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Rao Balaji Institute of Engineering & Sciences Page 1

1. a) Explain how Fourier Transform can be derived from Fourier series.
b) Distinguish between Fourier series and Fourier transform.
c) Distinguish between the expression form of Fourier series and Fourier transform. What
is the nature of the transform pair in the above two cases?
2. State the conditions for the existence of Fourier transform of a signal.
3. Explain Fourier transform of an arbitrary signal.
4. Determine the Fourier transform of the following time function:
| |. ) 3 ( ) 2 ( ) (
+ =

t u t u e t x

5. Obtain the Fourier transform of the following functions:
(i) Impulse function f(t)
(ii) DC signal
(iii) Unit step function
6. Evaluate the Fourier transform of the function:

7. An AM signal is given by | | . 10 2 sin 10 2 sin 3 10 2 cos 5 ) 10 2 ( sin 15 ) (
6 2 3 6
t t t t t f t t t t + + = find
the Fourier transform and its spectrum.
8. Determine the inverse Fourier transform of the spectrum shown below:

9. Find the Fourier transform of the following signal:

A.S.Rao Balaji Institute of Engineering & Sciences Page 2

10. Explain the concept of Fourier transform for periodic signals.
11. Find out the Fourier transform of the periodic pulse train shown in fig.

12. Find the Fourier transform of the following functions:
(i) A single symmetrical triangular pulse
(ii) A single symmetrical gate pulse
(iii) A single cosine wave at t = 0.
13. Find the Fourier transform of cose
t and draw the spectral density function.
14. If the waveform V(t) has the Fourier transform V(f), then show that the waveform delayed
by time t
i.e., V(t t
) has the transform of . ) (
t j
e f V

15. Find the Fourier transform for the signals,
)). 2 ( 10 ( sin 25 ) ( ) (
) 2 ( ) ( ) (
t c t x ii
t t x i o

16. Power signals will have Fourier transforms and energy signals will have Fourier series in the
frequency domain. Justify this statement.
17. Find the Fourier transform for the following function

18. Find the total area under the function ). 30 / ) 8 (( sin 100 ) ( = t c t g
19. Compute the Fourier transform for the signals given below:
) ( 2 ) ( 2 ) (
) 10 sin( 4 ) 10 cos( 3 ) (
) 2 1 ( ) 2 1 (
t u e t u e ii
t t i
t j t j t t +

A.S.Rao Balaji Institute of Engineering & Sciences Page 3

20. Find the Fourier transform of the following waveforms shown in fig.

21. Find the Fourier transform of the signal
) (
t x
22. Find the Fourier transform of the signal shown in fig.

23. For the following signal, find the power, rms value and sketch the PSD:
t B t A 60 sin 40 cos +
24. State and explain Homogeneity, Superposition and Linearity properties.
25. Derive the expression for energy density spectrum function of energy signal f(t) from
fundamentals and interpret why it is called energy density spectrum.
26. State and prove Rayleigh Energy theorem (Parsevals theorem for non-periodic functions).
27. State and prove the Multiplication in time domain property of Fourier transform.
28. State and prove Symmetry (Duality) property, time scaling property of the Fourier
29. State and prove the convolution property in relation to Fourier transform.
30. Explain in detail with suitable examples any two properties of Fourier transform.
31. Determine the Fourier transform of a trapezoidal function and triangular RF pulse f(t)
shown in fig. Draw its spectrum.

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32. Using the integration property, find the Fourier transform for the function,

< <
t t
t g
2 1 2
1 1
) (
33. If f(t) F(e), show that ) ( ) ( e e F j
t d

34. Find the Fourier transform of the Signum function and plot its amplitude and phase
35. Find the Fourier transform for the following functions shown in fig.

36. What is Hilbert space? Explain its properties in detail.
37. Differentiate the Hilbert space of energy & power signals.
38. Find the Fourier transform of the function . 3 sin 5 ) (
t t f =
39. Determine the Fourier transform of two sided exponential pulse . ) (
e t x

40. Find the Fourier transforms of an even function x
(t) and odd function x
41. Find the Fourier transform of ) 1 . 0 8 ( sin t + t
A.S.Rao Balaji Institute of Engineering & Sciences Page 5

42. Obtain the Fourier transform of the following:
) 2 cos( ) ( ) ( ) (
) ( ) 2 ( sin ) ( ) (
| t
+ =
t f t f t x ii
t u t f A t x i

43. Find the Fourier transform of

s s
t t
t f
2 / 1 2 / 1 cos
) (

44. A waveform V(t) has a Fourier transform which extends over the range from f
to +f

which extends over the range from -2f
to +2f
. Show that V
(t) has a Fourier transform.
45. Find and sketch the Inverse Fourier transform of the waveform shown in fig.

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