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626a 624 Cadenzas E!n"an"e
#$Lead%Ins$& '(
Ke)*(a+d C(n,e+'!
%% %% %% %% %%
626aI %% Pa+' I % M(za+'-s O.n
%% %% %% 64 Cadenzas (/ M(za+'-s '( 0!s (.n K)*d
C(n,e+'(s1 !n,!2!'s3 In K6 +e4a+5s and
6(,a'!(ns "!7en 8nde+ KV n84*e+ (/ C(n,e+'(
ea,0 *e6(n"s '(
626aI/1 624/1 Cadenza to KV 175 1st
Mvmt (version a)
-- D -- Printed b !rtaria in 1"#1 as $r%I and !ndr& in
1"#4 as $r%12%
'o()) (M*b 1+7"/7+) sees t,is as a dire-t revision
o) Cadenza .1 and dates a)ter be(o/ version b)0
1er,a1s Mar-, 17"2 in Vienna3 4evin (1"t,
Cent5r Piano M5si- 1++4) states Cadenza 6oes
51 to )20 s,o/in6 it /as 5ndo5bted( /ritten not at
t,e time o) Con-erto0 b5t )or (ater 5se on )ive-
o-tive instr5ment%
626aI/2 -- Cadenza to KV 175 1st
Mvmt (version b)
-- D -- -- 7,is Cadenza /it, .4 and .25 be(o/ are t,ree
Cadenzas )or KV 175 Mozart sent to ,is sister in
(etter o) 8ebr5ar 150 17"2--and /ritten s,ort(
be)ore t,is ('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)%
626aI/2 624/2 Cadenza to KV 175 2nd
Mvmt (version a)
-- 9 -- Printed b !rtaria in 1"#1 as $r%II and !ndre in
1"#4 as $r%12%
'o()) (M*b 1+7"/7+) dates t,is a)ter be(o/ version
b)0 1er,a1s Mar-, 17"2 in Vienna%
626aI/4 -- Cadenza to KV 175 2nd
Mvmt (version b)
-- 9 -- 7,is Cadenza /it, .2 and .25 be(o/ are t,ree
Cadenzas )or KV 175 Mozart sent to ,is sister in
(etter o) 8ebr5ar 150 17"2--and /ritten s,ort(
be)ore t,is ('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)%
626aI/5 -- Cadenza to KV 22" 1st
-- :b -- Co1 in 4eo1o(d Mozart;s ,and in <t% Peters
Probab( -om1osed aro5nd 1777/7" )or a st5dent
('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)%
626aI/6 -- Cadenza to KV 22" 2nd
-- C -- Co1 in 4eo1o(d Mozart;s ,and in <t% Peters
(<ee remar=s .5 above%)
626aI/7 -- Cadenza to KV 22" 2rd
-- :b -- Co1 in 4eo1o(d Mozart;s ,and in <t% Peters
(<ee remar=s .5 above%)
626aI/" -- Cadenza to KV 246 1st
Mvmt (version a)
-- C -- !5to6ra1, on same 1a6e as .11 be(o/3 a(so
-ontains t,ro56, bass notations o) t5tti to
'ritten )or a st5dent (7,erese Pierron>) or
di(ettant m5si-ian and 5sed b Mozart )or tea-,in6
15r1oses d5rin6 ,is Mann,eim-Paris tri1 o)
1777/7" ('o())-Pers1e-tives on Mozart
Per)orman-e 1++1 and M*b 1+7"/7+)3 ,o/ever
1a1er st5dies 15t 1a1er 5sed b Mozart in time o)
end o) 1771 to 1774 (7son-$M! 1++2)--(a(so see
.11 be(o/)%
626aI/+ -- Cadenza to KV 246 1st
Mvmt (version b)
-- C -- !5to6ra1, on same 1a6e as .12 be(o/% 8rom same time 1eriod as ." and .110 b5t
te-,ni-a(( more demandin6 so 1robab( /ritten
)or 5se b ,imse() rat,er t,an st5dent ('o())-M*b
1+7"/7+)3 P(at, be(ieved ori6inated )rom time o)
Con-ertos0 t,5s !1ri( 1776 ('o())-M*b 1+75)3
1a1er st5dies s,o/ 1a1er 5sed b Mozart in
<a(zb5r6 in 1776-77 or 177+-"# (7son-M*b
1++2)--(a(so see .12 be(o/)%
626aI/1# -- Cadenza to KV 246 1st
Mvmt (version -)
-- C -- !5to6ra1, on same 1a6e as .14 be(o/% Mozart as=ed )or Con-erto KV 246 )rom ,is )at,er
on !1ri( 20 17"20 and Cadenzas date )rom a)ter
t,is date ('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)3 ,o/ever 1a1er
st5dies s,o/ Mozart 5sed 1a1er in <a(zb5r6 rom
177+ to be6innin6 17"1 (7son-$M! 1++2)--(a(so
see .14 be(o/)%
626aI/11 -- Cadenza to KV 246 2nd
Mvmt (version a)
-- 8 -- !5to6ra1, on same 1a6e as ." above% (<ee ." above%)
626aI/12 -- Cadenza to KV 246 2nd
Mvmt (version b)
-- 8 -- -- (<ee .+ above%)
626aI/12 -- Cadenza to KV 246 2nd
Mvmt (version -)
-- 8 -- ?n a5to6ra1, 1a6e /it, 2 in-i1its o) @adn
<m1,onies (!n, !5+)%
'ritten in 17"4 as (ead-in )or 2nd movement o) KV
415/2"7b as seen b -onne-tions in m5si- and 2
@adn in-i1its on 1a6e ('o())-$M! 1+753 'o())-
M*b 1+7"/7+)%
626aI/14 -- Cadenza to KV 246 2nd
Mvmt (version d)
-- 8 -- !5to6ra1, on same 1a6e as .1# above% (<ee remar=s to .1# above)%
626aI/15 624/2 Cadenza to KV 271 1st
Mvmt (version a)
-- Ab -- !5to6ra1, on same 1a6e as .17 be(o/3 iss5ed b
!ndr& in 1"#4 as $r%22%
Com1osed in s1rin6 (Mar-,>) 17"2 )or
1er)orman-e at 7on=Bnst(er <o-iet in !1ri( ('o())-
M*b 1+7"/7+)%
626aI/16 -- Cadenza to KV 271 1st
Mvmt (version b)
-- Ab -- !5to6ra1, on same 1a6e as .1" be(o/0 t,e t/o
Cadenzas to KV 1#7 (see be(o/ KV 626aII/! and
:)0 and )ra6ment !n, C15%11%
Co1 in ,and o) 4eo1o(d and $anner( Mozart
dates )rom ori6in time o) Con-erto in 1777 ('o())-
M*b 1+7"/7+)%
626aI/17 624/4 Cadenza to KV 271 2nd
Mvmt (version a)
-- - -- !5to6ra1, on same 1a6e as .15 above3 iss5ed b
!ndr& in 1"#4 as $r%24%
Com1osed in s1rin6 (Mar-,>) 17"2 )or
1er)orman-e at 7on=Bnst(er <o-iet in !1ri( ('o())-
M*b 1+7"/7+)%
626aI/1" -- Cadenza to KV 271 2nd
Mvmt (version b)
-- - -- (<ee .16 above%) Co1 in ,and o) 4eo1o(d and $anner( Mozart
dates )rom ori6in time o) Con-erto in 1777 ('o())-
M*b 1+7"/7+)%
626aI/1+ 624/5 1st Ain6an6 to KV 271
2rd Mvmt (version a)
-- Ab -- !5to6ra1, on same 1a6e as .2# be(o/% <t(isti-a(( seen to be (ater t,an .21 and .220
t,5s 1ossib( Mar-, 17"2 ('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)%
626aI/2# 624/5 2nd Ain6an6 to KV 271
2rd Mvmt (version a)
-- Ab -- !5to6ra1, on same 1a6e as .1+ above% (<ee remar=s .1+%)
626aI/21 -- 1st Ain6an6 to KV 271
2rd Mvmt (version b)
-- Ab -- !5to6ra1, on same 1a6e as .22 be(o/3 on
8ebr5ar 150 17"20 Mozart sent t,ese t/o (a(so
.22) (ead-ins to ,is sister in <a(zb5r6%
7,ese t/o (ead-ins and .20.40.25 )/KV 175/2"2
Mozart sent to ,is sister in (etter o) 8ebr5ar 150
17"2--and /ritten s,ort( be)ore t,is ('o())-M*b
626aI/22 -- 2nd Ain6an6 to KV 271
2rd Mvmt (version b)
-- Ab -- !5to6ra1, on same 1a6e as .21 above% (<ee remar=s to .21 above%)
626aI/22 -- Cadenza to KV
265/216a 1st Mvmt
-- Ab -- !5to6ra1, in <t% Peters <a(zb5r6 ,as on(
Mozart;s 1st 1iano 1art3 anot,er a5to6ra1, in <t%
Peters ,as 1st 1iano 1art in 4eo1o(d;s ,and and
2nd Piano 1art in 'o()6an6;s%
'o()) (M*b 1+7"/7+ and Pers1e-tives on Mozart
Per)orman-e 1++1) dates Cadenza $ovember
17"1 )rom Mozart (etter 1assa6e3 /ritten )or
Mozart and *ose1,ine von !5ern,ammer to 1(a
('o())-$M! 1+75)%
626aI/24 -- Cadenza to KV
265/216a 2rd Mvmt
-- Ab -- (<ee .22 above)3 a -o1 in Kremsier Monaster o)
entire Con-erto ,as t,is movement;s Cadenza in a
s(i6,t( s,ortened version /ritten b Mozart%
'o()) (M*b 1+7"/7+ and Pers1e-tives on Mozart
Per)orman-e 1++1) dates Cadenza in <t Peters
$ovember 17"1 )rom Mozart (etter 1assa6e3
Cadenza in Kremsier dates )rom be)ore <t% Peters
626aI/25 624/6 Cadenza to KV 2"2 2rd
Mvmt (version a)
-- D -- Printed b !rtaria in 1"#1 as $r%III and !ndr& in
1"#4 as $r%14%
'o()) (M*b 1+7"/7+) dates t,is a)ter be(o/ version
b)0 1er,a1s Mar-, 17"2 in Vienna%
626aI/26 -- Cadenza to KV 2"2 2rd
Mvmt (version b)
-- D -- !5to6ra1, in <t% Peters in <a(zb5r6% 7,is Cadenza /it, .2 and .4 above are t,ree
Cadenzas )or KV 175/2"2 Mozart sent to ,is sister
in (etter o) 8ebr5ar 150 17"2--and /ritten s,ort(
be)ore t,is ('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)%
626aI/27 624/7 Cadenza to KV
414/2"51 1st Mvmt
(version a)
-- ! -- !5to6ra1, on same 1a6e as .22 be(o/3 iss5ed b
!ndr& in 1"#4 as $r%1%
<t(isti-a(( a)ter .2"0 and 1robab( )rom 17"5/"6--
see .22 be(o/ ('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)%
626aI/2" 624/" Cadenza to KV
414/2"51 1st Mvmt
(version b)
-- ! -- !5to6ra1, on same 1a6e as .21 be(o/3 iss5ed b
!ndr& in 1"#4 as $r%2%
Probab( dates )rom time o) -om1osition o)
Con-erto at end o) 17"2 ('o())-$M! 1+753 'o())-
M*b 1+7"/7+)%
626aI/2+ 624/11 Ain6an6 to KV 414/2"51
2nd Mvmt (version a)
-- 8 -- !5to6ra1, on same 1a6e as ..22 .24 be(o/ and
severa( s=et-,es to 1st movement o) KV 4""3
iss5ed b !ndr& in 1"#4 as $r%5%
<t(isti-a(( a)ter .2#0 and 1robab( )rom 17"5/"6--
see .22 be(o/ ('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)%
626aI/2# -- Ain6an6 to KV 414/2"51
2nd Mvmt (version b)
-- 8 -- -- !5to6ra1, on same 1a6e as .2" and .21 to t,is
Con-erto (7son-$M! 1++2)3 1robab( date )rom
time o) -om1osition o) Con-erto at end o) 17"2
('o())-$M! 1+753 'o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)%
626aI/21 624/+ Cadenza to KV
414/2"51 2nd Mvmt
(version a)
-- 8 -- !5to6ra1, on same 1a6e as .2" above3 iss5ed b
!ndr& in 1"#4 as $r%2%
Probab( dates )rom time o) -om1osition o)
Con-erto at end o) 17"2 ('o())-$M! 1+753 'o())-
M*b 1+7"/7+)%
626aI/22 -- Cadenza to KV
414/2"51 2nd Mvmt
(version b)
-- 8 -- !5to6ra1, on same 1a6e as .2+ above and .24
be(o/ and severa( s=et-,es to 1st movement o)
KV 4""3 iss5ed b !ndr& in 1"#4 as $r%4%
<=et-,es to KV 4"" and 1a1er st5dies 1oint to
ori6in o) /ind 17"5/"6 )or 1er)orman-e in one o)
De-ember Con-erts 15t on b Mozart3 1ossib( in
some t1e o) -onne-tion /it, !rtaria iss5e o)
Con-erto in 17"5 ('o())-$M! 1+753 'o())-M*b
1+7"/7+3 7son-$M! 1++2)%
626aI/22 624/1# Cadenza to KV
414/2"51 2nd Mvmt
(<=et-, o) 626aI/22)
-- 8 -- 5 meas5re s=et-, )or .22 above3 on same 1a6e
as .27 above%
<5re( /ritten do/n be)ore .22 above ('o())-M*b
626aI/24 624/12 Cadenza to KV
414/2"51 2rd Mvmt
(version a)
-- ! -- !5to6ra1, on same 1a6e as .2+ and .22 above
and severa( s=et-,es to 1st movement o) KV 4""3
iss5ed b !ndr& in1"#4 as $r%6%
<t(isti-a(( a)ter .250 and 1robab( )rom 17"5/"6--
see .22 above ('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)%
626aI/25 624/12 Cadenza to KV
414/2"51 2rd Mvmt
(version b)
-- ! -- ?n a5to6ra1, 1a6e /it, .26 be(o/3 iss5ed b
!ndr& in 1"#4 as $r%7%
Probab( dates )rom time o) -om1osition o)
Con-erto at end o) 17"2 ('o())-$M! 1+753 'o())-
M*b 1+7"/7+)%
626aI/26 624/14 Ain6an6 to KV 414/2"51
2rd Mvmt
-- ! -- ?n a5to6ra1, 1a6e /it, .25 above3 iss5ed b
!ndr& in 1"#4 as $r%"%
Probab( dates )rom time o) -om1osition o)
Con-erto at end o) 17"2 ('o())-$M! 1+753 'o())-
M*b 1+7"/7+)%
626aI/27 -- Cadenza to KV
412/2"7a 1st Mvmt
-- 8 -- Co1 in 4eo1o(d Mozart;s ,and in <t% Peters in
7,e <a(zb5r6 -o1ies made it a11ear its ori6in is in
-onne-tion /it, a 1er)orman-e o) t,e Con-erto
d5rin6 Mozart;s <a(zb5r6 tri1 o) (ate s5mmer 17"20
i) not 1rior in Vienna ('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)%
626aI/2" -- Cadenza to KV
412/2"7a 2nd Mvmt
-- :b -- Co1 in 4eo1o(d Mozart;s ,and in <t% Peters in
(<ee remar=s .27 above%)
626aI/2+ 624/15 Cadenza to KV
415/2"7b 1st Mvmt
-- C -- Co1 in 5n=no/n -o1ist ,and--/it, tem1o
indi-ations b 4eo1o(d Mozart-- in <t% Peters
<a(zb5r63 iss5ed b !rtaria in 1"#1 as $r%IV and
!ndr& in 1"#4 as $r%+%
7,e <a(zb5r6 -o1ies made it a11ear its ori6in is in
-onne-tion /it, a 1er)orman-e o) t,e Con-erto
d5rin6 Mozart;s <a(zb5r6 tri1 o) (ate s5mmer 17"20
i) not 1rior in Vienna ('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)%
626aI/4# 624/16 Cadenza to KV
415/2"7b 2nd Mvmt
-- :b -- (<ee remar=s to .2+ above)3 iss5ed b !rtaria in
1"#1 as $r%V and !ndr& in 1"#4 as $r%1#%
(<ee remar=s .2+ above%)
626aI/41 624/17 Cadenza to KV
415/2"7b 2rd Mvmt
-- C -- (<ee remar=s to .2+ above)3 iss5ed b !rtaria in
1"#1 as $r%VI and !ndr& in 1"#4 as $r%11%
(<ee remar=s .2+ above%)
626aI/42 624/1" Cadenza to KV 44+ 1st
-- Ab -- Iss5ed b !ndr& in 1"#4 as $r%22% Probab( be(on6 to ori6in time o) Con-erto--
8ebr5ar +0 17"4 ('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)
626aI/42 624/1+ Cadenza to KV 45# 1st
-- :b -- Iss5ed b !ndr& in 1"#4 as $r%2+% Probab( be(on6 to ori6in time o) Con-erto--Mar-,
150 17"4 ('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)
626aI/44 624/21 Ain6an6 to KV 45# 2rd
-- :b -- Iss5ed b !ndr& in 1"#4 as $r%21% Probab( be(on6 to ori6in time o) Con-erto--Mar-,
150 17"4 ('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)
626aI/45 624/2# Cadenza to KV 45# 2rd
-- :b -- Iss5ed b !ndr& in 1"#4 as $r%2#% Probab( be(on6 to ori6in time o) Con-erto--Mar-,
150 17"4 ('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)
626aI/46 624/22 Cadenza to KV 451 1st
-- Ab -- K1 ori6ina(( 1(a-ed as Cadenza to 1st movement
o) KV 5273 iss5ed b !rtaria in 1"#1 as $r%CIV and
!ndr& in 1"#4 as .273 -o1 o) Cadenza is in
4eo1o(d Mozart;s ,and%
@and/ritin6 o) -o1 is a-t5a(( $anner(;s (8(ot,i5s-
$M! 1+75)
626aI/47 624/22 Cadenza to KV 451 2rd
-- Ab -- Iss5ed b !rtaria in 1"#1 as $r%CV and !ndr& in
1"#4 as $r%2"3 a(so on t,is -o1 o) 4eo1o(d
Mozart is t,e ornamentation o) meas5res 56-62 o)
t,e 2nd movement (K2D626a/II M) o) t,is
Con-erto t,at 'o()6an6 sent to $anner( on *5ne
+0 17"4%
@and/ritin6 o) -o1 is a-t5a(( $anner(;s (8(ot,i5s-
$M! 1+75)3 ornamentation on -o1 demonstrates
Cadenza be(on6s to ori6in time o) Con-erto--
Mar-, 220 17"40 or even at time o) *5ne +0 17"4
(etter ('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+3 'o())-Pers1e-tives on
Mozart Per)orman-e 1++1)
626aI/4" 624/22 Cadenza to KV 452 1st
Mvmt (version a)
-- 9 -- Iss5ed b !ndr& in 1"#4 as $r%15% Probab( be(on6s to ori6in time o) Con-erto--!1ri(
120 17"4 ('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)
626aI/4+ 624/22 Cadenza to KV 452 1st
Mvmt (version b)
-- 9 -- Iss5ed b !rtaria in 1"#1 as $r%IC and !ndr& in
1"#4 as $r%16%
:ad5ra-<=oda ($M! 1+65) do5bts a5t,enti-it on
)a5(t st(e0 1er,a1s /ritten do/n b 151i( )rom
memor0 or most (i=e( not a5t,enti-3 'o()) does
not do5bt a5t,enti-it b5t -an not determine i)
be)ore or a)ter .4" ('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)%
626aI/5# 624/24 Cadenza to KV 452 2nd
Mvmt (version b)
-- C -- Iss5ed b !ndr& in 1"#4 as $r%17% Probab( be(on6s to ori6in time o) Con-erto--!1ri(
120 17"4 ('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)
626aI/51 624/25 Cadenza to KV 452 2nd
Mvmt (version a)
-- C -- Iss5ed b !rtaria in 1"#1 as $r%C and !ndr& in
1"#4 as $r%1"%
:ad5ra-<=oda ($M! 1+65) do5bts a5t,enti-it on
)a5(t st(e0 1er,a1s /ritten do/n b 151i( )rom
memor0 or most (i=e( not a5t,enti- ('o()) does
not do5bt a5t,enti-it b5t -an not determine i)
be)ore or a)ter .51 above ('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)
626aI/52 -- Cadenza to KV 456 1st
Mvmt (version a)
-- :b -- Co1 )o5nd in Mos-o/ /it, .55 and .56 be(o/ in
5n=no/n -o1ist;s ,and3 is an eE1anded and
Cadenza is at end o) -o1 o) Con-erto KV 456
/it, Mozart;s o/n si6nat5re and datin6 FVienna
a(tered version o) .52 be(o/% 7"4F0 bot, Con-erto and Cadenzas in ,and o)
same 5n=no/n -o1ist (:ad5ra-<=oda-$M!
1+65)3 -om1osed a)ter .52 be(o/0 1er,a1s )or one
o) as-ertainab(e 1er)orman-es o) Con-erto in
8ebr5ar 17"5 in Vienna or Ma 17"+ in 4ei1zi6
('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)
626aI/52 624/26 Cadenza to KV 456 1st
Mvmt (version b)
-- :b -- Iss5ed b !rtaria in 1"#1 as $r%CI and !ndr& in
1"#4 as $r%1+%
<t(isti-a(( -om1osed sometime a)ter .54 be(o/
('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)
626aI/54 624/27 Cadenza to KV 456 1st
Mvmt (version -)
-- :b -- Iss5ed b !rtaria in 1"#1 as $r%CVIII and !ndr& in
1"#4 as $r%24%
Probab( be(on6 to ori6in time o) Con-erto--<e1t
2#0 17"4 ('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)
626aI/55 -- Ain6an6 to KV 456 2rd
-- :b -- Co1 )o5nd in Mos-o/ /it, .52 above and .56
be(o/ in 5n=no/n ,and%
(<ee remar=s to .52 above)3 @ess and :ad5ra-
<=oda do5bt a5t,enti-it o) t,is 8ermata on
st(isti- 6ro5nds (:ad5ra-<=oda 1+65)
626aI/56 -- Cadenza to KV 456 2rd
Mvmt (version b)
-- :b -- Co1 )o5nd in Mos-o/ /it, .52 and .55 above in
5n=no/n ,and%
(<ee remar=s to .52 above)
626aI/57 624/2" Cadenza to KV 456 2rd
Mvmt (version a)
-- :b -- !5to6ra1, on 1a6e /it, .5" and .5+ be(o/3
iss5ed b !rtaria in 1"#1 as $r%VII and !ndr& in
1"#4 as $r%21%
Probab( be(on6 to ori6in time o) Con-erto--<e1t
2#0 17"4 ('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)
626aI/5" 624/2+ Cadenza to KV 45+ 1st
-- 8 -- Iss5ed b !rtaria in 1"#1 as $r%CIII and !ndr& in
1"#4 as $r%25%
'o()) dates at time o) ori6in o) Con-ert--De-ember
110 17"40 or 17+# /,en Con-erto 1(aed at
Coronation )estivities in 8ran=)5rt in ?-tober
('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)
626aI/5+ -- Ain6an6 to KV 45+ 2rd
-- 8 -- !5to6ra1, on 1a6e /it, .57 above and .5+
(<ee remar=s .5" above)
626aI/6# 624/2# Cadenza to KV 45+ 2rd
-- 8 -- !5to6ra1, on 1a6e /it, .57 and .5" above3
iss5ed b !rtaria in 1"#1 as $r%CII and !ndr& in
1"#4 as $r%26%
(<ee remar=s .5" above)
626aI/61 624/21 Cadenza to KV 4"" 1st
-- ! -- 'ritten dire-t( into a5to6ra1, o) Con-erto3 iss5ed
b !ndr& in 1"#4 as $r%25%
626aI/62 624/24 Cadenza to KV 5+5 1st
-- :b -- Iss5ed b !rtaria in 1"#1 as $r%CVI and !ndr& in
1"#4 as $r%22%
Cadenzas dates )rom ori6in o) Con-erto--*an5ar
50 17+10 as its 1er)orman-e on Mar-, 40 17+1
('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)
626aI/62 624/25 Ain6an6 to KV 5+5 2rd
-- :b -- Iss5ed b !rtaria in 1"#1 as $r%CVII and !ndr& in
1"#4 as $r%223 a5t,enti-it do5bted on st(isti-
!5to6ra1, dis-overed and )o5nd to be a5t,enti-
Mozart (Ge,m-MI<M 1+"6) (a(so see remar=s to
.62 above)
626aI/64 624/26 Cadenza to KV 5+5 2rd
-- :b -- Iss5ed b !rtaria in 1"#1 as $r%CVIII and !ndr& in
1"#4 as $r%24%
(<ee remar=s to .62 above)
626aII %% Pa+' II % C(n,e+'! *)

%% %% %%
626aII/! -- Cadenza to KV 1#7/1 1st
Mvmt b *C :a-,
-- D -- ?n same man5s-ri1t 1a6es /it, Cadenzas KV
626aII/: and Cadenzas versions b) o) KV 271 and
)ra6ment !n, C15%11%
! -o1 o) t,e Cadenzas to made b 4eo1o(d and
$anner( dates )rom 1777 ('o())-M*b 1+7"/7+)3
1a1er st5dies s,o/ 1a1er 5sed in a5to6ra1, (and
4eo1o(d -o1) date )rom <a(zb5r6 1776-77
(7son-M*b 1++2)%
626aII/: -- Cadenza to KV 1#7/1
2nd Mvmt b *C :a-,
-- 9 -- (<ee KV 626aII/!%) <ee KV 626aII/!%
626aII/C -- Cadenza to K#4# 1st
Mvmt b 4 @ona5er
-- D -- !5to6ra1, ,eaded Fto t,e )irst mvmt o)
Pasti6ioHsi-I Con-erto in DF3 -o1 b 4eo1o(d
Mozart a(so eEists%
@and/ritin6 s,o/s ori6in time o) 1775 in <a(zb5r6
(P(at,-M*b 1+76/77)0 and 1a1er 5sed b Mozart
)rom end o) 1774 5nti( 1776 (7son-$M! 1++2)%
626aII/D -- Cadenza to ?1 2/4 1st
Mvmt b *< <-,roeter
-- D -- Cadenza /ritten on ba-= o) s=et-, to .6 o)
Geeser ($M! 1+64) be(ieves Mozart a-L5ired
<-,roeter Con-erto in Paris in 177"0 and
Cadenzas date )rom ,is ret5rn to <a(zb5r6 in
626aII/A -- Cadenzas to Con-erto o)
Mn=no/n Com1oser
-- C -- @eaded b Constanze F: '%!% MozartF0 b5t0 as
man5s-ri1t is neit,er in 'o()6an6 or 4eo1o(d
Mozart;s ,and0 /as moved to !n, C15%11 in KV6%
Man5s-ri1t a(so -ontains 2 )5rt,er Cadenzas in 8
and Ab0 a(( o) 5n=no/n ,and3 not =no/n /,at
-on-erto intended )or0 b5t ,as moti) reminis-en-es
to * <-,obert;s ?1 4/2 (:er=e-$M! 2###)%
626aII/8 -- Cadenza to ?1 2/6 1st
Mvmt b *< <-,roeter
-- Ab -- ?n( in-i1it is =no/n% In *5( 1++1 t,e Internationa(en <ti)t5n6
Mozarte5m obtained a man5s-ri1t 1a6e on /,i-,
4eo1o(d Mozart ,ad /ritten 2 Cadenzas (KV
626aII/8090@)--(MI<M 1++2)%
626aII/9 -- Cadenza to ?1 2/6 2nd
Mvmt b *< <-,roeter
-- :b -- ?n( in-i1it is =no/n% <ee KV 626aII/8%
626aII/@ -- Cadenza to ?1 2/1 1st
Mvmt b *< <-,roeter
-- 8 -- ?n( in-i1it is =no/n% <ee KV 626aII/8%
626aII/I -- FMber6an6F H>I -- C -- P(a-ed b K6 in !n,an6 C se-tion as C15%11% !5to6ra1, )o5nd in *a6ie((ons=a 4ibrar in Kra=o/
s,o/s t,is is a-t5a(( a mod5(atin6 PrN(5di5m in e0
and is an a5to6ra1, o) Mozart;s0 datin6 )rom
1robab( <a(zb5r6 1777 (P(at,-$M! 1+"2)%
626aII/K -- Cadenzas to 2nd mvmt
b I von :ee-=e
-- D -- !5to6ra1, ,eaded Fz5m !ndante von :ee-=eF3 on
1a6e -ontainin6 KV 16"a and KV 626bII/C3 a -o1
Probab( /ritten d5rin6 M5ni-, sta o)
1774/be6innin6 1775 (P(at,-M*b 1+76/77)%
a(so eEists in 4eo1o(d Mozart;s ,and on ot,er side
o) -o1 o) Cadenza to KV 4#0 (see KV 626aII/C)3
5n=no/n /,at -on-erto o) :ee-=e it /as intended
626aII/4 -- 7/o Cadenzas Hto
Mn=no/n Con-ertoI
-- D -- 2 5nidenti)ied Cadenzas so(d at a5-tion in 1+160
not,in6 e(se =no/n3 1ossib( identi-a( to 1a6e /it,
Cadenzas KV626aII/C and KV626aII/K%
7,is s511osed a5to6ra1, a-t5a(( 4eo1o(d
Mozart;s -o1 o) Cadenza KV 626aII/C and
626aII/K0 (see remar=s to t,ose entries) (P(at,-
8ests-,ri)t ?tto Ari-, De5st-, 1+62)%
626aII/M -- ?rnamentation to KV
4510 2nd Mvmt
-- 9 -- Dis-5ssed in K6 5nder Con-erto KV 451% --
626aII/$ -- Cadenza to Mn=no/n
Con-erto 2nd Mvmt
-- C -- !5to6ra1, dis-overed in Mi(an on same
man5s-ri1t 1a6e as KV 626aII/?3 ,eaded
FCadenza ImaF%
$o do5bt Cadenza to 1st mvmt o) *< <-,roeter;s
?1 2/2 (Geeser-$M! 1+64)%
626aII/? -- Cadenza to 5n=no/n
Con-erto 1st Mvmt
-- 9 -- <ee KV 626aII/$3 ,eaded FCadenza IidaF3 1er,a1s
-onne-ted /it, 2nd mvmt o) KV 1#7/2%
$o do5bt Cadenza to 2nd mvmt o) *< <-,roeter;s
?1 2/2 (Geeser-$M! 1+64)%
626* %% S5e',0es and
%% %% %% %% %%
626b/1 -- 4 <=et-, Pa6es -- 5n=n -- ?n 2 sides -om1(ete( /ritten on0 1robab(
1reserved and -ited in main 1art o) -ata(o65e0 b5t
not estab(is,ed3 a5to6ra1, (o-ation not =no/n%
626b/2 -- <=et-, Pa6e -- var -- Contains 4 dra)ts0 in-(5din6 one to an ?vert5re0
one )or @n 1arts3 dra)t to be6innin6 o) a 8565e
1oints to 17"2 datin63 ,as a5t,enti-it remar= o)
!(os 85-,s3 a5to6ra1, in 1rivate 1ossession in
Konrad (<-,a))ens/eise 1++2) dates s=et-, 1a6e
17"" or ear(ier0 /it, 4 di))erent dra)tsO a) @n 1arts
are to ?vert5re0 /,i-, remains 5n=no/n3 no
?vert5re in : is =no/n b Mozart0 1er,a1s to be
1art o) arran6ement o) ?vert5re o) anot,er
-om1oser3 b) 2" meas5res o) eE1osition o) 4-1art
8565e in a3 -) )5(( s-ore s=et-, to Canon KV 561
F:ona noEF o) 4 meas5res3 d) )5(( s-ore s=et-, to
Canon KV 55+ FDi))i-i(e (e-t5 mi,i MarsF o) 7
626b/2 -- <=et-, Pa6e -- 5n=n -- 85-,s /rote t,is is a -om1osition st5d )or )ema(e
st5dent3 Mozart /rote 1st Vn 1art and st5dent
added 2 a--om1anin6 1arts 1(5s bass3 a5to6ra1,
(o-ation 5n=no/n%
2 a5to6ra1, se-tions dis-overed and /,en 1(a-ed
to6et,er )o5nd to no do5bt be t,is 1a6e%
@and/ritin6 t,at o) 4eo1o(d Mozart and $anner(
Mozart (P(at,-8ests-,ri)t !rno 8or-,ert 1+"6)%
626b/4 -- F!((e(5PaF -- 5n=n -- 85(( 4-1art voi-e s-ore3 t,e 1ie-e -an not be
identi)ied /it, an =no/n !((e(5Pa0 (a5to6ra1, (ost)%
Possib( -,ora( )5(( s-ore )rom abo5t 1"## in
<to-=,o(m o) 5nidenti)ied -om1oser (Konrad-
<-,a))ens/eise 1++2)%
626b/5 -- FM5siL5eF -- 5n=n -- Contents 5n=no/n0 b5t 1robab( identi-a( to 7,is a))i(iation is 15re s1e-5(ation3 t,e size o) t,e
a5to6ra1, o) M5si- to Pantomime KV 416d in
Paris :ib( Conserv de M5siL5e3 a5to6ra1, (o-ation
not =no/n%
man5s-ri1t (4 1a6es) 1oints more to a )ra6ment
t,an a s=et-, (Konrad-<-,a))ens/eise 1++2)%

FM5siL5eF -- 5n=n -- Contents 5n=no/n3 a5to6ra1, (o-ation 5n=no/n% $ot a Mozart a5to6ra1,0 b5t a -o1 o) !da6io and
!((e6ro )or C(o-= 'or=s KV 5+40 ori6inatin6 )rom
be6innin6 o) 1+t, Cent5r (P(at,-8ests-,ri)t ?tto
Ari-, De5ts-, 1+62)%
626b/7 -- Pezzo di m5si-aF -- C(>) -- Is in 4eo1o(d Mozart;s ,and and ,as not,in6 to do
/it, 'o()6an63 a5to6ra1, in Paris Conserv% De
626b/" -- FVoi-e Cadenzas /it,
-- 5n=n -- Most (i=e( identi-a( /it, -adenzas )o5nd in
8(oren-e (isted in KV 2+2e3 a5to6ra1, (o-ation
I) -onne-tion to -adenzas in 8(oren-e is -orre-t0
t,ese are b 4eo1o(d Mozart (Konrad-
<-,a))ens/eise 1++2)%
626b/+ -- FCadenzaF -- 5n=n -- 8or a <o1rano !ria3 s5re( identi-a( /it, KV 2+2e3
a5to6ra1, (o-ation 5n=no/n%
626b/1# -- QMan5s-ri1tI -- 5n=n -- ?n 1a6e addressed to 4eo1o(d Mozart3 1ossib(
one o) PrN(5dien )or $anner(>3 a5to6ra1, (o-ation
Probab( identi-a( /it, !ndante )/Kbd KV 5b
(Konrad-<-,a))ens/eise 1++2)%
626b/11 -- FC,anson ave- m5siL5eF -- 5n=n -- !5to6ra1, (o-ation 5n=no/n% P(at, s511osed it is t,e a5to6ra1, o) son60 F!(s
45ise die :rie)e i,resF KV 52# (:a((in-$M! Crit%
Ge1 1+62)%
626b/12 -- F4ar6oF0 FC,or5sF -- 5n=n -- !5to6ra1, (o-ation 5n=no/n% !5to6ra1, in !meri-an 1rivate 1ossession0
,and/ritin6 s,o/s datin6 bet/een 1777-7+0
a(t,o56, 1a1er st5dies s,o/ 1a1er 5sed b
Mozart 5sed in se-ond 17"2 and t,en (ater
(7son-$M! 1++2)3 )irst entr is a 4-1art -,ora( )5((
s-ore o) 2 meas5res /it, tem1o indi-ation 4ar6o3
se-ond entr a 2-1art -ontin5it dra)t /it,
desi6nation FCoroF o) 6 meas5res in Kbd s-ore3
5nab(e to determine /,at -,ora( /or= eit,er
be(on6s to (Konrad-<-,a))ens/eise 1++20 <=b
626b/12 -- FFM5si-F R F:e6innin6 o)
a 8565eF
-- 5n=n -- !5to6ra1, (o-ation 5n=no/n% :e6innin6 to a 8565e identi-a( to KV 417:/13
desi6nation o) ot,er m5si- ma be a miE-51
(P(at,-8ests-,ri)t ?tto Ari-, De5ts-, 1+62)%
626b/14 -- F<=et-,es to a 2-1art
8565e R -o5nter1oint
-- 5n=n -- Probab( identi-a( /it, KV 275, and KV 417:/63
a5to6ra1, (o-ation 5n=no/n%
!5to6ra1, )o5nd to be in 1rivate 1ossession3
1a1er a11arent( 15r-,ased b Mozart in <a(zb5r6
d5rin6 ,is visit t,ere in 17"2 and 5sed t,ere or
Vienna a)ter ret5rn (7son-$M! 1++2)3 note b
$issen FIntended )or ,is /i)eF3 1# entries in-(5din6
KV 275,0 instr5menta( 1ie-e in d/8 o) 2 mm%0
8565e in - o) 2 mm%0 8565e KV 417:/6 and ot,er
s,ort notations (Konrad-<-,a))ens/eise 1++2)%
626b/15 -- F2" meas5res )rom (ar6e
m5si- 1ie-eF
-- 5n=n -- 9iven b Mozart;s sister to C(arinetist @*
:Nrmann3 a5to6ra1, (o-ation 5n=no/n%
Des-ri1tion indi-ates one o) t,e se-tions 6iven
a/a as FGe(iL5esF )rom 5n=no/n Mozart
)ra6ment (Konrad-<-,a))ens/eise 1++2)%
626b/16 -- FProbab(e s=et-, to an
?r-,estra( or C,amber
M5si- Pie-e
-- D -- Des-ribed as bein6 a 2/4 !((e6ro3 a5to6ra1,
(o-ation 5n=no/n%
Probab( a )irst or )ina( mvmt )rom Vienna ears
(Konrad-<-,a))ens/eise 1++2)%
626b/17 -- F22 meas5res /it, (atin
teEt R 22 /it, 9erman
-- 5n=n -- !5to6ra1, (o-ation 5n=no/n% P(at, states s511osed( t,is is a5to6ra1, o) t/o
Canons KV 55+ and KV 55+a (Konrad-
<-,a))ens/eise 1++2)%
626b/1" -- F?ne o) t,e )irst
-om1ositions o) MozartF
-- 5n=n -- FHCad>IenzenF /ritten in 511er -orner3 a5to6ra1,
(o-ation 5n=no/n%
P,oto-o1 o) a5to6ra1, in 1ossession o)
8eder,o)er0 and a -o1 o) M <tad(er in Mozarte5m
)rom 17"#;s eEists3 -ontains 7 meas5res o)
teEt(ess 4-voi-e 1arts3 a))i(iation 5n=no/n b5t
1er,a1s to a s1irit5a( /or=0 a mass> (Konrad-
<-,a))ens/eise 1++2)%
626b/1+ -- Parts to an !ria o) CPA
-- 5n=n -- 4isted in main se-tion o) K6 5nder KV 527d% --
626b/2# -- 2nd @orn 1art to a Mass -- 5n=n -- !5to6ra1, (o-ation 5n=no/n% !5to6ra1, )o5nd in <to-=,o(m3 be(on6s to @n
1arts added b Mozart to Mass KV 1"6) (Konrad-
<-,a))ens/eise 1++2)%
626b/21 -- FPie-e de m5siL5e
-- 5n=n -- 8ra6ment )or <0 Vn0 8(0 ?b0 R V-3 a5to6ra1,
(o-ation 5n=no/n%
!5to6ra1, in !meri-an 1rivate 1ossession0 a(so on
2 1a6es are s=et-,es to S5artet )/<t KV 4643 date
o) )ra6ment is no do5bt aro5nd 17"53 Cadenza is
25 meas5res in )5(( s-ore (in D) to an 5n=no/n
!ria on t,e /ords F-on 5n (aT>F (Konrad-M*b
626b/22 -- F8ra6ment to a D5et in
It(aian0 to a Ps(am o)
David /it, :assF
-- 5n=n -- Probab( a -o13 a5to6ra1, (o-ation 5n=no/n% --
626b/22 -- FMotivi di 7arante((F -- 5n=n -- 4isted in !n,an6 C se-tion o) K6 as !n, C2+%4#% --
626b/24 -- F8ra6ment o) ?r-,estra(
)5(( s-oreF
-- 5n=n -- @ad been (isted in K2 a)ter remar=s to !n,
1#+6/223 (isted in !n,an6 C se-tion o) K6 as !n,
626b/25 -- Credo )/4 Voi-es R
-- 5n=n0
-- 15 meas5res3 be6innin6 /it, /ords Fin
remissionem 1e--ator5mF3 on reverse side0 2
s,ort Kbd 1ie-es in :b R Ab0 in ,and o) 4eo1o(d
Mozart3 )rom <a(zb5r6 time3 -o1 in :er(in <tate
!5to6ra1, in 1rivate 1ossession3 is (ater version o)
Credo se-tion0 a(tered version o) mm%1"2-1+50 o)
Mass KV 47d (<enn-$M! 1+67)3 2 s,ort Kbd
1ie-es on ba-= side are in 'o()6an6;s ,and3
,and/ritin6 s,o/s datin6 o) 176" to 1772
(Konrad-<-,a))ens/eise 1++2)%
626b/26 !#24 D5et )/2 <o1ranos -- 5n=n -- 27 meas5res on teEt FI-, nenne di-,0 o,n; es z5
/issenF3 (isted b $issen in ,is Mozart bio6ra1,3
a5to6ra1, (o-ation 5n=no/n%
!5to6ra1, stri1 o) 7 1/2 meas5res in 1rivate
1ossession )or a voi-e (ine and Kbd
a--om1animent3 t,is 1ortion0 1robab( -5t b
Constanze or one o) ,er sons and 6iven a/a0 is
o) meas5res 2#-27 /it, /ords F? /e(-,e 8re5deU
$aideU <1ri-,0 /as )e,(et mir>F /,i-, are in 1oem
F!(eEis 5nd $aideF0 /,i-, be6ins F!(eEis% I-,
nenne di-,0 o,n; es z5 /issenF b C@ 'eisse3
8ra6ment a11ears to brea= o)) eEa-t( /,ere
se-ond voi-e /o5(d enter3 1a1er o) a5to6ra1, stri1
dated 17"5/"7 (Konrad-M*b 1+"+/+#)%
626b/27 -- 8565e )/Keboard -- - -- !5to6ra1, in <1o=ane0 'as,in6ton M<!3 27
!5to6ra1, no/ in 4ibrar o) Con6ress0
'as,in6ton0 DC is 22 meas5res )5(( eEe-5ted0
t,en 4 in-om1(ete meas5res3 ,and/ritin6 s,o/s
datin6 o) end o) 17"#;s (Konrad-<-,a))ens/eise
1++2)3 1a1er 5sed b Mozart )irst in s5mmer 17"1
and 5nti( 17"4 (7son-$M! 1++2)3 P(at, be(ieves
1er,a1s as instr5-tion )or st5dent (P(at,-$M!
626b/2" -- :a((o 9avotte o) C'
-- 9 -- !5to6ra1, in 1rivate 1ossession in $V3 16
meas5res /it, 'inds and 7im1ani added b
Mozart3 s5re( be(on6ed to arran6ement0 in
4eo1o(d Mozart;s ,and0 o) dan-es and !rias )rom
9(5-=;s FParis 5nd @e(enaF3 !n, C17%123 -arried
t,e n5mber "0 and no do5bt ori6inated )rom 1772%
Mn=no/n i) ,and/ritin6 be(on6s to 4eo1o(d0
'o()6an60 or a t,ird 1erson3 man5s-ri1t is 17
meas5res (Konrad-<-,a))ens/eise 1++2)3 1a1er
resear-, s,o/s 1a1er 5sed b Mozart )rom 1772-
75 (7son-$M! 1++2)%
626b/2+ !#7# !da6io )/S5artet
-- 8 -- 4isted b $issen in ,is Mozart bio6ra1,3 "
meas5res3 ?tto *a,n (isted =e as !3 a5to6ra1,
(o-ation 5n=no/n%
626b/2# !#"4 S5artet )/<trin6s -- e -- 4isted b $issen in ,is Mozart bio6ra1, as
,avin6 74 meas5res0 and on( t,e )irst 1art is
-om1(ete3 1robab( identi-a( /it, KV 515-0 /,i-,
,as a11roEimate( t,e same n5mber o) meas5res0
(72)0 b5t in a%
626b/21 -- Canoni- <t5dies R
8565e :e6innin6s
-- 9
and d
-- Mentioned in K2 and K2 in remar=s to !n, 1#+3
a5to6ra1, in Mozarte5m3 -ontains17-meas5re 4-
1art -anoni- st5d in 90 and a 1# meas5res
be6innin6 a )565e in d3 are on reverse side o)
1a6e /it, )ra6ment o) 1(anned )ina(e to M5si-a(
Pa1er st5dies s,o/ Mozart 5sed 1a1er in 17"7
and most (i=e( not (ater t,an 17"" (7son-$M!
*o=e KV 522a%
626b/22 -- <=et-, -- 8 -- !5to6ra1, in Mozarte5m0 -ontains s=et-,es to
Kbd /or=s3 @ess 1res5med it /as a s=et-, to
S5artet )/?b R <t KV 26"b%
Pa6e -ontainsO a) 1-1art -ontin5it dra)t in 8 o) "
meas5res more (i=e( to a Vn or simi(ar3 b) m5(ti-
voi-ed s=et-, in 8 o) 7 meas5res3 -) 2-1art
-ontin5it dra)t in Ab o) 6 meas5res3 1a1er 5sed
b Mozart in Vienna 17"4-"60 b5t 1robab( dates
)rom se-ond ,a() o) 17"6 (Konrad-<-,a))ens/eise
1++20 <=b 17"5b)%
626b/22 -- <=et-, -- :b -- !5to6ra1, in Mozarte5m3 is -ontin5ation o) KV
626b/223 s=et-, to 7erzett KV 4"#b
?n same 1a6e as KV 626b/22 so datin6 is same3
s=et-, o) +1 meas5res (Konrad-<-,a))ens/eise
1++20 <=b 17"5b)%
626b/24 -- <=et-, -- D -- !5to6ra1, in Paris :ib( Conserv M5siL5e3
-ontains be6innin6 o) overt5re to an o1era b5))a%
Pa6e a-t5a(( -ontains " entriesO a) dra)t o) 2#
meas5res to 9(oria )rom Mass KV 2570 b) dra)t o)
64 meas5res to ?vert5re o) o1era b5))a0 - )me(od
s=et-, KV 626b/250 d) dra)t o) 12 meas5res to FAt
in-arnat5s estF o) Mass KV 2570 e) dra)t o) "
meas5res to FCr5-i)iE5sF )rom Mass KV 2570 ))
s=et-, o) 4 meas5res o) an 5n=no/n t,eme0 6)
s=et-, o) 11 meas5res o) F<5b Pontio Pi(atoF )rom
Mass KV 2570 ,) s=et-, o) 4 meas5res to F-5P5s
re6niF )rom Mass KV 2573 1(anned ?vert5re to
serve as ne/ ?vert5re to Pi--ini;s F4;astratto
ovvero I( 6io-atore )ort5nateF (P(at,-8ests-,ri)t
'a(ter 9erstenber6 1+64)3 1a6e dates )rom 17763
Konrad be(ieves ?vert5re (i=e( /as -om1(eted
and (ost (Konrad-<-,a))ens/eise 1++20 <=b
626b/25 -- <=et-, -- 9 -- !5to6ra1, in Paris :ib( Conserv M5siL5e3 on
same man5s-ri1t 1a6e as overt5re to same o1era
b5))a as KV 626b/243 at be6innin6 o) s=et-, F:5))o
aria% Gitorne((F is /ritten%
72 meas5res /it,o5t teEt3 P(at, s,o/ed is s=et-,
to !ria KV 2560 an insert in Pi--ini;s o1era b5))a
F4;astratto ovvero I( 6io-atore )ort5nateF (P(at,-
8ests-,ri)t 'a(ter 9erstenber6 1+64)%
626b/26 -- <=et-, -- 8 -- <=et-, )or <!7: is )rom 17723 stood in -onne-tion
/it, -o1ies o) /or=s b Mi-,ae( @adn R Aber(in0
!n, !71-""3 a5to6ra1, (o-ation 5n=no/n%
!5to6ra1, at Corne(( Mniversit a-t5a(( -ontains 7
entriesO a) 4-1art )5(( s-ore )or voi-es o) 15
meas5res 0 b) 4-1art do5b(e -anon )rom Martini;s
F<toria IIF o) 5 meas5res0 -) KV 626b/440 d) 4-1art
do5b(e -anon o) 2 meas5res0 e) 2-1art
-o5nter1oint eEer-ise o) 2 meas5res0 )) 4-1art
do5b(e -anon o) 6 meas5res0 6) "-1art -ir-(e
-anon o) " meas5res3 dated vario5s( )rom
177#/71 to 1774 (Jas(a/-M*b 1+71/723 P(at,-M*b
1+76/773 7son-$M! 1++23 Konrad-
<-,a))ens/eise 1++20 <=b 1772b)%
626b/27 -- 4-1art Pie-e -- d -- !5to6ra1, in $e/berr 4ibrar0 C,i-a6o3
,and/ritin6 o) 4eo1o(d Mozart%
@as not,in6 to do /it, 'o()6an60 1ossib( )or one
o) ,is st5dents (P(at,-M*b 1+6#/61)%
626b/2" -- Co5nter1oint AEer-ise -- 5n=n -- !5to6ra1, in Pra65e Mniversit 4ibrar% !5to6ra1, -ontains a)14 meas5res in D )or
1rin-i1a( 1art and <trin6 S5artet0 b) 2 )i65red bass
st5dies in C and d0 -) eEer-ises in -o5nter1oint0 d)
teEt(ess -,ora( 1ie-e /it, ?bb(i6ato Vn in C0 e)
s=et-, in 9 )or < /it, teEt FDes t,eorien 6anze
K5nstF0 )) s=et-, in C )or <o1rano /it,o5t teEt o) 4
meas5res3 a(( in 4eo1o(d Mozart;s ,and /it,
eEer-ises 6) a(so s,o/in6 minor entries b an
5nidenti)ied ,and (P(at,-M*b 1+6#/613Konrad-
<-,a))ens/eise 1++2)%
626b/2+ -- Co5nter1oint AEer-ise -- 5n=n -- !5to6ra1, in :ritis, M5se5m0 in 4eo1o(d Mozart;s
Man5s-ri1t -ontains )i65red bass st5d in d o) 12
meas5res% Constanze $issen 6ave it to Vin-ent
$ove((o in 1"2+0 ,o/ever0 1a6e in 4eo1o(d
Mozart;s ,and3 it is t,e same s=et-, in d /ritten
do/n in KV 626b/27 b)3 t,is entr is no do5bt
identi-a( to t,at o) KV 626b/42 (Kin6-Mozart in
Getros1e-t 1+553 Konrad-<-,a))ens/eise 1++2)%
626b/4# -- AEer-ises in
-- 5n=n -- !5to6ra1, (o-ation 5n=no/n% Konrad be(ieves 1ossib( same as man5s-ri1t in
<to-=,o(m !n, C+%#70 an teEt(ess 7erzett
FVenerabi(is barba -a15-inor5mF )o5nd to be in
Mozart;s ,and (P(at,-M*b 1+71/723 Konrad-
<-,a))ens/eise 1++2)
626b/41 -- 8ra6ment o) )5(( s-ore
)/Voi-e R ?r-,estra
-- 5n=n -- Ainstein be(ieved it be(on6ed to 1(anned 9erman
o1era KV 416a3 instr5mentation indi-ated to be )or
Vn0 8(0 ?b0 V-3 a5to6ra1, (o-ation 5n=no/n%
<ame as KV 626b/41%
626b/42 -- :ass st5d -- 5n=n -- !5to6ra1, in :ritis, M5se5m3 1resented b
Constanze to $ove((o%
<ame as KV 626b/2+%
626b/42 -- QMan5s-ri1tW -- var -- Contains 2 Min5ets and 2 7rios )or 2 Vns and
:ass3 a5to6ra1, (o-ation 5n=no/n%
Man5s-ri1t in </iss Goa( 4ibrar3 a(( 2-1art
instr5menta( )5(( s-ores in /,i-, t,e midd(e 1art
,as not been entered3 a(( in $anner( Mozart;s ,and
(Konrad-<-,a))ens/eise 1++2)%
626b/44 -- <=et-, to a Contredan-e
F(e mottetF
-- :b -- ?n reverse side o) KV 626b/263 $M! be(ieves
ori6inated in :o(o6na a5t5mn 17720 /ritin6
a11ears to be (ater%
!5to6ra1, at Corne(( Mniversit0 $V3 1-1art dra)t to
a Contredan-e o) 16 meas5res3 )a-t t,at
Contredan-e ,ad tit(e s566ests it /as a t5ne
Mozart ,eard some/,ere and Potted do/n3 tit(e
-an be read FmottetF0 Fmo((etF0 Fmob(etF3 1ossib(
dates )rom 1772-75 (Jas(a/-M*b 1+71/723
Konrad-<-,a))ens/eise 1++20 <=b 1772b3
4indmar-:rand(-M*b 1++5)%
626b/45 -- Missa so(emnis -- C -- Consists o) Krie0 9(oria and Credo )or 4 Voi-es
and ?r-,estra3 in-i1it is )rom 9(eissner -ata(o65e%
<enn ($M! 1+67) be(ieved t,is /as Mass
1er)ormed in <a(zb5r6 on 8eb 50 176+3 !n !ndr&
-ata(o65e dis-overed in 8ran=)5rt remar=ed
FContained on( Krie and 9(oria and a11eared to
be b Mozart;s )at,erF (P(at,-M*b 1+71/72)3
Car(son (Vo-a( M5si- o) 4eo1o(d Mozart P,D
1+76) (ists in do5bt)5( /or=s3 )rom des-ri1tion in
9(ister Cata(o65e0 does not a11ear to be )ra6ment0
b5t rat,er o) a do5bt)5( /or= (Konrad-
<-,a))ens/eise 1++2)%
626b/46 -- S5artet )/<trin6s -- 6 -- In-i1it o) !((e6ro )rom 9(eissner Cata(o65e0 /,ere
it is 6iven ear o) 17"2%
!ndr& -ata(o65e )o5nd in 8ran=)5rt remar=s F$ot
o) Mozart;s ,andF (P(at,-M*b 1+71/72)%
626b/47 -- Ge-itative R !ria
-- Ab -- In-i1it is )rom 9(eissner Cata(o65e0 /it, ear
Co1 )o5nd in @essis-,en 4ib% 85(da is a
)ra6mentar 1reserved set o) 1arts )or !ria FDove0
a,ai dove son io/Mentre ti (as-io0 o, )i6(iaF )rom
Paisie((o;s o1era ;4a dis)atto di Dario;3 Mozart 5sed
t,is teEt in ,is !ria )or :ass KV 512 (P(at,-M*b
626b/4" -- Keboard AEer-ises -- C -- !5to6ra1, in 4enin6rad3 on )ront 1a6e 6 bra-=eted
staves /it, 5 meas5res0 and on ba-= 2 bra-=eted
staves /it, 5 meas5res%
@and/ritin6 st5dies date 1ie-e in se-ond ,a() o)
17"#;s0 1ossib( /ritten )or st5dent *%@% @5mme(
(P(at,-$M! 1+"2)%
An0 A %% C(2!es (/ O'0e+
C(42(se+s W(+5s !n
M(za+'-s Hand.+!'!n"
%% %% %% %% %%
!n, !1 221 Krie o) A Aber(in )/2
Voi-es R :asson
-- C -- 4on6 t,o56,t to be /or= o) Mozart0 P)ann,a5ser
)o5nd to be /or= o) Aber(in t,at Mozart ,ad
-o1ied3 P(at, 1res5med man5s-ri1t (not avai(ab(e
to ,im) b 4eo1o(d Mozart%
Man5s-ri1t )o5nd in Po(and and ,and/ritin6 is
4eo1o(d;s (7son-$M! 1++2)3 is 1ortion o)
Aber(in;s GeL5iem in C-maPor (P)ann,a5ser-!-ta
Mozartiana 1+54)
!b, !2 !#21 4a-rimosa o) A Aber(in
)/4 Voi-es0 :ass R
-- - -- Man5s-ri1t 1a6e ori6ina(( to6et,er /it, t,at /,i-,
-ontains !n, ! 1 and (ater deta-,ed3 P)ann,a5ser
)o5nd to be /or= o) Aber(in t,at Mozart ,ad
-o1ied3 P(at, )o5nd man5s-ri1t to be in 4eo1o(d
Mozart;s ,and%
8rom same GeL5iem in C /,i-, KV !n, ! 1
derived )rom0 /,ere it /as 25 meas5res (on6--+
meas5re or-,estra( 1re(5de /,i-, Mozart did not
-o1 (P)ann,a5ser-!-ta Mozartiana 1+54)
!n, !2 (K2 D +2-) GeL5iem(>) von A
Aber(in )/4 Voi-es R
:asso -ontin5o
-- C -- ?n same 1a6e as KV !n, ! 23 see KV !n, ! 2% 8rom same GeL5iem in C /,i-, KV !n, !1 and
!2 derived3
!n, !4 226 @mn5s o) A Aber(in )/4
Voi-es R ?r6an
*5st5m ded5Eit and F?
C -- P)ann,a5ser )o5nd to be /or= o) Aber(in t,at
Mozart ,ad -o1ied3 P(at, ass5med man5s-ri1t
(not avai(ab(e to ,im) to be in 4eo1o(d Mozart;s
,and0 on same 1a6e as C,5r-, <onata KV 124!%
In Aber(in;s ori6ina( ?))ertor is a <o1rano !ria
FAE5(tate 8i(ii !daeF t,at Mozart did not -o1 in ,is
-ontin5o red5-tion (P)ann,a5ser-!-ta Mozartiana
1+54)3 man5s-ri1t )o5nd in Po(and and
,and/ritin6 is 4eo1o(d;s (7son-$M! 1++2)
!n, !5 K2 D
?sanna o) A Aber(in
-- C -- Man5s-ri1t 5navai(ab(e0 b5t )rom *a,n;s remar=s
in 4eo1o(d Mozart;s ,and3 a(so on (ost man5s-ri1t
!5to6ra1, no/ in !56sb5r6 <tate !r-,ives s,o/s
?sanna and vio(in 1arts to KV 61a )rom 4eo1o(d;s
are teEt )rom FDie <-,5(di6=eit des Arsten 9ebotsF
KV 25 and vio(in 1art to Missa brevis KV 61a in
4eo1o(d;s ,and%
,and0 b5t ot,er entries in 'o()6an6;s3 ?sanna
)rom an 5nidenti)ied Mass o) Aber(in (Konrad-
<-,a))ens/eise 1++2 <=b 176+a)
!n, !1# 227 @mn o) S 9as1arini )/4
Voi-es0 :ass R ?r6an
F!doram5s teF - -- P(at, stated t,is -o1 (not avai(ab(e to ,im) o)
9as1arini;s motet )rom *a,n;s remar=s to be in
4eo1o(d Mozart;s ,and%
Man5s-ri1t )o5nd in Po(and and ,and/ritin6 is
4eo1o(d;s (7son-$M! 1++2)
!n, !11 !22+ Pi6n5s )5t5rae 6(oriae o)
M @adn )/4 Voi-es R
-- d -- :e(ieved -o1 made b Mozart as st5d )or ,is
4itaniae KV 125 be)ore Mar-, 1772 in <a(zb5r63
)rom M @adn;s 4itaniae K% IV/14 H<,erman M@
?n a 1a1er t,at a11ears to ,ave been 5sed b
Mozart in <a(zb5r6 d5rin6 ,is visit in 17"2 (7son-
!5to <-ores 1+"7) @adn;s /or= dated !1ri( "0
1764 in <a(zb5r6 (<,erman-M @adn 7,emati-
Cata(o65e 1++2)
!n, !12 !24# Pi6n5s )5t5rae 6(oriae o)
M @adn )/4 Voi-es R
-- 6 -- Mozart -o1ied t,is 1ortion o) 4itaniae de venerabi(i
sa-ramento K%IV/12 H<,erman M@ 22"I )rom
@adn;s man5s-ri1t or a -o1%
Pa1er st5dies s,o/ -o1ied b Mozart most (i=e(
/,i(e ret5rnin6 to Vienna a)ter ,is 17"2 visit to
<a(zb5r60 1er,a1s on ?-t 2+ at 4amba-,
monaster (7son-!5to <-ores 1+"7)3 @adn;s
4itananie dated Mar-, 260 1776 in <a(zb5r6
(<,erman-M @adn 7,emati- Cata(o65e 1++2)
!n, !12 K2 D
7res s5nt o) M @adn )/4
Voi-es0 strin6s R ?r6an
-- C -- Mozart as=ed )or t,e tres s5nt /ritten in ,is o/n
,and in a (etter )rom Vienna on Mar-, 120 17"2
and re-eived it das (ater3 1ortion o) M @adn;s
?))ertori5m 1ro 8esto << 7rinitatis K%IIa/4#
H<,erman M@ 1"2I%
Pa1er 5sed b Mozart )or t,e )irst time at t,e end
o) 1771 and t,en 1774 (7son-$M! 1++2)3
?))ertor dated b @adn on *5ne 70 1772 in
<a(zb5r6 (<,erman-M @adn 7,emati- Cata(o65e
!n, !14 K2 D
!ve Maria o) M @adn
)/4 Voi-es R strin6s
-- 8 -- In b5nd(e /it, -o1ies !n, !71-""0 on( one in
'o()6an6;s ,and3 @adn;s ori6ina( ,ad an or6an
1re(5de K%III/21 H<,erman M@ 72I%
:ot, @adn;s a5t,enti- -o1 and Mozart;s -o1
-onsist o) 162 meas5res0 @adn /or= )rom 1765 in
<a(zb5r6 (<,erman-M @adn 7,emati- Cata(o65e
1++2)3 on 1a1er 5sed b Mozart )irst in 1772 a)ter
ret5rn )rom Mi(an and t,en t,ro56, midd(e o) 1775
(7son-$M! 1++2)
!n, !15 K2 D
4a5da <ion o) M @adn -- -- -- Mozart as=ed ,is )at,er in a (etter o) Mar-, 120
17"2 )or a -o1 o) Mi-,ae( @adn;s 4a5da <ion
K%IIa/42 H<,erman M@ 215I%
@adn;s <eL5entia o) 4 movements is )rom 1775
in <a(zb5r6 (<,erman-M @adn 7,emati-
Cata(o65e 1++2)
!n, !17 !22" <tabat mater o)
Mar-,ese A 4i6nivi((e )/2
-- - -- Probab( -o1ied b Mozart in !1ri( 177# in
8(oren-e or Gome3 Mozart -o1ied m5si- to $r%10
$r%20 $r%40 $r%"0 $r%110 $r%140 $r%240 $r%260 $r%2#
o) t,e <tabat mater3 teEt on( to $r%2 and
be6innin6 o) $r%2%
Mozart;s -o1 so(d at a5-tion in 1++63 ,and/ritin6
a11ears to date )rom -a%1772-72 and 1a1er )irst
5sed b Mozart in 1772 a)ter ,is ret5rn )rom Ita(
and t,en t,ro56, midd(e o) 1775 (<ot,eb 4ondon
!5-tion Cata(o65e o) De- 60 1++6)
!n, !1" (K2) !n,
At in terra o) 4 Mozart -- 8 -- P(at, s,o/ed in 4eo1o(d Mozart;s ,and% Is 1ortion o) Missa brevis in 8 KV +#a0 no/
be(ieved to be /or= o) 4eo1o(d Mozart (P(at,-M*b
1+72/72 and Car(son-Vo-a( 'or=s o) 4eo1o(d
Mozart 1+76)
!n, !1+ (K2)
5nder !n,
C5m san-to s1irit5 o) 4
-- 8 -- P(at, s,o/ed in 4eo1o(d Mozart;s ,and% Is 1ortion o) Missa brevis in 8 KV +#a0 no/
be(ieved to be /or= o) 4eo1o(d Mozart (P(at,-M*b
1+72/72 and Car(son-Vo-a( 'or=s o) 4eo1o(d
Mozart 1+76)
!n, !22 +2 Psa(m o) Car( 9eor6
FDe 1ro)5ndis -(amavi ad
te DomineF
C -- 4on6 t,o56,t to be /or= o) Mozart0 P)ann,a5ser
)o5nd to be a -ontin5o red5-tion o) /or= o)
Pa1er )irst 5sed b Mozart a)ter ,is ret5rn )rom
Pra65e in De- 17"7 and t,ro56, 17+1 (7son-
$M! 1++2)3 Ge5tter;s /or= dates )rom 1757
(P)ann,a5ser-!-ta Mozartiana 1+54)
!n, !22 !#22 Psa(m o) Car( 9eor6
FMemento Domine
8 -- P)ann,a5ser estab(is,ed a -o1 (s=et-, st5d) o)
Ge5tter;s /or=%
Mozart on( s=et-,ed o5t 22 meas5res o) Ge5tter;s
127 meas5res0 /,i-, dated )rom 1757
(P)ann,a5ser-!-ta Mozartiana 1+54)3 1a1er 5sed
b Mozart )rom De- 17"7 to 8eb 17"+ a(so
-ontains s=et-, )or t,e )ina(e o) t,e F*51iterF
<m1,on (7son-!5to <-ores 1+"7)3 Konrad
does not be(ieve s=et-, is )or F*51iterF0 b5t
5n=no/n identi)i-ation0 does not dis15te datin6
(Konrad-<-,a)ens/eise <= 17"7()
!n, !2# (K2) !n,
Canon o) *o,ann P,i((i1
-- 9 -- Mozart;s so(5tion o) Kirnber6er -anon0 /,i-,
ori6ina(( ,ad teEt F'ir irren a((e samtF0 1a6e a(so
-ontains eEer-ises and t/o )5rt,er notations o)
Canon in 8-maPor%
Mozart;s -o1 dates )rom 17"2 (Konrad-
<-,a))esns/eise 1++2)
!n, !21 227 2-1art Canon o) 'i((iam
HF? /5nder s-,Xn ist
9ottes ArdeFI
C -- 7eEt(ess -anon 1rinted b :R@ /it, teEt F?
/5nder s-,Xn ist 9ottes ArdeF in ?e5vres3 -anon
=no/n in An6(and /it, teEt F$on nobis0 Domine0
non nobisF attrib5ted to :rd and 1rinted 1rior to
Mozart;s (i)etime%
?ri6ina( -om1osition 1er,a1s not b :rd0 tr5e
a5t,or 5n=no/n (:rett-M5si-a( 7imes 1+72)
!n, !22 K2a D !n,
4-1art Canon o) Padre
9: Martini
HFPsa((ite Domino Psa((ite
Domino in -it,era;I
8 -- Canon )rom Martini;s F<toria de((a m5si-aF3 Mozart
-o1ied /it,o5t teEt and reso(ved3 Mozart;s -o1
a11eared to ori6inate )rom *5( or !56 17## in
:o(o6na or (ater3 on same 1a6e /it, 4-1art Canon
! !22%
@and/ritin6 st5dies a11ear to date 1a6e 1772
(P(at,-M*b 1+76/77)
!n, !22 K2a D !n,
4-1art Canon o) Padre
9: Martini
HFCantem5s DominoO
6(oriose enim
ma6ni)i-at5s estFI
8 -- Canon )rom Martini;s F<toria de((a m5si-aF3 Mozart
-o1ied /it,o5t teEt and reso(ved3 Mozart;s -o1
a11eared to ori6inate )rom *5( or !56 17## in
:o(o6na or (ater3 on same 1a6e /it, 4-1art Canon
! !22%
@and/ritin6 st5dies a11ear to date 1a6e 1772
(P(at,-M*b 1+76/77)
!n, !5# K2 D !n,
Instr5menta( movement
)/2 so(o Vio(ins R
-- D -- Man5s-ri1t (in 1en-i() dates )rom sometime a)ter
177#0 i) t,e ,and/ritin6 is t,at o) Mozart3 it is not
o5t o) t,e L5estion Mozart ,ad be65n to -o1 o5t
a -om1osition o) an o(der -om1oser%
Man5s-ri1t is in Mozart;s ,and3 it -o5(d be t,e
be6innin6 o) a Divertimento or 1er,a1s o) a
<in)onia Con-ertante ()or 2Vio(ins>) (8Bss(-$M!
1+64)3 1er,a1s a st5d to t,e ver simi(ar in
settin6 Con-ertone KV 1"6A )rom Ma 1774
(Ma,(in6-$M! 1+74)3 Ma,(in6 a(so be(ieves /or=;s
sim1(i-it s1ea=s a6ainst bein6 a -o1 o) anot,er
-om1oser;s /or= (MI<M 1+75)3 1a1er )irst 5sed b
Mozart a)ter ,is ret5rn to <a(zb5r6 )rom Ita( in
1772 5nti( midd(e o) 17753
!n, !51 #1" <m1,on o) K8 !be( -- Ab -- Mozart;s -o1 o) !be( <m1,on ?1%7/6 made in
4ondon in 17643 Mozart s5bstit5ted t/o C(arinets
)or 2 ?boes3 ear( t,o56,t to be a5t,enti- Mozart
and n5mbered <m1,on .2 in !M! <eries "%
!n, !52 2+1 8ina(e o) a <m1,on
(8565e) o) M @adn
-- D -- Co1 o) be6innin6 o) )ina(e o) @adn;s <m1,on
P%42 H<,erman 2"7I3 /it,o5t =no/in6 man5s-ri1t
o) Mozart;s 5nab(e to state i) )rom ear(ier <a(zb5r6
time or d5rin6 17"2 visit3 <% <e-,ter 1rovided /it,
introd5-tion and added 252 meas5res to Mozart;s
(45 meas5re) be6innin6 in a 4-,and arran6ement
o) /or=%
Mozart;s -o1 in :ritis, M5se5m on 1a1er on(
5sed b ,im to/ard t,e end o) 17"2 in <ter and
4inz a)ter ,is <a(zb5r6 visit and 1er,a1s
1er)ormed in 4inz (Jas(a/-Mozart;s <m1,onies
1+"+)3 M @adn sm1,on -om1osed -a% 177"-"#
(<,erman-M @adn 7,emati- Cata(o65e 1++2)
!n, !52 444 <m1,on o) M @adn -- 9 27 Mozart -om1osed ne/ introd5-tion ;!da6io
maestoso; KV 425a and -o1ied o5t remainder o)
)irst movement o) M @adn <m1,on in 9 P%16
H<,erman 224I )or same -on-ert in 4inz t,at
<m1,on KV 425 /as 1er)ormed in ear( $ov
17"2% Antire sm1,on0 /it, !da6io maestoso0
15b(is,ed in !M! as <m1,on .27%
?n( !((e6ro and ,a() o) !ndante in Mozart;s ,and0
remainder in anot,er ,and3 1a1er 5sed b Mozart
on( a)ter ,is ret5rn to Vienna )rom <a(zb5r6 in
4inz0 and main( in mont,s o) 8eb to !1ri( 17"4
(Jas(a/-Mozart;s <m1,onies 1+"+)3 @adn;s
sm1,on dated Ma 220 17"2 in <a(zb5r6
H<,erman-M @adn 7,emati- Cata(o65e 1++2I
!n, !5+ K2 D 2"7d 4 In-i1its o) <m1,on
-- var -- Mozart Potted do/n o1enin6 meas5res to 2 8ranz
@adn sm1,onies ($r%75 in D0 $r%47 in 90 $r%62
in D) and anot,er to an 5n=no/n sm1,on in C0
on ba-= o) 1a6e /it, -adenza to !ndante o) a
Piano Con-erto3 asso-iated /it, (etter o) Ma 150
17"4 in /,i-, Mozart /rites ,e o/ned @adn;s
(ast t,ree sm1,onies%
Ge)eren-e to 2 @adn sm1,onies 1robab( re)ers
to Mi-,ae( @adn sm1,onies3 )o5rt, sm1,on
notation seems more (i=e midd(e o) )irst movement
eE1osition or a midd(e movement3 -o5(d be a
memorand5m o) a /or= b anot,er -om1oser
(Jas(a/-Mozart;s <m1,onies 1+"+)3 1a1er 5sed
b Mozart t,ro56,o5t 17"4 (7son-$M! 1++2)
!n, !6# !2+2 4-1art 8565e o) **
-- C -- Mozart made t/o -o1ies o) 8565e0 one )or 1iano
(22 mm%) anot,er )or strin6 L5artet (4+ mm%)3
8rober6er;s -om1osition ori6ina(( 1rinted in 165#
as FP,antasiaF%
Piano version sto1s a)ter 22 meas5res0 L5artet
version arrives at 1remat5re b5t (o6i-a( -on-(5sion3
some notations in s-ore 1ossib( b M% <tad(er3
,and/ritin6 dates )rom not be)ore 17"5/"6 (:iba-
Pre)a-e to 8a-simi(e o) <trin6 S5artet version
1++#)3 P(at, be(ieved t,is /as 6t, 8565e o)
Mozart;s arran6ements )or <trin6 S5artet KV 4#5
(P(at,-8ests-,ri)t 9er,ard Cro(( 1++2)
K2 D 154a 2 <ma(( 8565es
(Versetten) )/Piano (or
-- 9 R
-- Pie-es ver ($o <566estions)0 1er,a1s -o1ies o)
/or=s o) o(der <a(zb5r6 -om1osers (M5))at or
Aber(in>)3 bot, /or=s on same 1a6e%
@and/ritin6 st5dies s,o/ bot, -om1ositions date
)rom 1772/72 (P(at,-M*b 1+76/77)3 P(at, ($M!
1+"2) stated t,ese are ori6ina( -om1ositions o)
Mozart3 7son be(ieved 1ossib( derived )rom a
no/ (ost m5si- boo= 5sed b t,e Mozart )ami( in
t,e 176#;s and 177#;s (7son-!5to <-ores 1+"7)
!n, !65 K2 D !da6io )/K(avier(>) -- 8 -- Mozart;s man5s-ri1t dates )rom bet/een 1772 and !5to6ra1, a5-tioned at <ot,eb 4ondon in 1++#3
!2#6a 1774/753 (i=e( t,e ornamented version o) an
!da6io o) 5n=no/n ori6in%
Jas(a/ 5nab(e to determine ori6ina( -om1oser b5t
does not r5(e Mozart o5t3 Mozart;s version
intended to be 1(aed se-ond time t,ro56, ea-,
,a() o) 1ie-e--ori6ina( 5nornamented version
1(aed )irst is no/ (ost (Jas(a/-Assas in @onor o)
!(an 7son 1++")
!n, !71 K2 D !n,
C,5r-, 'or= o) M
FIn te Domine s1eraviF C -- 7+ 1a6es /it, 152 /ritten on sides o) vario5s
-,5r-, /or=s o) M @adn and Aber(in a(( in
4eo1o(d Mozart;s ,and (/it, eE-e1tion o) $r%14--
see KV !n, !14)%94"
4eo1o(d Mozart 15t to6et,er as st5d boo= in 1772
(<-,mid-Mozart and <a(zb5r6 7radition 1+76
1+76)3 )ina(e movement o) 7e De5mF K%V/20 M@
720 -om1osed in <a(zb5r6 De- +0 177# (<,erman-
M @adn 7,emati- Cata(o65e 1++2)
!n, !72 K2 D !n,
C,5r-, 'or= o) A
FMissaF C -- (<ee !n, !71%) 4isted in @erbort -ata(o65e o) Aber(in;sMasses
(1+61) as F@erbort IIF (<-,mid-Mozart 5nd
<a(zb5r6 7radition 1+76)
!n, !72 K2 D !n,
C,5r-, 'or= o) A
FMissaF C -- (<ee !n, !71%) 4isted in @erbort -ata(o65e o) Aber(in;sMasses
(1+61) as F@erbort IF (<-,mid-Mozart 5nd
<a(zb5r6 7radition 1+76 1+76)
!n, !74 K2 D !n,
C,5r-, 'or= o) A
FMissaF e -- (<ee !n, !71%) 4isted in @erbort -ata(o65e o) Aber(in;sMasses
(1+61) as F@erbort IIIF (<-,mid-Mozart 5nd
<a(zb5r6 7radition 1+76)
!n, !75 K2 D !n,
C,5r-, 'or= o) A
FGe-essit 1astorF d -- (<ee !n, !71%) --
!n, !76 K2 D !n,
C,5r-, 'or= o) A
F7enebraeF 8 -- (<ee !n, !71%) --
!n, !77 K2 D !n,
C,5r-, 'or= o) A
9rad5a(e 1ro Domini-a
in Pa(mis F7en5isti
C -- (<ee !n, !71%) 'ritten b Aber(in as 6rad5a( )or Pa(m <5nda0
dated 174# (Pa5(-*o5rna( !meri-an M5si-
<o-iet 1+62)
!n, !7" K2 D !n,
C,5r-, 'or= o) A
FIm1ro1eri5m eE1e-tavitF
Ab -- (<ee !n, !71%) 'ritten b Aber(in as o))ertor )or Pa(m <5nda0
dated 174# (Pa5(-*o5rna( !meri-an M5si-
<o-iet 1+62)
!n, !7+ K2 D !n,
C,5r-, 'or= o) A
Comm5nio FPater0 PaterF - -- (<ee !n, !71%) 'ritten b Aber(in as -omm5nio )or Pa(m <5nda0
dated 174# (Pa5(-*o5rna( !meri-an M5si-
<o-iet 1+62)
!n, !"# K2 D !n,
C,5r-, 'or= o) M
F7enebraeF Ab -- (<ee !n, !71%) 'ritten b M @adn in <a(zb5r6 -a%177#-72
(<,erman-M @adn 7,emati- Cata(o65e 1++2)
!n, !"1 K2 D !n, C,5r-, 'or= o) A Motett FIn nomine *es5F 6 -- (<ee !n, !71%) --
1#+vi Aber(in
!n, !"2 K2 D !n,
C,5r-, 'or= o) A
FC,rist5s )a-t5s est 1ro
6 -- (<ee !n, !71%) --
!n, !"2 K2 D !n,
C,5r-, 'or= o) A
FDomin5s *es5sF 6 -- (<ee !n, !71%) --
!n, !"4 K2 D !n,
C,5r-, 'or= o) A
F:enediEisti DomineF e -- (<ee !n, !71%) --
!n, !"5 K2 D !n,
C,5r-, 'or= o) A
FDeEtera DomineF :b -- (<ee !n, !71%) --
!n, !"6 K2 D !n,
C,5r-, 'or= o) A
FC5m <an-to <1irit5F C -- (<ee !n, !71%) 8rom Mass $r%24 in t,e @erbort -ata(o65e o)
Aber(in Masses (<-,mid-Mozart 5nd <a(zb5r6
7radition 1+76)
!n, !"7 K2 D !n,
C,5r-, 'or= o) A
FKrieF C -- (<ee !n, !71%) 8rom Mass $r%22 in t,e @erbort -ata(o65e o)
Aber(in Masses (<-,mid-Mozart 5nd <a(zb5r6
7radition 1+76)
!n, !"" K2 D !n,
C,5r-, 'or= o) A
FC5m <an-to <1irit5F C -- (<ee !n, !71%) 8rom Mass $r%24 in t,e @erbort -ata(o65e o)
Aber(in Masses (<-,mid-Mozart 5nd <a(zb5r6
7radition 1+76)

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