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French Immersion Websites for Parents and Students

Canadian Parents for French Saskatchewan

Canadian Parents for French - Saskatchewan (CPF-SK) is part of the national network of
volunteers who value French as an integral part of Canada and are dedicated to the
promotion, creation and support of effective French-Second-Language (FSL) learning
opportunities for youth in Canada.

TFO: Resources for parents of children in French Immersion
TFO is a Canadian French Language educational and cultural public television station in
the province of Ontario, with a focus on programming for children, as well as
documentaries and repertory films for adults. TFO also produces and distributes
supporting content for the Web and mobile devices. It is the only French-language
multimedia network in Canada that is headquartered outside of Qubec

Carmen Campagne Childrens Entertainer
Carmen Campagne is a Canadian singer and children's entertainer. She, along with
Connie Kaldor received a Juno Award at the 1989 Award Ceremony in the category Best
Childrens Album for Lullaby Berceuse.
A Fransaskois from Willow Bunch, Saskatchewan she was a member of the folk music
band Folle Avoine in the 1970s. Her brother Paul Campagne and sisters Suzanne
Campagne, Michelle Campagne and Annette Campagne, her bandmates in Folle Avoine,
have also continued in music with the folk band Hart-Rouge.

Interactive website for children:

Les couleurs de lorchestre
Fun with musical instruments in French.

Tom & Liza
Activities to reinforce basic Math facts.

CBC Radio-Canada: Zone des petits
Website for younger children: animated stories, interactive activities, etc.

Je suis unique (Source: Learn Alberta)
Targeted for young audiences, this website provides 5 activities for children that focus on
social development (aligns to the primary Social Studies Curriculum).

Max et Tom pour jouer et apprendre
Free educational games and activities in French.
Northumberland Language Resources (European)
This site provides a variety of animated reading activities

Le Dtritusvore
Fun games with an environmental focus.

CBC Radio-Canada: Zone Jeunesse
Website for children and youth that provides a variety of games, videos and activities.

Postsecondary immersion in Western Canada
Immersion does not need to end after students complete their high school studies.
Many of Canadas universities are offering programs where French Immersion students
are able to maintain and improve their language while studying in their chosen field.

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