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Prepared for class discussion

Prof. S.Suryanaraynan.
} Ecologystudy of interrelations between living organisms and their environment
} Ecosystem
Emphasises relationships and interdependence of organisms , populations and communities.
Part of ecosystem inseparable from whole; eg: pond, lake, tract of forest.
There is a natural tendency for ecosystems to remain in a state of equilibrium.
Human interventions sometimes produces changes in ecosystem resulting in imbalance.(
intensive farming and forestry, green revolution)
} Cycles in ecology
From environment to organisms and back to environment
Example: carbon oxide is released by human activity through waste and industrial activity and
this is absorbed by plants to manufacture their food and release oxygen back to environment
Recycling of raw materials to conserve natural resources.
} Food chain
Transfer of food energy from plants through a series of organisms is food chain ( eating and
being eaten)
Example: human eats fish; big fish eats small fish; small fish eats microorganisms and so on.
Any intervention imbalances the chain like pesticides carried through.
} Carrying capacity of earth.
Ecosystem can support to some extent; if overloaded there will be adverse effects.
} Ecosystem constitutes life support system
A. Resources like
1. Oxygen
2. Water
3. Food
4. Other materials
B. Cyclic mechanisms like:
1. Water cycle
2. Nutrient cycle
3. Carbon cycle
C. Regulatory and other controlling services
1. Flood control
2. Disease control
3. Temperature regulation
4. Pollination
5. Climate control
} Industrial ecology/ eco system
Adaption of natural ecosystem
Recycling/ reuse of material / waste.
Example: collection and recycling of plastic films
} Reference books:
1. Environmental management by N K Uberoi. ( chapter 1 and 2)

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