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Trinity Trumpet

Trinity United
Methodist Church

Inside This Issue

Health Outreach Ministry 2

Parish Nurse 3

Christian Education 4

Scholarship News 4

H. S./College Graduates 5

Bible Studies 6

Ask the Rev 7

News and Notes 8, 9, 11, 18

Missions 9

Membership News 10

Summer Recipe 10

Church Calendars 12, 14, 16

Birthdays 13, 15, 17

Thank You Notes 19
Dear members and friends of Trinity United Methodist Church:

The summer of 2014 is almost here. Summer brings with it a time of rest and re-
laxation and reflection. This summer I would encourage you to pause and ponder
the many blessings we are so privileged to enjoy.

Holy God has looked upon the United States of America with great favor and ex-
tended His hand of grace, generosity, and provision all across this great land. We
know that God is faithful to His Word and has proven to be a gracious and gener-
ous provider.

First of all, we have a godly heritage. The documents of history show that 52 of
the 55 men who signed our Constitution were men of deep faith. They have been
described as orthodox and evangelical Christians. This country was founded
upon Biblical principles and a Christ-centered interpretation of justice, fairness,
and equal opportunity.

Secondly, just think about all the natural resources that are found in our great
land. What God has placed at our feet are blessings of ore, minerals, fuels, for-
ests, bays, rivers, lakes, farmlands, and much much more. God has provided not
only what we need for ourselves but also abundance so that we can provide for
those living in abject poverty in distant lands.

Thirdly, we are privileged to enjoy the free enterprise system here in this great
land. I know the economy is not robust right now, but this is a remarkable bless-
ing that provides incredible opportunities.

Finally, just think about our freedom. Every time you cast a ballot, no matter
what your political persuasion or how important or unimportant a given election
may seem, we need to give thanks to God for the freedom to personally impact
the direction of this country. This is an amazing blessing that is completely for-
eign in many nations around the world.

So, this summer I would encourage you to pause and ponder the many blessings
God has graciously and generously bestowed upon this great land.

Enough said. See you in Church!

God bless,

Rev. George R. Patterson, MDiv.
Senior Pastor

Food Safety Tips for a Safe and Healthy
Health Outreach Ministry
Dr. Dot Baker
Heres your annual food safety message from your Health Outreach Ministry
Please Eat Safely This Summer
WASH Hands, Utensils, and Food Preparation Surfaces - Food safety begins with hand-washing even in outdoor
settings. Use a water jug, soap, and paper towels. Use moist disposable towelettes to clean your hands. Keep all uten-
sils and platters clean when preparing food.
PREPARE Fruits and Vegetables Rinse fresh fruits and vegetables - (including those with skins and rinds that are
not eaten) under running tap water before packing them. Packaged fruits and vegetables labeled "ready-to-eat,"
"washed," or "triple washed" need not be washed. Rub firm-skin fruits and vegetables under running tap water or
scrub with a clean vegetable brush as you rinse.
SAFE GRILLING Tips - Marinate foods in the refrigerator, not on the counter or outdoors. If some of the marinade is
to be used as a sauce on the cooked food, reserve a portion separately before adding the raw meat, poultry, or seafood.
Don't reuse marinade. Don't use the same platter and utensils that previously held raw meat or seafood to serve
cooked meats and seafood. If you partially cook food in the microwave, oven, or stove to reduce grilling time, do so
immediately before the food goes on the hot grill.
When it's time to cook the food, cook it thoroughly. Use a food thermometer to be sure the food has reached an ade-
quate internal temperature before serving. Beef, veal, and lamb steaks and roasts--145F for medium rare, 160F for
medium, and 170F for well done. Ground pork and ground beef--160F. Ground poultry--165F. Poultry breasts--
170F. Whole poultry (take measurement in the thigh)--180F. Fin fish--145F or until the flesh is opaque and sepa-
rates easily with a fork. Shrimp, lobster, and crabs--the meat should be pearly and opaque. Clams, oysters, and mus-
sels--until the shells are open. Grilled food can be kept hot until served by moving it to the side of the grill rack, just
away from the coals where it can overcook.
SERVE Food Safely - Keep cold foods COLD and hot foods HOT. Do not use a plate that previously held raw
meat, poultry, or seafood for ANYTHING else unless the plate has first been washed in hot, soapy water. Hot
food should be kept hot, at or above 140 F. Wrap well and place in an insulated container. Foods like chicken salad
and desserts in individual serving dishes can also be placed directly on ice or in a shallow container set in a deep pan
filled with ice. Drain off water as ice melts and replace ice frequently. Don't let perishable food sit out.
MAKE Ice cream - Every year homemade ice cream made with raw eggs causes several outbreaks of Salmonella infec-
tion. Instead of raw eggs, substitute a pasteurized egg product, egg substitute, or pasteurized shell eggs to decrease this
risk. You can also use a cooked egg base or prepare it without eggs. Even when using pasteurized products, the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Department of Agriculture advise consumers to start with a cooked base for
increased safety, especially if serving people at high risk. Finally, ensure that the dairy ingredients such as milk and
cream in homemade ice cream are pasteurized.
TRANSPORT Food - Keep COLD food COLD. Place cold food in a cooler with ice or frozen gel packs. Cold food
should be held at or below 40F. Consider packing beverages in one cooler and perishable foods in another. Meat, poul-
try, and seafood may be packed while it is still frozen so that it stays colder longer. Be sure to keep raw meat, poultry,
and seafood securely wrapped so their juices don't contaminate cooked foods or raw foods such as fruits and vegeta-
bles. After washing fruits and vegetables, dry them with a clean cloth towel or paper towel before packing them. Keep
the cooler in your air-conditioned car, rather than in a hot trunk. Limit the times the cooler is opened. DISCARD all
perishable foods if there is no ice in cooler or gel packs have thawed.
If you have questions, please contact the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition's (CFSAN) Outreach and Information Center
at 1-888- 723-3366. Source: Food & Drug Administration - CFSAN

By Carolyn Lewis, RN

The summer months have begun, and with
them come the wonderful fresh vegetables and fruit.
Memorial Day always meant fresh shelled peas and
fresh strawberries, and when I was growing up that
meant fried chicken, peas and dumplings, and home-
made strawberry ice cream to celebrate the holiday.
It is nice that we can buy fresh vegetables
year round; however, they dont compare to the local
fruits and vegetables. There is just something about
the soil on the Eastern Shore that makes them taste
better. That being said, I found an article that ex-
plained the benefits of eating vegetables and thought
you might enjoy reading it.

Why Is it Important to Eat Vegetables?
Eating vegetables provides health benefits
people who eat more vegetables and fruits as part of
an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced
risk of some chronic diseases. Vegetables provide
nutrients vital for health and maintenance of your
Health Benefits
- Eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruits as
part of an overall healthy diet may reduce risk for
heart disease, including heart attack and stroke.
Eating a diet rich in some vegetables and fruits
as part of an overall healthy diet may protect
against certain types of cancers.
- Diets rich in foods containing fiber, such as
some vegetables and fruits, may reduce the risk
of heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.
- Eating vegetables and fruits rich in potassium
as part of an overall healthy diet may lower blood
pressure, and may also reduce the risk of devel-
oping kidney stones and help to decrease bone
- Eating foods such as vegetables that are
lower in calories per cup instead of some other
higher-calorie food may be useful in helping to
lower calorie intake.

- Most vegetables are naturally low in fat and
calories. None has cholesterol. (Sauces or sea-
sonings may add fat, calories, or cholesterol.)
- Vegetables are important sources of many
nutrients, including potassium, dietary fiber,
folate (folic acid), vitamin A, and vitamin C.
- Diets rich in potassium may help to maintain
healthy blood pressure. Vegetable sources of
potassium include sweet potatoes, white pota-
toes, white beans, tomato products (paste, sauce,
and juice), beet greens, soybeans, lima beans,
spinach, lentils, and kidney beans.
- Dietary fiber from vegetables, as part of an
overall healthy diet, helps reduce blood choles-
terol levels and may lower risk of heart disease.
- Fiber is important for proper bowel function.
It helps reduce constipation and diverticulosis.
Fiber-containing foods such as vegetables help
provide a feeling of fullness with fewer calories.
- Folate (folic acid) helps the body form red
blood cells. Women of childbearing age who
may become pregnant should consume adequate
folate from foods, and in addition 400 mcg of
synthetic folic acid from fortified foods or sup-
plements. This reduces the risk of neural tube
defects, spina bifida, and anencephaly during
fetal development.
- Vitamin A keeps eyes and skin healthy and
helps to protect against infections.
- Vitamin C helps heal cuts and wounds and
keeps teeth and gums healthy. Vitamin C aids in
iron absorption.

Wishing you a great summer. Enjoy the
warm weather and time with family, but always stay

Gods peace be with you.

Our last Lunch Bunch will be on June 11 at
11:30 a.m. Our special entertainment will be Shelly
Messick and Dee Buchley. We hope you will plan
to attend. It will be a picnic theme, so the dress will
be casual.
We would appreciate you making reserva-
tions by June 9 by calling the church office.
See you there!

Christian Education

by Janal Walton
Director of Childrens Ministries

Rev. George R. Patterson Scholarship Fund

The Board of Trustees announced two scholarships
awarded from the Rev. George R. Patterson Scholarship
Fund which has been established in honor of Rev. Pat-
tersons tenth anniversary as senior pastor of Trinity
United Methodist Church.

- Mark Thomas is studying at Palmer Theological
Seminary in Wynnewood, Pa. Mark is a member at
- Zac Wheeler is studying at Palmer Theological
Seminary in Wynnewood, Pa. Zac is Youth Pastor at

We are pleased and proud to offer assistance to these
fine young people as a tribute to Rev. George Patterson.
May God continue to bless us all.

High School Graduate Scholarship Fund

The Board of Trustees through the Scholarship Com-
mittee awarded five scholarships to graduating seniors
on Sunday, May 5. We are proud of all our graduates
and wish them success and Gods continued blessing as
they move forward.

Matthew Austin Baysinger
Son of Don & Joanie Baysinger

Olivia Mills Cook
Daughter of David & Maria Cook
Jordan Thomas Jones
Son of Daryl Jones & Kimberly Jones
Alyssa Kaitlyn Massey
Daughter of John & Kathleen Massey
Jenna Lee Miles
Daughter of Chris & Kim Miles
Ashley Brooke Reese
Daughter of Frank & Ashley DelGaudio
Jennifer Leigh Ritchie
Daughter of Bruce & Robin Ritchie
JUNE 22-26, 2014 (SundayWednesday)
Vacation Bible School
6:00-8:15 pm.

Our preschoolers (3 and 4 Year olds) will meet from 6:00-7:30 pm. The final night will be at
Wicomico Presbyterian Church with a family dinner and outdoor games in the grassy area between churches.
All children are invited to be part of WORKSHOP OF GODS WONDERS. Explore and experience Gods
welcoming love at VBS. The adventures include interactive Bible fun and great music, super science, cool
crafts, games, and more.
Registration forms are in the office, online or at Summer Sunday School. Each family will get a family
music CD. Please invite your neighbors because the more the merrier. We have invited Bethesda UMC,
Wicomico Presbyterian Church, and Faith Baptist in the JMB on Friday, June 20, at 9:00 am to help decorate
our Jackson Memorial Building. We would love your help!

Summer Sunday School
Summer Sunday School begins May 25 for children and youth of all ages at 10:00 am. Each week we explore
a different Bible hero and will look at the lessons we can learn from that character. Youth can earn commu-
nity service hours for school. Are you able to be a helper with this fun?

Commencement is a Beginning....
by Gustavus Federated Church,
Gustavus, Ohio

It is of interest that the name given to graduation ceremonies is commencement. This word signifies
not an ending, but the act of beginning. It refers to the beginning of the next phase of life, for which the
educational process has prepared us. That new phase may be a full-time job, marriage, additional education or some
combination of these, but whatever that next phase is, there is a real sense in which the end is also the beginning.

Sarah Caitlyn Arrington
Worcester Preparatory School
Parents: Jason & Suzanne Arrington

Matthew Austin Baysinger
Salisbury Christian School
Parents: Don & Joanie Baysinger

Rebecca Leigh Boyce
Salisbury Christian School
Parents: Joni Boyce & The Late Craig Boyce

Hayley Rachel Carey
James M. Bennett High School
Parents: Bill & Betsie Carey

Olivia Mills Cook
James M. Bennett High School
Parents: David & Maria Cook

Marisa Lynne Farrelly
The Salisbury School
Parents: Gerry & Mary Farrelly

David Michael Hearne
James M. Bennett High School
Parents: Steve & Kathy Hearne

Jordan Thomas Jones
Wicomico High School
Parents: Daryl Jones & Kimberly Jones

Dylan Edward Kenney
Salisbury Christian School
Parents: Robert Kenney & Theresa Culver

Alyssa Kaitlyn Massey
The Salisbury School
Parents: John & Kathleen Massey

Jenna Lee Miles
Wicomico High School
Parents: Chris & Kim Miles

Hannah Mae Olds
Parkside High School
Parents: Ernie & Dawn Olds

Lucas Madison Payne
Worcester Preparatory School
Parents: Michael & Karen Payne

Jennifer Leigh Ritchie
Parkside High School
Parents: Bruce & Robin Ritchie

Lucy Elizabeth Seagraves
James M. Bennett High School
Parents: Joe & Jane Seagraves

Garrett William Townsend
Salisbury Christian School
Parents: Tom & Mary Lou Townsend

Jessica Lynn Wattay
Smyrna High School
Parent: Teri Wattay

Kyle Mitchell Banks
Salisbury University
Parents: Terry & Susan Banks

Casey Jay Bellamy
Shippensburg University
Parents: Mac & Dawn Bellamy
Bob & Julie Wheatley

Jay Noble Bozman, Jr.
Vanderbilt University (Masters)
Parents: Jay & Pat Bozman

Christopher Myers Burkett
Virginia Tech
Parents: Jeff & Barbara Burkett

Kelsey Carey
Clemson University
Parents: William & Betsie Carey
Brett Richard Darrah
University of Maryland College Park
Parents: Rick & Shelia Darrah

James Michael Darrah
University of Baltimore School of Law
Parents: Rick & Shelia Darrah

Jennifer Reid Dwiggins
Monmouth University
Parents: Dale & Jeanne Dwiggins

Julie Lynn Horner
Salisbury University
Parents: Bud & Bev Horner

Laura Angela Lawson
Wor Wic Community College
Parents: David & Cindy Lawson

Ryan MacKay Lewis
Savannah College of Art & Design
Parents: Paul & Laura Lewis

Rachel Bunting McCain
Clemson University
Parents: Bill & Teresa McCain

Maggie Mae Vincent
Salisbury University (Masters)
Parents: Carl & Tina Vincent, Susan

Zachary James Wheeler
Palmer Theological Seminary
Parents: Harlen and Merry Wheeler

Will Ross Wiseman
University of Maryland
Parents: Bo & Pam Wiseman

Coming this fall in the Sanctuary Coming this fall in the Sanctuary Coming this fall in the Sanctuary Coming this fall in the Sanctuary

Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. beginning
September 10

Join us every Wednesday night this year as we study the non-Pauline letters of the New Testament: Hebrews, James, 1
& 2 Peter, and 1 & 2 & 3 John. We begin with the definitive book of Christian doctrine from its Jewish roots: the
Book of Hebrews. This book shows that supremacy of Jesus, and that He is the fulfillment of the Jewish prophecies
concerning the Messiah. It is a fascinating study that is the perfect sequence to our study of the gospel of John. It is a
study that gives a doctrinal foundation of the life of Christ. We then continue the study with the book of James written
by Christs half-brother. This book talks about Faith in Action. Join us each week for this new and exciting Bible
The Book of

Every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m.
Room 303 of the Jackson Memorial Building
continues on September 9

Explore Israels beautiful hymnal: The Book of Psalms. While it offers comforting words in times of crisis, the Book of
Psalms also contains more prophecy than any other book of the Tanakh. Explore the nature of ancient mid-east poetry
and the fascinating prophetic words from a variety of authors in this popular yet often misunderstood book of the Bible.
Study the Book of Psalms like you have never studied if before. This year we conclude this two year adventure in the
Psaltery of Israel every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. beginning September 9.

Irv Brumbley to Lead a
Gaither Hymn Sing at Trinity

On Sunday, July 27 at 6:00 p.m., Trinity will host a Gaither style hymn sing in the sanctuary led by Irv Brumbley. Irv
is known throughout the area as a talented musician and organizer of Gaither style hymn sings with participants that
include the host congregation. People come from all over to worship in these local church hymn sings. You wont want
to miss this important event as the great gospel songs are presented with the Spirits anointing. It will be a time of great
fun and worship in song. SEE YOU THERE!

Q. When do we go to heaven, at death or on the resurrection day?

The Bible is very clear that we who believe in Christ go to heaven at death. 2 Corinthians 5:6-9.
To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Although there are some that believe
that the dead are asleep until the resurrection of the dead, that is not a Biblical doctrine. The Bible
uses the word sleep for those Christians who have died and gone on to be with the Lord, but they
are alive in heaven enjoying the blessing of God even now. But there is also a time during what is
called the rapture of the church when our spirit will take on a transformed body just like the body
that Christ had on earth after His resurrection.

1 Thessalonians 4: 13-17 talks about the rapture. When Paul, the writer of this book, mentions those asleep in Jesus, he
is referring to those who have died because certain individuals of that church had concerns about the dead in Christ. But
it is clear that they are with Christ in heaven, and at the rapture of the church, Jesus will bring them with Him, and their
Spirit will take on a transformed body which will be recognized by all those who knew them on earth just as Jesus
transformed body was known to his disciples.

1 Corinthians 13:12 says Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face-to-face. Now I know
in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. We shall be known and recognized by those we knew on

Romans 6:5 says If we have been united with him like this in his death, we will certainly also be united with him in his
resurrection. After Jesus resurrection, his transformed body was recognized as he was known on earth by his disciples
and all that knew him. This verse indicates that just as we may die a physical death as Christ did, we shall have the
same type of transfigured body at the resurrection that will be recognizable by all who knew us here on earth.

In the true story of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31), the rich man, although separated by a huge gulf, was able
to recognize Lazarus whom he knew on earth.

The resurrection of any body, but particularly those bodies completely destroyed by fire or lost at sea is hard for us to
comprehend. But God knows the genetic DNA of every individual and on the day of resurrection will have the DNA
pattern of each believer to assemble a transformed body, that like Christ, will be recognizable by those whom they have

The Bible is very clear that although we may not have the same relationship with others in heaven as we did on earth
(since in heaven there is no marriage), we will know our loved ones and spend forever with them in the presence of the

If you have a question for ASK THE REV contact Rev. DeFino or the church office.

(Continues through Sunday, August 31)

Worship Services Worship services will be held in
the sanctuary at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. and at the
Riverwalk area (located next to the La Quinta Inn)
at 9:00 a.m. In the event of rain, we will hold the
Riverwalk Service in the JMB at the same starting
time. Please feel free to come dressed as you would
for the outdoor service. Cancellations will be an-
nounced on the church website or on the church
voice mail.

Summer Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. at the JMB.

T.A. Phillips

Trinity continues to superbly support this program. Since July 2009, we have exceeded one million dollar
value of coupons. We mailed April 2014 coupons to U.S. Navy, Gaeta, Italy.

HELPFUL TIPS: Please do not tear the coupon booklets apart. Leave the booklets fastened together just
like they arrive in the newspaper. If you do cut out the coupons: cut them into single coupons not in strips. Please do
not staple or roll the coupons with a rubber band.

As always, thank you for your response to support this mission to military personnel and families who serve
our country.
Report for the Program

Year Month(s) Number
Value ($)
of Months
Grand Total
Number of
Coupons for

Grand Total
Dollar Value
($) of Coupons
for year

Grand To-
tal Number
of Coupons

Grand Total
Dollar Value
($) of Coupons

721,020 $1,127,675.93
2014 April 10,304
$18,603.30 56,543 $96,172.81 731,324 $1,146,279.23


What a wonderful two days we had
with our first Soup and Salad Sale. The
weather was great. The volunteers worked
so hard to help make this a success. Our
sales were super. Considering this concept
was different from the usual luncheons of the
past, all went well. Our ladies work so hard
because they know what a blessing it is to be
able to share the money we make to help
support our missions in Salisbury. Although
we have not had our final wrap-up, I am
pretty sure we will be doing the same thing
in the fall.
We want to thank you all for your con-
fidence in us, and we appreciate your sup-
Jane Bowers

U Bring any food
Glad you want:
U canned, boxed
Support or packaged!

Canned ham, Spam, beef stew, chili,
pork & beans, spaghetti & meatballs,
Vienna sausage, corned beef, etc.
The food themes for the Lazarus Food Pantry in the next three months are as follows: June: Ready to eat
meat such as canned ham, Spam, beef stew, chili, pork and beans, spaghetti and meatballs, Vienna sausage,
corned beef, etc. July: Ready to eat snack items such as granola bars, crackers, fruits, pudding, and juice
boxes. August: Whatever you would like to donate that is canned, boxed, or packaged!!! Some suggested
items are cereal, pasta and sauce, peanut butter and jelly, tuna and chicken helper, canned soups, vegetables
and fruits, and ready to eat meat and snack items.

As always, the Lazarus Food Pantry greatly appreciates any donated food items. There is an ongoing need
for large diapers: sizes 3, 4, and 6, as well as mens and womens personal hygiene items. They also have a
need for the plastic grocery store bags that are used to line the brown paper bags before packing with the food
items. The BLUE Wal-Mart plastic bags seem to work especially well, but any plastic grocery bags would be
greatly appreciated! During the summer worship schedule, we will be collecting food and non-food items at
the 9:00 am Riverwalk Service, as well as in the back of the church sanctuary at the 8:00 am and 10:00 am
Services! Trinity has reached 62,529 food items since the beginning of this program in 2005. Thank you for
your support!

Norman and Lorna Lyster and Trinity volunteers will continue to serve hot meals to the poor and hungry at the
Joseph House soup kitchen on the third Wednesday of every month, during the summer months. If interested
in volunteering, the summer serving dates are June 18, July 16, and August 20.

Thank you again for your GENEROSITY and CONTINUOUS support of ALL Trinitys mission projects!

Kay Hopkins
Missions Chairperson
Salisbury Urban Ministries
Food Pantry Data

We saw: 243 Families
14 Families requested financial assist.
16 New clients
We distributed: 280 Bags of food



Membership News

Kory Lowe
32209 Bonhill Drive
Salisbury, MD 21804
(443) 859-7117

Victoria McIntyre
1733 Riverside Drive
Salisbury, MD 21801
(410) 546-2475

Jeri Miller
602 Crestview Lane
Salisbury, MD 21801
(410) 749-2299

Peggy Pusey
4134 Meadowbridge Road
Salisbury, MD 21804
(410) 548-4245

Carol Rollins
5537 Bravo Court
Salisbury, MD 21804
(410) 546-4136

John & Carol Wilson
510 Tony Tank Lane
Salisbury, MD 21801
(443) 223-5462
May 5, 2014
Emilia Kathryn Senkbeil
Daughter of Eric and Kaytlyn Senkbeil
May 8, 2014
Dylan Robert Meeks
Son of Andrew and Erin Meeks
April 14, 2014
Joan Perdue Saywell
May 8, 2014
Calvin Baker
May 18, 2014
Dawn Bellamy
5875 Talley Ho Lane
Salisbury, MD 21801
(410) 603-2246

Kevin & Jessica Billard
8695 Barbara Ann Way
Apt. 204
Delmar, MD 21875
(301) 938-7280

Benjamin Bowne
414 Monitcello Avenue
Salisbury, MD 21801
(912) 856-9867

Dianne Dykes
6051 Williamsburg Parkway
Salisbury, MD 21801
(410) 749-6011

Mitchell Fletcher
28417 Old Eden Road
Eden, MD 21822
(570) 660-9891

Paula Johnson
227 Spring Crest Drive
Salisbury, MD 21804
(410) 543-0371


3 cups Original Bisquick mix
1 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup butter or margarine, softened
1 cup milk
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 eggs
1 cup whipping cream
1 package (8 oz) cream cheese, softened
1/3 cup powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
6 cups sliced fresh strawberries (about 2 lb)

Heat oven to 350F. Grease bottom and sides of
13x9-inch pan with shortening; lightly flour (or spray pan
with baking spray with flour). In large bowl, beat cake in-
gredients with electric mixer on low speed 30 seconds,
scraping bowl occasionally. Pour into pan. Bake 30 to 35
minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out
clean. Cool completely, about 1 hour. In chilled small
bowl, beat whipping cream on high speed until soft peaks
form; set aside. In medium bowl, beat cream cheese, pow-
dered sugar and vanilla on medium speed until well
blended. Fold in whipped cream.
Frost top of cooled cake with whipped cream mix-
ture. If desired, frosted cake can be refrigerated up to 6
hours. To serve, cut cake into squares; place on individual
dessert plates. Top with strawberries.
"Say Cheese!"
Planning and scheduling for a new pictorial directory is under way!!

This is such a valuable resource for our church family, so please plan to participate. A sign-up
sheet will be available in the back of the sanctuary after each service starting July 6th . If you
have children leaving for college or if you are super busy when school starts in the Fall,
please plan to schedule your family's photo session during the August 3 to 7 time frame. Ad-
ditional photo dates will be September 20 to 24, September 27 to October 1, and October 8 to 12. On July 6 in addition to
the sign-up sheets, there will also be instructions for online sign-up. We thank you in advance for participating! Please
contact Laurie Webb at 443-614-3727 or Katie Mason at 410-430-6331 with questions.

Trinity Is Getting
Ready For a
New Pictorial
makeover for the Fall of 2014. Rehears-
als will be held on Sundays from 10:30-
11:15am in the JMB beginning in Sep-
tember. We are looking for new mem-
bers to join the group! Please contact
S a r a h M c C a b e a t or 443-235-2287 for more infor-
mation. Check Trinity's upcoming newsletters for fur-

The summer months hold special significance for our
country: Memorial Day is May 26, Flag Day is June 14,
and Independence Day is July 4. We are all blessed to
live in this country and to have men and women who are
willing to sacrifice to protect our freedoms. We would
like to thank all those who are serving or have served.


Air Force Navy
Kyle L. Mills Tim Emge
Andrew Morris Benjamin Wattay

Army Marines
Robert Freshwater Travis Posey
Trey Vinyard


THANK YOU: On behalf of the members and
friends of the Trinity UMC we want to express our
heartfelt thanks to Dr. Dot Baker for her sacrificial
and most faithful service that she has graciously pro-
vided to Trinity UMC these past twelve years as the
keyboardist for the summer Riverwalk services.
With grace and dignity Dr. Dot has served as an out-
standing staff member in this ministry. Dr. Dots
willingness to share her gifts, talents, wisdom, and
expertise has been most helpful and has served a
very important part of our work together in the
building of Gods Kingdom here on earth. Thank
you! Thank you! Thank you Dr. Dot for a job very
very well done!

School Supplies Needed

Help children in need start the school year off right! This
year school supplies will be distributed through Christian
Shelter, East Salisbury Elementary School, Salisbury Ur-
ban Ministries, and HALO. Any of the items on the list
below will be accepted, or you may write a check out to
Trinity UMC with School Supplies written on the memo
line. Monetary donations will be used for traditional sup-
plies or special needs such as school uniforms, shoes,
socks, etc.
Please deliver the items by Sunday, August 10. Items
should be placed in the back of the sanctuary or brought
to the church office. School supplies list: new back-
packs, crayon packs, pencils, child scissors, glue sticks,
wide ruled loose leaf paper, marble composition books,
zippered pencil pouches, pocket folders, highlighters, 1in
binders and small bottles of sanitizer.


Thanks to all for the positive comments
about the participation in worship of our
bell choir, Sounds of Praise. If you have
thought of becoming a bell ringer, or just want to explore
ringing, please contact Rev. Harry Gray at At this writing we have a full
complement of ringers for our three-octave sets of bells
and handchimes, but change happens. There are a couple
of levels of entry into handbell ringing at Trinity. Please
call or e-mail for more information.
Be sure to note the underscore between my names in
my e-mail address.

June 2014
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 8 & 10am Worship in
(8 & 10am)
9am Riverwalk
9am ASP Commissioning
10am Summer
Sunday School
4:00pm Youth Group



12pm Pastors

9am Prayer Group




8 & 10am Worship in
9am Riverwalk
10am Summer
Sunday School
4:00pm Youth Group

9 10

11:30am Lunch

9am Prayer Group



15 8 & 10am
Worship in
9am Riverwalk
10am Summer
Sunday School




Joseph House
9am Prayer Group



8 & 10am Worship in
9am Riverwalk
10am Summer
Sunday School




9am Prayer Group


10am Pine Bluff
8 & 10am Worship
in Sanctuary

9am Riverwalk

10am Summer
Sunday School


name does not appear on this
list it does not mean that we do
not have you as a Trinity
member. It only means that
we do not have your birth
date. Please give the church
office a call with any additions
to, or corrections of this list.

1 - Frank DelGaudio III
Tom DuPont
Jamie Flaig
Andrea Hudson
Chris Mitchell
Chris Shaffer
Jennifer Trader
Laurie Webb
Joyce Webster

2 - Ann Collins
Darryl McJilton
Sophia Peters
Fred Ropko

3 - Kim Gordy
Hulda Kreis
John Long II
T. J. Mumford
Gray Turner

4 - Sheila Darrah
Debbie Harris
Ellen Moran
Richard Wood
Allen Wootten

5 - David Barnes
Sherie Henderson
Tom Mertensotto
Michael Payne
Blake Twilley
Jennifer Underwood
Dale Vroman
Steve Windmuller

6 - Christopher Bozman
Steve Dickerson
Luke Emge
Allie Guy
Harper Mills
Mildred Palmer
Rick Smoak, Jr.

7 - Logan Barnes
Debra Downing
Denise Eberspeaker
Casey Lynch
Susan Richardson
Penny Wilson

8 - Cale Ashcraft
Nancy Buchanan
Sherri Harkins
Tanner Leonard
Liam Nelson
Mary Nelson
Micah Outten
Chuck Ulm
Brian Wright

9 - Barbara Benedict
Kevin Blizzard
Michael Murray
Jesse Saywell
Gayle Whitelock

10 - David Downes
Maysen King
William Layfield
Lucas Payne
David Shave
Donna Thompson
Morgan White

11 - Anne Calloway
Kitty Shockley
Linda Townsend

12 - Brittany Grier
Melissa Kiser
Elizabeth Nelson
Trevor Peters
Kennedy Soper
Richie Wright II

13 - David Hooper, Jr.
Kurt Kohler
Jill McCabe (Mrs. Douglas)
Peyton Pearce
Gerry Staton

14 - Michael Abercrombie, Jr.
Leisl Ashby
Linda Brown
Rebecca Edney
Paige Greenwood
Amanda Howard
Christine Okerblom
Karen Payne
Kaye Thomas
Tom Ward

15 - Kirby Ashcraft
Katlinn Barnes
Matthew Gilland
Griffin Harmon
Marion Oakley

16 - Margo Hunt
Graham Moore
Scott Robertson
Karen Smith

17 - Thomas Leonard
Marcie McGrillies
Rachel McGrillies
Warren Pitsenbarger
Woody Wilson, Jr.

18 - Danny Gregory, Jr.
Kristi Jenkins
Norman Webster
Dan Williams
Claire Wright

19 - Wayne Baker
Brett Miles
Doris Webster

20 - Claire Blevins
Jamie Holland
Gary Knight
Sue Lankford
Gavin Mann
Bettie Nichols
Tom Preller

21 - Holly Agnew
Chad Lowe
Joe Poteet

22 - Joe Beach, Jr.
Marisa Farrelly
Katie Fox
Chip Jenkins
Sydney Mills
Lynne Smoak

23 - Ken MacFarlane
Brian Tregoe
Marlene Waller
Pam Wiseman

24 - Ellie Ennis
Michael Harris
Dora Larimore

25 - Barbara Culver
John OBrien
Caden Pavese
Jordan Plymale
Jane Seagraves
Lindsay Wallingford
Emily Wright

26 - Mark Blades
David Clark
Jacob Corry
John Fleming
Taylor Lawson
Emory Leonard, Sr.
Kim Miles
David Reichenberg
Mitzi Scott

27 - Julien DuBuque
Sonnie Lucas
Peter Whaley

28 - Natalie Booth
June Burton
Jacob Chandler

29 - Alyssa Massey
Tim Pusey
Anna Simulis
Pam Weeg

30 - Hannah Bozman
Kathleen Hearne
Dawn Hinman
Michelle Mann
Philip Mason
Ashley Reese
Alison Wootten

July 2014
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Moms Morning Out

12pm Pastors

Moms Morning Out


Church Office

8 & 10am Worship
in Sanctuary

9am Riverwalk

10am Summer
Sunday School
7 8

5:15pm SPRC
9 10
9am Prayer Group

11 12
8 & 10am Worship
in Sanctuary

9am Riverwalk

10am Summer
Sunday School
14 15

5:15pm Trustees


Joseph House
9am Prayer Group


8 & 10am Worship
in Sanctuary

9am Riverwalk

10am Summer
Sunday School

5:15pm Finance
23 24
9am Prayer Group
10am Pine Bluff
8 & 10am Worship
in Sanctuary

9am Riverwalk

10am Summer
Sunday School

Irv Brumbley Hymn
28 29


9am Prayer Group


name does not appear on
this list it does not mean
that we do not have you as
a Trinity member. It only
means that we do not have
your birth date. Please give
the church office a call
with any additions to, or
corrections of this list.


1 - Mary Boltz
Lauren Crouse
Dick Dayton
Hannah McCabe
Jennifer Race
Harriett Russell

2 - Teresa McCain
Teri Nelson
Lil Stacy
Dan Williams (Mardela, MD)
Caleb Wilson

3 - John Culver
Shirley Davis
Robbin Gray
T. A. Phillips
Natalie Shaffer

4 - Mimi Boulden
Marissa Dickerson
Colbey Hunt
Mike Kelley

5 - Harrison Brennan
Krissy Gilbert
Michelle Hillyer
Courtney Parsons

6 - Carole Adkins
Robert Horsey III
Sharon Kriegisch
Amy Luppens
Dan Peters
David Price
Alexa Sande
Keith White
Lea Wimbrow

7 - Dylan Maine

8 - Tyler Barnes
Linda Boltz
Liam Charlton
Gail Davis
Peggy Pusey
Melissa Waller

9 - Casie Culver
Konley Golden
Mason Shetler
Keith Staton

10 - Jack Calloway
Allison Ford
Shelly Frost
Julie Marvel
Bruce Mooney
Barrie Smiley
Ruth White

11 - Nicole Acle
Joseph Bernstein
Vickie Blades
Bill Fowler
Bleecker Hawkins
Joseph Ireland
Cory Kohler
Regina Lankford
Carol Mears

12 - Gary Brown
Gwen Poore
Charles Smith, Jr.

13 - Beverly Gordy
Emily OBrien

14 - Lucia Bozzelli
Cassie Dempsey
Hannah Hillyer
Genevieve Payne
Nancy Pusey
Jeffery Thamert
Jaclyn Zockoll

15 - Darlene Breeding
Shelby Byrd
Carolyn Chandler
Mark LaVorgna
Everett Morton
Ruth Nichols
Monroe Trader
Jim Wiese

16 - Morgan Helfrich
Judi Mason
David Roe
Mark Simulis
Wynn Smith
Clay Thompson

17 - Marcia Helms
Brady Hunt
Tyler Mitchell
Michael Nichols

18 - Harper Ferro
Lauren Follebout
Cindy Laws

19 - Karen Culver
Joshua Henderson
Cheryl Plymale
Zachary Savage

20 - Gorden Abercrombie
Terry Dix
Jennifer Dwiggins
Isabelle Mahon
Samantha McJilton
George Mengason
Joseph Scott
Peggy Sheeran
Robert Yocubik

21 - Dolly Burkett
Kimberly Carey
Evan Mellone
Addie Tregoe
Jeffery Webster

22 - Nathan Douse
Riley Forrestal
Emily Hooper
Bev Horner
Janice Morton

23 - Richard Carlson
Loudell Insley
Kaytlyn Senkbeil

24 - Emma Chandler
Tracy Horsey

25 - Melissa Bell
Linda Lloyd
Isaac Mah
Melody Whitelock

26 - Hannah Hooper
George Murdoch
Connor Smith

27 -

28 - Jonah Corry
Edward Mahon
Charley Meeks
Burton Mitchell
John Stuart

29 - Gabriel Alfano
Jordan Davies
Don Denayer
Devon Fahner
Suzanne Hogg
Christopher Okerblom
Emil Paul
Wendy Simpson
Libby Truitt

30 - Kennedy East
Margaret Ewing

31 - Jack Kutchen, Jr.
Terry Sell
Mike Williams

August 2014
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat



8 & 10am Worship
in Sanctuary
(8 & 10 am Only)
9am Riverwalk
10am Summer
Sunday School
4 5


12pm Pastors


9am Prayer Group


8 & 10am Worship
in Sanctuary

9am Riverwalk

10am Summer
Sunday School



9am Prayer Group


Articles Due

8 & 10am Worship
in Sanctuary

9am Riverwalk

10am Summer
Sunday School



Joseph House


9am Prayer Group

7pm Salisbury
Cruise Club

10am Pine Bluff

8 & 10am Worship
in Sanctuary

9am Riverwalk

10am Summer
Sunday School


26 27


Mail Trumpet

9am Prayer Group


8 & 10am Worship
in Sanctuary

9am Riverwalk

10am Summer
Sunday School

(Last Sunday for
Summer Worship)



1 - Jay Bozman, Jr.
Erika Corry
Ed Freshwater
Vicki Gray
Lee Larimore
Brock Lawson
Logan McIntyre
Brita Paul
Jimmy Sarbanes
Luke Twilley
Trent Warfield

2 - Debbie Benedict
Tom Berry
Finley Helfrich
Jamie Hudson
Susan Lloyd
Natalie Tull

3 - Don Bilski
Landon Cabell
David Duplechain
Mimi Parks
Krista Warfield

4 - Jack Bowen
Warren Boyce
Georgia Cooper
Devin Dunsten
Suzanne Harkins
Brady Leonard
Nelson Ryder

5 - Clark Blackburn
John Rivello
Hunter Shaner
6 - Suzy Benedict
Donna Malone
Scott Malone
Howard Phoebus

7 - Bobby Andrews
Keeley Block
Jim Cummins
Brett Darrah
Zachary King
Tami Ryan
Ashley Wood

8 - Judith Clark
Corrie Culver
Ashton Evans
Christopher Howard
Ron Laws
Aaron Waller

9 - Todd Grier, Jr.
Josephine McJilton
Colton Payne
Julien Scott IV
Gwyn Terrell
Zachary Titus
Dana Wootten

10 - Barbara Baker
Joni Boyce
Evan Kiser
Anthony Mellone, Jr.
Aiden Pusey
Andrew Thorsten

11 - Bob Hoekstra
Nancy Johnson
Bailey Moses
Josh Shaffer

12 - Jessica Fox
Frank Harrrison
Bradley Henderson
Sue Posey
Calvin Robinson

13 - Tyler Adams
Diane Beach
Chad Brown
Jeffery Duplechain
William Hannemann
David Huddleston
Raymond Hudson, Jr.
Matt Lankford
Barry Tull

14 -Nancy Horner
McKayla Mahon
Jill McCabe
Bill Mengason
Connie Strott

15 - Lisa Barnes
Julie Stout

16 - John Calloway, Jr.
Joey Croquette
Ian Hinman
Jake Lloyd, Jr.
Emily Ritchey
Ruth Ann Savage

17 - Matthew Adams
Jane Ashcraft
Gary Chandler
Catherine Giles
Walker Harman
Hillary Hogg
Stella Luppens
Scott Mahon
William Quigley
Dr. Richard Snyder
Cohen Weeg
Phil Wood

18 - Maude Ahtes
Bill Draucker
Sophia Fowlkes
Matthew Menzel
Karen Rouse
John Routenberg
Laura Smith
Hunter Wright

19 - Larry Albright
Christine Bryson
Leigha Early
Kathy Hansley
Peter Lischick
Alex Mah
Angie Mills
Colleen Mooney
Nancy Schofield

20 - Joel Davies
Laurie Jones
Cindi Martin
Sam Shannahan
Pat Stein

21 - Ryan Boyce
Robert Bullock
Helen Burns
Ron Gilland
William Hobbs
Don Horner
Donna Knopf
Greg Peacock
Blake Washington

22 - Ryan Hedger
Joe Hetherington
Robbie Shaw III
Suzanne Wilson

23 - Heather Hammond
Cody Vojtko

24 - Karalynn Fykes
Marie Graef
Patty Green
Lindsay Smith
Bill Trader

25 - Laura Benedict
Scott Booth
Ross Hammer
Don Henderson
Matthew Jones
Paul Lewis, Jr.
Jason Loar
Carly Veditz

26 - Josh Downes
Will Harmon

27 - Irene Layton
Sonya Prado

28 - Kasey Ashcraft
Kathy Breithut
Kelsey Carey
Charles Cherry
Emma Douse
Mark Edney
Lindsay Hall
Amanda Harris
Blake Lloyd
Doug McCabe
Joshua Price

29 - Rebecca Boyce
Sarah Forrestal
Hugh Jackson
Ronald Nelson
Sky Smith

30 - Logan Charlton
Maddox Ferro
Eleanor Hoekstra
Dwight King
Doug Ward
Cody Wheatley

31 - Matthew Cooper
Ed Ford
Lorraine Ford
Rev. Howard Gordy
Ryan Mann
Lita Pascarella
name does not appear on
this list it does not mean
that we do not have you as
a Trinity member. It only
means that we do not have
your birth date. Please give
the church office a call
with any additions to, or
corrections of this list.

Peninsula Delaware Conference
Salisbury District
Rev. Peggy Johnson
Peninsula Delaware Conference

Rev. Frederick W. Duncan
Salisbury District

Church Staff
Rev. George R. Patterson, Senior Pastor
Rev. Dean DeFino, Associate Pastor
Rev. Dale Vroman, Associate Pastor
Mr. Zachary Wheeler, Youth Pastor
Mrs. Phyllis Oldham, Sanctuary Choir Director
Mrs. Sarah McCabe, Childrens Choir Director
Mr. David Lawson, Organist
Rev. Harry Gray, Handbell Choir Director
Mrs. Janal Walton, Director of Childrens Ministry
Mrs. Carolyn Lewis, RN, Parish Nurse
Mrs. Tracy Shannahan, CPA, Church Accountant
Mr. Wayne Tull, Sexton
Mrs. Sue Posey, Office Manager
Mr. Kyle Buchanan,, Riverwalk Organist
Mr. Scott Albright, Video & Sound Technician

Church Leaders
Mr. Chuck Dix, Administrative Board Chairperson
Mrs. Lynne Smoak, Administrative Board Vice
Mr. Tony Sarbanes, Lay Leader
Mr. Bob Moore, Staff Parish Relations Chairperson
Mr. Jim Thomas, Board of Trustees Chairperson
Mr. Carl Vincent, Finance Committee Chairperson
Mr. Kelly Shannahan, Nominations Committee
Mrs. Ellen DiCintio, Treasurer

Committee Leaders
Mr. Tom Hopkins, Annual Conference Member
Mrs. Kay Hopkins, Missions Committee Chairperson
Mrs. Carolyn Lewis, Congregational Care Committee
Mrs. Laura Robertson Safe Sanctuary Team
Mrs. Vickie Blades, Membership Chairperson
Mrs. Jane Bowers, United Methodist Women President
Mr. Ed Freshwater, United Methodist Men President
Mrs. Sue Hetherington, Altar Guild President
Dr. Dorothy Baker, Health Outreach Ministry
Mr. Ron Moore, Trinity Trumpet Editor
Mrs. Becky Blizzard & Mrs. Karen Albright, Video

Stories from the Basement
Help and Outreach Point of Entry, Inc.
Donna Clark RN, Director

Its a rainy day and really too wet for anyone to go out
in the weather. Our office has been slow today but some
have braved the weather to get assistance. We are blessed
to be able to provide a place for the homeless to get out
of the weather. Its sometimes hard to close the doors at
the end of hours when all they ask of us is a dry warm
place to sit. Of course the food helps make their stay
Today we saw a lady who had a list of medications as
long as your arm. She was still waiting to hear from the
state on her medical assistance number and had no cover-
age for her medications. Thanks to the collaborative ef-
forts of other social assistance agencies her needs were
met. Our agency is successful due completely to the ef-
forts of our volunteers and, of course, donors. Volunteer
talents come in a variety of ways and have many faces.
One lady prepares a meal for Fridays, so we can feed the
hungry. Another person collects clothing and allows us to
clothe those in need. The office staff provides love and
guidance to anyone who walks through the door. Others
pray for us and those we serve. There are the people who
are available on a moments notice to notarize paper-
work, provide emergency transportation to doctors ap-
pointments, or to run an errand for us. We have guidance
through our Board of Directors for business questions
and decisions affecting the future of the agency.
Recently, on a day that the regular staff was out doing
various activities, we had two people to serve those in
need. The line of clients was growing rapidly to sign in
for services and out of nowhere a young woman walked
in and asked to volunteer. She had resume in hand and
had excellent previous experience working with clientele
similar to those we serve. She stepped up to the challenge
of working in an office she had never been in, using
forms she had never seen before, and provided love and
compassion to the marginalized people who entered our
office that day.
Volunteers are the perfect example of I Corinthians, 12.
Thank you Lord for those you send to serve.

Thank you!
I want to take this time to thank my Trinity family
for all the prayers, cards, visits, and gifts of food I
received after my fall on January 28 when I broke
my right hip. My improvement is slow, and I am
still getting therapy, but with the encouragement of
family and friends, I Am Feeling Better ! Thanks
and God Bless !
Norris Cartwright

Our greatest thanks are extended to our trinity fam-
ily. We appreciate every card, text, e-mail, and
phone call. Your support is why we chose, so many
years ago, to be part of this wonderful congregation.
My mother loved this church and was touched by all
of you and the incredible pastoral support during her
illness. Thank you.
The Shaner family

I want to thank each and everyone for the cards,
phone calls, and all the many prayers that were sent
to me during my illness. Also, I want to especially
thank Rev. Patterson for his visits, as they meant so
much to me, and to Rev. Vroman for his calls, too. I
am so blessed to have so many friends and my
church family who were concerned for me. Thank
you for all your kindness.
Barbara C. Phillips
(Mrs. Bryan)

My sincere thanks for all the cards, prayers, and
good wishes during my medical down time and to
Rev. Vroman for his attentive pastoral care. A spe-
cial thanks to a certain busy young lady for a deli-
cious complete dinner. It came at an especially diffi-
cult day. Gods work in action!
Barbara Phillips
(Mrs. Wayne)

Its hard for me to find the words to adequately
thank you for all the prayers, calls of encouragement,
and cards that I received while in Mercy Hospital
and during my recuperation at home. It has been a
long, slow battle, but I feel like my strength and
healing are finally returning. Our ministers have
been so supportive, and Rev. Pattersons daily calls
to Joe meant a great deal to both of us. I am looking
forward to returning to Trinity and thanking each of
you personally. May the love and kindness you have
shown to me come back to bless each of you.
Shirley Poteet

Thank you for your cards, well wishes, and espe-
cially for your prayers. I am in my seventh year with
ALS, and I really appreciate being remembered by
my church family. Thanks too for the DVDs of the
services and for visits from Rev. Vroman and from
Carol Mears.
With love,
Nancy Sterling

I want to thank everyone for their cards and phone
calls after my surgery. A special thank you to Rev.
Patterson and Rev. Vroman for their visits and
prayers while I was in the hospital.
Ann Calloway

I would like to thank everybody for their prayers
and cards. Their sincere concern was encouraging
and healing. The visits from our ministers gave me
great comfort. The Trinity family is indeed a caring
Many thanks,
Jack Slayton

Thank you for all your cards and notes during my
recent surgery. I have been so well impressed with
the friendship and caring you all have shown me.
Now that I am an associate member of the church, I
plan to take part in some way with one of the
womens activities as soon as I am able. Thanks
Lois Shockley Wootten


Thank You
May Bulletin Folders

Warren and Joyce Boyce
Judy Briele
Dolly Burkett
Camilla Disharoon
Allison Freshwater
Bonnie Gibson
Tom and Ann Holder
Bill Hortsman
Linda Nelson
Sarah Renshaw
Laura Twilley
Barbara Webster

Newsletter Staff

General Editor:
Ron Moore

Mailing Coordinators:
Norman and Barbara Webster

Salisbury, MD 21801

Return Service Requested
Church: 410-749-5562
FAX: 410-749-8830
Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Trinity United Methodist Church
112 High Street
Salisbury, MD 21801
Visit us on the web at

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