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A case report of two patients presented a possible treatment of ventricular tachycardia .

The first patient was 76- of -year-old woman who complained of choking , chest pain that
occurred the day before , pounding and rapid heart rate . As you get up lost consciousness
. Cures of heart failure , hypertension , angina pectoris , diabetes mellitus. The patient
was taken aback conscious , pale, covered with cold sweat . Cardiac action arrhytmie ,
accelerated , ringing clear , systolic murmur over the cardiac ape, TA !"#$!## . %hen
further diagnostic evaluation using the electrocardiographic records registered persistent
episodes of ventricular tachycardia & 'T ( . )edically application amiodarone ,
furosemide nitroglycerin spray, oygen , achieved satisfactory rhythmic stability and the
patient is still hospitali*ed . The second patient was a 6"- year-old man who was sick in
public. +e stated that he was unconscious , he felt a throbbing heart , with general
malaise , sweating and feeling blunt chest tightness before syncope . Cardiac action
arrhytmie , accelerated , clear tones , TA ,# $6#. -n electrocardiographic record
registered ventricular tachycardia & 'T ( wide ./0 comple of . )edically application
amiodarone and !### ml 1aCl #., 2 was achieved satisfactorily rhythmic stability $
atrial flutter , ventricular fr !3"$min TA !4#$,# and the patient is still hospitali*ed. These
results may indicate that the conversion to sinus rhythm successfully established in the
prehospital antiarrhythmics amiadaronom .
Case report two patients presented a possible method of treatment of ventricular
tachycardia . The first patient was 76 - of -year-old woman who complained of choking ,
chest pains which occurred the day before , palpitations and rapid heart rate . %hen
getting lost consciousness . 5t is treated by heart failure , hypertension , angina pectoris ,
diabetes mellitus . The patient was found conscious , pale , sprinkled with cold sweat .
Cardiac action arrhytmie , accelerated , clear tones , systolic murmur over the cardiac
ape, TA !"#$!## . %hen further diagnostic evaluation using electrocardiographic
records registered episodes of persistent ventricular tachycardia & 'T ( . The medical
application of amiodarone therapy , furosemide nitroglycerin spray , oygen , achieved
satisfactory rhythmic stability and the patient is still hospitali*ed . The second patient was
a 6"- year-old man who was sick in public places . +e stated that he was unconscious , he
felt palpitations , with general malaise , sweating and feeling of blunt chest tightness
before syncope . Cardiac action arrhytmie , accelerated , clear tones , charged ,# $6#. -n
electrocardiographic record registered to ventricular tachycardia & 'T ( wide ./0 the
comple . The medical application of amiodarone therapy and !###ml 1aCl #., 2 was
achieved 0AT506ACT-/7 rhythmic stability $ atrial flutter , ventricular fr !3"$min TA
!4#$,# and the patient is still hospitali*ed . These results may indicate that the conversion
to sinus rhythm successfully established prehospital antiarrhythmics amiadaronom

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