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Krebs cycle, tricarboxylic acid.

A series of reactions in mitochondria
oxidize acetyl Co-A reduced coenzymes
reoxidation in respiratory chain
- The final common pathway for aerobic
oxidation of carbohydrate, lipid, protein
- A central role of :
. !luconeo!enesis
". lipo!enesis
#. intercon$ersion of amino acids
%tarted with condensation of acetyl coA with
oxaloacetate to form citrate two molecules
of C&" released and oxaloacetate
&xaloacetate catalytic role
'nzymes: citrate synthase, aconitase,
isocitrate (-ase, )eto!lutarate (-ase
complex, succinate thio)inase, succinate (-
ase, fumarase and malate (-ase
Acetyl coA * &xaloacetate * +"&" Citrate *
coA * +*.
Citrate Cis aconitate * +"&
Cis aconitate * +"& ,sositrate
,sositrate * -A(* Keto!lutarate * C&" *
-Keto!lutarate * -A(* * CoA . %uccinyl
coA * C&"*-A(+
%uccinyl coA * /i * 0(/ . %uccinate * 0T/
* coA.
%uccinate * FA( . Fumarate * FA(+".
Fumarate * +"& . 1alate
1alate * -A(* . &xaloacetate * -A(+ *
2esult of oxidations: # -A(+ and FA(+" in
one turn of cycle
AT/ or 0T/ formed by substrate le$el
3 $itamins in$ol$ed:
to form FA(" cofactor in the 4-)eto!lutarat deh.
Complex 5 %uccinate deh.
to form -A("coenzyme for isocitrate deh.,4-
)eto!lutarat deh.,malate deh.
"Thiamin diphosphate "coenzyme for
decarboxylation in the 4-)eto!lutarat deh.
/anthothenic acid " as part of coA, cofactor
attached to acti$e carboxylic acid residues
6acetyl coA, %uccinyl coA7
2&8'% ,- 1'TA3&8,%1
Amphibolic oxidati$e and synthesis processes
. 0luconeo!enesis: all intermediates potentially
!luco!enic 6!i$e rise to &A production of
%ubstrates for !luconeo!enesis:
- lactate
- !lycerol
- !luco!enic amino acids
- propionate
". Transamination by aminotransferase:
a source of carbon s)eletons for synthesis of
some amino acids re$ersible form
some intermediates from these amino acids:
-aspartate * pyru$ate &A * alanine
-!lutamate * pyru$ate )eto !lut *
#. Acetyl coA is the ma9or buildin! bloc) for lon!
chain fatty acid synthesis
C,T2,C C:C8' 2;0;8AT,-0
(epends on : -A(*,FA(, A(/
Key enzimes :
Citrate synthase
isocitrate dehydro!enase,
)eto!lutarat dehydro!enase

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