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Curriculum Leader QA and SEF Portfolio | 2009/10

Introduction to the QA/SEF Portfolio
According to the OFSTED Inspection Framework:

The quality of Leadership and Management is very closely linked to the school’s
capacity to improve’

It must surely follow that the quality of leadership and management at departmental
level is very closely linked to the department’s capacity to improve. It is important
that our Curriculum Leaders (HOF/HOD and Subject Leaders) use the capacity within
their teams to bring about positive, meaningful and sustainable departmental
progress. The HOF/HOD must therefore work closely with his/her team/s to ensure
that all colleagues are clear about:

 What constitutes a good lesson

 How to scrutinise students’ work

 How to lead on student voice activities

 How to interpret data and respond to implications

Curriculum teams ought to be driving these four key activities forward collectively,
thus contributing to departmental development and progression. As confidence and
expertise develop in monitoring and reflecting upon practice, teams will inevitably
grow professionally. What is imperative, however, is that the HOF/HOD remains in
overall control of the whole process and uses time in faculty meetings to:

 disseminate QA findings
 to encourage team reflection and action as a result of QA processes
 to coordinate the sharing of best practice from QA processes by
encouraging colleagues to share their skills, knowledge, ideas and
resources through CPD time that is factored into every meeting

The framework that follows consists of a series of pro-formas for Curriculum Leaders to
use each half-term to ensure that QA/SEF processes are fully and routinely embedded
in each department. There is an expectation that each half-term Curriculum Leaders
routinely undertake the following:

 Lesson Observations and/or Learning Walkthrough

 Scrutiny of student’s work
 Student voice activities
 Data interpretation

These will provide an agenda for discussion in half-termly meetings with your SLT line
manager to enable informed discussion and strategic curriculum planning. This
portfolio should be given to your line manager prior to the scheduled progress meeting
Curriculum Leader Quality Assurance Handbook/Portfolio 2009/10
Nina Moore DHT October 09
To be reviewed July 2010
and should show half-termly recordings of all QA evidence.

Key Activity One: Lesson Observation and Faculty

Learning Walkthroughs
The HOF or HOD is responsible for ensuring that all colleagues within the department
are observed.

In terms of number of lesson observations, all colleagues should be observed a

minimum of twice over the academic year. One lesson observation will be used within
the framework of Performance Management and must be completed prior to the
February PMR Review Meeting. The Curriculum Leader should ensure that he/she
observes everyone in the department at least once in the year.

The Welling School lesson observation pro-forma will be used for all observations.

Lesson observations should be for at least 15 minutes.

 Teaching promotes good quality learning, addressing the full range of our
learner’s needs and meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum.

 Thorough and accurate diagnostic marking assessment shows learners how to

improve and make meaningful progression

 Additional learning needs are met & additional learning/behaviour support is

well managed and matched to need

 Good attitudes to work are consistently reinforced and behaviour which

undermines the learning of others is addressed swiftly

 Lessons reflect our whole school commitment to student centred learning

Learning Walkthroughs
Routine Learning Walkthroughs should also take place within your faculty/department
and can be negotiated with your team and SLT Line Manager to focus on a specific
aspect of Learning and Teaching (a key stage, G & T, SEAN, Differentiation, Starters
and Plenaries, Literacy etc.) It is good practice to do Learning walkthroughs with the
dept/faculty line manager, or with colleagues within the dept/faculty to aid
professional learning, dialogue and to support CPD. Learning walkthroughs should
give a ‘Snapshot’ of learning in the faculty/department and should be
positive and supportive in nature.

Curriculum Leader Quality Assurance Handbook/Portfolio 2009/10

Nina Moore DHT October 09
To be reviewed July 2010
Curriculum Leader Quality Assurance Handbook/Portfolio 2009/10
Nina Moore DHT October 09
To be reviewed July 2010
Learning Walk Through Form 2009/10
Learning Walk Date:
Learning Walk time/period:
Learning Walk Focus:
Walkthrough Team:

Summary of classes visited

Teacher Class Walk-through Notes

Overall Standards
Area of focus Overall Standard Observed (Please Circle the
appropriate grade)
Student engagement 1 2 3 4
Clarity of learning 1 2 3 4
Learning environment 1 2 3 4
Assessment for Learning 1 2 3 4
Classroom Management 1 2 3 4
Student Enjoyment 1 2 3 4
Student Progress 1 2 3 4
Good Practice Observed:

Areas for Improvement:

Curriculum Leader Quality Assurance Handbook/Portfolio 2009/10

Nina Moore DHT October 09
To be reviewed July 2010
Planning for Lesson Observations
The purpose of lesson observation is threefold:

1 to identify good practice and areas for development

to identify good practice across the department/faculty
to help the school plan its Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Before the lesson observation : Reinforce the above points

 Agree a clear focus for the observation (starters/plenaries/behaviour management/
Gifted and
Talented/Differentiation etc.)
 Ask the teacher being observed to furnish you with a Lesson Plan
 Look at e-portal to QA Lesson Attendance; evidence of use of rewards and
sanctions; setting of

During the observation

 Check the ‘Teacher Planner’ /other planning aids (blogs, sketchbooks etc.)– Is it being
used effectively?
 Use the Welling School Lesson Observation pro-forma
 Talk with students to check out understanding of levels they are working at and areas
for improvement
 Look at pupil work and select a sample of books to look at. Use the ‘Book Look’ pro
forma to support this
 Look at the classroom environment – Displays, Noticeboards etc. Do they enrich,
inform, motivate, engage?
 Do pupils enjoy their learning experiences in the lesson? Do ALL students make
significant progress?

After the observation

 Ask for the colleague’s view of the lesson
 Seek clarity on any QA issues by asking probing questions
 Be clear and accurate in the evaluation. Use specific examples of strengths and areas
for development and
ensure that there is a good balance between both
 Make sure that any difficult messages are understood but communicated sensitively.
Discuss ways
forward, strategies, targets and arrange follow up observation where necessary
 Give written feedback
 Share any CPD issues with your SLT line manager to forward to Nina Moore (DHT
CPD/QA) and arrange to
share best practice with the department at Faculty Meetings (minute all CPD activities
in departmental
minutes) and on the blog: All Professional Learning
Curriculum Leader Quality Assurance Handbook/Portfolio 2009/10
Nina Moore DHT October 09
To be reviewed July 2010
contributions can be e-mailed to Nina Moore at


If you are concerned about a colleague who has been given a ‘Grade 4 Inadequate’ on one or more
occasions, or you feel that they may benefit from programme of structured support, then you must inform
your SLT Line
Manager immediately and consult Nina Moore (DHT QA/CPD/Strategy) to discuss appropriate strategies for
The nature and level of support available is dependent on individual need. Welling School has 3 AST’s
who can work closely with individuals through a personalised programme of support. Alternatively, Nina
Moore (ONLY)

Curriculum Leader Quality Assurance Handbook/Portfolio 2009/10

Nina Moore DHT October 09
To be reviewed July 2010

Teacher Observer Date

MixedA HighA BOYS GIRLS Number Number on
Year group(s) Grouping
LowA O MIX present: register:

Support teachers /
SEAN TA Length of
assistants time
Focus: (E.g. AfL, AtL, Starters, Plenaries, QA) Topic/ Objectives

Focus on impact of teaching on student outcomes particularly looking at:
• Progress of learners • Assessment for Learning
• Subject knowledge • Teaching meeting students’ needs

Summary comment with strengths and areas for development

This lesson is graded

Strengths Areas of development (no more than three)

1 = Outstanding, 4 =
Overall quality of the lesson Inadequate

CPD recommendations with date of follow up action

Signed: Observer Signed: Teacher

Curriculum Leader Quality Assurance Handbook/Portfolio 2009/10

Nina Moore DHT October 09
To be reviewed July 2010
Possible questions to ask a range of students during a lesson which
can provide evidence to make a judgement
Ask at least two questions to a student and adapt questions to lesson.
Ask to see book whilst talking with student.

 Do you understand what you are doing and why? Are you capable of doing more? Have you
learned about this before?
 Is teaching always like this in this lesson, does it vary?
 Do you know how well you are doing? How do you know?
 Do you know which level you are on? Do you know how to improve?
 Is homework set regularly? May I look at your planner? What happens if homework not done?

Guidance on where to pitch judgements about the overall quality of a

The overall judgement will be a ‘best fit’ of the grade descriptions in the box, except in the case of an
inadequate lesson where particular conditions mean that the lessons cannot be satisfactory.

Description Characteristics of the lesson

Outstanding The lessons is at least good in all major respects and is exemplary in significant
(1) elements, as shown by the significant progress made by all of the learners.

Good Most learners make good progress because of the good teaching they receive.
(2) Behaviour overall is good and learners are well motivated. They work in a safe,
secure and friendly environment. Teaching is based on secure knowledge with a well
structured range of stimulating tasks that engage the learners. The work is well
matched to the full range of learners’ needs, so that most are suitably challenged.
Teaching methods are effectively related to the lesson objectives and the needs of
the learners. Teaching assistants and resources are well deployed and good use is
made of time. Assessment of learners’ work is regular, consistent and promotes

Satisfactory The lesson is inadequate in no major respect, and may be good in some respects, as
(3) shown by the satisfactory enjoyments and progress of the learners.

N.B. Evidence of differentiation is essential to be graded satisfactory or

above. If this is not evident a ‘significant minority will have made less than
satisfactory progress’ and therefore the quality of the lesson is regarded as

Inadequate A lesson can not be adequate if:

(4)  most learners, or a significant minority of learners, make less than
satisfactory progress
 learners’ overall behaviour or attitudes are unsatisfactory, SMSC
development are neglected and learners’ overall personal development is
 the health and safety of the learners is endangered
 the teaching is unsatisfactory. Unsatisfactory teaching is likely to have one or
more of the following:
 weak knowledge of the curriculum leading to inaccurate teaching and
low demands on pupils
 work badly matched to the pupils’ starting points
 ineffective classroom management of behaviour
 methods which are poorly geared to the learning objectives or which
fail to gain the interest and commitment of the learners
 inadequate use of resources, including assistants and the time
 poor assessment.

Curriculum Leader Quality Assurance Handbook/Portfolio 2009/10

Nina Moore DHT October 09
To be reviewed July 2010
Prior to feedback reflection time is essential for the teacher and observer. Feedback
should be given within 24hours of the lesson. Please forward a copy of all lesson
observations to Nina Moore for the central Teaching and Learning Profile.

Key Activity 2: Scrutiny of Students’ Work

At Welling School the purpose of scrutinising students’ work is to:

 Identify Student progression i.e.

- how far our students have progressed

- the ways our students are making progress

 Identify effective teaching and learning i.e.

- whether our students are engaged in focused and sufficiently

challenging activities
- whether students’ work reflects a variety of learning opportunities

 Identify Assessment for Learning i.e.

- whether our students are involved in the Assessment for Learning

process through self review, peer review, and are helping to raise
- whether there is evidence of diagnostic marking/target setting
using the work scrutiny pro-forma

 Identify Summative Assessment i.e.

- whether our students’ marks/levels are in line with the appropriate

assessment criteria
- to what extent the particular T & L strategies are impacting upon
student progress

Please note that scrutiny over the academic year should cover all year
groups catered for within your faculty/department. The attached form
can be used to record work scrutiny but please feel free to continue to
use any forms you currently use to evidence scrutiny of student work.

Curriculum Leader Quality Assurance Handbook/Portfolio 2009/10

Nina Moore DHT October 09
To be reviewed July 2010
Faculty Quality Assurance Framework
Student Work Scrutiny

Department Subject
Teacher Class /Year
Work Outstanding Good Satisfactory Significant Room
Scrutiny 1 2 3 for Improvement
Grading 4
(allocate a 1-4
grade to each
aspect of the
book look in
the boxes

Evidence of levels, grades

challengeAppropriate level of

Marking policy in practice


Quantity of Work

Quality of work

SMART target setting with

Regular homework
Evidence of self assessment
Variety of tasks

steps for improvement

or peer assessment

Student Names

and targets



Curriculum Leader Quality Assurance Handbook/Portfolio 2009/10

Nina Moore DHT October 09
To be reviewed July 2010
Overall comment: (Pay attention to the extent to which the teacher sets high expectations,
assesses work thoroughly and constructively uses assessment to inform teaching and

Action needed:

Signed by HOF/HOD:

Signed by Teacher:

Curriculum Leader Quality Assurance Handbook/Portfolio 2009/10

Nina Moore DHT October 09
To be reviewed July 2010
Key Activity 3: Listening to the Student Voice
The purpose of listening to the Student Voice at Welling School is to help Curriculum Leaders
find out a whole range of information about their subject, student experiences to inform future
planning. The following are prompts to use with the students:

 What they know and understand about the subject

 Where they feel they make good progress and where they don’t

 Whether they feel that they are valued/listened to in the lessons

 Whether they are encouraged to take risks

 The difficulties they have and what they are doing to address them

 Whether or not they receive appropriate feedback

 Whether or not they feel comfortable about asking for help

 What helps them to learn better and why & what stops them from
learning and why?

 What are their targets and how can the department help them to do

 What do the students need to do to move on?

 Learning opportunities/activities they would like to try out in the future

Possible approaches
Take sample groups from year group; key stage; range of abilities; average
attainers; perceived ‘coasters’; D/C Borderlines; G&T; SEAN; boys, girls;
minority groups; intervention groups etc.

The attached forms :

1. Evaluation of Learning Questionnaire

2. Evaluation of Learning Focus Group Document

...can be used to record evidence of listening to student voice within your subject
discipline/s, but please feel free to continue to use any forms you already currently
use to evidence this.
Curriculum Leader Quality Assurance Handbook/Portfolio 2009/10
Nina Moore DHT October 09
To be reviewed July 2010
Student Voice – Evaluation of Learning
Year Group:

The purpose of this form is for you to consider how effective your learning has been in this
subject today and to provide a snapshot of your experience. Please read the questions
carefully and tick the appropriate boxes to record your response. Your feedback is
anonymous but your responses are valued and will help us to identify strengths and areas
for improvement in this subject. Thank you for your time.

Yes No Unsure
1. Do you understand what you are
learning in today’s lesson and why
this is important?
2. Do you understand what you
should be able to do by the end of
the lesson?
3. How did you find the work today? Too Easy ( )
Too Hard ( )
Challenging ( )
Comfortable ( )
4. What type of learner are you? Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic
5. What teaching strategies were Yes No Unsure
used in this lesson?
 Teacher talk
 Working on your own
 Working in pairs or
 Modelling a task
 Using a writing frame
 Activities to help your reading
 Practical/Creative
 ICT /Blogging / Production
 Independent Learning
 Listening Skills

Curriculum Leader Quality Assurance Handbook/Portfolio 2009/10

Nina Moore DHT October 09
To be reviewed July 2010
 Performance
 Role-play /Hot-Seating
 Circle-time
 Using the Interactive
 Watching film/video/moving-
 Other:________________________
6. Did you learn any new
words/vocabulary this lesson?

7. Did you assess or evaluate your

own work this lesson, or the work of
another pupil?

8. Has your exercise book been

marked recently?
9. Does the marking in your
exercise book tell you how to
improve your work in the future?

10. Do you read and act upon the Yes No Unsure

feedback your teacher gives you?

11. Did the lesson and the activities

that you have completed today
enable you to achieve the lesson

11. Was this lesson enjoyable?

12. Do you feel you are making

progress in this subject?
13. Do you complete Homework for Yes Yes No
this subject? (Always) (Sometimes) (Never)

14. Do you use e-portal to check

your homework?
15. Do you know what grade/level Yes No Unsure
you should be aspiring to in this
16. What grade/level do you think
you deserve for this subject at the
end of the year?
17. What grade/level would you like
to achieve by the end of the year?
Curriculum Leader Quality Assurance Handbook/Portfolio 2009/10
Nina Moore DHT October 09
To be reviewed July 2010
18. Can you list three things that 1.
you enjoy about this lesson/subject?


19. This lesson/subject could be 1.

better if.....


Do you have any other comments

you would like to make about this

Welling School Student Voice Focus Group


Department: Subject: Year/ Cohort: Focus:

Specific questions Responses Responses Reponses

Student/Group 1 Student/Group 2 Student/Group 3

Curriculum Leader Quality Assurance Handbook/Portfolio 2009/10

Nina Moore DHT October 09
To be reviewed July 2010

Action Required By When? By Who? Strategies:

Curriculum Leader Quality Assurance Handbook/Portfolio 2009/10

Nina Moore DHT October 09
To be reviewed July 2010
Key Activity 4: Interpreting Performance
The purpose of using data at Welling School is to help Curriculum Leaders
(HOF/HOD) to identify priorities and strategies to raise achievement.

The Key Questions for Curriculum Leaders are to do with whether:

 Performance is better or worse than National Average/similar


 Performance is consistent or inconsistent with previous years

 Different groups of students are performing differently [e.g.

gender, ethnicity, LAC, SEN, G&T]

 There are marked changes over a certain period of time

 Some teaching groups are performing significantly better or

worse than others

 Progress relates to prior attainment

 There is clear evidence of value added

 Schemes of work/tasks are sufficiently challenging to enable

higher attainment

 Expectation is sufficiently high for all students

 Common features contributing to departmental

success/hindering departmental success

The attached form can be used to record brief points for discussion with
your SLT Line Manager at your half-termly QA Meeting. Please bring any
data analysis you think will be of use to the discussion.

NB This form does not replace the departmental SEF you complete in
September. It should be used o record ongoing issues arising from your
data analysis throughout the year.

Curriculum Leader Quality Assurance Handbook/Portfolio 2009/10

Nina Moore DHT October 09
To be reviewed July 2010
Monitoring of Data Interpretation
Please use this pro-forma to record any issues and actions arising from data
Data Focus:
Year /Cohort Focus Actions/Strategies/By when/By Who?

Data Focus:

Data Focus:

Data Focus:

Data Focus:

Data Focus:

Data Focus:
Yr 13

Curriculum Leader Quality Assurance Handbook/Portfolio 2009/10

Nina Moore DHT October 09
To be reviewed July 2010
Appendix 1: The Good Lesson
Keep up-to-date assessment information in your Teacher Planner and use it.
Use SEAN information to focus support for particular students and groups.
Display learning outcomes and key words.
Use a seating plan, with boy girl seating in Key Stage 3.
Work in partnership with teaching assistants by discussing planning and
Plan for good behaviour.
Greet your class in the corridor and supervise a calm entry.
Ensure students are actively engaged in a task in the first 2 minutes (short,
relevant, starter activities).
Mark the register and ensure all students are ready to learn, while they are
Follow up any lateness without disrupting learning.
Tell students what you expect them to learn (learning outcomes) and explain
how this fits into the ‘big picture’.
Present new information in a memorable way, drawing on different learning
Teach key words, including spelling.
Engage students in active learning as soon as possible.
Use methods, strategies and resources which enable all learners to achieve.
Differentiate and ‘scaffold’ learning.
Use plenaries to demonstrate and share learning.
Set and explain homework tasks.
Recognise and celebrate achievement throughout the lesson.
Use the Learning Charter to establish boundaries and consistent consequences
Check students’ understanding and look for evidence of progress.
Give feedback and tell students how to improve.
Allocate enough time to review learning.
Ensure the room is tidy.
Dismiss students in small groups, on the bell, in an orderly way.

Curriculum Leader Quality Assurance Handbook/Portfolio 2009/10
Nina Moore DHT October 09
To be reviewed July 2010
Appendix Item 2: Scheme of Work QA Scrutiny
Subject teams should continuously develop and update schemes of work in the light of self review. A
collaborative approach with all members of the team contributing to this process is seen as the most effective
and efficient way forward. The following checklist of standards should be used to guide and record the review
 

Progression • The scheme of work facilitates progression within an

overall course/ programme of study, building on prior
attainment and experience.
• The sequence of activities in the scheme of work
promotes progression in the development of knowledge,
skills and understanding, gradually building
Learning objectives Learning objectives are clearly defined.

Key words and concepts Key words / subject specific vocabularly and key concepts are
Health and safety Health and safety issues and procedures are identified as
Differentiation • Expectations of different ability groups are made clear.
• Each scheme of work incorporates a range of methods
(DELPE/Must-Should-Could / Visual, Auditory,
Kinaesthetic etc.), resources and learning styles,
including e-learning, matched to both learning
objectives and student needs.

Literacy The range of resources used is accessible to students with

different literacy levels.

Personal development Opportunities to promote students’ personal development are


Learning skills • Students’ literacy, numeracy and thinking skills are

• Students are required to investigate, reflect, think
analytically and creatively, use their imaginations and
explore ideas.
Assessment Learning objectives are assessed through a variety of strategies
including self, peer assessment and DELPE. Graded
assessment tasks enable students to demonstrate knowledge,
skills and understanding through different approaches which
take account of different preferred learning styles.
Homework The homework programme supports the learning objectives,
extends class learning, enriches learning and promotes
Citizenship Does the SOW embrace the Citizenship agenda and provide
opportunities for meaningful exploration of Citizenship issues?
(Leanne Whittaker can support HOF/HOD with integration of
Citizenship into your curriculum area)
Curriculum Leader Quality Assurance Handbook/Portfolio 2009/10
Nina Arts Specialism
DHT October 09 Does the SOW embrace Welling School’s Visual Arts specialism?
To be reviewed July 2010 There should be evidence of ‘Visual Literacy’ within each SOW
and Henry Ward (DHT/Director of Arts Specialism) can advise
and support faculties with ideas to embed Visual Literacy and
Arts education into your curriculum area.

Appendix 3
Curriculum Leader QA Handbook/Portfolio Evaluation
This Handbook was compiled by Nina Moore (DHT QA/CPD) and will be reviewed in July 2010. Your
opinions are really valued and I would be very grateful if you would please spend some time
evaluating this document and its usefulness in readiness for the next academic year. Please
complete the form below and return to Nina Moore by July

Thank you



What aspects of this

handbook/portfolio did
you find useful this

This document could be

even better if...

Curriculum Leader Quality Assurance Handbook/Portfolio 2009/10

Nina Moore DHT October 09
To be reviewed July 2010
Appendix Item 4
Sharing Best Practice in your Faculty and with other
Curriculum Teams at Welling

Post-it - a dedicated online space for our school community to share and showcase best
practice; to disseminate research, resources, training materials and advice with colleagues,
and to open dialogue about Learning and Teaching and other matters at the heart of our
school community. Sustained school improvement is most likely when CPD
processes sit at the very heart of school life. In order for Welling School to move from
satisfactory to good and good to outstanding, we need to build capacity for improvement by
creating an ethos, culture and set of expectations within which people can flourish and be
empowered to drive change by contributing to the professional development of colleagues.
Post-it is therefore a platform to:

o Support ALL staff in realising their continuing professional development ambitions

through a culture
of sharing, modelling and professional learning.
o Help raise standards at Welling School in order to move us from satisfactory to
good, and good to

How can Curriculum Leaders help?

You know what practice goes on in your faculty/department and by whom? Whilst sharing
excellent practice amongst colleagues within the same subject discipline at Department
Meetings is fantastic, I would like to urge you to look beyond your faculty/department,
and enrich our collective professional learning community by sharing the best of learning
and teaching in your faculty/department with colleagues across Welling School. There are
two current platforms to do this:
Curriculum Leader Quality Assurance Handbook/Portfolio 2009/10
Nina Moore DHT October 09
To be reviewed July 2010
o Adding posts to ‘Post-it’ by e-mailing anything you want to share on the blog to:
o Contributing to the CPD ‘Learning Breakfasts’ – CPD Sessions run by staff, for

Where you see good practice, please encourage your staff to share it!
Thank you.

Curriculum Leader Quality Assurance Handbook/Portfolio 2009/10

Nina Moore DHT October 09
To be reviewed July 2010

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