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pada gambar ini,terdapat dua orang pelajar laki-laki,mereka bernama edo

dan beni,edo memiliki kulit yang hitam,dan berambut keriting,dan beni memiliki
kulit yang putih,berambut lurus dan lebat berwarna hitam,pada gambar
tersebut,beni sedang berlari-lari,tetapi beni tidak melihat tanda "lantai
basah",dan edo berusaha memperingati beni bahwa lantai tersebut basah,dan
beni tiba-tiba berhenti,beni berterimakasih kepada edo karena telah
memperingatinya bahwa lantai tersebut basah,kalau tidak beni akan terpeleset.
in this picture, there are two male students, they named Edo and beni, edo has
black skin and curly hair, and beni have white skin, straight hair and heavy black,
in the picture, running beni-run, but beni not see the sign "wet floor", and edo
trying commemorate beni that the floor is wet, and suddenly stopped beni, beni
grateful to the Edo as it has warned that the floor is wet, otherwise it will slip

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