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Glossary of Popular Terms

ChemBuster ("CB"): Don Croft's updated version of Reich's oriinal cloud!uster desin
"hich utili#es oronite to safely transmute collected D$R into P$R% and could !e placed
into continuous &'() operation to !alance the enery !et"een earth and s*y+ The CB is
so,named due to its a!ility to disperse chemtrails+
Chemtrails: Persistent lines of chemical,infused aerosol spray dispersals from typically
unmar*ed planes "hich are no" seen in the s*y all over the "orld+ -nli*e normal .et
contrails formed from "ater vapor% chemtrails spread to form a thic* !lan*et of cloud
cover% held toether !y polymer fi!ers until they reach the round% contaminatin crops%
"ater supplies and humans "ith radioactive soft metals and dessicated red !lood cells
"hich contain active human pathoens+ Please see our lin*s section for details+
Cloud!uster: /ilhelm Reich's invention "hich could% "ith careful and methodical use%
direct the orone in the atmosphere to !rin rain to and end drouht in a reion+
D$R: /ilhelm Reich's "ord for neatively,chared% harmful orone enery+ (e++% Deadly
Dou!le,Terminated 0uart# Crystals ("DT's"% "1er*s"): 2n uncommon variation of 3uart#
crystals "hich are terminated (pointed) on either end rather than .ust one+ "1er*imer
diamonds" are the most common form of DT 3uart#% found only in the lacier,carved
3uarries in 1er*imer% 4e" 5or*+ 6theric enery is emitted !y the point of a crystal% so
DT's are used in oronite "hen enery emission in t"o opposite directions is desired+
7ee our lin*s section for DT resources+
6theric 6nery: The su!tle% universal enery of life that e8ists every"here and in all
thins+ 9t has many names (orone% chi% 3i% torsion fields% #ero,point enery% etc+) from
many traditions and areas of research "hich reconi#e the predicta!le !ehavior and rule
systems for classifyin% collectin and usin etheric enery for various purposes such as
healin and self,defense+ Contrary to popular !elief% the e8istence of etheric enery "as
not only not disproven% !ut has !een proven repeatedly !y a reat many researchers
throuhout the last century+
Giftin: The act of thro"in or !uryin a piece of oronite near a source of D$R (such as
a cellphone to"er)% or the act of ivin a piece of oronite to another person "ho may
!enefit from oronite's positive effects+
$R(P$R /ilhelm Reich's "ord for positively,chared% life,!eneficial orone enery+ (e+%
$Rone ( Positive $Rone)
$rone: /ilhelm Reich's "ord for etheric enery+
$rone 2ccumulator("$R2C": /ilhelm Reich's famous !o8es constructed of alternatin
layers of fi!erlass and steel "ool "hich attracts and collects orone enery of !oth the
$R(P$R and D$R varieties+ "$R2C" is Reich's a!!reviated term for his orone
To"erBuster (TB): The most common form of oronite as "ell as the simplest to ma*e%
formed from the com!ination of metal shavins% cataly#ed fi!erlass resin% and a 3uart#
crystal chip in a muffin tin mold+ TB's are typically thro"n or !uried "ithin :(' mile of
cellphone to"ers to mitiate the harmful effects of non,ioni#in micro"ave radiation (and
!y e8tension D$R) on the surroundin community+

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