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Report of the Lesson

Subject: Science

Level: Primary 5A

Topic: Magnets

Subtopic: Magnets and Magnetic Materials.

Time Allocated: 60 minutes (2 periods)

Location: ICT laboratory 2

Number of students: 15 students

School: SR. Sengkurong, Brunei IV

Date: 19th October 2009

Time: 11.30 -12.30pm

There are three of us who are going to the same school; me (Nana), Hjh Sofinah
and Ferinah. We chose this school because it was convenient and easy accessible as
one of us was a teacher teaching in this school.

Before the lesson start

We came about half an hour earlier than the actual lesson so that we can prepare
for the lesson. Since we were using ICT lab 2, we had to use Macbook. We get the
computers ready, switch it on and go to the BBC website page.

There are about 13 units of Mac in the ICT laboratory, wireless connections as well
as a projector. Some of the students have to share the computer with their friend
as there are not enough Macbook.

During the lesson

9 of the students have the chance to do the activity individually whereas the other
6 students have to pair themselves and came up with three pair groups. At first,
we asked the students to sit facing the white board so that they can listen to the
teacher’s instruction. One of us showed to the students on how to use the virtual
experiment on the white screen, where to click and what to do on the screen. At
the same time, the teacher asked questions to the students on magnet.

Before they started doing the experiment, teacher asked some questions on the
topic that is Magnet. Since they had learned the lesson previously they managed to
answer the questions.

In the experiment, there were magnetic and non magnetic materials and the
students’ duty was to find out which materials are magnetic with the use of
magnet. There are also two different sizes of magnets. In addition, they can also
rotate the magnet.

The students were given ample time to discover the experiment on their own. They
were also given the opportunity to try out the available quiz on the topic to check
their understanding about the concept. 80% of the students can answer the quiz
questions accurately.

After the lesson

At last when they had finished doing their work with the virtual experiment, each
student was given a class work exercise and answers it individually.

The students’ responses were collected and marked. In the work sheet, there are
8 questions. From there, we found out that there are 5 students, who can answer
all the 8 questions correctly, 3 students with 7 marks, 4 students obtained 6
marks, 2 students who got 5 marks and finally, a student who got 3 marks. From
this result, we concluded that the students can answer the questions correctly as
they understood the concept of Magnetic and non-magnetic materials. Magnetic
materials are those materials that are attracted to the magnet and Non-magnetic
materials are materials that are not attracted to the magnet.

Students’ result in both quiz and worksheet can be obtained in the table provided

N Students’ Quiz Workshe

o Name et

1 Norshiela 8 8

2 Ihsanuddin 9 8

3 Hamizan 8 8

4 Ahnaf 10 8

5 Celcolm 10 8

6 Liyana 7 7

7 Thadius 9 7

8 Dk 7 7

9 Hazwan 4 6

1 Syarifah 6 6

1 Hamizan 7 6


1 Sabrina 8 6

1 Khairul 5 5

1 Qamarina 10 5

1 Zulhelmi 9 3

Below are the statistics and correlations of the above result:

Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

Quiz 7.80 1.821 15

Worksheet 6.53 1.457 15


Quiz Worksheet

Quiz Pearson Correlation 1 .232

Sig. (2-tailed) .406

N 15 15

Worksheet Pearson Correlation .232 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .406

N 15 15

Disadvantages of Virtual Experiments


→ Limited content of the topic. It did not allow the students explore more about
these topics.
→ Students have to be familiar with the use of ICT before exploring virtual


→ Teachers have to identify the appropriate activity for certain topics and
students’ conceptual understanding.
→ Teachers have to ascertain the availability of the internet connection for this
activity to work out.
→ This kind of activity is very time-consuming.

Advantages of Virtual Experiments


→ Students find this kind of activity as an enjoyable activity where they can
manipulate with the available materials.
→ It also stimulates students’ interest where they interacts using computer.
→ Furthermore it encourages the students to think creatively in solving or finding
the solution to the problems.
→ It promotes the students’ science processes skills such as predicting what will
happen to the materials, naming the materials that are magnetic or non-
magnetic, observing the experiments and evaluating what has happen during the
experiment and etc.


→ This activity save time and also expenses because the teacher does not have to
prepare the apparatus or materials needed for the experiment.


For additional follow up, the students have to work on the general meaning of some
scientific terms for this topic for examples repel and repulsion. Not only that, the

students can be also ask to write a story on this topic to measure their
understanding based on the activity that they have done on this topic.


There are some limitations in doing this activity, our lecturer have asked us to redo
this activity with the students but since there is not sufficient time because the
students have to sit for their final year examinations.

Not only that, the availability of the ICT laboratory might affect the activity.

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