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I. Fill in the blanks using little or few.
1. There is money in the wallet.
2. Ive got a books.
3. My mum has got a cigarettes in the packet.
4. I cant wait for you. Ive got time.
5. Fred has got a English books.
6. Brenda has got a friends.
7. There is butter left. We need to buy some.
8. There are people at the cinema as the film is not very good.
9. I have got magazines. I prefer books.
10. There is a pizza in the fridge if you are hungry.

II. Fill in the blanks using much or many.

1. How books did you buy?
2. How money do you have
3. How did the car cost?
4. How apples are there in the basket?
5. How times have you been to the dentist?
6. How butter do you need?
7. How oranges do you want?
8. How wine does he drink?
9. How girls are there in your class?
10. How

stamps have you got in your collection?

III. Fill in the blanks with: should, shouldnt, mustnt.
1. I take some exercise if I want to feel fine.
2. I worry about the exam if I were you. You have worked really hard.
3. You look tired. I think you take a few days off.
4. You swim in that river. Its full of crocodiles
5. You drink so much. Its not good for your health.
6. You brush your teeth after every meal, if possible
7. You touch anything electrical if you are in the bath.
8. You focus more on your family and less on work.
9. Jenny, you play in the street!
10. You come to school on time.

IV. Your friend wants to lose some weight. Give him advice about what to eat and what not to eat in order to
lose weight.
1. You should.

2. You shouldnt..

3. You have to.

4. You must.

5. You mustnt

V. Create your own recipe. Write about the ingredients and equipment. Give instructions.

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