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Twin Cities Charter Commission Ballot

June 10, 2014

voters guide
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Table of Contents
Maine Revised Statutes Title 30-A.....................................3
2152. Joint charter commission........................................3
Auurn voter information....................................................5
!ollin" !laces................................................................5
Asentee #allots...........................................................5
Auurn $andidates.......................................................5
Auurn $andidate !rofiles.................................................%
Alfreda &ournier............................................................%
$harles Morrison...........................................................'
(oll) *asa"na...............................................................+
John S,ruill Jr.............................................................10
Michael #eaulieu.........................................................11
-ern !aradie...............................................................12
Auurn Sam,le #allot......................................................13
*e.iston voter information...............................................1/
!ollin" !laces..............................................................1/
Asentee #allots..........................................................1/
*e.iston $andidates...................................................1/
*e.iston $andidate !rofiles.............................................15
$hantel !etten"ill.......................................................15
$harles A. Soule.........................................................1%
0avid $hittim..............................................................11
2u"ene 3ei"er...........................................................1'
*ucien #. 3osselin......................................................1+
Richard 3randmaison.................................................20
*e.iston Sam,le #allot....................................................21
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Maine Revised Statutes Title 30- A
2152. Joint charter commission
1. Petition. The voters of a munici,alit) ma) file a ,etition in the munici,al office that must4
A. #e addressed to the munici,al officers5
#. #e si"ned ) at least 106 of the voters of that munici,alit)7 e8ce,t that onl) 17000
si"natures are necessar) in munici,alities of 107000 or more voters5
$. !ro,ose that the munici,alit) e consolidated .ith another munici,alit)7 or other
munici,alities7 named in the ,etition5 and
0. Re9uest that 3 ,ersons e elected ) the voters of the munici,alit) to serve as
memers of a :oint charter commission for the ,ur,ose of draftin" a consolidation
2. Joint charter commission. ;f a ,etition is filed as re9uired under susection 17 the 3
memers of a :oint charter commission shall e elected at the ne8t s,ecial or re"ular election in
the manner ,rovided for the election of munici,al officers. The election of memers ) 2 or
more munici,alities authori<es the commission to draft the consolidation a"reement. ;f a
munici,alit) does not elect memers7 it ma) not ,artici,ate in the consolidation.
3. Consolidation agreement. The :oint charter commission shall draft an a"reement et.een
the consolidatin" munici,alities .hich includes4
A. The names of the munici,alities5
#. The name under .hich it is ,ro,osed to consolidate7 .hich must e distin"uishale
from the name of an) other munici,alit) in the State7 other than the consolidatin"
$. The ,ro,ert)7 real and ,ersonal7 elon"in" to each munici,alit)7 and its fair value5
0. The indetedness7 onded and other.ise7 of each munici,alit)5
2. The ,ro,osed name and location of the munici,al office5
&. The ,ro,osed charter5
3. The terms for a,,ortionin" ta8 rates to service the e8istin" onded indetedness of
the res,ective munici,alities5 and
(. An) other necessar) and ,ro,er facts and terms.

4. Submission of consolidation agreement. The consolidation a"reement shall e sumitted
to the voters of each munici,alit) at a munici,al election after notice and hearin" as ,rovided in
,ara"ra,hs A and #. The consolidation a"reement ma) e amended7 ,rovided that the
amended a"reement meets the notice and hearin" re9uirements of ,ara"ra,hs A and #. =,on
a,,roval of a ma:orit) of those votin" in each of 2 or more munici,alities7 the consolidation
a"reement ecomes effective7 accordin" to its terms7 in those munici,alities.
A. The munici,al officers of each munici,alit) shall hold a ,ulic hearin" on the
consolidation a"reement. The ,ulic hearin" ma) e held on more than one da)7
,rovided that it ad:ourns ,ermanentl) at least 10 da)s efore the election.
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#. The munici,al officers shall notif) the voters of each munici,alit) of the consolidation
a"reement and of the time and ,lace of the ,ulic hearin" in the same manner that the
voters of each munici,alit) are notified of ordinances to e enacted. This notice must e
"iven at least 30 da)s efore the election and at least 10 da)s efore the hearin".
/ of 21
Auburn voter information
Absentee Ballots
$all or visit the $it) $ler>?s office in Auurn (all to
re"ister for an asentee allot or "o the cit)?s .esite7
....auurnmaine."ov. #allots can e re9uested until
June 57 2013 and must e returned ) ' ,.m. June 10.
$ontact $it) $ler>4 Sue $lements-0allaire7
sdallaire@auurnmaine."ov or 201 333-%%017 for more
Polling Places
Aard 14 Aashurn School 35 *a>e Auurn Ave.
Aard 24 Auurn Middle School 3' &alcon 0r.
Aard 34 Auurn (all %0 $ourt St.
Aard /4 &airvie. School 3+1 Minot Ave.
Aard 54 Sher.ood (ei"hts 32 Sher.ood 0r.
!olls .ill e o,en from 1 a.m. to ' ,.m.
Auburn Candidates
Alfreda &ournier John S,ruill Jr.
$harles Morrison Michael #eaulieu
(oll) *asa"na -erne !aradie Jr.
5 of 21
Auburn Candidate Profiles
Alfreda Fournier
Email address: afournier/
Facebook Page Bes7 under Alfreda &ournier
!ccu"ation or "rimar# source of income:
Retired 2ducator7 Maine 2ducational S)stem.
=niversit) of Southern Maine7 3orham4
!re,arin" for the Su,erintendenc). =niversit)
of Southern Maine7 3orham4 Master of Science
in 2ducation4 2ducational Administration and
S,ecial 2ducation Administration. =niversit) of
Maine at &armin"ton #achelor of Science4
3eneral 2lementar) C-' and *earnin"
0isailities C-12.
Famil# information
M) husand7 Roert &ournier Dno. deceasedE7
and ; ecame Auurn citi<ens after marria"e
and otainin" .or> in the Auurn School
S)stem. Fur dau"hter and son attended
Auurn schools throu"h "raduation. The) are
oth em,lo)ed in the health care industr). ; am
,roud of m) three eautiful "randchildren. The)
are m) constant reminders of m) o.n need to
"ive ac> to m) communit) and to contriute
to.ard creatin" a etter future for them and all
our citi<ens.
Public !ffices Sought or held:
Most currentl)7 ;Gm a memer of the He.
2d.ard *ittle (i"h School $ommittee7 .hose
.or> .ill resume once State fundin" is
forthcomin". ; have een a ,ulic servant
throu"h m) .or> as 28ecutive 0irector of $hild
0evelo,ment Services7 Androsco""in $ount)5
2lementar) !rinci,al5 S,ecial 2ducation
0irector5 and S,ecial 2ducation Teacher. ;n
these ,ositions7 ; have had e8,erience .ith
consolidation of schools and school
construction ,ro:ects.
M) .or> as a chan"e
a"ent has created
innovations .hich are
still successfull) in
e8istence toda)7 $0S
,ro"rams .ithin ,ulic
schools ein" the
most current. ;t is
im,erative that .e continuall) evaluate current
,ro"rams to determine their efficac)7 and if
there is need for a etter .a)7 ,ursue all
o,tions .ith in,ut from related constituencies.
$o #ou fa%or consolidating the &'in Cities
(h# do #ou fa%or consolidation (hat is
the benefit
This re9uires a Ii" ,ictureI vie. of ho.
our cities function. ;t .ill ta>e much time to
e8,lore each as,ect of our o,erations to
determine areas of efficienc) andJor
inefficienc). ; thin> of this conce,t more as a
I,artnershi,I .here .e maintain our individual
communit) identities7 develo, a Ine. collective
identit)7I and enefit from im,rovements
financiall)7 sociall)7 estheticall)7 and in overall
Ae are in financiall) constrained times. Man)
communities and schools are ein" forced to
mer"e in order to survive. (o.ever7 the) do so
9uic>l) and ma) not ta>e sufficient time to stud)
costs7 oth ,resent and ,ro:ected7 efore a
mer"er occurs.
$learl)7 .e need to do our research7 consult
.ith communities and schools .ho have
mer"ed to determine the ,itfalls and
recommendations7 move slo.l)7 and "ive
o,,ortunit) for ,ulic o,inion and in,ut. Ae
>no. that redundanc) is costl). There are man)
areas .here Icollective contractin"I of services
and ,urchases are >no.n to reduce costs.
% of 21
!ulic trans,ortation readil) comes to mind as
another area of savin"s. Shared e9ui,ment is
another. These areas can e effectivel)
; am in su,,ort of small usinesses. Fur citiesG
small usinesses stru""le to survive. The idea
of IcominedI ,urchasin" and services .ould
encoura"e local usinesses to ecome
com,etitive in the iddin" ,rocess and ins,ire
them to e innovative in their deliver) of these
services. ;n turn7 are su,,ortin" local
usinesses7 >ee,in" them Iclose to homeI7 and
invested in our cities and its re:uvenation.
28,erts and s,ecialists are needed in an) field7
e it civic or in schools. Ae currentl) have
them. Sin"ularl)7 these ma) entail ,art-time
,ositions needed on either side of the river7
.hich does not attract e8,erienced7 ,roficient
individuals .illin" to move to our communities.
(o.ever7 if that need is shared and comined
) oth entities7 it ecomes affordale7
reachale7 and attracts the ver) est. (ere7 ;
am tal>in" aout ,ositions .e alread) have7 not
addin" another la)er.
(hat 'ould con%ince #ou to change #our
&irst and foremost7 ; .ould e o,,osed to
consolidation if it .ould not e in the est
interest of all citi<ens on oth sides of the river.
Fur cities ,ossess ti"htl) >nit communities
.hich have their o.n identit) in .hich the) ta>e
,ride7 find su,,ort7 feel comfort7 and .hich add
to the overall faric of these cities. This is
one of the values .hich attracts ne.comers to
our communities.
As ; have seen .ith ,revious consolidations7
there ma) e hidden costs to ta8,a)ers .hich
.ere not evident from the start .hen the ,lan
.as not carefull) thou"ht out eforehand. ;n
,articular7 ; have seen cases .here one
communit) ears additional costs7 far
sur,assin" e8istin" valuations7 to ma>e
consolidation ,ossile. This is one .a) to
financiall) destro) that communit)7 as citi<ens
unale to afford hi"her ta8es .ill move a.a).
This .ould not e acce,tale to me.
These are hard times7 and the ,ur,ose of
consolidation is to ,rovide a more cost-effective
.a) for our cities to o,erate efficientl) and
effectivel)7 ma>in" it ,ossile for our citi<ens to
remain and ,ros,er here7 as .ell as attract ne.
citi<ens. ; .ould chan"e m) o,inion if the
$ommissionGs ,lan .ere to evolve into a
hierarchical ram,in"-u, of ne. administrative
,ositions and e8,erts at ta8,a)er costs7 .hile
reducin" man) other ,ositions.
Ae should loo> at our current .or> force7
streamline7 reinvent :o descri,tions to fit the
needs of oth cities .hile maintainin" ran>-and-
file laor as much as ,ossile. ;n summar)7 .e
need .or>in" ,eo,le .ho are ,roud to .or>
here7 .ant to live here7 and .hose ta8es .ill
su,,ort our citiesG infrastructure.
(hat is the single most im"ortant )uestion
for the Charter Commission to settle
Aill the $ommissionGs ,lan e affordale and
create communities in .hich .e all .ant to liveK
*f the cities are combined+ 'here should the
cit# offices be located and 'h#
; elieve in maintainin" a ,resence in each cit).
As the ,lan fleshes out7 this ma) e decided
ased on various de,artments. ;f .e are to
envision our $ities as a shared
communit)7 then our offices need to e
maintained .ithin oth cities.
(here should the main Police Station be
located and 'h#
$onsiderin" our citiesG ,o,ulations7 it .ould e
.ise to maintain our ,olice .ithin oth cities for
,ro8imit) and safet) ,ur,oses. The ,lace and
manner of conductin" official usiness should
e conducted on advisement of our ,olice
administration. Ae are not the e8,erts in this
1 of 21
Charles Morrison
Email address:
!ccu"ation or "rimar# source of income:
$2F L Androsco""in $ount) $hamer of
#A7 $arleton $olle"eM!A7 =niversit) of
Famil# information:
Married to Jane. T.o adult children7 oth .ho
"raduated from 2d.ard *ittle4 #rett Morrison is
a research neurolo"ist at Johns (o,>ins. #eth
Morrison leads #eth Morrison !ro:ects an
or"ani<ation that ,roduces ne. a"e o,era and
musicals from HB$.
Public !ffices Sought or held:
$it) Mana"er of Auurn7 1+1'-1+'1. Memer of
the Auurn $harter $ommission in 2005.
Memer of the $ount) $harter $ommission
$o #ou fa%or consolidating the &'in Cities
(h# do #ou fa%or consolidation (hat is
the benefit
Fver the ,ast 20 )ears there have een three
stud) "rou,s that have loo>ed at the
consolidation of munici,al services in Auurn
and *e.iston L documentin" millions of dollars
in ,otential savin"s. Sadl) not man) of the
recommendations of those "rou,s have een
im,lemented as consolidatin" functions does
not have much of a ,olitical constituenc).
; see three ma:or enefits to a consolidated cit)4
L More efficient and effective deliver) of
"overnment services7 .hich should result in costs to the ta8,a)ers.
L 3ive the *JA
area a i""er
,resence in Maine.
L $onsolidation
.ould sho. the
rest of the state
and the countr)
that the ,eo,le in
*e.iston and
Auurn are old
and can ta>e on
i" issues Dthat others sh) a.a) fromE.
(hat 'ould con%ince #ou to change #our
T.o thin"s .ould chan"e m) mind4
L ;f7 after stud)7 it is sho.n that there .ould e
no savin"s.
&eedac> from citi<ens of the
$ities that the) did not feel the venture
(hat is the single most im"ortant )uestion
for the Charter Commission to settle
(o. to "et "ood involvement of citi<ens and
officials from oth cities in the ,rocess of
develo,in" a consolidation ,lan. The $harter
$ommission .ill need to create a delierative
and thou"htful ,rocess that see>s in,ut from as
man) sta>eholders as .ant to e involved.
*f the cities are combined+ 'here should the
cit# offices be located and 'h#
Too earl) to determine location of facilities. ;
need to listen to in,ut and thou"htfull) consider
.hat location ma>es sense.
(here should the main Police Station be
located and 'h#
Too earl) to determine location of facilities. ;
need to listen and thou"htfull) consider .hat
location ma>es sense.
' of 21
Holl !asagna
Email address: holl)lasa"na@"
!ccu"ation or "rimar# source of income:
Associate 0irector7 (ar.ard $enter for
$ommunit) !artnershi,s7 #ates $olle"e.
#.A7 #ro.n =niversit)7 ;nternational
RelationsMasters in *eadershi, Studies7
=niversit) of Southern Maine7 *JA $olle"e.
Famil# information: Married to !eter *asa"na
.ith t.o "ro.n children7 0eacon and $armen.
Public !ffices Sought or held: Joint $harter
$o #ou fa%or consolidating the &'in Cities
(h# do #ou fa%or consolidation (hat is
the benefit
Ahile ; do favor consolidation7 ; elieve that this
commission should come to the tale .ith an
o,en mind aout .hat that means. Hot onl) is it
im,ortant to loo> at the nuts and olts of
consolidation7 includin" the lo"istics and
economics of :oinin" the t.o cities7 ut it is as
im,ortant to honor the differences of the t.o
communities ) ma>in" sure that .e hear from
a diverse "rou, of constituents.
The enefits .ould e oth economic and
cultural s)ner") that .ould allo. *e.iston and
Auurn to ecome a drivin" force in the
success of this communit) and our state.
(hat 'ould con%ince #ou to change #our
; .ill consider oth
o,tions7 to consolidate
or not7 and loo> at the
facts aout the
enefits and
challen"es to doin"
one or the other.
Ahen the commission
has carefull)
researched and
considered the facts
and included the
voices of communit) memers in the .or>7 ; .ill
.or> collaorativel) .ith the commission to
,resent a charter to the communit) that the)
can then vote to acce,t or not.
(hat is the single most im"ortant )uestion
for the Charter Commission to settle
(o. to honor contracts and a"reements that
are currentl) in ,lace for oth cities.
*f the cities are combined+ 'here should the
cit# offices be located and 'h#
; thin> that is a 9uestion that can onl) e
ans.ered once the .or> of the commission is
com,leted and the communit) has a chance to
.ei"h in on the decision.
(here should the main Police Station be
located and 'h#
$entrall) located to oth cities ut7 a"ain7 this
decision .ill need to e informed ) the .or> of
the commission efore a recommendation can
e made.
+ of 21
John "#ruill Jr.
Email address: :tsauurn@"
!ccu"ation or "rimar# source of income:
Ar"o Mar>etin" 3rou,
Education: MS7 (uman Resource
Mana"ement and 0evelo,ment7 $ha,man
=niversit)#A7 !olitical Science7 =SM.
Famil# information: Married to !aula S,ruill
2' )ears. T.o sons5 $or) 217 and $ale7 11.
Public !ffices Sought or held:Served on the
Auurn $it) $ouncil as $ouncilor-at-*ar"e
$o #ou fa%or consolidating the &'in Cities
(h# do #ou fa%or consolidation (hat is
the benefit
Ae call ourselves the $ities. *e.iston and
Auurn have a comined histor) and destin).
Fne cit) cannot ,ros,er .ithout the other7 and
oth cities .ill suffer if one fails. Three ,ast
studies have revealed sustantial savin"s. Ae
.ould en:o) more ,olitical7 economic and social
(hat 'ould con%ince #ou to change #our
; .ill >ee, an o,en mind. ; .ill loo> at all
evidence and listen to all in,ut. ; elieve7 ased
on .hat ; have learned so far7 and e8,erienced
as a citi<en of oth *e.iston and Auurn for
several decades that
it ma>es sense. ;
elieve .e need a
delierative ,rocess to
loo> at all the ,ros
and cons7 alance
them and then come
to a conclusion.
(hat is the single
most im"ortant
)uestion for the Charter Commission to
;f the cities comine7 .hat .ill the ne. cit) eK
*f the cities are combined+ 'here should the
cit# offices be located and 'h#
;t is far to earl) to determine .here cit) offices
or an) cit) uildin" should e. There are man)
considerations that need to e e8,lored .ith an
o,en mind. *ocations of uildin"s7 condition of
uildin"s7 e8,ense of o,erations7 ,ulic access5
these are :ust a fe. thin"s that need to e
(here should the main Police Station be
located and 'h#
Ae should not ,redetermine .here an) uildin"
is until .e can e8amine all the factors7 so that
.e can ma>e an formed decision.
10 of 21
Michael Beaulieu
Email address: mi>e@mi>eformaine.or"
!ccu"ation or "rimar# source of income:
Retired Teacher7 State Re,resentative.
Education #.S. 0e"ree in American (istor)
and 3overnment and a MasterGs 0e"ree in
Famil# information: Married to !aula Ann
DMoreauE #eaulieu - /' )ears. (ave t.o "ro.n
children and three "randchildren.
Public !ffices Sought or held: !resentl)
servin" in the Maine (ouse of Re,resentatives.
Serve on t.o Joint Standin" $ommittees -
Judiciar) and -eterans and *e"al Affairs.
See>in" a ,osition on the $ities $harter
$o #ou fa%or consolidating the &'in Cities
(h# do #ou fa%or consolidation (hat is
the benefit
The communities of *e.iston and Auurn have
a "reat deal in common and share a similar
histor) and "eo"ra,hic settin". !resentl) there
e8ists areas .here coo,eration does occur and
certain advanta"es are achieved as a result of
.or>in" to"ether. 3iven this scenario7 it seems
reasonale to infer that "reater o,,ortunities for
our communities .ould materiali<e if this
coo,eration .ere to e8,and to include a sin"le
"overnment entit).
(hat 'ould con%ince #ou to change #our
An) consolidation ,lan should aim to achieve
s,ecific e8,ectations. $ertainl) savin" mone)
and reducin" ,ro,ert) ta8es should e a ,art of
this "oal. ;n addition7 an im,roved )et smooth
and uninterru,ted deliver) of services to our
citi<ens should
constitute another.
&inall)7 our influence
and relationshi, .ith
nei"horin" to.ns and
cities7 as .ell as .ith
the state7 should
e8,and our
o,,ortunities as a
communit). ;f .e .ere
not ale to achieve
these "oals7 oth the o:ectives and the
,rocess .ould need to e re-assessed.
(hat is the single most im"ortant )uestion
for the Charter Commission to settle
Althou"h a relativel) sim,le ste,7 ho. the
commission is or"ani<ed and mana"ed from a
,rocedural stand,oint .ould e inte"ral to the
entire ,rocess. 0ealin" .ith these concerns at
the ver) earliest sta"es .ill e e8traordinaril)
im,ortant to the ma:or discussions7 decisions
and solutions sou"ht ) commission memers.
*f the cities are combined+ 'here should the
cit# offices be located and 'h# *oc>in" in
on an) location for the cit) offices and the
!olice Station at this time .ould e ,remature
at est. There are man) factors .hich must e
considered .hen dealin" .ith either of these
9uestions7 )et efore ma>in" an) assum,tions7
the commission .ould have to anal)<e a "reat
deal of information ,ertainin" to a variet) of
factors. An) decision .ill necessitate the
evaluation of ,o,ulation densit)7 access to
trans,ortation7 crime statistics7 availale land
and uildin"s7 etc. These are interestin"
9uestions and an) .ill re9uire some
Iheav) liftin"I ) commission memers.
(here should the main Police Station be
located and 'h# See aove
11 of 21
$ern Paradie
$andidate -erne !aradie declined to sumit ans.ers
to the Sun JournalGs 9uestions.
12 of 21
13 of 21
Lewiston voter information
Absentee Ballots
$all or visit the $it) $ler>?s office in *e.iston $it) (all to
re"ister for an asentee allot or "o the cit)?s .esite7
....le.istonmaine."ov. #allots can e re9uested until
June 5 and must e returned ) ' ,.m. June 10. $ontact
$it) $ler>4 Cath) Monte:o7 >monte:o@le.istonmaine."ov
or 201 513-312/7 for more information.
Polling Places
All votin" for the s,ecial June 10 allot .ill e located in the *on"le) 2lementar) School7 at /5
#irch St. !olls .ill e o,en from 1 a.m. to ' ,.m.
!e%iston Candidates
$hantel !etten"ill 2u"ene 3ei"er
$harles A. Soule *ucien #. 3osselin
0avid $hittim Richard 3randmaison
1/ of 21
Lewiston Candidate Profiles
Chantel Pettengill
Email address4 chantel,etten"ill03@"
Facebook Page $hantel-!etten"ill-for-the-
Fccu,ation or ,rimar) source of income4 F.ner
of !etten"ill Academ).
Education: #.S. in 2lementar) 2ducation from
the =niversit) of Maine at &armin"ton.
Famil# information: ; am married to Mac>
!etten"ill .ith a four )ear old dau"hter and 2.5
)ear old son.
Public !ffices Sought or held: This is the first
office ; have run for.
$o #ou fa%or consolidating the &'in Cities
(h# do #ou fa%or consolidation (hat is
the benefit
Ae need to loo> at different solutions to >ee,
the cities fiscall) res,onsile and enefit the ta8
,a)ers. Ta8es >ee, increasin" ut resources
>ee, decreasin".
Ae need to ma>e sure *JA is affordale and
attractive to )oun" ,rofessionals7 mid-income
.or>ers and families7 this means stron"
schools7 fire and ,olice de,artments7 and other
communit) resources.
(hat 'ould con%ince #ou to change #our
;f the consolidation does
not save the cities
mone)7 and causes
increased ta8es7 or
reduced enefits7 ; .ill
not e for the
consolidations of the
cities. ; am loo>in" at it
for the fiscal enefit of
the t.o cities.
(hat is the single most im"ortant )uestion
for the Charter Commission to settle
(o. .ill this enefit the ta8 ,a)ers from oth
*f the cities are combined+ 'here should the
cit# offices be located and 'h#
Aith *e.iston ein" incor,orated as a cit)
efore Auurn7 ; am in favor of havin" the cit)
offices located in *e.iston. ; .ould e o,en to
movin" all the school de,artment offices to
(here should the main Police Station be
located and 'h#
; am also in favor of havin" the ,olice
de,artment in *e.iston due to the de,artment
alread) havin" their o.n uildin" and location.
Also .ith *e.istonGs ,o,ulation ein" lar"er it
.ould e im,ortant to >ee, that stron"
,resences there.
15 of 21
Charles A. "oule
Email address:
Facebook Page charles.soule.13
!ther social media contacts:, or
!ccu"ation or "rimar# source of income:
0isaled American -eteran.
Education: 3o to
....soule2013ma)or..ord, and loo>
for the ta" IA(F AM ;.I
$o #ou fa%or consolidating the &'in Cities
(h# don,t #ou fa%or consolidation (hat
are #our ob-ections
10 J=*B 200% letter to the editor of *e.iston
sun Journal - Should have een done ,rior to
200'-0+. (o. ,eo,le could not see it comin" is
e)ond meO
&or the reasons ; sa) no "o
to....soule2013ma)or..ord,ress.com7 and
loo> for the ta" I$FHSF*;0AT;FH * JAI
The "reater Area $hamer of $ommerce is
,ushin" the idea and that ma>es me s>e,tical5
That Mr. $hi, Morrison7 head of the
or"ani<ation7 .ill and collector of the si"natures
re9uired to "et the allot of oth cities is
attem,tin" to transfer usiness ta8es to the
,ulic domain ta8es side of the street.
Also7 ; elieve voters of oth cities should have
voted if the) even .ant to consolidate ,rior to
the :oint cities charter ,re,aration and ,uttin "
out to *JA votes in
2015. ;t could end u,
as a .aste of time for
the oth cities
em,lo)ees and si8
other elected charter
commission ,ersons.
(hat 'ould it take to
con%ince #ou to
change #our
As class ,resident D1+13E and "raduate of
2d.ard *ittle (i"h School-Auurn7 it is m)
feelin" that ; .ould re,resent oth *e.iston and
Auurn in ma>in" sure oth interests are
safe"uarded. At the of the throu"h ,rocess7 ;
.ill ma>e an o,inion to share .ith the ,ulic.
(hat is the single most im"ortant )uestion
for the Charter Commission to settle
Aill it shift ta8esD in a revie.5 to more evenl)
distri,ute ta8es in the communitiesE to the
,ulic ,ro,ert) ta8,a)ers on an even ,la)in"
field or to usiness advanta"eK
*f the cities are combined+ 'here should the
cit# offices be located and 'h#
To e determined as .e ,ro"ress and have
more in,ut into the 9uestion of consolidation.
(here should the main Police Station be
located and 'h#
;n vacant school su,erentendent uildin" and
sustations7 s,litin" the ,olice force and
rotation the !olice Ffficers time on ,atrol in the
inner cities and relievin" the officerGs inner cit)
,ersonal tension.
1% of 21
&a'id Chittim
Email address: Maine!
!ccu"ation or "rimar# source of income:
Retired 2n"ineer
Education: 0eerfield Academ) 1+%+5
#achelorGs of Science in $ivil 2n"ineerin"
DHortheastern7 1+1/E5 Masters of Science in
$ivil 2n"ineerin" D!urdue7 1+11E.
Famil# information: Married to !enelo,e since
1+11. Sons Hoah and 2than Doth marriedE.
Public !ffices Sought or held: $hairman -
*e.iston &irearms Frdinance $ommittee 1++25
*e.istonJAuurn $harter $ommission
$o #ou fa%or consolidating the &'in Cities
(h# do #ou fa%or consolidation (hat is
the benefit
An o,inion on this 9uestion efore the .or>
e"ins is ,remature since the decision re9uires
a full >no.led"e of the outcome of the
commissionGs efforts. ; favor consolidation if and
onl) if the charter resultin" from this effort
sho.s a enefit to the residents of *e.iston
and Auurn.
(hat 'ould con%ince #ou to change #our
M) tentative ,osition favorin" consolidation
.ould chan"e if the charter is ,oorl) drafted or
if the costs of consolidation out.ei"h its
,otential enefits.
(hat is the single most im"ortant )uestion
for the Charter Commission to settle
Title 30-A of the Maine Statutes re9uires the
$ommission to address several s,ecific issues7
includin" the name of the ne. munici,alit)7 the
location of seat of "overnment7 the
a,,ortionment of det service revenues and the
method and schedule of consolidation.
2ach of these is 9uestions
is im,ortant and must e
thou"htfull) investi"ated
se,aratel) and in
con:unction .ith other
Since one of the ,erceived
enefits is the cost savin"s
resultin" from the elimination of du,licate
services7 it is crucial to develo, a ,lan to
transition from t.o "overnments to one .ith the
least disru,tion to the rou"hl) 27030 full-time
em,lo)ees of the t.o cities.
*f the cities are combined+ 'here should the
cit# offices be located and 'h#
This is one of the 9uestions to e addressed )
the $ommission. *ac>in" s,ecific and detailed
information7 it is tem,tin" to ,refer the seat of
"overnment to e in *e.iston sim,l) ecause
its "reater ,o,ulation ,uts more residents
closer to munici,al offices. Fther considerations
ma) arise durin" delierations that ar"ue for an
Auurn location7 and these should e factored
into the final recommendation.
(here should the main Police Station be
located and 'h#
*e.istonGs lar"er ,o,ulation and hi"her
,o,ulation densit) ar"ue for the main !olice
Station to e on the east side of the river. Fn
the other hand7 Auurn has a "reater land area7
su""estin" that .est of the river ma) e more
a,,ro,riate to minimi<e res,onse time.
#efore a final recommendation is made7 the
$ommission must consider in,ut and
su""estions from each of the t.o !olice
0e,artments.;f the $ities consolidate7 the
ne. cit) .ill contain over 100 s9uare miles7
ma>in" it MaineGs second lar"est munici,alit) in
area DAlla"ashE and ,o,ulation D!ortlandE.
These factors su""est at least one ma:or su-
station .ill e re9uired7 ,resumal) on the
o,,osite side of the river from the main station.
11 of 21
(ugene )eiger
Email address: "ene"ei"er@"
Facebook Page "ene"ei"er
!ccu"ation or "rimar# source of income:
$2F of 3ei"er
Education: #A 2conomics7 =niversit) of Hotre
0ame7 1+11.
Famil# information: 0ivorced. Sons4 Jeff and
Public !ffices Sought or held: $harter
$o #ou fa%or consolidating the &'in Cities
(h# do #ou fa%or consolidation (hat is
the benefit
*e.iston7 Auurn and the surroundin"
communities are one economic re"ion. ;deall)7
.e .ant to e Maine?s most desirale ,lace to
live7 learn7 .or>7 and ,la). That can onl) occur
if can chart a course that ma>es est use of the
assets .e have and attracts talented ,eo,le
from other ,laces. Just as an) or"ani<ation7 .e
.ant to e as o,erationall) efficient as .e can
e and .e need to have ever)one L
"overnment a"encies7 or"ani<ations7 and
individuals L ,uttin" their decisions and efforts
ehind one vision and one ,lan.
Ae are com,etin" .ith "reat ,laces across this
countr) for ,eo,le and resources. Ae cannot
e all .e can e unless .e .or> as one.
(hat 'ould
con%ince #ou to
change #our
Ae mi"ht find the
,olitical differences
and entrenched
interests are :ust too
"reat to overcome. ;
thin> it ma>es sense
to see a .ell
considered ,lan and a ,ro"ram. At that ,oint
each citi<en can decide.
(hat is the single most im"ortant )uestion
for the Charter Commission to settle
&or me the i" issue is .hether the $harter
$ommission can formulate and articulate a
,ro"ram that convinces a ma:orit) of voters that
our *A future is etter as one7 united
communit). ; elieve .e can do that7 ut if .e
cannot7 the status 9uo .ill ,revail.
*f the cities are combined+ 'here should the
cit# offices be located and 'h#
This can onl) e determined after a lot of stud)7
thou"ht7 and discussion.
(here should the main Police Station be
located and 'h#
Same as aove. ;t .ill ta>e months and months
of .or> to e"in to formulate even a draft ,lan.
1' of 21
!ucien B. )osselin
Email address:
!ccu"ation or "rimar# source of income:
!resident7 *e.iston-Auurn 2conomic
Education: 0octoral Studies in !ulic !olic)
and Mana"ement5 28ecutive $ertificate in
$ommunit) !lannin" and 0evelo,ment5 Master
of Arts in !ulic !olic) and Mana"ement5
#achelor of Science in Mana"ement and
Fr"ani<ational Studies - =niversit) of Southern
Maine7 Mus>ie School of !ulic Service and
*e.iston-Auurn $olle"e
Famil# information: Married to AnnaRose
D*avertuE 3osselin. Son7 *u>e and 0au"hter7
*aurie. Three "randchildren.
Public !ffices Sought or held: *e.iston $it)
Administrator5 0irector of &inance5 $ontroller5
28ecutive Ffficer5 $ommunit) 0evelo,ment
0irector5 Assistant $ontroller5 $hair $it)
$harter Revie. $ommittee5 Staff to 1+1+
$harter $ommission5 Humerous state and local
oards and committees.
$o #ou fa%or consolidating the &'in Cities
(h# do #ou fa%or consolidation (hat is
the benefit
$onsolidation can rin" aout "reater econom)
of scale7 effectiveness7 and efficiencies. There
.ill e short-term savin"s and even "reater
lon"-term savin"s in o,erational and ca,ital
,ro"ram areas. A consolidated *-A can ecome
the lar"est cit) in Maine. As such7 "reater clout
.ith the &ederal and State 0ele"ations and
res,ective de,artments. 2liminations of most
:oint-a"enc) committees. ;m,roved
effectiveness of the Ma)or and $it) $ouncilors
as .ell as staffin" resources. ;m,roved e9uit)
in ,ro,ert) valuation and ta8 urden u,on
ta8,a)ers and etc.
(hat 'ould con%ince #ou to change #our
o"inion ; am ,re,ared to listen to all ,oint of
vie.s and ; am o,en to conversation from all
sta>eholders. ; .ould HFT
su,,ort consolidation
should it result in ein" a
tan"ile detriment to
*e.iston and Auurn.
(hat is the single most
im"ortant )uestion for
the Charter Commission
to settle
There is HF sin"le most im,ortant 9uestion to
settle. (o.ever7 in m) o,inion7 draftin" the
transitional ,rovisions to im,lement a :oint
$harter .ill e the most challen"in". 2ven
efore ma>in" the case for consolidation7
sta>eholders .ill .ant clear ans.ers to man)
9uestions affectin" da)-to-da) "overnmental
o,erations such as im,act u,on munici,al
ta8es7 em,lo)ees and their res,ective union
contracts7 school consolidation Dif ,ermitted )
State *a.E du,licate ,ositions from those
individuals elected to office7 those a,,ointed7
staff7 etc.
*f the cities are combined+ 'here should the
cit# offices be located and 'h#
This 9uestion .ill most li>el) e addressed in
the transitional ,rovisions. ; o,ine that it is
doutful that the Joint $harter $ommission .ill
directl) address this issue other than to s,ell
out a ,rocess re"ardin" ho. est to do so. The
resolution ma) e as sim,le as rele"atin" that
decision to the elected officials under the
,rovisions of a $onsolidated $harter.
(here should the main Police Station be
located and 'h#
This 9uestion .ill most li>el) e addressed in
the transitional ,rovisions. ; o,ine that it is
doutful that the Joint $harter $ommission .ill
directl) address this issue other than to s,ell
out a ,rocess re"ardin" ho. est to do so. ;t
ma) sim,l) e referred to the Ma)or and $it)
$ouncil .ith advice from a,,ro,riate ,ulic
safet) officials.
1+ of 21
*ichard )randmaison
Email address:
!ccu"ation or "rimar# source of income:
Education: *e.iston (i"h School5 =niversit) of
Southern Maine #SJA,,lied Technical
Famil# information: Married to 0iane 51 )ears
on June 1st5 Three married dau"hters and
seven "randchildren.
Public !ffices Sought or held: $o-$hair
Androsco""in $ount) $harter $ommission.
$o #ou fa%or consolidating the &'in Cities
(h# do #ou fa%or consolidation (hat is
the benefit
; favor consolidation ecause the area needs a
stron"er force in order to im,rove the economic
o,,ortunities for the citi<ens. Ae alread) have
:oint efforts at the air,ort7 .ater and se.a"e
facilities and others. The enefits could account
for a si"nificant amount of savin"s for the ta8
(hat 'ould con%ince #ou to change #our
; .ould chan"e m) o,inion if the savin"s .ere
so little that it .ould not ma>e an) sense. ;
certainl) .ant to stud) all the issues efore
ma>in" the decision.
(hat is the single
most im"ortant
)uestion for the
Charter Commission
to settle
There are man). ;
.ould have to ta>e the
time to full)
understand the current
s)stems of oth cities
in order to develo, a reasonale and fair
charter for the citi<ens and that .ill res,ect all
the em,lo)ees.
*f the cities are combined+ 'here should the
cit# offices be located and 'h#
That issue must e deated ) the $ommission
memers after ta>in" in,ut from the citi<ens.
$learl)7 there needs to e a central office ut ;
can see that some de,artments could e
located on oth sides of the river.
(here should the main Police Station be
located and 'h#
The issues involves more than :ust the !olice
Station. All de,artments must e discussed
ecause ; donGt elieve that there is a sim,le Ae must e ale to have trust that the
decisions made .ill e in the est interest of all
20 of 21
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