..... , H mood clttacn, Not even D whiff Elf scandal has (','c.r ralntcd her. I ler wo:r\iflg life hl\~ bl!t":n g\"'IoOI.I wuhouc bcingexrraordinaev. Her (1"I!~tl~ls w(J\lld be hnrd-prcascd tu come U[l' with lllly embarmssmg secrets :lOOlIT her, allJ e v \~T'i her ce-Jovcrs are complimcntney about her mast of the rime. Your clmmcrcr JUSt dC:U::~I"l have ::!!l~ din)' secrets ro come back 10 haunr her, nnd people who know ht,;1' '"WI.! ;1 lmrd tilr_1!' believing ;JnyllunK bud ah;I"! her.


Your chnracrer liVl~ If' ["I purt I.~f the city where L'"crylhi""~ t,!t.l~. and does so mcsr of she time. The! "[n:~'I~ ~m; h-lirly busy late at CI~b.r, and the tnh 11 Illlw;'I I) are up [0 all sorts of srr:mge rhlnJ1:!i-. If onylf'lhl~ odd happens, people rend mdls:m,i$.~ ltas [ust another parr of the local rounne.

COflf!Onl\l'l:,'Si\"Vq() -"I', f'\I~"IT)

Your chamct cr'a IHOrt;llIHl:S1: has beell ~I wnrrtor of [he cube barrleftelds rnr il kmg time end now YQur character knows how [he corporate IULnd works. She understands the d)'1"1:-:imi~ nf lnOlie.v. busincss , l1,fo('ll\atlon and powe.r Ih;:I[ make up ccmpnules, and. :l-I'I~ can manipulate them for her j~Wl" euds to ;lliJni~l!d (k·gT~C. Add two dice co nnv roll involving manlpulatlng a ~Or["JQ:r.Uc srmceuru or J corporate emplnvoc.

I'kDI?I ;\\'T'I(j-"1',!"\r..nrr)

There's a knack rodcallng with the media, 000 your character has lr, She" s II!~fl"leJ Wh~l j um:.Ii.:;I'.~ want, endshc docaher best to rm'Vidc il ill Ii) \'i~l'r' rhur beeesuits

her. She can create. suppress ; redirect stories wlrhn (mr3mQLlrI~of c«~L::th''Clilt:::.!i~. j~:s.t bv the sptnshe puu, ,:U I them. MO!J.t Q(r.he time, she. rric 1'0 set up sltuntiQI'~:SO rhl.! media ll."a~l~ them the wav sh~ \~"'I[lt~. Add t\l-'odh;~ to any Social mil in which YOlll' Ch;ml(li!r deOllJ. 'with journalists or reporters.

,sUvt>orrrl\>cl",\l\UM(J -vr, tknrr)

Sure, your character's ~'t:.~I1ig .~t-rnng(;: these davs, There's sorncrlnng gdn,g all chat she can't or won'T roll rhem »bovr. but I('S Important ro her. That 1111.1(:11 is clear. They're ncrf;)mily. theylove her.~nd they'll be there (ur her. Thev're sure shc'Il gel etcurul rc ~dlill~ them the. whole truth sooner in lnrer. Uurtl rhcn, they have no choice ~l,It w 1n,IU hut. Unless you hevc also rnken the A lhes 11~ltk~ grrmnll for ycurcbaraerer, her family won't gt10U( of the way to help her. TIn:.,. just don't ask else qUC5~ tioes d-'i1l :llu,: an'r Bn.5\\,·CL


Your chamctcr'smerml hrl:ltWM~ nornurllyavcrv ItllCk", still of person. Since she Will -a kid. {hin~ nlll'op. weeked OLlt l\er \ ..... .11)'. Maybe she rook a jol~ wid .. n ~l'l'l<lll (inn just before the bustncss went rJuough till' roof, k~tdjng ~(1 her rapid PID'IlllXiQtl, (')"'CI! per claprer (game scsslen], (he Stolytdlr:r IIl.:'W decrease d"tC difficub:yof a crnkal roll ~'IJ IIwke by two, If you succeed, it's because .:iU111oC rnndom ~lCwr roekes things caslcr for your eharrcrer.


'four chamcrer has been gIrted wirh Pr3Ct1.C~1. i,,:vl:ryd::i\' wisdom that allows her IU :1void 111;lkll1Jl SfUp.ic[, obvious mistakes. Whel"*"'lJI!;~ )ht:'~ nhuut tu nee in a Wll~' rhar's (:oOIHr,u-y to common sense, the Storwcller call. m a ke <! suggcsrfon ns [0 the llkelv I,.lt.IrC;:I:'U1f,,. of the ncrlcn, pos:sibly w .. rnin~ ~'I'" of(. Unlike Demoa's lnruirlon Ability. Ibis M~~il doesn't allow you 10 make !lOW ~II';-:~;:J. nor does it offer you Bnl' parriculnr insight. It [ust helps- YOU avoid dclug I!sl!Jr.:!:'..itlll~' dumb chinS!.

(OI'KI".Nl'I\i\flOI'!( 1-l'T.i'\r.nlT)

Your choeacter ts rather good at shutring dlsrracdons our nrrd (}(:udng on the task ar hand. S~'~ unnffccced bvdtsturbancea-c-such ns scrunuung kids. Ij)IJ~' noises, hanging upiiJt'" down ur Dls playing really r(:I'lib!\! n1tI.~ic - whee .sbe focuses en CI pnrrtculnr ilclifm.

GOOD /'\;w RI:"'IOr.I\{ 1·IYJ-.i'\[!Jlrr)

Your character l~ the HtI!y Grail ci drivers C'\.IC!ry· where: ~flleQrll,! who cen read a map well. \'Vhc[hcl .r's


lISin~ anofd In: IP n 11l.!11 n ,td •• des to lOCfUC an ~n:hbounJ'" lair, or the New Ycrk subwavplan aOOl1 SIl'".x1 ;'I'rhs, shu can nllJ her \\r.:!.~' to where she needs H) be.

r)\."T flr.iWtl1(I-PT.f\I:.lIIT)

YIJlLt' Ch~lit:'"I-I!.l(:r ~~I' 'N,'ad and understand a Ilic~ r.,r wnnng br tll:>ft!r tbnn most people 1!:1I1\. Whih: this Men!' cnn make long traln or 1)lalll: jlJl.1mevs I:XJX'OSlVC pro-ostrfons due: ro the number nfbocka and maga:l fiC:,. shL: b't1L::!i I h r.[Jugh, it Hllow& he [ to qLlkkty CXIr;\';:I' 1,J~{l.! lnfQllnjlrk~ll Ircrn ~'nyrhEnf:l written 111 her 1114)ru)( hcsr's ruwive bngLlt1gc.

GOOD RJ.:roc.:1rno,"\ ( I- rrr. \ e.llrr)

Your elwrncter is grear :ill rcmcrnbcrlng l')cople~ names mHI plsccs slw'e been. She can cnll jo mimi the nmue of somebody she 1I10000t brid'h' <It a pJ.rt,' three months Hl,ls), while a bit clnmk, M dearly as [( she lIIel thorn ut1I~'y~,;{cl1l·tI)'. he canalsc rememberthe M'reel!\she ~l"Y.Il~ro::dd...,.wn on [he way IIOIlIL!. She's even good or remembcnng rhc nmncs of p'-"'"O()IC'" mentioned 111 newspaper ~mrjt!.~ and TV" rucorts, as we: II as. [{ :lll"Jn~ gl!nq)S(".1 In phcrogmphs or en TV.

i"il:.:"t:rH<i 'ti'\lCJ.~tI(I·PT.f\c.t\l-r)

Your c..1~flf:IC:~'CT h uocd :J{ separating mnh [I'ml' ficucn, and ~llllC;~)Uo.; has "[0 be up 'pr~lry d~lln' 1,i;lrl" to catch ht;:r off guard, She rarely mke. .. whne 1~I.'''F!(' $<I~ ~It ~IQ; valoc urull she's able \0 check the derails. herself. This Mc~it n Iluw.!i YUU to rcdll~e the dHhcu ky by tWO 01'1 ;my roll ul~~I v ~ n lic.I[:ihauld also 1"11; rvlcpl;1Yl.:d~ IILLI~h :I.~ possible.

1',,'\1:,'31' ,:;t:( t·PT.l'\J".IIlT)

Your chnractcr has 1.111 almost uncanny sense flf tune. -1'1;! cnn estimate the :tmOtLt'H tl ~ll)~-: thnr has psssed, as. wellas [he npl~rn){im;1 tc rlme o{ d~y, wlrhocc using u clock or ml~' orher 11\1,;~n:i ur measuring efme.

(onl::QP j-iot<lon(z -ttt·,/'\rl1t"r)

Your 'l,;hr"lnv;(cr has a oersonnl (ode pf ethics ro which she ndhcns, ~~rh:!lly. Tbi~ (;~~C 1J1I~h[ be: rclaecd to her cxpcrlenecs in the w ar cr ~omcLhlfl~O(;1 legacvfrom her mortal hose. Yousbonld workoue th,~ derails Pi' Y0\.lr code with 111(: SIl1l"yl~l1.;r before play begins, YOlJ,ll:fI ln TWO ndd i I lcnel uk ... wall WillpowC"r rolls w hen nc:c:t)m~li.:jhin!l u major fear In acecrclancc WI[I-, rleu code.

I)r:n·.l\"tt<l!::D( .. -tlT.l"\EI\IT)

Yom clmmctcr Is one rcnacrcue birch. determmcd rc !!:rJ 1;,e:r["l.\\·11 W~l)'. lc can be rt!:lll}' dlfflcultfnr flO:;tiof,jo,.: to persuade her otherwise. G:'lin two dice in :m}' resisted roll in which ~IU~f~l1~ rnca [0 persuade Mr m du cllnl.!thlnA. Yt;'l,1 nU2-ht also h~H'c the: ~(tjb· born r:!flW (sel! p. 82).


Yeur eh a rn tcr bas a phQto-.w.r:3phicme:n\~lry. As e

result, she can remember r:hinf:.,tS she's seen, heard or read in pcrfecr dcra!l, Entire ccnvcrsaticne, dOCLJ· ments or plctures cnu he cctnmlrrcd [0 Ll'I'l..:J1Iu.ry wrrh onl~' mlnor eon enrmricn. Should she auempe the sam • (em under stressful cerultnons, such as u~'illg m 1I11;,:n10n;('" a lon.~ lis! or 11.UllC~ whlh: three EanhbOUHd dH-:~lI~ pounel ill the door, you muar mnke n PC"rce~ciun .,. Alcn-ress roll (dJmEUIL), 5) for her ro summon cnoogb C(Jl""LCt.:rltrQlil)n [0 flrush the job (unless pour chnraceer ulsn ha:; [he Cceccncraucn Mcrh , whid~ ullows her '10 commit Infcrmllth,m IQ memory nf'lwl!;,~:sI1'I.

lNtt!IIJ",I.:T· ')I\·,q(z·I>I'.flJ:I\IT)

The: Internet is be.::.onlI1~ increasingly crJn"illl'l,JIl., btll It ~ rllt from universal. Many users, never progress beycml [he baste Nll.11lJ:o,imr1e lI-nrfing (0 "sues whose add roo Y'JIJ ki lOW" ~m&re. ammeters wjrh th 1.5 MerIt nre adell' ~( bJlitt\g rhe Internee in .111 ll~ .... nsr, rumbling confusion - n small fe.1I f..,r the technologically d"':lllen~-eJ frill!;".


't01JI· cbnmerur's mcrml bosr had a Girl {O~ LJI'ho!;'!' l:mguUJ:!-es, ", a ding end spcakmg them Willi th ... · fluency of -a narlve. Wh.:p. \'11Ur character leHm~ ~ lan~l.lni!e, I"i'!ilcch~d hy incr ~ C§ \1\ bcr Lint'JL~~io;..l, Ability. she learns LI bl IIIQrl;: depeh nncl lI'i(h gr.c:::.rtl' fluency rhan fnQ,~1 t],J. y(l!LlIUS~· add three dlce 1\'1 liny rollln\'olyjCl.gwritil'l~,n:aJllIgm.(jpe a king a hmgllsgc '{Out charaeeer koows, barring her narivc eoogue.

1')151' L'~ill'I~IIC)·Vr.I'\~nl"l·)

Your chemccer le .. n'~ toe baslcsofa ~lJbJccc:. verv quir;.kl,· Indeed, She can cram :;ul1pllo! Inf(HIIl~ldl1Il about vimla.11y :any ",ubirc.1 lute her head quickly and (:n~Il}·. It rake rbe normal nme [Q dcvelen ,I deeper knowledge, L)<[ COUrYi;, bur vcur character smrrs gClIil"lg rhe l1;mg ~r 1 hing:) verv qlJ[ckl~. The ("·\"1- .. 1 t" gnln II new Abil[q' ~ one expertenee pomr instead of three. 11k !:u.HJ £\Ir higher levels .tre rmrfua!, however.

i"!AI·Ull"l.AJ'TITUDI!(j -1'1'.1'\ eli!"!')

Y~)l.L~cl~iuilctcrhi15:jj parnculer AblllrYfil wluch .. he ~:!I:CL.:l'l.. Shc'li ju~t a natural er ha:-. suallecl It ~I~ exrcn;ji\"(:~ly rharrhe Ablllt'/c'.'J\', .... 'i(;fi~lly III her. You pay fewer man normal experience points to pain dots Lll rhe Abillt)" .m~1 each level ls achlcvcd us IC lI: \!i'CI-C ~~I!~ lower, The fi~t pcinr oi the. AbililY (('I5t,.,~ lInh' one experience point W.l{.~liIl if )'Ollrch:Ir:Kn~r learns ie nfrer play begins ..... nu ;'II:IC) !;.l!n one extra di~ on a.l'l)' foil tllvv[\'h~ diJl[ Ahilirv.



Y.o~r l;:h:'l:r''$ m(}l'1-;.d hose was D naturally placid person woo took: most dur1j,':l in stride. She W3J. aln1o:.1Sf 111r ~\'fi'l curfTharwas close, Her h~l~P:'ln(l rsn off ,~, ir.h ehe kids? A'h, w ell. \'(Ihl lc she fc·d~ emotions Hkccve rvone else, she dO~:':in'rlctd1Cll'1:1frl:(:f her rhewavoehcrs dn. You gain J:'o\'Q cxrrndkcontlHyWillpowl.'rrull,hil1 rn\'ulv~tltltYi'Wd:'if1i (if fi(iC rwerreaedng to mundane experiences,

Dmr.(TIO-.;.'$et'!.ge( {-PT. /'\ellrr)

Your character h~ fin lunare sense of where she- IS ami thc dtscancc she's traveled. She can rrmkc :'1 ~)f'jL! guw II r wh tch wa)' is. north, even withollrdu~" [ik~ the pes inon of the :)1.!11. Sh!) TO.lldy gers 1~1,l and cuncscimacc [he distance between tWO['l\Jil1t:.~ l)rCI"I)' w€II..SI"It~ 111.1.,1::,11'[ even be eble ec 1 .... "lig;LlI!'bt.'r \\o'~L~' duuUj:!1, Lnndcn'sonc..... : .... ~y~n!:m&, Maybe.

OrTI"IISTI( ({-rr. /'\r:ftn)

Dcspltc.evcrjthfng rh<lt, h:'l.~ happened to y{)urcharacrcr, she n;(L1~I..::"I(I :1C(CPI. (he (on ciu( llfe cannot rind wilt nor lllillri::dely change for the better, Regain '"'\> Willpower when ~'QU «uke up cnch l1I(lmillb!., rather lkm ehc USLJ:J.I one.


jpl'.Oi\Llsr DI\I\,>r,II.' J .ICI!['l,-r. (l-PT./'\mrr)

Yuur character's dnvmg repcrmlre extends far bel yond rhe SUV or ':;(1OTt;s cur. he l~ qm,Hfk>t.l {O drive trucks, farm vehicles or some 1.11.111:r ~pc i;llbcd '."'lml of vehlculnr rranspnrrarfon.

DU:\I, " TIOIli\UT'I(Z-l>T,t\lClll'r)

Thanks ro bdng born fmm rU~l!llf'$ III dlrre.fC!ll,[ L!1'kJ1lrr~cs. yrl!J r chnmcter's mmml hos[ hw dua l nu nunt1li'~'_ She rl1l~:l,h r l' I'(!j) hove n v o P8SSPOl'l';5. This makes it l'3I»' fer her '0 cperme in IWI) (Iit'((!u::nr places i:1Jid even hide: nut In another cnmrrv if rhmiP ~~t.IQll ~fl' ln her 1'1 .mal place of residence.


The effect or this h,'leril 'k:pends (ill rh co,lnrq' In 'I,d,kh your game is. set. In some conurrtcs (slu:.:h ;I~ rhe UK) If Indicares rhar )'OLI1' charucret 1:0; allowed to en rtv wcupens, WhhOlIl .hi~ Ml'rir, pcssesston Q[ a flrcarm is rllcg-..IL lncoimmeswh ... re indi'l,ii~IIJ;,lw. h;'l",~~ II~hcfnbc:ar urms, it h Id lcarea rhar your cham ern bas II liccnscto <.o"1'rt)' 1II11J!..IIal ()rf't'wE11"f'ul Ilrcnrms such as nuromadcwcapons.

]\UI'IOR'Ilk(II)II'F.r( I-TO)-ITI'./'\l!I\IT) Yuur chtlr'l.erer'~ hosr's rnaertagc has failed, but 'In lcesr that(hea,[Ln~ bnsmrd hrJ\ II) poly fHr it. The It"ve.l

or Meric you buy indic .. ares the- nUl'lll)(:.r uf Rescurees 1l01l\t~~ y~llIr ChanJCIL!r can have Ithar musr be purchased sepatilt>!l y) tor wb leh she deem '1: huve to c-ork. He r mnngalsosuggests how wc.~1 thy 11c r ex was or hew badly he was ~a((!'11 in ccu rr, Clumces ;1Tt! she has the thtldl"Cl1 1=I:Jw. [00.

eqr"I'OI\l\i) I\Gi\Ii'i(I-rT.f~rr)

Your character's mortal host hud :J kJi:u:.l: for getting thin.g$ che-i.1(!,ly. Somcrlmcs she gets [he goods she needs In sales. Somenrne she gets them through wh~)IC";'Ilt::r~_ Other l[f1I1:!~, she [usr hunts around until she fmd~ a b:.JTgt1in_ HO\\'~''\Ier she cloos 1fT the di(fkllll,' o( ~llly Resources roll you make decreases by two,

L"Dt:PI:t'!T)ITlT [fiCO/'\ I:' (l-T05-rrr.t\mrrJ

Through hard work, heredjr (It phenomenal good Ionune. your chamcrer's Rceourcr e ,!; rnllnJ;, 1'$ <In lndependeru iucomc (nr whlch shc .lo.:s,;n"l hnve f() \VOI'I:.. The level ~If Mer!. yo u buv indiC;SlIt.;., hew Ulan)' docs o( R.1;!'S,(Ill['Cl;:$ (whtch ruusr be purchased :i-('par,](el~'} your character has thtH do nor requlre her rc work.



Ytillr clmraerer's morral host: ::Ilw::\)'5 pusd off her debrs cr, lime and butlc up I.:llmlgh fin.lti'1dal.r,.ccufh;" 10 keep the most4:.ynil;Hi hank<;Thllrp~'. She cnn aeeess a decent am unt of credn as a result. Your char .. tcrer must h~lVc a Resources rmtng of ] or more repurchase rhls Merit.

{J) ~;\I;I"M( 1 j)i\I1TRCI' (! -1>1'. /'\ f.1l1 T)

YtJurdlil,nr;~r,;:r·~ "urherhali" I:; pullin{.( jn a fortune, ill least by hl;;r-e~n'lil;'l,lj. ~lfll!dlmb. nrul he's ImpP"l rc be the hreadwtnncr. With lura covenng [he bills ;Ind IL,ilnJ,; expenses, she can !l'C'i away with 1J rl1rl:~l;m\: jl:1h Ih,lr ,.HuM! hC'r limc 10 (ulfill bCI obllganons to allies, superiors (II Coon ~nd sc u.

l'U:I' 151.t'.)05() -1''1 ./'\tonl1-)

Y\~Ll.I character's job allows her ret lnlrk flexible boues or nl 1 ,,11",,<;: [wr to n.1\1c1 <'I II;.II~ Or perhaps she's effcctlvclv her OWI1 IMl~, wl: h 1'1(1 one 11L(}!'1;mrln~ her ncrtvrrtcs. However she does itl she curt earn her Resources mill)),; rhroLJ~h a job tbnt doesn't .sit.'niflcantl), restrict her mfemul nctivhtcs.

PM) /'\om"(;-",r.(j -PT,/'\r.lIlT)

YO~tfch:m)"(lcr\ house ls hcr own .... he'spaidoffthe bank, ~l lno:.)rfWkK<! (Cf'.a~rmcm.s arc no longer an issue, (lor ls repcssesslen u thrr..:al. Na tnrmcr whrn h:'!I~pc.~l>. she at least has a roof over he. he~d

Flaws. nrc fflillnp cr problems that plagued ~1C'Jur dl.:H:U;~l.':r·~ morml hosr through life end po!:iSibly conrrllnlf,ed whi~dnwnfaU, Thc5('diJf,t:'llr,~artpRrtoft:h~ mortal ICI!:RCY ~'mJI' Ch:1ril(Ic",- ht't~ inherited. hindering rhe pursui [ or his. J(t)i"ll::::_

R'1(JI'.ffr i'u"qf\Q~'T<l( J- 'ro J-P'F. FU\IJ))

Your chnractcr .stilt holds to an iJfi(:itnt [cud wnh another demon that dates {rt.~m the Wl;1r of Wm!h, Even Itrha:: uhj!;:l;l' efhcr onfrnosto- remalruin rhe A bsss. he wl II I1Ii'Lke -I,':q::ry attempt [0 even ch~ score ngnlnst he: rhrougl' allies ::'f1,1 pmxles. Th .. lUUQ~lfH \.If potrus spent: on rhts FLl\\' lndtcetcs 1m\\' fur your d~i'lrm:~er'~ (til.'- 1$ willing to go ttl strike back nr her. Om; point indicnres aurinor ur bif;dy Iorgortcn feud; the ether clr..:li'I)O will take steps to make- your charncrer's llfe dlfflcult onli' when Ir ts C(Jt'I\!1,.:111,..fl{ for hi.111 ro do so. Two pclncs lndleaec rh~1 ~'fJUJ: cheracroe's enemy h al!th'L:!iy wcrkutg on plans 10 make Y(UIT chnrccter's existence al> dlfflcuh a~ p>l.l;i:!l.iblc, enltsrlng rhc aid of friends : sn (1 nlllcs lu sir ike ut her whenever the cppenunhv 11f1~C:'. Three points lndicare rh;\I' ymlr !;1i;-]f'II;H.'1 hns galncd an rmplscnblc foe thm rhmks Qr ~h~(hin.!:: else bur rUlli' ehnmerer's demise. I--Ie bends :111 ,,( h i~ cnergles ilud resources m make her life a 11\,ln~ Hcll.

CUIlSI!OI,)'IO "C"I-'ro--JlT.FU\m)

y our cbaracrer hoi!'> been eepcctallvcurscd by rbc C:rt3::1[(,r ftlrH~liol1!i rakcn dlJrlllg rhc War OfWMI h. The S1·t>;.:llJ::,dl and pervoslveness ~tf 1'1~~ curse depcods 1J1~')fl lmw Iw;m'p' pomra you wisb to galn. E:S:iH'Ilp(>I;!Jo fonow:

·lfY[IlII'char.lelt!J"piL""'oI;. .. onasccrershe iscnrrueed wir.ll,lwf beuuyul will come back [0 harm her ill some way. (l pI.)

or Y our ehoeierer srurrers unconrrcll ably whc I~ ~11~ If I C:I. !, ~ ~k~1 be whar she h,u seen or heard. (2. ~ftd

• Tecls break L1r mnlfunctlon when your chamcrcr trlcs ro usc rhem. (3IJn;.)

• Y'JIlT character is chxuned to m a kc cnennes of [hose \\'holll she most loves or admire, (.; ~I$.)

.. Every one of vnur- elmmcrer'r accomplishruenrs nr ~tllJm",h:;. wllll;vl!'nnwJly become soiled or full In IKItl1~ wav. (5 rtl.)

YOW' chcracrer ftlfr,i1[ or l!'Iight not have n w-ay rc atone for hera ricos end free herself of this cu ['S(:, a( • he Slot\'lell~r·.l! dtsccnon.

Ir. \\':1!; once believed dun mirrors rdlr..:'(lt.':d IIOt one's ph'lSI(;ft,1 appearance, bur rhc erue nature (If one's soul. Your ~h~r'1L~.r;c.r'\i ecffccttcn reveals her actual cde~ti:ll I''l:H111'1::_ W'ht.'-n she locks in the mirror, she sees her npocaljpric form rather r.h~~llllr,:1 rnorml gai.s~_ Thls reflecrlon changes ~t!i her Tormeut tncreases or dL:cn.'ittl;l,::!;;. M():rr~~ 18 w lur SA!I!' rhis reflecrzd image aru nul suLJj~t;:~ t" Rcveladon (see page 2SJ or [·hl; Demon core rules for derails). bur ,h<:), will react with shock. emaaemcnr 01- nl a rm.

L'if'lVIlI(L·PT.r,- IJ))

You~Chll{tle~C"r'~:l\:::tklllS [[1 me War .. ,fWF.11hh:r\·1! earned her 11 depr:-c o{ ill rc:pLJ1C rmel b(;.s,llllY muong fu~r fellow demons. The dJrflclJI[ ~ or "II $QciHI [\)lI~ increases b~' ~Il~ wh[.:.n Y('llr characrer l1i tnrerncrlng with other fallen.

NIGI"I·Ii'\7\"t:.~( HlT. F1 (I))

YOIJr<h nracr er's s leer j:~ P I LlglJCJ by,' isions of rhe h~Jr~[ml .. he ;)L1W clllring the war. YoOlI ITIU~r mnku a Willpow~r roll (dirficlJlry 7) Iu order Fer r!'loL: c.hnnlcter co sleep r.hlclIl~h the nl~IH without being corrnentcd, The d.-;! two [0 the dr{(jculq'o{ rile nrii~ A hiti[)' or AtlflbUlt' roll vcru 111:IL:C IT! dl.:o a 1 \vll11 nd~~r demom.

Uli\n WQtli'iJ)(Z·JYf,rl.d\W)

Your chnracror 1;!1"I~hlr~d 1.1 terrible wound dLlri~ Iht,; war that .... carted the very essence- ,If ht:r QCH1~. m:u"lift:~Hn;..: irsclfevcn to rhlsdav wht!n:-lit'- reveals-her Celcsna! nature, WhclI fUll! character adopt> her apocalypnc fomi, .tl1e :il1l1'mnt1ti.c311." suffers one health lc ...... 1 LJrf aggruvnred damage nbcvc nnd hevcnd fmy (i:..ll'lf'lgc she ot11ITC n dy ndfcrli.l1li..:: Jcll'5l'It;C1li:;nm~lt (,r,: healed b~' auv III(':rll1$.

(?o'mOT EIITEII 1'101.<1 GI\OONO(J -',u))

Your character's lruccsc regie" tll,d ~1I111 rollow~ ing her rebellion agnlnsr Ot)J 1;1o;lu great rhnr she canner hcnr ~~~ enter hQ1l' ground or hand It holy cbjccrs wid~"l1l! $LJrrG:ring lnrcuac pain. NCl muucr wlurt lwr Torment levclls, you I' chamcrcr adll ;!;~Jr{l::.r.$ d,\lmtgl: from holy ground and sunl;tiflt,;<! items such as crosses «rid hoi), water.

I'L;,.sIll~. (K.-;(J-t>"l. Fl,J\UJ)

Like veteran, cf lIlillly Hmrr.ll wars, the si.G.h~:s: 'r'Dl.H character ~ v irn~~~cl during the \Var LlfW[~J.(h b~Hm~ her snll. mlln~ her dreams wtrh vi!iltu);. o( hcrrcr rind desrructlon and occasionally w\!1t!rCHkit'1~ her during mOIUCIlU. vr .\Itrc~~. \'(Jhcn the ehnrscrer IS under intense pressure or ilwolvcd ill cornbac, vour Ck"il'll('(Cl' mtuhr experience powerful flashbacks of

nnclcnr battles, TheSrcrvrcllcr can 1;;111 for IJ Wi~lpower rell (ddf'kulq' 8) at npproprlare in menrs. If the roll fail. .. th.; churacrer rhink'S she's back: in rhc war as she Is caeght Lljl H111 h"lllJcm:tltor'Y(:piso~,lio!: o( ihl;!I"C,lible "ivldrlt:.:i:'J 'lind derail. A$ -SiI1Qn as [he rhrcer or $Qur(:c o( stress is goee, " .. Ill may begm mnktng WiHpolVcr rolls (difficulty 7) ((lr rhc chnructcr each turn to sec if she can emerge fW/H the: visions of rhc f~~,sr.


Yo:)~'r character j.s f11,'r'S.Hl!d by a fanatieul demonhunter who belleves (perhaps cortecdv] rhnt she is a danger ro h.Uli\"rtitl'_ Everyone With whom YOLlr Ch~~faeccr nsseetares. be thl!V I,"Drl';l! or fnllcn, mlJlhl I'M.: hunred ns wcll.

Pll01l7'rJOMJ\'II'i\CT!OI'l \r.t\fl!~1 (i.-j>'r.rI2 .. m)

Yccrchatscrer is addt;(:(vr, he turned her bnck on her prior faction arul stlll h:ilS much ro prove before she 1S accepted L.~' the demons [Q whom she h,J,S defected. Drbc I' dCllllm!l who arc mernhurs ofher ell men [ f.H;. ion [rc:lt her with disrrcsr and even ht.Jstilh:y. find h("f repuretion mi,Rhr even ~ull't' these denmnx wlth whom she rc~~llarl~' nssoclnccs,

]\1.I.e.llGW -(!-IYf.t"L""')

'~our characrer's morral bod~' i.~ r,II."gic to a [;)lhl'r eonunon substance ;!illdr ,1:0; cnr hair mar C1'l~1~!J 4,;Qugh~ InJ:l, 'W"Q1C"t"I' c~C:S and III hcrdi5r.m(,Hflt~ ~YIl1P'Qm5, The difficul[yof:lll nctlons Increases hyooe-whcnc:o:~ £0 whnrever tnggcf5. her 3UL"'I'g'(.

J\p;nm rr:c (I-Pl'. f'L.MJ 1

YOii.rchl'll';)Clt'r·~ joints .. cspcctnlly bcrbands, fire render .md often swollen. \Vh[m she ertcmpta ~111}'~ llimJi rlmr requires fil'c and careful touch. suclr assewtng or r-cpairln~;~ W;'{~, Increase rll...;difficullY of )'om rcll b)' one.

COLOll I:)LI~"( H''I'. FL?IW)

Yom character h .. "\.'i trQubl~d(mngu.l.shin1l between IUICS- Youmusr mskc a Perception TO)[ (dit'fkulry 6) f.ur your characn-r rxr n.c:cl.Irn[c-iy dctenutne [he color of n gi"cI'LQbjec;,_

Dk')'TINo(JJ,'SJ Hf!G ""'I r~\r1J\CI·l:J\l.sTIr:.: (j-OJU-!'T.Ft..::\\I)

Your character's morral i:K.')(I~' h:a$.'B phvsreal feature duu makes hQI vcry euev rc pick OUt CIL,.Iwd:;., sItCh as clobcreee tatrooe. a scar or nn obvlous bll'~hLli:;.rk, Thi.s R;\,,' is warth (.1.r~';; pcinr if rhe characrcdsnc is hkkicn ca$lht coder clothes. tWO polnts ir II rs nor.

YOlJrt:h:lr;LC!.Il!f fends 10 sleep right through m~'!)r disturbances, from t"~ l'lll(1 S.h~ICO playing [](,JU door ro the cxorcisrs lavtng a blndirl!t "')'til around her bed. Y nil P:11,I;:.( 1[11'1" I.' IJ successful Willpo\\"t;'T roll (diflkll It)' 6) for the eharucrcrtc wake UPllllickl)'. Fnilnre rneuns she.' spends the equlvalern or:l ccmbnr turn 'i!i!aki.n~ up. A botch nrcuns silt! sleeps filoC~\l chrcugh [be dlsruebm-cc, pe:l,dlrt~ the S[Oq',cll~r'~ juJi,l.mcru~ nn the sirumtcm.

LMQCJ-171', r'N!!)

Your character bas rrocble mort vllriJl~ hl.:l';5e.l( ttl do £~nFbill~. Sh ... :'d ruther slc around the house wmo;hin~ TV nncl rhitlkin~ ~ ... { dt)in~ ~1l1{'thLn~ with her li fc th,.11 ~CLl:'l.lIy SC:lringlJp and doin~ lr. Sht: tends ec ccrnplaln killJly when tlacrc'a work to d,." :-.nd she likes eo let (bJng.s slide UlUit du:: lasr possible moment. You n'll1~t make a WiJlpowl;'r r(lll (Jd'rkul." 6) ro cake C3reQ( I-ln~' routine tasks nor diroccl}' relmcd 11' ~'Vl(r ·ch:mlclcr's d':;lIlo:,Jl'Il<;: acclv tues.scch as prl'yiL'Ill the elecericl ly bi 11 (II .b,,"ui"g ~"t· ( .. t·~ \·Ir~ romrcd.

Low i\I..COI 101.. TOIJ!]G\N(!l( [-1"1". rt.. ,Ill)

Altnlllli goes srraighr [0 vour ch4!r.lI:t(>r·~ head. \\;fhilt: IhiSCnr'i be an advantage when she tri r(I~llj\)y u mabcouc rm II,cchl."r1p.ltcmlbc.JC:i-Jlywhen hunted h" cxorci~[s or worse. Dvllh~l! dfl\'1'l!t'11ILI';!;s your char~t'.JC r suffers for consum ing :a icuh(l I ..

l'\e.lJI(:~T(!!J( l- on 'j-p"r',FLiW)

Your chnracrer's morm! OOJy 11,.'tI1iIfl."l;idall,. medicaII~ul rc smy in good health. AI; n I1ne~J)jJlfiI flaw. her m~li¢lI leu I" i u1f")t'mm for her long-term hlc"i.,lth I,ur h;IS link c.tToct nn hOl,;r~I'ly,ru-ch,v,",e:11 bcjng.aswkh prc.'icripnon drugs rhut keep vcur cholesterol ,J 1W'.11. The Il ~·fIO in", v crsinn reprcserus insulin shot!: Clr;'lCl.i'\.c:dl11l1!t!1~<! 11l'\..'"(o.;.s.II'Y rl"1 kccpVtlllr character allve.H sheshccld llli~ n d~\,r.s wcnb of' l~}I',:~hc.ii\c. she aucomadcallv i!lIIlCf':i. a baahmg or Icthall~el of Ja-1U'la~ (Or every 12 hll'Li'S thnr P;t~ wkhcur. he r mcdrcjne. :;t$ ~lt:'r1,:.nlli ned b1 the Swryteller. Thtsdnmugc hcalsara nm; of 0"'''' level per 12 "11111"::1 11mr pass QI1Coyt.UJ ~~!IIU": y~'ur'lX:&ulmmC'dl;:::ujon ::;ch'i:d ... ulc. Time: spent lu llr(l';;l'lI~'jl1'I-c form ls nor CC1l1lUOO toward dtc rot •• 1 time: without medlcrulon.

('\QTIOI', 'IC~l'll"-;'>( H>T,f'l.t><Il)

Your character becomes q~le{\$'r' and nauseated on boots. Wh~11 traveling lOX1J;): di~~':ltH::(!:~ b~ cor or on arnusemunr-purk rldcs. Increase the diffu;lIlty by \\\'0 on [11]' [101:1 rrJn.~ vm1re!UU:lC:lcr rakes when denli~ wuh these condinons,

!'Io.5ffi~r.Or.5j''':J_l.( I-~T, PI ]\W)

Your chnmeter has no sense (If ~nll;ll. Her mcttnl h~)Snnighllli.I\,t"si'\'lply been horn wt • .hatlcir, or she lost


itdne 1~I"'L,m~ rrcJ.k ~crL:id..:m.'cuaefl ~ln~·.llillf:. nil inaner how Stn:.m:f! .he odor is. food H\S({'b :SOlJu:" v h:tl~ bland [Q her _ On j'he gr1(1d slde,she 1511'[ bothered by the ,;:ti.::11o:;:h of s<,wr.:~. rcninp Oesn or <ltht.:r t1:t~tlm.':.i"

Q."'e..'i,<r,or Tl\,:l'!'r.( r-r-r. FI,)\/J))

Your character's taste bud:> ~1111~IV do ncr funct;fJn_ She el1l,n1)!.: ;J~'PJ«"I~w:-"I'I nne 1\1(,0[, ~md \>hL!. hm trouble[J~ medi(f'cn;ncc 'X:T.W~11 good and 1mJ kK,d nrnl drink,

U:Oi"ir~,,\(IJII'\I'\t • .n( t-or, r~(lJ)

Ycurchnrncrcr never learned how II.) ~\\'Im, nnd she has no natural mlem (pr' Ir.]( she ever finds herself'tn \1 1'l1.}s1 don where she h;!;. fV ~ry 1(,1 «wrm. she can tnnnagc 11 J'iti;I~.'I ... uo~j~ 1J.:IJdll.:. Increase the ~lifFjl:ulry b~ rl1"l.1 (or any Athlcdcs rolls lnwlvil\1o( swimming.

Poon r,'IICSI<l11T( 1"01\ '"IYI',I'I.,)\'o)

Yourchorscecr's ITH,1r1:11 hose ueuhcrsevcr .... ly nearsluhrcd or f:'lr;s;~hl('(L Increase the Jiffictlh.y boy '''\I rill lilly rolls rber Im·td\,~ 1,.'l~IJQI ncutrj. 11"1<: tlUL:--ruitu V't!l'$j(1!l lseorrcctnblcwrrh glnssesceeerrmcrlcnses. TIll! rhrce-potnr .... \.:l<ilf)[i is ncr,

PoonJTI!MIM"( 1-01\ 3 "I'T, t'LNI»

Yom c:h;u-;Ier-cr'~ hearing is c:!i("cptiL1rmll~' bad. lncrease lnl.:dim C~I~ty Ii}· (W\,l (If'! f11'~' 1'Ot1I11\1olvl ns bCf1TiJ1g. Tbu Flrlw Is w~lrlh one pclnc [fl. [S correctable \o,lirl,:.'I heDI'Ln/: nld or simthu dc,:v!t:.:e,ll1l'l.'C 1>Di.I'I[.5 if ir rs ncc.

,")I(I\IJ'( I-PT,rl,,;,\U»

Your character I':; o~t.o;l'lI1tl)' coul?nmg and wbeerIng, nnd she h .. s !ltJ;lIhl-c :<:.hakingcclds.l-:I!:pu[1rt;d IttJ~1 MIITl.!fl.!J a lmcsr (!:Vcr~' chtldhe ~MI i 1I11t!S::; j magtrcblc.und sn(":!ounly ~t"C(mIC worse asan adult. \Vb-en checkingm Il ... ·j~ld carchtng 8 disease or devcL~)I}ll1g nr I Infection, increase the •. llmcuh·~' of rhc 1'011 by (I."".

\7'1-r.(I-' 1"JYr.J~I.,)\"))

Ycurr ot:hil~C(~1' is addicted to some ron: I)r !illtt- 5.~f'lCC" The one-point verslnn tl,his. Flaw represents ~1Ji. I~dd tenon co 01 substance dllit b I c~al and rea.r;;y ['0 s..1r~sfy. surb as ctsareucs. The twu-pclru version rCll' resents 1i ICWl.1 or mJldly illl'~] ~LlI~;J[iCC rhar htlubirs her ablltries to a scrtons degree, such ::IS alcohol Or 1il<U'l)lI~(n;"l. ~11\c rhrce-pcinr '·c:nmm represents nn addiction ro a highly iI1C(!:'I.1 orhighl~' dangerous "hard" JI"\L,W. :i,(ic.b 1'1S heroin. Your ch aract er is;1 (ways under the effects [rr \'m~r chesen \'~CC I,:mlC'15~ she lLS~l,Jrncij. her :'ip(lc:I]~'pm:. form.

qCKITllr\lLj\PI'C1\~;\~(1:( H>T, M')

'Your I:h;IT-;II;.n::1"'~ ruorral host looks like she ~Ud In highschool. She .,l\~'n~':;, gers carded at bars and Orten h~ ~I,) produce idcnrificanen 10 buy even cfqarcrrcs. In


lJ'l'J;kr ~9 uam I:IlU1' W elubs, I;;Qnl!\:r1S 11m.J bnrs, or (V rm<;h,;,,~ ulcchol. your t:h1rrll.:;t~ r n{;Cl.h: to prcacm a -altd.looktng. I D.

Dljl'I~\lI\t:J)(~·I'T.F'l .... ",W)

Y~llJf ehnmctcs's hl--.::-:t':':(.;l.;;t,: it> mi::iSh:!pet'l.:'loT 111:) im~d.

Increase the tJjfrtculty by two M ::"Ill}' rolla involving ~1;"1:1 sincuions when ~'OLJj character u not 111 hi~ .1p;.K:'Llypdc j';.Jfll'_

[~~"'~ lill\d Z-I"I', l'U\<J))

For whncevcr reason, your rhnraccer has trcmcndoo~ rroub le ~¢ l~hi~ mcee th:"ln:."l, few hC\1 rs o{ sleep. Sh~ R(l't~n:gfO'J~Yflmi slew-witted ns a result. Increase rhc ~mlcul[~' of :my Alertness A"",:: r rcncs, and Inlulrll;,n

rolls by !'Wo. .

Lou, Pl\l~TO'.r.I\i\Rrdz·I'T. FI..1\'J')

YOLll' chamctcr's morral h05C had :Ci verv low rhtcsbold far pain, Your chnraercr turns i~m a w.himl~(!rinf:, hlubh-cdng ball Df miserv m [hi:' {1m ·~i~11 ('If it. Wh1ll' '(OUT ehuracrer soaks dumnge 11m· I!lRII~', she suffces an addiricnal -I die-pool pcnalry when :;;.hlJ 1:0. injured.

Or;.I~ "il~(:1-!n·_I:\ ... (\w)

"tow clla:ral:.l~f'.; I·LlI:).t Iwly" IS:::;(.:I'L(\III.~ly (n .. ~rwci*hl., IJ~ ~Iluu~h rhat she has trouble using the.seats In m05{ ibecrers. Add two '[.0 the diffiC:lJlry or ilJ\\i DOO,'Uc 0[ A~hl;;:Hi;S roll, }"rlull"\Elk;,;_ Your chnracrcr lnOVrC5 n t hnlr thl' nnrmn] rate.


Y~l!I chnrnctcr'e hoo.t bodr' , v es hlJrt pretty ixWl~' ~'Klln ],er 'f(IIII~l1::er ~l;:iys. ;lnd ,~h~ l'lmv ]);:iyS rhe ",J'l;;;"'; ilii III chronic pain and ewe lling_ Increase the dirrLnllry Ilf;111,(Arhlr1.:llc.q r'1.l1lhylWIJ_

110011 J'll(, 111' 'i"I.~IO~ (z- 1>1".]'1.,(1))

Your chflra~r'..:r\t:y..::;;.~],r is poor ill lml!-lii.:hc con~ld~lj'l$. h\c.~rl$r,: Ill.::: dijfi";l,Il~y or ~r'1'1i ;lICln(i~1 al.teIl1p,.:;-=.1 illdllJllighlt~Ui::b as tim t from ~ fll1:Shl igh L ill when under mLrJ;~lu, boy ~ w u,

iSllorrc(.nn . 'l'w,m)

Your characrer'a host boclv u less than n".;!' reCl mil, 1I.l:Ikll~~. il (lirfi';;'L!lr"\.l;) reach ~1!lJ 1.I:jC In,IH)' ~,f"JoI,;c~ ... 1.;:-· ~1jl}led f!;!r IL·(i1oJ Ir.: I.L';~ Y nur ch n r.u::~cr'~ '*'I"'C'~1H,'11t m~';: i,$ also half thee of normal-sired people.

OtlPllLED LI;'\IJ(J <[>1'. FLAW)

'iWT chamctcr's mcrmlbcdv L~ either missing ~ limb'lT 1135 injured [1["1';:: 50 bFl~llr thar i [ is unusable, If nne of her arms is crlpplcd, lncrcase rhc llifA..:-ull,/ bv"LWO fDI' act+ens dUH.1'lOI'Il'L!1."il ... require ~,I.\'f' hr uds. sceh I~ film::':·;1 rifle. t( nne ofher legs IS cnpcled, !:tnrt:

moves lU lInly vne-quunet uornml speed without Some s Orr of c .. nc. ... nlk e r or wheelchair. Widl rho npprcprlate ald. fOur character can move LI~l to hllif norm n I speed.

e.LD~l'''-'I<J ·PT.I~I.l\W)

Wh ill- yQIJJ character's mort ... t] bedv ie iust as:5trong atul quick :l.$ n ynltn..gcrnD11. i t.c lnc5u·dilwe Iii.:.: "::Ildlllunce (.IJ r.I;$IHl!tlol,;l;!: ~li' ~'(lI.II'h .. n}'mm~_ Ynu mnke s oak ralls npatnsr .. difficuuy of7 ins[ead cfehe nortual e. In additton, i ncreasc die dice-pool IN!m I~I furenell (If t'OLIr dmmC(c"'5 levels of IIlJU.r), by rene,

.5Nl\I"1 ['[l\NIl.'1l) ·1'T.I·I.'\(~)

Your character hB!i trouble h·,L] h'::'f"SLM 00111- posed urtdcrpressure.In anvoxrrcruc 1"I.5lre.5sfLlI atruarl LI!l sl,lc·h ns ((II!,hrt:. hc;r hands sbckc so bndlv rhar sbe has !H"Mlbl<'!' .;:~~mpk'irlg ~L!1V tl!;J;.~ IIUI! roquir\: e delicate much or tnrcnscconccnrrarl 011. ExampleainchrdcplckIn;;:: a lock, lo-;,dln~ bullcra lnro a revolver CIT I;ypil"'lg ill a conqnucr. Im:'II.!~!s~ lh..: difikull"Y of imy rolls for such h i~h ~.~tfC:i~ actions hy two.


Your dHII':;Ic.!0r'S IlLLitl'lll i'tldy is tn~~~~!'!ot:: fin I!}'I;;,'_ Increase the: Jiffi-cult"!!, bv two for an~' Petccpdon rolls invoking cvesiglu, The di(ftcuh[e-!' of 311 dlc TOlls. Invclvlng dcprh-pcrccprlun (stlc.h ~L~ r.ln~d·wc~pm .. ;[Irlac.k,~. +ncrenses bV r .... '\I-:;~ vvell


Your character's mortal host is pre-pubescent.

Sh.:\ 11111c:h smaller "l'h;ll~ !he :l"l;r~lg .. nduh, 01"1'14.) shu moves "I[ hill( ~he mre of <ld"'II~~. A 1,~~), ~i['il;;~ ~ho;: h(j~f boo}' isn't rlJlly dcvelopcdphysrcnlly, your charncrcr mil)' not sean plfL'i' wlth more rhnn rhrce does ~f'I ::u'q'" Phv;;~":;11 Arrrthute. Similm·h'. vcur ·~:I·ULr<1ctC'r JOl';5 ( hsve Ih<: expoCric.n.:;:(: nr5ll1.~ l.IJult, S[I he cannot starr pl~y wtrh more [han rlvree clots In an)· KliO\'oiIedge Ablliry,

(I lnOl'!IC ILl-,~=~(4,·DT.I'U\~))

YL:JoIlT chnracrer'e mortal J-:.ody IlIIH(;rr;; i~mfl [11 .. [cbi!i(;Jlil"lg illness such as chrcnlc (arigllc svrdromc or C,JoC n Cf.1rI ce r; She f fcque.m I 'f fee I So we ... !.: ; Ifl J l~ IT;rmecl I.:~l!li I~'_ Add. 1.I'tl W the diffi(;~llty of <!on)' Arh.eucs und srml: rolls.

I)r.l\I'l'lr_~(4·I'T. I"LMJ)

YQiJl'cl~:<lrrLI,: ... er carmce l~e;,I~" 'fr.,lll ['I\I!(Jillilr.iOllly [\.Iii mw rest that requires heeren, rnd the clifflculry of appmprlete Alertness rolls increnaes b~l three.


Yom Cb(it'<lC:l~r c.:;ln't see. 1r'it;~,,$I." th.,. d;f'(..t;.,d"ly or anv rolls iI.]VJ..lh'iI1g hand-eve coordlnacien by IhIeC-,


JjtlD Llnn( 1·IlT.!l..All))

'r' OI.~r ch)!r.t...:_~er·s fnt'lrfn t lsosr bud rremen, .. ioL)S uuuble lying. The spontaneous f'XCU~ that she' came up wtrh \\'C[~ usually unbehevaaly alahorare or l.:'::L'iily refuted wlrh rhc h:lrt,: 111{1dlclI!I' of rescurch. While 1c:l1In~:llj(;. ~'~lur hill'~\c:tet~r.IJUt;rt, srnuuners, bllJ$hl!:$ a liIl,l ge:oe:rfll1y looks gUi.lry. Increase the di,ffk.ulry by tWO on any ron that Involves verbal deception.

1)i\LDIJ'!G( I·PT. f'L)\"')

Yuu. character barelv has 311i' hair left on his head, whether ir's due co old age or cruel genes. He is rclnnvelv e:lSY cu pjck our ef crowds :~u~d has pTnhl':::l1l!J.m;lk'n~ r1 guod 1111J)n;;:!i!'i;I{n-, 1)11 l'.hC~JPIX1S;IC sex. 111(.ro::~'H: the dlffic:nhy b}, ['Hll; for (111,)' Abili~)' rolls involved In ancmpring to seduce a member or the upposire sex.

1)<lI.I.<I{ 1'f'TJ'")\,,,)

Your character rends topush people around when :IIi'Ll,; COJlI I:l:~t :nva~ wIth lr. This :.l~fl,!s.:.'~[1 dccsri't t'1c;,t;c!!'~lrily ruke nn M ph'f,~lt;::Il Jisp(ILY. I[ b "rrt'u purely social. She chafes under [he leadership of more forceful pcrsonalltlce and GILl be CIi mnlconrcnc when ~IH': isn't in ChJHMl'.


Your character has children for whom she is the pnmarr emortonal, SOCL11 and economic provider. She rakcsn !utl1(jny in hcr~ldt; umll'ndc:;llc~~d(pf1 kIng a good parent, bur I!.:I"wiof,; {Llr I1lnk end rtrle in the Infernal COUrt ~LS in the- \vay of parenting. If ~'OLU chnracrer goes more than three d:.1)'.!l \VirhCiLl(~cjl'~ her knls because ~,( "work or ecu .... tnes relared !Q her it1r(.'ml.ll i'~nd~I,:ihl;fcclsm:mL'ncl~YlfS6"Uirt. Y!.1tirl;h~ml;;tcn:~~~ ro rcgniua Wlllpowcrpoinr:llf1(~r:l ntghrcfrcstunrll slre sees her kids.

OIl\O;<llo\U.l1 Lxrr.(J -PT.I'Lc\W)

¥U\lr (;hal1l<;rer is alwEl)'s flInning behind schcdul ,-.

If she agrees (0 nicer someone at a pantcular rime. y6lJ must make a successful \'(IillpQowe'f roll (difficLJlr\' 6) (0 arrive on nme. Failure means vour character arrives bcrweeu 15 and )0 minutes lare. A botch mC'3O§ she sl-e w :'lup an houe [nrc M 11m: ar ;:'J'I~.

OUIOI'lI(l\LlJl 01111 ( I-I>T .1"I.;\w)

Your character becomes vcrynervcus and ill arease when dealing wllh ~rll.fl~~fj In social shuarlons. 'he ot'n.-n .gIX'S (Jut ollier wtl)' to ~\'Qicllllcet inJ! !'lI;W p''Olll~. Increase ch.:d(ffi'lJlty by two for nll Soci:(l:l rolls in~'ol~·· ing stmngera, I( she becomes the center of erreruion In a L-ug<:: C[OUPQ( srmngcrs. Increase thc dffflculrv of aay Soclal mHs hy two.

Your character thinks the glass ts half-empty, rhm the warcrin the glass.i:!. content inatcd. and tharthe glass wi II probe hly he dropped :any ,SC(:O nd now. OthL; rs JlJtH:;. nee [lI."S:iilllL~m t'lut o(habir, blU lt'snn nrt (()nll rj~r ]ltlUr characrer. Norhing cna eve- gc right, especially plans that others propose. he is tbc implacable voice of gloom and doom, 1l1ways. ready [0 point om a pcrentlal rtoblem no mntrer how remote \1 dwn(;e U hm. or (:Qlnillg to p~'SS" Add two ~Q the dlff'cl,,!Icy of yOtJi leadership rolls.

O.i';<lI"lI,5I·IFi\.t'lrl' I ( HIT. rUW)

y our character's (i1mi Iy 1.:5 U~ levi ng and ~IJPf'CIrti \'C ns anyone e lsc's. but' r.hCI',dOL1't rekc k lndl\, co 5tTanb.'(':r!, Y C'H.I r o:hamci er" So reb ~L vee either d lsapprovc of her fneuds ..,t I bey tlh tokt:'~p rU~'QI~II~ Iht!f\l,ully_ V~~,lrchnl'llc:tC1"S family members don't \.In Rl1ything Iho~ dirl.:cIly or indirectly helps anvone beyond clll.:-i~ own

(OLLc\I\OI\l\TOI'.( HIT. FL.-\lIJ)

ome rime in [he recenr P'I.H, your charncrer allted with dcrnon-lumrcrs (or possibly an Earthbound] [0 fnjure! or eltmlnnrc a fallen rival, Or the gossip at courr r-CpO[H hccdctng so J wlunhcrtr's ~[1JC 'Or 1;1<1', w",y. wcrd hes 5pre~ld dm.lII,lgh the lucalcr \\'id~vr(~...d (.1111.111 ronununitv, and 11 jn n,' demons mbnusr ~'f,IlJl character,

OIUDI:(l-Fr. 1"1.:"'''')

Y.11Jr (:hllrn,r('r'~ rnnrral h(~t never lc::tmc.'1' fmy manners white growmg up, A~ a result, vcur chnracrer I~db with her mouth full, burps loudly and slurps hee ;\(lllp. Wh€'fi jl'itt.:t'acrln~ Wlfh others 11,\ :In\' refined or formal cnvircnmem, tncrcesc the. diJlk:1J lty of tl II S(l(;i:11 roils by rwo.

(ULT<JI\i\LSi'lOl',(J -r-r, FU\lIJ)

Your character's l11()n~III"".Jl:. h:uJ ntlllolf1~ I~LlI di!.· daln for popular music, TV and movies. She COUId~l't name 3ny of the current top- JO songs, and she thinh l:npwled~ I)fTV i .... l $lgl' of poor raaeand incorrigible :~tupid(lr· Unf!)T1,llnl)tci)\ rhisl1'1e;lJl."'}'(l!lrcil:tmclcr h.-.s a hard timor relarmg tOJX'Opk who aren't !:'1lIDIIV mobblah 300Ut such thln~~. \'''ht'n ueulmg with strangers who don'r :;har;;: Y<lLli e.n,It',teH:r's :1llc~'t:Jly l:riIJghll.~I'I.""-J. \'iew~ il'crI"H":~ the difficullY lJ(M1'l"dic mlls ir'l\!(llvlng socialimrion b), 0 .... 0.

DU1,,'!5IVC( [-I¥I".f'Li\W)

Your character's mcrtsi h,oSo1. bild pT\lbl-:I1LO; t:<lklng [(.-sporuibiliLl' for her actions. Perbeps she viewed herself as a r-ocr(eerioniSlt or maybe she was s'imply roo lmmanne ro nccepc d,e blame forfat[ure, WhC'n dungs go "WI1!,{, your chnmctcr [t;lld(l; ((:I IOClk (or W;l'l:J lobl:ll'l1e others, She fl'[TcIV ~CCCP['; blnmc or trilid';;i'il fut her actions without ":0,['1 rencton.

YOUf character's m'IJH(1i hosr dved IH'r hair pink. wore clothes char were: fashlonable cnlv amcng ftlngc subculcurcs such ;13 gmhs ["II'" plinks, nrul ~ll·l,~r",i~ bppcnred no.rhl1)~ like the average citizen. When dealing with people wh o arc not familiar wj~h }'OU,. character's hoar's parclcular subculture. Increase rho uiITktll[V b~' 1~1I('l on anv S~:tt:i;l' rolls ~'l,.IlJ ~trt~li~p~. Yllur cl-aracter's appearance unnerves UmLl1l'[r(.':rl1l! people and makes chcrn warvofher. Punhcrmorc: her I:iIIlP~~"[:.1n~ is cvc-carchfng. rhcugb people tend to focus "-ii'l her 11!(,dc t~( dre_~:l; rarhcr rh;ln her actunl rh~'.:li(:lil characaetisttcs.

Gi\)'\JjLll'lG /\ "",cr( I-"T_ FL7\to)

Your character's morral hoscwos addlctcd cow;lgcr.

Ifill: rnnnev ~n j{",niU;:!Ill c l~anCt:._ A :lb~;'I hh" chunk ()fhO:f lncomegoes.tuwnrd thi~ habir, nnrl even wln-n s.h-.:" win..:,. -shc inn v irably gambles the wirmmgsawav. Youtcharaeter 15 tOO ITIL1c:.h of an nddicr to ~\'nlJ: nwav wIth a ilrli(j~ ~IiO:;f'1liy ..-:;o;:t"4!~lId~!d p~rk ... ~ ~,rllrn!j!!.II1c:.T{!'~ rlre diffic.uhy (if u fry Rc:so u rcca rolls yQI.J attempt by two.

Gn()(HA"jIIS~.:sr:O~ 11ul'IOn (I-PT r'LlI(Il)

Yom d ... meter rmJ~ hl.lU1l1( in ~i[,t,llu,lJ;~s rhne ri"lfl'kc most pct~rlt!.: uncomfcnnblc. Her bad raste doesn't mnkc hcr parttcularly rcalsranr ro rhc: horrors (){ gnJCSl,lmc:. srghrs. H cr defense meclmn I.jEll 15 $1 III ply ro halhtle [he :iilu:Ui()11 (,If Ih'l)~o:'" ifll'oh.'t'1I.l il'l nn orr. cclor Wi!~'_ Wh1.!n confronted with n horribly ~o~y scene {I[ orh crw iSClJ ucomforreble ainmrion. :s11.0::: lends to crack jokes and :!ilii"l,Q. tnsulrs. 11n: difflCLlh'f ~Ir ;L1lY St:H::iill l'~lI ,\-,I)ll I"ri:iih Uf'I(tt,'r :>I)l':l, circmrurancue in· creases by two.

iC'IDU\i:C,\I"lOIl (H>T, FllIw)

YCIl,Jl: c:b~iI-1Ct-c:r i$IIr"t(: ... m~r(I[~t!bl(:: relating to people' ~1 :ili11l"ln,O~ iQr!;"Ih.: v e l, wh ich is reflected in her-mannerimls and speech. She clams U[:I, S<e:ek.1j, eseapc nr :;i\'('"lid1 ~ conracr, Increase (he difflcult), by 1:1\.'0 {ur ;-m~' Enip,lrhy I1JH~ l1l{'ld..; 1(I'I1i'l~1 yll\.lr (,har.l!l:~'\;.I! 1105 aconle h~\Je.1t[J'1rbt~ i{!tl~1 i(yil1g u'i,h her.

[GIiOI1i\t'!T( I-PT. Fl,;\UJ)

YLll.lf Ch;1F;).::r~=r lend, to mi~ CL'JoIYIIlHlIl cultural rer;;:n~l'iCC$ .11~1~('i.hers 1.(11;,t:: n,rgrru:ltc<l',.:i~ldl esknowtng that the St.;3.~~1: or Liberrv is in New York City, Your eharacree i8nl'lUi.«es.sarllyJ" mbcr LEned!.lttJi.l,~. ch~1 ~1{I1- A clolscered wlle(t~ researche r CL'l!.lld iti:'1r ns e::1~ily di\~ ]I.) dc.:p[v lute his field of study thar he dismisses Lmything 00 C5idc it. She does tend 00 gi VI.! pcap~c th.o illlprmiu.n rl"l3t' :slIC'!'I lIlaw Clf 1I i'n:d1.I.c~ln::~t. hDWt;i,I<::~_

It\pn;o..CTI0\LDllrs~~~( l-rIT, l'\l\m)

Eierh'il'r;~l «)Inrfl:rt. Ul1l'C:S::l; '\'c)Lj C;:o;rlidd~' state rhru 'II"{i\Lr ('"JiiirllCrtf dresses 1'lPPflJplitltdy Icr phveicnl rI.cti",ity •• he- wears nigh heels, cic:h[ [cans or "r.Jtlll:thing else [hal hampers phY.5ical :lctivity. lnercnse th~ ,dirfh;:ldty of Acblettes or Dodge :r01t5 by rWQ Wh~!l 'l-hQm ~h~nlL;.~ot;T WO::~LT-5 such clothes.

1t1.';I::,i".TI'I\"r::( 1'-1'1-, 1'\1\{IJ)

V('Hlr chnrncter hi;J~proble.[Il~ Li1i'H:l,c:'~!J!Illdi!lg how to gaug.e ochers' erucrioual reactions. SIo .. , 1.:31"L be r.)d'Il:~ bltlnE in h8n,Jling delcace mi'1L~el'S.:(lllcl she Otlcn finds herself apologdilg wlthour really under~t;Ji1dlng whOit she's done [~lqrre.n,1 ~fli(::Lln~_ A~1d lWl;') ehi.': diffkll~t)' of any Empnrhv 0011> you srteuipt,

1rf["()L,~I\)\;jT !"l:EJGI1IWn5(1-PT, rl.i\<1l)

'Yom' Ch!1J.)CtI.:T'~ neighborhood is exceptionally ph::id., ;md people lik~ it that \\I!:!,y. Anvcdd noises or disturbances (ominf: from YOLH characecr'a heme 11"1- v arlnblv cause someone to c ... [] ,he r~jll..::~.

t\.''''I'~I"Onl'1l~D( .I-PT. FI~M))

Your chamcrer's mortal hO;S~ upheld some odd be[Jl.:r, ~L~l;h ;~ ,t (i;j[u"~lrilq rheorv or n UFO vlstentton, lIl~t flies in the Iacc of accepted aclc nee or com mot"1 wisdom. Yccrcharocterncw tends ltl incorporate d.,i;:; nU51flformEi don imo her world \'ICW, '~;.rheru::,'er yOll resc 1liKn.owl.;:dge: thart 1'150LMwny ecln teste YOLl r t:Ji;"l1';IC;1 cr's belief lncrcuse rhed iffkLlI c'{ bV two. Th L:; penal cy klcks in when j-ou roll :.:I failure. aeel ir repre~enl.'i ~'Olir dm:r..!t;.("::'T'~ rcndencj [(I C{Jm~ up wi[hofF·!b(,~wiill .. mo.W';:51o rhar '3JC obviously jncorrecr ro Ctd~~r<:.

i'\I.5TJ\KC,j'1iDl':'I'lTITCI (I-PT, 1'L7\w)

Yit:ll1l chnracrcr's mortal appearance bears a ;!.ili.king rcsc mblancc to a 1'1';(0 rtous n~I,.In; .Thls person Gellu kl he " W .. IUr:e! crif!lLlmi cr ~n cbnoxicus locallour, Dr your cl-craercr mtgh.c :simply look: like: an. .nfamtJu'i medla "tar. Wh i le must people can t.lllie!.: Il' n~l;I~ ~.Ir rh~1 t \'Ollr elmrncrer i~I1'[ wbo {hey rhlnk she i'!P" hotheads rnighr nor tbink twice before confronting her.

f'ir.rJl'If'iIIENI)Cl(l-nT, f'U\\U)

YCLlf ...:,hfln!'l:t<::r'.s mClIT.t1 friends and ocher nanfallen soctal ccnracts have no pbf.tcl'l1 of (;'Illil'l~ Into bud ~11 uurlonsaod rumi rig rohct forhelp. She [5. rhebcd L'O( k in their lives, \'1hc:cho::r dK\-1" need some advice dC?iJlii'ljJ II"I1:"h::! Jllrl(d'md nr need D<1tl mJilIWY. (hey look [0 her. lf '(OLJr character hns the AHic:-s Baekprourul. Ih i~L!ffc.::t L~ fli.ii:gnif1,<:cl even mere, ot the StoOryc-elids discretion,

f"ilo L'ITI'J"'lEI'J\Cf.E---;S( j -1'1'. r'1..i\{V)

YOLJ rch::H"3C'~r dnc:. J;10t h:'i "''1..::111 L: I [! .. ~n ~dd'J;~" WoI,;h accC"iS or pcorhi?lps even ;] eQI~llpLuer. Sh;:: li\LJ:i~ do hel· r(.~;:::':"1K:h l·hTQ1J~h n()no(lj~iti:l1 o:udec;.suc.n ~ librarlc:s 0[" l)~' !)[,d·fllSh kmcd h: .. ':!il .... urk.

Your charaerer d('lc.... ru II have :l r~~u lat phone number rhrt)ugh whu::.h. she cun be conmcred. Therer,1r~, she curt L....:: "J;;~W hard re get in couch with Oil short ncucc, nud mortals find her di((k~ll, rc ... n.

l'lOt'l·CO~J·J\Of'C ,"'T101';\ 1,,( I-PT. 1'Ll\w)

Yr,mr cl .... mcrcr's morral host had ::L 111uJ time brin~ing up difficult subiecrs with others. Now, V('l~1I' chamcrcr is wilUnjJ ru make" lot ~l ucnflces (0 nvced interpersonal eonfrcrnanons. She lets people have Ihelr "l1Y simplv 1l..' avold fights. and she "flel' :!I!l"p~ I11CO arguments and attempts to end them wilhoul .Bivin!;; ;lI1lY 111.1)111)111 I .... flu'! runcnmc of rhe dtscusstcn, She has a h~I ... 1 tirf]ot.'j eopil'li:: wtrh pushv people and ftnds herself compromtscs that she lmcr wlshcs she hadn'c, Add rwo to t:he di(ficul~~' of afl\' roll rhar Involves Jl:b;uinl,l cr .1rgLlIr"l~ wlth someone who Is nornu a II), ftll.!fidlr wi.1t )'mn character,

[C'oon I),' T)\I .• 111:;\I;m(l·rT.r'~"UJ)

Your character's rcerh an: c)b"'''I.''I!J~ly in 1lI, .. ted of serious work. Tbcr jut OUt ar weird angles, and SOnlC' have r~,lkl1 LlU~. \Vhon tnccmcrir-g with her preferred sex ln superficial social !'il.!l til1ll~ :!;~II:;:I, :'1£ :1 n,~hfdub or bor. IJlCrC!'~5~ lhe dt(I'ie~ I ty (lr Ilny 5Ix:ii'i1 rcl ~ by ~ ... Vl;'.

Poon PI!IISO"'''lt\(J(ill' 'Ie( I-JJT.F'./I(O)

YWJr cheracrcr olrcn ~lfJC'S days wkhou rshowe l'lng, and she only brushes her {eer 11 ,\\'11oI.·u ~hcy 'JI-;;!rt 1'0 g:ai11 :1 dark ycllowlsh erur. She ()rl~l' silldl." q\"LilC- bad and h r bn:pth b arroclouslv offensive. Add two tu .he ~hfficult-~' of any die roll d,m involves iI"LL~ra1! socially with ethers.

[)OOIl T7ISTI~( .r·"T.f\;\w)

Your character's mcstalhesewallowed II' h~!l hroom horner. lowbrow ;okc:s. and other rmcciol!"" rlnrt lII:01kll"; l1'OI\: rclim,;,..1 ~'pk uncomformbl e. She hadseenruovtes likt.' I).LIrl'W rmod Otrm.b...'1' dozens of times and didn't (1'lo.n on giving up on (hem any 1[1I~1.: ;'VL-lJ'I .. YUl,lr characrcr's sensc of humor makcs h~~li"llIUI.lI1t pari.,h itia",~' rl.:~-s.:m~h~Y(:IJhl.JTc,d company. and she can't: help bl.Jl'lelherIJijr::c(,lm$~him: through in even short-term social contacts. Add twuto die drmtulty or rll'l'l' Socinl rull thnt Llly'iJI"C5 people who ~l'Li~hl your (:h~I'(L¢'I-(!r'~ hrnud (1{ humor.

5OCI)\I,J -'I 0l}1.I 'V lOll;:; (J. 1'1". J'Ll\W)

YOLlT charaercr h,lli\mubh:'" hum from ochers. Sh.~ often OVt; ttl~ her welcome at: parties, ;md she tends to blurt our topics rhat I:VI:IYl_'llc else takes greet pains to avoid In conversarlon, Your character 15n'l n ~lK:l;:dlY' rl;pdl(:nllX!~l;Il1, just oceu- 5 Lcm;"tlh' tactless. Ad.d IWO 1{1 Ihe diff1clIlry of oin~' F.tcqllC'U(! rolls y"'u .mempr.

Your charucrer srutters, stammers or ul,h~t'wi~ h:.;~ trouble s~e.f.'L\.dl\g c::1qLd~'. luereasc the ,difficuhy by (W"O on rIllY r-oll i.-wol .... I nj;l vcrbr:L1 Cr1~n11tUI'icilti{'1n..

;3T<"II\O"~( J ·PT.f'J.;\lrJ)

Once vcur character's mind J.!j nmde up. rht:ft::'$ Il~l ~h~m.l!:illl:: it. Sbe cl i ngJo 10 her beliefs with rhe l-eOOC il)' of ,] r.lhid blJlhJOg, end she it; equally pleasantly companed when others -c.halIcnge rbesn. She h;\lt.:$l 'in~ proved wran~! rmd wlllj:!(>' extremes til rJ\'oid endut- 111,1:1 rht; sham o( it. bK.~t1SC the difficulcics I.)f ill1 Snei~l rolls by twn when someone cbnllconcs t"1."lLlr character's behavior.

:S"pJ:nYrJTIOlJ.~( I·PT.I'I,;\lLl)

Your cburncter's rncrral hOH adhered 10 R supcrsut i01'1 dO<rib-T(,"iJ1r, such es knocking on wood or {DSS!n~ sah ever her-shoulder. \'('hl}':: C"'CTr')f1¢h:1S (f'liblc:5,.llIl..: took the bchavlOi 1-" ah ... xreeme, drcn tying lI1isfvmmc to h~r inahility to obey 11 supcrstinon and crcdutng :11~y success to payin~ proper respects. Your characrer's I'..:W J;}1>M$I(JTl doesn't I(;[ld her to nsk her life, nor dcce It have ;1 jJervasi\"l,! .JU"!Iy nver her. She rends 00 mlse W.mlLngsElliclllU1kc.!iu~rs[it:iQtJ:l.~uggchll)l\Srtt·L1'ltmrl~, shough, Add I\"·'O [0 the d'if(ictd.L r ~)( [II~~' Sec l(ll rol;.tl whot.;.l! dt:Nlln~ with p~'('[111: who know nbcur y{,,,r character's .)lIr~~lltir~ll~ bent m\d who frown upon it.

'T'~";'TI"'G( I-I"" f'1,"<O')

Your charac [cr LCn(Is.I:D follow her in,;ril1~~ ~ when d~:t!hlJ:l with $·. '- udlv, ncr instincts often tell her llil'll . she can H\I$t people. Yom characrer wanrs rc believe the ben 'SbOUl evervcue she meets, A~ (J result, shoe tends tc' Fi'J! hCNt:lrin ~ll~I~lti"I'l.:, !hot could bl,! ~1~I[]g\:f(lU5, such LIS nccepung ij ride home from n rccen t, acquai n ranee. ,go in~ home- wi rh :<I person she [usr mct nr n bar nr mking:J simi] in-rlI)OOrI1()::lIMII(:,1 cirypark alrer dark.

J\p,lI.'j1\710P)\~T~1".I\(1·JYT'. Ll\(II)

Your charecter'e morral hosr is married IOflrU\'jj'l: with someone who mul indy nbuscs ht:r phf$ic"II~,. Make a Stmuinn 1'(,11 (di(Ol;u]l)) 6) 1.:\'4;1)' ume she spends n l1igll1 .:1[ 11Om~. Failure mdicarcs char your characrer has suffc red OJlC' health lc vel or h~:\.h lfL~ dl'lm-!3;gc.l. A lxuch m~ml.!i tlll'lt "he S[Jr!c:r.; rwu hCi.ltI, levels o{b,." l.hu1\tlgc .. Tbcugh itseems -Sot range [net a demon WQldd eubmic hers-elf to such D airuerlcn ~ » illingl'Y. the: psychological Jc-!,cndol!nc:it!:L- 1 h:11 b;:llt her mortal host bound il'lrn IlleSl'llnt!cytJ~(jf violence hold ~W;l\' uver her \I.,~ well.

Ot'lP,JI-SJ'n:LI 1\(l·I'I'. FIJ.Ul)

YOLlr character eau't Ildl"] 1'1U1 pue her Pt!l1olJl101] sp!n On the 11" u 1 h. She clrJc::;'l\ 'I' necessnnlv do ~l) cut

l1r setce or maliciousness: she miahr even come ro ~c.rllLlimh' believe thO\:: tall ~:lIr;.~ she cells k.lopct;h-dty whr.:11 "~hc ~rin>i [J.~m of tell i'.m41ugh~, Tllj~ ~r'li~ j:) especially troublesome when other demons rely Oil your character fm lnformarion. You rllLghc have W $I'c:nd CL WilIl)oW'cr p01l1t co farce YOur character fO be honest, ¢:lve.;:i:'ill~ if It 111f!t1,llS l~lIblil!l~'rl:!'I,I~;illlng a previous lie.


Your clmmcter's mcrml host tended to bh't\\1 n IIi:H of mc:rll~y (J11 useless items aml o .... crp:'ly fer hrnndnnrnc clothes end ether lmpratrtcel items. Yom '!::h'~r.'!cr.e.r;!'i1m eeruls tv Hve above her m(';"JI'1,:l; and is "IWi,JY3 short of eush. Add ;[WQ I~ lin.' difth;:lIllti~ Resources rolls.

Di)"~t:D 11<1 rI\IN'I~l'\I:I)Ii\(Z·FYI'. 1",.1\0')

Ycur characrcr h'is-~tnfhm v arnacred thennendon of tin arnaccur I'e-PQr~C'r, one who operares <I rrl nge website CiT eul-llsbes n 'eino rhnt C!.J\'(!:[:!5 rhc Li2~H(" er paranormnl. Tl-iis crank ocenslenullj rnllllw~ her, tryill!: co UJlCOV.cI allY dln on her. UnfortllL1at"ely. eud in true modern [ouruallsr stvlc, he: tends [0 catch vour character in Ihe mosr buar-e clrcumsmnces ~h'l~ he

~:IP~h~;~ll;I~\~:~~~~~amd. Of C;l)~rR', h~ tries m inter-

r'Orll:J61'l!:f' (z-rT,I'!.1Iw)

Your chnmcccr'a mcnalhost is nor rtattvc to lln:: nrea ln whlchsha's been 1i;"'ln~_ Wh[l~ your ehnmcter mighr 'lInd..:rst:And Lhl,l klt1fJ;llM:I§<: nmlthe ~c .. .erol 1;.115 rc 11.1,S , she has rroublc wrrh many of th c finer sletetls. 5hl; 1,:1$ ,I dl.:ll·inijLJI~hin:l;l accent {whl;:h makes her ~fillJl' to idcnt"ify), end fh~' iliffiif:!J.lry d 0'1'1)' Srrccrv v i~e: and EI iquerte I·ll!t:s. "/L)1I ancmpc increases bl' two.

MQI'1 I:"T TO 11 f';.,<lI:r'(z-lyr,ll ..... (j»)

Ycur ehnraceee alw:J.r~ cry c~~ rell (he mull. regardless (!o{ the ::;lt~~tiol1. She \'I,"{)J1't 1fl1;ll;h 11'" ~nd It m manipulate it tv tukc sdvnnmge ~)f other,), unless lives:n-e hl Jl;:>'!{ • .If .!lhl.::(I04..~ nrtcutpr to lit· ao scuucunc. !11J: ~limcl.Jlr,l' vf .1I\Y rullll1i;.'a!\!c'd hiCI'1;~ (11)' IWv.

L<~~TI""~(2.-IYl'. F'I.i\w)

Your eharaccer can'r ecsisr the advances. 0{ chc eppropnatc gender. She LS 1"1lSIly seduced and often i!l{hlbi'Ci\'cr'lpoarjud~mC'ncwh-e'nde[llin~wicllst:'xm:dl~ utrrucrive people. TIw di rnl;ulw "Jf :111y =-rU{!!111'(S rLJ seduce ncr decreases bv two,

t\II\~D Il"h'X7lI'lD7>.L('!'· PT, 1"1,)\(1))

PCC.1f:JiL! ii-' \I(JUI' d~ill'f1-cwl'~ COmmUl"lILY reno 'CO H'oogni.i:\!" n\tr filJr all t:h~ .... ·[(1111; r,":l::lOn.:.. Mllybil: 11 ... ·" mortal hO!S( w:il:!i in .... ulvoJ.:cl in S !'.{;llnJfll .i1l. .... Qhdn~ ~

local potirlcian, or perhaps she wru charged but not cllm'ir.::~co:.l ill a !:,e;:ll$.lLi{)n'!JI.:;.~I;,~o:,::... NQ murtcr Wh.flt dH':: cause, 'l'J;I,Lf ehnrncter '~IH.I~ 1'0 auraer (!i lot (lof u1I' wnnrcd ~ttentiul\ wherever she ~(1c.5" People look down on her, rhollgh rhev don' r neccssari I,. hl nder or lwlr:'1s> her. Add rwc [0 the dimO::lllt~ of :H'I)' Socjal rnlls j hur ll1 ... -olve peuple \~,h" kriL)\\" ),tlllrcllfHfLl!.rer';: mortal past.

I'\OI'!,-rI'l1Q1l;:! CO"fU,:c-no",~ (l"lTl',l'L.I\W)

Ytlt!T'I;h::w.\.ctt.:rh .. '"1S toden] wil'h II monstrcusdc . .'m{ll1 as r~lrt IJf ymlT 111{,.1l'"b1l jnh Or even ~".mr r~lJ.,ily life. Perhaps it's vour cbnrncrcr's boss or nn i mpermne (n m i I'f' rj~I'e_ The demon le nor »eccssartly lrosn le rowan] your cbneaeun, llut i t'~ i n I~ pt;'I!!itiu[1 W cause hee S!l lfJt 'ur t"rL1llbl~ :-:hL~,IIL] if ~JIoL"Jo..'1!'I.: 1'(1.

Noc;q i'kIOI"IO"::;(~·P'r. r't.i\!I')

Youecheracrer's nergh borbood 1.:1 exccpdona l!y ri r~ With. J;'oo::ij~ :l1,~1 ~~lwl)/JJiJ;::j... 1-10I,::r T"I<!::i:llhoon- <1[9" !11w,,'f'I dmr~ping hr' r\~r lIIl"I1IU'Un(;~:cI visits, and d~!Jv rake an ac CI vc lntcrcsrjn he r c.t1mh'~!1:fllid gllJti;qS.. \Vhm:\ worse, d1-eyo nren'r shy abcue .shoriri~ ",h,11 they knJ,}\;" wlrh <Jn~m wlm asks.

POOII)<lI){;tOI" (I mfIN::-re,l\(z,'I'T, rLN~)

YoLlllr Ch:ln!c~l.:'r'9 morrnl h~.';o:lb ~";j:'l the ~)I]~t: ()f I;en;~)n \,·hc;, ~11\Vi;lY:( (!nd!~d up h."I1~inl,! OLl! ",i~" the wrung crewel, Mavbe she just liked to dare danger()U~ men or wus ;) sucker fer a woman m trouble. Wh:1 1 0:.: vcr rhc rensou, yOLlr chnracrcr 11:l~:--I. vcrv l~n,~1' rlme n~\lrb~;l; (ill" wl\"m L(~ rrusr. f ncrease 1 hI: dill!. cul["j by [\\'0 (or all Awareness and lnruirtou rolls you nrrcmpr tc social ctrcumsrauces. 1\ 1.50,. YI,)LH chumcrcc'e (d'::'I1c1.s rmel ncquulntnnccs eend ~f1 be leeches llntl nthcs 1'l.1Wlirc~.


Semeone h;1;5 ~II'I unhealthy \ .... bse .... slon wuh y~~Ur'" character. Dr:::si1itl.: repented (~lll:!l to the pollee und several re~tr~i!liflg on..h.'!~, he conttnucs to follow m-el cccasionallv harass her, Your Srcrvrcller should create ,gam'\!' stars (or the stalker. f\.I'Y l-ime! llnur' ehnracrcr hoJ;OO5 out Nt the town, the !::ilnry1£I!r;r can make ~L Pcrccpetcn rest en 'N~lr.:.:h~1.n'1.:;~!;!r'5 bcba I Hd iflk:lJl c t 6). If ir fails or borches, else srallrcr hl'l;' rn n negcd m uti I ~'nur ch~lrACl('r~hmlJ~~wtlr the I'~Jghl .. and rnj,bo!ht put ln an llppC:J[<tL'C~ ",,!U~H it's lcost helpful.


YorJ~'" or;;];.:mIC1L,:r\ 1T~l,nC:l'l IU,j~T was wVi,:H.:ly inlIlilidf1t~LI b~' ecmpueers :HiJ f.,'Jt]~I:!" 1·~~hi'ioJ,llOIi:'r'. Then~'(ore, yom cbumct'er 11<CV/:"i U~t.s aL' ATM if il cclkr is 8'1ai.labl(', :imJ ~hc ge[ .. [']r;"rVOlIS::I1 rh{'! sighc. of:l k(-"Jb~'t3rd. You must m:ilh tin JiUI!IH.c:cnc.r! roll ~tlrmJ:LJtl'Y 6) ror yt1Ll'r !:'hJHal!ler ~L"') l1-cr{Llrm e- .... cr'L


simple tasks en n compucer, A TM llr:slliLiJ~lrJC\'lice, Increase rhe di~nculty of anyCompurer or T cchnol"'J!!Y mn by tWO,


Your r.::h;!;.tI;.:r'~ mona I ho..~1 ttved ru make money. F<lll1il)" friends and other C:!JI1~oI;rM were 1dviat when eornparcd {Q the .. ll-mtghrv dcllur. If -SQIU(,'vnC' offers y~JtJr character u bribe, rou 111H~t mll~e:'l Willjl'Cl\¥('r roll (diHiculry 7) t." resist. I r the bribe i 1'\I'Cjl"(';5 sumerhiug tlnn won't dtrcctiv re:!>LJI[ in nny llljuri<::;. oI;lT iaHing damage as far 1{.5 the chruactcr knows. increa,(: r he diJficuJr~' II,) 8. Your C.h~r.1C-lcr also tends to. vicrlmtrc dc':l1lons ~\Iht1 huvc ;J lor tl materia] wealth.

(Illf\IRl\I.Errr:\I\<1Ih'IE . r:s(J,-pT.f'W\W)

\' Olir chametc:r'~ mt:lfUll boer owes someone on the: wron~ ~idl.: of the law a lor of I'l)ont;y Or a big favor [hAt she n~"\' refuses to ~XLV. \'(lhlle hit l11L:n aren't bclngscnr lifter heequlu-vce, lhr.- rh [!;:nthangs over he r consmmlv. The cxnct fiIIf\rn,;' ef rhc debe end tho.' nI'!Lln,-~ behind if. :11'1;. Il:t't to the Srorvtellcr, bUI th~y should suh \' ur <;:h<tll-It;.tcr (;OnCCpI,


Y'111r eh~lrn..;tCft morral hMI J~ilit with bad br~;lk$ till her 1[{C'. Fn..lIU til(': ~tnlggling JI'LEt"fnC[ txm~p~my she qUI[ tWO IIH,;mths before its bllllundollar [PO In 1·1,:;)1 true love who had to move ncross chc cOLmny. tom character i:i.C:~"'L.~ rc rneke the wr(jllg rnov .. cs at rhc WT(lng rlme. Once per game session. rhe Sroevreller 1I\~ry Increase the diffic~llty of a crhtcal fllil yuu make by tWO, If.."ou {ailllw roll, tr's UU .... hi !5L)m\:. random, harcJ·luck factor. Your ehsrucecr's bnd \\11:::1:: seems t~~ crop up S~ the most lncrmvcniene nmes. Ynu lUlJ~' not cake ehts FI.~w find the Luckj Mertr.

1>)\(11'1'<''''(5·0-1·. Fl.;,"')

Your characu e Llttl;rly refuses co use vlclcnce u.gsm"{"l1rt\rrhlng, even Hher life or the Ji v es (,If -IJI hen> are in hnnwdmce danger, Furthermore, l''i)lIr ch __ raerer works hHrU to prcveru edwrs f.rom u~ing vrolencc. though she docs not recklessly endanger herself OJ expect ethers W du ,."0, She never C.:HI'Le.5 weapons, ~Ifld she rer\l,.lit'~ (0 procure: them, A Willprnllr;,;r rot! (dirr~C~II[)' 6) mlghr be ~c~ILlln;cl to H,'StJ;.[ the rcmpmtton (0 engage it' \ric)IICnc(' when a gross o(r.ct"lse iii commuted beforc ot agalnsrvour chnracter, such as-a loved L)t'I~ b~in.g. harmed. If she; dt:(j~1:o hur n::l(\IJC and .:3'LLAlItnb. co vinlcucc ut snl"flC polru, she C(JlLiU'11 regain Willpower O;ach IB(lrTlIng until she comes to terms with her- Indiscretion or she Ch:.tI_lgCS 11(1,:- philosophies alluJ.:ethcr-.

nOUJ\ PL\\~H.'i(:IIIl€


YOU! character's mortal host had :'I I[)[ r,t{ rrcuble i-i1.:.1'r-Iriltin,g truth from [lcrum. Your churncrcr is nee etupid. she just lends I,(! bdlc\'C: WhlU people , II h~ Hither [hill'! laking thlngs with a gratu Of5.1k. Inc:r(,<I~e' the diffielll[v by 1;'\\.'0 an. any roll to derecr lies,

l"lODIH~CTIO St:I'lSlc(l·11'f.fl .. NIJ)

Yeur characree's mnrtel host got lost nll1_h~ (11114;:;Maps. CofIlPa~e~ naddcratlcddirccncus never seemed W help. She now has a, 101 "f I rouble fig\lting Out where she ls 111 rclntlon ttl lundrnarka [h~'U nrcn't imm(!"~i:}(C'I.'I'Cib"It,ILIj, .11111"1 mspS3IC larg~l'f 111t:IJIIIJH"~ hcnsiblc m h;;:.r. lrtcrease the- clHflculry by tw(l on <l1l~' f()11 th:~~ h1\'Cllvcs following convoluted dirccrtons, hackcmcking Q route or [1:Jvlt."lting;l Cf,mf\ISing sct ot

.POOII 'sc".~eol"l\I'\r.(j -IYI'. j~l)\W)

Your characrcrbns notntuutve sensc fer the flowtlf time, She can'l evert begin [0 guess the current rin'i(': ""dlOU~ I~kitlg nr st dock, and ~h~ ;t.iw.'f$ over- or undercsrimares the 9I1tountof!II't'l~'11~""l-hil!op,Unlcd5ince [or that rcrunins bcfcte] ,;! ~l1Ct;:i(jl.·tI C\';"'t1[,

'1101ITTr.I'II'I:n (H'T, Ft.i"I<tI)

Your ehllri-1t;l~T is e8si!~' driven t'n drstracrloa by what would mhcrwh,c bl,\' IUIIlQr fatlutcs and orhcr fruscmnons. Iryt111 (.:.illtl f::[~il1.·:m}' successes on An~ ~lllg!1: mil dunug an exreudcd ocnon. ine.r~"sl.' ~h' difficulty or all ')uh.~<!qucnc rolls hy (In.C~ cumulaetvelv.

Te.nnU;UcWl.11H rll2.'I(I-[)'I".F1;'\0)

Til' ns you might , your Chl1niC1J,;r ahnost :nlwni'J forg~( l'~rlc;.':5 names, cspecmllv when mee ring Ia f,GC groups for rnl.: fil$1li1llc. YO~ll1ltly not wnrc dcwn 1Iu:' names ofarw people }'lioor character mC"C"~ JUn1~~ !11l' game unless vour character has n J~8·d ami P'<IIJ('f h; II\J~', Y emr 1I;j,:P me rcr ::tIS{] h~IS IH[l hi I: In:'; with rccognking faces or ICllIcmherinl! Ira-he's been sorncwhete before. Make 1~1"I Ioeeltjgcnce roll (difficulty 6) I'Q 11.:1:1111 such tnfonumion.

All. 'if • .!I'"!" i'\JriVtD(2,-rrr.I"LMJ)

DelHil::. ami r mporrnrn faers slip your chnmcree's mmd eonsmnelv Once per game .sC.SSlUI"I, when )'Qur chnracrer attempts rc usc an il csu ~h"l she normally carries with her, the SH;lryt~l1cr might require t'ULI co make e Willl~Ll\\l~f roll (di(f[l,:lJl~y 6) ra iSC'!' Jfsht.: remembered tt.I bring h Or If she can Icm~mbe-r where It h:. The item [urns 1l1>-ngtHn arle.r;llt'! hour or sc of searching.

Y"'l~lr character hlt.~ fi hart! !:i'lil~ ~~ll."h1g niH and p-;1~'1 n:!,1 mccrtclcn 00 l'Il1j't-liLng for mort!" than rJ few minures.Hshc mlli~i!.i[S"d:l1 !dIUJ qlli.:-t for mere than 10 mi IlUH!:.i;, such ns when keepl n~ wmeh over ;J IfL en cmy urarandiruaguard. meke a Willpo''r';;:T roll {dL{f1;;;lIl[y6), On 11 failure. yuur character IO:S-I::os Imcrcar In her task .. 00 i:;. dl~It".:II:rI;J Jl'uro it.

D<I,~L,r';>;1c(2, - (Yf, f'lJ\UJ)

Ftinrcd informe [i-on of II[J~' sore, from written [oC}I .. [ [0 maps, ls. m';,lrl~' fndr:dphcmi::Jlc ro vour chamcrer. While ~h..! I~ nor 1\t;ecs&;'J.rlly illih!.f",-U'I.!, she .... mJIU,:-Ie.s 10 ~J tl-e ~illlpl .... se sentences. In order (OT )"Our d"II'd,::(~~I' rc traerptrt II map cr r'Ca~1 il'nY1hmt:, YOLI must make a ~u.o:~~fill 1['IR:lligcncc roll (dLffic.utry S). On '8 botch • she lrnerprers !he Lfi~~ to have [1,11 !lea~ly CoI'~II:'~ir.: IYLC"~iL .. it"!r.:,

E.lITII'!G DI50I\DC.)'. (2 - ['T,I'Ll\m)

Your character's morral host had au unhealthy obsession wtrh h cr appe:lmnCC;J 1lI:1 h ... d Ch1.l5~-r1 rosta ..... c h .... .,-:o;clf in order to. IQSe weigh I, [11(;IJ;.EISC the J!ffioc"lty ,If my Smmtna-relntcd rolls hy (WO,

l,7\""\l7Wt:JjNl!l!J:1\ Ca,· On) -rrr, f'LM»)

Your clmrncter c.3111ln~ ~~I,::;:~~ 1 he bll.~lJLlg.:' In ~hl;; TI."gil'lll wh e re she [ives. In on'I-l;T tLl t:L"III!111I1nl(:l1l'C \\'Jrh

d"IC locals without lIsing fJ.t1.~' 10T(:, your character l"i1.LIS-[ find a nanslaror or rc-Iy Ofll 1"I lanWoJilgc handbook 10.) :1f('i;l.iIJ. nlIL .. ~h 1Tim~l:'lt!~l~. Ti!~dn,l,; tbe twn'f'I"illt versionroecns veur c hElrn~ rer can rcsd 'he 1::1.11 !;.'1.J:3b"ehU.t h.}1~ [rouble- L.sJI"Lg it in conversacicn. TIle: d'1rCC:'[)(1JI1[ Fl3 w ' mr:,ln!>'l:h:J[ yom' ehnracrer can Ill! irho.!t epeo k nor f"o;!;.jd ~,.


Your character ehhcrovetesrlmares her own sklll or underesttmates her opponenrs', Oncepernemc session, '[he- 5corytc~I'I!:r rfI:I'J sec rc [I" add two ro the ddfklll[), Df ,I non-cmnbnt ncrinn , yr1u r cl "I:r.!ct-":·r urkes. 111 a;; tncrcnsc n.::pn,'S\:nts her tendency to ~:dllng1.: lHr.!dlori!l. into actl .... lric:s, th::"lt arc beyond her cepabtltncs ..

f;\lriTOI' 1-11!:\IITCj-I'I', I'L;\{rJ)

The .s1,Giu (If core and bleed shocks tOll I' Ch8.faCH!:1' to the C:l,,'irI~·. I {.:ihl:! W'iln~~I;;\j i~ !;rm::~il\t:- scene, 'l"L111 n11L,~!; make a Willpower roll (dt{flc.lJll'p' 6) to keep your charactcr from sojffc.liL~:::l debiliraeing n;'J_LL~C;'l {or five m 10 mi nutcs. The .11m c., d~ ~ r:l n II ucr! ~111:lo im;I~ a ses by t,)I'lC. when. your character is ill,

L'!(l'lfll)rTE.l'11' (J -I'T.fLl\w)

Y-Ll1lt t.h:Ir.IC:(t::T'S n'Lort.;'!I, hQ~' \~',1~ ~rl\:r;:!i'"I~tll!.lrl'r' bad nr somerhlng. Vnforwrunel)·, \"'QUJ Cnl:J.['3Cl;eT j;s the only person 3HH,md who doesn't know chis facr.


I~h::k ,~slnr,:11,!. Abihr1" Your ehamcrcr llclicotl!!:lth8r ~hc has the profi;:.i(;noJ;.~ ofthr-.:c dcrs il"ll hru trait, when in rcahrvshculmosr al'Hl.y.! messes-up an)' arrempt nr ir, Wh I! It 'Nil wI Ul 'U:!;C!' rho Ani I; rv, rrcac [he OLl [come- as if rOll roll(:d iii botch

t.<XIJ ;5,!I.r- r.~TI:',lOl'\ (J -vr, fL)I([))

YnLIj' chnracrer's mortal l-csr had trou blc acccpr' ng her own value nnd wonlr. She reruled ro hl~hlighd~C'r rtlilLlre; and overlook her trluutphs. Wlwm:'~'~r vour character has the cpporrunltv to gnill WHlp.JU'l,;:rfro.1U ncccmphshlng a ~;]I ( ... or rmm n:.~ringJ. mnkc a Wlll, pt.)"''"I;'!rr-LiH (L·llflkll'L~·61.lryuu f.l'llht'-roll, )'OUfll!:n.;u'lcLer docs I1Ll.1 ~;].ill chc bonus. If 'r'llU bench, ~'Olll c:hur.:u;;ter Iruf'~ a remporarv pcinLl)fWillpow~r.

SLOW Lt:7\J\NrJ\ (j -I'T . .fu,'l»)

¥flLlr c:.hi1r'lc~I!T·:.!i I nurtu I hLI!!oL ;11",;J~~ ~,ll(gt!~II1t;hind in school. and ~'!l~L1 the mcsr parjeru people t;"uml It rnLSITating [0 reach nc,r (he> simplest concepts. Your charactcr lsnr dumb .. ~hcjH51 r;ah":5lrtn~cnh:;J!i ifI.Q~1 to wmp [jer hrldn flr:O~lnd ti1il"lg~. mr llil! rllq"Il"k';c.o;. {i fib'uri ng 01.1 rho ..... rmmyexpcril!ocr; pofnrs [I; W~~[P raise fH~ A[;iti~r, ~1d'J one to your character' .. cunene rnlil1g. f\ new AI)l1iq: costs four experience pclnrs, nut the IJ~~IU 1 rhrw.

WI:'.)\K (l)l!..L.!O~(J-ln. rr.N'))

Try as YO~lr characrcr might, ic's cha 1lcnging for her ro ~1111l1lQ.1l Inner reserves or L::oum~'C 01" t"llughn~. \Wl1iJC otircra .:.;h(Mlkl~r cxrre burdens ill ~llr..l.lIll r;.(th~[r goals, vour chamcrcr etn-ply finds lhe-~Qin] hardcr nnd hanjer. YCHI~ character isn:~ a coward, she [usc doesn't h.<i'oic rbu rrll·CiLud~ necessnrv to ITiI:"Ike: trlJl~ hemic. offorts. Add r ...... om ell e difficu lryofn ll W~llpo\\I~r rolls. A $" long as }'oor character has this Haw, her Willpower rllJnl~ m:;l~1 r"ll:'i~r ri:st: :"Ihon: S.

I\j\Nr..~I/I ('.-PT.r'_L.,\W)

The life of ynur mortal host l-eforc possession i~ :1 hlur. Y(;1:Jr character remembers nerhlng of her ho.:;t';:, C:-It:stC,'I;;{' before .:ih~ \'·'l'I:5.pi)~!"..I::sscd. ;~II •. hClLl~h rhac docen't mean drac b'\l~ old llfc hnsfcrgcrrcn her. "t~]11 r Sn:.'lT)'L ul lcr (:I~;irol'.:s: ehe dC[:-ii ~..:;( ~1)UrCh:lllI'a;(: Il..::r'.!i hLl!,,~t·S. nhl Uf~ ~nd IhL~ (:irt:um~~'fluC:e~ >:tlr~crLJl'ldin~ her emncsta.

Dr.l'"1:.5.5!01'l(4.·r<r. FLl\w)

Your character's mortal hose was mired tn n r~( of bll'ak. mlrui-nurubmg sorrow. She refused tn seek IJrof(!~jl1tl;"tll'leirlo, c(mVinCL't1 .hfll her ~~'~~fl~ll1y &ul:

Cilfl(X1 w::':j; -C!)!l1l~'e1:t;:l1 ! - '\;Ii' d~&CI·\le.LI. l'~)Llr chllrnc(e.rdoes nor rega:i,n ,l point afWillpow\.!·r~fdil~· ~s most: eh~ract\.!rs. duo 11l~tc:'ld1 ~hl;.\ g.fiin.~ Willpl1w(::r '1l1ly lhrf~lI~h :1Ctil:lJ'I:j, ~ln~Il'V{:I~ cl\L)SC: mu5t aroC'ml1 i\.!"ilmrt'li hF.;'rg'J'ro!l~.


YOIJI character's ruorral h(:i~l ]1'\:\"(:.[ [cnmed f1) read or wdre. She can I/.mdtr$~(mu rnosr l"r~(fic s.igrl~ i!nd W:Hnlll~ bbd::l l'h::n .-cly on pictographs, hut W'rI~rr;:f! h't:5[tm!tIL"I"rS urul wmn~I1:(l~ nrc comlllced~' bcvcnd her comprehension.


POI.rn(''\I. l'I1\OIO\[.(I.-I>r·. F'tJlW)

Y QUr charucrc r'a mortal hosr had connecricns to iI rnalicnl ll~lil!jc.'ll nrf.:;,'mi:2::lril:m thnr man~' people V;E'W w nb susplcrcn. such a,j; (he NtHlol,.ln cfIslnm or rhc KKK. Your character ls an M.:::fL .... -\.: rp-.;m~r of f~ll.: group, and loc1l118'1'>' cnri:J.rcr::mcm has an open dossier ~)i .. her. Whlte.she does nor ncccssartlv have a crimiI"r;.1 r!:"CJ:II't1 vr oL::ll~agr;: rn Hlepnl ncr! ... lIy, rho lee .. ~ pollee view her as .1 rrcublemnker lH1~ ~1J::I~l(:ll;lll~ character. A~ ~n)' given nmc, sh e · ml~!1t be rh!;' IJITgI:I C;1( 1Il~~II.:r';::O'Vi!:" I)b~r\'~~l(:lill)mm pred by the AlcrL" tti I:'~ of her (lrg;l!)i31'l[i[in.

l'Ir.V01II;n DI\lnn'.:; 1~1(1!rl~IO(l-r~r. J~l."'~)

l\}lH chamcrcr's raortnl hcsr has 1Qi'[ her dn ver'a license due to" peer drj~inl;!! n .. "(ntXl.lf"'~' .;;:h:li'l"l~l;efkl plllk-d ever for reckless d[i'\.'LI\~ ~l.r ~ othr;;.rwi~ .r,:;]lI~hJ driving, the police will tnrempt {O ~liITC5[ her lmmcdinrely and lrnpolJl1J her car.

,"klM l>.1\<i Dnl\7!!l1 ( l·I>T. PU'.W)

\Vhc:ncver }'O·\lr ebene tor goes our wi th (rir;:oml:;;. no fjl\~ W,}lm:.: her [I] drive. She p:J.~'S almosr obsessive <:iU"i"ntlQIl I{I rmffk rL:!~.d:ll!l,ln5. nnd rnnkes n consctous effurrtc drtve below rh c s p;.::l;:d I hI'li~. ,All~ r['];u.:i .... ~!y, ~'lIr character bas no p~tI;;"LKC for cn.lffir.:, r!gh~ c}f W;I'Y os ~il:!:!).!), cr :!jh~ .:1hnr'l~' rail.. [[J pay atrcnrlon co the road. The LI iffictj Il"{ Qf al'Y Drtve rol L~'j,'OLi make:dming::1 clink or other high-speed siunrnun increases b)" two,

(nltl."IYlL l\ecof1 D (2-1""1". I'I..iV,»)

Your ~h;lI';lt:1~r'!-: morral ho::~ hnd a bh of a shad~' I"'-I:!t. "'~I"'il1t; been convtcrcd foe se .... C:t':'tlllti:';tkmc:ll'u.'"l~ 01 perhaps for fI minor fchmy. Your chan .. crcr IS ~gl'I)lbll: rc buy (Ircarms 1~:;i\1l y, 3TId she ~"Ce:I ve :s.II,,·::'\("~p~iQtt;lll~ pt.1(IT '1'~t::llrHU':'I'r l:t~'ltl ~.IW·l:i'i((:!rC:Ci'iLCl'lr ('lfidals WM ~1i.1J1.\' h"'f ~criJ(I.

P~Ory(I·'Oi'l("'-I'"'.I·1... \W)

Your charccrcr's mortal host 15 currcutle on proberlon farscmc min.;tT(.~((r;.n...:.. She has l\..l LI1!::L!r \\.j, h acase officer on a regular ba s is. ::Lnd.e:h~ is:SI,,l~jt'l;~ 10 r~l.~dvm druC [C:-<i~ s an..J ::.<:-::uc he. or her apEl:nmOCIl;! <WId P'!l'!:on. She mus( nliO commit -,or 5I::crn to (0l11m!t -lltPll'!f r.1'j hL;.cO"!r-' [1~::l ~ (: lti!t:u by !!'lfl il~ ~I n.lfI!: a J i:'Ib, keep-~ng ~In arrrrllil~~ nml lI:'li"~'ic:ifl~ ift 6[ n;;.p~elS or rc::s:pecrabloe- life.

IUJ:<:illdl',,'\lGlL,\{'jT(j-lYI', f'I,.;W)

Your Ch::lr',KIo.:r":j; mcnal ho:s;t Im:.b i1IQPL.::[" I..:~I ~tll~j:j.$i'lL' tu be 11'1 rlw .c:~)Umlj' !n ,,"h'iell she lives. Sbe does UOr hnve (I l~g~ti mare JD m'lAI WL H utost llkclv be deponed back C() her hOl11C:': counrrv H :;.11..: is placed under arrest. Yoer chnracrcr cannot ht~1.d:A job \l1\le5.Il[ I?ai'~ Llrul~r rhc ~~il:tt~_

~)lInTr.l) 5'! LNP ]::"1'01 l(I:.<'I!!. 'IT (J-,'r-T",)\w)

Y(J~lrch~mo!;lc:r'''''l1lfl~t:ll host l1; rh . ..: 11T[IlLI,: suspect ill ~ f..; l('lrl)' cri rne. TI,;; p.:-lti~I;:t1Ir,:ti 1/(: I 'Y lrK'lk for h~r. Rlld she CI!rJrJCIr. move opI:'nl~' about her LUlI<l1 h.angol1u, If she encounters caps. who know eha r she's wanted I [h.;;:-y'1J c:l1111l backup lind tr~' to b:ring l'ertn,

Ecol"loruc i\'II)JT(I-r<r, rW\Ij))

Ycurchamcrer's mcnsl hm. ls r:l.I((l'IUIV ~11,d~ll:o-ill.,(l an 'Audit b)' the oarlonal rax EtlLlhariry, She cannot purcbase IlIcg;ll goods :tocaling mort: than $500 wt thout ~lftrL!lceil'l~ Ihe fU'll::l."Itkm \'.I( the itrfrccr.s ;l::i$i~t'I..;d (L' her ens ..... Any meJnL;!)I ~h..., wi::,hl,!~ tu 11:st' l'oT illr:.grd putposus muse be laundered A rsr.Inc tense dse difficilIlGP h~ rwo '01' all Resoirrcea rolls.

D~NI,~I)li'G ClIm!r.H (l-"T, rl~"'to)

YOLIr c hu rile C c r'~ host's e urrcnr job rcqul res long hours and frequent travel. l11~king: lt challenginq (or her to hod~ work ami pu ~:iUC her goals, She must ;dll'·nvs cnrrv u I~aw.:r l!11~1 ke:c-p in touch \vith (nl.:office, .. ncl. she CU[l be called back. co I.\.'Q~~ II( almost any rime. lfshe ehonld qLl~rh~r jcbre {Tee up efme (Dr her i f.r cenal age-ltd;), redoee rOllf chamercr's Re. sources by ~[ I~ a st one point.

) ,

Your chnracrer's morral host is the pnmnrv incomeearner in her family. She p!ly~ chi:' bills, frcm rhr h~1 and electricity re f he WC"i:1< l V groceries. She must rna lnr;:i!l' ;l sr~ad¥, pa1b~~ job, d~plt¢ tho: d~I!'!,;'i __ ds ,If hI;, ird~:rn'll obli1;W~iQl:1S. At l~-C3:Sl ~Wl1 pci~lt"~ pf Y{JU, character's Resources scare m'IJ:!I~ be dcdtcared ro supportlng her (mnilv. If hCT mung drops below rl'or tcvet. her r~lrlli~y hce,lllS- to ::;lIHr;:r. The dim';;lJlt~· or fill WiH· pOwr.:r I'olb )'Ou ntnnupt lncnsecs by rwo lh'-":rel\rt~r, because o{ [he deep shame Rl'IJ cmberrassmcnr ~uLJr character reels fer nor pl(H'iJ LillO! for h-er IO~'L!'d ones.

lL'lm.'iul\ I~O (2--10"',]"1.1\0»)

Your characrc r's- mortal heat either cannot afford lnauranec or has ",·impl,\" chosen 1.0 J':'u whjunu h, She musr ('la~ for 1111 medlcnl e:.:o:-pcrues nnd Im¥ drlltl~l~ Im:IJTT .. d from 1_D:idt: ncs our of pocket.

l\lA~\Oi'!lI PNJfll'.J>I;s(J '1)'I',rl.J"\~)

YtlLlrd\flt'fie:~I:!:~':s l'IIClj1ol] h.\.l~ll~ On~.!'~hdlt' r-.:.~I)('1n' .siblc for his ~~I~pmlSC and perhaps en i ldren. tit' mllSl hold cJ-OWD EI. ~lCadV job and meet mcruhlv payments or risk hnvlng his resets froecn nnd hls pcsscsslons :SC[~OO. YOLir ~.;.h;)r.I(~~r em never h:'i ve more 1 han thru . e J(H~ of ResOlJrt:~~ bernuse (){ rhC'.("<';tJm}~lI ic hs,m;l:sh ip oFl:ot:(![JjlJ.~ up ~".,j r.h pavmcrus,


Y~~Uf I;hllrilc;'I;~ ll .... ~ on ~hl;.': :::I1CCl-::!!. 5h~ can 11~"'~1 have lli1~' dora in Resources, end she docsn'e have: ::J SITUI{! plac-e ro rest and recuperate. '{om chaeaerer cannot l-ien] any :l,ggr:lv;)ltcu d:lITI"~ n n ~III n lh! whi'1t' llving on the stn .. 'C!L, iilml she must ;;:~ITY all of he, posscestons with her at [Ill times or hide them and hope 11.9 rt1"1C fmo:;, rhc m.

"The D~t'rl rurisr,,"d an~ 1 .... riLied., (;Ilia IIr.1Ul l.r .~ .:J;tm1e' ~nld of jilck.:1L, a.fliu-fai:~J. J..u.f.:I:'.ltetltl...'t"J. br,lr"""L(lCkd nro(l(r,;o, M!fulcl},I..Ie[l{'tt'Jlalmw:i<'IJ\f[£lrlingQ. Th~?l.l!t'TC'~j.ssqllintlir1g "1 it$ !lump fur. cmd r[ began ru walk up :ht steps."

-Neil Ollhli~ln. T~u: Pnrc-

SI:r:ing;fl dcrnon'aapccalypnc foril' ls oue cftbe mo:;.t cl.:'rrlfylllG - d-u.uJ,\:l,h ue;:c=-a:o;lomilly uplifrlns: ~ Ihml!S ft hllllllLIl b.Qi[~~ could c .... cr experience. The dcrnnn's form can embody rcrrnr, C~lnl;'~~' hn[lot.:. 11t.!'s-pairor any number or concepts d~pt:nding 011 whar the :1rlgcl ,,':1S Cldgirwlh' created [0 do (see Anaronw of an AI'lgd. page ZO), The cxacr nature Ll:1 d anon's revelatory form depends on her prlI'1lM~' lore. and the Demon rulcbo k prQvlli.t~s it basic rem plat e f()FI;;u::h of I he .! I House tore paths . .AlthfIUJ.:,h. ~i1I,:;h (tJnll h::l~ i,'5 own appearance and speclul ubtlntes. me! svarem berclv scratches rhe surface of rhc myriad pt)~lbilhll!!:I; open to the former .J![('(::t'1U· ef Crcat inn.

Thls chapter offers ..... .:w o..lpritllb ror hllilditl,{!' • md cusronuelng a demon's te\'~I<IIIJry form, hmh during (hot! ehueacter-ceearlon process and lau~r ever till" C~lIr.:lc: rl pk,),. These systems should be eensidered optional, [hough. A player who wuhcs to sImply mit'

rhc apocnlypric form trnl rs I L:':l ed 111 Chapter Beven of Demon Ii!; ccrmlnlv welcome ru de eo.

DurLllg game pla)., II [S ~lbl ... ~ [oQ (bllll!;C' ~he abrlitfcs of n demon's fI.I')(jt':Fd~'[1l'tc form. clrher by er,Jo[l1:i~Jl1Ilnl): other demons' souls or b}' (c:moku"~ the 1~\·c.I~ltt.H)' form On the fl~' through the e.Xpi!mI11'LIn; of Fnlrh. J( Isalsc possible to change (1I'1e· .... form gr.<ldu:llly lI.~ing experience peuus.

Wll1.'n building vour demon's rt:\'d"'t~ry form. ccnslder tilt: t:h:.i.r."Ioi;o;;l" Ftrrt. Wh,'\( scrr of Bngcl was. 5hc:rWhvd!tl she j(\I.I"t Iho:.: rebtllibn!\'i;'hm washe ... roll! In the Wl\I' of Wraclt! An :ll'l~d of the Sell who spent much of the war spymg Oil the enenw from tivcta and streams mi,ghr nssinnu a stnuous, iridescent form that COI'lI\IS~ Ihet.::Yf;. A.n~11g..:1 otehcwtld whopuesued her fncll across [he world's newborn sovannes miglw be

lean ~11;Ld long-llmbed, ahlc [0 mil whhcuc tlrtng and ~,~t:J ~I{ :)LIpt:mall-)hy-sjC;llscme.r;.. With rhe fallen, form definltuly follows f IJnce'~Jn.

Once \'l}'It'W decided whn [ ktnd Q( capabilities ~ he charaeeee's npocolvpnc rUfU, ~hl.Jll~d L!"l;l:,;ilJ]'IJI~lt':, m'ke ;1 100000k ur the- three h!I~~ir; .... i"~f~~'" 1[!..I!'iir';':'1t'd b~ her House's lore pnrhs. If aL"l.V of those 'l'i.sages. is 1!'}k3cd\, \\'h'L~ '!r'\Jll'd picuued, vourwotk isflnlshcd. If, however, :,'PU t"J;1,'I'ISl.(.J1"I !Kmlt'lhL(lj.! dirr~~"[,llot (or your chnmctcr. feel Fn',.: tl~ LLS(," ;[1,1.: svsrcm prcscnced here to hmld'-llI npocalvprtc form bawd on the character's House end L"~i!1l;lry lore.


A plavcr bt;~~n~ with 16"f ru-m p<.Jinl)l" \\'i rl, 1\'I'ic h I",;J hllilJ (lL1 apocaljpnc form, Each capabrlirv hns .1 puiln v;l.hl1: trmjling rrqm cue to four. These li~i;S lndude "common' r~lrm r~~wl;rs.(;L\I~lilnb1.J.: tc dcmons of :m}' House] and 111un: speer .. li~d pl:'J.m;C5 I i:. ... red by I·I(JIJ:S~L TIn: 1}1;"i)'cr musr purchase ('Igli[ rc v elarol)· C<l1~.lh,hrl~ (!'Llur nonnnl II n J r['JoLJrhigh.Tarm~mf for she chernctcr, thus estabhshlug The t::hllm(.:fcr'!';I:!Cr;Ill' 11;I\Ij revclarcrv form abilfrics.

Nc)t~: These "rL,rll'i poluts" do nor uausfcr 11'1[0 Ircebte potnrs: "Illap.:"; canner cheese ~~I spend 10 form polut5.hl,jildin~ his character's revelarorv t(1rrn nm] then spe rul rhc ether six (0 bll~' additionnl Al'lTiblltt;~ ur At'ili'II1:~' I)i' rhe same 1'(lL:cn,;1 player ceneot use rrel"b~1.'! POIn.[!!- H •• lm;r ild'Jhiol,Jnilltlf (I"]{"III': cxpcrulve form c haracecrbri c .. fer h isdemon's hlP(t(f![vprlc [orm.

, A sEmrmg character's revelatory form IS snll b,l::lI!J on ht!r primary lure ro somc muer have at l~LL~.~ one .ljf 111~ baste terupliiw's spccinl abilities .M dcscttbcrl In Chuprer St: v err oJ,lf the Demon rulcboo k. Thls cnc speclalabilirvcan comc ehher rtLilfllhl' 1,ut'TIl':111l1' htgb-Tormcnr nbtltrtcs or rhc \,jI:lHt:::t:. '\(Tdidm~f,n,., rbe Heuscs cnch have their own capabtltries that curne more I~H~I,m'dly than others. Devils, for example, exccf nt im:pirin~ {.II1J ~1.:trl{yj.,g) \~thcr;;., bur [ht,y P-O:S;~;!i Hmir(:J Hhilil)lll) chan!.!,!.' rhetr .own hocllcs. whereas De'I,I{)1H(;!"r5 almost universally mnrufcst aspects ,Ifl~<: natural world In their rcvcjarorv roorln. ,I n uddition to u lI~, of '\:tJII'Illi.~J1"I" fenn abtltnes. each House has its own li.-;t f'~( spectn.eed abtltttcs. A P~::I)'cc who "~1;5hC".-!i 1:0 pLlrchl:1se a form .:::~p"bili1't' frtlm i! difrcrcl"'l[ (Itlllse- l!f.r ]):l}'1i tIn.: more ~1!.1i"t: lh~jn ~hc li.wxl o;.:()!)~. Fll-; oi,l:O:::II'ill~k, If:l pl~I~'CI' Wi-liHCJ ni'gC\'C' h'l:l" D'f;:l.'il.:.hii'i1"i);;,;.[(!r ~hc S(:~IJI'IP:!i':!'ALlr~l cJI'Vim1 ity, she: would n.EI\'e; m spend fjve form p.;.in.u; to In,:;o In. ... n::aJ offI1lJr,;<I;s·'[hC-D.b.liqi is rwt A\itlilllbl(::t'il, 'lh.,::

D0.vil !--i(lu,'oi,.i H5:\ 01,)1' the J;,'::l)flim{!11 .. bilil"~' li;:;[. The Sw:r'fh:.lllo!r~!!! [ll~rl!I,,1 ;.Ii'bll~Fr}fi \\IhC:fncr·

rcr l11~y choose n iorli1 'Lbjll~r their l:!l not normnllj available to a character's HD'Ij~L:. or ou rltu coromcu II1)W(!Tslis(,

The ijlbmtli;::::llhL:~J'I'~~,I, Ljll rhe r{~l.Iuwing lists can be 001(;(·1"'1 as elthcr normal or high .• -Tormertr pOWIi:T:L AM It I C;\, purchased [0 fill hfgh- T ormcm 1/;1Q~ CiJ'i.1 one point less than rbu llsnxl cost. All ablli .. y preceded bj' 8 .. ~" S:~'1T1bol n'~"l~' be taken f.mjy as a 1~~~'h,TCil'm€jll~[liIIIY:lt the listed CO~[.

(OJ'V'I01'l rOllf\ 7\1,1 UTI E5

The capabilities Hosted 1"I.~r¢ nrc ~'I'v'libbIO!: (0. all demons cl" all Houses. ln scmc cases, the ,CO;SI ts. sl[ghtly htghoJ:r .h'1I1 rhc~e hs.rl.J IJL,Jt!! a l-lOUSI.! power of 0; sim ilnr nature. (A Ma~e{:!c;(Qr';:; plaver. fur lnstance, could purchase Mascer Arrisau at a lower CC~'\.l ~hl.\n thilt II~t~cl for Eti.l1alloCcd Ability In order ro bump up hi.s. c!J1'Im;;tcr'" Cr'(!.flr= Ahl,1ity, bll~ he would sdll pay chc COS! listed here Jcr Enhanced Abilit)· in order ~J bl.Hlil"l"Jphi:s: ;;::h:mli:.~('l"':S r:k8.wl.) If a demon can purchase <I form cH,",i1hili~'f al tlnl ~lirr~.r~ntoC(»[.5 {I"I;lHl rhu H'lilL$C !i2iraml clrc corn mo [I form abiliti.r.:!S li~(, the lowcr ccsr IIppl!<::!s. Thtsllsr I!> bV L'l0 1Y'I~1i.5 r:::<.:ho.uSI:IVC:.. If a player wishes to create .1 11I1iql.!e nbill~1 ((;IT h~~ character, the Storvrellcr should work '>'1,'[1:0 the player ro dee! de it..l gmuc off C:Cl and polrrr cosr.

.. Armor {4 p1jiQt!l:)~ \'(/h.J;~h.oL::r his ~iIj'mm ccrrtes fmmlhe ~roJ)'i' hide of the Visilg~ or the Ecmh (it the: rfuek, lL!':1 rh (' r'j' sldn (If [he Vis..'1gC' of the Beast. I he character U! extrcmclv h.iJr-d In 1111r1'. Add fcurdicc rc [he- dernon'a soak pools to rcslst h,'~'lifL!::, [erhal ;:11'1d agg;rIlvr!re:d types-of d~L'll'9~t:".

.. Casts; No Rellecriort (2 poi'l1t:»: Thcll:lL:L"I'IClu's !m::tgl! JOClS not appear ; n ;a mtrrnr, nor .;~ 11 n be (:~IPIJJr.:.-d ~!'! ;"I phcrograph CtF n~' J. v ideo camera.

"'. Claws/Teeth (1 D(Ioi[Jtf:TI'I'i:.;;h:;'l:r;'i(:~(,:~lli.;llll· rCS,(:;: claws end rang~ that inflict Srrcnarh + I il.!l~n'V;!tl,.!:d l;h~I1\:'J!:.l,:.

• Damage Resiatanee (J [X1i.!lfS)~ Tho,! elcmcn I~ capable of shnlMin.g off da rnngc ehoe would cripple <J, Lwrl11;11 h.11 ril:ln_ Sh~ m;IY j~m)rc: ::ii"i~' wound pcnaldcs for the dllrtltinn of the ~t.':n.I.:.. Pcenlnes {oCir inJuriC:5 incurred while in apocalyptic fl.1OU npply f~i[l m~ce: hL.JI'no.n jOflT'l is resumed.

• Enhanced Abili'['1 (3 p{l['l)td.: TIw ~1if(icull'l' on ri.lll::l- invul,,·lt'i.!: anyone; Ability .lfClp.i h~' [W"". ..... hil<'; -tin': ~h::l:r..1CrL'!r i~ In hcrapoc'3!}'pElc form. This bonus. 'm~.-:lh l bC'{llJe to PT~~~(!11'I tll~1 r'ill <WLckil.eSS (,r-\ L h,· loc'[lc:51, ~n :3.wc,;-in~p~Tl!l~ ~~'r(:"I:h (J( (lame (I n~1l1dt.:lCltlr~n), r..!:J,P('l!iall-:ll,:ship wl'lb ilnirmlh (Ani"'i'~~l~ Kt:!r.) LJr cnh",nccJ kIlQl.I'lcd.~c: of ancicm:,s.c(:T~t;;; ~OcclLh), The [Jl<!;Y(;f !!l~l:<i1 :SI}.;-J::,i(y ~\'I'Iic:h AbiliL)' Ih i-s PLrwCT nft(:oc ts:tll I'h~ :ti ITl'!!' 'lJ r pll t.::h:l~C:. :nnd n.;:;

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