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Name : Point :
A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
1. Antin : Wow, . . . what a nice bracelet you are wearing!
Febby : Thank you.
What does the bold-typed sentence express?
A. Doubt. . A!a"e!ent.
#. $y!pathy. D. #ertainty.
%. &r. 'adi : $iska, please do nu!ber (i)e.
$iska : $orry? Would you !ind repeatin* your sentence, $ir?
&r. 'adi : Do nu!ber (i)e, please.
$iska : $ure.
The bold-typed sentence is the expression o( ++++++++.
A. showin* certainty
. showin* a!a"e!ent
#. askin* so!eone to repeat her,his sentence
D. respondin* to doubt
-. .ia : $helly, why do you look so sad?
$helly : &y *randpa passed away.
.ia : ++++++++.
A. /lease (or*i)e !e
. /lease accept !y condolences
#. /lease be in a hurry
D. /lease call !e
0. .ony : We will ha)e a study club a(ter school.
.endra : ++++++++. 1 ha)e to )isit !y uncle in hospital.
A. $ure
. 1 don2t know
#. 1t2s a *ood idea
D. 1 doubt whether 1 can 3oin it
Read the dialog and answer uestions ! and ".
Artin : What i( #eline Dion were here, in our classroo!, and tau*ht us
how to sin*?
4uwita : &ar)elous5 1t would be *reat5
Artin : Are you sure you could (ollow her lesson?
4uwita : 12! sure that 1 could be a *ood sin*er in se)eral !onths.
4uwita said, 6&ar)elous57
8. What does she express?
A. A!a"e!ent. . #ertainty.
#. $y!pathy. D. 9ratitude.
:. Where does the dialo* take place?
A. ;n the street.
. 1n Artin2s house.
#. 1n 4uwita2s house.
D. 1n the classroo!.
<. What is the label about?
A. A per(u!e.
. A (ace cleanser.
#. A (ace toner.
D. A (ace !oisturi"er.
=. Accordin* to the text, what is the (unction o( rose extract in the
A. To !aintain the skin !oisturi"er.
. To protect (ro! (ree radical e((ect.
#. To !aintain the skin elasticity.
D. To clean the (ace (ro! dust.
>. When should we use the toner?
A. e(ore we use the cleanser.
. A(ter we use the cleanser.
#. A(ter we use the !oisturi"er.
D. When we use the cleanser.
1?. 6. . . softly dab onto the (ace, a(ter usin* the cleanser.7 The
bold-typed word has an opposite !eanin* to ++++++++.
A. *ently . rou*hly
#. care(ully D. co!pletely
.ead the text and answer @uestions 11 to 1-.
11. What is the purpose o( the text?
A. To *i)e in(or!ation.
. To persuade people.
#. To ask (or in(or!ation.
D. To warn people about so!ethin*.
1%. Where can we hear such a warnin*?
A. At school. . 1n a park.
#. 1n a !o)ie theater. D. 1n a hospital.
1-. What should the )isitors do accordin* to the warnin*?
A. Aeep @uiet. . &ake noises.
#. #ure the patients. D. Treat the patients.
Read the te#t and answer uestions $% to $".
9ood !ornin*. 'ere is the weather (orecast (or so!e cities in
1ndonesia. Today, &akassar will partly cloudy with the chance o( rain
0?B. A!bon will ha)e windy and sunny skies, chance o( rain 0?B.
4ayapura will be !ostly cloudy, chance o( rain 8?B. Cext, it will be
cloudy with so!e rain showers in the e)enin* in Wa!ena with the
chance o( rain <?B.
10. Accordin* to the (orecast, which city will ha)e windy and sunny
A. &akassar. . A!bon.
#. 4ayapura. D. Wa!ena.
18. What is the chance o( rain in 4ayapura?
A. &ore the! se)enty percents.
. Dess than (orty percents.
#. Cot !ore than (orty percents.
D. &ore or less (i(ty percents.
1:. When will Wa!ena probably ha)e so!e rain showers?
A. At ni*ht.
. 1n the e)enin*.
#. 1n the a(ternoon.
D. 1n the !ornin*.
Read the te#t and answer uestions $& to $'.
To all students,
As you all know, there was a stor! yesterday
e)enin*. As a result, so!e parts o( our school
were da!a*ed. The hall, the lan*ua*e lab and
the *y! are partly da!a*ed because o( the
/lease stay away (ro! the buildin*s (or your
own sa(ety.
En3oy the re(reshin* sensation o( $ari Ayu &awar
Enriched with pepper!int oil as aro!atherapy (or
re(reshin* e((ect, rose extract and oli)e oil to
!aintain the skin !oisture and )ita!in E as
antioxidant to protect (ro! (ree radical e((ect.
(ow to use:
Apply to the cotton and so(tly dab onto the (ace
a(ter usin* the cleanser.
Follow this treat!ent with the !oisturi"er.
Attention, please.
Don2t !ake any noises. /lease keep @uiet while
)isitin* the patients. 1t will be use(ul (or the patients2
cure and treat!ent.
1<. What is the announce!ent about?
A. An instruction to collect donation (or (ixin* the buildin*s.
. An instruction to (ix the da!a*ed buildin*s.
#. An instruction to prepare (or the next stor!.
D. An instruction to stay away (ro! the da!a*ed buildin*s.
1=. What da!a*ed so!e parts o( the school?
A. A stor!.
. A thunder.
#. .ain.
D. An earth@uake.
1>. 6As a result, so!e parts o( our school were damaged.7
The bold-typed word has the sa!e !eanin* as ++++++++.
A. (ounded
. i!pro)ed
#. destroyed
D. reno)ated
Read the te#t and answer uestions )* to )%.
Earth2s at!osphere extends about :,??? !iles F>,:??
kilo!etersG abo)e the sur(ace o( Earth, where we li)e.
&ost o( our weather co!es (ro! winds, te!perature chan*es
and water )apor in the layer nearest Earth2s sur(ace. This layer is
called the troposphere. &ost o( the clouds you see in the sky are
(loatin* in the troposphere.
The stratosphere is the layer abo)e the troposphere. 4et
airplanes (ly in the stratosphere because there are (ew clouds.
Earth2s o"one layer is in the stratosphere. The o"one layer absorbs
har!(ul rays (ro! the $un. These har!(ul rays would probably
destroy li(e i( they reached Earth2s sur(ace.
The at!osphere *ets thinner and thinner in the next layers up,
the !esosphere and ther!osphere. The top layer o( Earth2s
at!osphere is the exosphere. The at!osphere ends here, about
:,??? !iles F>,:?? kilo!etersG abo)e Earth2s sur(ace.
%?. What is the purpose o( the text?
A. To a!use the readers with the storyo( at!osphere.
. To tell how to protect at!osphere.
#. To tell past experiences.
D. To describe the way at!osphere is.
%1. What layer is the o"one layer in?
A. The troposphere
. The stratosphere.
#. The !esosphere.
D. The ther!osphere.
%%. 6The o"one layer absorbs harmful rays (ro! the $un.7
F/ara*raph -G
The bold-typed word is synony!ous with the word ++++++++.
A. steady
. sa(e
#. dan*erous
D. hard
%-. What is the top layer o( Earth2s at!osphere?
A. The !esosphere.
. The exosphere.
#. The ther!osphere.
D. The troposphere.
.ead the text and answer @uestions %< to -?.
Coise is unpleasant sound. Tra((ic sounds, airplanes, trains,
industry, construction and )ery loud !usic all produce noise. Coise
that !akes people an*ry, a(raid or stops the! (ro! sleepin* is a
(or! o( pollution.
Coise pollution is a constant proble! in cities. Coise pollution is
di((erent (ro! other types o( pollution. ;nce the noise stops, it is
*one (ro! the n)iroen!ent. 1t is di((erent (ro! che!icals and other
pollutants in air, water or soil.
%0. 6Coise pollution is a constant proble! in cities.7 F/ara*raph %G
The bold-typed word !eans +++++++++.
A. cleared
. chan*ed
#. continued
D. crushed
%8. 6+t is di((erent (ro! che!icals and other pollutants in air, water,
or soil.7 F/ara*raph %G
What does the bold-typed word re(er to?
A. The noise.
. The en)iron!ent.
#. #he!ical.
D. $oil.
B. ,ill with the correct answer
Combine the sentences using not only. . . but also . . . .
1. Aldi 3oins an En*lish course.
Aldi 3oins a co!puter course.
%. An*elina is sli!.
An*elina is tall.
-. &y !other likes cookin*.
&y !other likes *ardenin*.
0. A*us brin*s an u!brella.
A*us brin*s a raincoat.
8. $anti can speak French.
$anti can speak En*lish.
Change the sentences below into the -resent -erfect tense.
:. They Fnot workG to*ether a*ain since they @uarreled.
<. 'e FloseG his books.
=. Hou e)er FseeG a possu!?
Com-lete the sentences with correct uestion tags.
>. &ost people like watchin* (ootball !atch,I.?
1?. $chool is a place (or study and de)elop our characters,I.?

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