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International Telecommunication Union


March 2003
This report was prepared by Tim Kelly, Vanessa Gray and Michael Minges. It is based
on research carried out from 23 to 30 May 2002 as well as articles and reports noted
in the document. The assistance of the Ministry of Information and Communication,
particularly Sang-Hak Lee, was indispensable and highly appreciated. The assistance
of colleagues within ITU is also noted particularly Nathalie Delmas, who formatted the
report and created the cover. Both Jin-Kyu Jeong and Chinyong Chong provided detailed

The report would not have been possible without the cooperation of the many Korean
organizations who offered their time to the report’s authors. The report is one of a
series examining the Internet in developing nations. Additional information is available
on ITU’s Internet Case Study web page at

The report may not necessarily reflect the opinions of ITU, its members or the
Government of the Republic of Korea.

The title refers to Korea’s top ranking in broadband Internet penetration.



© ITU 2003


1. From rags to riches in ICT .................................................... 1

1.1 The Korea miracle ....................................................................... 1
1.2 What explains Korea’s success? ..................................................... 2
1.3 ICT in the Korean economy ........................................................... 3

2. ICT market .......................................................................... 5

2.1 The end of circuit switching? ......................................................... 5
2.2 Another broadband path to the home ............................................. 9
2.3 Broadening Internet .................................................................. 10
2.4 Mobile Communications .............................................................. 14

3. Sector absorption and ICT applications ............................. 31

3.1 E-government ........................................................................... 31
3.2 Education ................................................................................. 39
3.3 Health ...................................................................................... 45
3.4 Electronic commerce in Korea ..................................................... 46

4. The Information Society in Korea ...................................... 53

4.1 The Vision of a Creative, Knowledge-Based Society ........................ 53
4.2 The Policy Push – creating an information society .......................... 54
4.3 Information society lifestyles ...................................................... 57

5. Conclusion ......................................................................... 63
5.1 State of the Internet .................................................................. 63
5.2 Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics ................................................. 64
5.3 Learning from Korea .................................................................. 65

Annex 1: List of meetings ........................................................ 71

Annex 2: Acronyms and abbreviations .................................... 72
Annex 3: Framework dimensions ............................................ 75


1.1 Korea catches up … ..................................................................... 1

2.1 Network transition ....................................................................... 8
2.2 More and more bandwidth ............................................................ 8
2.3 Top Internet countries ................................................................ 10
2.4 Internet drivers: Content and Broadband ...................................... 11
2.5 Internet exchanges and international bandwidth ............................ 13
2.6 Korea's domain name structure ................................................... 14
2.7 Catching up and overtaking ........................................................ 15
2.8 Mobile evolution in Korea ........................................................... 16
2.9 How are they related? ................................................................ 17
2.10 Growing the mobile data market ................................................. 20
2.11 Mobile data usage patterns ......................................................... 22
2.12 The top five most popular mobile data services on KTF's 2G
and 1x services ..................................................................... 25
2.13 Ahead of the pack ..................................................................... 27
3.1 Korea's ICT plans ...................................................................... 33
3.2 Korean youth online ................................................................... 39
3.3 A nation of online shoppers ........................................................ 47
3.4 E-commerce usage in Korean companies ...................................... 49
4.1 Korea's IT industry .................................................................... 53
4.2 Korea's broadband users ............................................................ 54
4.3 Information society: lost opportunities and job opportunities .......... 58
4.4 Information Society: hopes and fears ........................................... 59
5.1 State of Internet in the Republic of Korea ..................................... 63
5.2 Recomparing Korea and Switzerland ............................................ 66


1.1 Socio-demographic indicators ....................................................... 2

1.2 Korea's ICT Sector ....................................................................... 3
2.1 Telephone service competition in Korea .......................................... 5
2.2 Korean mass media indicators ....................................................... 9
2.3 Implementations of mobile data services ...................................... 20
3.1 Korean government ICT budget ................................................... 31
3.2 e-Government initiatives ............................................................ 35
3.3 Ranking e-government ............................................................... 39
3.4 e-education indicators in Korea ................................................... 40
3.5 Summary of Korea's General Plan for Promoting e-Commerce ......... 48
4.1 Korean Government budget for informatization projects ................. 55
5.1 Ranking Korea .......................................................................... 65
5.2 Which factors can be exported? ................................................... 67


2.1 The Republic of Korea's path to universal service ............................. 6

2.2 One big Intranet? ...................................................................... 11
2.3 Broadband drivers ..................................................................... 12
2.4 1x, 1x EV-DO, IMT-2000: What's the difference? ........................... 19
2.5 Handset wars ............................................................................ 21
3.1 The Korean equilibrium - public and private harmony ..................... 32
3.2 ETRI — Korea's innovation driver ................................................. 37
3.3 From mechanics to web design .................................................... 42
3.4 ................................................................................ 44
3.5 Computerizing medical claims ..................................................... 46
3.6 Measuring e-commerce .............................................................. 51
4.1 Critical infrastructure protection .................................................. 56
4.2 The dark side of the information revolution ................................... 60
5.1 And what of the North? .............................................................. 69

1. From rags to riches in ICT

1. From rags to riches in ICT

1.1 The Korea miracle the world’s fifth largest Internet mar-
ket, with 26 million users. Korea has
The Republic of Korea (Korea) has made the third highest Internet penetration
major strides in Information and in the world and ranks top in Asia
Communication Technology (ICT) over (see Figure 1.1, bottom left).
the last four decades: • Korea leads the world in broadband
• In 1960, Korea had a telephone pen- Internet access penetration. At De-
etration of 0.36 per 100 inhabitants, cember 2002, Korea’s penetration of
barely one tenth of the then world Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) and ca-
average. By 1981, Korea caught up ble modem Internet access was first
with the world average and at the end in the world (see Figure 1.1, bottom
of 2002, its teledensity was 48.8, or right).
almost three times more than the Korea is the leading example of a country
world average (see Figure 1.1, top rising from a low level of ICT access to
left). Today 92 per cent of Korean one of the highest in the world. Is Korea
households have a fixed telephone a miraculous exception or are there
and 79 per cent have a mobile one. lessons to be learned for other
countries? This case study examines the
• In 1995, Korea had less than one factors that have accelerated ICT
Internet user per 100 inhabitants. In development. This chapter looks at the
1999, it surpassed the developed extent to which ICT has permeated
nation average (see Figure 1.1, top Korea in its efforts to transform towards
right) and by the end of 2002 was a knowledge-based society.

Figure 1.1: Korea catches up …

Fixed line telephone subscribers per Internet users per 100 inhabitants

50 100 inhabitants 60 Korea

50 Advanced: Western Europe,
Korea North America, developed
35 40
30 Asia-Pacific
30 Advanced
10 World 10
0 0
1960 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 2000 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

… and starts to take the lead

Top 5 Asian economies by Internet Top 5 economies by broadband

penetration, 2002* penetration, 2002

Korea (Rep.) 55
Korea (Rep.) 21.3

Singapore 52 Hongkong, China 14.6

Japan 45 Canada 11.5

Hongkong, China 43 Iceland 8.6

Taiwan, China 37 Denmark 8.6

Note: *PC-based users.

Source: ITU World Telecommunication Indicators database.

Korea Internet Case Study

1.2 What explains Korea’s language. Koreans have their own

success? language. Therefore, the country
cannot easily leverage the vast
Korea is not demographically suited amount of content developed in more
to have the highest Internet widely spoken languages. The Korean
penetration in Asia. It is the largest alphabet, known as Han-gul, uses a
of the so-called Four Tigers (the others pictographic font that is not ideally
being Hong Kong, China; Singapore suited to computerization.
and Taiwan, China) both in terms of
land area and population. The Republic On the other hand, Han-gul is phonetic
of Korea’s population stood at with one character representing a
47.7 million in 2001, twice as large sound, making it easy to learn: “Han-
as Taiwan, China, seven times bigger gul is a simple, scientific language.
than Hong Kong, China and more than Learning how to read it is easy, which
11 times larger than Singapore. is probably one of the reasons why
Korea has one of the highest literacy
Korea is also not economically suited rates in the world.”1 This is where the
to have the highest Internet tide starts turning in Korea’s favour.
penetration in Asia. All the other Its literacy rate of 97.6 is the highest
Tigers have a higher per capita income among the Asian Tigers.
than Korea’s US$ 9’400 in 2001 as do
50 other economies. The World Bank Korea also excels in education. Its
classifies Korea as an upper-middle- overall school enrolment rate
income country, one category down (primary, secondary and tertiary) of
from the high-income classification. 90 per cent is the highest among the
Therefore, though Korea is not poor, Asian Tigers. Primary school is
it is not among the world’s wealthiest compulsory (and free) and soon
nations. Hence, Korea’s high level of secondary will be. Korea’s tertiary
Internet penetration is not strongly school enrolment is quite high at
correlated to its income level. 68 per cent. Korea has the highest
level of secondary school graduates
Another factor seemingly weighing among all high-income Asia-Pacific
against Korea’s ICT development is economies.

Table 1.1: Socio-demographic indicators

Selected socio-economic indicators for Asia-Pacific economies

Gross Tertiary
National Population students
Income Land per 100
per capita, area Total Density School inhab- Second
US$, (km2, (000s) Per % enrol- itants -ary+
2001 000s) 2001 km2 Urban Literacy -ment d) c)

Korea (Rep.) 9’400 99 47’676 482 82 97.6 90 5.0 71.8

New Zealand 12’380 268 3’912 15 87 99.0 99 4.6 72.4
Taiwan, China a) 14’188 36 22’406 619 84 95.6 83 3.3 58.2
Australia 19’770 7’682 19’604 3 85 99.0 116 5.4 67.3
Singapore 24’740 0.682 4’131 b) 6'055 100 92.5 75 2.5 55.0
Hong Kong, China 25’920 1.099 6’760 6'151 100 93.3 63 1.6 52.1
Japan 35’990 365 127'370 340 79 99.0 82 3.1 66.2

Note: a) Data for Taiwan, China from Bureau of Statistics. b) Mid-year. c) Per cent of adult population with
at least a secondary education. d) 1995 or latest year available.
Source: National statistics (Population, Secondary+), World Bank (GNI, land area, urban population), UNDP
(literacy, school enrolment), UNESCO (Tertiary students).

1. From rags to riches in ICT

Korea’s high rate of literacy and school the ICT industry in the Korean
enrolment are essential prerequisites economy was 13 per cent in 2000, up
for the widespread adoption of ICTs. from 8.6 per cent in 1997 and the
These factors have helped contribute highest among the Organization of
to the growing impact of ICT in Korean Economic Cooperation and
economy and society. Development (OECD) countries.2

1.3 ICT in the Korean ICT is also adding value to the

economy economy at a rate higher than other
sectors. ICT contributed 50 per cent
Korea’s economic growth is often of the growth in overall GDP in 2000.
described as a miracle. Starting with Apart from the direct benefits to
a per capita income of less than people and companies, ICT has the
US$ 100 in 1960, Korea averaged an indirect benefit of contributing to
annual economic growth rate of eight overall economic wealth and
per cent a year for the next four employment. The ICT sector in Korea
decades. By 2000, per capita income employed 1.3 million people at the end
was US$ 8’910 and Korea’s economy of 2000 and is forecast to grow around
ranked 13th in the world. The focus of fi v e p e r c e n t t h r o u g h 2 0 0 5 ,
growth has been manufacturing and compared to only two per cent for
exports. As Korea’s economy has overall employment.
matured, its manufacturing base has
shifted from textiles, to chemicals, Manufacturing has underpinned
then machinery and later electronics. Ko r e a ’s e c o n o m i c g r o w t h . T h e
Today knowledge and information manufacturing sector has
products and services play an traditionally been dominated by large
important and increasing role in the chaebols that today are known
Korean economy. around the world (e.g., Samsung,
LG, Hyundai, etc.). 3 They produce
Korea divides its ICT sector into three everything from television sets to
segments: Telecommunication semiconductors to mobile phones.
Services, Information Communication W i t h i n t h e Ko r e a n I C T s e c t o r,
Equipment and Software. The ICT equipment forms the biggest market
market accounted for US$ 103 billion segment, accounting for 74 per cent.
in 2001 (see Table 1.2). The share of Exports make up 41 per cent of ICT

Table 1.2: Korea's ICT Sector

Production value of Korea's Information and Communication industry, US$ billion

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Information communication services 13 14 16 22 26

Information communication equipment 35 37 54 67 68
Communication equipment 10 9 12 14 13
Information equipment 5 5 8 12 10
Broadcasting equipment 0 1 0 1 1
Electronic components 19 23 33 40 43
Software 3 4 5 9 10
Total 51 54 75 97 103
Rate of increase 37% 6% 40% 29% 7%

Note: Converted to US$ at rate of 31 December 2001.

Source: KISDI.

Korea Internet Case Study

equipment production. Furthermore, Unlike other nations such as India

ICT products account for a third of that are heavily promoting their
Korea’s total exports. The large offshore software industry, Korea is
equipment industry and its export more focused on hardware. Korea
orientation have a strategic impact on only accounted for 1.3 per cent of
Korea’s ICT sector. It helps explain the global software market in 2000
why Korea has been quick to exploit and runs a large trade deficit in that
new ICT technologies. First, they c a t e g o r y. O n e d i s a d va n t a g e i s
create new domestic markets driving language. Unlike India, which has a
demand for telecommunication strategic advantage by using English
equipment to be produced by local in higher education, Korean is not a
manufacturers. Second, they can give global language. Nonetheless,
Korea a strategic edge in high Ko r e a ’s s o f t w a r e i n d u s t r y a n d
technology exports. Instead of being exports have been growing. Indeed
reliant on other nations, if Korea can software showed the highest rate of
be among the first to develop and use growth among ICT market segments
a new technology, its manufacturers in 2000. Furthermore, there are
will gain experience that can then be certain niche markets, such as online
translated to higher exports. Korean games, where Korea is taking a lead.
companies are already benefiting from The Korean company, NCSoft, is
supplying the domestic broadband already the largest independent
market by winning export orders.4 online gaming company in the world.
Its popular Lineage game has some
One area where Korea does not have two million users in Korea and is sold
an apparent advantage is software. in four other countries.

Korean Educational Development Institute. Let’s Learn about Korea. Seoul, 2002.
The OECD rankings are based on older data but it is unlikely that Korea’s position would have changed much.
See OECD. Measuring the ICT Sector.
Samsung had the world’s fastest growing brand image in 2001. See “The Best Global Brands.”
BusinessWeek. 5 August 2002.
Samsung is the fourth largest ADSL manufacturer in the world. See Samsung. “Samsung is one of the world-
leading ADSL vendors.” Press Release. 9 February 2001.

2. ICT market

2. ICT market

2.1 The end of circuit government fully divested itself of the

switching? company.

Korea’s telecommunication history Korea progressively liberalized its

began in August 1885 when a telecommunication sector during the
telegraph line was installed between 1990s. The first market segment to
Seoul and Inchon. The first be opened was international long
telephones were installed in 1902 distance with the entry of Dacom in
and the first automatic exchange December 1991. Onse Telecom
introduced in 1935. Korea joined the entered the market in October 1997.
International Telecommunication National long distance services were
Union in 1952. By the end of the opened to competition in January
1980s, Korea had achieved a high 1996 when Dacom extended its
level of universal service (see services to this sector of the market
Box 2.1). It signed the World Trade (followed by Onse in December 1999).
Organization (WTO) agreement on Finally, local telephone services were
basic telecommunication services that opened in April 1999 with the entry
became effective in November 1997, of Hanaro. This was notable as it
committing the country to would prove to have a major impact
liberalization of its telecommunication on Korea’s broadband development.
sector. Though KT is still dominant, its market
share has dropped, particularly in
The nation’s historical operator is international long distance (see
Korea Telecom Corporation (KT). It Table 2.1).
began as the government-owned
Korea Telecom Authority in January The Ministry of Information and
1982. Its statute was changed in 1989 Communications (MIC) is
allowing it to be privatized and in responsible for telecommunication
November 1993 the government and broadcasting policy and
began selling its shares in the regulation. This mandate also extends
company. Ten additional share sales to certain areas of information
ensued over the next decade with the technology. The MIC is active in
final one in May 2002 when the promoting and developing the

Table 2.1: Telephone service competition in Korea

Year Korea Telecom

competition market share
Service was introduced 2001

Local (1) 1999 96.9%

Domestic long distance (2) 1996 85.5%
International long distance (2) 1991 67.1%

Note: (1) in terms of subscribers. (2) in terms of revenue.

Source: KT.

Korea Internet Case Study

Box 2.1: The Republic of Korea's path to universal service

There are around a dozen developing economies technology because of the investment already made
that have graduated to the ranks of the universally in analogue telephone switches in cities. The
served: 90 per cent or greater of households with government also pushed the development of a
a telephone. How did they succeed in achieving locally produced telephone exchange—the TDX—
universal service? The composition of the group to reduce dependency on foreign imports and
tends to reinforce the importance of wealth as well alleviate capacity limitations.
as highlight the advantage that small countries
have. All are high-income economies with GNP per Tariffs were modified to enhance accessibility. The
capita in the range of US$ 11’450 to US$ 23’790. number of local call areas was reduced from about
Hong Kong, China, for example, has a higher 1’600 to about 150 and a national flat-rate usage
GNP per capita than the United Kingdom. Several tariff became a policy goal. Installation charges were
are oil-rich states (Brunei, Kuwait, Qatar, United standardized and used to reduce the gap within
Arab Emirates) and most are relatively small the country by raising urban installation charges
(Bahrain; Cyprus; Hong Kong, China; Macao, China; and lowering rural ones.
Malta, and Singapore).
Money for telecommunication investment was raised
Of these developing countries, the Republic of Korea from several sources. Various laws were established
stands out. It has the largest land area of any to raise funds from bonds. Tariffs were structured
country in the group and has developed its economy to maximize investment funding. Telecommu-
without the benefit of natural resources such as nications was given priority in the Fifth Five-Year
oil. Until the 1960s, telephone services were mainly Socio-Economic Development Program (1982–86),
used for political and military purposes. The rising from less than three per cent of total national
country’s rapid economic growth and consequent investment in the 1970s up to seven per cent in
rise in living standards led to a surge in demand the 1980s.
for telephone service in the 1970s. Waiting lists
grew and the backlog emerged as a social problem. Because of these policies, the country achieved
rapid telecommunication growth through the 1980s.
As a result, upgrading the telecommunication Household telephone penetration increased from
network became a priority and a one-phone, one- 21 per cent in 1980 to 90 per cent by 1990.
family policy was pursued. Korea Telecom was Domestic and international pressure to open the
separated from the Ministry of Communications in telecommunication market began to grow in the
1982 to give it more flexibility to eradicate the 1990s. As in many developed countries, a high level
waiting list. Investment was directed to rural areas of universal service has allowed the Republic of
to minimize disparities with urban regions. Rural Korea to progressively liberalize its
areas were also targeted for the latest digital telecommunication market.

Box Figure 2.1: The way to universal service in the Republic of Korea
Waiting list, percentage of households with telephone and telecom investment,
US$ billion, Republic of Korea

Strong growth… …funded by network investment

Waiting list (000s) (left scale) Telecom investment (US$ b) (left scale)
Households with telephone (%, right scale) As % of GFCF (right scale)
$3.5 8%
500 100
$3.0 7%
400 80 $2.5 6%
300 60 $2.0
200 40 3%
$1.0 2%
100 Waiting list 20 $0.5 1%
0 0 $- 0%
1982 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 198283 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92

Note: In the right chart, GFCF refers to Gross Fixed Capital Formation.
Source: ITU World Telecommunication Indicators Database.

2. ICT market

communication industry in Korea. One move aggressively into fiber-to-the-

tool it has had at its disposal is home by 2005 (i.e., replace copper
requiring telecommunication lines with fiber) (see Figure 2.2). It
operators to contribute to government forecasts some 5.6 million broadband
programmes for industry subscribers of its own by 2003 (out of
development. Unlike other countries, a nationwide total of 11.9 million).
this money is reinvested in the
telecommunication sector instead of Faced with intense competition from
being transferred to other areas of the new broadband providers, KT
government. abandoned Integrated Services Digital
Networks (ISDN) as its strategy for
Korea’s telecommunication market is data communications over circuit
arguably as open as any in the Asia- switched telephone networks. This
Pa c i f i c r e g i o n . M a r ke t e n t r y i s was a significant move since in other
contingent upon government countries, operators have been
approval and essentially depends on unwilling to rapidly introduce high-
the nature of the service provider. speed Asymmetric Digital Subscriber
Three different classifications exist: Line (ADSL) technologies or price it
(1) Network Service Provider (NSP) competitively for fear of cannibalizing
who build their own facilities and their lucrative ISDN and leased line
which requires a license; (2) Specific offerings. The attraction of ADSL for
Service Provider (SSP), such as KT was that it could leverage its
resellers, who use the facilities of already installed copper lines.
others and which requires Furthermore the economics were
registration; and (3) Value-added compelling. Average Revenue Per User
Service Providers (VSP), such as (ARPU) is seven times higher with
Internet Service Provider (ISP), ADSL than for local and long distance
which requires a simple notification. voice telephone calls. The pay back
period for the ADSL investment is also
Though Korea’s telecom market is fairly quick at a little over a year. At
probably as liberal as any in the Asia- the end of 2001, revenues from
Pacific region, most companies would broadband connection services
have little incentive for entering accounted for eight per cent of total
infrastructure-based segments. First, telecommunication revenues, a higher
the market is already well served with share than long distance.
high penetration levels. Second, Furthermore, local circuit-switched
revenues and profits are declining for telephone services have seen their
traditional circuit-switched voice share of telecommunication revenue
services (see Figure 2.1, left chart). decline from one quarter in 1997 to
Except for KT and one of the mobile 11 per cent by 2001. By 2005,
operators, none of Korea’s facilities- broadband access revenues are
based telecommunication providers forecast to surpass those of local
made a profit in 2001. Third, Korea is telephone service.
inadvertently transitioning to a next-
generation network whose eventual ADSL traffic is separated from circuit-
structure is uncertain. switched traffic and routed over
Internet Protocol (IP) networks. At the
The rapid take-up of broadband has same time, Voice over Internet
radically altered conventional network Protocol (VoIP) is increasingly being
thinking and evolution. By June 2002, used in Korea and bundled into
there were some 10 million broadband offerings by operators. The
subscribers with a broadband Korean VoIP market is expected to
connection. There is now a need to grow around 50 per cent between
offer subscribers increasingly higher 2000 and 2005 while conventional
bandwidth by locating fiber optic cable circuit-switch telephone conversations
closer to the end user. KT plans to offer will show no growth. Thus an
Very high bit rate Digital Subscriber increasing portion of Korea’s
Line (VDSL) services (at up to 26 communication traffic is traversing IP
Mbps) over the next few years and networks and not the circuit- switched

Korea Internet Case Study

Figure 2.1: Network transition

Distribution of telecommunication market revenue by segment and percentage of telephone lines
connected to digital exchanges and percentage of households with broadband access

Share of revenue Mobile 100%

100% Other 90%
Broadband Internet 80%
80% Leased Circuit
International 70%
60% Long-distance 60% % telephone lines
Local 50% connected to
40% 40% digital
30% exchanges
20% 20% % broadband households
0% 0%
'97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Source: KISDI, ETRI.

network. It is only a matter of time telephone network. Ironically, though

before the packet-switched network Korea has one of the lowest levels of
will replace the conventional local telephone line digitization—only
telephone network. 87.5 per cent in December 2001, one
of the lowest in the world1 —it is at
Broadband Internet access and the same time moving towards a next
growth of IP-related services is having generation communication network.
a great impact on the technical Indeed by the time it would have
evolution of the Korean fixed probably connected all its local

Figure 2.2: More and more bandwidth

Evolution of KT's access network

Source: KT.

2. ICT market

telephone lines to digital exchanges, despite the limited number of

they may not be around any more. terrestrial-based channels and the
lack of satellite television. Only 20 per
2.2 Another broadband path cent of homes subscribed at the end
to the home of 2001. One reason is that relatively
inexpensive alternatives such as
Cable television has been available in videotapes and Digital Video Discs are
Korea since the 1960s. However, these widely available.
so called cable-relay networks simply
provided retransmission of terrestrial The development of cable television
stations in order to improve reception. infrastructure has provided Korea with
True cable television, that is the another method for high speed Internet
provision of additional programming not access. Some 8.3 million Korean
available on terrestrial-based stations, homes—57 per cent of the total—are
started relatively late, in March 1995. passed by cable television.2 Internet
access via cable television was launched
Korea’s cable industry has a by Thrunet in July 1998. At
fragmented structure with exclusive December 2002, there was 3.7 million
licenses awarded on a regional basis. subscribers to broadband cable modem
77 regional system operators provide services. The market leader is Thrunet;
service and deal with customers. The in addition, there are five other cable
electricity company—KEPCO—and KT modem providers. Unlike most other
were charged with building fibre countries, cable ISPs are not system
backbones, which the system operators. They either build out a Hybrid
operators in turn lease to connect their Fibre Coaxial (HFC) cable network or
networks to the source of lease it from system operators. Thrunet
programming. Pay cable television has for example collaborates with 74 of
not proven highly popular in Korea 77 system operators to provide its cable

Table 2.2: Korean mass media indicators

Indicator Value Year Note

Newspaper circulation 40.6% 1996 Population aged 15+ who read

newspaper every day. Source:
National Statistical Office.

Radio sets 47.5 million 1997 Source: UNESCO.

-Per 100 inhabitants 103.9

% of households with a television 94.3% 2000 Colour TV less than 30 inches.

Source: National Statistical

Households passed by cable television 8.3 million 2001 Source: Thrunet.

-As % of total households 57%

Subscribers to “relay” cable television 7.0 million 2001 Source: Korean Broadcasting
-As % of total households 43% Comission.

Subscribers to “pay” cable television 3.3 million 2001 Source: MIC.

-As % of total households 20%

Cable modem subscribers 3.7 million 2002 Source: MIC.

Source: ITU adapted from sources shown under “Note.”

Korea Internet Case Study

modem service. It reimburses them a compared to just 0.7 million Internet

portion of the fees it receives from cable users. This anomaly is explained by
modem service. Pricing is competitive with demand for Korean content. Internet
ADSL service. Thrunet charges a monthly content in Korean was lacking so users
fee of Won 38’000 (US$ 28.93), which utilized the services of proprietary
includes unlimited access, an e-mail online services that provided a
account, 50 Mbps of storage and speeds plethora of services in a language they
of up to 10 Mbps. understood. Koreans were wary of
venturing into the Internet world,
2.3 Broadening Internet where most content was in English and
there was a lack of structure to finding
2.3.1 Market information. As the volume of Korean
With 26.3 million users at the end of Internet content expanded—reflected
2002, Korea represents the world’s by a six-fold rise in Korean Internet
fifth largest Internet market hosts between 1996 and 2001—users
(Figure 2.3, left). Its Internet moved over to the Internet
penetration rate, 55.2 per cent at end (Figure 2.4, left). Most online
of 2002, makes it the third highest in providers have now converted to web-
the world (Figure 2.3, right). These based services.
are astounding statistics considering
that five years previously, it had less A second factor driving Internet use
than a million Internet users for a was the growth in broadband access.
penetration rate of 1.6 per cent. When broadband launched, it came
Furthermore, the growth came at a with Internet access. Since the
time of a severe economic downturn. launch of broadband Internet access
What explains this dramatic in July 1998, the number of
turnaround? subscribers has risen to ten million
by the end of 2002. Most services
First, the statistics are a bit that needed broadband access such
misleading. While Korea’s Internet as audio and video streaming,
user population has grown gaming and e-commerce were only
dramatically, it has had a high level of available on the Internet so this
subscribers to non-Internet online created many new Internet users.
services for sometime. For example Today 78 per cent of Internet users
in 1996, it had 1.7 million subscribers log in via a broadband connection
to so-called PC-based services (Figure 2.4, right).

Figure 2.3: Top Internet countries

Top five countries by number of Internet users, 2002 and top five countries by
Internet users per 100 persons, 2002

Top 5 countries by number of Internet Top 5 countries by Internet penetration,

users, 2002, million 2002

USA 155 Iceland 61%

Japan 57 Sweden 57%

China 48 Korea 55%

Germany 35 USA 54%

Korea 26 Netherlands 53%

Source: ITU World Telecommunication Indicators database.

2. ICT market

Figure 2.4: Internet drivers: Content and Broadband

Number of .KR hosts and type of access

Number of .KR hosts Type of Internet Connection, 2002


548 CATV Dial-up Other

461 10% 2% 2%
73 xDSL

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Source: KRNIC.

Box 2.2: One big Intranet?

Korea is an exception to the argument that limited budding dot-com went public with an offering on
English fluency or non-Latin character alphabets the Korean venture capital stock exchange
are barriers to Internet access. The development (KOSDAQ). The number of its users grew from
of Korean content has been astounding and today 5.7 million at the end of 1999 to 19.6 million at
the nation has one of the highest usage ratios of the end of 2002. Some 90 per cent of all Korean
home grown content. The top 10 web sites accessed Internet users log onto Daum, ranking it first.
by Korean users are all in Korean. The number of Around 450 million pages of Daum’s content is
domains registered using .KR—almost exclusively viewed on an average day. Daum ranks tops in
in the Korean language—ranks the nation fifth in pages per user and session time in the world. Daum
the world.6 Not only has this driven use, but it has is really not much different than other portals except
also reduced the need for expensive international that its business model works. It offers familiar
circuits. It also suggests that in many ways the portal content: e-mail, instant messaging, news,
Internet in Korea is actually one big Intranet with information, shopping, music, videos, etc and
most users preferring to access local sites. makes money from advertising, e-commerce
transactions and members-only portions of its site.
Korea’s top web site is Daum, a start-up company But what allows it to earn money is that it is Korean.
founded in 1995. In 1997, it began operating a Few Koreans surf abroad because of the lack of
web-based email service filling a void created by Korean content and lack of ease with English. So
the slowness of Korea’s proprietary online services Daum has just been better than other Korean
to provide Internet-based content. In 1999, this portals in attracting customers.

2.3.2 Connectivity in this category. The country is criss-

Korea’s local, national and crossed by several nationwide, gigabit
international Internet connectivity is fibre-optic backbones operated by
both qualitatively and quantitatively telecommunication operators,
substantial. Its Internet network today Internet providers and the electric
is very different from its initial company. International connectivity
connectivity to the global network by has been growing rapidly over the last
way of a 56 kbps link to the United several years.
States in 1991. Today, the majority
of Korean users access the Internet Until the mid-1990s, there was no
via broadband and it leads the world national Internet exchange in Korea

Korea Internet Case Study

Box 2.3: Broadband drivers

43 per cent of the Republic of Korea’s households loop unbundling was not implemented. Hanaro also
had a broadband Internet connection at March faced barriers that discouraged KT customers from
2002, the highest ratio in the world. Korea’s high switching network providers. This included no
broadband penetration can be attributed to the number portability and users having to pay a higher
following factors: connection and subscription charge if they switched
to Hanaro and later reconnected to Korea Telecom.
Geography. 80 per cent of Korea’s population lives One way for Hanaro to break into the market was
in urban areas. Though this figure is not as high as to offer a broadband Internet access service. This
island economies such as Hong Kong, China or exploited KT’s unwillingness to enter the ADSL
Singapore, Korea’s urban geography is dense, market due to its large investment in ISDN. Faced
simplifying broadband access.3 Apartments account with a declining market share, KT entered the ADSL
for 48 per cent of Korea’s housing stock and provide market in June 1999. At October 2001, there were
dwelling for 40 per cent of its population. Another seven companies providing broadband Internet
factor is the proximity of telephone exchanges. The access service. Competition among broadband
average distance of a customer from a telephone technologies has also grown the market through
exchange is 2.2 kilometres, with 95 per cent of greater choice and lower pricing. ADSL is readily
customers within four kilometres, the target range available to the 90 per cent of Korean households
of ADSL. with a fixed telephone line. Some 57 per cent of
Korean homes are passed by cable television,
Competition. Consumer broadband access in Korea providing them with another broadband option
began in July 1998 with the launch of cable modem through cable modem. In addition, there are other
service by Thrunet. The introduction of local loop broadband options such as Local Area Networks
competition with the entry of Hanaro Telecom in (LAN), broadband Wireless Local Loop (WLL) and
April 1999 further fuelled the broadband market. satellite-delivered solutions. As a result of both
With most Koreans already subscribing to market and technological competition, prices are
incumbent Korea Telecom, the market was saturated among the lowest in the world (see right chart
for traditional telephone service. In addition, local below).

Korea 43% (Singapore)
Hong Kong,
36% BellSouth
China 50
Taiwan, BT (UK) 41
China Monthly ADSL
38 subscription
Singapore 20% Percentage of charge, 2002,
Telecom (N.
households with Zeal.)
34 US$

Japan 16% broadband, 2002 Hanaro (Korea


Government support. The government has A growing number of subscribers created economies
facilitated broadband development through an early of scale, which also reduced equipment prices. KT’s
commitment to high-speed infrastructure with specific ADSL equipment purchase cost per line dropped
programs. This has included a positive and supportive from US$ 574 in 1999 to US$ 132 in 2001.5
relationship with the private sector, low interest loans
and a certification program for apartment complexes Mentality. Though more difficult to measure, it is
with high-speed access (for more detail on the widely agreed that Korean “mentality” is also a key
government’s support see Box 3.1). factor. Many Korean Internet users first got a taste
of high-speed access at Internet cafés (so-called
Equipment. Korea’s manufacturing industry has “PC bangs”) and subsequently wanted the same
been an advantage with local suppliers eager to rapidity at home. There is also a “copy-cat”
get into the ADSL market. 4 This has minimized syndrome; once one person gets something
shortages and helped keep equipment prices low. everyone else wants it, too.

2. ICT market

Figure 2.5: Internet exchanges and international bandwidth

Korea's national Internet exchanges and international Internet bandwidth (Mbps)

Korea's international Internet
bandwidth (Mbps)


3 3 20 116 202

May- 1995 1996 Mar- 1998 1999 2000 2001

95 98

Note: In the right chart, data is for three facilities-based operators.

Source: ITU adapted from KRNIC, NCA.

a n d d o m e s t i c t ra f f i c b e t w e e n Ko r e a h a s a m o n g t h e l o w e s t
different ISPs was routed abroad. broadband Internet prices in the
The National Computerization world. Broadband pricing is flat rate
Agency led the drive to establish a and compared to other countries, the
public exchange, the Korean Internet bandwidth on offer is above average.
Exchange (KIX) in 1995.6 However, Broadband pricing is uniform across
traffic soon exceeded capacity. This providers in Korea. Most packages
led to the Korean Internet Neutral are around US$ 30 per month. The
Exchange (KINX) in June 1999. In variations depend on the amount of
addition, Korea Telecom and Dacom bandwidth. One plan offered by
have established exchanges, KTIX Thrunet proposes users a lower price
a n d D I X r e s p e c t i v e l y. A l l f o u r (US$ 26 per month) in exchange for
exchanges are inter-connected (see receiving e-mail advertisements.
Figure 2.5, left) and most ISPs
connect with each other through the Dial-up Internet prices are not so
exchanges rather than private r e l e va n t c o n s i d e r i n g t h a t m o s t
peering arrangements. subscribers now use broadband. One
important motive for switching to
Korea’s international Internet flat-rate broadband is to avoid the
connectivity has expanded local telephone charge imminent
tremendously and stood at 5.2 Gbps with dial-up subscriptions. A dial-up
at December 2001 (Figure 2.5, right). Internet subscriber must pay local
It has benefited from its proximity to t e l e p h o n e c h a r g e s o f 3 9 Wo n
the sea and hence fibre-optic (3 US cents) per unit (three minutes
submarine cables (it is connected to during peak times and 4.3 minutes
around ten different systems). in off-peak periods). By contrast, an
entry plan ADSL subscription costs
2.3.3 Pricing 30’000 Won (US$ 22.84). After
30 hours of monthly use, it is
The most relevant data to use for cheaper to switch from dial-up to
comparing Korea’s Internet pricing broadband access in Korea. With the
are rates for broadband access (e.g., a v e r a g e Ko r e a n I n t e r n e t u s e r
DSL and cable modem) since the logging on for some 40 hours a
majority of Koreans connect to the month, it is no surprise that so many
Internet in this way. In that regard, have switched to broadband access.7

Korea Internet Case Study

Leased lines also are being impacted the Internet in Korea.

by consumer broadband technologies.
Former users of ISDN or other low 2.3.5 Regulation
bandwidth leased line services are Korean government involvement in
switching to ADSL and cable modem. the Internet is oriented towards
Only users with very high bandwidth consumer protection and reducing the
requirements (above eight Mbps) are Digital Divide. Entry into the ISP
continuing to lease lines in the market is straightforward. As value-
conventional sense. added service providers, ISPs must
simply notify the government that
2.3.4 Domain they want to go into business. An ISP
The Korea Network Information must lease facilities from licensed
Center (KRNIC) is responsible for infrastructure providers or obtain their
administering Korea’s .KR domain own facilities-based license.
name. Korea uses second level
domain names based on five common 2.4 Mobile Communications
identifiers depending on the type of
organization. In addition, users can 2.4.1 Mobile market players
select the PE or personnel second level Although Korea’s success in
domain name. There are also broadband networks and services has
16 regional domains used by different stolen the headlines, mobile
regions in Korea (see Figure 2.6). communications development has
Charges are KRW 11’000 (US$ 8.36) proved almost as successful. Korea
per year for personal users and 22’000 was relatively slow to introduce digital
for organizations. A person or services, and when it did so it opted
organization must have an address in for the CDMA standard rather than the
Korea to register a domain name. more widely used GSM. 8
Furthermore, businesses require a Nevertheless, Korea now has one of
certification. the highest levels of mobile
penetration in the world. Korea was
KRNIC’s domain name registration is one of the first countries in the Asia-
just one small part of its activities. It Pacific region where mobile phone
is also involved in research and users overtook fixed-line subscribers,
development, industry promotion as an event that happened in
well as compiling information about October 1999. Subsequently, mobile

Figure 2.6: Korea's domain name structure

Source: KRNIC.

2. ICT market

penetration has continued to grow. tober 2000 (although commer-

Korea overtook Australia, Japan and cial services only arrived a few
New Zealand in terms of mobile months later). During this period,
penetration during the late 1990s and penetration grew rapidly to cross
is today ranked fourth in the region the symbolic 50 lines per 100 in-
(Figure 2.7, left chart). As of the end habitants. Few countries have
of 2002, there were some 32.3 million transformed their mobile com-
mobile subscribers compared with just munication sectors so rapidly.
23.3 million fixed-line users.9 This period saw the introduction
of four new operators all using
The evolution of mobile in Korea has CDMA: Shinsegi Telecom
gone through three distinct phases (800 MHz) and three Personal
(see Figure 2.8): Communication Services (PCS)
operators at 1.8 GHz: Korea
• 1984-1994: between the launch Telecom Freetel (now KTF); LG
of Korea Mobile Telecommunica- Telecom and Hansol (later
tion Service’s (KMTS) analogue M.Com).
cellular service in 1984, as a sub-
sidiary of Korea Telecom, and the • 2001 to date: corresponds with
sale of the company to SK Group somewhat slower growth in the
in 1994. 10 During this period number of mobile voice subscrib-
KMTS, which now trades as SK ers, as the market approaches
Telecom, enjoyed a monopoly in saturation. Instead the focus has
the provision of cellular services. shifted to the development of
By 1995, cellular penetration mobile data applications.
rates had reached only two sub- CDMA2000 1x mobile data serv-
scribers for every 100 inhabit- ices were launched in Octo-
ants, one of the lowest levels ber 2000, CDMA2000 1x EV-DO
among the advanced Asia-Pacific in May 2002 and services in the
economies. IMT-2000 2.1 GHz band (for an
explanation of the different
• 1995-2000: between the launch terms, see Box 2.4) were li-
of CDMA digital voice services censed in December 2000 for
(IS-95A) in January 1996 and the launch in 2003. This period also
launch of CDMA2000 1x, in Oc- has seen a consolidation in the

Figure 2.7: Catching up and overtaking

Cellular mobile penetration in Korea, compared with other Asia-Pacific economies, 2002 and with
Australia, Japan and New Zealand, 1995-2002

Japan 62.1 Cellular 70 Cellular subscribers per

subscribers 100 inhabitants
New Zealand 62.2 per 100 1995-2002
inhabitants 50
Macao, China 63.1
year-end 2002
Australia 66.6 Japan Australia
Korea (Rep. of) 67.9
20 New Zealand
Singapore 77.9
Hongkong, China 91.8
Taiwan, China 106.4 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Source: ITU World Telecommunication Indicators Database.

Korea Internet Case Study

Figure 2.8: Mobile evolution in Korea

Cellular subscribers per 100 inhabitants, compared with fixed-line teledensity and
tracked against major landmarks in the development of the sector

Penetration rate of fixed and mobile, Mobile evolution in Korea (cellular density)
per 100 inhabitants 70
70 Jan 2002: SK Telecom
60 merges with Shinsegi
50 Jan 1996:
50 Fixed telephone lines May 2001:
40 commercial
40 KTF created
CDMA service
30 thru merger
30 Mobile start
overtakes 20
20 1994: KMTC Dec 2000: IMT-
Mobile cellular fixed in Oct.
10 sold to SK 2000 licences
10 subscribers 98 Group awarded
0 0
1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002

Source: ITU World Telecommunication Indicators Database and case study research.

number of operators, with SK services (in 1984, as Korean Mobile

Telecom acquiring Shinsegi and Telecommunication Services) and
KT Freetel acquiring Hansol to also the first to offer digital CDMA
become KTF. services (in 1996, after its
acquisition by the SK Group).
Although the IMT-2000 licenses in the
2.1 GHz band introduces some new SK Telecom is considered by the
investors, it effectively locks in this Ministry of Information and
three-company market structure. Communication (MIC) to be the
There are linkages between the three dominant mobile operator, and for
different operators both at a horizontal this reason its prices are regulated.
level and through vertical integration In January 2002, it completed the
with the activities of different chaebol takeover of Shinsegi Telecom, its
and equipment manufacturers. The leading competitor in the CDMA 800
recent acquisition by SK Telecom of MHz field. In order to satisfy MIC
an 11 per cent stake (the biggest requirements for allowing the
single shareholding) in KT further acquisition, SK Telecom had to
complicates competition policy issues reduce its combined market share to
that are raised by the market below 50 per cent. This they did for
structure. Figure 2.9 attempts to one month (June 2001) by a process
summarise the status as of May 2002 they called demarketing (getting rid
with regard to cross-ownership, but of their least profitable subscribers
the situation remains a dynamic one, and not advertising for new ones).
subject to change. Subsequently, market share has
started to grow again. SK Telecom
SK Telecom <> SK has investments in several Asian
is currently the major player in the economies, including Mongolia
Korean mobile market with a 53 per (SkyTel) and Uzbekistan and most
cent market share, as of December recently they have gained a CDMA
2002 and net income in 2001 of license to operate in Viet Nam
Wo n 1 . 1 b i l l i o n Wo n ( U S $ 8 6 8 ( S Te l e c o m ) a n d i n C a m b o d i a .
million) on a turnover of SK Telecom also has technology
Won 6.2 trillion (US$ 5 billion). SK sharing agreements with China
Telecom was the first company in U n i c o m a n d Pe l e p h o n e ( I s ra e l )
Korea to offer analogue mobile related to CDMA technology.

2. ICT market

SK Telecom was the first in the world Like its rival, SK Telecom, KTF has its
to offer mobile data services over its roots in Korea Telecom, which owns a
standard CDMA network (IS-95). In 40 per cent stake. This came about
October 2000, it launched its through KT FreeTel, which merged
CDMA2000 1x service, under the with M.Com (now KTM.Com) in May
brand name Nate, and in 2001. KTF has a CDMA licence to
January 2002 it commercialized its operate in the 1’800 MHz band.
CDMA2000 1x EV-DO (1x Evolution,
data optimized) service. As of KTF claims that it was the first to
December 2002, it had 14.8 million introduce segmented marketing to the
wireless Internet-enabled handsets in Korean market. Among the different
use and 8.4 million regular Nate users segments it identifies and targets are:
(defined as using the service at least up to age 13 (Kid’s market); 13-
once a month). 18 year-olds (Bigi); 18-25 year-olds
(Na); 25-35 year olds (Main); older KTF age groups (silver market); women
KTF <> is the second (Drama) and corporate sector (Viz).
largest mobile network operator with Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) is
a 32 per cent market share in highest in the “Main” group, but
December 2002 and a turnover of mobile Internet usage is highest
Won 4.49 trillion (US$ 3.7 billion). among the Na and Bigi groups.

Figure 2.9: How are they related?

Selected links between fixed-line, mobile and IMT-2000 operators in the Korean market, May 2002

SK Group, a major Other KT (Korea Telecom), LG Group, major telecom operators
chaebol with diverse corporate incumbent fixed-line operator equipment manufacturer and
interests investors with 97% market share in basic chaebol
Retains 26.6%
Owns voice services & 49% in BT, UK
Controlling interest, ownership
7% broadband incumbent
acquired since 1994 Other operator
KT and SKT each own DACOM, corporate
Hanaro, Acquired ownership stake
around 11% of each int’l carrier investors
broadband carrier (now 21.7% ) in 1998
40% stake
SK Telecom KTF LG Telecom

SK Telecom (created in KT Freetel (created in LG Telecom (created in

1994 as KMTS), with 53% 1997), with 33% market 1996), with 14% market
market share and a licence share and a licence to share and a licence to
to operate CDMA services operate CDMA services at operate CDMA services at
at 900 MHz. 1’800 MHz. 1’800 MHz.

Shinsegi Telecom acquired KT M.Com (created as

by SK Telecom in January Hansol DACOM) and
2000 merged KT Freetel in May Mobile
2001). operators

SK IMT, awarded a wideband, awarded a wideband LG TeleCom , awarded a

CDMA licence in Dec. 2000. CDMA licence in Dec. 2000. CDMA2000 licence in August
Ownership consortium has 783 Ownership consortium has 636 2001. Ownership consortium has
members, led by SK members led by KT and KTF. 1’049 members led by LG Group,
Telecom/Shinsegi and POSCO. and including Hanaro and

Note: Only selected ownership links are shown and these are subject to change.
Source: ITU Korea case study research.

Korea Internet Case Study

Like SK Telecom, KTF records wireless companies was later awarded a

Internet users as all those that have CDMA2000 licence in August 2001, for
suitably equipped handsets. This which it paid around US$ 900 million.
amounts to 10.2 million in
December 2002, of which 4.9 million In terms of commercial services, it is
are CDMA2000 1x users. not expected that IMT-2000 services
in the 2.1 GHz band will be available LG Telecom until the second half of 2003. By then,
LG Telecom <> it is likely that the commercially
is the third mobile operator, with a available alternative CDMA2000 1x
market share of 15 per cent in EV-DO service will have stolen a
December 2002. As its name suggests, march on the market and it may be
it is part of the LG Corporation with LG difficult for W-CDMA to make up the
holding a 36 per cent share and BT of lost ground.
the UK a further 17 per cent (though it
is reportedly looking to sell this stake). 2.4.2 Mobile data
LG missed out on the consolidation that What makes Korea
has taken place in the mobile market different?
since the year 2000; being neither In some ways, Korea is ahead of the
acquired not acquiring. It also missed rest of the world in mobile data. Korea
out on the W-CDMA licences for IMT- probably has a higher penetration of
2000, but has a CDMA-2000 licence in users of high-speed mobile Internet
the 2.1 GHz band. service than any other country in the
world. But, on the other hand, until
LG relies heavily on its sister companies recently Korean mobile operators
for distribution. These include, for generated a lower percentage of their
instance, gas stations and revenue from non-voice services than
supermarkets. It has a 1’800 MHz PCS other operators, for instance in Europe
licence, which it markets under the or Japan (see Figure 2.10). How can
brand name “PCS 019”. As of this apparent contradiction be
December 2002, LG Telecom had explained?
3.5 million wireless Internet users and
1.7 million CDMA2000 1x users. One reason is because of the particular
Korean way of counting mobile data IMT-2000 players users. As no subscription payments
There are three IMT-2000 licensees are required, the number of
in Korea. As shown in Figure 2.9, they subscribers recorded are those that
are each aligned with one of the have suitably-equipped handsets. So,
existing mobile operators and also as most Korean subscribers like to
with fixed-line operators, chaebol and have the most up-to-date terminals,
other investors. Indeed, each IMT the recorded number of mobile data
licensee is really a consortium rather users is high. On the other hand, short
that a single company and the message service, which provides the
consortia have 783 (SK IMT), bulk of non-voice revenue for mobile
636 (Kti.Com) and 1’049 (LG operators in the GSM world, is
Telecom) members respectively. relatively modest in Korea. For
instance, SK Telecom reports that on
The licensing of IMT-2000 proceeded basic second generation (2G) SMS-
in two stages. Consortia led by the enabled handsets, average revenue
two major mobile operators were per user (ARPU) from mobile data is
initially awarded two W-CDMA only 1’756 Won (around US$ 1.40) per
licences, in December 2000, at a cost month. In Europe, SMS generates
of around US$ 1 billion each, through many times this level of revenue.
a hybrid beauty contest/auction. The
unsuccessful bidders in this round But the signs are that the situation is
included LG Telecom (the third mobile changing. Mobile data ARPU from
operator) and Hanaro Telecom (a CDMA2000 1x subscribers is more
broadband network operator). A than twice the level of that from basic
consortium including these two 2G users, and for CDMA2000 1x

2. ICT market

Box 2.4: 1x, 1x EV-DO, IMT-2000: What's the difference?

The mobile world is currently moving from second already available for CDMA2000 1x whereas
generation (2G) standards to a 2.5G world —with colour handsets for GPRS are still a rarity.
many competing standards— to a third generation
(3G) world in which the IMT-2000 family of A second difficulty is to interpret where CDMA2000
standards will provide for higher data speeds. 1x EV-DO (1x evolution, data optimised) fits in. On
the basis of speed (up to 2.4 Mbit/s), it is
For CDMA technologies, the 2G is known as comparable with other 3G IMT-2000 standards, such
cdmaOne (or IS-95A) and 2.5G is known as IS- as W-CDMA. However, 1x EV-DO still uses
95B. Third generation or IMT-2000 is known as essentially the same circuit-switched technology as
CDMA2000 1x (as shown below) with its evolved ordinary CDMA subscribers (SK Telecom estimates
technologies EV-DO and EV-DV.11 Different brands that only an extra US$ 20 per subscriber is needed
of CDMA2000 1x use different browsers and, in to move from CDMA2000 1x to 1x EV-DO) whereas
practice, are able to offer more than WAP/GPRS, a separate 3G network would need to be constructed
b o t h i n t e r m s o f s p e e d a n d f u n c t i o n a l i ty. at substantial additional cost.
CDMA2000 1x offers a top speed of some
144 kbit/s whereas GPRS only goes as high as The main advantage of 1x EV-DO is that it is available
115 kbit/s (in practice, neither technology has now and is a logical evolution from products already
achieved the full capacity under operational available on the market. However, the initial signs
conditions). Also, there are many colour handsets are that take-up has been slow, compared to 1x.12

Box Figure 2.4: One view of mobile data evolution


cdmaOne CDMA2000
IS-95B 1x EV-DO
IS-95A CDMA2000 1X




2G 2.5G 3G

Source: ITU Internet Reports 2002: Internet for a Mobile Generation.

subscribers with a colour handset, the those with colour capability use data
level is higher still, at around facilities (see Figure 2.10). It appears
Won 7’000 (US$ 5.40) per month. that the introduction of colour
Furthermore, whereas only around handsets, which occurred after
one third of ordinary 2G handsets are September 2001, has been a major
used for SMS, some four-fifths of factor in increasing the level of mobile

Korea Internet Case Study

Table 2.3: Implementations of mobile data services

Using examples from Korea, Japan and Europe (Switzerland)

Country Korea Japan Switzerland

Company SK Telecom KTF LG Telecom NTT DoCoMo Orange

Standard CDMA 1x CDMA 1x CDMA 1x i-mode GPRS
Speed Up to 144 kbit/s Up to 144 kbit/s Up to 144 kbit/s 9.6 kbit/s plus Up to 115 kbit/s
Brand name Nate MultiPack/Magic (n) EZWeb i-mode Orangeworld
Browser WAP BREW/Microsoft ME Microsoft ME i-mode WAP

Source: ITU research.

Figure 2.10 Growing the mobile data market

SK Telecom's revenue from mobile data, as a percentage of total data (Jan 2001 - March 2002)
and by type of handset, March 2002 (in Won)

Mobile data revenue, per handset-type (Won) Mobile data revenue, as % of total revenue
8’000 8
% of users with 80% Introduction of
7’000 7
handset using colour handsets
6’000 mobile data 66% 6

5’000 services 5

4’000 4
3’000 32%
Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar
2G SMS 2G WAP 2.5G WAP 2.5G Colour 2000 2001

Source: ITU adapted from SK Telecom.

data ARPU. In September 2001, mobile Korea’s experience provides valuable

data ARPU contributed around 4.3 per insights into the demographics of the
cent of total ARPU for SK Telecom, but mobile Internet marketplace (see
this had grown to 7.1 per cent by March Figure 2.11).
2002. Terms like 2.5G or CDMA2000
1x may seem like algebra to consumers; • The first key message is that it
but colour makes a very visible is the residential market, not the
difference (see Box 2.5: Handset wars). business market, which is driv-
Although colour does not necessarily ing usage. Although service pro-
enhance the functionality, and may viders like SK Telecom recognise
actually reduce battery performance, business users as a specific mar-
nevertheless the psychological impact ket segment, only half of them
of colour of the user’s perception of the use mobile data and their con-
mobile terminal seems to be extremely tribution provides just two per
positive. cent of total revenue.

2. ICT market

Box 2.5: Handset wars

The Korean mobile market is different from that The current market prices range:
of Europe in several ways. For instance, there
are few prepaid users, operators use a CDMA • between US$ 250 - 500 for full-colour
platform but with calling party pays rather than CDMA2000 1x handsets;
receiving party pays, and ring tones are positively
symphonic in comparison to those tinny jingles • between US$ 200 – 250 for black & white
heard in Europe. Another way in which Korea is CDMA2000 1x handsets;
different is that the revenue the country derives
from equipment sales is far higher than that from • between US$ 500 – 650 for EV-DO handsets.
services sales. In 2000, for instance, info-
communication equipment production in Korea Despite these relatively high prices, technophile
amounted to US$ 67 billion compared with Koreans trade-up their handsets quite often with
services sales of just US$ 22 billion. A high colour driving the market. The price of a colour
proportion of this comes from production, sales screen, with high-speed Internet access, is shorter
and exports of mobile terminals (see 2.4.4). This battery life. It is common, in Korea, to see mobile
puts the equipment manufacturers, like LG, battery re-charging stations in supermarkets,
Samsung, Daewoo or Hyundai, in a very strong garages and other public places because of the
position. heavy usage of voice and data applications. As the
rest of the world catches up with Korea, this is one
Between 1996 and mid 1999, mobile handsets were area where Korean manufacturers already have a
subsidised by some 4.9 trillion Won (US$ 4 billion) head start.
by service providers. However, since June 2000,
handset subsidies have been officially banned in Since the ban on handset subsidies, the major
Korea. During that month, handset sales fell to a manufacturers and the shift towards CDMA2000 1x,
quarter of their former level, though they have the combined market share of the leading
subsequently picked up again. Most other countries companies, Samsung and LG, has risen from around
either allow subsidies, or the problem does not arise two thirds to three-quarters of all sales in the
because competition in the services market is domestic market. Exports have also become more
insufficient to warrant subsidies. The fact that important, reaching an expected US$ eight billion
subsidies are explicitly banned gives Korea’s mobile in 2002, which compensates for the fall in domestic
industry a convenient excuse of explaining high market sales. Imports remain minimal with sales
handset prices to consumers (i.e., blaming MIC). of just US$ 54 million expected in 2002.

Box Figure 2.5: Trends in sales

by Korean manufacturers of mobile handsets, 1998-2002, in US$ m, and
a sample Samsung mobile phone with colour screen

Korean sales of mobile handsets (US$m)

12’000 Domestic sales

10’000 Exports

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Source: Left chart: KISDI IT Outlook for Korea, 2002. Right photo: Michael Minges.

Korea Internet Case Study

Figure 2.11: Mobile data usage patterns

Data from SK Telecom on average revenue per user (ARPU) by age group and breakdown of content use

Average revenue per user (ARPU), Email/

'000 Won per month chatting Other, 2.9%
Stocks/ 5.2%
50 banking
61% 65% 65% Ringtone/
50% 51% picture
20 Data ARPU 39% download
7.2% Games/
Voice ARPU 44.9%
10 Mobile data entertain
% data users ment
0 34.2%
<19 20-24 25-29 30-39 40-49 >50 Corporate
(%), Dec. 01

Note: "Other" content, in right chart, includes news/sports (2.0%), e-books/education (0.6%) and e-
lottery/shopping (0.3%).
Source: SK Telecom.

• By contrast, teenagers are the where (for instance, over the

main market drivers. Although Internet).
teenagers have the second low-
est (after users aged over 50) • The usage breakdown contrasts
total ARPU, at just 33’000 Won markedly with that of other coun-
(US$ 27) per month, more than tries. Compare with China, for
a third of this is spent on data instance. There, the main mobile
applications. Data ARPU dimin- data application is email (41 per
ishes sharply with age, with 20- cent) followed by stock transac-
24 year-olds spending less than tions (16 per cent) and news
half as much as teenagers, de- (12 per cent). These three cat-
spite their greater spending egories account for two-thirds of
power, and by the age of thirty, the market demand in China but
users are spending less than only 13 per cent in Korea. Of
US$ one per month on average course, it could be that, once
on data applications. China acquires mobile data net-
works that run as fast as those
• The breakdown of content shows in Korea, then the two usage pat-
that applications designed to ap- terns will converge, but the sus-
peal to the teenage market, such picion is that China is more
as download of ring tones or car- representative of mobile data us-
toon animations, together with age in the wider, low-speed mar-
games and entertainment, form ket, and that it is Korea, with its
more than three-quarters of the high-speed mobile networks,
total.13 By contrast, information which is currently unique but
services aimed at older age may signal the future trend for
groups, such as traffic informa- the high-speed mobile market.
tion or stock prices, occupy rela-
tively little space. Of course, Pricing mobile data
viewing the market by value, One of the most difficult-to-manage
rather than by volume may pro- aspects of the shift from voice to data
duce a different picture, but most for mobile revenue is to get the pricing
mobile content is available else- right. A recent survey of 3’000 mobile

2. ICT market

Internet users carried out by KRNIC charged at 6.5 Won per packet
showed a relatively low level of (97 kb for US$ one); Multimedia
satisfaction with the price of the messages, charged at 2.5 Won
service.14 Some 17 per cent of non- per packet (250 kb per US$ one);
mobile Internet users quoted high and audio/video on demand,
prices as the reason they were not charged at 1.25 Won per packet
using the service. 15 There are four (0.5 Mb per US$ one), a price re-
main elements to pricing data on a duction of 50 per cent that was
mobile platform: approved by the MIC on
May 29 2002.
• The cost of subscription. Unlike
NTT DoCoMo’s service in Japan, The current signs are that the price is
Korean operators do not charge not yet quite right and continue to be
a subscription price for mobile adjusted. The most popular mobile
data. data applications are those that can
be downloaded (e.g., ring tones and
• The cost for the volume of data games) and played offline rather than
downloaded, normally measured those that require the user to be online
by packets of 512 bytes each. or the handset to be “always-on”.

• The cost of the content, which is Korean mobile operators are using a
related to its perceived value and business model which is very similar
timeliness. to that used by NTT DoCoMo in Japan,
but without the subscription price for
In an era where technology transition, data services. They are mainly offering
from low to high-speed services, is a “walled garden” type content model
significant, service providers must with revenues split between content
walk a fine line between pricing new provider and services provider in the
services too cheaply (and risk ration 90:10. KTF has more than
undercutting older, better established 130 content providers and SK Telecom
low speed data services) and pricing more than 250. In theory, the content
them too expensively (and stifling the providers should get 90 per cent of
market). Operators have thus tried to any revenue raised from the sale of
differentiate their service offerings by content (a lower figure is applied for
platform and by message type: streaming TV content). But in practice,
the majority of revenues (around
• Platform: SK Telecom, for in- 70 per cent) come from airtime (per
stance, recognizes five main plat- minute prices paid for using the mobile
forms for its NATE mobile data phone). The operator retains all of this
service: mobile handsets, PCs, revenue.
PDAs (personal digital assist-
ants), vehicle-mounted terminals 2.4.3 Applications
and interactive televisions. For The major applications in use for
each platform, the philosophy is mobile data are those shown in
based on traffic causation, so Figure 2.11, right chart and in
that PC service is designed for Figure 2.12. To a large extent this
sending and receiving messages usage pattern reflects the legacy of
from mobile phones while the ve- slow-speed mobile Internet access
hicle-mounted service (Nate rather than any true 3G mobile
drive) is intended as an online Internet usage. Carriers interviewed
service, getting data updates during the research programme
constantly from the network, admitted they were finding it hard to
rather than as a standalone serv- persuade users to start paying for
ice using a CD-ROM, for instance. content. This is especially a problem
in Korea, where the vast majority of
• Message type: Currently, Ko- actual and potential mobile data users
rean operators recognize three probably already have an “always-on”
different message types for pur- broadband connection at home, for
poses of pricing: Text messages, which they play a flat-fee for usage.

Korea Internet Case Study

So the challenge is to create lar P2P service in Korea is called

applications that are specific to mobile “Soribada” ( lit-
phones, that are viable within the erally “sea of sound”), which is
bandwidth constraints of current sometimes referred to as the Ko-
technology and that users are willing rean Napster, though unlike
to pay for. Here are some of the Napster it does not require a cen-
applications that are currently being tral server. The legality of this
tried. type of service is still doubtful
and the service providers are
• Video on demand. As Fig- awaiting guidance from MIC.
ure 2.12 suggests, the main dif- Soribada itself has only recently
ference in the most popular reopened (in August 2002) after
services on 2G and 1x handsets having been shut down follow-
is video-on-demand. This is a ing a dispute with the Korean
highly data intensive application, record music industry.
and even with the newly reduced
rates for this service, download • Streaming TV. A variation on
of a music video clip could easily video-on-demand is to offer tele-
cost US$ 2-3. The secret to driv- vision channels, such as CNN,
ing this market therefore lies in delivered to a mobile handset. A
offering compelling and exclusive future variation on this theme is
content. An example is “mobile to offer an interactive TV service
drama”, or one-minute daily soap where by an ADSL subscriber
operas. One way of reducing would be able to access mobile
costs is through Java-based soft- data type-interfaces (e.g. SK
ware “wavelets” that offer mul- Telecom’s Nate) from an ordinary
timedia content (e.g., cartoon TV screen, allowing for product
animations) at a lower level of tie-ins (e.g. direct ordering of
quality than high-resolution products advertised on televi-
MPEG-4 handsets. Because this sion), or purchase of pay-per-
is software-driven, rather than view events.
requiring a special chip, “wave-
let” handsets are much cheaper • In-car navigation systems.
than MPEG-4 ones. SK Telecom Both SK Telecom (Nate Drive)
reports that wavelet downloads and KTF (Telematics, in conjunc-
rose by 165 per cent between tion with Daewoo and Hyundai)
January and March 2002 with offer vehicle-mounted terminals
almost all the growth accounted that combine GPS functionality
for by colour handsets. with mobile data. The KTF sys-
tem, launched in March 2002, is
• Music on demand. Closely re- offered on a subscription-based
lated to video-on-demand is the or a usage-based tariff. It offers
supply of MP3 music files. This traffic news, entertainment/con-
service is particularly popular on tent and location information that
mobile phone that are specially can be delivered directly to an
adapted to this use (e.g., MPEG-4 in-car dashboard or viewed from
compatible handsets with better a PC. The Nate Drive service,
speakers, headphones etc). SK launched in February 2002, of-
Telecom reports that music fers a specially adapted handset,
download accounts for 34 per cent with GPS-built-in, that fits into a
of data usage on MPEG-4 hand- cradle in the car that acts as a
sets. Again, price sensitivity is a display unit. There is a hot-but-
barrier so the obvious route for- ton that links to an Internet navi-
wards would seem to be to encour- gation portal. This portal can
age file-sharing (peer-to-peer, then be voice activated and can
P2P) applications that would al- give voice signals on direction.
low users to download music files The driver’s position is updated
without paying royalty fees to every 50 metres and this is
copyright owners. The most popu- matched with GIS (Geographic

2. ICT market

Figure 2.12: The top five most popular mobile data services on KTF's 2G and 1x services

May 2002

Source: KTF.

Information System) data. Users manufactured JTEL, but others

pay a monthly subscription of are coming on to the market.
20’000 Won (US$ 16), plus call PDAs are particularly suitable for
fees. The cheapest package downloading content from the
would cost around 390’000 Won Web that can be later read, for
or US$ 350 to install. SK Telecom instance while commuting on the
argue that having the service metro. PDAs are also more suit-
online (rather than pre-recorded) able than handsets to operate as
will make it more accurate for an email client.
things like traffic jams, but it will
obviously generate more user • Multimedia messaging serv-
fees. Because of the current limi- ice (MMS). In Japan, where
tations with 1x EV/DO, it is not KDDI using CDMA 1x technology
possible to use the terminal for has reached over a million sub-
incoming voice calls while it is scribers within a few months of
being used for receiving naviga- launch, sending and receiving
tion information, but this prob- still photos is proving to be the
lem should be addressed with 1x killer application for mobile data,
EV/DV. especially among teenage users.
The service is catching on in Ko-
• Services to PDAs. Limitations rea too. KTF’s Magic (n) “multi-
on the size of screens on mobile message” service offers
handsets may limit their useful- phone-to-phone, phone-to-email
ness. Some users may instead and web-to-phone messaging.
choose to use 1x EV/DO service However, Koreans seem to pre-
with a Personal Digital Assistant fer to send character animations
(PDA). In May 2002, there were of themselves with accompany-
two main wireless PDAs avail- ing text, rather than real photos.
able, Compaq’s iPAQ and a locally In the streets of Seoul, there are

Korea Internet Case Study

lots of boutiques offering to de- to access Internet sites. Testing

velop a character animation of began on 15 April 2002 and was
clients, based on a photo, but made available commercially on
made to look more like a cartoon, 1 June 2002. For instance, typ-
which can then be sent to a mo- ing 642 would give access to a
bile phone or to an email client. limited set of URLs from which
the user could choose from the
• Fixed/wireless integration. screen (e.g., or
Wireless LANs are becoming big Typing 642#123 (con-
business in Korea. There are firm) would take the user directly
many coffee shops that already to
offer wireless LANs as well as air-
ports, universities etc. The tel- • Mobile Commerce. As else-
ecommunication service where in the world, it is hoped
providers are getting into the that mobile commerce will be a
game with subscription-based driver of mobile Internet take-up
services, such as KT’s Nespot in Korea. KTF is offering a plat-
service, launched in May 2002. form called “K-merce”, which of-
Although this service is usually fers personal finance services
accessed from PCs, there is (stock trading, banking, money
scope for offering a service, say transfers from a mobile phone),
to PDAs, that would offer high- shopping transactions (including
speed access, via wireless LAN, participation in auctions) and
at hotspots, combined with payments, made from an IC chip
slower-speed access, via 1x or embedded in the phone. One of
1x EV/DO, when roaming. All of the most popular mobile com-
the operators are developing merce services thus far has been
service offerings. KT has been the e-lottery service, which ena-
working with McDonalds, while bles lottery tickets to be pur-
SK Telecom has been working chased from a mobile phone.
with Starbucks and Sheraton to Recently, someone won a jack-
develop pilot services. KTF’s N- pot from an e-lottery ticket,
Zone service additionally offers which generated a lot of favour-
Voice over IP (VoIP) service for able publicity. However, a major
cut-price calls to mobiles. constraint to the development of
mobile commerce in Korea is the
• Mobile/Internet numbering limit of 30’000 Won per month
integration. One specific appli- (around US$ 25), which was im-
cation, currently unique to Ko- posed by regulators, under pres-
rea, is to provide integration of sure from credit card companies
the mobile numbering system worried that mobile phone com-
(e.g., 079 1234 5678) with the panies would steal their business.
Internet Domain Name System Virtually all billing in Korea is
(e.g., The current post-paid rather than prepaid, so
approach at the global level is this acts as a limit on credit. The
based around the ENUM stand- mobile phone companies are ne-
ard.16 But progress on this has gotiating for the limit to be
been slowed by politics, in par- raised.
ticular on whether or not there
should be a “golden tree” struc- These are still early days in the
ture to the numbering plan and, development of the mobile Internet,
if so, who should control it. Ko- and it is not clear which of these
rea’s domain name administra- applications, or others not yet
tion authority (KRNIC: developed, will turn out to be major has come up with demand drivers and which will flop.
an innovative solution that it calls Korea, along with Japan, is a pioneer
WINC (Wireless Internet Num- in this field, as shown by the fact that
bers for Content). This enables these two countries have much higher
a mobile phone to use numbers levels of mobile data usage than other

2. ICT market

countries (see Figure 2.7).17 There is a technically superior alternative (for

intense rivalry between the two instance, it is at least three times
countries as to who will prove top dog more efficient in the use of
in the mobile Internet. Although Japan spectrum) and, above all,
has a greater percentage of mobile championing CDMA technology has
users that use the Internet (mainly been an important part of the Korean
thanks to the i-mode phenomenon), government’s overall IT strategy.
Korea has the bigger number of high- The key question is whether CDMA
speed mobile data users (thanks to puts Korea in a better or worse
CDMA 1x). Their experiences will be position as the market moves on to
closely observed as 3G services are the next generation of mobile
implemented elsewhere in the world. technology? The early evidence
suggests that CDMA 2000 1x is
2.4.4 Korea as a mobile pioneer leading the way in 3G. It is
The approach that Korea has taken in outperforming W-CDMA in Japan and
mobile technology has been quite it has scored some early successes
bold. Although Korean manufacturers in North America. But it may never
of mobile handsets, like Samsung or be adopted in Europe and it is
LG, compete actively in the market for unlikely to be adopted anywhere else
GSM equipment, the domestic market in the GSM world. Thus, like for the
is purely CDMA. When the Football CDMA platform itself, technically
World Cup was hosted in Korea in June superior performance is not enough.
2002, foreign visitors could only roam It is industrial policy that counts.
by having their GSM handsets encased
in a CDMA “shell”. Korean operators Japanese manufacturers are in a
lost out on a potentially huge source similar situation. Their homegrown
of revenue because few visitors mobile technology, PDC (Personal
bothered to do this and were thus Digital Cellular), is not used
unable to use their mobile terminals. anywhere outside Japan. They have
scored some successes with i-Mode
If Korea’s decisions on choosing a but need now to market that success
mobile technology had been based outside the country. NTT DoCoMo is
purely on market concerns, then it leading the charge to push i-mode
is unlikely that they would have and is doing this through acquisitions
chosen CDMA. But CDMA represents (e.g., as a shareholder in AT&T

Figure 2.13: Ahead of the pack

Mobile data usage in Korea, compared with selected other economies (left) and over time (right)

Mobile Internet penetration, 2001 Korean CDMA 1x handsets, millions

France 5.6
Taiwan, China 6.6 Mobile Internet 9.3
UK 6.9 users as a 8.3
Italy 7.0 percentage of total 6.2
Germany 7.9 mobile users 5.1
US 7.9 3.5
Singapore 9.4
Canada 13.8
Finland 16.5
Rep. of Korea 59.1 Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun-
Japan 72.3 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02

Source: MPHPT Japan (left), MIC Korea (right).

Korea Internet Case Study

Wireless), through Joint Ventures advantage of WLAN services is their

(e.g., with KPN of the Netherlands) pricing mechanism. They tend to be
and by bidding for licences. For the priced on the basis of a flat-rate
moment, Korea’s operators have subscription, not a per minute basis.
only limited interests outside their This is a critical advantage for access
home country. The conclusion from to the Internet, where users are
this would seem to be that, if Korea familiar with unlimited usage pricing.
really wants CDMA 1x to be The capacity available on WLAN is
successful in potential export also much greater than that
markets, this would require Korea’s c u r r e n t l y a va i l a b l e o n m o b i l e
operators to look outside their home networks.
t e r r i t o r y a s w e l l a s Ko r e a ’s
manufacturers. This represents a dilemma for
Korea’s wireless operators. Should
A second question that arises is the they embrace WLAN, and risk
extent to which wireless LAN (WLAN) cannibalising their CDMA 1x
services (such as KT’s “Nespot”) and revenues? Or should they try to
3G services (such as the CDMA 1x ignore WLAN, and risk losing the
service) will be complementary or market to other operators, such as
competitive? Although, in theory, KT? Perhaps the answer lies in a
WLAN services should not be greater degree of terminal integration.
substitutable for 3G, because of their It is relatively easy to envisage
limited range (typically below developing terminals that could use
150 metres), in practice, as the either WLAN, where available, and
density of WLAN hotspots increase, CDMA 1x, where it is not. Here is a
there will be a degree of major market opportunity for Korean
s u b s t i t u t a b i l i t y. T h e p r i m a r y manufacturers.

2. ICT market

Korea’s low rate of local lines connected to digital exchanges is partly a result of country’s drive to produce
its own local telephone exchanges known as TDX. Though a large number of the TDX exchanges were
installed during the 1980s, installation has tapered off lately. According to one researcher this is due to the
high development costs which make the exchange more expensive than those produced in other countries.
See Sung-Bum Hong, “The Patterns and the Directions of Technological Innovation in the Switchboard
Industry of Korea.”
See Thrunet. “Fact Book.”
The urbanization of Korea has progressed rapidly since the 1980s and the construction of apartments has
boomed since 1995. In the year 2000, apartments emerged as the main housing unit.
Korea’s manufacturers are beginning to have an impact on global ADSL markets. For example, Samsung has
emerged as the fourth and third largest vendor globally for ADSL exchange and customer equipment
respectively. See “Samsung is one of the world-leading ADSL vendors.” Samsung Electronics Press Release.
9 February 2001.
MIC. Broadband Internet in Korea. April 2002.
For more on the development of Internet exchanges in Korea see, Young-Ro Lee and Byeong-Nam Yoon.
“IXs in Korea.”
“In addition, Internet users in Korea pursuant to traditional dial-up services must pay local per minute
telephony charges, whereas ADSL subscribers pay a flat fee. Therefore, we believe that subscribers that
average over two hours a day on the Internet realize cost savings through our ADSL services.” Hanaro
Telecom. Annual Report on Form 20-F 2001.
GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) is widely used throughout Europe, Africa and Asia and was
first introduced in July 1991. CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) is a more recent technology, which is
used in some parts of the Americas and in Korea. It is now being introduced in some parts of Asia. For more
details on different mobile technologies, see, ITU Internet Reports 2002: Internet for a Mobile Generation,
available at:
As the level of prepaid subscribers in Korea is very low compared with other countries, it can be assumed
that this represents the real number of subscribers rather than an inflated number caused by many unused
The sale started in 1994 with the purchase of 23 per cent by the Sunkyong Group (SK) and was completed
in 1997 when KMTS changed its name to SK Telecom. As of May 2002, KT still retained 11 per cent of the
shares of SK Telecom, but a sale of shares was imminent.
CDMA2000 1x, available in Korea since October 2000, was faster than existing networks but did not initially
meet ITU’s requirements for IMT-2000. However, together with the latest evolution of this standard (1xEV-
DO), CMDA2000 1x has now been approved by the ITU as an IMT-2000 standard, retroactively making Korea
the first country to commercially deploy 3G services. For more information, see the ITU Internet Reports
2002: Internet for a Mobile Generation at: For more information on IMT-2000
standards, see:
See, for instance, “Korea’s EV-DO 3G service struggling with slow penetration.” Korea Herald. 9 September
Interestingly, Korean’s appetite for computer animation is helping to bring North and South Korea closer
together. The “mydinga” 3D computer animations (, a series of short animated films
featuring a lazy cat and a cool dog, have been designed in the South (by a subsidiary of Hanaro Telecom)
but subcontracted to the North, where labour is cheaper. They are designed to be downloaded onto different
platforms, such as mobile phones or PC screens.
See the report on the Korea Herald website at: The report was carried
out between March 22 and April 15 2002.
For more information, see the summary on the KRNIC website at:
For more information on ENUM, see the ITU website at:
For an extended discussion of this theme, see chapter three (Market Trends) of the ITU Internet Reports
2002: Internet for a Mobile Generation, available for purchase at:

3. Sector absorption and ICT applications

3. Sector absorption and ICT applications

3.1 E-government registration system that has

computerized over 200 million pieces
3.1.1 Where Korea stands… of property. Information about the
Korea’s growing Internet population properties can be examined in real
is an important step towards the time and titles issued on demand. The
country’s e-government efforts. An system is accessible from government
ICT-literate citizenry is needed if offices as well as kiosks. Time spent
online government services are to on registering properties has been
reach their full potential. A number of reduced from over two hours to less
e-government projects have been than five minutes. The resident
implemented and the country has the registration system contains birth,
prerequisites to move from death, marriage and divorce
e-readiness to e-nation. information on all Koreans. The
system was launched in 1993 and is
A variety of achievements can be accessible by all relevant government
highlighted. By January 2000, almost agencies. Citizens can update their
all government ministries and record online with no need to visit
agencies were online and connected government offices, reducing the time
to a high-speed backbone network. spent on registration to between
More than 80 per cent of the central 1-3 minutes from 15-20 minutes.
government ’s documents are
computerized and 55 per cent of the 3.1.2 … and how Korea got
government’s (both national and local) there
documents are handled electronically. The Korean government has played a
Various applications have also been leading role in ICT development.
implemented including a real estate Korea has combined the benefits of a

Table 3.1: Korean government ICT budget

2001 and 2002, Won billion, (US$ millions)

Category 2001 Budget 2002 Budget Remarks

E-government 490 ($ 372) 572 ($ 435) Key items in the e-government agenda

IT Infrastructure & 322($ 245) 403($ 306) Software & digital contents development,
Industrial IT Application standardized electronic catalogues

IT Application in 463($ 352) 511($ 388) Public library digitalisation, electronic

Everyday Life mapping of underground utility networks

Digital Divide & 228($ 173) 126($ 96) Low-income subsidies for internet access,
Abuse Prevention network & equipment protection

Total IT budget 1'503($ 1'143) 1'611($ 1'225) 7% increase

Source: Ministry of Planning and Budget. "Synopsis of the Budget of the Republic of Korea, Fiscal Year 2002."
February 2002.

Korea Internet Case Study

free market economy (e.g., recognized the role that ICT could play
competition and innovation), with the to make its society more productive
positive effects of a robust and its government more democratic.
government, such as the protection The government’s leadership and top
of disadvantaged groups and the leaders’ commitment to ICT, combined
promotion of long-term investments with adequate funding, have helped
(see Box 3.1). There is much to learn Korea to spark and maintain its digital
from the government’s active role as revolution. Between 1998 and 2001,
provider, user and promoter of ICT. government spending for information
The emphasis here lies on the word technology doubled, from
active since the Korean government Won 715 billion (US$ 544 million) to
not only provides the necessary Won 1’503 billion (US$ 1.1 billion). ICT
regulatory framework and supportive spending represents 1.4 per cent of
environment but, in an effort to be the government’s total budget and is
one step ahead, also encourages one of the top ten expenditures.
companies to invest in and consumers
to use ICT. The country’s successful ICT
adaptation is partially the result of its
Korea was one of the first countries governmental organization structure.
to emphasize the importance of ICT Some countries in the world have been
as an economic stimulus. It also overtaken by events, without a clear

Box 3.1: The Korean equilibrium - public and private harmony

It may seem unusual to hear a company manager interest rate, to invest in broadband access
say, “It is part of our business culture to listen to networks. The 2000 provision included the condition
the government.” 1 After all, an adversarial that the companies invest in less densely populated
relationship between public and private interests is areas. While this reduced the financial burden taken
common in many countries. But in Korea, there on by the FSPs, the payback of this investment is
seems to be a quiet agreement between substantial. It is estimated that the spill over effects
government and business. Instead of a zero-sum of the investment in broadband Internet services
game, in which one wins what the other loses, there amount to over US$ seven billion and had created
is a culture of mutual and shared interests where 5’000-8’000 jobs by 2001.
both sides can win.
Similarly, government test beds let private
Part of this is uniquely Korean with a tradition of companies experiment with new technologies
government authority. Nevertheless, it is important without the financial risk. The government’s Security
to understand the government’s way of dealing with Net program currently provides companies with
the private sector, which contributes to this support for research on next-generation Internet
equilibrium. The Korean government’s mission is technologies such as the Ipv6 backbone. Another
delicate, in which it influences the market without way of encouraging companies to invest in ICT is
dominating it. Its active intervention is aimed not the ‘Certification Program for Broadband Buildings
only at counteracting market failures but also at and Apartments.’ This initiative certifies the
inducing the private sector to make long-term informatization level of new apartments and
investments by providing a certain degree of buildings. Buildings receive 1st, 2nd or 3rd class
protection. Part of the strategy is to get government certificates, depending on whether they provide
and business officials together. Furthermore, almost over 100 Mbps, 10-100 Mbps or 10 Mbps Internet
all government projects are planned and carried connections.
out in cooperation between the two sides.
A recently announced government plan calls for
To achieve long-term ICT investments, the boosting the country’s information technology
government has come up with different types of export industry by helping smaller Korean
funding mechanisms and policies. It has also c o m p a n i e s e s t a b l i s h a n ov e r s e a s m a r k e t
contributed to the growth of the ICT industry by presence. The initiative, called e-Silkroad, will
being one of the private sector’s best clients for select 50 products that are most likely to be a
information technologies. The Informatization success and ensures the manufacturer receives
Promotion Fund, established by the MIC, is used to financial funding. The government will also
support projects selected by a special committee investigate the market potential for the product
on a competitive basis. In 1999 and 2000, the in different countries. Selected projects include
government provided Facilities-based Service CDMA technologies, games software and home
Providers (FSP) with US$ 77 million, at a very low networking.2

3. Sector absorption and ICT applications

Figure 3.1: Korea's ICT plans and there is a plethora of statistics

and reports.

Finally, the government has also

E-Korea Vision 2006 implemented its vision of an
(2002-2006) information society in a series of plans
•Maximize ability of all citizens to use ICT to actively particip ate in information dating back to 1987 (see Figure 3.1).
•Strengthen global competitiveness of economy by promoting informatization
Six major national projects have
•Smart government structure with high transparency & productivity through structured the direction of government
•Facilitate economic growth by promoting IT industry & advancing infrastructure policies:
•Become a leader in global information society by taking major ro le in
international cooperation

1. The National Basic Information
(1999-2002) System (1987-1996) was the
•Vision and strategy for a creative Knowledge -based country
first national project to call on the
•Key policy undertaken over 1999 -2002 mobilization of resources to be
•Advanced information infrastructure, increasing national
productivity, creating new industries and jobs used for the use and promotion
National Framework Plan for of computer networks.
Informatization Promotion
(1996-2000) 2. The Korea Information Infra-
•Ten strategic thrusts in education, government administration, e tc. identified
•Building information infrastructure/nurturing IT industry
structure (KII) project, initiated
•Annual action plans in 1995, included the construc-
tion of the national high-speed
Korea Information
Infrastructure Initiative
public backbone, the develop-
(1995-2005) ment of ICT applications, the pro-
•National information superhighway with its applications motion of R&D and IT-related
& technology development pilot projects. KII emphasized
•Reschedule the milestones (originally 1995-2015)
public-private partnership, es-
National Basic Information System tablished an information promo-
(1987 – 1996)
tion fund, which encouraged
•Five Pillars (administration, national defense, public security, finance, education
& research)
private companies to make long-
•First stage (1987-1991) and the Second stage (92 -96) term investments and promoted
•Settlement after investment
research. A certification program
Measures to nurture IT Industry for broadband buildings was
(1987 – 1985)
launched and the government
•Development of electronic industry (e.g. switching board)
•IT Industry Promotion Board provided test beds to help com-
panies avoid risks while at the
same time encouraging R&D. The
KII project has been continuously
Source: NCA. revised and upgraded in re-
sponse to market and technical

ICT strategy. There are often 3. The National Framework Plan for
competing projects across different Informatization Promotion, initi-
agencies and ministries. Korea has not ated in 1996, set up the annual
allowed itself to be taken by surprise. action plan for different sectors,
The government is characterized by a including government and edu-
clear distribution of responsibilities cation. It also included a blue-
between different agencies. print for an information society
Recognizing the challenges and (with e-government plans) and
opportunities brought about by ICT, set up the Informatization Pro-
the government was quick to motion Committee. This top-level
reorganize existing structures or decision-making body, chaired by
introduce new agencies and to revise the Prime Minister, suggests and
or launch new laws and regulations. evaluates projects. It works to-
Goal identification and measurement gether with and takes advice
have played a crucial role. The ICT from the Informatization Promo-
activities of government ministries tion Advisory Committee, made
and agencies are carefully monitored up of 26 representatives from the

Korea Internet Case Study

business sector, academic sector computerizing the government and

and private organization. acts as consultant and administrator
to the public sector to make sure that
4. CYBER KOREA 21 (1999) was a ICT are used effectively. Through the
response to the Asian financial Korea Information Infrastructure
crisis and designed to counter the Initiative (KII), which was launched
effects of the recession and to in 1995, the government allocated
overcome the crisis. It laid out 32 trillion won (US$ 24 billion) to build
the necessary steps to reform the a national broadband backbone
country into a dynamic informa- network, mainly through optical fibre
tion society and increase ICT pro- cables. It provides over
ductivity to create new 28’000 government ministries,
businesses and jobs. It boosted agencies and public institutions with
national infrastructure and con- high-speed broadband access. The
nectivity was increased from nation-wide broadband service is
155 Mbps to 40 Gbps in 144 re- continuously improved and updated
gions. and provides the basis for the
government’s commitment to provide
5. The e-Government Initiatives the necessary infrastructure for
(January 2001) specified 11 ac- e-government.
tions to enhance the develop-
ment and use of government All of Korea’s 143’000 central
applications, such as the home government employees have their own
tax service, the e-procurement PC and e-mail address. To ensure that
system, the financial/education the government is effectively using ICT,
information system and the per- all employees have to adapt to the
sonnel management system. An informatization process. ICT training is
e-Government Committee, in- made widely available and the
cluding experts from the private government organizes contests to provide
and the public sector, is respon- incentives for staff to improve their IT
sible for the implementation and skills. In addition, each ministry has a
evaluation of e-Government Chief Information Officer in charge of
projects. The Committee reports promoting and overseeing the use of ICT.
directly to the President.
In January 2001, the government
6. Finally, Global leader, e-Korea is created the Special Committee for
the slogan for the MIC’s latest e-Government Korea. The Committee,
initiative. It includes the e-Korea made up of experts from the private
project (launched in April 2002), as well as the public sector, studied
aimed at upgrading the country’s the problem of rivalries between
information technology infra- ministries that often hinder the
structure and tackling fresh chal- successful development of projects. It
lenges stemming from the digital came up with several initiatives to
divide. The government plans to enhance coordination and minimize
invest over 70 trillion won conflict between government entities.
(US$ 53 billion) in ICT over the Eleven key tasks were identified to
next five years. Goals include improve the quality of civil service and
getting more than 90 per cent of the way the administration works (see
all Koreans online, improving Table 3.2).
e-government and encouraging
schools to use more sophisti- Government as provider
cated ICT applications. Korea has a long history of trying to
improve public services to its citizens
3.1.3 Government as user through the use of IT. Its efforts go
The National Computerization Agency back to the 1980s when it began
(NCA, at <>) has, since setting up public databases. A strong
1987, been in charge of developing characteristic of the Korean
and deploying information technology government is it inclusive approach,
in the public sector. It is in charge of that is, the idea that every Korean

3. Sector absorption and ICT applications

Table 3.2: e-Government initiatives

Key Tasks identified in 2001 for e-Government, to be achieved by 2002

Key Task Description

Innovative and better services Public and Businesses

Public-oriented service through a Single Establishing portal site and public information sharing system
Window (G4C: Government for Citizen) for five major databases in the areas of resident registration,
real estate, vehicles, corporate and tax

Linking four major social insurance Linking medical, national pension, employment, and accident
information systems compensation insurances and activating information sharing

Home Tax Service via the Internet 24 hour online service such as tax declaration and payment,
affairs document issuance and tax counselling

G2B: Integrated e-Procurement System Establishing a single procurement window and making all
procurement related processes electronic such as registration,
tender, contract and payment

Productivity and efficiency Government

Integrated National Finance Establishing a system for information sharing and linkage
Management System for finance related institutions

Integrated Administration Information Completing information for all administrative affairs such as
System in local government resident registration and real estate, finance, tax, etc. in
21 cities

Nation-wide Education Administration Establishing an online logistics system for school affairs and
Information System education administration material connecting schools, Office
of Education and Ministry of Education and Human Resources

Personnel Policy Management System Developing and diffusing a standardized system for the whole
human resources including recruitment, promotion, payment
and training of public service personnel

Government e-Document Exchange E-processing of preparation, approval, distribution and

storage of all governmental documents

Building an infrastructure for e-Government

Government e-signature and e-seal Securing reliability for information distribution and
system e-administration such as private information protection and

Consolidation of Government Computing Protecting 24 hour working, professional service, and secure
Centres information resources by managing computing environment
in an integrated manner

Source: NCA.

Korea Internet Case Study

should and needs to participate in the identifying services such as residence

global information revolution. At the registration transcript and abstract,
same time, it is very goal-oriented. certificate for the disabled, tax-paid
Currently, the government’s objective certificate and building registrations.
is to get 90 per cent of all Korean’s The cost of the transaction will be
online by 2006. Its approach is calculated online and application
inclusive in another way. Instead of forms will be available.
simply providing the infrastructure
and relying on peoples’ interest to get Since April 2002 the e-government
connected, the government is also portal ( has been
active in raising awareness and providing electronic filing and
providing training, especially to what information services and by the end
it calls the information disabled. of 2002 some 400 civil affairs services
Between 2000 and 2002 more than will be processed electronically. The
8.1 million people were trained, site averages about 11’000 hits a day
including the elderly, housewives, and and the number is increasing rapidly.
prisoners. Some 20‘000 military “The …project concentrates on the
personnel received computer training renovation of civil affairs service to
and had the possibility of obtaining an minimize peoples’ time and efforts, by
Information Specialist certificate - a abolishing unnecessary work,
bonus on the job market. Small-and reducing the number of documents to
Medium-sized enterprises (SME) and be submitted and simplifying civil
marginalized sectors of the society are affairs processing procedures.”3
provided with subsidized Internet
access. The ‘Plan for Promoting ICT The government is also developing an
Use and Distributing PCs to Children integrated database covering five
of Low Income Families’ was launched major areas: real estate, citizen’s
in 2001 and provides those who registry, automobile registration,
cannot afford to have ICT with a PC enterprise information, and taxation.
and a discount Internet access rate. Organized on the federal level it will
The government also subsidizes cut across all government agencies,
companies to provide computer including the 16 provincial and 232
training for their older personnel. local governments. According to the
government, this project will reduce
Until recently, e-government was the average number of documents
more focused on the use of ICT to required for a resident from 1.9 to 0.1,
enhance government procedures with and the average number of visits
citizens benefiting indirectly through from 4.5 to 1.2.4
more efficient and quicker processing.
While it used to take three days and 3.1.4 ICT success factors
four different forms to process a new The success of Korea’s ICT sector is
passport, it now takes 20 minutes and in a large part due to the direction
one form. So while the application is and policies that the government has
not available online, citizens can get adopted. The following examples
passports in a much shorter period. illustrate the government’s active role
in the promotion of ICT. They also
The government has set up the civil highlight factors that could serve as a
affairs portal (G4C), which will make motivation and inspiration to policy
it much easier for Koreans to deal with makers around the world.
administrative matters. The single
portal will provide some • Project evaluation. The Korean
4’200 government services online government meticulously col-
without citizens having to visit lects data, writes reports, car-
different agencies. A map will help r i e s o u t s u r ve y s , a n a l y s e s
citizens navigate through the different progress and identifies goals.
procedures and a search system will Re p o r t s i n c l u d e t h e N C A’s
help them to find their way. Using the Internet White Papers, KISDI’s
e-government portal, citizens will be IT Industry Outlook, the Minis-
able to use online filing, issuing and try of Education’s White Paper

3. Sector absorption and ICT applications

on Adapting Education to the frastructure, utilization and vi-

Information Age and the MIC’s sion and strategies. The results
White Papers. These reports are of the evaluation are used to
an important development tool determine new projects and
since they highlight strengths plans.
and weaknesses. They also al-
low the government to put • Research and Development.
achievements into international There are a number of research
perspective and to compare dif- and development organizations
ferent government strategies to in Korea dealing with ICT, such
each other. as the Electronics and Telecom-
munications Research Institute
• The Evaluation System for Na- (ETRI, see Box 3.2). The Korea
tional IT projects was introduced Information Society Develop-
in 1997 to assess the results of ment Institute (KISDI, at
different projects. The is another gov-
Informatization Evaluation Com- ernment sponsored research in-
mittee, composed of government stitute. Its primary aim is to
officials as well as experts from provide the vision and policy di-
academic and research organiza- rection towards a knowledge-
tions and industry, oversees evalu- based society in Korea. The
ations. A self-evaluation by the Korea Advanced Research Net-
agency involved is followed by an work (KOREN) receives govern-
external evaluation by the Com- ment funding to study the
mittee. In 2001, 62 projects were suitability and feasibility of future
evaluated. The Informatization technologies.
Evaluation Committee also as-
sesses the computerization of • Universal access. With the launch
central and provincial govern- of Cyber Korea 21 in 1999, the gov-
ment agencies with regard to in- ernment declared war on the dig-

Box 3.2: ETRI — Korea's innovation driver

Established in 1976, the Electronics and Multiple Access (CDMA) technology, and its
Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI, at incubator facility for start-up companies, ETRI has is a non-profit, government-funded helped make Korea a competitive force in the ICT
research organization and one of the driving forces field. Current research areas at ETRI include fourth
behind Korea’s ICT success. Some 30 per cent of generation mobile communications and future
its almost 2’000 staff hold a Ph.D. degree and security networks.
another 60 per cent a Master’s degree. Its personnel
hold over 2’000 international patents and have ETRI’s success partly explains Korea’s ICT success.
published some 20’000 articles in Korean and In order for a nation to take a lead in ICT, it must
foreign journals. play an active role in technology research and
development. This helps to nurture local
As the country’s premier developer of innovative sustainability as well as competitive advantage. A
technologies, ETRI’s customers include not only number of ETRI’s projects had their roots in uniquely
the public sector, such as the MIC, but also the Korean problems such as the need for a local
private sector, especially small and medium-sized telephone switch to meet overwhelming demand
companies. ETRI’s technology transfer mechanism in the 1980s. Another example is automated
allows it to commercialize new technologies while Korean/Japanese/English language translators that
also helping to support its existence. Once a ETRI has developed to generate technical manuals,
project has been sufficiently developed and is translate web pages and generate subtitles for
ready to be commercialised, it is handed over to television. ETRI has also helped overcome market
the private sector. Over 800 technologies have so uncertainty by carrying out R&D in areas where
far been transferred from ETRI to some 1’800 business has been reluctant to invest. The payoff
private companies, an arrangement that has has been big with ETRI estimating that sales of
provided ETRI with over US$ 200 million in royalties. products and services using technologies it
Through its development of products such as the developed were some 200 times higher than the
TDX digital telephone exchange and Code Division initial R&D investment.

Korea Internet Case Study

ital divide. It has since been ac- 1995, the Korean government
tively promoting policies to pro- has put through over 150 laws
vide universal access to ICTs. The related to informatization. They
2002 Act on Closing the Digital cover a range of topics including
Divide includes the establishment security, privacy, e-commerce, e-
of the Korea Agency for Digital government, intellectual prop-
Opportunity and Promotion erty and reducing the digital
(KADO) as well as a Digital Di- divide. The laws establish a le-
vide Committee and a five-year gal framework for ICT in Korea
Master Plan. Goals are to equip and help promote the develop-
every region in the country with ment of an information society
broadband access, provide a by enhancing confidence in
minimum of one location with online activities. Recent focus
free Internet access for each of has been on information security.
the country’s 3’500 administra- The Secure-e-Korea project, ini-
tive units, offer IT training to tiated by the government in
every interested person, and 2002, features an ICT security
help vulnerable groups (e.g., system that all businesses will
disabled, elderly, etc.) take ad- have to adopt. The project is the
vantage of online content. There government’s response to pro-
are also digital divide projects for tecting electronic information
education and small and medium due to increasing e-commerce
sized enterprises. transactions, online medical pre-
scriptions and other sensitive
• As part of the digital divide online dealings. The government
project, 500’000 primary and is expecting to invest some
secondary school students from 280 billion won (US$ 213 million)
low-income families received ex- in information protection tech-
tra curriculum computer courses nologies and standards over the
during 2000 and 2001. Apart next six years.5
from these lessons, 50’000 low-
income students with good • Learning from and sharing with
grades received a free PC, to- others. The Korean government
gether with a free five-year has been increasingly active on
Internet subscription. 4’500 re- the international front to pro-
cycled PCs were given to the mote ICTs. It not only partici-
needy and free Internet access pates in a number of
is provided in almost 3’000 pub- international and regional organi-
lic places, such as post offices zations dealing with ICT matters
and community centres. The but also organizes an increasing
government also finances re- number of workshops, seminars
search on ICT accessibility for the and conferences. One example
disabled. The government’s war was the July 2002 e-government
on the digital divide is not re- symposium in Seoul, which was
stricted to only Korean citizens. hosted by the MIC and attended
Free Internet access along with by some 200 high-level policy
PCs and other ICT equipment will makers. Organized in cooperation
be installed in locations where with the Asia Pacific Economic Co-
foreign workers (of which there operation (APEC), the meeting
are some 300’000) are housed. was aimed at helping countries to
At the international level, Korea exchange information on e-gov-
is cooperating with various or- ernment projects. Korea is seen
ganizations, including the ITU, as one of the e-government fore-
OECD and APEC, to reduce the runners among APEC members
digital divide. and “keen to publicize the success-
ful implementation of its e-govern-
• Right environment. Since the ment project….paving the way for
enactment of the Framework Act the export of digitalisation solu-
on Informatization Promotion in tions.”6

3. Sector absorption and ICT applications

Despite these successes, there Table 3.3: Ranking e-government

is room for improvement. A
recent global ranking of e-
government suggests that Country Rank Score
though Korea is doing well,
others have done better. Korea USA 1 3.11
ranks 15th, placing it in the high Australia 2 2.60
New Zealand 3 2.59
e-government category but
Singapore 4 2.58
below other Asia-Pacific nations Korea 15 2.30
including Australia, New Zealand Japan 27 2.12
and Singapore (see Table 3.3).7
However as these are all nations
where English is the official Source:UN, Benchmarking E-government:
A Global Perspective.
language, there could be some
linguistic bias (indeed of the top
ten ranked nations, six were
English speaking). Japan ranked 27th 93 per cent of Koreans between the
while Hong Kong, China and Taiwan, ages of 7-19 use the Internet.
China did not appear in the ranking.
3.2.2 …and how Korea got
3.2 Education there
In 1995, the Korean government made
3.2.1 Where Korea stands…
a decision to use Information and
Every primary and secondary school Communication Technologies (ICT) to
in Korea has access to the Internet. remodel the country’s educational
By early 2001, all were equipped with system and to create edutopia.8 This
a Local Area Network (LAN), at least term reflects the government’s goal of
one computer lab and access to the creating an education welfare state, in
government backbone network, which all citizens are given the
PUBNet ( ). possibility to develop their full potential.
Connection speed up to 256 kbps is Special emphasis is placed on the
provided free of charge and schools promotion of creativity, individuality and
get discounted rates for higher an open educational system for all. The
speeds. Today over 96 per cent of all Korean government felt that ICT could
schools have their own web pages, play a major role in helping to achieve
every teacher has their own PC and this goal.

Figure 3.2: Korean youth online

Percentage of Korean Internet users by age and percentage of Korean Internet users by school, 2001

Percentage of Korean Internet users within age Percentage of Korean student Internet users by
groups, 2002 type of school, 2002
91.4 89.8 98.1 97.1 97.5



Elementary Middle High School University

6-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+ School

Source: KRNIC.

Korea Internet Case Study

Many governments have come to through e-mail services, bulletin

realize the importance of ICT and the boards and electronic document
need to make it available in schools processing. It also includes a database
and universities. Korea distinguishes on students’ school life records, such
itself from most other countries in its as courses taken and grades. Other
belief in the transforming properties services include the computerization
of ICT. According to the Ministry of of school budgets, personnel, student
Education and Human Resources health care, etc. By 2002, almost
Development, “As the society 9’000 schools (around 90 per cent)
changes, new types of people will be had adopted this system.
needed. The goal of education utilizing
ICT should be to graduate students 3.2.4 Primary and secondary
who can meet the requirements of education
society.”9 Instead of using new tools Korea’s school system is divided into
to make the existing system work elementary school (1st to 6th grades,
better, Korea uses ICT to help people when children are between the age
change their way of thinking and of six and 11), middle school (7th to
working. In other words, “Adapting 9th grades, age 12-14) and high school
education to the information age does (10th to 12th grades, age 15-17).
not identify a specific activity, but it Elementary school is compulsory and
implies a total change in content, the government is planning to extend
method, and objectives…”10 . this to middle school although almost
all Koreans already attend high school
3.2.3 The Ministry of Education and the country has the highest level
and Human Resources of secondary school graduates in Asia.
Development Government efforts to improve the
The Ministry of Education and
Human Resources Development
(MOE, at has Table 3.4: e-education indicators in Korea
been online since 1996 and its
web site provides a variety of 2001
information on the educational
system. The different Primary education
departments of the Ministry can
Number of primary schools 5’322
easily share documents and use
an electronic bulletin board to — Percentage with Internet access 100%
exchange information. The
computerization of the Ministry’s — Number with web pages 4’928
administrative activities, Secondary education
including the educational budget,
the management of teacher Number of secondary schools 4’955
training institutes, and the — age with Internet access 100%
issuing of teacher certificates
took place in 1998. More than — Number with web pages 4’588
half of all documents within the
Higher education
MOE are today processed
electronically. Number of Universities 174

The Comprehensive School Number of Polytechnics/other technical Institutes 20

Information Management Number of Junior Colleges 158
System, which was set up in 1997
and later replaced by the Number of IT graduates (*) 34’970
Nationwide Educational
Administration Information
System, aims to computerize Note: * IT graduates refers to graduates from the fields of computer
school records and streamline science, computer design, and e-business management.
services. The system facilitates Source: KERIS.
the exchange of information,

3. Sector absorption and ICT applications

educational system are supported by first TCP/IP network in the country,

parents, many of who are eager for the System Development Network
their children to go on to college or (SDN), was introduced in 1982 by
university. The fact that many parents Seoul National University and the
are willing to spend money on private Korea Advanced Institute of Science
tutoring reflects how important and Technology. Dial-up connections
education is to Koreans. to the US were established in 1983
and a permanent 56 kbps link to the
Korea’s schools are well endowed with Internet was made in 1991. The
ICTs. In 2000, the student to PC ratio construction of the Internet remained
was 17:1 and over 50 per cent of within the academic and research
schools were equipped with sector until commercial services
multimedia equipment, such as started in June 1994.
scanners and digital cameras.
Currently about half of all schools have Korea’s universities are linked through
a network connection speed of at least the Korean Education Network
two Mbps. The government plans to (KREN), which started as a non-profit
provide all schools with this speed by network in the early 1990s. KREN
2005. Two schools have been connects all public universities, some
designated “Internet High Schools” private ones and other educational
providing them with the latest high- institutions, including some secondary
tech equipment and teaching methods schools. All universities have high-
(see Box 3.3). The Internet high speed Internet access and bandwidth
schools allow the government to test is increasing constantly. In mid-2000,
new teaching methods and compare the government-owned network was
them to other schools. outsourced to Korea Telecom and
integrated into its KORNET backbone.
Every student begins computer
education from primary school with Despite a high level of connectivity,
compulsory ICT courses of one hour the quality of ICT facilities in
per week. Middle schools provide universities varies. A number of
three hours of optional ICT training a universities have a limited number of
week and high schools provide two PCs. According to a study undertaken
hours per week. According to a 1999 at the Seoul National University,
survey, some 48 per cent of middle students have access to free public
school students and over 55 per cent computer facilities although “the
of high school students were taking record on the use of these PCs shows
these courses. Every teacher has to that 30.6 students share one public
make sure that at least ten per cent PC. It suggests an achievement rate
of their course makes use of of 33%, far below the goal of
computers. This rule is applied 10 students per public PC.”11
vigorously and forces teachers to learn
about ICT. Almost 100’000 teachers The first distance education
(over 30 per cent of all teachers) universities opened in March 2000.
receive ICT training every year and Only four months later over
every primary and secondary school 5’000 students were enrolled in one
has at least one professional ICT of the nine so–called cyber
teacher. Korea’s 11 national education universities. Four of these offer only
universities have been equipped with distance education while the others
multimedia labs, allowing future also provide traditional courses.
teaching staff to improve their ICT In 2001 there were 6’220 students
skills. enrolled. According to government
officials, the success of distance
3.2.5 Higher education education has been mixed. Many
students still prefer to physically
As in many other nations, the attend courses, especially in a country
university community pioneered where higher education is easily and
computer networking in Korea. The widely available.

Korea Internet Case Study

Box 3.3: From mechanics to web design

Located down a narrow street in will not need to bring text books
a quiet section of central Seoul, since digital versions will be
the Sunrin Internet High School available on the school web site.
is identified by a large gray stone Other schools could also download
marker. The stone harks back to textbooks authored by Sunrin
traditional Korea, with its elegant teachers, a pretty prolific lot that
characters written in the country’s have already written 15.
Hangul alphabet. But what is
going on in the school is definitely Sunrin, a traditional vocational
the future. Although all of Korea’s school, was selected as an Internet
primary and secondary schools school because of the enthusiasm
have computers and Internet of the principal and teachers.
connections (the latter According to the principal, a
accomplished in December 2000), traditional vocational school is
Sunrin is different in that the high useless in today’s increasingly
school has been designated as information-driven society.
only one of two Internet high Information Technology (IT) is not
schools in the country. entirely new at Sunrin, which
introduced an Apple Macintosh in
Sunrin has traditionally been 1979 and incorporated computers
noted for the quality of its instruction (as well as into the curriculum in 1982.
its baseball team). It has around 1’000 students
and 80 teachers. School hours are 8:30 a.m. – Teachers are taught IT skills at a private academy
3:30 pm but some students are so hooked they funded by the Ministry of Information and
stay until ten pm. Sunrin is a senior high school, Communication. All teachers have their own PC
roughly equivalent to grades 10-12 in a western and Internet access.
school with students aged 16-18. Like at all Korean
schools, the students wear uniforms that vary by Computer training is divided into four departments:
age and sex. Internet Information Communication, Web-
Managing, Electronic Commerce and Multi-Media
It is still too early to tell what kinds of jobs the Design. Classes range from Unix to learning Web
students will get since the first batch has not yet design. Students also take four hours of English a
graduated. There is job training through cooperation week. In addition, there are extra non-IT courses
with industry and some students are already doing to compensate for too much exposure to computers.
business on the side. It was noted that the Internet
allows a student’s web site, if well done, to be An interesting example of the multimedia approach
indistinguishable from those of large companies. is a math class that uses an electronic chalkboard
to teach students how to program Eratosthenes
Before learning focused on text but now includes Sieve, an algorithm for identifying prime numbers.
images and sounds. Movement, sound, and design Thus students learn math and computer
are important at the school since they form part of programming as well as some English, killing three
the new digital content. Sunrin is also big on music birds at once. So, while Sunrin Internet High School
and there is a lab with equipment for experimenting teaches the basics just like any other Korean high
with digital sounds. The advantage is that you do school, it is moving away from conventional teaching
not have to have the methods and towards a new educational
actual instrument, environment focused on
allowing many more training digital
students to participate in generations.
learning music. Students
make their own music, There are over 600 PCs
including adding and 16 PC Labs, many
soundtracks to videos they with the latest equipment.
have created. Content Most PCs are Samsung
development is also brand, manufactured by
taught. For example Korea’s largest electronics
students study Japanese company. The school has
Manga cartoons for insight two E1 (2.048 Mbps) lines
into graphical design. for Internet access paid by
the government; much
There are plans to create a faster than the normal
cyber library. It is expected 256 kbps the government
that in the future students provides to other schools.

3. Sector absorption and ICT applications

3.2.6 Educational content libraries by providing them with so-

Korea’s educational strategy goes called Digital Data Rooms. These will
beyond simply providing access to ICT. eventually allow students and teachers
Value is added to the available to manage their library collections
infrastructure by the provision of through databases, including searching
applications and content. The Ministry and borrowing material, such as books
of Education and Human Resources as well as CD-ROMs, videos and e-
Development, provincial offices of books. Eventually the plan is also to
education, as well as the Korea connect all libraries to the Digital Data
Education and Research Information Support Centres, which will allow
Service (KERIS) produce online extensive information sharing, the
educational material. The private sector setting up of a catalogue database and
is also encouraged to create educational a search system.
material (which is then certified by
KERIS). Annual exhibitions allow The government driven push for content
companies to present their latest development provision – again in a
products. In 2001, 88 companies private/public partnership – has altered
produced almost 200 software titles for the way Korean kids acquire knowledge.
schools, which receive government The use of the PC, the Internet and
funding to purchase these products. other ICT related tools becomes as easy
Teachers are encouraged to come up and natural as riding a bike or switching
with content ideas and the Ministry on the TV and is not something they
regularly organizes software contests. will have to take time to learn. At the
same time studying might actually
A special council has been designated become more interesting and fun
to coordinate and oversee content thanks to new and interactive methods
creation. The goal of the Ministry is to that not only allow kids to ‘play and
cover every single school subject with learn’ but also to find their appropriate
a variety of multimedia content and to level of difficulty. One of the advantages
make sure that at least 20 per cent of of online or ICT-based teaching
classroom activities are related to ICT. methods is that they are individualized
and flexible. Finally, Korea’s example
A great amount of content is provided shows that ICT can increase not only
over EDUNET ( the level of quality but also the quantity
top.html), the government funded of tools. Compared to countries that are
educational portal launched in 1996 restricted to working with printed
catering to students, teachers and material, Korea’s access to vast
parents. The portal is divided into amounts of online content and the
twelve categories to provide Internet provides students with a much
information according to the type of bigger choice and variety of didactic
user (student, parent, teacher) and material and available information.
educational level (primary,
secondary). It includes multimedia 3.2.7 ICT Workforce
packages, teaching-aid material, In 1999, the Korean government
information on university entrance launched Brain Korea 21, a higher
exams, guidelines for parents, an education reform project to prepare
online dictionary and a question bank quality Korean human resources for a
database. EDUNET’s average annual knowledge-based society. In 2000,
growth rate has been 140 per cent and undergraduate and graduate enrolment
in 2002 it reached a subscriber base in the science and technology field stood
of over five million. KERIS keeps an at 727’000 and 71’000, respectively. To
exact record of the type of users, the provide Korea with the necessary IT
growth rate and access frequency and work force, the government is funding
hours. This helps the organizers of several programs to promote basic
EDUNET to evaluate its usefulness and research, and enhance cooperation
determine strengths and weaknesses. between the research community and
the private sector. In 2001, the
Another government-driven project is government’s R&D budget stood at
to increase the use and quality of US$ 4.27 billion (4.3% of the total

Korea Internet Case Study

budget), with an increased level of Language

spending on IT related higher Korea defies the assumption that one
education. must be familiar with English to achieve
a high level of Internet use. Nonetheless
At the end of 2000, Korea’s ICT industry there is a growing sentiment that
employed some 1.3 million people, foreign language skills must be
equivalent to six per cent of the total improved to not only utilize the vast
number of Korean workers. By 2005, amount of information in other
the number of IT workers is expected languages on the Internet but also to
to increase to some 1.6 million. better project Korea’s successes and
participation in the global information
3.2.8 Life-long education society. Thus, there has been increasing
Government efforts to help Koreans focus on improving English language
adapt to the information society are not skills. Every student learns English from
limited to the young. The goal is to primary school on, one hour per week.
provide lifelong education to everyone This is increased to a minimum of three
using information technology by hours per week from secondary school.
establishing online learning centres and Some graduate schools even teach their
web sites with information on vocational courses in English, the result of a
training. Free Internet training is also government initiative calling for more
provided to groups that might not English-speaking experts. Studying
otherwise learn how to use ICT such as abroad, especially to learn a foreign
the handicapped, elderly and farmers. language, is encouraged and a growing
The 10 million people Internet number of students attend overseas
Education project, launched in mid- universities for a semester. One
2000, is a two and a half year motivation for learning English is that
programme to provide IT training for the government provides financial
at least ten million information- assistance for studying IT abroad.
alienated. Some 3.5 million people Students must have English proficiency
received training in 2000 including one since the courses are at universities in
million homemakers.

Box 3.4:

Until October 2001, educational institutions in Korea as education and training institutes) and even
used the generic .ac domain name for their web sites. kindergartens (.kg). This policy allows users to easily
After that date, new second level domain names were identify the nature of a web site. It also expands the
created for elementary schools (.es), high schools number of possible web sites and makes sure that
(.hs), middle schools (.ms), other schools (.sc, such Korea does not run out of domain names.

Second level education domain names in Composition of second level education domain
Korea ( names in Korea, 2002
9’873 2%
24% 18%
593 831 3%
109 206 310 395
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Note: From October 2001, all school second level domain names are included under academic (.ac). This
explains the large jump particularly as that was the period when many schools established web sites.
Source: ITU adapted from KRNIC.

3. Sector absorption and ICT applications

Australia, Canada, India and the United related questions that will be
States. Some 900 students participated answered and posted on the web site.
in this scheme in 2002. One of the most computerized parts
of the health sector is the Health
3.3 Health Insurance Review Agency (HIRA, at, an independent
3.3.1 The health sector agency set up in 2000 to review and
Korea’s health sector consists of process health claims (See Box 3.5).
1’000 hospitals, 20’000 public health
centres, 18’000 pharmacies and The first telemedicine project was
60’000 doctors. The health insurance launched as early as 1994, in
system has progressively been conjunction with the Korea
improved since the 1970s and Information Infrastructure (KII)
universal health insurance coverage initiative. The pilot project delivered
for all citizens has been in place since medical services using interactive
the late 1980s. Every citizen, whether technologies to rural residents. 12
employed or self-employed, falls under Other pilot projects have followed, by
the health insurance system, financed both the government as well as private
by contributions made by the insured, hospitals. In addition to the rural
employers and by government experiment, government telemedicine
subsidies. Those who cannot afford to projects included a service providing
pay for health care (about three per counselling and therapy for people
cent) receive assistance. suffering from dementia and a service
between homes and hospitals. The
The Korean Ministry of Health and experience has been mixed. Most
Welfare (MOHW, at problems are of a non-technical nature
is responsible for health policy. Its and include the reluctance of doctors
budget amounted to Won 7.52 trillion to be involved (partly because they
(US$ 5.7 billion) in the year 2001, have not been able to charge for the
representing 7.5 per cent of the service) and affordability issues for
government total. users who cannot pay the
communication charges. Telemedicine
Despite the rapid advances made in is not covered by the national health
improving the nation’s health, there insurance scheme. Perhaps the
is a feeling that more can be done. biggest barrier has been that
There is particular interest in using telemedicine remains technically
ICTs to enhance medical service given illegal due to a fifty-year old law that
the rising costs of health care and new only allows face-to-face
developments in medical technology. consultations.13
However, ICT absorption in the health
sector has been held back by legal Despite the legal uncertainty
restrictions. There is also a lack of regarding online health, some Korean
coordination with a number of companies offer services to
promising projects but no overall consumers as well as to companies in
scheme for incorporating the results the health business. Some also sell
into a national policy. medical equipment and provide
multimedia content, such as live
3.3.2 ICT in the health care operations and medical seminars. The
sector Dental Network of Korea
By March 2002, 813 medical <>
institutions were connected to the has a database containing information
government’s Internet backbone on dental services, clinics, locations, etc.
through 953 high-speed links. This It also provides services to dentists,
includes the MOHW as well as most of dental suppliers and laboratories, and
the nation’s hospitals. The MOHW web functions as a dental market place with
site offers information about the data on equipment manufacturers,
health system, policies and links to importers, exporters, etc. CyberHospital
news regarding health care. One <> was launched
section allows users to ask health in June 1998 and over one million

Korea Internet Case Study

Box 3.5: Computerizing medical claims

The Health Review Insurance Agency (HIRA) is 77 per cent of all claims electronically. An additional
responsible for processing medical claims in 15 per cent are submitted by diskette and the
Korea. With close to 600 million claims a year, remaining claims are sent in paper format. The
HIRA has a strong incentive to promote efficient benefits of electronic processing have been
and timely processing through the adoption of enormous. Errors have been reduced significantly,
information technology. It has been actively the number of steps involved reduced dramatically,
encouraging medical care institutions to adopt price checking done instantaneously and there is
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) technology for no more need to maintain rows of paper files.
submitting claims. HIRA has a backbone network
connecting its seven regional offices through high- Besides making the processing of medical claims
speed ATM links to the headquarters in Seoul. more efficient, the system also allows patients to
Medical institutions can log into HIRA’s site to check their medical records. Every patient has a
submit their claims. Although not all health care personal identification number and, by connecting
providers use the EDI system to make their to the HIRA server, can check information such as
reimbursement claims, most do. Out of a total of their medical expenditures. HIRA has a near term
63’675 medical care facilities, 42’280 are target of having over 90 per cent of medical
connected to the network and HIRA receives institutions submitting electronic claims.

Box Figure 3.5: Medical claims processing in Korea

Type of medical claim processing used by Medical claims processing by

Korean medical care facilities media, Korea

Paper Paper
17% 8%
Total medical Total claims
Diskette care facilities Jan.-Apr. '02:
17% April 2002: 199 milion
63'675 EDI
66% EDI

Source: ITU adapted from HIRA.

people have logged into the site. One with an Internet connection, and you
application features a home unit have the prerequisites for Korea
providing remote monitoring of pulse becoming an electronic commerce
and blood pressure that is hooked up paradise.
to CyberHospital via the user ’s
Internet connection. Though official statistics on
e-commerce have only been compiled
3.4 Electronic commerce in for a short time, they suggest that
Korea Korea’s e-commerce market is growing
rapidly. Estimated at US$ 9 billion in
3.4.1 Where Korea stands… 2001, the Korean e-commerce market
With over 70 million credit cards, there represented 2.1 per cent of the
is more plastic than people in Korea. economy. E-commerce in Korea is
Match those credit cards with the predicted to grow dramatically to almost
57 per cent of the Koreans online and US$ 200 billion by 2004, and make up
the 60 per cent of Korean businesses almost 18 per cent of the economy.

3. Sector absorption and ICT applications

Figure 3.3: A nation of online shoppers

Korean e-commerce trends

$250 20%
$200 e-commerce (US$ b) 16%
As % of GDP 14%
$150 12% Korean e- B2G
10% commerce 6%
$100 8% 92% B2C
US$ 9 billion
6% 2%
$50 4%
$- 0%
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

E-commerce household activity, May 2001

Korea 5.6 Korea 28%
UK 42%
UK 5.2 76%
USA 29%
Sweden 1.9 Singapore 37%
Hongkong 35%
Hongkong 0.4 69%
Visitors to banking sites, 7%
Sweden 40%
July 2001, million
Singapore 0.3 Made a secure connection
Visited an e-commerce site

Source: ITU adapted from NSO, MIC, NetValue.

Korea leads the world in a number of appropriate policies and regulations.

e-commerce measurements. Over half Relevant legislation include the
of Korea’s Internet users have visited Computer Program Protection Act and
an e-commerce site, the highest level the Digital Signature Act. The former,
in the world. With almost 70 per cent enacted in December 1986, extends
of stock market trading done over the intellectual property protection to
Internet, Korea is the number one digital goods and services. The latter,
online stock trader in the world.14 The enacted in February 1999, guarantees
country also had 11.3 million online the legitimacy of electronic
banking users in December 2001, documents. Four organizations have
ranking it number one in the world on been certified to verify digital
a per capita basis. signatures.

3.4.2 … and how it got there While several government entities are
Factors that have facilitated the involved in the promotion of
growth of e-commerce include the e-commerce, tasks are clearly divided.
country’s high-speed information The main responsibilities are with the
communication network and large Ministry of Commerce, Industry and
number of Internet users. The Energy (MOCIE, who is responsible for
government had also established policies and regulations) and the

Korea Internet Case Study

Ministry of Information and warning and prevention notifications

Communication (MIC, who is in charge in the first half of 2001. It surveys
of the Digital Signature Act, Privacy invasion attempts and does research
Protection and infrastructure on the latest hacking and virus
matters). 15 In February 2000 the technologies. The Secure-e-Korea
government laid out the ‘General Plan project, initiated by the government
for promoting e-Commerce’ and in 2002, is a comprehensive security
decided on five main sectors and 40 system that all businesses will have
sub-sectors that would help to turn to adopt. It is the government’s
Korea into an e-commerce nation by response to protecting e-commerce
2003 (see Table 3.5). transactions, personal details and
other sensitive online information. The
One of the major barriers to government is expecting to invest
e-commerce is security. Hacking is a some 280 billion won
major problem in Korea and the (US$ 213 million) in information
number of reported incidents rose protection technologies and standards
from under 600 in 1999 to over 5’000 over the next six years.16
in the year 2001. The government has
taken several steps to combat this Korea’s government is also leading by
trend. It has passed laws against example in order to stimulate
computer crime and support centres e-business. The government has
have been set up for businesses to adopted an e-commerce based public
find out about viruses and hacking procurement service, which, so far,
incidents. The Hacking and Virus 36’000 firms have replied to. By 2001
Consulting Centre in the Korea over 80 per cent of all procurements
Information Security Agency (KISA, in the public sector were carried out
at issued 50 virus online. The adoption of e-commerce

Table 3.5: Summary of Korea's General Plan for Promoting e-Commerce


Main objective Main Content

Consolidate acts and policies to increase Obtain e-commerce reliability

the reliability of cyber market Strenghten consumer protection
Improve e-commerce business conditions
Early competion of Information Super Highway

Continuing expansion of e-commerce infrastructure Promote technology development and

Train e-commerce experts

Promote e-commerce acceleration in public sector National defense sector

Construction sector
Government-run company

Spread industrial e-commerce Expand model project

Compose e-CEO council

Establish basis for cyber trade Amend cyber trade support act
Establish a unified buyer development system

Source: "General Plan for Activating e-Commerce", February 15, 2000. From 2001 Korea Internet White
Paper, NCA, MIC.

3. Sector absorption and ICT applications

in the public sector has a spill over companies, and to secure an open
effect on the business community system of mobile Internet portals that
since not only do businesses bid for allows mobile Internet users to connect
government contracts, the government to their favourite Internet sites.
also uses B2B sites to procure goods
and services. According to the National 3.4.3 E-Businesses
Statistical Office (NSO) the “public Out of some 360’000 Korean
sector plays a leading role for the companies with more than
development of electronic commerce in five employees, 60 per cent had
the sense that it, with its immense access to the Internet in 2001. The
purchasing power, is strong enough to rate rises with the size of the firm,
encourage and stimulate the private ranging from less than 50 per cent
suppliers to introduce e-business in a among companies with less than five
short period of time”. 17 Since the employees (45 per cent of the total
government established the electronic number of companies with Internet
procurement system in the public sector access) to over 95 per cent among
in 2000, the NSO has launched a firms with more than 300 employees.
quarterly “E-commerce Survey on Some ten per cent of companies with
Government.” In 2001, Business to Internet access engaged in
Government (B2G) transactions e-commerce. Again, the range varies
accounted for Won 704 billion (US$ 545 with larger companies more intensive
million). The survey covers 57 users of e-commerce (see Figure 3.4,
government organizations carrying out right chart).
Business-to-Business (B2B)
Preparations for next generation e- e-commerce surveys are carried out
commerce include the development of by the NSO every three months. Total
mobile e-business (m-commerce). B2B activity in Korea was
The government has started to Won 11 trillion (US$ 8.4) billion and
develop mobile application servers accounted for 92 per cent of all
and to create a stable environment e-commerce in the country in 2001.
by establishing the necessary The B2B e-commerce survey
authentication system for mobile disaggregates data by buyers, sellers
businesses and billing methods. It has and intermediaries. The former, where
also made it its task to establish fair transactions are carried out on sites
profit sharing rules among content controlled by the buyer, account for
providers and mobile telecom more than three-quarters of

Figure 3.4: E-commerce usage in Korean companies

Percent of Korean firms with Internet Percent of Korean firms engaging

access by number of employees, 2001 in e-commerce by number of employees,
2001 30%
98% 99%
47% 13%
10% 11%

5-9 Korea 10-49 50-299 300- >1000 5-9 Korea 10-49 50-299 300- >1000
999 999

Source: ITU adapted from NCA.

Korea Internet Case Study

transactions. This reflects the size of include all identifiable online shopping
large corporations who use their sites malls in Korea, 2’427 in June 2002 up
to order raw materials and by 412 from a year earlier. The survey
components needed for productions. includes information on the number of
Intermediary sites such as cyber malls, the value of transactions
e-marketplaces account for only a and the type of products purchased. In
small portion (3.5 per cent) of e- 2001, the total value of B2C
commerce sales in Korea. e-commerce in Korea was
Won 258 billion (US$ 200 million), a
The government has made an effort figure already exceeded in the first six
to tackle the business digital divide months of 2002. Goods accounted for
by assisting small and mid-sized firms. the largest value of consumer online
This includes the provision of high- purchases in 2001. PCs and related
speed Internet access, education, the accessories accounted for the biggest
establishment of a support centre, and share (29 per cent), followed by
aiding firms through information electronic appliances (24 per cent)
status diagnosis and strategy and then household goods (six per
planning. The government’s Small cent). Travel reservations and books
Enterprises Networking Project is made up the next largest categories
aimed at helping small companies (each with five per cent). It should be
(with less than 50 employees) to catch noted that these figures are biased in
up in IT. These companies often favour of value rather than volume.
cannot afford to have an IT team or When consumers are surveyed, the
to purchase the necessary IT material. category they purchase the most of
They find themselves in a vicious cycle online is books.
where the lack of demand for IT
products for their companies leads to According to the NSO’s March 2001
a small market and few innovations. Computer Use and Internet Survey,
To break this cycle and to help a new almost half of Korea’s Internet users
market develop, the government, had visited a shopping site while
through the National Computerization 15 per cent made an online purchase.
Agency and the MIC, selects three Of those who did not, trust was the
consortiums to provide companies biggest concern. While 32 per cent say
with the necessary infrastructure and they have ‘little confidence in the
services (e.g., PCs, high-speed purchase’, another 21 per cent say
Internet access, on-line tax return they are ‘concerned about the fraud
application and industry specific of e-commerce transactions’ and ten
services), as well as the necessary per cent have ‘security or privacy
training. These are provided at concerns’. 19 Almost ten per cent
minimal costs. “In a nutshell, the core stated that they had not made an
strategy for this project is to bring two online purchase because they did not
subjects of this project together, have Internet access at home.
which are small enterprises and IT
service companies, to move forward Despite concerns about security, credit
with Win-Win strategies.”18 cards are the number one B2C payment
method (54 per cent of transactions).
3.4.4 Business-to-Consumer This is not a surprise considering the
(B2C) large number of credit cards in
B2C statistics are collected through the circulation. Electronic fund transfers are
monthly NSO Cyber Shopping Mall used for 44 per cent of transactions.
survey. Cyber shops refer to businesses Other payment methods, including
with web sites selling products online “electronic money” only accounted for
aimed at the consumer market. They two per cent.

3. Sector absorption and ICT applications

Box 3.6: Measuring e-commerce

Korea’s National Statistical Office (NSO) is a leader • The B2B survey aims at analysing the effect
in measuring informatization. The NSO has launched of e-commerce on business processes and
a number of projects to track the development of goes into some detail on how companies work.
ICT in Korea. In March 2001, the NSO conducted For example, it distinguishes between ‘open’
its first Computer and Internet Use Survey (CIUS).20 and ‘closed’ transactions. While an open trans-
The CIUS surveyed 80’000 people and 30’000 action would imply bidding process, a closed
households regarding their use and access to ICT. It transaction would only include predetermined
is arguably one of the most detailed reports ever companies. This kind of detail may help to
issued regarding a nation’s digital status. The NSO evaluate the benefits of using e-commerce,
has also been tracking e-commerce since early 2001. such as transparency, competitiveness and au-
It carries out a monthly survey on Business-to- tomation. Some companies are reluctant or
Consumer (B2C) e-commerce, the Cyber Shopping unable to provide this kind of detail.
Mall Survey. It also conducts quarterly surveys on
Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to- • Companies are sometimes reluctant to give
Government (B2G) e-commerce. One of the exact e-commerce details and vary in the so-
challenges with being an e-commerce measurement phistication of their record keeping. Compa-
pioneer is dealing with various methodological issues: nies that operate in more than one sector may
forget to include information on all sectors.
• The NSO asked businesses to disaggregate The choice of the proper respondent is im-
purchases by buyer in order to identify the portant and in some cases it might be better
type of B2C consumer. This has proven diffi- to separate different economic sectors from
cult since many businesses collect data on one another.
transaction values, not by purchaser. Another
problem with the B2C survey is that it is diffi- To minimize measurement errors, the NSO has
cult to identify all companies that offer e-com- several suggestions. Since some companies
merce transactions. predominantly sell and others predominantly
purchase goods and services (for example,
• The definitions and concepts used in the sur- construction companies have more purchasing
veys are not always consistent with those used than selling transactions), the survey should
by the participating companies. Some com- enquire about sales and purchases. This would
panies that use computer communication net- enhance consistency and error checking since the
works to conduct business consider their sum of all purchases should roughly equal the
transactions to be traditional. sum of all sales.

Korea Internet Case Study

Quote by one business manager during ITU interviews. May 2002.
Yang Sung-jin. “Seoul to launch IT export drive ‘e-Silkroad’”. The Korea Herald. 9 June 2002.
Informatization of Korea. National IT Initiatives. National Computerization Agency (NCA). February 2002.
“Major achievements of Korea’s e-government program.” The Korea Herald. 4 July 2002.
Kim Deok-hyun. “Secure-e-Korea Campaign Launched”. Korea Times. 15 July 2002.
Yang Sung-jin. “Top APEC policymakers explore key issues in taking government online.” The Korea Herald.
4 July 2002.
UN. Benchmarking E-Government: A Global Perspective. May 2002.
The term edutopia was first used by the Presidential Commission on Education Reform in 1995 to describe
the establishment of “an education welfare state – a society of open and lifelong education to allow each and
every individual equal and easy access to education at any time and place”.
2001 Adapting Education to the Information Age. A White Paper. Ministry of Education & Human Resources
2001 Adapting Education to the Information Age. A White Paper. Ministry of Education & Human Resources
Keris. 2001 Adapting Education to the Information Age: A White Paper. December 2001.
Lee, Sung-Ok. “Telemedicine in Korea: Current Status/Prospect.” 8 June 1999.
For a detailed analysis of telemedicine in Korea see Jim Briggs. Telemedicine and related technologies in
South Korea. 2001.
“Top APEC policymakers explore key issues in taking government online.” The Korea Herald. 4 July 2002.
The E-Commerce Policy and E-Commerce Assistance divisions in the Industrial Policy Bureau handle
electronic commerce issues within MOCIE. In addition to MOCIE and MIC, other government agencies
involved with e-commerce include: Korea Free Trade Commission (consumer protection), Ministry of Culture
and Tourism (intellectual property) and the Public Procurement Service (e-commerce in the public sector).
Secure-e-Korea Campaign Launched. Korea Times. 16 July 2002. [I cannot find this article]
E-Commerce Statistics in Korea. Korea National Statistical Office (KNSO). Presentation prepared for ITU
representatives in May 2002.
“Small Enterprises Networking Project.” Paper presented by the MIC to ITU representatives. April 2002.
KNSO. Report on the Computer and Internet Use Survey. 2001.
English language summaries of NSO ICT subject reports are available on their web site at

4. The Information Society in Korea

4. The Information Society in Korea

4.1 The Vision of a Creative, “We … will further strive to become the
Knowledge-Based Society world’s most advanced IT power. To
realize this goal, we will push ahead with
Korea’s emergence as the world leader our e-government initiative, develop
in information and communication the software and content industries, and
technologies (ICT)—in fields such as educate the public to make them the
broadband Internet, semiconductors most computer literate citizens in the
and third generation mobile and so world. Furthermore, we plan to resolve
on—it is not an accident. The the digital divide between regions and
government has specifically targeted among different classes of people, and
this objective. It is no coincidence that encourage safe and sound use of
the period of most intensive information.”
investment in broadband infrastruc-
ture corresponded with recovery from These are ambitious goals but they are
the worst effects of the Asian Financial founded on impressive performance.
Crisis in the late 1990s (referred to The combined value of the Korean ICT
by the Koreans as the “IMF” crisis). industry in 2001 was Won 150.5 trillion
Again it was because the Korean (US$120 billion), and this figure has
government specifically planned this, been growing by an average of 18.8 per
despite the general level of austerity cent a year since 1997, more than three
imposed by the IMF’s conditions for times faster than the rest of the
their assistance. economy (although ICT sector growth
was slower in 2001 as the market went
In Korea, the ICT sector is seen as a into recession worldwide). Overall, the
driver of economic and social ICT sector contributes around 13 per
development. To quote from the cent to Korea’s Gross Domestic Product
Minister of Information and (see Figure 4.1). Furthermore, the ICT
Communication, Dr. Seung-taik Yang’s sector provides some 1.3 million jobs
introduction to the 2001 White Paper: (around 5.4 per cent of total

Figure 4.1: Korea's IT industry

In terms of its contribution to Gross Domestic Product, and broken down by sector,
in trillions of Won, 1997-2001

Korea's ICT industry, by contribution to GDP Korea's ICT industry, by sector (in US$ billion)
(in trillion Won) $140
160 $120
13.0% 12.7%
140 Electronic
11.2% $100
120 components
100 8.6% 9.3% $80
80 $60 Info Eqpt.
60 Comms Eqpt.
Total IT production $40
40 Software
Value-added in IT $20
20 ICT services
IT as contribution to GDP
0 $0
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Note: "Info equipment" includes also a small contribution from broadcasting equipment.
Source: MIC, "IT Korea 2002: The Vision for Constructing a Creative, Knowledge-Based Society".

Korea Internet Case Study

employment). This is up by around The main take-off in the number of

300’000 since 1995 and expected to broadband subscribers also came
grow by a similar amount by the year during this latter period, especially
2006. during 2001. During that year, Korea
passed the symbolic mark of 50 per
Government policy has played an cent of households with broadband.
important part in this success story. At the other end of the scale, those
One can recognise successive phases Korean Internet users still relying
in the development of government upon narrowband telephone dial-up
policy towards the sector: (the dominant access method in the
rest of the world) fell below five per
• 1980s / early 1990s: Here the cent (see Figure 4.2).
emphasis was on market liber-
alisation and privatisation in the 4.2 The Policy Push – creating
telecommunications sector. an information society
Although the private sector has done most
• Mid 1990s: During this period, of the “heavy lifting” in achieving Korea’s
the first steps were taken to- current status as a world leader in ICT,
wards developing broadband net- the role of government should not be
works and programmes to spread underestimated. As one business
informatization and Internet use. manager with a leading Korean company
This period also saw further mar- commented “It is part of our business
ket liberalisation, especially in culture to listen to the government” (see
the mobile sector, and the des- Box 3.1). The guidance provided by the
ignation in 1997 of Hanaro Ministry of Information and
Telecom as the second local car- Communication has been turned into
rier. action by the different companies active
in the sector. This means that a little
• Late 1990s / early 2000s: This government spending can go a lot
was the period of intense invest- further in achieving objectives than in
ment and reform of the venture other countries where there is a more
capital market as the Korean adversarial relationship between
economy emerged from the fi- government and the private sector.
nancial crisis. A particular focus
of investment has been on the However, although the government’s
education sector. main influence has been in promoting

Figure 4.2: Korea's broadband users

Spread of broadband, 1997-2001, and evolution of access methods, 2000-2001

Spread of broadband, in Korea (in %) Internet use, by access method

100% 100%
80% Leased
Percentage of 70%
households with 60% Cable
50% Percentage of broadband 50% Modem
call areas with connections 40% xDSL
broadband 30%
25% connections 20%
10% ISDN
0% 0% Dial-up
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2000 2001

Source: MIC IT Korea 2002 (left chart), NCA Korean Internet White Paper 2002 (right).

4. The Information Society in Korea

the shared vision, the government has • Intervention at the non-market-

also intervened more directly too. As end of the demand chain, for in-
described in section 3.1, there have stance by providing IT training for
been at least six major government some ten million Koreans, in oc-
programmes over the last fifteen years cupations like government, the
or so, aimed at improving the status of army, the teaching profession and
ICT in Korea. Among the more homemakers.
ambitious of these is the National
Informatization Framework, established In common with other countries with a
in 1996, which set out the road-map relatively liberal market structure, direct
for Korea’s future IT development. The government intervention in close-to-
Korean government’s approach may be market activities is limited. Korea’s
characterized as intervention at three distinction between the roles of
levels: government and of the private sector
is one of the hallmarks of its success. It
• Creating the right environment, is equally important to note that the
mainly through the pro-market government has actively tried to create
policies of telecommunications lib- an information society. While the
eralisation and privatisation. construction of an information
infrastructure alone does not guarantee
• Intervention at the non-market- that people will actually make use of
end of the supply-chain, in par- new ICTs, the provision of training and
ticular through the funding of the awareness campaigns helps people to
public Internet backbone, the Ko- join the information society. Thus, the
rean Information Infrastructure government has addressed both the
(KII). The Cyber Korea 21 project, supply and the demand side of the
for instance, boosted national con- equation.
nectivity at the regional level from
155 Mbit/s to 40 Gbit/s, and all 4.2.1 ICT information
144 exchange call areas had been programmes
provided with broadband connec- Considerable amounts of government
tivity by 2000. This meant that the money have gone into different ICT
private sector could push through promotion activities (see Table 4.1). The
with the market-end of the sup- trigger for this seems to have been the
ply chain, reaching 50 per cent establishment of the 1996 National
household connectivity in 2001. Informatization Plan. Government

Table 4.1: Korean Government budget for informatization projects

In US$ millions, 1996 - 2002

Category 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Establishing a high-speed 113.0 89.0 57.8 145.9 169.9 211.0 136.4

Internet Infrastructure
Support for Informatization 3.1 33.2 34.1 49.0 99.2 100.7 13.5
Combating digital illiteracy 3.1 4.4 4.5 4.2 8.0 19.9 19.8
ICT industry foundation 12.3 53.9 50.8 46.3 81.9 83.4 139.1
IT labour market programmes 0 0 103.8 227.0 67.3 0 0
Other Programmes 0 0 0 0 23.2 27.2 13.5

Total 131.5 180.5 384.4 472.5 449.2 442.2 322.2

Source: Ministry of Information and Communication, Korea.

Korea Internet Case Study

Box 4.1: Critical infrastructure protection

It would be an understandable mistake to believe Information Infrastructure Protection Act, in

that, as a network becomes more sophisticated, it force since July 2001. This provides the gen-
becomes safer. In reality, the opposite is the case, as eral policy framework. It established a Com-
Korea’s experience illustrates. Korea has the world’s mittee on the protection of Information
highest percentage of broadband users (more than Infrastructure (CII), which is chaired by the
half of all households), many of whom have always-on Prime Minister with membership of Ministers
accounts. This means that there are millions of from the relevant departments. It also sets out
computers with permanent high-speed connections to criteria for the designation of critical infrastruc-
the global Internet, belonging to users that have had no tures and security guidelines to be followed.
formal training in network security. It also means that
the tools to carry out malicious attacks, or even to • Co-ordination. The policy framework foresees
unwittingly pass on viruses are widely spread. roles for several different agencies. Among the
main ones involved in information infrastruc-
The combination of high-speed networks and lax ture protection are: the CII management body
security makes Korea a hacker’s paradise, especially (responsible for vulnerability assessment), tech-
for the routing or hosting of computer viruses for nical supporting bodies (Korea Information Se-
which neither the originators nor the intended victims curity Agency, Electronics and
live in Korea. For instance, a worldwide study of Telecommunications Research Institute, and
computer security incidents reported between August Information Security Consulting Service Provid-
2001 and March 2002 found that some 39 per cent ers), and an Information Sharing and Analysis
of the 11’322 incidents investigated had been routed Centre.
via Korea. The next country, the United States,
accounted for only 12 per cent of incidents.1 • Incident Prevention and Response. According
to the level of threat posed by a particular inci-
The charts shown illustrate the scale of the problem dent, the response may just involve the CII
and of the Korean government’s response. This latter management body, it may call upon the serv-
may be characterised as having five main facets: ices of the technical supporting bodies or it may
require the establishment of a temporary inci-
• Criminalisation. There were more than 7’500 ar- dent response crisis centre. International co-
rests for computer security related incidents in operation with relevant bodies, notably FIRST
Korea in 2001, up by 25 fold over the previous (Forum of Incident Response and Security
year. The penal code allows for up to ten years Teams) and APSIRC (Asia-Pacific Security Inci-
imprisonment (or a fine of 100 million Won, dent Response Coordination working group), is
around US$85’000) for offences against desig- also carried out.
nated critical information infrastructures and
half of that for offences against ordinary sys- • Awareness-raising and technical development.
tems. The Korean National Police Agency has For instance, an anti-hacking and virus day is
some 650 staff dedicated to fighting cybercrime. held on the 15th of each month and an early
warning and alert system (e-WAS) is being de-
• Legislation. Although there is a raft of different veloped. Training programmes are also an im-
measures, the most important is probably the portant part of the effort.

Box Figure 4.1: Crime and punishment

Number of computer security incident reports and arrests, in Republic of Korea, 1998-2001

Computer security incident reports Arrests made in Korea for computer security offences
in Korea 65’033
Computer viruses 50’124 7’000
Hacking/virus arrests
6’000 7'595
39’346 Cyberterror arrests
5’333 1’000
572 1’943 278
18 23
1999 2000 2001 1998 1999 2000 2001

Source: MIC Korea (left), Korea National Police Agency (right).

4. The Information Society in Korea

spending on ICT programmes in that on promoting Internet use in schools

year amounted to US$ 132 million, of and universities, Korea’s youth are in
which the vast majority was spent on a good position to cope with the
upgrading the Internet backbone changes. Teenagers, in particular,
network. Subsequently, the sums grew have been driving the market in the
to a peak of US$ 473 million in 1999, by adoption of the mobile Internet (see
which time the focus of spending had section 2.2) and in Internet
shifted from supply to demand, with applications like peer-to-peer. But for
almost half the available budget being older people, particularly those whose
devoted to programmes designed to assist working lives have changed as a result
with the ICT labour market (e.g., training, of the growing spread of
addressing skill shortages, etc). informatization, adaptation is
sometimes hard.
In line with Korea’s commitments to the
IMF, other government spending 4.3.1 The “convenient”
programmes were cut back in the late information society
1990s.This makes the three-fold The annual survey of Computer and
increase in ICT spending all the more Internet Use, carried out by the
remarkable. Subsequently, spending on Korean National Statistical Office,
ICT programmes has started to decline, provides a unique insight into the
falling to a projected US$ 322 million opinions of ordinary Koreans. It is
in 2002. Currently the main areas of based on a survey of
commitment are the ongoing support 30’000 households and is completed
for the backbone Internet infrastructure by survey workers who visit each
and the ICT industry foundation. This household personally and fill out the
latter programme is funded from the questionnaire directly with the
revenues gained from spectrum respondent. For this reason, the
auctions (for instance, 3G licences) and results can be considered highly
is used for activities such as ICT human reliable. The survey methodology
resource development, narrowing the allows for cross-tabulation of
digital divide, R&D in ICT, and support respondents by various variables
for small and medium-sized enterprises. including age, education, profession,
gender, region and income group.
4.2.2 Information security
One area where the Korean government The results are revealing. There is
has played a directly interventionist role generally a positive view of the
is in information security and the information society’s effects on lifestyles
protection of critical network with 78 per cent of respondents saying
infrastructures. In May 2002, the that they expected their lives to
Korean government hosted two ITU become more convenient as a result
workshops in Seoul, on standards for of the information society, though men
information security2 and on creating (81 per cent) were more confident
trust in critical network infrastructure.3 about this point than women (75 per
These were intended, inter alia, to cent). As might be expected, views
showcase the progress that Korea had on the information society vary with
made in this field, as illustrated in age. Teenagers are the most
Box 4.1. confident, with around 88 per cent
(ten per cent higher than the national
4.3 Information society average) sure that the information
lifestyles society will have a beneficial effect.
This level of confidence tapers off as
Few countries have gone through the respondents get older with only just
transformation from an agrarian to an over half of those above the age of 60
industrial to an information society as feeling that the information society will
quickly as Korea. Consequently, few be beneficial. Interestingly, among
societies have had to cope with the older age groups, there is not
changes to lifestyle that the necessarily any great feeling that the
information society entails. Thanks to information society will lead to
the prestige associated with education drawbacks, but just a high level of
in Korea, and because of the emphasis uncertainty, with under a third of over

Korea Internet Case Study

Figure 4.3: Information society: lost opportunities and job opportunities

Perceived effects of the Information Society on sense of alienation and on job opportunities, by level of
education of respondent, as percentage of respondents, in Korea, 2001

Effect of information society on alienation, by Effect of information society on More opportunities

education level (%) More alienation job opportunities, by education No change
80 (%) Fewer opportunities
No change
Less alienation Don't know
60 Don't know 30


20 10

0 0
Elementary Middle High school University Elementary Middle school High school University
school school school

Source: Korea National Statistical Office, Report on Computer and Internet Use Survey, 2001.

60s responding that they did not know graduates feel that the information
what the effects of the information society increases the sense of
society would be on their lifestyles, alienation. Perhaps surprisingly,
suggesting perhaps that they had not teenagers admit to being more
had much exposure to it (see alienated than those over the age
Figure 4.4, left chart). of 60, but perhaps again this is the
result of much greater use of PCs, and
Views of the information society also especially video games, amongst the
vary with level of education (see former group. The potential threats of
Figure 4.3), with university graduates the information society on social
being much more confident of the development are keenly felt in Korea
benefits (87 per cent) than those with and the dark side of the information
only primary school education (58 per revolution has several facets (see
cent). Similarly, those in professional Box 4.2).
occupations (87 per cent) are more
confident than those in agricultural or 4.3.4 So, what are the benefits
fishing occupations (70 per cent). of the information
Views of the information society society?
become rosier with wealth. Those on One might imagine that Koreans’
incomes of less than one million Won concerns about the intrusive nature
(US$ 810) per month see twice as many of the information society and its
inconveniences as those on incomes contribution to the individual’s sense
above 4.5 million Won (US$ 3’650). of alienation might be offset by the
prospects for new jobs. After all,
4.3.3 Sense of alienation almost 300’000 new jobs have been
One of the most interesting questions created in the sector since the mid
in the survey concerns the effects of 1990s. But in reality, ordinary Koreans
the information society on the sense are far from convinced. Slightly more
of alienation. Almost three times as Koreans (29 per cent) feel that the
many Koreans feel more alienated information society will generate fewer
because of the Information Society job opportunities than those (28 per
than less alienated and the sense of cent) that feel it will create more jobs,
alienation grows as the level of and women are more pessimistic than
education grows. Therefore, almost men. Perhaps surprisingly,
60 per cent of college or university perceptions do not seem to vary

4. The Information Society in Korea

Figure 4.4: Information Society: hopes and fears

Perceived effects of the Information Society on personal lifestyles and personal privacy,
by age group, as percentage of respondents, in Korea, 2001

Effect of information society More convenient Effect of information More privacy problems
on lifestyle, by age group No change society on privacy, by No change
(% response) Less convenient age group (%) Less privacy problems
Don't know
100 Don't know 80


0 0
15-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 Over 60 15-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 Over 60

Source: Korea National Statistical Office, Report on Computer and Internet Use Survey, 2001.

according to the occupations of those development (34 per cent compared

questioned, and those on high salaries with 22 per cent feeling it would have
are, if anything, more pessimistic than a negative effect).
those on low ones (see Figure 4.4,
right chart). The irony is that although Koreans are
convinced that the information society
When questioned further, Koreans is good, the only real benefit seems
remained largely pessimistic about the to be on making personal lifestyles
potential benefits of the information easier. Overall, Koreans feel that the
society. For instance, 60 per cent of information society threatens privacy,
university graduates questioned felt increases alienation, has a neutral
that the information society would effect on jobs and increases the
tend to increase the income gap income gap. Of course, this negativity
between rich and poor, while only may simply reflect the way the
eight per cent thought that the gap questions were posed. However, it
would be reduced. Similarly, only does suggest there is a job for
marginally more Koreans felt that the government to convince Koreans
information society would promote about the benfits of a creative,
greater regional and cultural knowledge-based society.

Korea Internet Case Study

Box 4.2: The dark side of the information revolution

While Korea’s ICT developments have brought else might make being the real you boring or
economic and social progress, it is not all a bed of irritating.
roses. Thorns of different shapes and sizes have
surfaced. Content-related problems are not uniquely Korean
phenomena. Stories about paedophile or racist sites
One example is online game addiction, which has have appeared in many countries. But a country
become a major problem. The excessive use of like Korea, with ubiquitous access, is probably even
online games is particularly noticeable among more vulnerable to harmful sites. A Korean
teenagers and people in their early twenties, who children’s portal carried out a survey and found that
play at home or at one of the some 25’000 PC bangs more and more kids were affected by adult content
(online game rooms). In one case, a Korean web sites. The survey (which addressed children
computer user died in a PC bang, after three days under 13 years of age) revealed that 28 per cent of
of continuous games playing. Apparently, he had the respondents had access to adult web sites.
been so engrossed in the game that he forgot to Some 53 per cent accidentally came across these
eat, drink, or sleep. This illustrates that cyber life sites and 32 per cent accessed them through spam
can sometimes be more gripping than real life, and or unsolicited emails. Some 85 per cent of these
that one can die of neglect even when surrounded kids said that spam was a serious problem.5 New
by other people. The Korean Education Research problems need new solutions and government
and Information Service (KERIS) has launched a intervention in this field includes the declaration
research study into the problem of alienation on ‘The Principle of Netizen Ethics’ in June 2000.
amongst young people. In addition, the MIC has The Korean Government has also organized several
established the Centre of Internet Addiction campaigns on ethical awareness.
Prevention and Counselling to help combat the
problem. The Centre is equipped with group and One problem is that Korea has very few countries
individual counselling rooms and provides free it can look to for advice. The good news is that it is
advice to addicts. It also has plans to focus its already grappling with the issue and other countries,
programme on the prevention of addiction. Parents that are starting to experiment with broadband
and teenagers likewise will be addressed and attend access and likely to eventually encounter similar
lectures on the topic. problems, will benefit by monitoring Korea’s
While this example may be an extreme one, the cyber
café and games culture in Korea has other less flagrant This applies to another area, too. The fact that Korea
but perhaps harmful consequences for kids. Who is not only a bandwidth paradise but also a hacker’s
knows how healthy it is for young people to spend paradise, has forced the government to take several
several hours a day in front of a PC screen. The strain steps to combat cybercrime. While Korea has made
put on the eyes, the brain and ears by constantly great efforts to make its cyberspace safer (see
changing colours, flying and flashing objects and often Box 4.1), government officials admit, “side effects
loud and aggressive sound effects (PC bang users of digitisation such as hacking, computer virus and
usually wear headphones) have not yet been fully privacy infringement and spam mail are yet to be
studied. tackled.”6 Not an easy task, especially when hacking
has become a real sport. A US$ 100’000 hacking
PC bangs and online games are also modifying social competition (in which a Korean security company
interaction. As one observer says “[PC bangs challenged hackers to crack their server and leave
are]…rabbit warrens of high-bandwidth connectivity their registration details in order to receive the
… where young adults gather to play games, video- prize) ended in turmoil with no winners, when
chat, hang out and hook up.”4 They allow people to hackers attacked the server with the registration
pretend to be someone completely different. details. The message the hackers left: “One has to
Avatars, personalized online personas, allow Korean keep in mind that no matter how many precautions
Internauts to assume new personalities. Although you take, there will always potentially be a way to
it may be just a game, the need to be someone hack the system.”7

4. The Information Society in Korea

See “Present status of cyber-terrorism in Korea and its countermeasures”, presentation by Mr. Kun-won Yang
at the ITU New Initiatives Workshop on Creating Trust in Critical Network Infrastructures, Seoul,
20-22 May 2002, available at:
For information, see the ITU website at:
For more information, see the ITU website at:
J.C. Herz. “The Bandwidth Capital of the World.” Wired Magazine. August 2002.
“More children have access to porn sites.” The Korea Herald. 22 July 2002.
Yang Sung-jin. “Korea leads Asia in IT infrastructure: ‘Global leader, e-Korea project’ accelerating IT drive.”
The Korea Herald. 31 May 2002.
Matt Loney. “$100K hacking contest ends in free-for-all.” ZDNet (India). 4 June 2002.

5. Conclusion

5. Conclusion

5.1 State of the Internet • Connectivity infrastructure: a

measure based on international
The Mosaic Group < and national backbone band-
gdi97/gdi97.html> has developed a width, exchange points, and last-
framework for characterizing the state mile access methods.
of the Internet in a nation. They
consider six dimensions, each of which • Organizational infrastruc-
has five values ranging from zero ture: a measure based on the
(non-existent) to four (highly state of the Internet Service Pro-
developed). The dimensions are as vider (ISP) industry and market
follow: conditions.

• Pervasiveness: a measure • Sophistication of use: a meas-

based on users per capita and the ure characterizing usage from
degree to which non-technicians conventional to highly sophisti-
are using the Internet. cated and driving innovation.

• Geographic dispersion: a Korean values for these dimensions

measure of the concentration of are shown below.
the Internet within a nation, from
none or a single city to nation- Pervasiveness is rated at level 4,
wide availability. Pervasive. At December 2002, there
were 26.3 million Internet users in the
• Sector absorption: a measure country or 55.2 per cent of the
of the degree of utilization of the population.1
Internet in the education, com-
mercial, health care and public Geographic Dispersion is rated at
sectors. level 4, Nationwide. Dial-up Internet

Figure 5.1: State of Internet in the Republic of Korea

June 2002

Dimension Value
Pervasiveness 4.0 3
Geographic Dispersion 4.0 Sophistication 2 Dispersion
Sectoral Absorption 4.0
Connectivity Infrastructure 4.0
Organizational Infrastructure 3.5 Organizational Absorption
Sophistication of Use 3.0

TOTAL 22.5

Note: The higher the value, the better (0=lowest, 4=highest).

Source: ITU adapted from Mosaic framework (see text).

Korea Internet Case Study

access is available from any location consumer application is gaming and

with a telephone line and PC with a the nation leads the world in this
modem and charged at local call rates. category. Educational software is
In addition, Internet cafés are another popular category. E-
widespread. commerce is well developed as is
online banking (some 12 million online
Sector Absorption is rated at level 4 banking users) and stock market
Widely used. This ranking is a function transactions (online trades account for
of the type of connectivity in 67 per cent of stock market
education, government, health care transactions).
and business. All primary, secondary
and tertiary schools have Internet 5.2 Lies, Damned Lies and
access. Practically all government Statistics2
agencies—including both central and
local administrations—are online with As this report has shown, Korea is well
their own website. The governmental advanced in Information and
network provides 28’686 government Communication Technology (ICT). It
ministries, agencies and public leads the world in broadband Internet
institutions with high-speed access, is ranked fifth in overall access
broadband access. Around 60 per cent to the Internet and was one of the
of Korea’s 360’000 companies with first countries to launch a third
five or more employees are connected generation mobile network. It has
to the Internet (July 2001). The achieved universal access with
Ministry of Health and Welfare is practically every household not only
connected to its different offices, having telephone service but more
hospitals and the country’s health care than half with a broadband service. It
clinics through a two Mbps leased line. has one of the worlds leading ICT
manufacturing sectors, a remarkable
The Connectivity Infrastructure is achievement for a nation still officially
at level 4, Immense. International classified as developing. Koreans are
connectivity in the year 2001 was over well educated and rank high in literacy
6’500 Mbps. There are a number of and overall educational achievement.
nationwide backbone networks Yet, on most international ICT and
operated by ISPs. The major one competitiveness rankings, Korea falls
operates at 5-10 Gbps between major in the middle range (see Table 5.1).
cities and 155-622 Mbps between Why the inconsistency?
smaller cities. There are three
commercial and one non-profit For one thing, the rankings are often
Internet exchange. Korea leads the based on the same set of variables.
world in high-speed local Internet The similarity of where Korea shows
access with options including ADSL, up, generally in the high 60 percentile,
cable modem and apartment and reinforces this assumption. Second,
office building Local Area Networks. quantity is favoured over quality. The
rankings are typically designed to
The Organizational Infrastructure favour a common denominator of
is at level 3.5, between Competitive widely available indicators, rate high
and Robust. Market entry for ISPs is per capita values without adjusting for
liberalized. There were 82 ISPs methodological discrepancies and do
registered with the nation’s Network not adjust for qualitative differences.
Information Center (KRNIC) at For example, many European nations
December 2002. There are limitations artificially inflate the number of main
on the direct provision of high-speed telephone lines—a common indicator
access lines. Local loop unbundling, in all of the indexes—by including
although legal, has not been widely Integrated Services Digital Network
implemented due to commercial (ISDN) channels. Korea does not. So
barriers. if the number of physical telephone
lines were compared, Korea would
Sophistication of Use is at level 3, rank much higher (see Figure 5.2, top
Transforming. The most popular left). A similar situation exists for

5. Conclusion

mobile cellular subscribers where more focused on the means rather

many nations have a high portion of than the ends. For example, a nation
prepaid cards that are included in the that supposedly allows a greater
figures but which are not all used. degree of competition than another
Korea has few mobile prepaid would be ranked higher even though
subscribers and consequently has a the latter might have a far greater
more realistic figure for mobile level of infrastructure. Another
penetration (see Figure 5.2, top right). shortcoming is that the rankings tend
to weight per capita income highly. In
Another methodological weakness is the case of Korea, it is doing
that many surveys use the number of exceedingly well in ICT despite a
Internet hosts per capita to rank relatively low per capita income. If
Internet intensity. This is misleading anything, Korea’s ranking should be
since host computers can be located raised because of this fact. In terms
anywhere and not necessarily in the of purchasing power parity, Korea’s
country of their domain name. per capita income is twice that of the
Furthermore, all three letter generic conventional measurement (see
hosts (e.g., .COM) are attributed to Figure 5.2, bottom right).
the United States even though many
other countries use these domain The case of Korea suggests that these
names. On a per capita basis, the scorecards are not very useful in
number of Internet host computers in accurately measuring ICT
Korea—based only on the .KR domain achievement. In any case, in the
name—is relatively low, affecting its framework used by the ITU to assess
ranking. On the other hand, Korea’s a nation’s state of e-readiness, Korea
high level of Internet and broadband obtains the highest score of any of the
penetration is rarely reflected in the fifteen countries studied (for
standings (see Figure 5.2, bottom left). comparison, see:

Global rankings also appear to be 5.3 Learning from Korea

biased in favour of western theoretical Because of its relatively low
perceptions of competitiveness rather e-readiness rankings, Korea’s
than actual achievement. In general, accomplishments and its way of
few Asian nations rank in the top ten. getting there are often neglected. This
Hypothetical assumptions appear to is a shame for Korea has much to
carry more weight with the rankings teach the world. Some of what Korea

Table 5.1: Ranking Korea

How Korea ranks in various global indexes, 2001

Informatization EIU e-readiness World Information Society

Index —60 countries Competitiveness Index
—50 countries —49 countries —55 countries

USA 1 USA 1 USA 1 Sweden 1

Switzerland 6 Switzerland 11 Switzerland 7 Switzerland 7

Korea 17 Korea 21 Korea 27 Korea 18

Last year (19) (24) (28) (19)

Rank as % (68%) (67%) (47%) (67%)

Note: Number in parenthesis refers to previous year rank. Percentage in parenthesis refers to rank as a
per cent of total countries ranked.
Source: ITU adapted from NCA, EIU, IMD and IDC.

Korea Internet Case Study

Figure 5.2: Recomparing Korea and Switzerland


Fixed telephone lines per 100 inhabitants Mobile cellular subscribers per
100 inhabitants

47 Total
Switzerland Switzerland
Korea Korea
Without 45 43
ISDN Subscription
channels based
47 61

Internet per 100 inhabitants Per capita income, US$

7.3 36’970
Hosts Switzerland measure Switzerland
0.9 Korea 9’400

30.8 31’320
Users Power Parity
51.1 18’110

Source: ITU World Telecommunication Indicators database.

has done is uniquely Korean and universal. The government has in

probably not replicable. In some ways, place programs to reduce its digital
the Internet in Korea is a huge divide. Access prices are
Intranet filled with national content comparatively among the lowest in the
that is unfathomable to non-Korean world. Broadband penetration is the
speakers. But there are plenty of world’s highest. Recommendations
things that Korea has done that also seem futile because Korea is so
provide useful lessons other nations far ahead and in uncharted territory
can learn from. One is the where insufficient evidence has
fundamental role of the government accumulated to form opinions about
in promoting ICT infrastructure, best practice.
applications and usage. Table 5.2
highlights ICT areas where Korea has A US President once said: “ask not
been successful and the reasons why. what your country can do for you—
It identifies which policies might be ask what you can do for your
relevant for other countries. country.”3 In the case of Korea, this
might rephrased to “ask not what
There are few recommendations that Korea can do for itself—ask what it
one can offer a country as advanced can do for other countries.” The
in ICT as Korea. Access to basic Korean government recognizes its
telecommunication service is nearly advances and has endeavoured to

5. Conclusion

Table 5.2: Which factors can be exported?

Reasons for Korea’s ICT success and whether they are replicable in other nations

Factor Exportable?

Education. Korea’s high level of education—in terms of Korea’s success suggests that if countries want to be
both school enrolment and educational attainment—has successful in ICT, they need to commit resources for
contributed to the Korean population’s ability to learn education. Providing ICTs to educational institutions and
and use ICT. enhancing ICT training is essential. This should be the one
of the main thrusts of government ICT policies.

Geography. 80 per cent of Korea’s population lives in Countries that have high levels of urbanization can more
urban areas. Apartments account for 48 per cent of easily install broadband infrastructure. This includes much
Korea’s housing stock and provide dwelling for 40 per of Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America. However,
cent of its population. This high population density this factor is not relevant for regions such as Africa or
simplifies network development and lowers costs South Asia with large rural populations.

Competitiveness. There are a number of broadband The lesson here is facilities-based competition, one that
service providers creating the competitive environment even developed countries can learn from. Too many
necessary for lowering prices and speeding network nations have focused on local loop unbundling as the way
deployment. Although local loop unbundling is possible towards creating a competitive broadband market. The
in Korea, most broadband providers are facilities- results have not generally been very successful. Korea has
based. The availability of a variety of broadband shown that facilities-based competition, even in a mature
technologies (xDSL, cable modem, wireless, fibre optic network, works. The other lesson is the competitive
LANs) adds to competitiveness and dynamism. pressure of alternative broadband technologies. Countries
should license cable television and high-speed wireless
access providers to offer an alternative to incumbent
telephone operator xDSL services. It should be noted that
Korea’s cable television network is young, just over a
dozen years old. Countries without cable television
networks might find they could quickly develop them by
offering potential investors licenses to provide telephony,
entertainment and cable modem services.

Government. Korea’s high level of ICT adoption is no A key point is that income from license fees remains in the
accident. It is the result of years of government ICT sector to finance public networks (e.g., government,
policies, planning and financial support for targeted education) as well as to assist with providing access to
areas. A high level of cooperation between government disadvantaged groups. Another point is that while
and the private sector has assured success. infrastructure development is most likely best handled by
Furthermore, license fees from the ICT industry remain the private sector, governments nonetheless have a crucial
in the ICT sector and are not transferred to other areas role to play in overall ICT strategy and universal access
of the government budget. This has provided seed policies. A third point is the success of Korea’s collaborative
funding for the Ministry of Information and approach between government and industry. All of these
Communication to invest in areas such as low interest points can be adapted by other nations.
loans for network roll out, ICT training and providing
access to disadvantaged groups.

Equipment. Korea has a large ICT equipment industry Most developing countries do not have large ICT equipment
with well-known names such as Samsung and LG. This manufacturers like Korea. Nonetheless, they could try to
has assisted development in that domestic achieve the same benefits through open, competitive
manufacturers have been able to produce ICT products tendering for ICT projects. Local industry could also forge
at reasonable costs. Korea’s export orientation has put partnerships with overseas equipment vendors to
a focus on product development in technologies in manufacture locally and transfer technology.
which it can play a lead role. This in turn has had a
favourable impact on its domestic market by keeping it

Socio-economics. Korea has a much higher level of ICT The fact that Korea’s ICT development is at a significantly
penetration than its economic level would suggest. The higher level in relation to its per capita income is great
UN classifies it as a developing nation and its per capita news for other countries. It means that ICT access does
income is not in the highest grouping. Korea’s relatively not have to be constrained by income. On the other hand,
large population of some 47 million make for a big the relatively large size of Korea is not something all
market in terms of achieving economies of scale and countries can benefit from. However, they can leverage the
attracting investment. same benefits by participating in regional grouping
particularly for infrastructure projects and bulk equipment

Source: ITU.

Korea Internet Case Study

share them with others through access.4 Korea has also hosted two
participation in international forums ITU workshops on network security in
and hosting of workshops. In the case 2002. However, it can go further in
of the ITU, Korea made a proposal to spreading the secrets of its success
the World Telecommunication by offering firmer support for technical
Development Conference calling for assistance and advice to other nations
developing nations to explore use of that want to become information
xDSL technologies for broadband societies.

5. Conclusion

Box 5.1: And what of the North?

The focus of this report is the Republic of Korea— linguistic and ethnic similarity, there are probably
popularly referred to as South Korea. Yet, it is few countries as far apart in development. North
not the only Korea. The other occupant of the Korea has pursued a socialist self-sufficient
Korean Peninsula is the Democratic People’s oriented path, guided by state planning. South
Republic of Korea—commonly referred to as North Korea has a market-oriented economy, and is
Korea. Once one country, cold war tension export oriented. The results are two different
following the Second World War led to the creation countries in terms of economic and ICT
of two separate republics. Despite their cultural, development (see table below).

Box Table 5.1: The two Koreas compared


North South Ratio

Population (000s) 22’253 47’343 2

GNI per capita US$ 707 8’894 13
Fixed telephone subscribers (000s) 500 22’590 45
Per 100 inhabitants 2.3 47.7 21
Mobile cellular subscribers (000s) - 29’046 -
Per 100 inhabitants - 62.0 -
Internet users (000s) 30* 24’380 813
Per 100 inhabitants 0.13 52.1 401

Note: * Refers to “Intranet” users of closed government network. Officially, Internet access is not available
although some users may dial-up ISPs in China or Japan.
Source: ITU, Korea (Rep.) Ministry of Unification and Ministry of Information and Communication.

The North has a low level of telecommunication North Korea. The major problem is where the North
development not only compared to the South but could obtain the funding. Current services do not
also in relation to other nations. North Korea’s fixed generate sufficient income for an investment of that
telephone density is just over two, about the same size and vendor financing is problematic. Since the
level as low-income nations. It does not have a North is not a member of regional or multi-lateral
mobile cellular network. The North has financial institutions such as the Asian Development
30’000 “Intranet” users, mostly in the government Bank or the World Bank it cannot obtain financing
and research centres that can access databases and from those sources. The only feasible alternative
exchange e-mail through a closed network. North seems to be some kind of partnership with foreign
Korea’s Internet domain name is .KP but no companies such as a joint venture or build-transfer
administrator has been assigned and it is not arrangement.
believed there are any web sites in the country.
The national news agency has a site hosted in Japan. The South could help given their higher level of
development and ICT success. There appears to be
The North Korean government has expressed a some interest by South Korean firms to invest in
desire to upgrade its telecommunication network, the North’s ICT sector. Officials of South Korea’s
to provide more citizens with telephone service and largest mobile operator, SK Telecom, have been to
to adopt the latest information and communication the North to discuss the construction of a CDMA
technologies. Mobile would have a lot of potential mobile network. Hanaro, the South’s second largest
to alleviate telephone shortages in North Korea since broadband operator, is working with North Korea to
a wireless network can be installed relatively quickly. build broadband equipment as well as provide
According to one report, if mobile services were animation services. Despite the dearth of ICT
introduced, the number of subscribers would climb development in the North, there are some bright
to 50’000 the first year and to 1.8 million within areas. One field doing relatively well in is software
five years, surpassing forecasts for the fixed development. Researchers at the Kim Jung Suk
network. Teachers College have developed over
2’000 educational software titles. The Silver Star
It is estimated that it would cost around Computer Technology Institute, created in 1995, has
US$ 500 million over a five-year period to improve exported software to Japan. The government has been
the telecommunication network, launch a mobile organizing an annual software contest for the last
network and extend telecommunication access in decade and is committed to increasing IT training.

Korea Internet Case Study

The Korean Network Information Centre (KRNIC) carries out regular surveys to determine the number of
Internet users in the country. An Internet user is defined as a person, over the age of six who uses the
Internet at least more than once a month. See
This term was used by the American author Mark Twain to refer to three kinds of lies. Twain incorrectly
attributed the quote to a British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli. Subsequent research found that Leonard
Henry Courtney, a British Baron, first used the phrase. See University of York (UK). “Lies, Damned Lies and
John F. Kennedy’s inaugural speech.
“Proposal on the xDSL Based Broadband Internet.”


Annex 1: List of meetings

No Date/ Research Area Appointment with

. Time
1 23/05/02 Overview of ICT developments in Korea Ministry of Information and
14:00 Overview of ICT policies Communication (MIC)
ADSL success factors
Telecommunication market policies
2 24/05/02 E-education Korea Education & Research
09:00 Information Service (KERIS)

3 24/05/02 E-health Health Insurance Review Agency

14:00 (HIRA)

4 24/05/02 Internet domain policies Korea Network Information Center

17:00 (KRNIC)
5 27/05/02 Informatization of statistics Korea National Statistical Office
09:00 Collection of ICT related statistics (NSO)
6 27/05/02 ADSL technology and development Electronics Telecommunications
14:00 The Role of ETRI in Korea Research Institute (ETRI)
7 28/05/02 Cable modem and broadband access Hanaro Telecom
8 28/05/02 ADSL KT
14:00 Business prospects
9 29/05/02 Korea informatization and prospects National Computerization Agency
09:00 Internet development and prospects (NCA)
10 29/05/02 Informatization policyies Korea Information Society
14:00 Socio-cultural background on Internet Development Institute (KISDI)
Telecommunication market analysis
11 30/05/02 IMT-2000 SKT
09:00 Wireless Internet
12 30/05/02 Final session (Review of Interview) Ministry of Information and
14:00 Communication (MIC)

Korea Internet Case Study

Annex 2: Acronyms and abbreviations

2G Second Generation of mobile communications technology

3G Third Generation of mobile communications technology
ADSL Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line
APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
APSIRC Asia-Pacific Security Incident Response Coordination working group
ARPU Average Revenue Per User
ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations
B2B Business-to-Business
B2C Business-to-Consumer
B2G Business-to-Government
CDMA Code-Division Multiple Access
CIUS Computer and Internet Use Survey
DSL Digital Subscriber Line
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
ETRI Electronics Telecommunications Research Institute
e-WAS Early warning and alert system
FIFA Federation Internationale de Football Association
FiMM First in Mobile Multimedia
FIRST Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams
FSP Facilities-based Service Providers
Gbps Giga bits per second
GDP/GNP/GNI Gross Domestic Product/Gross National Product/Gross National Income
GFCF Gross Fixed Capital Formation.
GIS Geographic Information System
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GSM Global System for Mobile Communication
HFC Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (cable)
HIRA Health Insurance Review Agency
HTS Home Tax Service
ICT Information and Communication Technology
IMF International Monetary Fund
IP Internet Protocol


ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network

ISP Internet Service Provider
IT Information Technology
ITU International Telecommunication Union
KERIS Korea Education and Research Information Service
KII Korea Information Infrastructure project
KISA Korea Information Security Agency
KISDI Korea Information Society Development Institute
KIX Korean Internet Exchange
KNIX Korean Neutral Internet Exchange
KOREN Korea Advanced Research Network
KORNET Korea Telecom’s Internet Service Provider
KOSDAQ Korean venture capital stock exchange (KOSDAQ)
KREN Korean Education Network
KRNIC Korea Network Information Center
KRW Korean Won, Korea’s national currency (see Won).
KT Korea Telecom Corporation
LAN Local Area Network
LG Lucky Goldstar
Mbps Mega bits per second
MHz Megahertz
MIC Ministry of Information and Communications
MMS Multimedia messaging service
MOCIE Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy
MOE Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development
MOHW Ministry of Health and Welfare
MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group
NCA National Computerization Agency
NSO Korea National Statistical Office
OECD Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development
P2P Peer-to-peer
PC Personal Computer

Korea Internet Case Study

PCS Personal Communication Service

PDA Personal digital assistant
PDC Personal Digital Cellular
R&D Research and Development
SDN System Development Network
SME Small- and Medium-sized enterprise
SMS Short Messaging Service
SSP Specific Service Provider
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol
TV Television
UN United Nations
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
VASP Value-added Service Provider
VDSL Very high-bit rate Digital Subscriber Line
VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol
WAN Wide Area Network
WAP Wireless Application Protocol
W-CDMA Wideband Code-Division Multiple Access.
WINC Wireless Internet Numbers for Content
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
WLL Wireless Local Loop
WON The national currency of Korea. Conversions to US dollars in this report have been
made at 31 December 2001 exchange rate of 1’315.5 = US$ 1.
WTO World Trade Organization

Annex 3: Framework dimensions

Table 1: Pervasiveness of the Internet

Level 0 Non-existent: The Internet does not exist in a viable form in this country. No computers with
international IP connections are located within the country. There may be some Internet users
in the country; however, they obtain a connection via an international telephone call to a
foreign ISP.

Level 1 Embryonic: The ratio of users per capita is on the order of magnitude of less than one in a
thousand (less than 0.1%).

Level 2 Established: The ratio of Internet users per capita is on the order of magnitude of at least one
in a thousand (0.1% or greater).

Level 3 Common: The ratio of Internet users per capita is on the order of magnitude of at least one in
a hundred (1% or greater).

Level 4 Pervasive: The Internet is pervasive. The ratio of Internet users per capita is on the order of
magnitude of at least one in 10 (10% or greater).

Table 2: Geographic Dispersion of the Internet

Level 0 Non-existent. The Internet does not exist in a viable form in this country. No computers with
international IP connections are located within the country. A country may be using UUCP
connections for email and USEnet.

Level 1 Single location: Internet points-of-presence are confined to one major population centre.

Level 2 Moderately dispersed: Internet points-of-presence are located in at least half of the first-tier
political subdivisions of the country.

Level 3 Highly dispersed: Internet points-of-presence are located in at least three-quarters of the first-
tier political subdivisions of the country.

Level 4 Nationwide: Internet points-of-presence are located in all first-tier political sub-divisions of the
country. Rural dial-up access is publicly and commonly available and leased line connectivity is

Table 3a: Sectoral Use of the Internet

Sector Rare Moderate Common

Academic - primary >0-10% have leased-line 10-90% have leased-line >90% have leased-line
and secondary schools, Internet connectivity Internet connectivity Internet connectivity

Commercial- >0-10% have Internet 10-90% have Internet >90% have Internet
businesses with > 100 servers servers servers

Health-hospitals and >0-10% have leased-line 10-90% have leased-line >90% have leased-line
clinics Internet connectivity Internet connectivity Internet connectivity

Public-top and second >0-10% have Internet 10-90% have Internet >90% have Internet
tier government servers servers servers

Korea Internet Case Study

Table 3b: The Sectoral Absorption of the Internet

Sectoral point total Absorption dimension rating

0 Level 0 Non-existent

1-4 Level 1 Rare

5-7 Level 2 Moderate

8-9 Level 3 Common

10-12 Level 4 Widely used

Table 4: Connectivity Infrastructure of the Internet

Domestic International Internet Access Methods

backbone Links Exchanges

Level 0 Non- None None None None


Level 1 Thin ≤ 2 Mbps ? 128 Kbps None Modem

Level 2 Expanded >2 >128 kbps 1 Modem

– 200 Mbps -- 45 Mbps 64 Kbps leased

Level 3 Broad >200 Mbps >45 Mbps More than 1; Modem

-- 100 Gbps -- 10 Gbps Bilateral or Open > 64 Kbps leased

Level 4 Immense > 100 Gbps > 10 Gbps Many; Both < 90% modem
Bilateral and Open > 64 Kbps leased

Table 5: The Organizational Infrastructure of the Internet

Level 0 None: The Internet is not present in this country.

Level 1 Single: A single ISP has a monopoly in the Internet service provision market. This ISP is generally
owned or significantly controlled by the government.

Level 2 Controlled: There are only a few ISPs because the market is closely controlled through high
barriers to entry. All ISPs connect to the international Internet through a monopoly
telecommunications service provider. The provision of domestic infrastructure is also a monopoly.

Level 3 Competitive: The Internet market is competitive and there are many ISPs due to low barriers to
market entry. The provision of international links is a monopoly, but the provision of domestic
infrastructure is open to competition, or vice versa.

Level 4 Robust: There is a rich service provision infrastructure. There are many ISPs and low barriers to
market entry. International links and domestic infrastructure are open to competition. There are
collaborative organizations and arrangements such as public exchanges, industry associations, and
emergency response teams.


Table 6: The Sophistication of Use of the Internet

Level 0 None: The Internet is not used, except by a very small fraction of the population that logs into
foreign services.

Level 1 Minimal: The small user community struggles to employ the Internet in conventional, mainstream

Level 2 Conventional: The user community changes established practices somewhat in response to or in
order to accommodate the technology, but few established processes are changed dramatically.
The Internet is used as a substitute or straight-forward enhancement for an existing process (e.g.
e-mail vs. post). This is the first level at which we can say that the Internet has "taken hold" in a

Level 3 Transforming: The user community's use of the Internet results in new applications, or significant
changes in existing processes and practices, although these innovations may not necessarily
stretch the boundaries of the technology's capabilities. One strong indicator of business process
re-engineeering to take advantage of the Internet, is that a significant number (over 5%) of Web
sites, both government and business, are interactive.

Level 4 Innovating: The user community is discriminating and highly demanding. The user community is
regularly applying, or seeking to apply the Internet in innovative ways that push the capabilities of
the technology. The user community plays a significant role in driving the state-of-the-art and has
a mutually beneficial and synergistic relationship with developers.


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