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Stochastic Simulator For Estimating Delay In DTN


P.K.Suri 2Lokesh Pawar

Professor & Dean, Department of Computer Sc. & Engineering, H.C.T.M. Kaithal, Haryana, INDIA
M.Tech Student, Department of Computer Sc. & Engineering, H.C.T.M. Kaithal, Haryana, INDIA

Abstract: Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) very often suffers

from route failures due to the store-carry and forward approach
and also due to the mobility of nodes. The problem is delay at
each node until the message carrying node doesnt find the
receiver node. This situation limits the applicability of
traditional routing techniques which categorize lack of path as
failure of nodes and try to seek for existing end-to-end path.
Approaches have been proposed which focus either on
epidemic message replication or on prophet routing
previously known information about the connectivity
schedule. We have considered that the protocol have the
previous knowledge of routing and computed delay on the basis
of replication on the nodes and on the basis of total time to
transfer the packets from one node to other node. The proposed
work prevents in large delays due to replications and the total
time for sending the packets.





Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs) are intermittently

connected mobile wireless networks in which the
connectivity between nodes changes frequently due to
nodes movement [1]. Examples of this sort of network
include inter-planetary networks [2], wildlife tracking and
habitat monitoring sensor networks [3], and etc. In general,
the DTN routing works in an extended store-and-forward
manner.In DTN the protocols of todays internet may
operate poorly, because of long delay paths and frequent
network partitions. The existing TCP/IP based Internet
service model provides end-to-end inter-process
communication using a concatenation of potentially
dissimilar link-layer technologies [2]. Applications of
DTNs include large-scale disaster recovery networks,
sensor networks for ecological monitoring [5], ocean
sensor networks [6, 7], peoplenet [8], vehicular networks
[9, 10], to benefit developing nations. Intermittent
connectivity can be a result of mobility, power
management, wireless range, sparsest, or malicious attacks.
The inherent uncertainty about network conditions makes
routing in DTNs a challenging problem. The
standardization of the IP protocol and its mapping into
network-specific link-layer data frames at each router
supports interoperability using a packet-switched model of
service. Although often not explicitly stated, a number of

key assumptions are made regarding the overall

performance characteristics of the underlying links in order
to achieve this service: an end-to-end path exists between a
data source and its peer(s), the maximum round-trip time
between any node pairs in the network is not excessive, and
the end-to-end packet drop probability is small.
Unfortunately, a class of challenged networks, which may
violate one or more of the assumptions, are becoming
important and may not be well served by the current endto-end TCP/IP model. Delay Tolerant networks are
opportunistic networking environment which may vary
significantly depending on the replication of packets on the
nodes, how the mobile nodes move ,how dense the node
population is, and how far apart the sender and the receiver
are. Simulations play an significant role in analyzing the
behavior of DTN routing and application protocol.
Delivery latency may vary from a few minutes to hours or
days, and a significant fraction of the messages may not be
delivered at all. The key factors are the routing and
forwarding algorithms used and how well their design
assumptions match the actual mobility patterns. No ideal
routing scheme has been found so far. Simulations play an
important role in analyzing the behavior of DTN routing
and application protocols. With typically sparsely
distributed nodes, DTN simulations abstract from the
details of the wireless link characteristics and simply
assume that two nodes can communicate when they are in
range of one another. Delay and disruption-tolerant
networks (DTNs) are characterized by their lack of
connectivity, resulting in a lack of instantaneous end-to-end
paths. In these challenging environments, popular ad hoc
routing protocols such as AODV (Ad-hoc on Demand
Distance Vector) and DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) fail
to establish routes. This is due to these protocols trying to
first establish a complete route and then, after the route has
been established, forward the actual data. By the
formulation of these kind of problems related to DTN we
analyzed and reached at a conclusion of finding out the
simulated results for the estimated delivery delay and delay
The expected delivery delay is the minimum expected time
until any node with the replica of the packet delivers the
packet; so a node needs to know which other nodes possess

replicas of the packet and when they expect to meet the

destination. To estimate expected delay we assume that the
packet is delivered directly to the destination, ignoring the
effect of further replication. This estimation is nontrivial
even with an accurate global snapshot of system state. For
ease of exposition [4], we first present rapids estimation
algorithm as if we had knowledge of the global system
state, and then present a practical distributed
implementation. Since we do not know the meeting time
distributions, we simply assume they are exponentially
distributed and also as normally distributed. We generated
the inputs for both of the meeting time distributions which
led us to the results of the estimated delivery delay. We
have done several simulation runs by providing the real
values to the system. Real values are generated by using
several algorithms which were designed
for the
requirement to solve the problem statement. We have
generated several inputs and these inputs are further feeder
to the simulator we designed and fetch the results. In each
case we have done several simulation runs. Which lead us
to the following results. We have generated the values of u k
between (0,1). After the inputs between 0 and 1 are
generated using the algorithm we got the inputs for our
next process where we will find out the time samples for
stochastic processes using exponential distribution
function. There are few steps for the generation of the
samples. If we require several samples with the expected
value of (In our case it is the average number of packets
transferred per unit of time).Here we found the samples for
uk and then we take their natural logarithms which results
us with the natural logarithmic samples and after
multiplying these samples with 1/ we got the desired
inputs. By obtaining these time samples we got the sample
inputs for estimated delivery delay we provided these
values and find out the results for the estimated delivery
delay. And for generating the samples for delay distribution
we require randomly generated inputs as we required for
the estimated delay and after providing these values to u k
we again get the exponential distribution function time
samples. Let these time samples work as inputs for the
delay distribution and we obtain the delay distribution. We
have used exponential distributions because

It is used to model time for a process to occur at a

constant average rate.


It can be used when we have to measure the time

between events, which is called inter-arrival times.


If the events are equally likely to occur at any

time, the distribution of inter-arrival times looks
like an exponential distribution.

And after the exponential distributions we have used the

normal distributions to fetch the results because

It makes fewer





It is the most familiar and frequently encountered

probability distribution.


It plays a central role as many statistical tests

assume an outcome has a normal distribution.


It is often a good approximation to a discrete


Using these distributions we have find out the delay

distribution between the nodes when there are randomly
distributed several numbers of replications of packets on
each node. We determined the estimated delivery delay
when meeting time distributions are exponentially
distributed. And also determined the estimated delivery
delay when meeting time distributions are normally
2.1 Flowchart Estimated Delivery Delay


For any network generate the Total service time (t) for
each packet (i)

Determine the total time left a(i) for the packet to be



If a(i)<t

Packets Dropped

Generate the values of

replicas on each node

Value of average
rate of packets
Calculate the value of estimated
delivery delay

Figure 2.1 : Flowchart Estimated Delivery Delay

2.2 Algorithm for Estimated Delivery Delay


Let us assume the total time to forward a

packet is following an exponential


The total time left to forward the packets is

randomly generated.


If the time left is less than the total time, the

packets will be transferred. If the time left is
greater than total time the packets are


Let us assume that for each encountered

packet i, Prophet maintains a list of nodes that
carry the replica of i.


Suppose all the nodes meet according to a

uniform exponential distribution with mean
time 1/.


The average number of packets served per

unit of time is a randomly generated integer


Determine the estimated delivery delay for

DTN using:


After several Simulation runs in each case we

have got the results for delay distribution in the
DTN network.


In the case of estimated delivery delay in the DTN

network we simulated the same number of times
as for delay distribution.


We have simulated estimated delivery delay

according to Box-Muller transformation and
exponentially distributed values.


Delay distribution is directly proportional to the

number of replications of the packet i and mean


In Estimated Delivery Delay Distribution due to

the high replications of packets the delay
decreases in subnormal form since we can say by
this that estimated delivery delay is inversely
proportional to the number of replication and
directly proportional to the total time either
normally distributed or exponentially distributed
time samples.

P(a(i)<t)=1-e-(/n1+ /n2+..+ /nk)

The Step 1 in the algorithm is describing that we have
assumed the total time required by the packets on the
nodes to reach their destinations, the time for these nodes is
assumed as exponentially distributed and we generated the
inputs for the time required for the nodes to reach their
destination. Step 2 describes the time left for the packet to
be transferred it is randomly generated. Step 3 it consists of
a condition if a packets total transferring time is less than
time left to transfer the packet the packets will be dropped.
Step 4 In this step we assumed that the prophet routing
protocol maintains a list of nodes which carry replica of the
packet, prophet (probabilistic routing protocol using history
of encounters and transitivity) it consists of metrics which
itself maintains a list of all the nodes which have replica of
the same packet. Step 5 again we assumed that all the
nodes meet according to a uniform exponential distribution
with mean time 1/. Step 6 The average number of packets
served per unit of time is a randomly generated integer
value it means there can be any number of replications of
messages at any node at a particular time. Step 7 In this
step we calculate our results for the inputs provided. Each
node maintains a separate queue of packets Q destined to
each node sorted in decreasing order of time since
creationthe order in which they would be delivered
directly . Estimate Delay makes a simplifying assumption
that doesnt hold independently. This graphical scenario
represents estimated delivery delay vs. the maximum
available time to transfer the packets. We have taken a
scenario where 5 nodes are willing to send the messages to
each other keep in notice that not each node is interested to
deliver the packets to the other node.

We have simulated the behavior of DTN network

with the help of C.

Table 1 is showing the data related to our simulated results

which we have plotted in the figure 3.1 the maximum
available time in first case is 0.258400 and the
corresponding value for the estimated delay is 0.611329
this estimated delay is not for a single node but it is for 5
nodes. Our each case consists of five nodes each of which
are willing to transfer the data packets to the other node.
We here explain for a value if maximum available time for
a packet to be sent to the destination is 0.258400 the delay
estimated by our simulator is 0.611329 which is due to the
number of replications of the packets on the nodes.


Maximum Available Time

Estimated Delivery
















(NOTE: Not all nodes want to send the data to other node
few are not desired to send packet to each node but desired
to send to fewer nodes) As a question may arise here that
the value of maximum time available is less than the value
of delay which is correct, since the delay is directly
proportional to the maximum available time for the packets
to be delivered and the delay is inversely proportional to

number of replicas of the packets at different nodes or on

the same node.

the number of replicas of the packets on the several nodes

where each node are desired to send the packets. The total
time is feeded as the input to the simulator. After feeding
the simulator to these values we got the results for our
delay. Our results show the estimated delivery delay in the
DTN environment. The total time in the figure shows the
maximum available time by normal distribution. This
graphical scenario represents estimated delivery delay vs.
the maximum available time to transfer the packets. We
have taken the same scenario where 5 nodes are willing to
send the messages to each other keep in notice that not each
node is interested to deliver the packets to the other node.

Figure 3.1 : Graph for Estimated Delivery Delay Exponential Distribution

The graph shows the reflexes for the values of time and due
to the change in the replications of packets at different
input samples of time. After fetching results for exponential
distribution, normal distribution is used to fetch more
results for comparision the inputs generated for the total
time of a packet in which it should be sent to the
destination. These inputs for the total time are now
generated by the help of normal distribution after the
generation, these values are further feeded to the simulator
designed and the results are fetched. A sample from the
input can further be found out as a sample from any normal
distribution with specified and sigma.
The table 2 depicts all the information for the figure 3.2
the maximum available time in first case is 0.292353 and
the corresponding value for the estimated delay is 0.656715

Figure 3.2 : Graph for Estimated Delivery Delay Normal Distribution

The graph in figure 3.2 shows the reflexes for the values of
time and due to the change in the replications of packets at
different input samples of time.We here explain for a value
if maximum available time for a packet to be sent to the
destination is 0.292353 the delay estimated by our
simulator is 0.656715 which is due to the number of
replications of the packets on the nodes.
3.1 Comparision Between The Technique Used


The estimated delay for the normal distribution is showing

some clear results which uphelds it from exponential
distribution as :



Maximum Available

Estimated Delivery
















this estimated delay is not for a single node but it is for 5

nodes. Our each case consists of five nodes each which are
willing to transfer the data packets to the other node. For
fetching the results we have to feed the simulator with the
input of time values generated by normal distribution and


When number of replications in exponential

distribution is decreased to 1 the delay increased
by .004009, 0.55% of the original delay as
computed before the change in the replication.


When the number of replications in normal

distribution is decreased by 1 the delay increased
by 0.023220, 3.13% of the original delay as
computed before the change in the replication.


These major differences are because of the change

of replication on the different nodes, but the
average number of the replications being the same
the differences are too high.


If the change in the replication is on the same

node as compared to both than there is a minor
difference we can say the results are
approximately the same.


We have used the estimated delivery delay results

to plot the comparitive garph between the two

Table 3 shows us the comparative study for the scenarios

we discussed earlier and used by us for the optimization of
delay. There is not a big difference in the delay difference
between the exponential and normal distributions. But
normal distribution shows some good signs and is
analytically better than exponentially distributed time
samples which bears a bit more delay as compared across
all the major factors for the estimated delivery delay.
























The results for the estimated delivery delay in both the

scenarios for the time samples generated using exponential
distribution and with the normal distribution are clearly
visible in table 3. It consists of the estimated delivery delay
generated by exponential distribution and the results for the
estimated delivery delay generated by normal distribution.
After getting the values for both the distributions we have
computed their difference which is called as delay
difference in the table 3. The fourth column in the table
depicts the difference between the delay caused by the two
distribution used by us. The figure 3.1.1 shows us the
graphical scenario for the difference between the delay.
And shows us that the delay due to the exponential samples
is higher as compared to the normally distributed samples.

3.1.1 : Comparitive Graph for Exponential and Normal
Distribution Delay


In contrast we have proposed a routing scheme for DTNs

that intentionally maximize the performance of a specific
routing metric which minimize the missed deadlines. DTN
routing appears to be a rich and challenging problem. It
requires techniques to select paths, schedule transmissions,
estimate delivery performance, and manage buffers. The
problem of networking on frequently-disconnected
networks is receiving more attention as the desire to have
data connectivity in devices which may be mobile or into
regions that may only be reachable by non-conventional
network devices (e.g. motorbikes) increases. We believe
that in many frequently-disconnected scenarios,
communication opportunities may be predictable. The
algorithms devised in focus on these situations, and we
believe such systems have received little attention to date.
We have proposed that how to find out the delay
distribution and estimated delivery delay using several
simulations runs on the proposed algorithms which are fed
with variously distributed time values. This will help us to
find out a simpler path to transfer the packets only
considering the delay on the nodes. If a network has higher
delay due to replication of nodes or due to a large time to
transfer the packets then that networks delay can be found
out easily and can be avoided to follow.
Why we opted to work on delay because :

In a network where packets are sent and received

is a type of network where main objective is to
maximize the probability of message delivery.


Message could potentially be lost due to creation

of loops or forced discarding of data.

The delay determined by the proposed algorithm may also

be useful for maintaining a newer metrics on the nodes
which represents the history of the delay on the nodes at
particular circumstances. This may harm the memory and
also the service time. We can also further determine the
lifetime of the delay values to be stored for the period of
time. The algorithms presented here do not account for
buffer limits at intermediate nodes when determining
routes. If a node has insufficient storage to hold in-transit
data, that data is dropped. Flow control mechanisms could
be employed to prevent such drops in some circumstances,
but many existing methods for handling dynamic flow
control do not work well with long propagation delays.
Thus, it would appear some form of proactive admission
control may be more appropriate, but discovering the best
form of this mechanism for DTNs remains open. Removal
of messages at a node, either because they have expired or
for application specific reasons, is another approach for
controlling buffer occupancy. The objective function we
have selected here minimizes delay, but in some scenarios
other metrics (e.g. monetary cost), which may not be
directly derivable from delay, may be more important. This
would present the problem of how to measure the metric of
interest and would again raise the implementation question

for the corresponding new knowledge oracle. The approach

of replicating messages to all nodes is expensive and does
not appear to scale well with increasing load. So we can
keep a check on the replications of messages to make a
countable number of replications and then to stop or to
repeat the same this can be also focused in future. The use
of acknowledgements to remove messages from the
network after delivery to their destinations will be
investigated. Due to the negligence of this unnecessary
transfers of messages, wasting valuable system and

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