You are on page 1of 22

Iake better Iake better

Practical Practical
Iake better Iake better



Have a great
holday wth
our advce...

0-5LR settngs exglaned

Lreatve comgostons
for conc glaces

Iakng geogle ghotos

Iog travel tgs
2 using yeur Ienses free with PracticaI Phetegraphy 3
l |
l |
l canI imagine Iravelling
anyvhere viIhouI
shooIing hundreds oI
picIures Io remember
Ihe experience by
WeIcome l|On ||Jc'|cJ| ||O'Oq|Jp|y cd|'O| And|cv Jncs
how Io Iravel lighI 22
Iravel Iully loaded 24
how Io wear a camera bag 26
Iake a Iresh look aI Iamiliar views 28
Iell a sIory wiIh your eole hoIograhs 34
SuggesIed camera seIIings orIraiIs 38
SuggesIed camera seIIings buildings 40
SuggesIed camera seIIings landscaes 42
whLkLVLk Y0u go Ihis year Ior a
break Irom Ihe raI race, make sure
you carry a camera wiIh you. Iravel
and hoIograhy were made Io
comlemenI each oIher and l, Ior
one, canI imagine Iravelling
anywhere wiIhouI shooIing hundreds
oI icIures Io remember Ihe
exerience by. Lven on holidays
when lve romised oIhers l wonI
overdo Ihe hoIograhy, lve ended
u busily snaing away wiIh
whaIever lighIweighI kiI lve carried!
IhaIs how l came Io shooI Ihe
CyrioI sunseI above. l was crying ouI
Ior a longer IelehoIo lens Io ull Ihe
seIIing sun closer in Ihe Irame buI
had Io make do wiIh my sIandard
lens. Now lm raIher leased IhaI l
couldnI go Ior Ihe obvious and wenI
1hIS 6uIf IS
ku6h1 1 u ...

Iravel know-how
Iravel gear
Iravel techngue
Ihe worlds mosI hoIogenic laces 4
Vake Ihe mosI oI your advenIures 12
SaIeIy advice 18
Iravel checklisI 20
Ior a wider view. Ihis Iravel Ield
guide will wheI your aeIiIe Ior Ihe
many amating laces you can Iravel
Io and rovide loIs oI Iis and
insiraIion Io hel you shooI greaI
icIures when you geI Ihere. Ihe
subjecI oI Iravel is broad and covers
every asecI oI hoIograhy Irom
landscaes Io orIraiIs - you should
jusI aim Io caIure Ihe siriI oI each
lace you visiI in your own unique
way. have a greaI Iri.
!J|e |e||e| ||Jve| |^|^ | ||ou| o ,ou
|, ||J||J| ||^|^|J|y anc | u||||ec
|, ||/| /c|ve l|m|ec |o a| o ||
|oo||e can |e |e|ocucec w||ou |e
u||||e| e|m||on |o| mo|e |no|ma|on
a|ou ||J||J| ||^|^|J|y v||
|ield guide ediIor: |en |aw||n
|ield guide arI ediIor C||| k||,
AddiIional words/hoIograhy: /nc|ew
ame, C||| kue|, |o| |a||n, |a|cu
|c/cam, C||| \eon, c |av|c |oon
AddiIonal design: ko| |o|me
AddiIional roducIion: S|ane Co|||n
VarkeIing: o |ae c o ||eon
keroducIion: Cu||cen|u||, |ee||o|ou|
PrinIed by: ||ec||on Co|ou| |||n|n, e|o|c
1ake better traveI phetes
Iravel know-how
Be!ore you Ieave home you need Io knov vhaI Io Iake,
vhere youre gong, vhaI youre gong Io do Ihere and
hov Io sIay sa!e. Here ve pck Ihe brans o! Ihe experIs.
Iravel know-how

1urn the page fer mere
stunning phete leratiens
1he vorlds mosI
phoIogenic places
Yangshuo, uIn, fhna
Ihe Chinese have a saying: 6uilin has Ihe mosI beauIiIul scenery in
China. Yangshuo is even more beauIiIul Ihan 6uilin. 0onI miss Ihe
nearby ancienI Iown oI 0axu Ior some greaI eole shoIs, and Xinging
Ior awesome landscae views. lI Ihe skies are clear, climb Ihe Lao lhai
eak in Ihe dark Io geI Io Ihe Io Ior sunrise. Ihe besI way Io geI Io
Yangshuo is on Ihe overnighI sleeer bus Irom Shenthen, which is a 3
minuIe Irain journey Irom hong Kong.
leek eut fer... Ihe IemIaIion Io Iake Ioo many hoIos!
fermer P1
winner Marcus
McAdam has
cIecked up
ever 100,000
air miIes in his
quest fer the
perfect traveI
here wouId be top of your pIaces to vst Ist! Maybe youd
opt for the sun, surf and sand of hawa, or maybe a quet
break n the AustraIan outback s more your styIe. we asked
traveI expert Marcus McAdam, whose passport bears the stamps of
more than 50 countres, to nomnate hs ten favourte destnatons...
Iravel know-how
6 1ake better traveI phetes
AIbaraccn, Span
lIs amating Ihe Sanish donI
make more oI Ihis lace, buI maybe
some oI iIs aeal is in Ihe IacI IhaI
Ihey donI. Alberracin is an ancienI
Iown, hidden dee wiIhin a gorge,
surrounded by sIunning scenery and
a naIional ark. Send a Iew relaxing
days hoIograhing Ihe cobbled
sIreeIs, crooked houses, casIle,
alace and caIhedral. Ihen Iake Ihe
A1512 souIh Iowards 8etas and Ihis
will Iake you high u Io a laIeau
Ihrough dense IoresI. 6eI ouI oI Ihe
car and walk along Ihe rim - Ihe
views are breaIhIaking.
Look out for... Ihe cin: cu c/ccclct!
havana, fuba
Iheres a unique aImoshere in
havana, one where Ihe locals all seem
Io be genuinely hay and love having
Iheir hoIo Iaken. Lxlore Ihe old ciIy
on IooI, Iake in Ihe archiIecIure and Ihe
classic cars, and geI u early and waIch
Ihe ciIy come Io liIe. Avoid Ihe hoIIesI
Iimes oI year and Ihe hurricane season!
Also make an eIIorI Io visiI Ihe world
heriIage Iown oI Irinidad.
Look out for... being shorIchanged aI
Ihe airorIs dearIure Iax counIer.

1urn the page fer
mere destinatiens
Angkor, famboda
when you menIion Angkor, mosI eole Ihink
oI Angkor waI, Ihe largesI religious sIrucIure in
Ihe world. 8uI Ihe surrounding Iemles are Iar
more hoIogenic. Check ouI Angkor Ihom, Ia
Prohm and 8anIeay Kdei Ior Ihe besI hoIos.
Ihe besI Iimes Io visiI are sunrise and sunseI,
as mosI oI Ihe IourisIs will be aI Angkor waI.
Angkor is also home Io Ihe worlds cuIesI kids,
who make a living Irom selling souvenirs.
Iheyre hay Io have Iheir hoIos Iaken buI
will execI you Io buy someIhing.
Look out for... Ia waIer. 8uy cans, noI boIIles.
Iravel know-how
8 1ake better traveI phetes 9
Jhe Iour forners regon, USA
Named because iIs Ihe only lace in America where Iour
sIaIes meeI aI one oinI (Colorado, uIah, Aritona and New
Vexico), you can sIand on Ihis oinI and wiIhin a 2mile
radius have some oI Ihe mosI amating scenery in Ihe world.
Ihe obvious musIsees are Ihe 6rand Canyon, AnIeloe
Canyon (below) and VonumenI Valley, buI iI geIs beIIer Ihan
Ihis. Check ouI Ihe naIional arks oI Arches, 8ryce, lion (Io
righI) and Canyonlands Ior endless hoIos and less IourisIs.
Also worIh a visiI is horseshoe 8end (leII), jusI souIh oI Page.
|ly Io Las Vegas Ior Ihe easiesI access.
Look out for... raIIlesnakes! ence, ItaIy
Ihis ciIy is a hoIograhers aradise. 0onI Iake Ioo
much gear, as Ihe only sensible way Io geI around is on
IooI, and avoid |uly and AugusI as iI is Ioo overcrowded
and oIIen uncomIorIably hoI. Ihe besI Iimes Io go (and
oIIen Ihe cheaesI) are 0cIober Io 0ecember and Varch
Io Vay. 0onI go during Ihe Carnivale unless you wanI
Io hoIograh Ihe cosIumes. lI you geI a sunny day
wiIh clear blue skies, Iake a boaI Io Ihe island oI 8urano
and shooI Ihe coloured houses.
Look out for... a ma. lIs very easy Io geI losI here.
8romo, fast [ava, Indonesa
Ihis lace will Iake your breaIh away. Ihere are many
laces Io sIay righI on Ihe rim oI Ihe main craIer, such as
Ihe Lava View hoIel and CaIe Lava, or you could geI a
|ee Io Iake you Io Ihe Io oI Ihe mounIain Ior sIunning
sunrise views. |usI geI Ihere early - Ihe sighI oI an
eruIing volcano aI dawn will sIay wiIh you Iorever.
Look out for... locals riing you oII. 8argain hard!

1urn the page fer three
mere phete leratiens
5 6
6 7
Iravel know-how
!0 1ake better traveI phetes !!
Ihe roblem wiIh AusIralia is iIs site. unless you
dedicaIe monIhs Io iI, youll never see more Ihan
a handIul oI laces. Iasmania on Ihe oIher hand
has all Ihe landscaes oI Ihe mainland (wiIh Ihe
exceIion oI deserIs) buI in a much smaller area.
VounIains, rainIoresIs, beaches and lains are all
wiIhin a days driving disIance. ld recommend
|reycineI Peninsular, VounI wellingIon (you can
drive Io Ihe Io), Lake SI Clair NaIional Park and, iI
youre really advenIurous, SouIhwesI NaIional Park.
Look out for... Iasmanian devils!
Jhe reat waII, fhna
Ihe 6reaI wall makes oIher wonders
oI Ihe world look like weekend 0lY jobs.
AIIer an exhausIing climb Io Ihe Io,
youll wonder how Ihe hell Ihey goI all
Ihose bricks u Ihere. Avoid Ihe more
IourisIy laces such as 8adaling and
insIead visiI Ihe unresIored secIions,
oIherwise youll be shooIing a wall
IhaIs 2 years old raIher Ihan 2.
Look out for... your saIeIy. Some secIions
are unsIable, so climb wiIh care.
Jhe 0oIomtes, ItaIan AIps
Very Iew eole visiI Ihis area oI norIheasI lIaly,
which ld describe as Luroes YosemiIe. SIee and
verIical cliII Iaces, Iowering eaks and endless
emerald green valleys hel kee any hoIograher
hay. Check ouI Cinque Iorri, ll Pelmo and IoIane
Ior IanIasIic views. As Ihis lace is a major ski
resorI, avoid Ihe winIer monIhs. Vake use oI Ihe
greaI neIwork oI mounIain reIuges siIuaIed dee
in Ihe valleys and among Ihe eaks - Ihese serve
greaI Iood and oIIer chea accommodaIion.
Look out for... mounIains changing colour aI dawn.
8 9 10
Chris westen is
a tep wiIdIife
and repertage
whe knews a
thing er twe
abeut packing
a suitcase.
!2 1ake better traveI phetes
Iravel know-how
or most peopIe hoIdays are a tme to
unwnd, reIax and soak up the sun. Ior
keen photographers, however, theyre
aIso an opportunty to nduIge our passon
and return home wth pctures of a more
exotc nature. And whether youre hkng
n the hmaIayas, bravng the heat n the
Sahara or knottng your hankes n fIacton,
there are ways of ensurng that youre fuIIy
prepared for the opportuntes that present
themseIves. we asked top photojournaIst
and author Chris westen to offer hs top
traveI tps (Iearned the hard way!) to make
Ife on the road that much more frutfuI...
Nake Ihe mosI oI
your advenIures
PIan ahead
Ihe more you research your desIinaIion Ihe more Iime
you will have Iaking hoIograhs as oosed Io Irying
Io Ind suiIable subjecIs. Look aI Ihe icIures in Iravel
books Io see whaI sorI oI hoIograhy is ossible, use
Ihe inIerneI Io idenIiIy IourisI hoIsoIs, and geI in Iouch
wiIh Ihe local IourisI oIIce Ior advice on where Io go
and whaI Io see. Ialk Io eole whove recenIly visiIed
your desIinaIion Ior ideas and Iis on whaI Io shooI.
Packng for ar traveI
Pack as much oI your kiI as you can
in a cabinregulaIion camera
ack and carry iI on board
Ihe lane wiIh you.
heavy equimenI and
oversited lenses are
besI acked in a hard
case (such as Ihose
made by Peli - see Ihis
monIhs 0eci 0uiJe Ior
more) and checked inIo Ihe
aircraII hold. You can
disguise hard cases by lacing
Ihem inside armysIyle duIIel
bags. Vemory cards are unaIIecIed
by Xrays and you should have no
roblem assing Ihem Ihrough
airorI securiIy checks.
Power up
|ew cameras Ioday oeraIe wiIhouI baIIery
ower. Iake aI leasI one sare Iully charged
baIIery and, when Iravelling in less
develoed counIries, buy cell baIIeries
beIore you leave. universal elecIrical
adaIers (see age 2) work in mosI
counIries buI noI all. |or examle, SouIh
AIrica and 8oIswana use a unique Ihreein
sockeI IhaI requires a seciIc elecIrical
adaIer. |or ower on Ihe move buy an
inverIer. Ihis device lugs inIo Ihe 12v
sockeI in vehicles used Ior Ihe cigareIIe
lighIer and enables Ihe
vehicles baIIery Io be
used Io ower
baIIery chargers,
laIos and oIher
elecIrical gear.
Use a teIephoto Iens for
photographng peopIe
Candid momenIs can be caIured wiIh a IelehoIo lens in
Ihe range oI 13mm, when Ihe subjecI is unaware Ihey
are having Iheir icIure Iaken and Iheir acIions are more
naIural. Ihis is a arIicularly good Iechnique Io adoI when
shooIing eole aI work, such as Ishermen mending neIs,
or markeI sIallholders selling Iood or Iowers. SelecI a
relaIively wide aerIure (eg I/5.6) Io minimise deIhoI
Ield, which will hel Io isolaIe Ihe subjecI Irom disIracIing
background cluIIer.

1urn the page fer mere
expert travel advire
! 1ake better traveI phetes
Iravel know-how
Ask permsson
when photographng peopIe,
partcuIarIy n regons of senstve
cuItures, t s poIte to ask permsson.
Many peopIe enjoy havng ther pcture
taken and wII readIy agree, strkng
severaI poses and even ntroducng you
to ther famIy and frends, who aIso
want a pcture taken. If shootng
dgtaIIy, show them the mages n the
Lf0 montor and youII be amazed at
the postve reactons.
Look for the
Kee your eyes eeled
Ior Ihe less obvious
subjecIs IhaI make Ior
comelling images. |or
examle, Ihe dislays oI
Iood on a markeI sIall,
or Ihe way lighI and
conIrasI Iorm designs
and aIIerns on Ihe side
oI a building. AbsIracI
inIerreIaIions oI
everyday scenes will
make your images more
aealing because Ihey
show Ihe world in a
diIIerenI and
unexecIed lighI.
lIs noI always ossible Io avoid Ihe
IourisI crowds buI geIIing u and
heading ouI early will oIIen mean you
missing Ihe masses aI oular IourisI
soIs. VosI IourisIs venIure ouI aIIer
breakIasI, so seI your alarm clock Ior
dawn and make Ihe mosI oI Ihe
hoIogenic early morning lighI, when
sIreeIs are clear oI eole and oIher
everyday disIracIions. You can aly Ihe
same rule laIer in Ihe day, waiIing Ior
Ihe crowds Io reIurn Io Iheir hoIels and
making Ihe mosI oI direcIional, laIe
aIIernoon/early evening lighI.
Avod crowds

5ee page
28 fer mere
advire en nding
unusual views
!6 1ake better traveI phetes
Iravel know-how
Sunrse and sunset
Lverybody enjoys an evocaIive sunrise or sunseI
icIure. Check Ihe local aers or ask local eole Ior
Ihe relevanI Iimes, which change IhroughouI Ihe year.
Ihe besI way Io inoinI where Ihe sun will rise and
seI is Io use a secial sunrise/sunseI comass, which
can be boughI via Ihe inIerneI or aI any good
hoIograhic reIailer. Ihis device oinIs Io Irue norIh
and also gives an esIimaIe oI Ihe osiIion oI Ihe sun aI
sunrise and sunseI Ior a number oI diIIerenI locaIions
u Io 5 degrees Irom Ihe equaIor.
After dark
CiIies in arIicular Iruly
come Io liIe aIIer dark, so
head ouI wiIh a Iriod Io
caIure Ihe aImoshere and
energy oI nighI Iime. You
will need a Iriod Io kee
Ihe camera sIeady during
lengIhy exosures, and iIs
wise Io use a remoIe cable
release Io Ire Ihe shuIIer,
minimising Ihe likelihood oI
camera shake. lI shooIing
digiIally, when using shuIIer
seeds greaIer Ihan 1
second, Iurn on Ihe Noise
keducIion IuncIion, which
can be Iound in Ihe menu oI
mosI currenI digiIal cameras.
fapture the moment
Lvery icIure should Iell a sIory.
waIch Ior scenes IhaI encasulaIe
an emoIion, such as a joyous
momenI or Iunny evenI, and be
ready Io caIure Ihem in Ihe blink
oI an eye. when Irying Io decide
wheIher a scene is worIh
hoIograhing, when looking
Ihrough Ihe viewInder ask yourselI
Ihe quesIion, how would l caIion
Ihis image! lI Ihe only caIion you
can Ihink oI is a lace name or
secies name, Ihen Ihe icIure
robably isnI worIh Iaking.
PhoIograhy is a Iorm oI
communicaIion, so Iry Io include as
much relevanI inIormaIion in your
icIures as ossible.
!8 1ake better traveI phetes
Iravel know-how
1heft and accidentaI damage are
the twe mest cemmen insurance
cIaims make sure yeure cevered
by yeur traveI insurance peIicy.
SaIeIy advice INSukANCf
0ne of the most mportant eIements of securty s aIso one of the most overIooked.
we asked Pheteguard, one of the Uks Ieadng nsurance provders, for advce on
what to Iook for, what to do and, more mportantIy, what not to do...
wrst strap
PerIecI Ior when youre Iaking
icIures in busy markeI laces or
crowded sIreeIs, 0/Iechs
6oIcha wrisI SIra (1, www. is quick and
easy Io aIIach, and will revenI
your camera Irom being sIolen.
8ag Iocks
Solid brass adlocks such as Ihese ProsaIe
61 secure luggage locks (4.9, www. are recognised by uS
airorI securiIy and can be oened wiIhouI
damage Io your bags. Iheyre chea Ioo.
Securty system
Ihe PacsaIe 12 (45, www.burIonmccall. is a wire mesh IhaI wras around
larger camera bags and backacks (oIher
sites are available) and secures Io Ixed
objecIs such as railings. lI also Iolds away
inIo a small ackage, which means you can
sIash iI in your camera bag when noI in use.
th so much to thnk about when preparng for
a hoIday, securty concerns often faII by the
waysde. And Iosng kt overseas s the bggest
headache of aII. here are a few gadgets to ensure that
your photo gear stays exactIy where t shouId...
Ph1 f1Iquf11f AkA
Cul1ukAl k kflI6IuS flIffS - neve| u|ue a |oo
oo|un|, | | mean com|om||n |oca| |e||e ln ome a|ea o
|e wo||c | | |e||evec |a a came|a can ea| |e |uman ||| ln
o|e| |e|e a|e ac|oanc |ace o |e|||ou anc |||ua|
|mo|ance |a |ou|c neve| |e |oo|a|ec |e|e | no w||en
coce o e||c ue ,ou| own common ene
CMMuNICA1IN - even | ,ou|e no huen |n |e na|ve onue,
|anuae | no |a|||e| o a||n | ,ou can a|e a |cu|e |,e
conac, a m||e anc o||ve |oc, |anuae w||| ma|e a |ue
c|e|ence / |m |eua| |ou|c |e me w|| |ace a|wa, |ema|n
nona|e|ve anc o||e anc |ea eo|e w|| |eec Ce| a
|nce|e |anc|a|e anc a m||e ae|wa|c
PAMfN1 - a a |u|e o |um| neve| oe| mone, un|e ec|ca||,
a|ec l ,ou oe| mone, eve|, |me ,ou a|e a |cu|e, ,ou|e
c|ea|n a c|cu| |ececen o| uu|e |ave||e| l ,ou con ,ou
ma, no |e a||e o |a| |e |cu|e ,ou wanec l a ||c|,
c||emma, o uce eac| cae a | come | | a|o||ae anc co
,ou ||n| | wou|c |e a|ec|aec
why buy traveI nsurance!
|irsIly iIs imorIanI Io recognise IhaI a Iyical
home conIenIs olicy wonI adequaIely cover
hoIograhic equimenI - Iheres oIIen a limiI Io
Ihe value covered, arIicularly Ior equimenI Iaken
ouI oI Ihe home or overseas. high excesses and
limiIaIions, such as noI covering accidenIal damage,
can oIIen lead Io hoIograhers having Io ay ouI
large sums oI money Ior relacemenI gear. lIs a
sad IacI oI liIe IhaI hoIo equimenI is IargeIed Ior
IheII as iI can be sold on very easily. AucIion siIes
have made iI very simle Io disose oI sIolen goods
and as a resulI criminals IargeI digiIal equimenI.
nar ra |aak [ar in a pa|i:y
.cn xirn :pc:ia|i:r in:urcr:, kccp an cyc aur [ar xnar i:
cz:|udcd [ram i[ rni: mcan: ra di a |irr|c
dccpcr inra rnc xardin ar :pcndin a |irr|c rimc an rnc pnanc...
l rc:| :ra: ,cu :au |cc; ,cu cu.;cu: .u a :a
l rc:| :ra: `:rc;: ;c a ;u||.: ;|a:c .: :c.ccc
l rc:| .; :rcc ac :;c:.: :c:u.:, ;c arcc ,cu||
|c |cc;.u ,cu cu.;cu:
l rc:| ara: c\:c::c: :rcc ac
lamac |imirarian
ncn yaurc abraad, cn:urc rnar yau kccp yaur :amcra ba
xirn yau ar a|| rimc:. a: arc [rcqucnr|y :ra|cn xni|c
pnararapncr: arc :crrin up a :nar and na.c mamcnrari|y
rurncd rncir ba:k an rncir ba. /au :an rcdu:c rnc ri:k a[
|a:in :amc ar a|| a[ yaur cquipmcnr.
l |c uc: ra.c ,cu :aca cu, c :a, .: acuuc ,cu
uc:|, arcu uc: .u u:c
l |u:uc :ra: arcu :rc cu.;cu: .: .u :au:.: .: .: .u a ..c
|cc, :a:c :c .u..:c caac. -|:cua:..c|,, :a|c .: cu :rc
;|auc a: rauc |uac arcc ;c::.||c
l , :c u:c :rc rc:c| :a;c :c :c:uc ,cu cu.;cu: arcu uc:
.u u:c
l , :c ::a, a|c: arcu ,cu ra.c ,cu cu.;cu: a.:r ,cu cu
|cu ;cuuc,:, auc a::a:r :rc ::a; c :.c .: :c ,cu ;c:cu
.; ,cu ac c.u :c |c a:|cc; ;c au, ;a: c; :rc ;cuuc,
l rcu ;rc:ca;r.u a: c.;:u|: au|c: ;u: :rc ::a; c.c
,cu a.:: :c a.c.c cc;;.u :rc :aca
fommon cIams
Ihe mosI common claims are IheII
Irom Ihe erson (esecially Irom
backacks or rucksacks) and
accidenIal damage caused by
droing equimenI or Iriing
while Iaking icIures. Vany insurers
exclude highrisk areas and will also
ca Ihe amounI oI Iime youre
allowed ouI oI Ihe counIry.
PhoIoguard oIIer an anywhere in
Ihe world olicy Ior 365 days.
Phene Pheteguard en 02476
851000 er visit www.pheteguard. fer an instant quete.
20 1ake better traveI phetes
Iravel know-how
fueI yeur imaginatien
with temes such as
leneIy PIanets Ihe
tities 8aak, which
are fuII ef stunning
traveI images.
1ravel checklisI
JraveI gude
walking around your chosen desIinaIion
wiIh a Lonely PlaneI book under your arm
may mark you ouI as a IourisI buI aI leasI
youll be able Io delve a liIIle deeer inIo
Ihe local culIure and liIesIyle. |or greaI
icIures look Ior markeI days, evenIs and
IesIivals, and Io blend in Ind ouI how Io
say lease and Ihank you (aI Ihe very
leasI). 6rab a Iew Iravel brochures and
magatines Ior some insiraIion - Lonely
PlaneIs !/e Citie: 3ccl (reviewed lasI
monIh) comes highly recommended.
0Iher Ihan a Iew noIable exceIions
(8ulgaria, CroaIia, Ctech keublic,
8riIain.) all Luroean counIries
now have Ihe Luro as iIs sole
currency, which makes Iravelling
beIween borders a loI easier Ihan iI
was Ien years ago. lI youre
Iravelling ouIside oI Ihe Lu youll
need Io Ind Ihe besI exchange raIe
- mosI banks, buildings socieIies and
holiday oeraIors oIIer nexI day
collecIion services on mosI
commonly used currencies.
heaIthcare and nocuIatons
Ihe Luroean healIh lnsurance Card (LhlC) has relaced Ihe L111 Iorm
and enIiIles uK residenIs Io reduced cosI or Iree sIaIerovided
healIhcare anywhere in Ihe Lu, lceland, LiechIensIein, Norway and
SwiIterland. Ihe LhlC is Iree, valid Ior u Io Ive years and can be alied
Ior online aI or by honing 845 66 23.
Check wiIh your 6P IhaI you are uIodaIe wiIh all immunisaIions
required in Ihe areas IhaI youre Iravelling Io or Ihrough.
Irst ad kt
8e reared in case oI
bums, scraes and
Iummy useIs. A basic
IrsI aid kiI should include
ParaceIamol, lburoIen,
lmodium (diarrhoea
relieI), rehydraIion Iuids,
PiriIon (anIihisIamine),
insecI reellenI, biIe
IreaImenI and lasIers.
See a 6P Ior addiIional
Youll need a Iull 8riIish Ienyear assorI, even iI
enjoying a LurosIar day Iri, as youll be execIed Io
roduce valid l0 iI asked. 8eIore you leave, make sure
youve Illed in deIails oI your nexI oI kin, made a
hoIocoy oI your assorI deIails age and leII iI wiIh
a Iriend, and you have one oIher Iorm oI hoIo l0 wiIh
you aI all Iimes. Check when your assorI exires as
some counIries wonI leI you enIer unless iI has six
monIhs leII Io run - iI your assorI is in iIs lasI year
check Ihe rules oI Ihe counIry beIore you Iravel. Phone
Ihe uK PassorI Service on 87 521 41 or visiI www. Ior uIoIheminuIe advice. Io check visa
requiremenIs conIacI your Iravel agenI or Ihe embassy
oI Ihe counIry you lan Io visiI.
JraveI pIug
lI youre Iravelling overseas and
have goI baIIeries Io charge or a
laIo Io lug in, youll need a Iravel
lug. |ujis worldwide Iravel adaIer
(2) IeaIures a uK Ihreein sockeI
Ior your exisIing chargers and lugs
and a Iwoin Luroean/American
sockeI Ior use wiIh 11v ower. lI
can also be used Ihe oIher way
round, allowing Iwoin lugs Io be
owered Irom Ihreein sockeIs,
rovided your devices can work
Irom 24v sulies.
heres much more to takng traveI pctures than knowng where to go and
what to shoot. YouII need to be prepared for aII eventuaItes - IIness (or
0eIh beIIy as ts better known as), rechargng batteres and Iaptops, and
eagIe-eyed passport controIs. heres a checkIst for a smooth trp...
22 1ake better traveI phetes 23

1urn the page fer mere
advanred gear eptiens
Iravel gear
1he Iype oI phoIographic kiI you pack depends on
Ihe kind oI holiday and Ihe amounI oI Iime you plan
Io devoIe Io Iaking picIures. LeIs look aI Ihe opIions.
Iravel gear
|e ma||e |a o
como|a||, |oue an
Slk, || ,|e o |a
|a |oom o| a |oc,
anc |en anc no
muc| e|e C|ea o|
|ave|||n w|| |e
|a|e een|a| |u
|ac| |oom o| e:|a
/ |e name |m||e, |ee
|a |ave a |ou|ce| |a anc
|an cown |, ,ou| |ce |e,
|ane |om comac|ec |||
u o ma|ve (wo |o Slk,
|ene anc acceo||e)
|anc|e o| (u|c| |en c|ane
|u |e, a|e a|o |e ea|e
,e o |a o ea|
|e o |a| o |e |a | a |a|e
coma|men o| een|a| uc|
a ma, c||n| anc ancw|c|e,
w|||e |e |oom |a| |a ace
o| a came|a, |ene anc
acceo||e |ee |a a|e |e
|owe |n e|m o acce o ea|
|u a|e |ea o| |ave|||n w|| a
moce came|a |oac
Phete rucksack
|e c|a|c |ac|ac| |a |o o
oc|e anc a |ea||e ma|n
coma|men || enou| o| a
u|| com|emen o came|a
ea| You can even aac| a
||oc o |e |ac| l
|oo|a|, | ,ou| ma|n a|m
w|||e |ave|||n, || | |e ,|e
o |a ,ou |ou|c o o|
Ihe lighIesI way Io Iravel is wiIh a digiIal
comacI. Look Ior models wiIh manual
exosure modes such as aerIure and
shuIIerrioriIy Ior more creaIive resulIs.
An SLksited camera wiIh a Ixed lens,
SLksIyle cameras oIIer a good range oI
IeaIures. Look Ior models wiIh eiIher a
wideangle (2428mm) or long
IelehoIo (18mm and above) lens
deending on your needs.
CurrenI budgeI cameras (36) are
lighIweighI (mosI 0SLks weigh around 5g)
and comacI, making Ihem ideal Iravel
comanions. |usI remember Io ack Ihe baIIery
charger and a suiIable ower adaIer.
You could invesI in a 552mm Io comlemenI
your sIandard 1855mm lens, or you could oI
Ior an 182mm Io save on sace. wiIh an
imressive Iocal range, Ihese lenses are well
suiIed Io Iravelling.
Cheesing which gear te take is ne easy task but having the
perfect camera bag wiII make yeur jeb a Iet easier. And yeu
went have te check yeur precieus kit in as heId Iuggage!
f photography s onIy a smaII part of
your traveI tnerary (and workng on
your tan and drnkng at the pooI
makes up the rest) t may be more
economcaI to take onIy the bare
mnmum of kt. fhoose whch type of
camera bag to take from the Ist beIow,
grab a sutabIe compact for snapshots and
pack an SLk-styIe camera or budget 0-SLk
for the pcturesque sunset/sunrse shots.
Hov Io Iravel lighI
2 1ake better traveI phetes
Iravel gear
kesisI Ihe IemIaIion Io Iake every
camera body you own - unless youre
going on a hoIo Iour youll jusI end u
leaving gear in your hoIel room or being
weighed down by Ihe gear youre noI
using. lI youre soilI Ior choice, Iake Ihe
camera you use mosI Irom day Io day.
Ihis really deends on whaI you are lanning Io
shooI. wed suggesI a wideangle (below 17mm),
sIandard toom (174mm), IelehoIo (7
2/3mm) and macro (5/1mm) as a rough
guide Io make sure you donI miss a single icIure.
PortabIe storage
Smaller and more convenienI
Ihan a laIo, orIable sIorage
allows you Io download your
memory cards and backu your
images. LssenIial Ior Iaking on
hoIograhic Iris when memory
cards may Ill u quickly.
th most enthusasts havng
so much kt (memory cards,
portabIe storage, trpods...),
knowng what to Ieave behnd s as
mportant as knowng what to take.
8e reaIstc about the knds of photos
youII be takng and pack the
mnmum of kt for those partcuIar
subjects. Jakng too much gear s just
as bad as not takng enough.
|e on|, a|ea |a ,ou |ou|c |ea||, ma:
ou on | memo|, ca|c l |e o a|e
a man, a ,ou own anc even |u, one o|
wo e:|a ca|c | ,ou|e no |ann|n o
a|e an, o|a||e o|ae w|| ,ou
lao ma, a|e u |en, o
ace |n ,ou| |a |u |e, a|e
|ea||, |anc, o| an, cown|me
,ou ma, e |e|ce |e|n a||e
o ec| ,ou| |mae, ,ou can a|o
ma|e ou|ne, a (u|c|e| |,
wac||n |V| o| |a,|n
o||a||e loo| o|
moce| w||
|a|c c||ve o
a|ounc 80C|,
a |ea '!2||
o k/| anc a
||| (ua||, c|een
S1kA6f N 1hf Mf...
1ravel Iully loaded
lI goes wiIhouI saying IhaI a Iriod is
necessary on many shooIs. Vake sure Ihe
Iriod is small and lighIweighI buI sIable
enough Ior your camera. 0n IighIs,
remember Io ack iI in your hold luggage
Io be on Ihe saIe side.
Iravel gear
26 1ake better traveI phetes 2
f you pIan to spend a Iot of tme
waIkng n search of great traveI
pctures, how you wear your bag
wII make a huge dfference to how
comfortabIe youII be (and how much
youII ache the next day!). Its aIways
temptng to sIng t over your shouIder
wthout a seconds thought and march
on, but Iets take a moment to study
the scence of wearng a camera bag...
Hov Io vear
a camera bag
1P f 1hf A6 |e |e, o
ma:|mum como| anc ae, |
no ac||n |e we|| c||ec|,
ono ,ou| |ac| You| |ou|ce|
|ou|c |ea| mo o |e we||,
|u con u|| |e |a o ||
|a |e |a | hu| o ,ou| ||n
You|| wea a| mo|e | ,ou co'
11M f 1hf A6 |e |e
o |e we|| |ou|c |e |o|ne |,
,ou| ||, o ma|e u|e ,ou| |a
| como|a||, |n |e ma|| o
,ou| |ac| |on ac| an,||n
|a |||e|, o c| |no ,ou| |a
e||e| |ave a |oo| a |e ne:
ae o| | on |ow o ac|
S1kAPS Secu|e|, aen|n
|e wa| |a w||| enu|e |e
|a a, |n |ace, w|||e |e c|e
|a w||| o |e |ou|ce| |a
|om |||n a ,ou wa|| a|ounc
|o| w||| mo|e even|, c||||ue
|e |a we|| anc w||| enu|e a
mo|e como|a||e ca, wa|||n
ACCfSSkIfS /vo|c |||n em,
ace w|| e:ce ea| lneac,
ue acc|n uc| a wae||oo
(o |on a |e,|e no we) o
enu|e |a e:|a uc| a |e|
anc o|a||e o|ae cev|ce
a|en o|n o |a|e a|ounc lee
|em awa, |om |mac o|n
1flfPh1 lfNSfS |eo|e
ac||n an, |en |no a came|a
|a ma|e u|e |a |o| |en ca
anc |ea| |en ca a|e |n |ace
|ac| |on e|e|oo owa|c |e
|oom o |e |a w|| |e |ea|
|en ca o|n|n u, anc
|emem|e| o |nve| an, |ooc
SMAll lfNSfS C|c w|| oca|
|en| |e|ow !00mm |ou|c |e
|acec w|| |en ca ac|n cown
w|en ,ou |c| |em u ,ou|e
|a|||n |e |one o|n (|e
|en moun) anc no a ocu|n o|
oom ||n /|o ma|e u|e |e,|e
ac|ec nu|, o avo|c camae
lA uk
A6 PkPfkl
A weIIerganised camera bag wiII heIp
distribute the weight, aveid damage te
yeur back, and prevent yeur gear frem
rattIing areund and breaking. ItII aIse
mean yeu knew where everything is,
se next time yeure in a hurry yeu can
grab the essentiaIs in secends...
1ake better traveI phetes
Iravel know-how
...and nov !or Ihe !un parI. CapIure nev
and excIng vevs o! !amIar subjecIs and
make sure youre usng Ihe besI seIIngs.
avid Netens
has taken him
aII ever the
werId, and he
shares his
traveIs each
menth in PP.
f youre Iucky enough to vst one of the worIds conc traveI destnatons
then youII be tchng to take some pctures. 8ut why settIe for the
standard tourst shots that, Iets face t, weve aII seen before! Its aII too
easy to get carred away and take the safe shots, just so you know youve got
somethng, but f you reaIIy want your shots to mpress the foIks back home,
then youII need to gve the oId vews a new twst. Photo traveIIer
extraordnare avid Neten shows us how and why he dd just ths, and shares
hs top traveI tps (and theyre not what you mght expect!).
1ake a Iresh look
aI Iamiliar vievs
fhange your perspectve
Stand underneath the fffeI Jower, shoot
straght up wth a wde-angIe aganst a bIue
sky - smpIe, graphc, boId. fnough sad!

1urn here fer mere
advire frem 0avid
30 1ake better traveI phetes
Iravel techngue

"1axi drivers are usuaIIy

the hrst peepIe yeu deaI
with en arrivaI. eure tired,
bewiIdered, unused te the currency,
Ianguage and custems, and they are
eut te take every advantage ef yeur
vuInerabiIity. Aveid the unefhciaI
cabbies whe besiege yeu as yeu exit
custems. Agree a price befere
jumping in. knew where yeu want
te ge and dent assume the driver
knews his way anywhere. I ence had
te give directiens te a New erk
cabbie whe didnt knew readway.
Aveid discIesing yeur pIans. Mest
taxi drivers in Asia wiII want te be
yeur guide, interpreter and traveI
agent fer the rest ef yeur Iife. Aveid
discussiens en the price ef yeur
chesen accemmedatien. A sharp
intake ef breath and a nedding ef
the head wiII feIIew the discIesure,
feIIewed by the infermatien that he
can take yeu te a better, cheaper
heteI, which just happens te be run
by his brether. having said aII that
we have knewn seme IeveIy drivers
- theyve invited us inte their hemes
and beceme friends. Its easy te
beceme tee suspicieus.

Iind mere tep ideas
ever the page
f fIkM wI1h 1AkI kIfkS
Shoot detaI
London has so many recognisable
siIes IhaI iI can be diIIculI Io decide
whaI Io oinI your lens aI, leI alone
geI a Iresh Iake on such a Iamiliar
subjecI. wesIminsIer 8ridge is one
oI Ihe mosI hoIograhed bridges,
siIuaIed in Ihe shadows oI Ihe
houses oI ParliamenI and 8ig 8en.
Ihe shoI above caIures all oI Ihese
IeaIures buI iI doesnI say anyIhing
new. SoluIion! Iake Iwo insIanIly
recognisable icons oI 8riIain, mix
well wiIh a long lens ersecIive,
add a slash oI sIrong lighIing,
olarise and 8obs your uncle.
Mx oId and new
AncienI siIes werenI builI wiIh modern liIe in
mind, so you may be surrised Io Iurn u aI your
chosen desIinaIion Io Ind iI less Ihan romanIically
laced in Ihe middle oI a IraIIc juncIion, smog
ridden and overrun wiIh IourisIs. |aced wiIh Ihe
colossus oI Ihe Coliseum, now butting noI wiIh Ihe
roar oI Ihe crowds buI by modern komes
equivalenI Io Ihe charioI, Ihe ubiquiIous Vesa,
whaI do you do! ShooI a secIion as a nighI shoI
wiIh sIreaky IraIIc Io emhasise Ihe urban seIIing.
A shiII lens keI Ihe verIicals arallel.
IsoIate your subject
Ihis is anoIher oI Luroes classic views - bobbing
gondolas aI San Varco in Venice. You know you canI resisI
iI. |usI sIo and consider how many icIures have been
Iaken here. VosI oI Ihem in colour Ihough, and wiIh Ihe
ciIy as a backdro. 0n a misIy grey morning l shoI Ihis
monochromaIic image wiIh loIs oI movemenI, leIIing Ihe
background melI oII inIo a misIy mysIery so as Io
concenIraIe aIIenIion on Ihe gondolas Ihemselves. Venice is
one oI Ihose laces a hoIograher never Iires oII. ln Ihe
diIIering lighIing siIuaIions iI jusI has so many moods. l like
iI mosI in soII, diIIuse lighI.
et up earIy
LeIs jusI geI one Ihing sIraighI IrsI
- Ihe Iaj Vahal is Ihe mosI beauIiIul
building in Ihe world, no iIs or buIs
abouI iI. Ihis shoI was Iaken Irom
Agra |orI across Ihe Yamuna Valley. l
l wasnI allowed Io use a Iriod here
so had Io wedge myselI againsI a
illar. l love Ihe comosiIion oI Ihis
buI Ihe early sIarI is whaI makes iI a
real winner, Ihanks Io Ihe soII,
slighIly haty morning hue and all
Ihe subIleIies oI Ihe changing dawn
lighI. Ihe Iaj is such a disIincIive
shae iIs an obvious icon Ior all
Ihings lndian.
SomeIhing abouI Prague insired me Io shooI in black
6 whiIe, l canI really exlain why. l Ihink Ihis view along
Ihe Charles 8ridge is one oI Luroes classics. AI dawn on
a dull day l was seI u waiIing Ior a glimmer oI sunlighI
when Ihis coule ambled over Ihe deserIed bridge. we
scanned Ihe negaIive, aI which sIage l was able Io
inIroduce some conIrasI Io Ihe somewhaI IaI lighIing
along wiIh Ihe gradaIion in Ihe sky. Ihe Inal image is
quiIe mysIerious, wiIh a cerIain air oI Ilm ncii. who are
Ihey, where are Ihey going, whaIs in Ihe brieIcase and
is Ihere an assignaIion (or assassin) around Ihe corner.!
Probably noI, buI iI sounds good!
Look for mystery
32 1ake better traveI phetes
Iravel techngue
Add peopIe
SomeIimes a scene is jusI so wellknown, such as Sydney
harbour bridge (leII), IhaI youll need anoIher elemenI Io add
inIeresI and aeal. All around Sydney harbour aI dawn Ihere
are legions oI joggers, cyclisIs and roller bladders all looking
ouIrageously II. lI has Io be IhL mosI beauIiIul seIIing Ior any
New world ciIy, doesnI iI! l seI Ihis u wiIh my cousins
daughIer running u and down wiIh Ihe IrsI lighI oI day
beaming down Ihe harbour. ShooIing digiIally l was able Io
conIrol Ihe amounI oI jogger blur by varying Ihe shuIIer seed.

N1 1hINk Au1
I1 1 MuCh
"enture beyend the Iimits
ef yeur cemfert zene. I never
read the heaIth and safety
warnings in the guidebeeks
untiI Im cemmitted te geing.
what with taIes ef maIaria in
Africa, snakes in AustraIia
and pickpeckets in arceIena
yeud never ge anywhere if
yeu didnt take a hefty pinch
ef saIt with aII the dire vibes.
1Akf uk
"Its aII tee easy
te get sucked inte a whistIe
step teur ef attractiens. Its
eften far better te sIew dewn
and get beneath the surface
ef a pIace, and ebserve it in
actien - this is when the best
phete eppertunities ceme. I
make it a ruIe te stay at Ieast
three days en each Ieg ef the
trip, but eften its feur er hve.
Iravel techngue
PP editer
Andrew james
Ieves traveI
8 has visited
ceuntries the
werId ever.

1urn fer mere hints 8 tips en peeple phetegraphy...
ne of the great thngs about
traveI s that t brngs you nto
contact wth peopIe from other
cuItures, and naturaIIy youII want to
photograph them. 8ut pontng your
Iens at a stranger s qute dauntng,
even when you are n a stuaton
where ts okay. PIus, the chances are
youre workng n Iess than deaI
condtons and wth Imted tme. Your
best approach s to work quckIy, be
poIte, smIe a Iot, and reaIIy try to
shoot a seres of mages that teIIs a
story about where you are. Ior traveI
portrats, pIace and behavour s as
mportant as the peopIe themseIves.
heres how I shot Ife n a manyatta,
a tradtonaI Masa vIIage...
1ell a sIory viIh your
people phoIographs
Ihe conIrasI beIween Ihe
mud/dung coloured huIs
and Ihe brighI cloIhing oI
Ihe Vara eole was
very sIriking. l wanIed a
simle shoI IhaI
emhasised Ihis buI
geIIing an uncluIIered
image in Ihe busy village
wasnI easy. when Ihese
Iwo youngsIers walked
asI l grabbed Ihe
oorIuniIy, ensuring my
comosiIion included
sace Io Ihe IronI Io give
iI some balance.
8e frendIy
Smiling a loI deIniIely relaxes your
subjecIs and iI works across all
culIures. AlIhough Ihe child on Ihe
leII looks glum hes jusI mimicking a
silly Iace ld ulled Io make him
laugh momenIs beIore. Ihe Irame
aIIer Ihis shows him collased inIo
hysIerics. l like Ihe IacI hes Ihe only
one in Ihe lineu IhaI is Ixing Ihe
camera wiIh a direcI sIare and Ihe
rogue dog IhaIs sneaked inIo Ihe
boIIom corner oI Ihe icIure!
0fferent angIes
Ihe angle Irom which you Iake your
shoI can make or break iI. l didnI
even have Ihe camera Io my eye Ior
Ihis image oI children singing and
claing, buI held iI inches above
Ihe ground Ior an uward view. NoI
only did Ihis give a diIIerenI
viewoinI, iI also meanI Ihe children
were unaware l was Iaking Iheir
icIure so Ihey behaved in a more
naIural way. Vy main Iocus was Ihe
liIIle girl aI Ihe IronI.
8e respectfuI
Ihe masai erIormed a IradiIional dance (leII) and alIhough l
was less inIeresIed in Ihe Iyical IourisI shoI, l senI a loI oI
Iime Iaking Ihese images Io show resecI Ior my hosIs beIore
Iaking Ihe more inIormal shoIs oI Ihe kids coying Ihe adulIs.
|or Ihe shoI above l IilIed Ihe camera u and down during
Ihe exosure Io geI Ihe boys shar while Ihe oIhers are blurred.
Longer Iens for candds
|or many oI my shoIs in Ihe village l relied on
a wider lens Io include Ihe eole and Ihe
environmenI. 8uI a longer IelehoIo was
cerIainly useIul Ior liIIle candids. An aerIure oI
I/5.6 heled Io diIIerenIiaIe Ihe main subjecI
Irom boIh Ihe background and Ihe Iwo
comanions Iraming him. kemember, when
using a longer lens handheld youll need a IasIer
shuIIer seed Io revenI camera shake. ln Ihe
brighI condiIions, a seed oI 1/5sec was used.
36 1ake better traveI phetes
Iravel techngue
Iravel techngue
38 1ake better traveI phetes 39
ettng great portrat shots on
hoIday often means workng
quckIy and n unfamIar
stuatons. So you dont want to spend
ages settng up your camera before
you can take a shot. UnIke Iandscapes
and buIdngs, many of the best
portrats reIy on you beng abIe to get
the shot quckIy before your subject
gets bored, or the deaI moment for
the shot has passed. whIe the defauIt
settngs on your dgtaI camera wII be
okay n many stuatons, here are a
few smpIe adjustments that wII
aIIow you to make the most of your
traveI portrats.
SuggesIed camera
seIIings - porIraiIs
Shootng mode
unlike many IradiIional orIraiIs when
youd wanI Io blur Ihe background,
Iravel orIraiIs usually work besI when
boIh Ihe subjecI and Iheir environmenI
are boIh in Iocus. So Iry Io use an
aerIure oI around I/8 Io kee boIh
elemenIs shar enough.
Cameras such as Ihe Nikon 05 have
a orIraiI oIion in Ihe seIu menu,
which will allow you Io geI Ihe mosI
accuraIe skin Iones in your icIures.
Io make sure IhaI Ihe subjecIs eyes
are shar in your icIures, selecI Ihe
Iocus oinI on your camera IhaI Ialls
on Ihe Iace oI your subjecI.

INk Pk1kAI1S
1e make use ef the
ambient Iight indeers
seIect apertureprierity mede and set
a wide aperture ef areund f/4. fnsure
that the shutter speed deesnt faII
beIew 1/30sec theugh, etherwise
camera shake er subject mevement
can cause bIur. Increasing the IS
setting te 400 wiII heIp te recerd the
ambient Iight witheut affecting the
feregreund expesure. AIse, because
the hash is being used as the main
Iight seurce, set the white baIance te
hash te get the mest pIeasing skin
tenes in the pertrait.
Iravel techngue
0 1ake better traveI phetes !
rom modern cty skyscrapers to tumbIedown cottages, the dfferng archtecturaI
styIes can be among the most dehnng eIements of the stes on your traveIs.
here are the typcaI settngs to use when shootng buIdngs...
SuggesIed camera
seIIings - buildings
lI youre shooIing buildings in brighI
condiIions you should use Ihe lowesI
lS0 seIIing on your camera Ior Ihe
besI qualiIy. Ihe majoriIy oI Canon
0SLks oIIer a lowesI lS0 oI 1
while mosI Nikon and PenIax 0SLks
oIIer 2.
|usI as you can wiIh landscaes, you
can make Ihe mosI oI Ihe colours in
Ihe scene by increasing Ihe
saIuraIion conIrols in your cameras
shooIing menu.
Shootng tps
Ihe aerIurerioriIy exosure mode
is ideal Ior shooIing buildings, as iI
gives you comleIe conIrol over your
images deIhoIIeld. Choose a
small aerIure oI I/16 or I/22 Io
kee as much oI Ihe scene as shar
as ossible.
ShooIing beIween lS0 2 and 4
is Ihe besI comromise beIween
geIIing a reasonable shuIIer seed
and high qualiIy resulIs. You should
also use Ihe long exosure noise
reducIion IeaIure in Ihe camera
seIIings menu.
Youre likely Io encounIer a varieIy
oI lighI sources when shooIing
inIeriors, oIIen wiIh Iwo or more
IogeIher, so Ihe auIomaIic whiIe
balance seIIing will give Ihe mosI
accuraIe colours.
Shootng tps
|or Ihis Iye oI shoI youll need a
sIeady laIIorm, ideally a Iriod,
alIhough you can always resI Ihe
camera on a wall or Iable Io combaI
camera shake. lI you donI have a
remoIe release use Ihe cameras
selIIimer Io ensure you donI move
Ihe camera during Ihe exosure.
Iravel techngue
2 1ake better traveI phetes 3
ou probabIy wont have hours to spend capturng the scenery and Iandscape of your
destnaton. So to heIp you to make the most of every opportunty here are some
settngs to use when shootng Iandscapes durng the day and at sunrse or sunset.
SuggesIed camera
seIIings - landscapes
whte baIance
Io make Ihe mosI oI Ihe warm
colours aI sunseI or sunrise choose
eiIher a cloudy or shade whiIe
balance seIIing.
Iry Io use a medium aerIure oI I/8
or I/11 Io ensure Iheres enough
deIhoIIeld Io kee Ihe whole
scene shar.
A Iriod will allow you Io use Ihe
lowesI lS0 seIIing. |or handheld
shoIs in low lighI you may need Io
use lS0 2 or 4 Io give a useable
shuIIer seed.
whte baIance
Youll geI Ihe mosI accuraIe colours
by selecIing Ihe daylighI or sunny
whiIe balance when shooIing during
Ihe day - iI youre lucky enough Io
be shooIing in sunny condiIions!
VosI holiday landscaes will beneII
Irom brighI, unchy colours. ln Ihe
shooIing menu oI your camera you
can boosI Ihe vibrancy oI your shoIs
by increasing Ihe saIuraIion seIIing.
|or Ihe besI qualiIy selecI Ihe lowesI
lS0 available on your camera. Youll
Ind Ihis in Ihe shooIing menu or on
a searaIe buIIon.

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