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1. She started drinking too much alcohol two years ago.

- She has
2. I dont have a computer so I cant type the essay on English grammar.
- If
3. espite having !een vaccinated she caught the flu.
- "lthough she
#. $%e will arrest them for illegal entry in the country&' the policeman said.
- (he policeman said
). (he teacher glued the pieces of the !roken toy.
- (he pieces
*. It is possi!le that I finish work earlier than usual today.
- I
+. (his is the place. %e last had coffee together here.
- (his is
,. I love -erman. .nfortunately' I cant speak it fluently.
- I wish
/. "s he hadnt !ehaved himself' his parents got angry with him.
- 0is parents
11. Every!ody must read the instructions first.
- (he instructions
11. 0e made an effort to speak in English.
- 0e tried
12. I spent my holidays in 2rance.
- 3
13. (his is the man. 0is 4o! is very dangerous.
- (his is
1#. (he engineer has repaired my television.
- Ive
1). She gave up going to 2rench lessons.
- She stopped
1*. I regretted having hit the dog on the head.
- I wish
1+. Im not as good at English as you are.
- 5ou
1,. (he policeman knew where the thief was hidden.
- 3
1/. If your friend doesnt come !efore ten' he will miss the train.
- .nless
21. (he children stayed at home !ecause it was raining.
- "s
21. %hat time do the !anks close today3&
- (im asked me
22. Sharon hasnt eaten 4unk food since last 6ay.
- Sharon stopped
23. 6y kitchen is !eing redecorated at the moment.
- I am
2#. I am not sure that she is his girlfriend.
- She
2). "l!erts drawing isnt as good as -erards.
- -erards drawing
2*. $%hy dont we play computer games3& said 6ichael.
- 6ichael suggested
2+. She said7 $"re you coming to the party on 2riday3&
- She asked him
2,. (hey came to live in 8ew 5ork two years ago.
- (hey have
2/. Smoking is for!idden in hospitals.
- 5ou
31. "lthough the weather was horri!le' we went skiing.
- In spite of
31. I would like to have more free time these days.
- I wish
32. I met that famous writer a year ago.
- Its !een a year
33. %endy didnt study for her test. (herefore' she failed.
- If
3#. $ont speak so loud' please&' she said to the students.
- She
3). %e wont !uy that house !ecause we dont have enough money.
- "s
3*. (hat mans !rother is my new English teacher.
- (hat is the man
3+. Steve advised me to tell 9aul a!out it.
- Steve suggested
3,. I didnt make a note of it in my diary' so I forgot a!out it.
- If
3/. She lost the race in spite of running well.
- "lthough
#1. Its possi!le that her !oyfriend is coming to the wedding.
- 0er !oyfriend
#1. :eth hasnt smoked since last ecem!er.
- :eth stopped
#2. 6y new neigh!ours have got a !a!y. 0er name is %endy.
- 6y
#3. "lthough ;rson was over seventy' he continued to cycle to work every day.
- espite
##. I havent read a play !y -eorge :ernard Shaw for eight years.
- It is
#). $9erhaps it would !e !etter to go out in the afternoon&' Sharons mother said.
- Sharons mother recommended
#*. (he fireman managed to rescue the child from the !urning house.
- (he fireman was
#+. (he police dont o!lige the suspects to say anything.
- (he suspects
#,. 6y grandfather is eighty-two years old.
- 3
#/. She hasnt en4oyed herself so much for years.
- It is years
)1. I am going to the theatre tomorrow' and Im really looking forward to it.
- Im really looking
)1. Shes getting someone to mend the windows.
- Shes having
)2. I thought it would !e !etter than that.
- Its not
)3. 6ary said to us $ont !e late.&
- She told
)#. She made a lot of mistakes !ecause she didnt study hard for the e<am.
- If she
)). 0er 4okes are not as good as his.
- 0is 4okes
)*. It is possi!le that well !e together soon.
- %e
)+. 9eople speak English all over the world.
),. I am sorry I didnt tell him everything.
- I wish
)/. 2iona is smiling in the picture. She is my !oss.
- 2iona
*1. espite the fact that it was very hot' she was wearing her winter clothes.
- "lthough
*1. I was not invited and I am sorry a!out that.
- I would like to
*2. I am having my house painted now.
- 6y house
*3. Im sorry I havent got a car.
- I wish
*#. (he teacher said to me $%ait for me outside&.
- (he teacher told me
*). She needed a 4o!' so she sent off an application form.
- She sent off an application form
**. It takes me two hours to get there.
- 3
*+. (he last time she wrote a poem was two years ago.
- She
*,. 5ou must not smoke in here.
- Smoking
*/. If the tickets dont arrive' we wont !e a!le to go.
- .nless
+1. %here are my keys3
I wonder
+1. (he mechanic is going to repair her car ne<t week.
- She
+2. %hat a pity I didnt have time to see you last week.
- I wish
+3. (his story will shock you.
- 5ou
+#. %ill you post this letter for me ' please3
- o you mind
+). If you dont review your notes tonight' you wont do well tomorrow.
- .nless
+*. $0ow much money have you put into the account3& they asked.
++. Im sorry I cant speak 2rench perfectly.
- I wish
+,. (he ne<t plane leaves at /.#) p.m..
- 3
+/. 5ou should post these letters.
,1. "lthough she was ill' she visited other countries.
- espite
,1. $I have never seen anything so !eautiful&' he said.
- 0e said
,2. 6ary was sorry she ate so many cakes.
- 6ary wished
,3. I have failed all my e<ams at the university !ecause I didnt study enough.
- If
,#. I forgot to phone =isa on her !irthday.
- I didnt remem!er
,). Sheila is 1.)) m tall. 0er !rother is 1.+1 m tall.
- Sheila
,*. "lthough it was cold' we went to the countryside.
- In spite of
,+. (he hairdresser cut my hair yesterday morning.
- I
,,. (his is the man. 0is dog !it my !rother in the park.
- (his is the man
,/. I didnt go to the gym yesterday !ecause my foot hurt.
- If
/1. (he teacher said7 $5ou have to hand your papers in at the end of this class&.
- (he teacher
/1. If your !oyfriend doesnt arrive !efore eight' we will have to leave.
- .nless
/2. (he children couldnt go out to the playground !ecause it was raining.
- "s
/3. (he last time we saw that movie was si< months ago.
- %e have
/#. Smoking is for!idden in most restaurants.
- 5ou
/). (he shop assistant didnt give us the ticket.
- %e
/*. "l swims faster than 9eter.
- 9eter
/+. I saw 2rank two months ago.
- I havent
/,. 0e forgot to phone his wife yesterday.
- 0e didnt remem!er
//. (hey are servicing my new car ne<t week.
- I
111. If we dont meet this month' it will !e too late.
- .nless
111. (he trainer said7 $6olly' come !ack to the team>&
- (he trainer told her
112. :en drives 211 miles every day.
- 3
113. $%here did the ro!!ery take place3& he asked.
- 0e asked
11#. 2leming discovered penicillin in 1/2,.
- 9enicillin
11). 5ou cant have a !icycle.
- 5ou are
11*. I dont know her address' so I cant write to her.
- If I
11+. " new maga?ine is on the hall ta!le.
- (here is
11,. @ohn lives ne<t door.
- 3
11/. $%here are your !rothers' Sheila3&
111. 9erhaps they only open the museum in the morning.
- (hey
111. (he meat was !etter than the fish.
- (he fish
112. 5ou can make green paint !y mi<ing !lue and yellow.
- -reen paint
113. I have !een playing the piano for twenty years.
- I started
11#. I have English classes three times a week.
- 3
11). Sharon is going to marry a man. 0e is Erics !rother.
- (he man
11*. $%hy dont we have dinner out tonight3& said 6artin.
- 6artin suggested
11+. I didnt open the door !ecause I didnt know it was you.
- If I
11,. If you want my advice' go to the dentist>
- 5ou
11/. I forgot to post the letter.
- I didnt remem!er
121. (hey say this tree is over #11 years old.
- (his tree
121. (he man said to us7 $Aeep off the grass>&
- (he man
122. (hey didnt tell me the secret.
- I
123. Im sure they are at home. (he lights are on.
- (hey
12#. I didnt invite :eth. I had forgotten her telephone num!er.
- If I
12). Shakespeare was a famous writer. 0e wrote !eautiful sonnets.
- Shakespeare'
12*. Someone knocked at the door. (he dog woke up.
- (he dog
12+. Its such a pity you cant come along>
- I wish
12,. :ananas are more e<pensive than apples.
- "pples
12/. In spite of her !eauty' she doesnt have a !oyfriend.
- "lthough
131. I last had flu five years ago.
- I havent
131. Im sure shes telling lies.
- She
132. (he teenager in red has !roken the window.
- (he window
133. In my opinion' taking some e<ercise would !e good for you.
- 5ou
13#. (he teacher didnt tell us the answer.
- %e
13). I last visited =ondon fifteen years ago.
- I havent
13*. She asked me7 $%hat time does your party start3&
- She asked
13+. %ill you close the door when you leave' please3
- o you mind
13,. %e !ought our tickets on the %e! !ecause it was much cheaper.
- Since
13/. "l!ert is coming !ack from hospital tomorrow. 0e has 4ust !roken his ankle.
- "l!ert
1#1. $0ow much is this (-shirt3&' she asked.
- She asked
1#1. If you want my advice' dont eat so many cakes>
- 5ou
1#2. Im sorry I didnt work hard enough last year.
- I wish
1#3. "lthough he was e<hausted' he managed to finish reading the novel.
- espite
1##. -erard plays tennis twice a week.
- 3
1#). (hat womans hus!and is my !oss.
- (hat is the woman
1#*. (hey have found the stolen money.
- (he stolen money
1#+. She divorced him !ecause he was so terri!le to her.
- If he
1#,. $I have read this !ook&' she said.
- She said
1#/. I am sure she knows you are here.
- She
1)1. I felt really tired so I stayed at home.
- I stayed
1)1. 9eople consider that he is an e<pert on cricket.
- 0e
1)2. 9lease dont shoot.
- 0e !egged us
1)3. =earning English is not easy.
- It is
1)#. %e didnt visit the museum !ecause we hadnt time.
- If we
1)). Im sorry we accepted the invitation.
- I wish
1)*. "lthough she was poor' she was happy.
- In spite of
1)+. (hey didnt pay for the ring.
- (his is the ring
1),. "lthough the weather was awful' they had a great time.
- In spite of
1)/. (hey have given us a Boald ahl novel.
- %e
1*1. She hasnt phone her mother for two months.
- Its
1*1. (hey dont allow smoking in this room.
- 5ou
1*2. Im sorry I didnt go shopping with you.
- I wish
1*3. =ondon will fascinate you.
- 5ou
1*#. I saw a man later. 0e was the president of the European Community.
- (he man
1*). -ermany is richer than India.
- India
1**. $I dont know&' he told them.
- 0e told them
1*+. She cant come to the party !ecause she is so !usy.
- If she
1*,. 6ay!e your friend will call you on your !irthday.
- 5our friend
1*/. $%here is the nearest cinema' please3&
- Could you tell me
1+1. I havent seen your wife for a long time.
- Its
1+1. 0e didnt revise for the test so he failed.
- If he
1+2. (he ophthalmologist tests her eyes every year.
- She
1+3. (he Da Vinci Code is a !est-seller. It was written !y an :rown.
- (he Da Vinci Code
1+#. 6ary goes swimming twice a week.
- 3
1+). I am sorry I didnt remem!er your !irthday.
- I wish
1+*. 0e told us7 $ont make so much noise>&
- 0e
1++. "s it was 2riday' the children stayed up late.
- (he children
1+,. I have never read such an interesting !ook.
- (his is the
1+/. If you dont hurry up' you wont get tickets for the concert.
- .nless
1,1. I have to wear a uniform whenever I work in front of the customers.
- 3
1,1. (he film is not as good as the novel.
- (he novel
1,2. (he hairdresser cut my hair last week.
- I
1,3. $=ets go to the cinema on (uesday&' said 6ary.
- 6ary suggested
1,#. %hat a pity the weather was so !ad last weekend.
- I wish
1,). I havent seen a good film for ages.
- Its
1,*. @ohn !ought a new Bolls Boyce.
- 3
1,+. I visited a village yesterday !ut I did not like it.
- I
1,,. 0e knows how to play golf.
- 0e
1,/. Its ages since I last visited Bussia.
- I
1/1. 5ou wont understand the pro!lem if you dont listen carefully.
- .nless
1/1. Someone will cut your hair tomorrow.
- 5ou
1/2. 0e visits his parents every Sunday.
- 3
1/3. $Can I go to the disco3&' (im asked his mother.
- (im asked his mother
1/#. espite the fact that the Duestions were difficult' she got a high mark in her e<am.
- "lthough
1/). Its not necessary for you to make your !ed.
- 5ou
1/*. (hey will tell us the news tomorrow night.
- %e
1/+. I dont earn much money. Its a pity I cant !uy a new car.
- If
1/,. 8o other fictional secret agent is as famous as @ames :ond.
- @ames :ond
1//. 6y !ag was so heavy that I had to ask for help.
- It was
211. It will take me twenty minutes to get to the li!rary
- 3
1. She started drinking too much alcohol two years ago. EFer!al (ensesG
- She has !een drinking too much alcohol for two years.
2. I dont have a computer so I cant type the essay on English grammar. EConditional SentenceG
- If I had a computer' I would !e a!le to type the essay on English grammar.
3. espite having !een vaccinated she caught the flu. EContrast ConnectorG
- "lthough she had !een vaccinated' she caught flu.
#. $%e will arrest them for illegal entry in the country&' the policeman said. EBeported SpeechG
- (he policeman said that they would arrest them for illegal entry in the country.
). (he teacher glued the pieces of the !roken toy. E9assiveG
- (he pieces of the !roken toy were glued !y the teacher.
*. It is possi!le that I finish work earlier than usual today. E6odal ver!G
- I may finish work earlier than usual today.
+. (his is the place. %e last had coffee together here. EBelative ClausesG
- (his is where we last had coffee together.
,. I love -erman. .nfortunately' I cant speak it fluently. E%ishG
- I wish I could speak -erman fluently.
/. "s he hadnt !ehaved himself' his parents got angry with him. ECausal ConnectorG
- 0is parents got angry with him !ecause he hadnt !ehaved himself.
11. Every!ody must read the instructions first. E9assiveG
- (he instructions must !e read first.
11. 0e made an effort to speak in English. E-erundHInfinitiveG
- 0e tried to speak in English.
12. I spent my holidays in 2rance. EIuestionG
- %here did you spend your holidays3
13. (his is the man. 0is 4o! is very dangerous. EBelative ClausesG
- (his is the man whose 4o! is very dangerous.
1#. (he engineer has repaired my television. E0ave sth. oneG
- Ive had my television repaired E!y the engineerG
1). She gave up going to 2rench lessons. E-erundH InfinitiveG
- She stopped going to 2rench lessons.
1*. I regretted having hit the dog on the head. E%ishG
- I wish I hadnt hit the dog on the head.
1+. Im not as good at English as you are. EComparativesG
- 5ou are !etter at English than me.
1,. (he policeman knew where the thief was hidden. EIuestionG
- %ho knew where the thief was hidden3
1/. If your friend doesnt come !efore ten' he will miss the train. EConditionalsG
- .nless your friend comes !efore ten' he will miss the train.
21. (he children stayed at home !ecause it was raining. ECausal ConnectorG
- "s it was raining' the children stayed at home.
21. $%hat time do the !anks close today3& EBeported SpeechG
- (im asked me what time the !anks closed that day.
22. Sharon hasnt eaten 4unk food since last 6ay. E-erundHInfinitiveG
- Sharon stopped eating 4unk food last 6ay.
23. 6y kitchen is !eing redecorated at the moment. E0ave sth. oneG
- I am having my kitchen redecorated at the moment.
2#. I am not sure that she is his girlfriend. E6odal Fer!G
- She might !e his girlfriend.
2). "l!erts drawing isnt as good as -erards. EComparativesG
- -erards drawing is !etter than "l!erts drawing.
2*. $%hy dont we play computer games3& said 6ichael. EBeported SpeechG
- 6ichael suggested playing computer games.
2+. She said7 $"re you coming to the party on 2riday3& EBeported SpeechG
- She asked him if he was coming to the party on 2riday.
2,. (hey came to live in 8ew 5ork two years ago. EFer!al (ensesG
- (hey have !een living in 8ew 5ork for two years.
2/. Smoking is for!idden in hospitals. E6odal Fer!G
- 5ou mustnt smoke in hospitals.
31. "lthough the weather was horri!le' we went skiing. EContrast ConnectorsG
- In spite of the horri!le weather' we went skiing.
31. I would like to have more free time these days. E%ishG
- I wish I had more free time these days.
32. I met that famous writer a year ago. EFer!al (ensesG
- Its !een a year since I met that famous writer.
33. %endy didnt study for her test. (herefore' she failed. EConditionalsG
- If %endy had studied for her test' she wouldnt have failed.
3#. $ont speak so loud' please&' she said to the students. EBeported SpeechG
- She ordered H !egged H asked the students not to speak so loud.
3). %e wont !uy that house !ecause we dont have enough money. ECausal ConnectorsG
- "s we dont have enough money' we wont !uy that house.
3*. (hat mans !rother is my new English teacher. EBelative ClausesG
- (hat is the man whose !rother is my new English teacher.
3+. Steve advised me to tell 9aul a!out it. E-erundHInfinitiveG
- Steve suggested telling 9aul a!out it.
3,. I didnt make a note of it in my diary' so I forgot a!out it. EConditional ClausesG
- If I had made a note of it in my diary' I wouldnt have forgotten a!out it.
3/. She lost the race in spite of running well. EContrast ClausesG
- "lthough she ran well' she lost the race.
#1. Its possi!le that her !oyfriend is coming to the wedding. E6odal Fer!sG
- 0er !oyfriend may come to the wedding.
#1. :eth hasnt smoked since last ecem!er. E-erundHInfinitiveG
- :eth stopped smoking last ecem!er.
#2. 6y new neigh!ours have got a !a!y. 0er name is %endy. EBelative ClausesG
- 6y new neigh!ours have got a !a!y whose name is %endy.
#3. "lthough ;rson was over seventy' he continued to cycle to work every day. EContrast ConnectorG
- espite !eing over seventy' ;rson continued to cycle to work every day.
##. I havent read a play !y -eorge :ernard Shaw for eight years. EFer!al (ensesG
- It is eight years since I read a play !y -eorge :ernard Shaw.
#). $9erhaps it would !e !etter to go out in the afternoon&' Sharons mother said. EBeported SpeechG
- Sharons mother recommended going out in the afternoon.
#*. (he fireman managed to rescue the child from the !urning house. E6odal Fer!sG
- (he fireman was a!le to rescue the child from the !urning house.
#+. (he police dont o!lige the suspects to say anything. E9assiveG
- (he suspects arent o!liged to say anything !y the police.
#,. 6y grandfather is eighty-two years old. EIuestionG
- 0ow old is your grandfather3
#/. She hasnt en4oyed herself so much for years. EFer!al (ensesG
- It is years since she en4oyed herself so much.
)1. I am going to the theatre tomorrow' and Im really looking forward to it. E6odal Fer!sG
- Im really looking forward to going to the theatre tomorrow.
)1. Shes getting someone to mend the windows. E0ave sth. oneG
- Shes having the windows mended.
)2. I thought it would !e !etter than that. EComparativesG
- Its not as good as I thought it would !e.
)3. 6ary said to us $ont !e late.& EBeported SpeechG
- She told us not to !e late.
)#. She made a lot of mistakes !ecause she didnt study hard for the e<am. EConditionalsG
- If she had studied hard for the e<am' she wouldnt have made a lot of mistakes.
)). 0er 4okes are not as good as his. EComparativesG
- 0is 4okes are !etter than hers.
)*. It is possi!le that well !e together soon. E6odal Fer!sG
- %e may !e together soon.
)+. 9eople speak English all over the world. E9assiveG
- English is spoken all over the world.
),. I am sorry I didnt tell him everything. E%ishG
- I wish I had told him everything.
)/. 2iona is smiling in the picture. She is my !oss. EBelative ClausesG
- 2iona' who is my !oss' is smiling in the picture.
*1. espite the fact that it was very hot' she was wearing her winter clothes. EContrast ClausesG
- "lthough it was very hot' she was wearing her winter clothes.
*1. I was not invited and I am sorry a!out that. E-erundHInfinitiveG
- I would like to have !een invited.
*2. I am having my house painted now. E9assiveG
- 6y house is !eing painted now.
*3. Im sorry I havent got a car. E%ishG
- I wish I had got a car.
*#. (he teacher said to me $%ait for me outside&. EBeported SpeechG
- (he teacher told me to wait for him outside.
*). She needed a 4o!' so she sent off an application form. ECausal ConnectorG
- She sent off an application form ' !ecause she needed a 4o!.
**. It takes me two hours to get there. EIuestionG
- 0ow long does it take you to get there3
*+. (he last time she wrote a poem was two years ago. EFer!al (ensesG
- She hasnt written a poem for two years.
*,. 5ou must not smoke in here. E6odal Fer!G
- Smoking is for!idden here.
*/. If the tickets dont arrive' we wont !e a!le to go. EConditional ClausesG
- .nless the tickets arrive' we wont !e a!le to go.
+1. %here are my keys3 EIuestionG
I wonder where my keys are.
+1. (he mechanic is going to repair her car ne<t week. E0ave sth. oneG
- She is going to have her car repaired ne<t week E!y the mechanicG.
+2. %hat a pity I didnt have time to see you last week. E%ishG
- I wish I had had time to see you last week.
+3. (his story will shock you. E9assiveG
- 5ou will !e shocked !y this story.
+#. %ill you post this letter for me' please3 E-erundHInfinitiveG
- o you mind posting this letter for me' please3
+). If you dont review your notes tonight' you wont do well tomorrow. EConditionalsG
- .nless you review your notes tonight' you wont do well tomorrow.
+*. $0ow much money have you put into the account3& they asked. EBeported SpeechG
- (hey asked me how much money I had put into the account.
++. Im sorry I cant speak 2rench perfectly. E%ishG
- I wish I could speak 2rench perfectly.
+,. (he ne<t plane leaves at /.#) p.m.. EIuestionG
- %hat time does the ne<t plane leave3
+/. 5ou should post these letters. E9assiveG
- (hese letters should !e posted.
,1. "lthough she was ill' she visited other countries. EContrast ConnectorG
- espite !eing ill' she visited other countries.
,1. $I have never seen anything so !eautiful&' he said. EBeported SpeechG
- 0e said that he had never seen anything so !eautiful.
,2. 6ary was sorry she ate so many cakes. E%ishG
- 6ary wished she hadnt eaten so many cakes.
,3. I have failed all my e<ams at the university !ecause I didnt study enough. EConditionalsG
- If I had studied enough' I wouldnt have failed all my e<ams at the university.
,#. I forgot to phone =isa on her !irthday. E-erundHInfinitiveG
- I didnt remem!er
,). Sheila is 1.)) m tall. 0er !rother is 1.+1 m tall. EComparativesG
- Sheila is less tall than her !rother.
,*. "lthough it was cold' we went to the countryside. EContrast ConnectorG
- In spite of !eing cold' we went to the countryside.
,+. (he hairdresser cut my hair yesterday morning. E0ave sth. oneG
- I had my hair cut yesterday morning.
,,. (his is the man. 0is dog !it my !rother in the park. EBelative ClausesG
- (his is the man whose dog !it my !rother in the park.
,/. I didnt go to the gym yesterday !ecause my foot hurt. EConditionalsG
- If my foot hadnt hurt' I would have gone to the gym.
/1. (he teacher said7 $5ou have to hand your papers in at the end of this class&. EBeported SpeechG
- (he teacher said that we had to hand our papers in at the end of that class.
/1. If your !oyfriend doesnt arrive !efore eight' we will have to leave. EConditionalsG
- .nless your !oyfriend arrives !efore eight' we will have to leave.
/2. (he children couldnt go out to the playground !ecause it was raining. ECausal ConnectorG
- "s it was raining' the children couldnt go out to the playground.
/3. (he last time we saw that movie was si< months ago. EFer!al (ensesG
- %e have not seen that movie for si< months.
/#. Smoking is for!idden in most restaurants. E6odal Fer!sG
- 5ou mustnt smoke in most restaurants.
/). (he shop assistant didnt give us the ticket. E9assiveG
- %e werent given the ticket !y the shop assistant.
/*. "l swims faster than 9eter. EComparativesG
- 9eter swims slower than "l. H 9eter doesnt swim as fast as "l.
/+. I saw 2rank two months ago. EFer!al (ensesG
- I havent seen 2rank for two months.
/,. 0e forgot to phone his wife yesterday. E-erundHInfinitiveG
- 0e didnt remem!er phoning his wife yesterday.
//. (hey are servicing my new car ne<t week. E0ave sth. oneG
- I am having my new car served ne<t week.
111. If we dont meet this month' it will !e too late. EConditionalsG
- .nless we meet this month' it will !e too late.
111. (he trainer said7 $6olly' come !ack to the team>& EBeported SpeechG
- (he trainer told her to come !ack to the team.
112. :en drives 211 miles every day. EIuestionG
- %ho drives 211 miles every day3
113. $%here did the ro!!ery take place3& he asked. EBeported SpeechG
- 0e asked where the ro!!ery took place.
11#. 2leming discovered penicillin in 1/2,. E9assiveG
- 9enicillin was discovered in 1/2, !y 2leming.
11). 5ou cant have a !icycle. E6odal Fer!sG
- 5ou are not allowed to have a !icycle.
11*. I dont know her address' so I cant write to her. EConditionalsG
- If I knew her address' I would !e a!le to write to her H I could write to her.
11+. " new maga?ine is on the hall ta!le.
- (here is a new maga?ine on the hall ta!le.
11,. @ohn lives ne<t door. EIuestionG
- %ho lives ne<t door3
11/. $%here are your !rothers' Sheila3& EBeported SpeechG
- She asked Sheila where her !rothers were.
111. 9erhaps they only open the museum in the morning. E6odal Fer!G
- (hey may only open the museum in the morning.
111. (he meat was !etter than the fish. EComparativesG
- (he fish was worse than the meat. H (he fish wasnt as good as the meat.
112. 5ou can make green paint !y mi<ing !lue and yellow. E9assiveG
- -reen paint can !e made !y mi<ing !lue and yellow.
113. I have !een playing the piano for twenty years. EFer!al (ensesG
- I started playing the piano twenty years ago.
11#. I have English classes three times a week. EIuestionG
- 0ow often do you have English classes3
11). Sharon is going to marry a man. 0e is Erics !rother. EBelative ClausesG
- (he man who Sharon is going to marry to is Erics !rother.
11*. $%hy dont we have dinner out tonight3& said 6artin. EBeported SpeechG
- 6artin suggested having dinner out that night.
11+. I didnt open the door !ecause I didnt know it was you. EConditionalsG
- If I had known it was you' I would have opened the door.
11,. If you want my advice' go to the dentist> E6odal Fer!sG
- 5ou should go to the dentist.
11/. I forgot to post the letter. E-erundHInfinitiveG
- I didnt remem!er posting the letter.
121. (hey say this tree is over #11 years old. E9assiveG
- (his tree is said to !e over #11 years old.
121. (he man said to us7 $Aeep off the grass>& EBeported SpeechG
- (he man ordered us to keep off the grass.
122. (hey didnt tell me the secret. E9assiveG
- I wasnt told the secret.
123. Im sure they are at home. (he lights are on. E6odalsG
- (hey must !e at home !ecause the lights are on.
12#. I didnt invite :eth. I had forgotten her telephone num!er. EConditionalsG
- If I hadnt forgotten :eths telephone num!er' I would have invited her.
12). Shakespeare was a famous writer. 0e wrote !eautiful sonnets. EBelative ClausesG
- Shakespeare' who was a famous writer' wrote !eautiful sonnets.
12*. Someone knocked at the door. (he dog woke up. EConnectorG
- (he dog woke up !ecauseH when someone knocked at the door.
12+. Its such a pity you cant come along> E%ishG
- I wish you could come along.
12,. :ananas are more e<pensive than apples. EComparativesG
- "pples are cheaper than !ananas. H "pples arent as e<pensive as !ananas.
12/. In spite of her !eauty' she doesnt have a !oyfriend. EContrast connectorG
- "lthough she is EveryG !eautiful' she doesnt have a !oyfriend.
131. I last had flu five years ago. EFer!al tensesG
- I havent had flu for five years.
131. Im sure shes telling lies. E6odal Fer!sG
- She must !e telling lies.
132. (he teenager in red has !roken the window. E9assiveG
- (he window has !een !roken !y the teenager in red.
133. In my opinion' taking some e<ercise would !e good for you. E6odalsG
- 5ou should take some e<ercise.
13#. (he teacher didnt tell us the answer. E9assiveG
- %e werent told the answer !y the teacher.
13). I last visited =ondon fifteen years ago. EFer!al tensesG
- I havent visited =ondon for fifteen years.
13*. She asked me7 $%hat time does your party start3& EBeported speechG
- She asked me what time my party started.
13+. %ill you close the door when you leave' please3 E-erundH InfinitiveG
- o you mind closing the door when you leave3
13,. %e !ought our tickets on the %e! !ecause it was much cheaper. ECausal connectorG
- Since it was much cheaper' we !ought our tickets on the %e!.
13/. "l!ert is coming !ack from hospital tomorrow. 0e has 4ust !roken his ankle. EBelative ClausesG
- "l!ert' who has 4ust !roken his ankle' is coming !ack from hospital tomorrow.
1#1. $0ow much is this (-shirt3&' she asked. EBeported SpeechG
- She asked how much that (-shirt was.
1#1. If you want my advice' dont eat so many cakes> E6odalsG
- 5ou shouldnt eat so many cakes.
1#2. Im sorry I didnt work hard enough last year. E%ishG
- I wish I had worked hard enough last year.
1#3. "lthough he was e<hausted' he managed to finish reading the novel. EContrast connectorG
- espite !eing e<hausted' he managed to finish reading the novel.
1##. -erard plays tennis twice a week. EIuestionG
- 0ow often does -erard play tennis3
1#). (hat womans hus!and is my !oss. EBelative ClausesG
- (hat is the woman whose hus!and is my !oss.
1#*. (hey have found the stolen money. E9assiveG
- (he stolen money has !een found.
1#+. She divorced him !ecause he was so terri!le to her. EConditionalsG
- If he hadnt !een so terri!le to her' she wouldnt have divorced him.
1#,. $I have read this !ook&' she said. EBeported SpeechG
- She said that she had read that !ook.
1#/. I am sure she knows you are here. E6odalsG
- She must know you are here.
1)1. I felt really tired so I stayed at home. ECausal connectorG
- I stayed at home !ecause I felt really tired.
1)1. 9eople consider that he is an e<pert on cricket. E9assiveG
- 0e is considered to !e an e<pert on cricket.
1)2. 9lease dont shoot. E-erund H InfinitiveG
- 0e !egged us not to shoot.
1)3. =earning English is not easy. E-erund H InfinitiveG
- It is not easy to learn English.
1)#. %e didnt visit the museum !ecause we hadnt time. EConditionalsG
- If we had had time' we would have visited the museum.
1)). Im sorry we accepted the invitation. E%ishG
- I wish we hadnt accepted the invitation.
1)*. "lthough she was poor' she was happy. EContrast connectorG
- In spite of !eing poor' she was happy.
1)+. (hey didnt pay for the ring. EBelative clausesG
- (his is the ring which they didnt pay for.
1),. "lthough the weather was awful' they had a great time. EContrast connectorG
- In spite of the awful weather' they had a great time.
1)/. (hey have given us a Boald ahl novel. E9assiveG
- %e have !een given a Boald ahl novel.
1*1. She hasnt phoned her mother for two months. EFer!al tensesG
- Its two months since she last phoned her mother.
1*1. (hey dont allow smoking in this room. E6odalsG
- 5ou mustnt smoke in this room.
1*2. Im sorry I didnt go shopping with you. E%ishG
- I wish I had gone shopping with you.
1*3. =ondon will fascinate you. E9assiveG
- 5ou will !e fascinated !y =ondon.
1*#. I saw a man later. 0e was the president of the European Community. EBelative clausesG
- (he man' whoEmG I saw later' was the president of the European Community.
1*). -ermany is richer than India. EComparativesG
- India is poorer than -ermany. H India is not as rich as -ermany.
1**. $I dont know&' he told them. EBeported speechG
- 0e told them that he didnt know.
1*+. She cant come to the party !ecause she is so !usy. EConditionalsG
- If she wasnt so !usy' she could come to the party.
1*,. 6ay!e your friend will call you on your !irthday. E6odalsG
- 5our friend may call you on your !irthday.
1*/. $%here is the nearest cinema' please3& EIndirect DuestionG
- Could you tell me where the nearest cinema is.
1+1. I havent seen your wife for a long time. EFer!al tensesG
- Its a long time since I last saw your wife.
1+1. 0e didnt revise for the test so he failed. EConditionalsG
- If he had revised for the test' he wouldnt have failed.
1+2. (he ophthalmologist tests her eyes every year. E0ave sth. oneG
- She has her eyes tested every year !y the ophthalmologist.
1+3. (he Da Vinci Code is a !est-seller. It was written !y an :rown. EBelative clausesG
- (he Da Vinci Code' which was written !y an :rown' is a !est-seller.
1+#. 6ary goes swimming twice a week. EIuestionG
- %ho goes swimming twice a week3
1+). I am sorry I didnt remem!er your !irthday. E%ishG
- I wish I had remem!ered your !irthday.
1+*. 0e told us7 $ont make so much noise>& EBeported speechG
- 0e ordered us not to make so much noise.
1++. "s it was 2riday' the children stayed up late. ECausal connectorG
- (he children stayed up late !ecause it was 2riday.
1+,. I have never read such an interesting !ook. EFer!al tenses H SuperlativeG
- (his is the first time I have read such an interesting !ook. H (his is the most interesting !ook Ive ever
1+/. If you dont hurry up' you wont get tickets for the concert. EConditionalsG
- .nless you hurry up' you wont get tickets for the concert.
1,1. I have to wear a uniform whenever I work in front of the customers. EIuestionG
- %hen do you have to wear a uniform3
1,1. (he film is not as good as the novel. EComparativesG
- (he novel is !etter than the film.
1,2. (he hairdresser cut my hair last week. Ehave sth. oneG
- I had my hair cut last week.
1,3. $=ets go to the cinema on (uesday&' said 6ary. EBeported speechG
- 6ary suggested going to the cinema on (uesday.
1,#. %hat a pity the weather was so !ad last weekend. E%ishG
- I wish the weather hadnt !een so !ad last weekend.
1,). I havent seen a good film for ages. EFer!al tensesG
- Its ages since I last saw a good film.
1,*. @ohn !ought a new Bolls Boyce. EIuestionG
- %hat did @ohn !uy3
1,+. I visited a village yesterday !ut I did not like it. EBelative clausesG
- I visited a village yesterday which I did not like.
1,,. 0e knows how to play golf. E6odalsG
- 0e can play golf.
1,/. Its ages since I last visited Bussia. EFer!al tensesG
- I havent visited Bussia for ages.
1/1. 5ou wont understand the pro!lem if you dont listen carefully. EConditionalsG
- .nless you listen carefully' you wont understand the pro!lem.
1/1. Someone will cut your hair tomorrow. E0ave sth. oneG
- 5ou will have your hair cut tomorrow.
1/2. 0e visits his parents every Sunday. EIuestionG
- 0ow often does he visit his parents3
1/3. $Can I go to the disco3&' (im asked his mother. EBeported speechG
- (im asked his mother if he could go to the disco.
1/#. espite the fact that the Duestions were difficult' she got a high mark in her e<am. EContrast conG
- "lthough the Duestions were difficult' she got a high mark in her e<am.
1/). Its not necessary for you to make your !ed. E6odalsG
- 5ou dont have to make your !ed. H 5ou neednt make your !ed.
1/*. (hey will tell us the news tomorrow night. E9assiveG
- %e will !e told the news tomorrow night.
1/+. I dont earn much money. Its a pity I cant !uy a new car. EConditionalsG
- If I earned much money' I could !uy a new car.
1/,. 8o other fictional secret agent is as famous as @ames :ond. ESuperlativeG
- @ames :ond Is the most famous fictional secret agent.
1//. 6y !ag was so heavy that I had to ask for help. E suchG
- It was such a heavy !ag that I had to ask for help.
211. It will take me twenty minutes to get to the li!rary. EIuestionG
- 0ow long will it take you to get to the li!rary3

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