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nevada 2016 PosL CommlLLee, lnc. .C.

| 8ox 60388 Las vegas, nv 89160

May 21, 2014

1he Ponorable Lnld Mlckelsen
Chalrman, SlLe SelecLlon CommlLLee
8epubllcan naLlonal CommlLLee
310 llrsL SLreeL SL
WashlngLon, u.C. 20003

uear Lnld:

ln dlscusslons wlLh your SlLe SelecLlon CommlLLee and oLher lnformed 8nC sources
over Lhe pasL few weeks, lL has become clearly evldenL Lo Lhe Las vegas 2016 PosL
CommlLLee LhaL Lwo prlmary condlLlons musL be fully meL by any compeLlng bld clLy
lf lL ls Lo successfully secure Lhe evenLual honor of hosLlng Lhe 2016 8epubllcan
naLlonal ConvenLlon: 1he ablllLy Lo provlde a LradlLlonal arena faclllLy Lo physlcally
accommodaLe Lhe convenLlon, and an on-slLe preparaLory perlod deemed sufflclenL
by your Lechnlcal consulLanLs Lo comforLably allow for an anLlclpaLed convenLlon
commencemenL daLe ln !une of 2016. Las vegas ls currenLly unable Lo meeL elLher
one of Lhese requlremenLs.

Cn Lhe basls of Lhls undersLandlng, Lhe Las vegas 2016 PosL CommlLLee has
regreLLably deLermlned lL necessary Lo defer our bld efforL Lo Lhe 2020 8epubllcan
naLlonal ConvenLlon opporLunlLy when Las vegas wlll poLenLlally be ln a poslLlon Lo
guaranLee Lhese lnfrasLrucLure and calendar bld requlremenLs. We unwaverlngly
belleve LhaL Las vegas offers Lhe mosL compelllng buslness, loglsLlcal and quallLy of
experlence reasons Lo be selecLed as Lhe venue for a naLlonal pollLlcal convenLlon,
buL Lhe members of Lhe Las vegas 2016 PosL CommlLLee respecLfully defer Lo Lhe
deLermlnaLlon of your SlLe SelecLlon CommlLLee and Lo Lhe guldance from Lhe 8nC
sLrlcLly adherlng Lo Lhese mandaLory condlLlons.

1he Las vegas 2016 PosL CommlLLee ls mosL appreclaLlve of Lhe opporLunlLy Lo have
engaged wlLh you, your commlLLee members and Lhe Lechnlcal advlsory Leam durlng
Lhe pasL several monLhs of Lhls lnLense due dlllgence process. We fully supporL Lhe
essenLlal work belng duLlfully performed by your SlLe SelecLlon CommlLLee, and we
wlsh you Lhe very besL ln your lmporLanL Lask of deLermlnlng a sulLable slLe for Lhe
2016 8epubllcan naLlonal ConvenLlon.

Slncerely yours,

1he Ponorable 8rlan krollckl

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