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2. REPORTONCLOSEDSESSIONTuesday,May27,201411:30a.m.1:00p.m.

A. RetirementRecognitionofPamMarshall,Accountant
B. RetirementRecognitionofPFCCharlesZukas



A. TABFundingAllocationRecommendationforOCBikefestpresentedbyGregShockley,Chairman

B. RequesttoSoleSourcePurchaseaWastewaterGrinderpresentedbyWastewaterSuperintendent

C. RequestforApprovalofOCPDGeneralOrderspresentedbyPoliceChief
1. G.O.200P1PersonalRelationships(new)
2. G.O.200B1GeneralConduct&CompliancewithRulesandRegulations(update)
3. G.O.400P1PlainClothesOperationsGuidelines(new)
4. G.O.800A1GeneralAppearanceStandards(update)

D. WestOceanCityEMSServiceReportpresentedbyFireChief


TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2014

2. Report on Closed Session May 27, 2014 11:30 a.m.
1:00 p.m. Legal and Contractual Matters


AUTHORITY: State Government Article: Section 10-508(a) Annotated Code of Maryland

1. To discuss:
(i) the appointment, employment, assignment, promotion, discipline, demotion,
compensation, removal, resignation or performance evaluation of
appointees, employees or officials over whom it has jurisdiction; or
(ii) any other personnel matter that affects one or more specific individuals;

2. To protect the privacy or reputation of individuals with respect to a matter that is
not related to public business

3. To consider the acquisition of real property for the public purpose and matters
directly related thereto;

4. Consider a matter that concerns the proposal for a business or industrial
organization to locate, expand or locate in the state;
5. Consider the investment of public funds;
6. Consider the marketing of public securities;
X 7. Consult with counsel to obtain legal advice;

8. Consult with staff, consultants or other individuals about pending or potential

9. Conduct collective bargaining negotiations or consider matters that relate to the

10. Discuss public security if the public body determines that public discussion
would constitute a risk to the public or public security, including;
a) the deployment of fire and police services and staff; and
b) the development and implementation of emergency plans
11. Prepare, administer or grade a scholastic, licensing or qualifying examination;

12. Conduct or discuss an investigative proceeding on actual or possible criminal

13. Comply with a specific constitutional, statutory or judicially imposed
requirement that prevents public disclosures about a particular proceeding or
matter; or
14. Before a contract is awarded or bids are opened, discuss a matter directly related
to a negotiation strategy or the contents of a bid or proposal, if public discussion
or disclosure would adversely impact the ability of the public body to participate
in the competitive bidding or proposal process

DATE AND TIME: Tuesday, May 27, 2014 11:30 a.m.
PLACE: City Hall
SUBJ ECT: Legal and Contractual Matters

Prior to this open session of the Mayor and City Council being held on Tuesday, May 27,
2014, a closed session was held on Tuesday, May 27, 2014 at 12:00 p.m. The following
is a report of the closed session.
1. A statement of the time, place, and purpose of the closed session is attached.
2. A record of the vote of each member as to closing the session is attached.
3. A citation of the authority under the law for closing the session is attached.
4. (a) Topics of Discussion: Legal and Contractual Matters
(b) Persons present:
Mayor Richard Meehan
City Manager David Recor
Council President Lloyd Martin
Council Secretary Mary Knight
Council Members Doug Cymek; Margaret Pillas; Brent Ashley; Dennis Dare and
J oe Mitrecic
City Solicitor Guy Ayres
City Engineer Terry McGean
Public Works Director Hal Adkins
Public Works Chief Deputy Director J im Parsons
Golf Superintendent J oe Perry
Executive Office Associate Diana Chavis

Action(s) taken:
Motion to close meeting:

Time adjourned:

TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2014


A. Retirement Recognition of Pam Marshall, Accountant

Pamela Marshall has contributed Fifteen (15) years of
dedicated service to the Town of Ocean City, where she began her
career in 1999; and

WHEREAS, Pamela Marshall has played an integral role in the
Finance Department for the Town of Ocean City for 15 years; and

WHEREAS, Pam served on the Pension Board as a Trustee
representing General Employees. She completed pension accounting
and sent out monthly reports to trustees as well as prepared reports
for Comprehensive Annual Financial Report; and

WHEREAS, Pam Marshalls skill and experience have been
instrumental in the overall success of the Finance Department for the
Town of Ocean City, Maryland.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Richard W. Meehan, Mayor of the Town of
Ocean City, Maryland, along with the Ocean City Council, do hereby
commend Pam for her Fifteen (15) years of devoted service and wish
her a happy and healthy retirement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused
the Great Seal of the Town of Ocean City, Maryland to be affixed this
day of May in the year of Our Lord two thousand and fourteen.


TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2014


B. Retirement Recognition of PFC Charles Zukas

Charles Zukas has contributed Twenty-six (26) years
of dedicated service to the Town of Ocean City, where he began his
career in 1989; and

WHEREAS, Charles Zukas has played an integral role in the Police
Department for the past 26 years; and

WHEREAS, During his career with the Ocean City Police Department,
Charles was certified as an Intoximeter Operator on November 18,
1994 and he has completed more than 1,000 breath tests since then.
This is a very impressive stat; and

WHEREAS, In addition to his distinguished career with the Ocean
City Police Department, Charles is a Gulf War Veteran; and

WHEREAS, Charles Zukas skill and experience has been instrumental
in the overall success of the Police Department for the Town of Ocean
City, Maryland.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Richard W. Meehan, Mayor of the Town of
Ocean City, Maryland, along with the Ocean City Council, do hereby
commend Charles for his Twenty-six (26) years of devoted service and
wish him a happy and healthy retirement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the
Great Seal of the Town of Ocean City, Maryland to be affixed this 27

day of May in the year of Our Lord two thousand and fourteen.


TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2014


Any person who may wish to speak on a matter scheduled for discussion on the Work
Session Agenda may be heard during Comments from the Public for a period of three
(3) minutes or such time as may be deemed appropriate by the Council President.
Anyone wishing to be heard shall state their name, address and the subject on which
he or she wishes to speak.

TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2014


A. TAB Funding Allocation Recommendation for OC Bikefest
presented by Greg Shockley, Chairman

The White Marlin Capital of the World

TO: The Honorable Mayor, Council President and Members of Council
THRU: David L. Recor, ICMA-CM, City Manager
FROM: Donna Abbott, Tourism and Marketing Director
RE: Tourism Advisory Board Update and Funding Recommendation
DATE: May 21, 2014

ISSUE(S): TAB update and request to approve funding recommendation

SUMMARY: Tourism Advisory Board Chairman Greg Shockley will present an
update on TABs April 10, 2014 meeting. TAB seeks approval
from the Mayor and Council for $35,000 from its allocation to
support funding BikeFest 2014 scheduled for September 11-14 in
Ocean City.

The new owner of BikeFest, Kathy Michael, has requested
funding in the amount of $35,000 to assist with marketing and
security for the 2014 event. TAB approved the funding request
with the understanding that there could be a reduced sliding
scale for any future requests given this event has received
funding the past few years and was able to make a profit last

FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are available in TABs current allocation

RECOMMENDATION: Approve TAB recommendation.

ALTERNATIVES: Defer to Mayor and Council.


Donna Abbott, Tourism and Marketing Director
COORDINATED WITH: Greg Shockley, Tourism Advisory Board Chairman

ATTACHMENT(S): Bikefest request for TAB allocation

Agenda Item # 5A
Council Meeting May 27, 2014
8evlsed 3/12

App||cat|on for 1our|sm Deve|opment Grant
Ccean C|ty, Mary|and 1our|sm Adv|sory 8oard

lundlng Cycle: uaLe:
AppllcaLlon ueadllne:

I. App||cant rof||e

a. CrganlzaLlon/Agency:

b. Address:

c. ro[ecL ulrecLor/romoLer:

d. hone number:

e. Lmall Address:

f. Source of CperaLlng lunds:

g. 1oLal 8udgeL AmounL for ro[ecL:

h. ls your organlzaLlon for proflL or non-proflL:

Cwners CaplLal
W1166 PluuLn CAkS u8lvL, LAS1 18C?, Wl 33120
March 27, 2014
$700,000 w/$70k lnklnd
8evlsed 3/12
II. 1ype of ro[ect

X Speclal LvenL
! romoLlonal uvu/Cu
! rlnLed MaLerlal
! Co-op AdverLlslng
! CLher___________________________

lease lnclude your organlzaLlons speclflc pro[ecL/evenL hlsLory lncludlng resulLs, awards or
credenLlals recelved.

III. ro[ect]kequest Summary

a. narraLlve descrlpLlon of ro[ecL or LvenL - MusL lnclude needs
assessmenL/purpose of pro[ecL, pro[ecL ouLllne, and lnLended resulLs. ?ou may
also aLLach a 8uslness lan and /or a power polnL presenLaLlon.
We are hosLlng a four-day moLorcycle evenL aL Lwo locaLlons, Lhe CC ConvenLlon
CenLer and Lhe lnleL (uslng Lhe SunfesL seLup) wlLh a focus on provldlng quallLy
experlences Lo aLLracL consumers Lo CC for exLended sLays. 1he experlences
lnclude naLlonal muslc acL, sLunL Leams, vendors, and much more. Admlsslon wlll
be charged aL Lhe lnleL where Lhe muslcal acLs wlll perform. 1he average
aLLendee ls 32 years of age and has an annual lncome of $92k. naLlonally,
moLorcycllsLs spend more money on consumables because Lhey Lyplcally don'L
have space Lo carry much on Lhelr moLorcycles. 1he boardwalk merchanLs have
been pleased wlLh Lhe fooL Lrafflc as well. 1A8 funds wlll be used Lo asslsL ln Lhe
markeLlng of Lhe evenL and Lo off seL cosL of securlLy needed Lo provlde a safe
experlence for boLh Lhe aLLendees and Lhe communlLy. ln 2013, esLlmaLed
aLLendance was 123k, an lncrease over 2012. Cur expecLaLlon ls Lo lncrease LhaL
number Lo 130k, brlnglng ln excess of 17 mllllon dollars Lo Ccean ClLy ln merchanL
b. uaLes of LvenL (lf appllcable) SepLember 11 - 14, 2014
1hls ls Lhe fourLh year of Lhe evenL. 1he evenL resulLs have been poslLlve and earned
medla arLlcles ln Lwo naLlonal and four reglonal moLorcycle magazlnes as we as local
publlcaLlons, radlo and Lelevlslon coverage. 1he number of heads on beds" has
lncreased each year aL mld season raLes. Accordlng Lo resLauranLs/bars we have
been ln conLacL wlLh, some have experlenced record sales durlng Lhe evenL. 1he
evenL also produces ln excess of $30 for local charlLles.
8evlsed 3/12

IV. I|nanc|a| Informat|on

d. AnLlclpaLed 8oom nlghLs generaLed: WhaL sLeps (lf any) have been Laken Lo
collaboraLe wlLh PM8A/hoLel communlLy for room accommodaLlons and Lracklng
We are worklng wlLh Susan !ones, CCPM8A, Lo evaluaLe pasL usage and esLabllsh
meLhods Lo lncrease Lhe number of hoLels parLlclpaLlng ln our markeLlng efforLs as
well as lncrease Lhe number of nlghLs per sLay. 8y naLure, when our aLLendees
have had a greaL experlence ln a clLy, Lhey Lend Lo reLurn on Lhelr own. We
belleve LhaL we wlll generaLe over 33,000 room nlghLs plus many renLal unlLs noL
measured by CCPM8A.
ro[ecL 8udgeL
1. 1oLal ro[ecL 8udgeL $700k + $70k lnklnd
2. AmounL 8equesLed from 1A8 $33,000
3. lund provlded by AppllcanL $200,000
4. AddlLlonal Sponsor lunds Leveraged $130,000
LlsL oLher fundlng sources:
Wlll lnclude vendor fees, merchandlse fees, and gaLe fees aL Lhe lnleL.

*lease aLLach a deLalled budgeL. A budgeL ls requlred for all appllcaLlons.
c. AnLlclpaLed vlslLor aLLendance from ouLslde 30 mlle radlus/oLher 8Cl or
economlc lmpacL lndlcaLors.
ApproxlmaLely 130k aLLendees, wlLh 100k+ aL Lhe convenLlon cenLer and 30k aL
Lhe lnleL.
8evlsed 3/12

A|| app||cants must prov|de at |east 3 references |||ustrat|ng app||cant's h|story of successfu| event
product|on and fu|f|||ment of f|nanc|a| ob||gat|ons.
CC IAMS on|y produces th|s one event, and has done so successfu||y for the past three years. In 2011
and 2012 the event reported a |ost of approx|mate|y 5183,000 and was st||| ab|e to meet a|| f|nanc|a|
ob||gat|ons. In 2013, a|| f|nanc|a| ob||gat|ons were met successfu||y and the event promoters
exper|enced a sma|| prof|t. CC IAMS |s owned by kathy M|chea|, who has owned and operated
another successfu| event management company for 17 years.
Is your company bonded? __yes_________________
CollaLeral maLerlals deLall (speclfy Lype and number prlnLed). lease aLLach.
1. 8ack brochure (prlnL run 130k) $6,000.00
2. 8ally Culdes (prlnL run 30k) $14,000.00
3. 4-page evenL guldes (prlnL run 20k) $0 (earned medla)
4. $___________________
MarkeLlng promoLlons ueLall (focus on medla expendlLures ouLslde of 30 Mlle radlus
of CCMu)
1. 1rade Shows $7,000.00
2. Web $3,000.00
3. 8adlo/1elevlslon $23,000.00
4. rlnL $13,000.00
CLher (please be speclflc)
1. $___________________
2. $___________________
3. $___________________
4. $___________________
8evlsed 3/12
Signature (Promoter/Project Director)
Signature (Authorized TAB Administrator)

keturn App||cat|on to: 1our|sm Adv|sory 8oard
12320 Ccean Gateway Ccean C|ty, MD 21842. hone: 410-213-0144. Lma||: me|an|eQoceanc|
AppllcaLlon rocedures
1. ConLacL 1ourlsm Advlsory 8oard Chalr Melanle ursel for appllcaLlon conslderaLlon and any
410-213-144 LxL. 102

2. llll ouL appllcaLlon and submlL Lo chalr. All secLlons MuS1 be compleLed.
3. 1A8 Chalr wlll conLacL AppllcanL Lo schedule a presenLaLlon Lo Lhe 8oard afLer revlewlng and
raLlng Lhe appllcaLlon. AppllcanL may recelve addlLlonal quesLlon regardlng appllcaLlon
4. AppllcanL wlll be conLacLed wlLh 1A8's declslon.
3. All awards are based on fundlng avallablllLy and approval of Mayor and ClLy Councll.
1. All ro[ecLs musL have a deLalled budgeL aLLached, speclfylng Lhe amounL requesLed.
2. ro[ecLs wlll be raLed on:
a. AblllLy Lo leverage addlLlonal funds/overall budgeL
b. llnanclal sLablllLy of promoLer/appllcanL
c. Lconomlc lmpacL
d. 1argeL markeL
e. Ceographlc locaLlon of evenL
f. unlqueness and ablllLy Lo aLLracL vlslLors

TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2014


B. Request to Sole Source Purchase of Wastewater Grinder
presented by Wastewater Superintendent

The White Marlin Capital of the World

TO: The Honorable Mayor, Council President and Members of Council
THRU: David L. Recor, ICMA-CM, City Manager
FROM: Charlie Felin, Wastewater Department Superintendent
RE: Sole Source Purchase of Wastewater Grinder
DATE: May 5, 2014

ISSUE(S): Improvements to aging wastewater collections system

SUMMARY: A replacement grinder is needed at the 2
St. Pumping Station.
The existing unit has reached the end of its useful life. The
grinder is required for screening purposes to protect downstream
equipment from damage. Riordan Materials is the manufacturers
representative for Franklin Miller.

We are requesting permission to sole source purchase one (1)
Franklin Miller Dimminutor from Riordan Materials.

FISCAL IMPACT: Quote is $38,500.00, including freight. Funding for the unit is
included in the FY 14 budget.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve sole source purchase request.

ALTERNATIVES: Using emergency by-pass is not recommended long term.


Charlie Felin, Wastewater Department Superintendent
COORDINATED WITH: Jim Parsons, Chief Deputy Director of Public Works
Randy Bradford, Wastewater Department Asst. Superintendent

ATTACHMENT(S): 1) Memorandum
2) Proposal from Riordan Materials Corp. / Franklin Miller Inc.

Agenda Item # 5B
Council Meeting May 13, 2014

TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2014


C. Request for Approval of OCPD General Orders presented by
Police Chief

1. G.O. 200 P-1 Personal Relationships (new)
2. G.O. 200 B-1 General Conduct & Compliance (update)
3. G.O. 400 P-1 Plain Clothes Operations Guidelines (new)
4. G.O. 800 A-1 General Appearance Standards (update)


The White Marlin Capital of the World

TO: The Honorable Mayor, Council President and Members of Council
THRU: David L. Recor, ICMA-CM, City Manager
FROM: Ross Buzzuro, Chief of Police
RE: Approval of updated Ocean City Police Department General Orders
DATE: May 16, 2014

ISSUE(S): Presentation of four (4) policy matters that govern police
department operations.

SUMMARY: Two policies have been updated:

G.O. 200 B-1 General Conduct & Compliance with Rules/Regulations
G.O. 800 A-1 General Appearance Standards

Two new policies are being proposed to address operational and
administrative needs within the Department:

G.O. 200 P-1 Personal Relationships
G.O. 400 P-1 Plain Clothes Operations Guidelines

FISCAL IMPACT: Not applicable

RECOMMENDATION: Approve suggested changes to the policies.

ALTERNATIVES: No staff alternatives suggested.

RESPONSIBLE STAFF: Captain Gregory Guiton
Lieutenant Brian Cardamone

COORDINATED WITH: Guy Ayres, City Solicitor

ATTACHMENTS: A draft of each policy in order of presentation, those updated
followed by new policies.

Agenda Item # 5C
Council Meeting May 27, 2014

TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2014


D. West Ocean City EMS Service Report presented by Fire

The White Marlin Capital of the World

TO: The Honorable Mayor, Council President and Members of Council
THRU: David L. Recor, ICMA-CM, City Manager
FROM: Chris Larmore, Fire Chief
RE: Analysis of West Ocean City EMS Service
DATE: May 21, 2014

ISSUE(S): West Ocean City EMS Service

SUMMARY: One of the items listed as high priority on the 2014 Strategic Plan
Policy Agenda is a review of West Ocean City EMS service.

This report provides information regarding medical calls for service
to the West Ocean City area, past and current totals/statistics/data,
and costs related to that service.

FISCAL IMPACT: Not applicable

RECOMMENDATION: Not applicable

ALTERNATIVES: Not applicable

RESPONSIBLE STAFF: Chris Larmore, Fire Chief

COORDINATED WITH: Deputy Chief Chuck Barton
Captain Kat Hartley
Finance Administrator Martha Bennett


Agenda Item # 5D
Council Meeting May 27, 2014
Report for City Manager, Mayor, and City Council

EMS Service - West Ocean City
Fire Chief Chris Larmore

March 30, 2014

Executive Summary - This document reviews Emergency Medical Service provided to the West
Ocean City (WOC) area by the Ocean City Fire Department (OCFD). The alternatives to reduce
or expand the service are also provided. While these references are estimates, they should
provide the City Manager and Mayor & City Council (M&CC) with a factual baseline to
determine if the current or modified service is adequate, and funded equitably by Worcester
The OCFD medic unit typically responding to WOC is staffed with three
providers; at least two of which are advanced life support technicians; the third
can be basic level technician. This exceeds the minimum of all other Worcester
EMS units by at least one paramedic.
In 2013, the average time for a unit to arrive in WOC from time of dispatch was 6
minutes 24 seconds.
In 2013, the total EMS call volume for the WOC area was 675. This represents
15.4% of the total EMS calls for service by the Department.
The FY 2013 budget for the Career Division was $7,419,703. The Worcester
County contribution for this EMS service for the same period was $1,181,255,
representing 15.9% of the total budget. (see appendix A for contribution formula)
The estimated annual cost to place one additional medic unit in the WOC area is
estimated to be an additional $1,487,200 after initial startup costs.
The estimated revenue lost to the TOC by no longer responding to the WOC as an
initial response unit is estimated to be $394,552.
The citizenry has been overwhelming supportive of the current arrangement, in
addition to the Authority having J urisdiction.
History Emergency Medical Services has been provided to the residents in WOC by the
staffed ambulance crews since their inception. Initially, service was provided by the Ocean City
Volunteer Fire Company (OCVFC), subsequently by Ocean City Emergency Services, and today
by the OCFD. Provisions made during times of anticipated delayed response such as J uly 4
White Marlin Open, as well as any extended closure of the Route 50 Bridge, OCFD staffed units
have been temporarily placed at the fire house located on Keyser Point Road, owned and
operated by the OCVFC. A significant change was made in 2010/2011 when staffing was
increased to three providers on the ambulance to mirror the corporate limits change. At the same
time, the decision was made to decrease the response from the career personnel on silent fire
alarms in WOC. Please note, there has not been a single documented complaint regarding the
EMS service by the citizenry, to the knowledge of both the current Fire Chief, and EMS Deputy
Chief of the OCFD. The WOC overall response area has been decreased over the years, because
the Berlin Fire Company has expanded their first due areas under the Countys Box Area
Assignments. The TOC typically keeps an unstaffed ambulance at the firehouse located on
Keyser Point Road for the use of the OCVFC.

This report was an included initiative in the Town of Ocean Citys Strategic Master Plan.

Call Volume The EMS calls generated in the WOC area have become fairly consistent over
the last 3 years as noted in the outline below. The total calls for EMS service have been from
668 678 over the last three years, representing 14.08 to 15.40% of the Departments total EMS
call volume.

Service Baseline The OCFD provides advanced medical service to the residents of WOC, via
an ambulance with a 3 person crew, consisting of two advanced life support technicians and one
basic level technician. The remainder of Worcester County, as well as a large number of
departments nationwide, staff a medic unit with two providers. (Several Departments in
Worcester County staff with one primary provider, and rely on an on-call volunteer driver.)

WithinOceanCity 4,026 84.83% 4,057 84.68% 3,665 83.64%
WestOceanCity 668 14.08% 678 14.15% 675 15.40%
Delaware 31 0.65% 34 0.71% 33 0.75%
OutofDistrictinMD 21 0.44% 22 0.46% 9 0.21%
Total: 4,746 100.00% 4,791 100.00% 4,382 100.00%
2011 2012 2013
Response Times - The average response time from dispatch to the location of the call in 2013
for the WOC area was 6 minutes and 24 seconds.

NFPA 1720 references in numerous sections, the Authority having J urisdiction (AHJ ), to
determine the level of service. NFPA 1720 references a fractile of 8 minutes travel time from
dispatch 90% of the time. There are not specific references to areas outside of the municipality,
providing the primary service. With an impeccable history of citizenry approval, as well as the
approval of the AHJ , the current level of service is acceptable. There was a considerable effort
and exhaustive time to make comparisons within the remainder of Worcester County response
times. Because of a difference in both software systems, as well as protocols, this was deemed
highly improbable.

Mean (Average) Response Time Fractile, 90%
All EMS Calls In-Town West OC All Calls In-Town West OC
2011 4:16 3:51 6:40 7:21 6:16 9:46
2012 4:25 4:04 6:20 7:23 6:37 9:39
2013 4:23 3:59 6:24 7:16 6:18 9:38
Mean (Average) Response Ti me:
Calculated from time of unit dispatch to the arrival of the first-arriving unit.
Fracti l e ti me:
Calculated from time of unit dispatch to the arrival of the first-arriving unit.
Fractile (90%) means a unit was on the scene 90% of the time in X minutes or less.
Cost of Current Service In FY 13 the TOC received $1,181,255 from the County toward an
overall budget of $7,419,703. This represents a 15.9% contribution, excluding billed services.

FY '11 FY '12 FY '13
Salaries & Wages 4,381,173 4,378,131 4,475,772
Employee Benefits 2,001,399 2,029,726 2,107,512
Professional Services 42,770 30,607 43,619
Repair/Maintenance 38,452 39,612 42,565
Rentals 500 4,550
Communications 25,946 26,226 18,720
Other Purchased Services 38,470 31,314 32,548
General Supply 238,090 238,123 254,767
Energy 26,270 22,513 25,500
Vehicle Supply/Repair 165,811 210,571 204,606
Capital Outlay 20,740
Intragovernmental 212,743 238,255 209,544
Depreciation 51,500 40,008
Total Operating
7,222,624 7,306,326 7,419,703
Average of 2011-
1% 2%
EMS Service Fees: 1,259,055 1,314,000 1,098,690
Mileage Charges: 278,145 293,429 244,210
Total Service Fees: 1,537,200 1,607,429 1,342,900
Recognized Billing Revenue: 822,328 760,421 923,718
Worcester County Funding
Paramedic funding 210,000 210,000 180,000
Ambulance funding 90,000 90,000 90,000
24/7 Coverage 30,000 30,000 30,000
745,999 889,908 881,255
1,075,999 1,219,908 1,181,255
Services Fees
Billed Detail
FY '11 FY '12 FY '13
In Town 879,535 931,190 769,130
Out of Town 379,520 382,810 329,560
1,259,055 1,314,000 1,098,690
70% | 30% 71% | 29% 70% | 30%
Note: Mileage charges cannot be segregated by call location.
Collections: Approximately 55% of In Town billing is collected. Approximately 50% of Out of Town billing is collected.
OCFD Career Division-Costs & Revenue
Percent Difference Year-to-Year
Percentage In Town/Out of Town:
Service Reimbursement
Operating Expenses:
Cost to Increase Service Should the AHJ request the TOC to staff a medic unit in WOC, it
may add an additional annual expense of approximately $1,487,200, after the County
contribution of $75,000. Initial startup cost could be estimated at $358,615. Note that, if the
AHJ decides the additional service warrants the cost, it may pose an imparity to the remainder of
the residents and Fire Companies in the County.

Detailed breakdown of annual costs as well as startup cost provided in Appendix
B & C
FY '13
Salaries & Wages 4,475,772
Employee Benefits 2,107,512
Professional Services 43,619
Repair/Maintenance 42,565
Rentals 4,550
Communications 18,720
Other Purchased Services 32,548
General Supply 254,767
Energy 25,500
Vehicle Supply/Repair 204,606
Capital Outlay
Intragovernmental 209,544
Total Operating
Worcester County Funding
Paramedic funding 180,000 $
Ambulance funding 90,000 $
24/7 Coverage 30,000 $
881,255 $
1,181,255 $ 1,181,255
Additional annual cost to budget 1,562,200
Additional annual cost to budget
Additional Wor. Co. funding for EMS unit/personnel
OCFD Operational Costs With Staffing In WOC
Less, additional Wor. Co. funding for EMS unit/personnel
Operating Expenses:
Service Reimbursement
Cost to Decrease Service If the TOC were to discontinue EMS service to WOC, it may result
in a loss ($394,552) in overall revenue, based on the current formula utilized by the County.

Effect of Provi di ng No EMS Servi ce to West Ocean Ci ty

FY 2013 Budget Without WOC With Marginal Cost Reduction
Salaries & Wages 4,475,772 -89,792 4,385,980
Employee Benefits 2,107,512 2,107,512
Professional Services 43,619 43,619
Repair/Maintenance 42,565 42,565
Rentals 4,550 4,550
Communications 18,720 18,720
Other Purchased Services 32,548 -280 32,548
General Supply 254,767 -12,017 242,750
Energy 25,500 25,500
Vehicle Supply/Repair 204,606 -28,645 175,961
Capital Outlay
Intergovernmental 209,544 209,544
7,419,703 -130,734 7,289,249
Reduction: -1.76%
Marginal Cost Reduction: 130,734
Revenue Changes:
Decrease WOC Billing Revenue (Est): (164,780) <-Collections estimated at 50% of Out-of-Town Billing
Decrease Wor. Co. Grant Funding (Est): (360,506)
Total Gain (Loss) of Revenue: (525,286)
NetGain(Loss)totheTown: (394,552)

Worcester County Emergency Service Funding

The amount Worcester County provides to ambulance services for transport of patient to a
hospital per calendar year is broken down as follows:
Transport to hospital within city limits $187

Transport to hospital outside city limits $748

Non-transports $187

Mileage Supplement:
A mileage supplement is paid for transports >25 miles @ 0.505/mile.
For Ocean City, transports to AGH do not qualify.
The mileage supplement applies to transports to PRMC and Beebe.

Paramedic provider (Per Full-time provider) $5000

Ambulance (Per Ambulance) $10,000

24/7 Service $30,000

(model) 255,000 $
Ambulance Equipment
Backboards (2) 2 @ 180 $ 360 $
Bags; Drug 200 $
Cardiac Monitor Defibrillator 33,000 $
Engle Cooler 800 $
Fluid Warmer 575 $
KED 380 $
MCT CF 53 4,800 $
MCT Dock 800 $
Narc Safe 1,500 $
Pediatric 750 $
Portable Suction 1,400 $
Power load system 18,500 $
Power Stretcher 15,000 $
Sager Splint 500 $
Scoop Stretcher 695 $
Scott SCBA (2) 2 @ 8,000 $ 16,000 $
Spinal Straps set 125 $
Splint Kit 300 $
Stair Chair 7,500 $
Trauma 180 $
Water Rescue can, rope 250 $
Subtotal 103,615 $
Total 358,615 $
OCFD Ambul ance and Equi pment Costs

One Medic Unit, 3 personnel 24 hrs/day x 365 days/yr = 8760 hours/year

Full time employee works 48 hrs/wk x 39 weeks + 36 hrs/wk x 13 weeks =2340 hours/year
Preliminary Staffing Factor = 8760 = 3.74
Vacation time 3.19 wks = 143.78
Holiday time 12 x 8 hrs = 96
Personal time 2 x 8 hrs = 16
Sick time 12 x 8 hrs = 96
Net Hours Employee Available 1988.22
Total hours/year for 3 positions 8760 = 4.41
Net Hours Employee Available 1988
One Medic Crew 3 @ 4.41 = 13.22 13
(8784 in a Leap Year)
Total Number of Employees Needed to Fill 3 Positions
Current Average Length of Annual Time Off
Full Time Employees for One Position
Staffing for a West Ocean City EMS Unit
Full time employees

Salary 58,462 $
Benefit package 29,216 $
Hiring to Road Costs 20,017 $
Subtotal 107,695 $
Staffing Factor 3 Providers x 24/7 13 employees
1,400,030 $
New Ambulance 358,615 $
Vehicle Lease 21,250 $
Equipment Cost 103,615 $
124,865 $
Building Costs 149,219 $
25% 37,305 $
1,562,200 $
Cost of Staffing West Ocean City
Additional cost to annual budget

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