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Using Kirchoff's Rules in finding the voltages and currents Definition of Terms: ‘ 4) Junction -isapointin the circuit where three or more conductors meet. Junctions are also called nodes or branch zints 2) Loop -51# closed conducting path, ts labeled are considered as From the cite, which ofthe junctions? ‘This technique is developed by the German physicist Gustav Robert. «= dm Kirchhot (1824-1887) ‘A. Kirchhoff’ junction rule: The algebraic sum of the currents into any junction is zero. Based onthe conservation ‘of chams: No charg can accumulate a junction, so the total charge entering the junction per unit time must ‘equal the total charge leaving per unit time. 8. Kirchhoff lop rule: The algebraic sum ofthe potential differences in any loop, including those associated with emfsand those of resistive elements, must be equal to zero. The loop rule i a statement thatthe electrostatic forceis conservative, Suppose we go around a lop, measuring potential eifferences across sucessive circuit 1 elementsas we go. When we return to the starting point, we must find. Sis comenion rents : thatthe algebraic sum ofthese differences is ero. setumldinin -etrrldcion hom los from 10-2 How to use Kirchhoff’ Rules? hone a 1. Assume adeeton (Wor COW for carenton each oop. Note:fthe le ils ‘actual direction of a particular quantity is opposite to your assumption, : the result will come out with a negative sian in your calculations. 2. Set up your equations based from the junction and loop rules’ sign Sign conventions fr eitors convention: Get as many equations as your unknown variables. eee 3. Solve the equations simultaneously to determine the unknowns. Ge ipeamardiedae, cunerddnedon Careful wth algebraic manipulations; one sign error wil prove fatal to stant > etews the entire solution." . 1 ie ® Pome scwhneir: SPeainy semen 26.3 Ploeven der tery C26 FROMERE fy Mad

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