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Republic of Bolivia

A landlocked country in South America, shares international boundaries from all
-Brazil shares its boundary from the north and east
-Paraguay and Argentina from the south
-Peru and Chile from the West
Stripes of Red, Yellow, Green with coat of arms at the center
-Red: bravery and blood of national heroes
-Yellow: nations mineral resources
-Green: fertility of the land

Spanish, Quechua, Aymara
Roman Catholic 95%
Protestants 5%
Democratic Republic
Capital Cities: La Paz and Sucre
Administrative Divisions
Chuquisaca, Cochabamba, Beni, La Paz, Oruro, Pando, Potosi, Santa Cruz, Tarija
Branches of the Government
President: Juan Evo Morales Ayma
Vice-President: Alvaro Barcia Linera
Term: 5 years, re-elected only once
Requirements: residing in the country at least 5 years immediately preceding
the election.
Directing the government & coordinate the actions of the Ministers of State
foreign policy and sign international treaties
Managing state revenues & ordering their investment
Amnesty or pardon decree
Appoint the Ministers of State
Commander in chief of the armed forces
State of emergency
Chamber of Senators- 130 members by popular vote/ 5 years term
Chamber of Deputies- 130 members (69- directly elected by popular vote
for 5 years term by population percentile, 61- elected by proportional
representation from party lists with 5 years term).
Approve its budget
Make laws, interpret, repeal, repeal and amend.
Approve the State Budget presented by the Executive.
Ratify international treaties concluded by the Executive
Set the monetary system.
Authorize the removal of troops, weapons and military equipment
Supreme Court (Judges are appointed for 10 years term by National

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