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Second Audiovisual Communication National Convention

This November 23rd and 24th we will host the second Audiovisual Communication National Convention. Promoted by the National
Governments public policies in the field of democratizing communication, were calling all the players in the Argentine audiovisual
sector to come, discuss, and exchange experiences from a federal perspective.
The Audiovisual Communication Convention focuses on debating the strengthening of audiovisual democracy and the construction of
an audiovisual national tale, and stands as the need of a social agent that could incarnate the development of new communication
in light of the Media Law.
The result of federal policies for the production of audiovisual and TV contents together with the inclusion of new voices in the chain
of audiovisual production and communication; the policies for industrial development of that sector, and the impulse on content
marketing, all lead to the need of a growingly better communication between all the people in the sector, including intellectuals and
researchers, in order to build consensus and legitimate our objective.
We expect the attendance of more than 500 referents from all over the country, as well as special international guests that will allow
us to articulate our local experience with other regional and global efforts. Producers, distributors, filmmakers, actors, social and
union organizations will take part in the conferences and workshops. Also, this year we will include the participation of college researchers and professors from the Argentine Observatory of the Audiovisual Sector.
Some of the issues we aim to explore are: the federal production of audiovisual contents; the role of social organizations in the context
of the Audiovisual Communication Services Law; producers and directors facing the new scenario of cinema and TV; new challenges
for audiovisual media workers; channels and new signals in the context of new digital TV; and the role of the State and the articulation
of public policies.
Three years have passed since the sanction of the new Audiovisual Communications Service Law, with which weve been working a
lot for speech democratization and plurality. In this sense, we believe dispersing the property of media licenses is a key issue in order
to achieve diversity and freedom of opinion. We believe and hope this Convention strengthens and deepens the path, contributing to
the full application of the new Law.

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