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Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 13 (2003) 303–304

Muscle function and dysfunction in the spine

Although there have been much data generated from listened to the presenters and later when we were
research conducted in the area of spine biomechanics assembling this special issue. Our point of view, we
and muscle function, these results have not yet lead to hope, may also motivate the readers to explore this col-
the emergence of credible unifying theories on the mech- lection of papers in its entirety.
anisms of low back pain and its treatment. Neither have A variety of methods for studying spinal mechanics
the diagnostic techniques that provide more than partial are presented in this collection. From animal models, in
information, materialized. Instead, conflicting results and vitro and in vivo experiments, to mathematical and
their lax interpretations guide clinicians and therapists theoretical hypotheses formulation, the problem of mus-
in their choices of treatment. This special journal issue cle function and dysfunction has been approached from
comprises the collection of papers presented at two many different directions. Despite such diversity in the
scientific meetings that attempted to address the above applied methods, many authors identified the motor con-
problems. The first meeting was the Seminar on Assess- trol system as a key factor in the etiology of low back
ment of Back Muscle Weakness and Fatigue held as part pain. We believe that this reflects a shift in focus in the
of the XIVth congress of the International Society of literature on back function and dysfunction in general.
Electrophysiology and Kinesiology from June 22-25, In the past the morphological and mechanical properties
2002 in Vienna, Austria. A while later, a special empha- of passive spinal tissues have received much interest.
sis symposium, entitled “Muscle Function and Dysfunc- Much of the literature has focused on muscle dysfunc-
tion in the Spine”, was held in conjunction with the IVth tion and especially muscle fatigue in patients with low
World Congress on Biomechanics, August 4-9, 2002 in back pain. In this issue, two independent research groups
Calgary, Canada. The goal of these meetings was to provided compelling data to question the validity of the
gather often-conflicting opinions of several of the lead- traditional muscle fatigue assessment procedures based
ing scientists in the area of spine mechanics to reach on time and frequency domain analyses of surface EMG
consensus on the following points: signals [2,4]. Also in the current issue, Lariviere et al. [4]
and van Dieën et al. [1] showed that traditional outcome
1. To delineate the current state of knowledge on which measures on muscle function do not clearly set patients
most researchers can agree. with low back pain apart from healthy control subjects.
2. To outline the areas where conflicting results are Although novel methods may provide more insight, as is
present. indicated by Farina et al. [2], it seems that motor control
3. To prioritize the areas in most need of future research. aspects deserve increasing attention.
In the present issue consensus emerges on muscle acti-
vation patterns exhibited by patients with low back pain
Because the conference format of 15-20 minutes per being different from those in healthy subjects. However,
presentation did not even begin to address the above the interpretations of such findings are divergent. First,
issues, we asked the invited panelists to contribute a full- there is no answer yet to the question of causality. In
length paper summarizing their views on muscle func- other words, we don’t know whether poor motor control
tion and dysfunction in the spine in relation to low back leads to low back pain or low back injury and pain
pain and its treatment in the framework of their area of results in altered motor control. Furthermore, the same
expertise. Eight papers were contributed [1–8]. changes in motor control can be interpreted as functional
Although we encourage the readers to interpret this or dysfunctional depending on the point of view. For
collection of work themselves, we would like to point example, van Dieen et al. [1] and Hodges and Moseley
out several remarkable themes that stood out when we [3] performed extensive literature reviews. Both groups
concluded that muscle activation patterns in low back
pain population are not consistent with either pain-

Tel.: +1-203-737-2887; fax: +1-203-785-3979. spasm-pain nor pain-adaptation models proposed in the

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304 Editorial / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 13 (2003) 303–304

past. However, while van Dieen et al. [1] emphasized like to thank all of the panelists and contributors to this
possible functional adaptations by pointing out positive issue for the privilege of guest-editing their work. A spe-
effects of altered muscle recruitment patterns, Hodges cial mention is due to the sponsors of the speakers at
and Moseley [3] emphasized dysfunction by outlining the Vienna meeting: Institut Robert-Sauvé de recherche
deleterious effects of such changes. Importantly both en santé et sécurité du travail (IRSST) du Québec and
show that simple hard-wired control mechanisms trig- the Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en réadaptation
gered by pain cannot account for the data and higher- (CRIR) de Montréal.
level control is implicated. This indicates that task con-
straints may have important effects on the motor control Jacek Cholewickia,
changes and consequently these changes may be highly Jaap H. van Dieënb,
context specific. A. Bertrand Arsenaultc,
An emphasis on the effects of various muscle acti- Yale University School of Medicine, Department of
vation patterns on spinal stability resonated in several Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Biomechanics
papers. McGill et al. [5] focused on correct muscle Research Laboratory, PO Box 208071, 333 Cedar
recruitment pattern and timing to assure spine stability Street, New Haven, CT 06520-8071, USA
E-mail address:
during all physical tasks. Panjabi [6] stressed the impor- b
Institute for Fundamental and Clinical Human
tance of interactions of spinal structures, trunk muscles,
Movement Sciences, Faculty of Human Movement
and the nervous system. Collectively, the papers by Sol-
Sciences, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
omonow et al. [7] and by Panjabi [6] emphasized the c
School of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine,
sensory role played by spinal structures. However, the
University of Montreal and CRIR/Montreal
work of Stokes et al. [8] suggests that the stability of
Rehabilitation Institute, Montreal, QC, Canada
the spine may be more robust than we have previously
thought, because the osteoligamentous spine stiffens sig- doi:10.1016/S1050-6411(03)00038-5
nificantly under the combined compressive action of the
trunk muscles, regardless of their relative activation pat-
The papers in this issue highlight that the mechanical
functioning of the spine is the outcome of a highly com- [1] J.H. van Dieën, L.P.J. Selen, J. Cholewicki, Trunk muscle acti-
plex system. Therefore, in theorizing about spine func- vation in low-back pain patients, an analysis of the literature, Elec-
tion, we need to develop a view that encompasses effects tromyogr Kinesiol 13 (2003) xxx.
[2] D. Farina, M. Gazzoni, R. Merletti, Assessment of low back mus-
of all relevant structures, such as muscles, intervertebral cle fatigue by surface EMG signal analysis: methodological
discs, ligaments, the nervous system, and their interac- aspects, J Electromyogr Kinesiol 13 (2003) xxx.
tions, which become apparent in motor control. Even [3] P.W. Hodges, G.L. Moseley, Pain and motor control of the lum-
when considering only mechanical low back pain, the bopelvic region: effect and possible mechanisms, J Electromyogr
Kinesiol 13 (2003) xxx.
theory needs to account additionally for non-mechanical
[4] C. Larivière, A.B. Arsenault, D. Gagnon, P. Loisel, Surface elec-
e.g. cognitive influences such as fear of pain. Such a tromyography assessment of back muscle intrinsic properties, J
theory will probably predict that findings in back pain Electromyogr Kinesiol 13 (2003) xxx.
patients such as altered muscle recruitment are highly [5] S.M. McGill, S. Grenier, N. Kavcic, J. Cholewicki, Coordination
context specific, and thus allow substantial between- and of muscle activity to assure stability of the lumbar spine, J Electro-
myogr Kinesiol 13 (2003) xxx.
within-subject variance. This variability poses a tremen- [6] M.M. Panjabi, Clinical spinal instability and low back pain, J Elec-
dous challenge in translating the research findings into tromyogr Kinesiol 13 (2003) xxx.
the clinical context, but this task appears to be a pre- [7] M. Solomonow, R.V. Baratta, B.-H. Zhou, E. Burger, A. Zieske,
requisite for further progress in this field. A. Gedalia, Muscular dysfunction elicited by creep of lumbar vis-
coelastic tissues, J Electromyogr Kinesiol 13 (2003) xxx.
We hope that this special issue of the Journal of Elec- [8] I.A.F. Stokes, M. Gardner-Morse, Spinal stiffness increases with
tromyography and Kinesiology will amplify the impact load: another stabilizing consequence of muscle action, J Electro-
of the objectives set out by the two symposia. We would myogr Kinesiol 13 (2003) xxx.

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