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1 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

Copyright Donnell Koh All Rights Reserved


7 Simple Steps
To Lower Your

By Donnell Koh

2 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

Copyright Donnell Koh All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents

A Personal Message

What Is Cholesterol?

What Does The Number Mean?

Step #1: Educate Yourself

Step #2: Exercise Regularly

Step #3: Watch Your Diet

Step #4: Increase Fiber Intake

Step #5: Take Garlic & Multivitamin

Step #6: Relax and De-stress

Step #7: Stick to Your Plan
3 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

Copyright Donnell Koh All Rights Reserved
A Personal Message From Donnell
Before You Begin Your Extraordinary
Journey To Lower Your Cholesterol!

Dear Friend,

My name is Donnell and I would like to congratulate you for taking your
first step to lowering your cholesterol. I wrote this book with the best
intentions as I felt a strong desire to reach out to the many people out
there who are suffering from high cholesterol.

Reaching your desired cholesterol level is not as hard as it seems. It
just takes some discipline and willingness on your part.

This book will guide you with 7 simple steps that you can apply
immediately to reach your goal. It is all about a lifestyle change and
taking a more conscious effort to improve your health holistically.

You may notice that the heading in this book is titled Garlic Goodness.
The reason is because I truly believe in the medicinal properties of
garlic. There are only a few privileged people who have come to know
about Snow Mountain Garlic, a unique garlic from the Himalayas. These
people have benefited greatly taking this special herb and there is a
need to spread the word around. Everyone, including YOU deserves
good health!

Check it out @

I know you will enjoy reading this book and I wish you success in
achieving your optimum cholesterol health!


4 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

Copyright Donnell Koh All Rights Reserved
What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance found in the cell membranes of all
body tissue, from the nervous system to the liver to the heart. The
body uses cholesterol to make hormones, bile acids, vitamin D, and
other substances.

Most cholesterol is not dietary in origin but synthesized internally.
Cholesterol plays a central role in may biochemicall processes, but it
is known for its association with cardiovascular disease. Cholesterol
circulates in the bloodstream but cannot travel by itself. Oil and water
are immiscible. Similarly, cholesterol (which is fatty) and blood (which
is watery) do not mix. Hence, cholesterol travels in packages called
lipoproteins, which have fat (lipid) inside and protein outside.

When doctor talks about health problems related to cholesterol, he is
referring to the bad cholesterol, or low-density lipoprotein (LDL).
Good cholesterol is high-density lipoprotein (HDL)

2 types of cholesterol - Good and Bad

Low density lipoprotein, or LDL, is called the bad cholesterol. It is
known as the bad cholesterol because it carries cholesterol to
tissues, including the arteries. Most of the cholesterol in the blood is
the LDL form. The higher the level of LDL cholesterol in the blood, the
greater your risk for heart disease.

High density lipoprotein, or HDL, is called the good cholesterol. It
is known as the good cholesterol because it takes cholesterol from
tissues to the liver, which removes it from the body. The lower the
level of HDL cholesterol in the blood, the greater your risk for heart

Excess cholesterol gets trapped in artery walls. This builds up and is
called plaque. The plaque can narrow vessels and make them less
5 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

Copyright Donnell Koh All Rights Reserved
flexible, a condition called atherosclerosis or hardening of the
arteries. When this happens around the coronary (heart) arteries,
then the blood will not be able to carry enough oxygen and nutrients
to the heart muscle. That is when chest pain occurs.

Some cholesterol-rich plaques are unstable. These plaques have a
thin covering and can rupture, releasing cholesterol and fat into the
bloodstream. The release causes blood clot to form over the plaque,
blocking blood flow through the artery. This is known as a heart
attack. When atherosclerosis affects the coronary arteries, this
condition is known as coronary heart disease. It is the main type of
heart disease.

High blood cholesterol affects the coronary arteries, thus it is a major
risk factor for heart disease.

What Does The Number Mean?

Cholesterol Number What it means
Less than 200

Well done! Do continue to exercise and eat
food that is low in saturated fat, trans fat and

Between 200 and 239 Borderline high cholesterol. You are at risk
for heart attack. Do make some changes to
your diet and start exercising. Eat less food
with saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol.

240 and above Watch out! You are at a higher risk for heart
attack. Take action now! Consult your doctor
for your treatment options.

Another way to assess your risk of heart disease is calculating the
ratio of total cholesterol to HDL. A ratio below 3.5 : 1 is ideal.
6 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

Copyright Donnell Koh All Rights Reserved

You have been told by your doctor that you have high cholesterol.
High cholesterol is a condition that can affect anyone. It is a condition
that needs to be brought under control as it significantly increases the
risk of heart diseases which coincidentally is the number one killer of
Americans. Now it is time for you to take action and consider your
options to bring it under control.

There are many suggested methods to help
reduce your cholesterol level and protect
your health.

Your doctor has recommended that you change your diet, start on an
exercise regime and start taking medication. You want a long term
solution for cholesterol control but arent sure what else to do.

I have created 7 simple steps that you can follow for long term
cholesterol control. Anyone can follow these simple steps and get the
number they want in no time.

So lets get started!

Step #1.
Educate Yourself

The good news is that cholesterol can be easily controlled without
medication. But firstly, you need to know where you stand. Are you in
the high risk group? If that is the case, you may need medication.
Hence it is critical that you know your starting point and monitor your
progress toward healthy levels. Even if your cholesterol is in the
normal range, reducing a few points off the readings can help slow
down the fatty buildup in the arteries and reduce buildup that is
7 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

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already there. Hence you need to know your numbers and tailor your
program to reduce your cholesterol level accordingly.

Most people will start taking medication once they have been
diagnosed with high cholesterol by their doctor. But is that the best
solution? Unless your cholesterol level is sky high, you could consider
a less drastic approach. There are many treatment options out there
that you can consider as a start.

For a long term solution, you should
consider a change of lifestyle which consists
of a diet change, regular exercise and weight
management plan.

Start thinking of a cholesterol management plan that will suit your
schedule and time, and make sure you stick to it.

Lets begin but assessing your personal risk factors for heart disease.
Some factors such as heredity, sex, age are beyond your control.
However there are very few people who inherit high cholesterol from
their parents. Blood cholesterol tends to increase with age especially
those above 20 and it increases until about 60 or 65. Women above
50 tend to have higher total cholesterol level because with
menopause, womens LDL levels often increase.

The other factors such as diet and weight are within your control.

Cut down on saturated fat and trans fat.

Saturated fat is mostly found in food from animals and trans fat is
found in food such as margarine and french fries where hydrogenated
oil is used. Eating food with too much saturated fat and trans fat is a
leading cause of high cholesterol, which eventually results in heart-
related problems.
8 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

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If you are a smoker, quit.

Cigarette smoking lowers HDL cholesterol levels and accounts for
approximately 20% of all deaths from heart disease. When a person
quits smoking, HDL cholesterol levels rise within weeks or months to
levels that are equal to their nonsmoking peers. Passive smoking
also reduces HDL levels in people highly exposed to smokers. The
importance of breaking this habit cannot be emphasized enough in
order to achieve a healthy HDL cholesterol level.

Exercising, watching your diet are the lifestyle changes that should
become part of your cholesterol management plan, no matter what
other treatments you may choose. It would be advisable to educate
yourself more about cholesterol. Your body needs cholesterol to
perform some critical functions. In fact, it is bad for your heart if the
HDL cholesterol drops too much. So we must understand our dietary
intake and differentiate between the good and bad cholesterol.

Do read up more on your available options to combat cholesterol.
There are many alternative therapies. It is important that you take a
long term view on controlling cholesterol and this is best achieved by
leading a healthy lifestyle.

Before you decide on a specific treatment or
combination of treatments, consult your doctor
to decide whether it's effective and safe.

9 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

Copyright Donnell Koh All Rights Reserved

Step #2.
Exercise Regularly

Whether your goal is to lower your cholesterol, lose some weight or
both, regular exercise can help you get there. Dont worry, we are not
asking you to spend hours with intense workouts at the gym. Instead,
I am asking you to incorporate some moderate physical activities that
can help you shed some pounds if carried out consistently. Daily
activity like walking is good for your heart.

Don not even think that channel surfing and running to the washroom
during commercial breaks are forms of exercise. Exercise is about
raising your heart rate for an extended period of time, burning
calories and having some form of muscle gain.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance
of exercise as a form of weight loss or
weight management program.

It is the sure way to burn calories and keep off the pounds. In fact
exercise does more than just losing weight. Here are some additional
benefits of exercise.
Exercise helps us stay healthy by making our heart work harder.
We build more muscle mass and less fats.

Exercise helps you manage your stress level. Exercise can help
you to feel good about yourself and your life.

Exercise helps to increase your strength and stamina. This
energizes you to do more things so that you do not feel

10 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

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Exercise will help you sleep better. Make sure you do not
exercise too close to your bedtime as it may keep you awake.
Experts advise that you should allow about 3 hours between
exercising and going to bed.

Exercise is good for mind, body and soul. Exercising improves
our mood. This is due to the chemicals it releases in the brain
called endorphins which gives you sense of feeling on cloud
nine. Eating chocolate or being in love induces the same

Exercise also reduces the risk for several heart diseases and
also helps prevent mental illnesses such as depression.
There are many people who do not think that walking is a significant
form of exercise. Actually it depends on how fast you walk more than
how far you walk. Researchers concluded that walks of any length
can be beneficial, as long as they're done at a moderate intensity--
that is, brisk walking.

Brisk walking may not be for everyone but if you can get on your feet
and take a leisurely stroll in the park, it is definitely better than
channel surfing. We suggest walking as it is the most convenient
form of physical activity and can be done by young and old. But any
form of intense work out such as running, swimming or cycling,
whatever that gets your heart pumping is more effective to help lower
your risk of heart disease.

You may choose to do whichever activity, as
long as you do it for 30 minutes at least 3
days a week.

I will now provide you will a list of activities that you can start
immediately to reach the weight you desire. The activities are divided
into light, moderate and intense and the amount of calories burnt is
11 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

Copyright Donnell Koh All Rights Reserved
shown. The calorie numbers given are based on someone who is
about 190 lbs and work out for an hour. If you weigh less, the calories
burnt will also be less.

Light exercise

Mopping the floor 216
Mowing the Lawn 216
Walking the dog 302
Leisure Cycling 345
Stretching, Yoga 345
Playing with children 345

Light exercise is something we can include in our daily life as a start
and when we are more comfortable we can move on to the next level
of doing moderate exercises.

Moderate exercise

Aerobics (low impact) 431
Gardening 431
Golf (carrying clubs) 474
Hiking, cross country 518
Swimming, leisure 518
Basketball 604
J ogging 604
Badminton 604
Skiing 604
Roller blading 604

For those who would like to burn even more calories, you can
consider the following. However, do note that you can burn more
calories even with the above exercises. It all just depends on the
intensity of your work-out.
12 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

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Intense exercise

Ice hockey 690
Tennis, singles 690
Beach Volleyball 690
Skiing 776
Running (11.5 min mile) 776
Kick boxing 863
Soccer 863
Rock Climbing, ascending 949
Canoeing 1035

There you have it, a list of exercises that you can consider starting
with. If you have been relatively inactive, do check with your doctor
first before starting on any exercise program. Your doctor will be in
the best position to help you choose an activity that suits your current
fitness level.

Some of these heavy activities could pose health risk if
you start without building your stamina and endurance.

Step #3.
Watch Your Diet
A low cholesterol diet and low fat diet go hand-in-hand. The food that
you eat should provide as much nutritional value as possible without
the fat and cholesterol. A low cholesterol diet can help reduce
cholesterol by as much as 40% in just one month. Hence we should
reduce food that have high saturated, trans fat and cholesterol as
these help to raise our LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). In contrast,
we should swap food high in saturate fats for more food rich in
unsaturated fats. Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats can
help lower cholesterol.
13 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

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Saturated Fats

Saturated fats raise both good and bad cholesterol levels. They
are usually found in fried foods and in animal meats. On a side note
concerning animal meats: lean meats, such as chicken, fish, and
turkey have less saturated fat than red meat.

They are found mainly in animal foods such as
fatty meats
full-fat dairy products
palm kernel oil
palm oil
coconut oil
cocoa butter
and many processed and takeaway foods
Trans Fats
Trans fats increase bad cholesterol and decreases good
cholesterol. Trans fat is made when manufacturers add hydrogen to
vegetable oil - a process called hydrogenation. Hydrogenation
increases the shelf life and flavor stability of foods containing these

14 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

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Trans fats can be found in
snack foods
fried chicken
french fried potatoes

and other foods made with or fried in partially
hydrogenated oils.

In fact, New York City is about to ban the use of trans fats in
restaurants. This public health regulation could spare the people
from the silent killer .


Cholesterol is found only in food that comes from
animals. Food very high in cholesterol includes:

Egg yolks
Organ meats (Liver, kidney, and brains are
especially high in cholesterol)

A person should not have more than 300 milligrams of cholesterol per
day. For those with high blood cholesterol or heart disease, they
should have less than that. The yolk of one large egg contains about
214 milligrams of cholesterol. It is advisable to eat not more than 4
egg yolks each week. This includes egg yolks found in baked goods
15 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

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and processed foods. Egg whites contain no cholesterol. There is
also no cholesterol in fruits, vegetables, beans, and grains.

Polyunsaturated Fats

Polyunsaturated fats are good because they can lower bad
cholesterol (although they may also reduce good cholesterol).

Polyunsaturated fats are found in

safflower (preferred)

In fact omega-3 polyunsaturated oils, found in some fish are effective
in preventing heart disease, even though they do not alter cholesterol
levels much.

Monounsaturated Fats

Monounsaturated fats are good because they decrease LDL
cholesterol without much effect on HDL cholesterol.

Monounsaturated fats are found particularly in
olive oil
canola oil
peanut oil
sunflower oil
sesame seeds.
16 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

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Their consumption may be responsible for the lower incidence of
heart disease in Mediterranean countries.
If LDL cholesterol oxidizes, it is more likely to deposit in your arteries
and contribute to the formation of plaque. Fortunately, nature
provides a wealth of nutrients that can reverse this process and they
are known as antioxidants.
Antioxidants prevent cholesterol from oxidizing and come mainly from
vitamin C, vitamin E and beta carotene. However research has
shown that taking antioxidant supplements just isnt enough.
Antioxidant in food is the most effective in protecting the heart and
can be found mostly in vegetables and nuts. So to sum it up, eat your
greens and other plant foods! Its the only way out!
Here are some eating tips that you can practice to lower your
Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains (like breads and
cereals), legumes (beans), and fish.
Replace saturated and trans fats with unsaturated fats - for
example, cook with olive oil instead of using butter or margarine.
Eat lean meat like skinless poultry. Trim off all noticeable fat
before cooking and drain the fat from the pan after cooking.
Instead of frying, try boiling, broiling, baking, roasting, poaching,
steaming. These methods do not require much use of oil and
will cut down on the amount of trans fat in our food.
Drink low-fat or nonfat milk, which contains all the nutrients
without the fat. Substitute low-fat yogurt in a recipe that calls for
cream cheese or sour cream.
Try low-fat or nonfat cheese instead of the normal ones.
Use trans-fat-free margarine.
17 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

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Use egg whites or egg substitute instead of whole eggs. Two
egg whites can be substituted in many recipes for one whole
Use liquid vegetable oil instead of butter or margarine. Do not
use products that contain hydrogenated vegetable oils.
Try to refrain from eating commercially prepared baked goods,
which are often made with hydrogenated oils or trans fats.
Do read nutrition labels on food packages. These food labels will tell
you how much fat you are putting into your body when you consume
them. Initially, reading these labels may be confusing but it will
become easier the more you do it. In no time, you will be able to
make healthier choices.

18 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

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Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 Tbsp (14g)
Servings Per Container 80
Amount Per Serving
Calories 80 Calories from Fat 50
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 6g 9%
Saturated Fat 1.5g 9%
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 0mg 1%
Sodium 55mg 2%
Total Carbohydrate 0g 0%
Dietary Fiber 0g 0%
Sugar 0g
Protein 0g
Vitamin A 10% Calcium 0%
Vitamin E 8% Iron 0%
Vitamin C 0%
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie
diet. Your Daily Values may be higher or lower
depending on your calorie needs.
Calories 2,000 2,500
Total Fat Less than 65g 80g
Sat. Fat Less than 20g 25g
Cholesterol Less than 300mg 300mg
Sodium Less than 2,400mg 2,400mg
Total Carbohydrate 300g 375g
Dietary Fiber 25g 30g
Watch your
calorie intake
5% or less is low

20% or more is high
Have more of this.
19 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

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Step #4.
Increase Fiber Intake

Vegetarians have lower cholesterol levels and lower incidences of
heart disease than meat eaters and this is a fact. The reason is
because vegetarians consume so much fiber, which is found in plant
food. These include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, oats and beans.

Not all fiber is alike. There are 2 types of fiber: soluble and insoluble.
Both are important for health. Some food is a better source of one
type than the other.

Insoluble fiber is the chewy material that does not dissolve in water.
It is the indigestible cellulose, which you find in the skin of vegetables
and fruits, and in the bran sheath that covers cereal grains. Insoluble
fiber does not help to lower cholesterol but is a critical part of our diet.
It helps to regulate our bowel. It stimulates the intestinal muscles,
thus helping us to pass the stool more easily and prevent constipation.
By speeding up movement through the intestine, it helps to prevent
hemorrhoids. The increase in speed of food through the intestinal
tract also gives less time for harmful substances to buildup and this
too helps to prevent colon cancer.

Research has shown that soluble fiber has
the ability to lower cholesterol.

Soluble fiber is a gel-like substance that can dissolve in water.
Soluble fiber decreases cholesterol in 2 different ways. It binds bile,
fatty acids, and blood cholesterol into a packet of stool. As the stool
becomes bulkier, it helps in bowel movement and cholesterol is
transported out of the body. Secondly, soluble fiber can be broken
down by intestinal bacteria which produce fatty acids that keep the
liver from producing cholesterol. This process results in a reduction of
cholesterol levels.
20 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

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Foods high in insoluble fiber
include whole-wheat breads,
wheat cereals, wheat bran,
cabbage, beets, carrots, Brussels
sprouts, turnips, cauliflower and
apple skin.

Foods high in soluble fiber
include oat bran, oatmeal, beans,
peas, rice bran, barley, citrus
fruits, strawberries and apple

Moreover, you will be more likely to lose weight on a high fiber diet.
More time is needed for chewing and food remains in the stomach
longer. This means the same amount of satisfaction with fewer
calories. Food high in fiber also tends to be low in saturated fat and
cholesterol, as well as calories.

Isnt it about time you take in more fiber?

Step #5.
Take Garlic and Multivitamin

Garlic has always been known as a wonder drug. It is one of the
potent herbs that have abundant medicinal properties. It has been
recognized for its healing powers since the ancient times and is now
being rediscovered by scientists all over the world for its efficacy in its
fight against cancer, heart disease and lowering cholesterol.

21 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

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Garlic has now been shown to lower overall cholesterol as well as
raise HDL cholesterol, the good cholesterol. Studies have shown that
people who take garlic regularly have reduced cholesterol by as
much as 30mg/dl. Garlic has a chemical called allicin which is
responsible for the pungent, often strong odor. The same chemical is
also responsible for improving our heart health by lowering
cholesterol and thinning the blood.

The regular consumption of garlic dilates the blood vessels and
enhances physical potency. Experts have linked longevity to garlic

Snow Mountain Garlic is a rare and natural
garlic on earth, only found in the Himalayas.

Unlike other processed garlic in capsules, pills, power, soft gels or
concentrate, Snow Mountain Garlic comes with natural wholesome
goodness. It comes in a hard shelled bulb designed by nature to
preserve its therapeutic properties. Snow Mountain Garlic is unique
as it is grown 6,000 feet in the snow mountain of the Himalayas. It is
grown on abundant fertile mountain soil sustained by meIting glaciers.
It is grown organically with no pesticides and is only harvested once a
year! This product is indeed very unique!

Garlic in processed form has different degree of goodness, quality
and pharmaceutical standards. Snow mountain garlic is distributed in
its natural form and its wholesome goodness is preserved!

Himalayan Snow Mountain Garlic does lower high cholesterol safely,
WITHOUT the use of prescription drugs and WITHOUT unwanted
side effects.

Do visit for more
information on this potent herb!
22 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

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Taking a multivitamin is a great way to make sure that you fill up your
nutritional gap. You have to cut down on fats and taking more fiber.
However it will be a good idea to take a multivitamin supplement to fill
up the nutritional gap. This will help lower your risk of heart diseases.

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin that is important in red blood cell
formation, protein metabolism, growth and cell division. Research has
shown that folic acid works together with Vitamin B-6 and Vitamin
B-12 to reduce blood levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that is an
emerging risk factor for heart disease and stroke. All three of these B
vitamins have played important roles in protecting heart health. Even
though many food contain folate (the natural form of folic acid),
including orange juice, kidney beans and spinach, you will be certain
to get the recommended amount by taking a multivitamin.

It is recommended that you take a multivitamin B complex that
delivers folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12.

The main groups of medicine for lowering cholesterol are statins.
These include simvastatin (Zocor) and atorvastatin (Lipitor). They
work by reducing the production of cholesterol in the liver. The side
effects of these drugs are indigestion and muscle pains. Other types
of drugs to reduce cholesterol are called fibrates, resins and nicotinic
acids, but these are generally less effective or have more side-effects.

People who have advanced heart disease or already had a heart
attack, conventional therapies such as drugs and surgery may be
essential at the start of treatment. Later, your doctor can discuss
lifestyle and diet changes that will support your recovery.

23 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

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Step #6.
Relax and De-stress

Managing stress is as important as eating healthy and exercising
regularly. We live in a stressful world. When you are tense, angry,
frustrated or depressed, your body will release chemicals to constrict
your blood vessels, raise your blood pressure and increase your
heart beat. These conditions as well as your high cholesterol level do
not augur well for your heart. In fact, these conditions will put you on
course for a heart attack.

If your body is in a constant state of stress, the condition could slowly
begin to manifest itself and you would soon have feelings of anxiety
and moodiness, trouble concentrating and sleeping, muscle pain and
headaches, panic attacks, all the way to depression and eventually a
nervous breakdown.

It is essential that you detach yourself from
the stresses of work and learn to relax.

Many of us are so busy that we have lost the ability to stop to smell
the roses. Occasionally, you need to reflect on your life and see if you
are happy where you are. You have to ask yourself what are the
things that really matter in your life. Do not allow yourself to be so
caught up with work till your health is compromised. Do make time for
family and social relationships. It is important to have a proper work-
life balance. Have proper time management and set priorities for
things to be done. This will help lessen the stress.

Research has also shown that people who live alone or those with
few social interactions are more prone to illness. On the other hand,
the more social interactions you have, the better your chances of
living longer, the better your mental state of mind, the better your
chance of living longer and possibly free of any heart disease!
24 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

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Here are some ways that you can use to relax and de-stress.

Exercise - Going for a jog or walk can help to take your mind off
work and give you a chance to recharge your body. Exercise
loosens the muscles. Exercising releases chemicals in the brain
called endorphins which promotes a sense of well-being.

Stretch Stretching helps to loosen tight muscles and joints and
relax the body. Stretching also helps to increase your flexibility and
prevents injury by ensuring the muscles and tendons are in good
working order. Stretching too increases circulation of blood
throughout the body.

Deep breathing This simple
exercise can be done anywhere,
anytime, Deep breathing can also help
to regulate your heart beat, improve
blood circulation, increase intake of
oxygen into your body and quieting
your mind.

Listen to music, especially smooth jazz. Listening to music can
help you calm down and relax. You can listen to music anywhere -
in your car, at work or at home. Or just take your MP3 player
wherever you go and make sure you stock it with soothing music.

Bathe in Relaxing Oils - Lavender and lemon-balm oils are
known to release aromatic relaxants. Add the oils to the bath water
for a relaxing bath or rub gently over the body after a shower.
These oils are used widely in aromatherapy and are effective in
relieving tension.

Read a Book Turn off your mobile, turn off your television and
settle down in a quiet place. Take this quietness to be at peace
with your feelings and thoughts. Take this time to pick up that book
25 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

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that you have wanted to read for a long time and immerse yourself.
This is a great technique to get your mind off work and have a
quiet moment to be one with yourself.

Being able to relax and de-stress will make you feel better happier
and spare your heart from stress-related diseases. So before you
start developing stress-induced illnesses, take the time to relax,
unwind and dream.

Step #7.
Stick to Your Plan

The day you decide in your heart, mind and
spirit to cut the B.S. and start putting in the
necessary action to accomplish what you
seek out to do.that is the day you START

This is probably the hardest part for most people, sticking to their plan.
Most people will be resistant to a change in lifestyle that will help
bring down their cholesterol level. Many would find a change in diet a
big obstacle to overcome. That is why obesity is such a BIG problem

As you have seen, there are many cholesterol-combating options
available. The option you choose really depends on your current
cholesterol level, health status and perspective on treatment. Some
people are fine taking medicine while others will try all ways to avoid
it if they can. It is important to check with your doctor on your
treatment option as he will be in the best position to advise you.

There are many testimonies from people who have achieved great
26 Control Your Cholesterol - 7 Simple Steps To Lower Your Cholesterol Level

Copyright Donnell Koh All Rights Reserved
results from eating healthily, exercising and taking Snow Mountain
Garlic. These people have made a decision to commit to a healthier
lifestyle to lower their cholesterol. You too now can make the same
commitment and make necessary changes to your lifestyle to win the
battle against cholesterol.

To Your Health!

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