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Prisoners Still on Hunger Strike in Kandahar Prison - Military News for Canadians

Prisoners Still on Hunger Strike in Kandahar

Friday, 13 November 2009 05:27 administrator

For the past few days, prisoners are on hunger strike in Kandahar province. They were Digg
complaining about the torture and denial of their human rights by the puppet authorities.
Ironically, in this so-called Western democracy in Afghanistan, prisoners are brutally treated.
They are denied their natural and humane rights. This has forced them to resort to staging submit
hunger strikes in various prisons set up by the Kabul puppet Administration. According to Share
reports, the prison officials regularly beat and torture prisoners until they fall unconscious .
The sick prisoners are not taken to hospitals for treatment and have to suffer from diseases without any
medical care. They are not allowed to meet their relatives. Every time, they complain, the puppet
authorities turn a blind eye to their demands. Reports say, more than 60 prisoners are ill in Kandahar
prison and many of them have fallen unconscious because of the current hunger strike.
There are hundreds of prisons in Afghanistan formed by the foreign invading forces in Afghanistan, the
PRTs, (the Provincial Reconstruction Teams), a wing of the special forces of Pentagon guised as civilian
reconstruction teams who have their own prisons and interrogation cells in all provinces of Afghanistan.
The warlords and intelligence agencies of the invading countries have created their own prisons. There
are other notorious prisons maintained by the invaders at Bagram and Kandahar airports. Members of
the NATO member countries have built prisons where innocent Afghans have been suffering without
any evidence and right to reach lawyers.
Last year, tens of miserable prisoners were killed in Pulle Charkhi prison when police forces of the
Kabul regime stormed the Prison on the eve of Eid. Still the murders of the innocent lives at the prison
have not been brought to justice despite the claims of the White House rulers to be trying to bring about
accountability and transparency in the country.
It is a pity that the human right organizations at world level have not taken any notice of the human right
violations taking place in prisons of Afghanistan. The prisoners have no choice but to continue their
strike until realization of their humane and legitimate demands.

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Retrieved 131153UTC Nov 09

1 of 1 13-11-2009 06:53

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