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The Normal Newborn

By Lorain McKay, RN, BSN

• Neonatal: The time from birth to 29
days of life.
Initiation of Respirations
Fetal Respiratory

Lungs do not oxygenate the blood; blood oxygenates the lungs.

Lungs filled with fluid in order to keep alveoli expanded during pregnancy.

Needs surfactant to maintain expansion after birth.

Initiation of Respiration
• Neonatal Respiratory:
– The first breath requires greater negative
pressure that subsequent breathing
• Causes:
– Chemical
– Mechanical
– Thermal
– Sensory
Cardiovascular System
• Fetal Circulation Review
• Neonatal Cardiovascular Adaptation
– Ductus Venosus
– Foramen Ovale
– Pulmonary blood vessels
– Ductus Arteriosus
Evaporation Conduction Convection Radiation

Decreased body temperature and cold


Metabolic Rate Metabolism of Brown Fat Vasoconstriction

Use Production Peripheral Pulmonary

Use of of of acids vessels vessels
Glucose O2

Production Hypoxemi Metabolic Displacement Pale, Cold,

a Acidosis of bilirubin mottled
Hypoglycemia Surfactant from albumin
binding sites

y Distress Jaundice

Return to fetal
Assessments in the Newborn
• Immediate assessment is cardio-
respiratory status, thermoregulation
and the presence of anomalies.
– Infant should be crying
– Infant heart rate should be more than
– Infant should be pink on the trunk
Assessments in the Newborn
Apgar Score 0 1 2
Heart Rate Absent Below 100/min Above 100/min

Respiration No spontaneous Slow Respiration Spontaneous resp

respirations or weak cry & strong, lusty cry

Muscle tone Limp Min Flexion of ext Flexed body

with sluggish posture; spont
vigorous move

Reflex Response
No response to suction Min response to Responds promptly
or gentle slap on soles suction or flicking to suction or
feet flicking feet

Pallor or cyanosis Bluish hands and Pink throughout.
on Trunk feet only
Assessments in the Newborn
• Initial Assessment
– Vital Signs
• Temperature 97.7 to 99.5 Axillary
• Heart Rate 120-160
• BP Average 65-95 Systolic
30-60 Diastolic
• Resp Rate 30-60 Average is 40
Lungs & Heart
• Select Professional Education
• Select Photo Gallery
• Select Lungs
– Go through and you can hear the different lung sounds. It
is very good.
• Select Heart
– Go through and you can hear the different heart sounds
Inspect Chest Shape

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
Resp Distress
Intercostal Retractions Subcostal Retractions

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
Mottling (Cutis Marmorata)
• Weight 2500-4000 grams
• Length 48-53 cm or 19-21 inches
– SGA and LGA

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with proper
citation of source.
Assessments in Newborn
• Measurement (Cont)
– Head Circumference 33-35.5 cm
13-14 inches
– Chest Circumference 30.5-33 cm
12-13 inches
• Should be 2-3 cm less than head
Head Circumference

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD

for educational purposes only.  Reproduction for
commercial purposes is prohibited.  Utilization
and copying of the materials for educating those
who care for newborns is permitted with proper
citation of source.

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with proper
citation of source.

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with proper
citation of source.
Caput Succedaneum

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with proper
citation of source.
Caput Succedaneum

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with proper
citation of source.

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with proper
citation of source.
Eyelid Edema

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with proper
citation of source.
Ears Etc

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with proper
citation of source.
Positional Nasal Deformity

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
Cleft Palate Cleft Lip

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
Normal Tongue

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
Natal Teeth

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
3 Vessel Umbilical Cord

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
Undescended Testes

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
Female Genitalia

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
Ambiguous Genitalia

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
Positional Deformities

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
Club Foot

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
Sacral examination

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
Facial Palsy

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
Erb's Palsy

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.

The downy hair seen

over the shoulder is
lanugo. Although this is
present to a much
greater degree in
premature infants, term
babies also have variable
amounts of lanugo
present at birth, as
evidenced in this photo

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
A dry, flaky, peeling
appearance of the skin
is very common in
newborns. Although
this can be distressing
to parents, it does not
need treatment and will
spontaneously resolve.

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
Skin -- Mongolian Spots

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
Salmon Patches

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
Port Wine Stain

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
Milia Hyperplasia

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
Erythema Toxicum

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.

a central area of telangiectasia

surrounded by a halo of pallor.
Cafe Au Lait Spot

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
Meconium Stools
• First stool excreted by the newborn
• Greenish black with a thick, sticky,
tarlike consistency.
• Usually passes in the first 12 hours
• Failure to pass meconium—suspect
What is this?

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
What about this??

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
What caused this??

This material was compiled by Janelle Aby, MD for educational

purposes only.  Reproduction for commercial purposes is
prohibited.  Utilization and copying of the materials for
educating those who care for newborns is permitted with
proper citation of source.
• Moro Reflex
• Palmar grasp reflex
• Plantar grasp reflex
• Babinski reflex
• Rooting reflex
• Sucking reflex
• “Fencing” reflex—Tonic Neck
• Stepping reflex
Ballards Scale

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